Wheel of Fortune tattoo: tattoo as the secret of good luck. How can an amulet with the symbol of the Wheel of Fortune depicted on it help attract good luck? Ancient tarot cards

The state of consciousness is determined by the signals of our senses. The primary sensors of financial poverty are sight and hearing, but we also touch, smell, and taste the lack of money: we touch worn-out carpets, taste the sausages and beans, smell moldy walls.

Vision is the most important channel of information. It is estimated that approximately 80% of all signals reach us through vision. That's why visualization occupies such an important place in metaphysical practice.

The ancients knew this. So they created Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is known in many cultures and is a symbolic representation of the Wheel of Life. It’s better not to copy the Wheel of Fortune from some book, but to draw it yourself, knowing that by drawing each axis, you create a channel through which wealth will flow to you.

In the picture in the center of the wheel you see a sign mantra OM. You are the hub of the wheel, you are at the center of your Universe. You can write the word "I". But the sign OM is a much more powerful symbol, so we will put it at the center of our Wheel of Fortune. Label the spokes of the wheel with the qualities you strive for in your life, such as courage, honesty, generosity, compassion, strength, and so on.

Around the outer circle that you use to mark the rim of the wheel, write your own abundance affirmation. Here are some examples:

Spiritual Affirmation: “God’s power within me abundantly meets all my needs.”
Scientific affirmation: “Money is energy. The more energy I release, the more I receive. My wealth is growing."
Philosophical affirmation: Abundance is Nature's way of being. I express Nature within myself. I express abundance."

But please don't use my affirmations! You have to write and experience them yourself. Choose the ones that suit you best. The most powerful affirmation is spiritual.

I have never heard of the Wheel of Fortune not contributing to financial prosperity in the life of its creator. Its impact, of course, can manifest itself in less spectacular ways than discovering a treasure or inheriting an oil rig. But your life improves, your needs are met, and financial barriers gradually disappear.
If you are using mantra OM and apply the Wheel of Fortune, thereby changing the polarity of your consciousness. Now you are able to perform amazing metaphysical operations with money.

Place your Wheel of Fortune drawing somewhere prominent in your home so that you can see it often in front of you, even if only in passing. But before you do this, perform an act of metaphysical activation on it:

1. Hold a piece of paper with the Wheel of Fortune on it while you relax.
2. Place the Wheel of Fortune about six inches from your eyes and relax completely.
3. Watch as the spokes of the Wheel spread out in all directions, touching every aspect of your life, bringing you a flow of abundance and wealth.
4. Complete the relaxation and put down the Wheel of Fortune.

Now your Wheel of Fortune will work even without your conscious participation. If this picture hangs on the refrigerator door, then every time you enter the kitchen, it strengthens the power of the Wheel in you.

Robert Stone "Miraculous Power. Theory and practice of alpha visualization"

The prize wheel is a round wheel similar to the one used in the popular game Wheel of Fortune. The wheel spins and determines whether you win or lose. You can use the prize wheel at carnivals, festivals or parties. This wheel is quite easy to make yourself, and this article describes the steps to construct it. Do you feel like you can do it? Then let's try it!


Making a wheel

    Prepare the round plywood. It is available at most hardware stores and comes in a variety of sizes. The optimal size is approximately 90 cm in diameter and 2 - 2.5 cm in thickness. Thus, the circle must be large enough to develop rotational inertia, and at the same time small enough to be carried independently.

    Mark the center of the circle. You can find the center using two light lines drawn perpendicular to each other along the diameter of the circle. The place where the lines intersect will be the center of the wheel. Insert a small nail or screw into this point.

    Attach a string and pencil to your nail or screw. Step back 2.5 - 5 cm from the edge of the wheel and draw a circle.

    Define intervals. First decide how many shares will be on your wheel. Example: Let's say you want to make 16 shares. Divide 360 ​​(the total number of degrees of a circle) by the number of fractions (16), we get 22.5. Write down this number.

