Chechen Vainakh atrocities against Russian women. Chechen atrocities. atrocities of Chechen fighters during the first Chechen war. Calls for surrender

Caution! People with a weak psyche should not read this post!
These are the same soldiers, dear Russian boys, about whom the abomination Shevchenko said that they were not Russian, but Yeltsin's.

Original taken from uglich_jj in the Tukhchar massacre (18+).

1. Forgotten platoon

It was September 5, 1999. Early in the morning a gang of Chechens attacked the village of Tukhchar in Dagestan. The militants were commanded by Umar Edilsultanov, aka Umar Karpinsky (from the Karpinka district in Grozny). Against them was a platoon of senior lieutenant Tashkin from the 22nd brigade internal troops: officer, 12 conscripts and one infantry fighting vehicle.

They dug in on the dominating high-rise above the village. In addition to the soldiers, there were 18 more Dagestani policemen in Tukhchar. They were dispersed throughout the village: at two checkpoints at the entrances and at the local police department.

One of the checkpoints of the Dagestanis was right next to Tashkin, at the foot of the high-rise. True, Russians and Dagestanis almost did not communicate and did not interact. Everyone on their own. Muslim Dakhkhaev, the head of the local police department, recalled:

“Upstairs, on a height, are the positions of internal troops, and below is our police post. They - two posts - as if separately existed. For some reason, the military did not really make contact with the local population and with the local police. They were suspicious of our attempts to establish contacts ... There was no interaction between the police and the military. They dug into the ground and guarded themselves.".

They dug into the ground and guarded themselves ...

Umar had about 50 people in the gang, all Wahhabis were fanatics leading jihad. Fighting "for the faith", they hope to get to heaven. Unlike Christianity, in Islam, paradise has an erotic meaning. A man in paradise will have 72 wives: 70 earthly women and 2 houris (special virgins for afterlife sex). In the Qur'an and the Sunnah, descriptions of these wives are repeatedly given with all the details. For example, here:

“Allah will not let anyone into Paradise without marrying him to 72 wives, two will be virgins (houris) with big eyes, and 70 will be inherited from the inhabitants of the Fire. Each of them will have a pleasurable vagina, and he (the man) will have a sexual organ that will not fall during intercourse.(Sunan Ibn Maja, 4337).

But a Muslim still needs to get to heaven to the vaginas. It is not easy, but there is a sure way - to become a martyr. Shahid goes to heaven with a guarantee. All sins are forgiven him. The funeral of a martyr often takes place like a wedding, with an expression of joy. After all, the deceased, consider married. He now has 72 vaginas and an eternal erection. The cult of death and afterlife sex in the untouched brains of a savage is a serious matter. It's already a zombie. He goes to kill and he is ready to die.

Banda Umar enters Dagestan. The trip to heavenly vaginas has begun.

One of the militants walked with a video camera and filmed everything that was happening. The film, of course, is terrible ... Already three life sentences have been issued on it.

On the left is the leader (Umar), on the right is one Arab from his gang:

At 6:40 am, the militants attacked the village. First, a distant (from the high-rise) checkpoint, then - the village police department. They quickly occupied them, and went to the height where Tashkin's platoon was. The battle here was hot, but also short-lived. Already at 7-30 the BMP was hit by a grenade launcher. And without its 30-mm automatic cannon, the Russians lost their main trump card. The platoon left their positions. Carrying the wounded on themselves, they went down to the checkpoint to the Dagestanis.

The post was the last center of resistance. The Chechens attacked him, but could not take him. It was well fortified and allowed to defend for some time. Until help arrives or ammo runs out. But with this there were problems. Help was not forthcoming that day. The militants crossed the border in several places, the Lipetsk OMON was surrounded in the village of Novolakskoye, all forces were thrown to save him. The command was not up to Tukhchar.

The defenders of the village were abandoned. There was also no ammunition for a long battle in Tukhchar. Soon, parliamentarians from among the local residents came from the Chechens. Let the Russians leave the checkpoint, otherwise we will start a new assault and kill everyone. Time for reflection - half an hour. The commander of the Dagestanis, Lieutenant Akhmed Davdiev, had already died in a street battle in the village at that time, junior sergeant Magomedov remained in charge.

Dagestani commanders: Akhmed Davdiev and Abdulkasim Magomedov. Both died that day.

After listening to the Chechens' ultimatum, Magomedov invites everyone to leave the checkpoint and take refuge in the village. Local residents are ready to help - give civilian clothes, hide them at home, take them outside. Tashkin - against. Magomedov - junior sergeant, Tashkin - officer of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tashkin is much older in rank. A conflict escalates into a fight...

In the end, Tashkin agreed to leave the checkpoint. Tough decision. At this, the organized defense of the village ceased. The defenders broke into small groups, hiding in attics, cellars, and in corn fields. Then everything depended on luck, someone was lucky to leave, someone was not ...

