Tick ​​insurance. features of this procedure. Anti-tick: to insure against a tick How much is insurance against a tick

It is impossible to imagine the warm season without visiting forest parks, as well as relaxing in the country or near water bodies. The reason that can spoil any vacation can be a tick bite, the greatest danger is their ixodid species. This seemingly common situation can cause a serious illness, the result of untimely treatment of which is the development of general disability or death. To prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences from a bite, tick insurance for all family members or individual for one person will allow.

What is tick insurance and what does it provide?

Tick ​​insurance refers to voluntary types of insurance, so all the conditions, programs and the cost of the policy itself may differ from different insurers. The voluntariness of the conclusion of the contract implies the personal will of the person to conclude it. At the same time, the execution of such insurance, as a rule, is mandatory when organizing hiking trips or sending children to summer camps located in forest areas.

The purpose of the insurance is to protect the insured against the consequences of a tick bite, a carrier of viruses that can cause the following complex diseases:

  • encephalitis- a dangerous infection, the viruses of which primarily affect the nervous system and cause paralysis of the whole body and in some cases death;
  • Lyme disease(common name borreliosis) - an infectious disease that can affect the joints, heart and skin, and also has a devastating effect on the entire nervous system;
  • hemorrhagic fever- a disease that occurs in an acute form, is associated with fever, general intoxication of the body and hemorrhages.

In all cases, in the absence of proper treatment, the likelihood of death is high.

As part of the tick bite policy, research is carried out both on the tick itself and on the victim, and, if necessary, appropriate treatment and further monitoring are carried out.

Tick ​​insurance can include both the provision of medical treatment services (analogous to VHI) and the receipt of a compensation payment, similar to insurance from the National Assembly, in the amount of the sum insured or part of it in the event of serious consequences from a bite (disability or death of the insured). When choosing insurance, one should proceed from the purpose of its registration, namely, receiving money directly upon the occurrence of an insured event or receiving treatment and conducting all necessary tests.

Unlike compulsory medical insurance, medical services, within which are strictly limited by federal and regional legislation, voluntary tick insurance may include various types of assistance. At the time of conclusion, the policyholder independently chooses the program and types of medical services provided in the event of an insured event. Extended insurance, as a rule, is significantly more expensive than basic insurance.

Depending on the tick insurance programs offered by insurers, the following medical and related services (which are not provided for under the CHI) may be provided:

  • extraction of a tick in a medical facility with tests to identify infectious pathogens;
  • if infection is suspected, seroprophylaxis using a special immunoglobulin;
  • a blood test using the RPHA antigen and ELISA, which is carried out on the 14th and 25th day after the meeting with the tick;
  • medical registration and constant monitoring for a month by specialists;
  • if hospitalization is necessary, accommodation is made in the wards of increased comfort with the provision of all medical preparations;
  • provision of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance, allowing to restore the state of health after treatment in a hospital.

The list of medical services discussed above is not exhaustive and can be expanded depending on the insurer's program. As a rule, the higher the cost of the policy, the larger package of medical services will be offered to the insured. If the risk of a bite is high enough, then you should not save on tick insurance.

Insurance contracts come into force in most cases at the time of conclusion or the next day. In some cases, by agreement between the policyholder and the insurer, the contract may enter into force after a certain period, for example, after a week. An essential condition for all insurance contracts is the validity period.

Regarding tick insurance, many insurers apply a temporary deductible to it. This is directed against cases of taking out a policy after a tick bite, which is inherently fraudulent. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, no examination of the health status of the insured is carried out, and the temporary deductible allows insurers to eliminate the risks of fraud.

The essence of a temporary franchise is to delay the start of the term. As a rule, a temporary deductible is set from 3 to 5 days, the period of which, although it covers, the insurance does not actually work. It is necessary to pay attention to this when concluding a contract and make sure that the term of the temporary deductible expires before the moment of the alleged collision with the tick.

The cost of insurance against a tick bite is insignificant and quite affordable. On average, the minimum insurance premium is 200 rubles. Several factors influence the amount of the insurance premium, and it is possible to answer the question of how much it costs only if they are clarified, in particular:

  • compensation limit or the amount within which medical services will be provided (set by agreement of the parties, as a rule, from 100,000 rubles and up to a maximum of 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles. The maximum payment is made in case of severe complications resulting in disability or death;
  • term of insurance - can be from 1 month to a year, if insurance is needed only for the duration of the trip, then by concluding a policy for a shorter period, you can save up to 70% on the price;
  • coverage area - regions are distinguished in which the risk of contracting an infectious disease from ixodid ticks is significantly higher compared to others (for example, in the Vologda Oblast, the risk is higher than in the Saratov Oblast);
  • the age of the insured;
  • an insurance program that includes a list of services in the event of an insured event. The basic ones are characterized by: extraction of a tick, carrying out all the necessary tests and, if necessary, a single immunoprophylaxis. Extended programs include supervision by a doctor, as well as the possibility of restoring health in specialized sanatoriums.