    Mark the intervals. Place the protractor at the point in the center of the circle along one of the previously drawn perpendicular lines. The left side of this line will have the value (0°). From this point, use a protractor to mark the number 22.5° obtained earlier and continue to add this number to each new mark. So you will get 45° (i.e. 22.5 + 22.5), 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, 135°, 157.5°, 202.5°, 225°, 247.5°, 270°, 292.5°, 315°, 337.5°

    • Now draw lines connecting two marks on opposite sides from the center of the circle so that the angle of the line is 180°. For example, stand at point 22.5° and draw a line to point 202.5° (22.5° + 180°). In this case, the lines should go beyond the boundaries of the circle drawn earlier.
    • If desired, you can adjust the size of the shares, making some larger and others smaller. For example, larger shares will also have a higher chance of winning than smaller shares.
  1. Plan the location of the keys. Make marks for them between the lines and between the drawn circle and the edge of the wheel. You can measure the distance between them if you wish, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that the keys are at approximately the same distance from each other around the perimeter of the circle.

    Cut the dowels. You will need the same number of keys as your wheel has shares. Each dowel should be approximately 5 - 7 cm in length and 1 - 2 cm in diameter.

    Drill the holes. Use a drill with a suitable drill bit size (matching the key size). Drill holes that go ½ the thickness of the plywood.

    Glue the dowels to the holes. Make sure they are glued well and that they don't come off when you spin the wheel.

    Decorate the wheel. Paint the sections in different colors, or alternating colors, or any color scheme that suits your wishes.

    Celebrate each section with a specific prize. The prize could be stuffed animals, money, or even tickets to a sporting event.

    Making a stand

    Wheel mounting


    Rules of the game

    These rules will help make the game more exciting and avoid arguments over winnings.

    1. Set the cost of playing the prize wheel. You can calculate the cost of one game based on the cost of creating the wheel and purchasing prizes, as well as taking into account the approximate number of people who will play. Also take into account the likely number of people who could win the top prize.

      Set how many times the same person can play. Sometimes people get excited and start winning prizes one after another. To avoid this situation, decide how many times one player can spin the wheel.

    • Place pegs along the edges of each section so that the flapper falls completely into only one area. Additionally, by installing locking wheels on the base, you can easily move the prize wheel to different locations.
    • If you decide to decorate the dowels, then choose a whole range of colors. For example: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
    • Decorate the wheel. Bright colors will attract more attention.
    • Vary your prizes. Instead of just soft toys, use additional cash prizes and tickets to sporting events.
    • Try to come up with a design that creates an optical illusion as the wheel spins. You can try different variations on paper to see what works.

Capricious fortune has long been known for its unpredictability, and it is not without reason that it is depicted in the form of a wheel. The wheel of fortune amulet is a dynamic symbol, which is characterized by constant movement, changing from black to white and back again.

Why are talismans and amulets needed, what is their meaning? Our entire world consists of conscious energy, which is united in its essence. Whether it concerns the protein form of life, air space, the mineral kingdom or the animal world, energy fills all spheres of existence with a single essence that gives life.

Minerals, stones and metal have the ability to accumulate energy and store it for a long time, so in most cases they are used to create an amulet or talisman. What does this do for a person? When creating an amulet, the magician fills it with his energy and sets the direction of its work.

At critical moments, when a person needs the help of an amulet, he takes this energy from it. For example, a person needs good luck in a certain matter or protection - the amulet fulfills its “responsibilities” and attracts good luck to him or protects him from failure, that is, unfavorable situations.

To curb unexpected changeability and control its movement in one’s favor, an amulet with a symbol of fortune is created. How can a symbol help? The symbol is a seal that gives the key to opening the desired door, in this case the door to luck.

The symbol has the property of attracting the necessary energy, expressed in this symbol through a combination of certain lines and other signs. The symbol says to energy:

"Welcome here!"

This is a kind of magnet for attracting energy in our lives.

Wheel of Fortune

The wheel symbolizes rise and fall, up and down. What was at the top today can suddenly end up at the very bottom. What was below can instantly reach sky-high heights.

Also, the symbol “wheel” also means wheeling, that is, the death penalty in the Middle Ages. In its sacred depths, this symbol carries the concept of life and death, and not just luck and failure.

In the cosmic aspect, this symbol reflects the idea of ​​the cyclical nature of time, the cycle of existence, and the hierarchy of the world order.

In the Christian worldview, the wheel of fortune reflects two forces:

  • happiness and unhappiness,
  • devil and guardian angel.

Amulet wheel of fortune - amulet of life

This amulet can be considered an amulet of life, because it protects against all negative manifestations in human destiny, which opens the way to good luck. It does not replace luck, but contributes to its appearance in creating favorable situations and happy occasions.