Most of the Dagestani policemen were unable to leave Tukhchar. They were taken prisoner. According to some reports: 14 people out of 18. They were herded into a village shop:

And then they took me to Chechnya. From there, from the zindans, they were already bought out by relatives and intermediaries months later.

Police commander Abdulkasim Magomedov, who insisted on leaving the checkpoint, died. He did not want to surrender and was killed in battle. In Tashkin's platoon, out of 13 people, 7 survived. They were sheltered by local residents and helped to get out to their own. Tashkin himself and four soldiers with him were blocked in the shed of a local resident Chelavi Gamzatov. They were asked to surrender. Guaranteed life or throw grenades. They believed. Leaving, Tashkin gave Gamzatov a photograph of his wife and daughter, which he carried with him ...

Photo from the local school museum. The same barn (with a burnt roof) is in the background.

Another (sixth) prisoner was taken by the Chechens in the house of a local resident, Attikat Tabiyeva. It was a shell-shocked and burnt BMP driver Aleksey Polagaev. Finally, Alexei gave the Dagestan woman a soldier's token and said: "What will they do to me now, mother?..."

This monument stands today on the outskirts of the village of Tukhchar in memory of six dead Russian soldiers. Stella, cross, barbed wire instead of a fence.

This is a kind of "people's memorial", created on the initiative of the villagers, primarily teachers from the local secondary school. Neither the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation nor the federal authorities participated in the creation of the monument. Relatives of the victims did not respond to letters and never came here. Information was collected bit by bit by local residents.

There are errors on the monument: grammatical (from the point of view of the Russian language) and factual. Tashkin's place of birth is indicated as the village of "Valyadarka":

In fact, this is Volodarka near Barnaul. There, the future commander went to school. And he was originally from the neighboring village of Krasnoyarka.

Also, one of the dead is incorrectly indicated on the monument:

Anisimov is a guy from the Armavir special forces (Vyatich detachment), he also died in Dagestan in those days, but in a different place. They fought at the height of the TV tower, 10 kilometers from Tukhchar. The notorious height, where, due to the mistakes of the generals at the headquarters, a whole detachment of special forces was killed (including from strikes by their own aircraft).

There were no special forces in Tukhchar, there were ordinary motorized rifles. One of them, Lesha Paranin, the gunner of the same BMP on a high-rise, looked like Anisimov in appearance.

Both took a terrible death, the militants abused the bodies here and there. They earned money for their vaginas. Well, then, with the light hand of one journalist, confusion arose, which migrated to monuments and memorial plaques. The mother of special forces soldier Anisimov even came to the trial of one of the militants from Umar's gang. I watched the video of the massacre. Naturally, she did not find her son there. The gunmen killed another guy.

This guy, Aleksey Paranin, shot well from an infantry fighting vehicle in that battle. The militants had losses. A 30 mm automatic cannon projectile is not a bullet. These are severed limbs, or even cut in half. Paranin was the first to be executed by the Chechens during the massacre of prisoners.

Well, what about Anisimov on the monument instead of him is not so scary for a people's memorial. There is no monument at the height of the TV tower, and Private Anisimov from the Vyatich detachment is also a hero of that war. Let him be remembered that way.

By the way, since we are talking about May 9... Here is the emblem of the Vyatich detachment, where Anisimov served. The emblem was invented in the 2000s.

The unit's motto is "Loyalty is my honor!". Familiar phrase. Once it was the motto of the SS troops (Meine Ehre heißt Treue!), Which was a quote from one of Hitler's sayings. On May 9, in Armavir (as well as in Moscow), they are probably talking a lot about how we keep traditions, etc. Whose traditions?

2. The bright holiday of Eid al-Adha.

After the Chechens took six Russian prisoners in the village, they were taken to a former checkpoint on the outskirts of the village. Umar radioed the militants to gather there. A public execution began, filmed in full detail on video.

Muslims have a holiday of Eid al-Adha... This is when, according to custom, rams are slaughtered, as well as cows, camels, etc. This is done publicly, in the presence (and with the participation) of children who get used to such pictures from childhood. The slaughter of cattle is carried out according to special rules. The animal is first slit in the throat with a knife and wait for the blood to drain.

Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. October 2013

While the blood is draining, the animal is still alive for some time. With cut trachea, esophagus and arteries, it wheezes, chokes on blood, tries to breathe. It is very important at the same time that when making an incision, the neck of the animal should be directed towards Mecca, and “Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar” (in the name of Allah, Allah is great) should be said over it.

Kedah, Malaysia. October 2013. The agony does not last long, 5-10 minutes.

Faisalabad, Pakistan. Eid al-Adha 2012. This is a photo from the holiday, if anything.

After the blood has drained, the head is cut off and the cutting of the carcass begins. A reasonable question: how does this differ from what happens every day at any meat processing plant? - The fact that there the animal is first stunned with electric current. Further (cutting the throat, draining the blood) occurs when it is already unconscious.