You can save on tick insurance by concluding an agreement for all family members at once (group policy).

Many insurers offer additional bonuses to the cost when ordering insurance online on the company's website.

After deciding on insurance, many people ask where to do it and what is needed for this. There are several ways to buy tick insurance:

  • personally contacting the office of the insurer with a passport - the policy is issued quite quickly due to its simplicity and wide availability;
  • using the services on the website of the insurer. After filling out the electronic form, some companies issue an electronic policy, payment for which can be made using a bank card, and in some cases contact the client and offer to visit the nearest office to conclude an agreement;
  • by contacting insurance agents and other intermediaries acting on behalf of the insurer.

In order to issue a policy, a passport or other documents equated to it by virtue of law is sufficient. When drawing up, you should pay attention to the reflection in the contract of all conditions, in particular, data on the insured, the list of services provided within the selected program (issued as an annex to the contract), indemnity limits and validity periods.

The article presents basic information about insurance against ticks, which makes it possible to better get acquainted with the situation that has developed on the market today.

Why do you need tick insurance and is it done at the expense of the employer

Insurance guarantees the removal of the tick in case of emergency and examination of the patient. The voluntary insurance program does not provide for payments upon the occurrence of an insured event. However, the amount indicated in the contract can reach up to a million rubles. It is within its limits, in which case, assistance will be provided to the insured person.

There is no clause in the legislation that the employer is obliged to insure his employees. If their activity involves contact with ticks, the only thing that can be done is to administer a vaccine.

Pros and cons of tick insurance and how to choose an insurance company

The advantages of insurance are numerous, but the following can be distinguished among them:
1. Insurance is not expensive.
2. There are a lot of places where you can get a vaccine.
3. The policy is valid throughout the country.
4. Opportunity to negotiate the terms of the contract.
5. When insuring children and pensioners, big discounts.

As you can see, there are a lot of pluses, but among them there are some minuses, which include the following:
1. When insuring the whole family, you will have to pay a round sum.
2. Many policies include only one service - immunoglobulin injections.
3. The insurance begins to operate only a few days after registration.

Before buying a policy, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

There are many companies offering to take out insurance from them, but when choosing, you should consider some of the nuances:
1. What services does the company provide.
2. Are monetary compensations included in the package of services?
3. How quickly the policy takes effect.
4. Are there any discounts.

After the company is selected, you should carefully read the terms of the contract.

How to insure yourself against ticks and the price of services at Zetta Insurance

For insurance in the company, you need to contact it, provide your documents, study the contract, and discuss all the conditions. If everything suits, the signature is put. The cost of insurance for an adult is within three hundred rubles. There are discounts for children and pensioners.

Specifics of the tick insurance program

Despite the fact that the service is very popular, it is not worth rushing to sign a contract. First of all, it is necessary to study all its points, since some firms tend to embellish everything. Pay special attention to the amount of insurance, the territory of service.

Where to buy a tick policy in Russia

On the territory of Russia there are many companies where you can get insurance against a tick, the most famous among them are Rosgosstrakh, Reso-med and others.

How much does tick insurance cost in Rosgosstrakh

The cost of insurance in this company is three hundred rubles, prices may vary depending on the region of residence, but not more than one hundred rubles.

Tick ​​insurance for children is free of charge up to what age is it done and where to get it

Children are vaccinated at the age of three. The cost of child insurance varies within 250 rubles, some companies make good discounts. You can make it exactly the same as for adults.

What you should pay attention to when applying for a tick protection insurance policy and a list of services provided

When taking out insurance, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. What is the size of the sum insured, of course, the larger it is, the better.
2. What insurance services will be provided to you in which case.
3. Where the policy is valid.
4. If you sign the contract today, how long will it take to operate.
5. What are your responsibilities.

Each of these points must be studied very carefully, and only after that you can sign the contract.

What services should be included in the insurance:
1. If a dangerous tick bite is suspected, the patient is given seroprophylaxis.
2. After meeting with a tick on the twentieth day, blood is taken for analysis.
3. Constant monitoring by doctors for several months.
4. Is a rehabilitation period provided?
5. Is there hospitalization and in what conditions does it take place.
These are not all lists of services that insurance can provide.