The Wheel of Fortune is a companion for gamblers, business people, students, and all fortune seekers. Who doesn't need luck in life? Everyone needs it, especially in situations where everything is against you. The wheel of fortune amulet will not allow dark forces to spoil the undertaking, will protect you from negative manifestations of the surrounding space, and will protect you from envy and damage.

You can buy any amulet or good luck talisman in stores, but it is best to make it yourself. When a person creates an amulet or talisman with his own hands, his energy permeates every area of ​​the artifact, connecting with the material.

In this case, the artifact becomes part of the person himself and enters his aura. When creating an artifact, it is important to accurately reproduce the design, and the carrier material plays a secondary role.

The medium can be anything:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • clay;
  • metal;
  • cardboard;
  • thick paper.

If you make an amulet from paper and cardboard (pentacle), you can fill it with melted wax.

But it is also possible to cover the artifact with tape so that the symbol is not erased and the paper is not wrinkled. The artifact is activated by faith in its power.

There have been cases when a drawn symbol began to work immediately after it was depicted on a simple sheet of paper.

How to make a pentacle

  • green or gold cardboard;
  • green or gold felt-tip pen;
  • green or golden candle;
  • cinnamon incense;
  • wax;
  • tweezers.

If you decide to depict a symbol of good luck on golden-colored cardboard, then draw it with a green gel pen or felt-tip pen, and vice versa. Choose a full moon time and be alone. Light some cinnamon incense, light any candle (golden or green) and get ready to work.

I would like to warn you that you cannot use a compass to depict a circle - you need to trace some round shape such as a cup or saucer. The compass will pierce the paper, and the artifact will lose its magical integrity, which threatens the loss of properties.

So, you got to work. Draw the symbol first with a simple pencil, and then trace it with a pen. It is unacceptable to distort the proportions of the drawing! Practice beforehand. Let the drawing be unsightly, but geometrically correct. Draw a design on both sides of the artifact, and then dip the cardboard into the melted wax for a minute.

Remove the pentacle from the wax with tweezers and let dry. Your luck pentacle is ready, you can use it. Believe in its effectiveness and you will be lucky!

From the very beginnings of its existence amulet "Wheel of Fortune" meant the continuity of ongoing cycles. After all, our journey in life consists of both ups and downs. Consistency is a rarity, especially in the modern age. The wheel symbolizes constant movement forward, eternal development, progress.

Counters of specialized stores and Internet sites offer a variety of options for personal choice. Among this assortment, it is not difficult to find the “Wheel of Fortune” talisman.

But the stronger and more effective amulet will be the one you feel and make yourself. A person puts his soul into such a thing.

A special good luck charm will be beneficial if its owner does not forget about it - communicate with the rainbow image, share your experiences. And be careful: any damage can reduce the magical effect.

The meaning of the amulet “Wheel of Fortune”

Natural processes, energy transformations, the functioning of the human body - absolutely everything changes.

In ancient times, the image of a wheel was associated with the moment of birth and the moment of death.

The connection of force and energy is closed in a ring - their continuous interaction occurs. And thanks to its positive effects, biologically active flows are revealed, aimed at achieving the desired effect.

How to make a Wheel of Fortune talisman with your own hands

If you decide to make a special amulet with your own hands, wait until Wednesday comes - the third day of the week. This is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired result.

During this period, the energy of the Universe interacts with monetary energy: their lines intersect and connect into a single whole.

So, when you wait for the right moment, get to work. You will need:

  • A large cardboard or green sheet - on it you will draw your amulet.
  • Golden-colored paint for drawing the sign.

The quality of the materials chosen is not that important. The main role will be played by the correct application of symbolism and faith in its energy power.

You should pay attention to the proportionality of the figure: it is believed that it is this detail that turns the amulet into a money amulet.

An amulet with the image of the Wheel of Fortune will attract the energies of good luck and fortune to you.

Draw a circle on paper or cardboard. It is best to use a compass (by adhering to geometric principles, we increase the magical power of the wheel). Inside the circle, draw a symbol of Fortune.

Focus - carefully performing all actions will win over the Goddess of Luck. Say mentally or out loud:

“The wheel turns - Fortune returns to me!

When you complete the procedure, you should carry out the activation process. To do this, you must give a piece of your internal energy to the amulet.