The rules for preparing "halal" (clean) meat in Islam do not allow the animal to be stunned during slaughter. It must bleed while conscious. Otherwise, the meat will be considered "unclean".

Tver, November 2010. Eid al-Adha in the area of ​​the cathedral mosque on Sovetskaya st.

Conveyor. While they are slaughtering there, other participants of the holiday with their rams are pulled up to the mosque.

Eid al-Adha comes from biblical story about the temptation of Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam). God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, specifically, to cut his throat and burn him at the stake. And all to test his (Abraham's) love for himself. Abraham tied his son, put him on top of the wood and was already preparing to slaughter, but at the last moment God changed his mind - he said (through an angel) to sacrifice an animal, not a person.

Michelangelo de Caravaggio. Abraham's Sacrifice. 1601-1602
It is he who cuts his son, if that.

To commemorate the temptation of Abraham in Islam (as well as in Judaism), a ritual slaughter of animals is performed every year. Since in both cases they are cut without stunning, in full consciousness, in a number of countries (in Scandinavia, Switzerland, Poland) this was banned as cruelty to animals.

Lahore, Pakistan, November 2009 If you think this is a slaughterhouse, you are wrong. This is the courtyard of the local mosque on the day of the holiday.

Peshawar, Pakistan, November 2009 And cutting a camel's throat is not easy.

Finally, the butcher gets a particularly successful blow with a knife. Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar!

Rafah, Gaza Strip. 2015 Public observation of a slowly bleeding animal.

Ibid, 2012 Rare frame. The cow, doomed to be slaughtered, escaped and impaled its tormentors on the horns.

3. Alexey Paranin.

Tukhchar, 1999. Russian prisoners are collected at a checkpoint, then taken out into the street. They lay on the ground. Some have their hands tied behind their backs, some do not.

The first to be executed is Alexei Paranin, the BMP gunner. They cut his throat and leave him to lie down.

Blood fills all around.

Aleksey was seriously wounded when the BMP was blown up, burned. He does not resist, it seems that he is unconscious. This militant in black and with a beard cut him (who he is still not known).

Starting to cut, the killer moves away somewhere, but soon comes back

And he begins to cut the throat of the victim already thoroughly

Almost beheading Alexei.

Alexey Paranin, 19-year-old boy from Udmurtia. Graduated from vocational school as a bricklayer, was supposed to become a builder

This is his native village of Vernyaya Tyzhma, 100 km from Izhevsk. This is not the 19th century. This is a black and white photo taken by contemporary Izhevsk photographer Nikolai Glukhov while in these places.

4. Tashkin Vasily.

After Paranin, the militants executed Starley Tashkin second. The killer mounted him, there is some kind of struggle visible there ...

But soon the lieutenant's throat is also cut.

A Chechen cameraman filming the death of an officer with sadistic pleasure.

The face of the killer, who cut the lieutenant's throat, is not very clearly visible on the film, but you can hear that those around him are addressing him by the name of Arbi, in the process they give him a bigger knife ... Here he is in the crowd of spectators after the execution of Tashkin.

This Chechen was later found. This is a certain Arbi Dandaev from Grozny. Here he is in court (in a cage):

In court, his lawyers, by the way, tried very hard. They said that the defendant repented of his deed, he realized everything, understood. They asked him to take into account his severe "mental trauma" in the past, the presence of young children.

The court gave him a life sentence.

Officer Tashkin, who was stabbed to death by Arbi, was later criticized by some Internet analysts. For stupidity and cowardice type. Why surrendered, went under the knife and put people ...

Vasily Tashkin is a simple guy from the village of Krasnoyarka in Altai.

In 1991 he entered the VV school in Novosibirsk, since 1995 - in the army. In those years, officers quit the army in batches, penny salaries, life, housing. Tashkin remained to serve. Vanka-platoon of our days ...

On the oath at the school

The village of Krasnoyarka, Topchikhinsky District, is about 100 km from Barnaul along a good (by local standards) road.

Beautiful places.

An ordinary village, huts, carts (the photos below were taken in this village in the summer)

Dagestan Tukhchar, where solid stone houses are all over, looks richer ...

In the fall of 1999, Tashkin was sent to Tukhchar to guard a dangerous section of the border with Chechnya. And he had to do it with extremely small forces. However, they accepted the fight and fought for 2 hours until the situation began to run out of ammunition. Where is the cowardice here?

And as for captivity ... One Englishman, a participant in the Anglo-Boer War of the early 20th century, wrote:

“I crawled out onto the shore… A rider appeared on the other side of the railway, called out to me and waved his hand. He was less than forty yards... I held out my hand with my Mauser. But I left it in the booth of the locomotive. There was a wire fence between me and the rider. Run again? But I was stopped by the thought of another shot at such close range. Before me stood death, gloomy and gloomy, death without its careless companion - a chance. So I raised my hands and, like Mr. Jorrox's foxes, I called out, "Surrender."