Spring is the time when ticks wake up in Krasnoyarsk and its environs, and when it's time to think about how to protect yourself and your loved ones. For example, get vaccinated or buy tick insurance. What is the danger of a tick bite, preventive measures and what to look for when choosing an anti-tick policy, as well as the cost of insurance in Krasnoyarsk - in our material.

What is the danger of a tick bite

The tick season begins in early spring, the first ticks, as a rule, appear in late March - early April and are recorded until the end of September. In 2019, already in mid-March, residents of Krasnoyarsk discovered the first awakened ticks.

Recall that in 2018 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the first ticks appeared in the 1st decade of April. The peak of maximum activity of ticks falls on May-June, it is during these months that the largest number of victims of ticks is recorded. In 2018, more than 15,000 cases of tick bites were registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including about 3,000 cases among children. In Krasnoyarsk itself, 4,893 cases of tick bites were registered last year, including 759 cases among children.

Not every tick bite is dangerous. The most dangerous diseases, the carrier of which is a tick:

  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease)
  • erlichiosis
  • Anaplasmosis

Thus, in 2018, 191 cases of tick-borne encephalitis were recorded, including 3 cases with a fatal outcome, and 148 cases of infection with borreliosis.

Infectious disease doctors and representatives of insurance companies offer two ways to solve the problem - vaccination and insurance.

Tick ​​vaccination

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is the only and most effective method of prevention. Naturally, it is desirable to prepare for the season of tick activity in winter or at least in early spring. The basic immunization schedule that guarantees protection against encephalitis consists of 3 shots. An emergency (accelerated) immunization scheme, in which the vaccine is administered 2 times, is also possible in the summer, but no later than 2 weeks before visiting a dangerous place. Further revaccination is carried out 1 time in 3 years.

You can be vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis from the age of 3 in medical institutions. Schoolchildren from the age of 10 are vaccinated in the medical rooms of educational institutions.

If for any reason you do not want or did not have time to get vaccinated, then tick insurance will come to the rescue.

tick insurance in 2019

Insurance against a tick, more precisely from the diseases it carries, will save both money and time in the event of an insured event.

Of course, the first thing that worries the consumer is how much does tick insurance cost? In Krasnoyarsk, the cost of a policy in insurance companies starts from 150 rubles. The average price is 200-300 rubles. The maximum cost of insurance with preventive vaccination is 2200 rubles. Most companies offer discounts for families and groups.

A tick bite can lead to various unpleasant consequences for human health. Despite the fact that at different times of the year, tick activity either decreases or increases, in fact, you can become a victim of a tick at any warm time of the year. Treatment of diseases that appear as a result of a tick bite can be quite expensive. In order to avoid additional medical costs and health problems as a result of a tick bite, you need to think about safety in advance. To do this, you can take advantage of tick bite insurance.

Who needs a tick insurance policy?

During the period of increased tick activity, it is better to refrain from walking in parks, forests and other tick habitats. This, of course, will help reduce the risk of an insect bite, but it greatly limits the possibility of outdoor recreation, especially in spring and summer. Therefore, people who like to spend a lot of time in nature and in green recreation areas can purchase tick insurance to ensure a carefree holiday at any time.

Many live in regions with an increased risk of being bitten by a tick. For them, insurance against tick-borne encephalitis is also more than relevant.

You can consult with our employees online to choose or buy the right type of insurance.

Greetings, readers of the blog www.site! We continue the topic of protection against tick-borne encephalitis and other diseases that these dangerous insects carry. That was a previous post. And today we will try together to figure out why tick bite insurance is needed and what to look for when choosing an insurer.

If you often visit nature, in the forest, in parks and squares, then it is advisable for you to insure yourself against a tick, so that immunoglobulin injection services, tick research and inpatient treatment will cost you free of charge.

Each insurance office offers different terms of the contract. As a rule, a choice is given: a full cycle of services or only an injection with immunoglobulin for the entire period of the policy.

If you are bitten by a tick infected with encephalitis or borreliosis, then the treatment is usually very expensive. Rehabilitation also includes a whole range of expensive procedures. Compensation is paid in case of disability due to tick-borne encephalitis. In the event of a fatal outcome, (God forbid), the person's relatives will receive monetary compensation.

If you did not insure and did not take root in advance, and also did not bring a live tick for analysis, then you should urgently put anti-tick immunoglobulin within 3 days. But for an injection, you already have to pay a decent amount of money. On average, this is 3-7 thousand rubles.