Just take it in your left hand and begin to visualize your prosperous future: you live in abundance, you are completely satisfied with your income, your financial situation is at the highest level.

At the same time, slowly move the index finger of your right hand clockwise along the edges of the circle.


Our world is completely saturated with flows of sacred energy that touch all spheres of space without exception. We can easily use this energy to achieve our own goals if we can enclose it in magical objects. These are different amulets and talismans, distinguished by their ability not only to accumulate conscious energy, but also to implement it in the direction necessary for the owner. The most popular amulet at all times is considered to attract good luck to life - the Wheel of Fortune. By fulfilling his direct duties, he is able to curb the fickleness of the goddess and turn her to his advantage. This article will tell you what else it promises its owner and how to use such a thing correctly.

In the life of every person there comes a situation when the capricious goddess Fortune, the patroness of good luck, turns away, and a streak of bad luck sets in. To prevent such phenomena, it is enough to correctly use the wheel symbol, which will become the key to opening the doors of luck.

Different symbols that came to us from ancient times can serve as magnets for different energy flows. With the correct application of certain signs, expressed in a specific combination of lines, you can achieve certain goals in life. For example, an amulet in the form of a symbolic wheel, personifying the cyclicality and variability of existence, can attract good luck in the financial aspect.

Originally, the symbol of the wheel signified rise and fall. Considering the sign from the point of view of a larger scale, it was perceived as cyclical and constant movement. The variability of nature, perception, energies and vital processes - all this was reflected by the symbol of the wheel.

In the Middle Ages, the emblem of a closed circle with guiding rays in it was associated with the death penalty. This ritual, also called wheeling, could mean not only ups and downs, but also more dramatic events - birth and death.

The sacred depths that the Wheel of Fortune amulet reveals always carry a double meaning. The circulation of forces and energies, closed in the form of a ring. Nowadays, the meaning of the amulet, which attracts the favor of Fortune, has remained virtually unchanged. Due to its ambiguity, this talisman can be used to reveal energy flows in a specific direction.

Who will use the amulet bring good luck to?

First of all, the amulet called the Wheel of Fortune, being a direct source of life, has protective properties. He can:

  • protect its owner from various misfortunes;
  • protect against witchcraft and negative magic.

Thus, the amulet in the form of a ring with rays opens energy flows that bring good luck, happy situations and favorable moments to life. Sometimes you can say about people who use the Ring of Fortune that they are “darlings of fate.” The owners of such talismans, by chance, always find themselves in the right place at the right time.

An artifact can also become a faithful companion:

  • avid gamblers;
  • students (schoolchildren, students, etc.);
  • businessmen;
  • people involved in business.

What will the amulet bring to its owner?

A “lucky” amulet in the form of a wheel of Fortune, as the most powerful talisman for enrichment and attracting money, will help in a short period of time:

  • increase your own funds;
  • improve your financial situation.

But the amulet works not only to attract financial resources. It will help a person who is passionate about gambling to stop in time. Using such an artifact, the owner will always be left with the winnings - the amulet will tell you when the bet is the maximum in order to exchange it.

How to attract good luck by making a talisman yourself?

Among the many different talismans and amulets laid out on the shelves of souvenir shops, it is not difficult to find an amulet in the form of the Wheel of Fortune. However, as many people know, they are not effective. The most powerful things that can help you get rich and attract other benefits throughout your life are things you make with your own hands.

To make a talisman for good luck, you should definitely wait until Wednesday. It is on this day that intersecting energy flows contribute to the realization of goals regarding financial well-being. Prepare for the planned day:

  • a base for applying a green symbol (clay, wax, wood, cardboard, or other fairly durable material);
  • golden paint for marking.

When starting to make an amulet, remember that the material you choose to apply the symbol plays a secondary role.

The effectiveness of the amulet itself will depend on the correctness of the lines. Compliance with the proportions of the symbol is the main secret of its effectiveness.

The circle, the basis of the wheel, is not recommended to be made with a compass. Its magical properties directly depend on the integrity of the base and the hermetic correctness of the forms. Therefore, it is better to draw a wheel by circling some round object. This way you will surely achieve the favor of Fortune. At the end of the ritual, the amulet (if it is paper) can be covered with tape in order to make it resistant to external influences.

Finally, you should charge the Wheel of Fortune with your energy. To do this, you need to hold the amulet for some time and think only about making your wish come true.