Fortunately for the Englishman (and that was Winston Churchill), the Boers are civilized people and did not cut the throats of prisoners. Later, Churchill escaped from captivity and, after many days of wandering, managed to make his way to his own.

Was Winston Churchill a coward?

5. Lipatov Alexey.

After killing Anisimov and Tashkin, the Chechens ordered Private Lipatov to stand up. Lipatov looks around. To the right of him is the corpse of Tashkin, to the left - Paranin wheezes, drenched in blood. Lipatov understands what awaits him.

On the orders of Umar, a certain Tamerlan Khasaev from the village of Dachu-Borzoy (with a knife in a blue T-shirt) was supposed to slaughter the prisoner.

But Lipatov began to actively resist and Khasaev only wounded him. Then a militant in black, already familiar to us, who killed Paranin, came to the aid of Khasaev. Together they try to finish off the victim.

A fight ensues

And suddenly, bleeding Lipatov was able to get up, escaped and rushed to run.

Aleksey Lipatov is the only one of the prisoners who did not have his throat cut. The Chechens chased him, firing after him. He was finished off in some ditch, riddled with machine guns. According to Lipatov's mother, when her son was brought to his native village of Aleksandrovka near Orenburg, the military forbade opening the coffin: "There is no face." So they buried it without opening it.

The regional authorities allocated financial assistance to the soldier's parents, 10 thousand rubles.

Date of death is 09/06/1999, one day later. On that day, the militants handed over the corpses to the head of the village council of Tukhchar, and he took them by truck to the nearest checkpoint of the federal forces (Gerzelsky bridge). In reality, Lipatov and his comrades were killed on September 5th.

What happened to their son - the soldier's parents were not told then. They found out everything only in 2002, when the militant Khasaev was caught and his parents were summoned to court. In complete silence, a video of the execution of prisoners was shown in the hall. "Here's my son!" Lipatov's father cried out at some point.

Tamerlan Khasaev.

Khasaev in court dodged as best he could. He said that he had just begun to kill Lipatov, but did not undercut, because. I couldn't mentally. " I couldn't kill the soldier. He also asked: “Don’t kill me. I want to live." My heart started beating fast and I got a little sick».

In addition, Khasaev said that during the investigation he was forced to testify by threats. But he is embarrassed to say what they threatened.

“And when they cut, weren’t you shy?' asked the prosecutor.
"They threatened to do to me what they do to a woman", - answered Khasaev.
“So you are saying that they wanted to kick you? the judge perked up. — Don't be shy, we're all doctors here.".

Of course, the criminal jargon from the lips of the judge does not decorate the Russian court, but Khasaev got his way. He was also given a life sentence. Shortly after the verdict, he died in prison. His heart began to beat and he felt a little sick.

6. Kaufman Vladimir.

After Lipatov came the turn of Private Vladimir Kaufman. One of the militants, named Rasool, drags Kaufman into a clearing and demands that he lie face down. This makes it easier to cut.

Kaufman begs Rasool not to kill him. He says that he is ready to hand over the wounded BMP gunner, who is "hiding in that white house over there."

The offer does not arouse interest among the militants. They had just killed the BMP gunner. The nearly decapitated corpse of Alexei Paranin (the head rests on one spine) lies nearby. Then Kaufman promises to show where "weapons are hidden." Somewhere in the mountains.

The delay of time bothers Rasul. Kaufman is ordered to remove his belt and put his hands behind his back. He understands that the end. “I don’t want to die, don’t kill, good people!” he shouts. “Good, kind. Dobryashi! ”, - the camera operator says maliciously with a strong Chechen accent.

A fight ensues. Two other militants pile on Kaufman, trying to wring their hands.

They can't do it. Then one of them hits the victim with a butt on the head with a swing.

Kaufman is stunned and Rasool starts stabbing him in the back of the head.

In the end, when the prisoner has already lost consciousness, his throat is cut.

The guy was 19 years old.

The militant Rasul, who cut Vladimir's throat, was not found. According to one version, he died later during some kind of special operation, as reported by the websites of the Chechen separatists. Here is his photo:

But they caught two assistants of Rasul, who held Kaufman before the murder.

This is Islan Mukaev. He was wringing Kaufman's hands.

And Rezvan Vagapov. He held his head when Rasul cut his throat.

Mukaev received 25 years, Vagapov - 18.

The soldier killed by them was buried thousands of kilometers from Tukhchar, in his native village of Aleksandrovskoye in the Tomsk region. A large old village on the banks of the Ob…

Everything is like everywhere else (photo of the village - 2011).

Vladimir Kaufman was born and raised here. He received his surname from his grandfather, a Volga German who was exiled here under Stalin.

Vladimir's mother Maria Andreevna at her son's grave.

7. Erdneev Boris.

After slaughtering Kaufman, the militants took on Boris Erdneev, a Kalmyk who was in Tashkin's platoon as a sniper. Boris had no chance, his hands were tied beforehand. The video shows how one of the Chechens holds Erdneev with one hand on the breasts.