The cost of insurance against tick-borne encephalitis costs an average of 200-400 rubles, and the amount of coverage for an insured event is about 300-500,000 rubles. So there are savings. Even if you do not suffer from suction during the entire season of activity of ticks, peace of mind is worth more.

If you use insurance and put immunoglobulin, then even if ticks bite you within a month, you do not need to re-inject. The medicine is valid for a whole month.

But remember that the vaccine should not be abused. It is better to keep the insect alive and take it for analysis. Or a week after suction, donate blood for infections.

Benefits of insurance

Let's first look at the benefits of insurance against tick-borne encephalitis and other infections.

  • Affordable insurance cost.
  • A wide range of places where you can get the immunoglobulin vaccine.
  • The policy is usually valid throughout the country.
  • Some companies offer policies for tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease (borreliosis).
  • You can choose the terms of the contract, which includes various services (tick diagnostics, human diagnostics, immunoglobulin injection, inpatient treatment, monetary compensation).
  • The policy is valid for the entire period of tick activity.
  • Discounts for children, pensioners.
  • Services under the contract are provided, as a rule, without a queue.
  • Today you can buy a policy against tick-borne infections online, on the website of companies.

As you can see, there are many advantages to such protection. What can be the downsides?

Cons of a tick policy

The conditional disadvantages of insurance against tick-borne infections include:

  • Most companies offer protection against only one infection - tick-borne encephalitis. Whereas Lyme disease is an equally dangerous disease that can also lead to disability.
  • If you insure the whole family, for example, from 5 people, then the cost is rather big. Fortunately, some companies offer discounts for children and pensioners.
  • The most affordable policy includes one service - an injection of immunoglobulin. A package offer that includes diagnostics, inpatient treatment, etc. is more expensive.
  • Insurance does not take effect immediately. Usually it comes into force 3-4 days after signing.
  • Some companies offer the policy not throughout Russia.
  • You must comply with the terms of the contract (for example, contact a medical institution no later than 4 days, have a passport and other documents with you).

Before buying a policy, you can weigh all the pros and cons of making such a deal. It is also important to choose the right insurer who provides these services.

Do children need to be insured?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that children do not need to be insured against a tick. By law, children under 14 years of age should receive an injection with immunoglobulin free of charge. But diagnostics, including insects, inpatient treatment and rehabilitation are not included here.

In addition, if the vaccine is not available when you go to a medical facility, you will have to look for another place to provide immunoglobulin. And precious time will be lost. Therefore, experts still advise concluding an agreement for the whole family at once.

As for the protection of infants from ticks, vaccination is recommended by domestic vaccination after 3 years, and by imported vaccine - from six months. But doctors insist that a baby under one year old should not be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis at all. Therefore, insurance is better in this case.

How to choose an insurance company

The market for insurance companies is quite large today. Both well-known brands - Rosgosstrakh, Reso-med, Alfastrakhovanie, and little-known offices offer to issue policies.

What to look for when choosing an insurance company?

  • Whether the firm provides protection against Lyme disease or only against encephalitis.
  • What package of services is included in the contract: only a vaccine or monetary compensation, possible inpatient treatment, all tests.
  • How long after the purchase of the policy does it begin to operate.
  • Is a list of all institutions where it is possible to deliver immunoglobulin and use other related services provided?
  • Does the company provide discounts for children, large families, the elderly.
  • Does the sum insured correspond to the list of services. For example, if the amount of coverage according to the documents is 50 thousand rubles, and you are offered the entire list of services, including treatment and rehabilitation, you should think about it.

After you decide on the company in which you will purchase the policy, carefully read all the terms of the contract.

Policy + vaccination?

Some people are so afraid of the diseases that these blood-sucking insects carry that they not only get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, but also purchase insurance. Is it advisable? Experienced nature lovers say that there are advantages to such suspiciousness.

Advantages of vaccination and insurance:

  • You can buy a policy to protect against 2-3 diseases carried by ticks. Vaccination is usually given only from one misfortune - encephalitis.
  • If the contract provides the opportunity to do tests of the insect and your own blood, you save money.
  • If suddenly you fall ill, there are complications of the disease, the company will cover the costs of treatment and rehabilitation (if you choose such a package of services).

Properly administered vaccination protects against the disease for 3 years. But the urgently introduced immunoglobulin - within 1 month.


In conclusion, I would like to note that a tick-borne encephalitis policy is still needed, especially if you often go out into the forest, into nature, live in an unfavorable area for tick activity. In the Altai Territory, where I live, the activity of these dangerous insects begins in April and lasts all autumn. Therefore, you have to protect yourself and your family.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. I would love your feedback and comments! See you on the pages of the blog about a healthy lifestyle.