Erdneev looks in horror at the other hand of the Chechen. It contains a large knife with traces of blood.

He tries to speak to the executioner:

"You respect the Kalmyks, don't you?" he asks.
“Very much respect, ha ha, - the Chechen says gloatingly behind the scenes, - lie down".

The victim is thrown to the ground.

The Chechen who killed Boris Erdneev was later found. This is a certain Mansur Razhaev from Grozny.

In 2012, he received a life sentence.

During the execution, Razhaev was not at all embarrassed by the camera. But at the trial, he really did not want to be filmed.

According to Razhaev, before his death, they offered Boris Erdneev to convert to Islam (Kalmyks are Buddhists). But he refused. That is, Erdneev repeated the feat of Yevgeny Rodionov, who also refused to convert to Islam in May 1996, during the first Chechen war. He refused and they cut off his head.

It was here, in the forest near Bamut.

There, three more prisoners were killed with him.

The feat of Yevgeny Rodionov received quite wide publicity, in many churches in Russia there are icons in his honor. The feat of Boris Erdneev is much less known.

Boris Erdneev on oath

Photo from a stand about him in his native school in the village of Artezian in Kalmykia (270 km from the capital of the Republic of Elista).

8.Polagaev Alexey.

He was the last to be killed. This was done personally by the leader of the gang, Umar. Here he approaches Alexei with a knife, rolls up his sleeves

The prisoner's hands are tied, besides he is shell-shocked, so Umar can be afraid of nothing. He sits astride the prisoner and begins to cut

Why does the half-severed head begin to shake up and down, so that it barely rests on the body

Then he releases the victim. The soldier begins to roll on the ground in his death throes.

He soon bled out. The militants shouted "Allahu Akbar!" in unison.

Alexey Polagaev, 19 years old, from the city of Kashira, Moscow Region.

The only city boy out of the six dead. The rest are from the villages. The army in the Russian Federation is a worker-peasant one, they say correctly. Those who have no money go to serve.

As for the murderer of Aleksey - the leader of the gang Umar Karpinsky, he did not appear before the court. Didn't live. He was killed in January 2000 when militants were leaving the encirclement in Grozny.

9. Epilogue.

Russian-Chechen war 1999-2000 was for the preservation of Chechnya and Dagestan as part of Russia. The militants wanted to separate them, but Tashkin, Lipatov, Kaufman, Paranin and others stood in their way. And they gave their lives. Officially, it was then called the operation to restore constitutional order.

It's been 17 years since then. Big time. What's new with us? How is it with the independence of Chechnya, with the constitutional order in Dagestan?

Everything is good in Chechnya.

By the way, what's on his head? Maroon beret, but the cockade is somehow strange. Where did he even get it?

After the victory over the militants in 2000, the dictatorship of the father and son of the Kadyrovs was organized in Chechnya. What is it, you can read in any history textbook in the section "Feudalism". The appanage prince has complete independence in his appanage (ulus), but is in vassal relations with the superior prince. Namely:

A. Unfastens him% of income;
B. Fields his private army against his enemies when necessary.

What we are seeing in Chechnya.

Also, if you still read the history textbook, it will be written there that specific system unreliable, because of it fell apart Kievan Rus, Arab Caliphate and many others. Everything is built on the personal loyalty of the vassal, and it is changeable. Today he is for some, tomorrow - for others.

It is clear that they will soon kiss passionately in front of the camera ...

But who will go to war for the third time in Chechnya, when Kadyrov's despotism officially announces its secession from Russia? But this will happen on the second day after Putin leaves and Kadyrov feels a threat to his power. In Moscow, he has a lot of "well-wishers" in law enforcement agencies. And he's on the hook. There's a lot of stuff in there.

For example, this monkey:

Who will believe that Nemtsov was ordered by the driver of one of Kadyrov's close associates for 5 million rubles? Himself personally, directly on their money. And drivers make good money in Chechnya.

Or this character:

He killed Colonel Budanov in 2011. Before that, I found out the address, followed for half a year, got myself fake documents for a different surname, so that later I could hide in Chechnya. And also a gun and a stolen foreign car with left numbers. Allegedly, he acted alone out of hatred for all Russian servicemen who killed his father in Chechnya in the 90s.

Who will believe it? Prior to that, he lived in Moscow for 11 years, in a big way, wasted money, and suddenly he was overwhelmed. Budanov was released in January 2009. He was convicted of war crimes, stripped of awards, titles, and served 9 years out of a 10-year sentence. However, already in February 2009, Kadyrov publicly threatened him, stating that:

“…His place in prison for life. Yes, and this is not enough for him. But a life sentence will ease our suffering a little. We do not tolerate insult. If the decision is not made, the consequences will be bad.”

This is Kadyrov's Chechnya. And what about Dagestan? - Everything is good there too. Chechen fighters were driven out of there in 1999. But it turned out to be more difficult with local Wahhabis. Shooting, blowing up so far. Otherwise, life in Dagestan goes on as usual: a mess, mafia clans, cutting subsidies. As elsewhere in the Russian Federation. Constitutional order, cho.

Something has also changed in interethnic relations in 17 years. With all due respect to the residents of the village of Tukhchar, who hid Tashkin's soldiers and honor the memory of the dead, the general attitude towards the Dagestanis in the country has become worse. A striking example: since 2012, conscription into the army has been discontinued in Dagestan. They do not call, because they cannot cope with them. And it starts like this:

Or this:

These, by the way, are the defenders of the Motherland (which are cancer). Polite people. And which with a raised finger - this means "There is no god but Allah." Favorite gesture of Islamists, incl. Wahhabis. Serves them to express their superiority.

However, Russians can not only put cancer. You can ride:

And you can put a living inscription on the parade ground. 05th region, i.e. Dagestan.

Interestingly, in most cases, finding participants in this lawlessness is not so difficult. They don't actually hide. Here are pictures of “riding” in 2012 posted on the Internet by a certain Ali Rahimov to the “Dagi in the Army” group in Odnoklassniki.

Now he lives quietly in St. Petersburg, he respects Sharia.

By the way, he has chevrons with a lizard in his photo from the army.

These are the Internal Troops, Ural District. The same VV-shniks that died in Tukhchar. I wonder if the guys he sits on will go to protect Tukhchar next time? Or let Ali Ragimov somehow himself?

But the living inscription 05 DAG on the parade ground in military unit No. 42581 in Krasnoye Selo was laid out by a certain Abdul Abdulkhalimov. He is now in Novorossiysk:

Together with Abdulkhalimov, a whole company of his Dagestan comrades frolicked in Krasnoye Selo.

Since 2012, the Abdulkhalimovs are no longer called up. Russians do not want to serve with the Dagestanis in the same army, because then they have to crawl like cancer through the barracks in front of the Caucasians. At the same time, both those and those are citizens of one state (so far), where rights and obligations are the same for everyone. This is the constitutional order.

On the other hand, Dagestanis were not drafted into the army in 1941-45. (due to mass desertion). There were only small formations of volunteers. Dagestanis did not serve in the tsarist army either. There was one volunteer cavalry regiment, which in 1914 became part of the Caucasian native division. This "wild division" of the highlanders in the First World War was actually no more than 7,000 people. So many volunteers have been recruited. Of these, there are about 1000 Dagestanis. And that's all, for a 5-million-strong army. In both World War II and World War I, conscripts from Chechnya and Dagestan mostly stayed at home.

Why does this happen with the highlanders, all the time, for more than 100 years, and under any authorities? - And this not them army. AND not them state. They are kept in it by force. If they want to live (and serve) in it, then according to some of their own rules. Therefore, funerals come to the poor in Krasnoyarsk, Aleksandrovka. And apparently, they will continue to come.

Terrible stories about the war, about its terrible everyday manifestations, appear in society in influxes, as if by order. The war in Chechnya has long been taken for granted.

The gulf between well-fed Moscow and the mountains where blood is shed is not just great. She is huge. There is nothing to say about the West at all. Foreigners who come to Russia, as if to another planet, are far from reality, like aliens to the Earth.

No one really remembers the thousands of Russian-speaking residents of Chechnya who have disappeared without a trace since the early 1990s. Entire villages were removed from their places in one night and left for the Stavropol Territory. The fugitives are still lucky. Chaos was happening in the North Caucasus. Violence, murder and brutal torture became the norm under Dudayev. The predecessors of the paranoid president of Ichkeria did not influence the situation. Why? They just couldn't and didn't want to. Cruelty, unbridled and wild, spilled over into the first Chechen campaign in the form of mass abuse of captured Russian soldiers and officers. Nothing new has happened in the current campaign - the militants (by the way, it’s rather strange that they began to call ordinary criminal bandits that way) still cut, rape and show cut-out body parts of the military in front of the cameras.

Where did this cruelty to the Caucasus come from? According to one version, the Mujahideen called up from Afghanistan, who managed to practice during the war in their homeland, set an example for the Chechen fighters. It was in Afghanistan that they did something unimaginable with captured Soviet soldiers: they took scalps, cut open their stomachs and stuffed scatterings of shells into them, put their heads on the roads, and mined the dead. Natural cruelty, which the British in the last century explained as barbarism and ignorance, caused a backlash. But the Soviet military was far from inventive torture of wild Mujahideen.

But not everything is so simple. Even during the period of Chechen resettlement in Kazakhstan and Siberia, terrible rumors circulated in the Caucasus about the bloodthirstiness of the abreks who had gone to the mountains. Anatoly Pristavkin, a witness of the resettlement, wrote a whole book "A golden cloud spent the night" ... Revenge and blood, passed down from generation to generation - that's what dominated in Chechnya.

Protracted fighting in Chechnya led to inexplicable brutality, killing for the sake of killing. And here "partisans" and "rebels" both local and newcomers do not lose the "palm" in any way. During the capture of the Dudayev Palace in Grozny in 1995, officers from the Marine Corps said that they saw the crucified and decapitated corpses of our soldiers in the windows of the palace. Four years ago, as if ashamed and not saying anything, late in the evening one of the television programs showed a story about military doctors in the liberated Grozny. A tired medical officer, pointing to the bodies of the soldiers who were captured, talked about a terrible thing. Russian boys, who became soldiers according to the constitution, were raped at the moment of their death throes.

Soldier Yevgeny Rodionov was beheaded only because he refused to take off his pectoral cross. I met the mother of a soldier looking for his son during the ceasefire in September 1996 in Grozny. She searched for her son for months and met with almost all the field commanders. The militants simply lied to the woman and did not even show the grave ... The details of the soldier's death were found out much later. According to the latest data, the Russian Orthodox Church is preparing for the canonization of Yevgeny Rodionov.

Last September in Dagestan, in the village of Tukhchar, local Chechens handed over five soldiers and one officer to militants who were trying to get out of the encirclement. All six Wahhabis were executed by cutting their throats. The blood of the captives was poured into a glass jar.

Storming Grozny in December last year, our military again faced barbarism. During the fighting in the suburbs of the Chechen capital Pervomaiskaya, the bodies of three soldiers of one of the units of the Ministry of Defense were crucified on an oil rig. Directly in Grozny, one of the units of the Sofrino brigade of internal troops was cut off from the main forces. Four soldiers were considered missing. Their headless bodies were found in one of the wells.

The correspondent of "Ytra", who visited the area of ​​"Minutka" square at the end of January, became aware of the details of yet another execution. The militants took a wounded soldier prisoner, gouged out his eyes, quartered his body and threw him on the street. A few days later, the reconnaissance group carried the body of a colleague from the area of ​​high-rise buildings. There are many such examples. By the way, the facts of mockery of the military and executions for the most part remain unpunished. The case of the detention of field commander Temirbulatov, nicknamed "Tractor Driver", who personally shot soldiers, can be considered an exception.

In some newspapers, such examples were considered fiction and propaganda of the Russian side. Even information about snipers in the ranks of the militants was considered by other journalists as rumors, which are more than enough in the war. For example, in one of the issues of Novaya Gazeta, they expertly discussed the "myths" associated with "white tights". But "myths" in reality turn into professional shots at soldiers and officers.

The other day, one of the mercenaries, who fought in Chechnya on the side of the militants, spoke to journalists. The Jordanian Al-Khayat spoke about the morals that reign in the detachment of the field commander (a Chechen, not an Arab) Ruslan (Khamzat) Gelaev. Countryman Khattab admitted that he had witnessed the executions of Russian captured soldiers more than once. So, in Grozny, Gelayev's militants cut out the heart of one of the prisoners. According to Al-Khayat, he miraculously managed to escape from the village of Komsomolskoye and surrendered to the military near Urus-Martan.

According to the Jordanian, mercenaries from Afghanistan, Turkey and Jordan remain subordinate to Khattab. As you know, the Black Arab is considered one of the most bloodthirsty field commanders. His handwriting - personal participation in the executions and torture of prisoners. According to the captive Jordanian, most of the Arabs in Khattab's gangs came to Chechnya for the promised money. But mercenaries, they say, are being deceived. True, in fact it turns out that both gullible and deceived Arabs practice atrocities against Russian soldiers. By the way, the contradictions between Chechen fighters and mercenaries in Lately took on an open character. Both sides do not miss the opportunity to reproach each other for cruelty, although in reality both of them are not much different from each other.

When the war becomes something like a hobby (and the vast majority of militants from the detachments of irreconcilable field commanders will never lay down their arms and will fight to the end), then the death of the enemy for a professional warrior becomes the only meaning of life. Butchers are fighting against Russian soldiers. What kind of amnesties can we talk about? Any "peaceful" initiatives coming from the militants can be regarded as a way to continue the war and the killings. So far, only a few have been answered for thousands of crimes. When will the majority answer? The life of those who pull the trigger is not worth a penny. Moreover, Russia should not forgive the bloodthirsty "commanders". Otherwise, the place of the killers will be taken by their successors.

Oleg Petrovsky

What did they do with Chechen snipers (women) in the war.
As you know, mostly mercenaries took part in the first and second Chechen companies, but sometimes there were female mercenaries who fought exclusively by killing with sniper rifles. And when they caught the so-called snipers, they did this to them, it was a war and cruel.
For example:
"Typhoon" special forces, said that in the well in the courtyard of the headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned a sniper.
The Marines chopped them up with sapper shovels. Here is a video where the Marine says:

Wolves in white pantyhose. Seventeen-year-old biathlete Lolita.

I will kill you slowly because I love you. I'll shoot you in the leg first, I promise to aim for the kneecap. Then a hand. Then eggs. Don't be afraid, I'm a candidate for master of sports. I will not miss, - the voice of the sniper Masha sounded clearly on the radio, as if she was lying somewhere very close, and not hiding hundreds of meters from here.

A seventeen-year-old biathlete who arrived in Chechnya for

earnings from a small Ural town. She had to shoot at her own. However, she didn't care who she aimed at. They just paid better on the other side. The contract soldier with whom she chatted on the radio every night out of boredom had already become accustomed to the caustic notes in her voice. Like the whistle of bullets from her rifle. How to "cargo 200". She didn't have time to kill anyone. And she didn't earn anything. I came across a stretch that ours put in the mountains. A day later they killed him. Shot in the head, bullet - 7.62. Sniper.
"White Pantyhose" - ruthless ghosts, hitting right on target. They are hated. They are afraid. They are being hunted. Only those who kill them know their faces.
Caught alive, these women perceive shooting on the spot, a bullet in the forehead, instant death as the greatest mercy. After them there is nothing left, not even a real name. Only legends and curses.

The True Story of Lolita

A terry pink dressing gown is tightly tightened at the waist, a transparent white scarf is on her head. She either fiddles with him in her hands, then brushes away a tear with him. Dyed blond hair, golden teeth, faded gray-green eyes and white, almost matte skin, it doesn’t seem to be ugly, but it will pass and you won’t notice.
Every evening, when dozens of convicts gather in front of the TV after work in the sewing shop to watch the evening news, she hides in the farthest corner of the cell. "Well, he did the right thing, that he killed. So she, bitch, should be!" the women shout excitedly when they see the trial of Colonel Budanov on the screen. "Yes, crush them, bastards! Wet in the toilet!" - the president's favorite quote is heard from everywhere.
- In the zone, no one knows that she was a sniper in Chechnya and shot at Russian soldiers. And in her criminal case there is not a word about this, - they immediately warned me in one of the women's colonies in the Krasnodar Territory. She doesn't shy away from anyone, but she doesn't make friends with anyone either. If you write her real name, she will be killed immediately.
It was about Lena that a terribly romantic story went around Chechnya during the first war. For her extraordinary beauty, youth and ability to shoot accurately, the militants called her Lolita. In the detachment of Shamil Basayev, she appeared in 1995. She came from her native Ukraine to earn ... for her wedding and a dowry. However, she quickly forgot her fiancé, because she fell in love with a real "wolf", field commander Sulima Yamadayev. Under the roar of battle and the whistle of bullets, their happiness did not last long - the "wolf" was killed, much later Aslan Maskhadov posthumously awarded him the rank of brigadier general, and the inconsolable "wolf" began to take revenge. Moreover, it was aimed at our fighters at the "causal place", below the waist. So, at least, the legend went.
“I don’t know anything about Lolita and “white tights,” Lena rolls her eyes theatrically and immediately brings her handkerchief to them. - And I got to Chechnya long before the war, in the very beginning of the 90s. She lived with her parents and little brother in Konstantinovka Donetsk region well studied. Mom worked then as a warehouse manager, and my father also did not sit without work. True, often applied to the bottle. After the 8th grade, together with Marinka, my school friend, we went to Nikolaev to study as a cook. For the spring holidays, Marinka offered to go to Chechnya, to trade in clothes. We got to Prokhladny by train, from there we got to Grozny by bus. On the train, our birth certificates were taken away from us, and I wasn’t even 16 then. They locked me up for four days in some apartment, they said that we wouldn’t work the road with just clothes. We worked out ... They would take them out to the field, then into the mountains - who shoots, who else does what - they amused themselves as they wanted. My girlfriend periodically disappeared somewhere, and I was sold to a new tormentor. I can’t remember all this ... - and she cries. “My torment ended only when Musa heard about me and saved me. He didn't know anything about my past. For some reason I believed him.

From the dossier "MK".

Musa Charaev, field commander. An active participant in the hostilities of 1994-1996, together with his detachment, "lit up" in many bloody skirmishes. A friend of Basayev, who often visited his house. And if Charaev before the war was a simple rural tractor driver who earned money by selling wine brought from the Kalinin winery, then after that he was the owner of a decent "piece" of the Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipe, generously presented to him by the President of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov.
As investigators were assured by numerous witnesses, during the first Chechen campaign, Lena walked with her head held high and a sniper rifle at the ready. About that combat period of her life, about which she does not want to talk about anything, the only documentary evidence has been preserved. A red book with a photograph and her real name. Next to Basayev's signature is a modest position - a nurse. During the investigation and trial, Lena did not hide the fact that in March 1995 she joined a detachment in Argun, field commander Abdul Khadzhiev-Aslambek. Although she was listed there only as a nurse, in fact she did everything that they said: she washed, cooked, and sometimes, out of old memory, appeased the bearded freedom fighters. However, she did not stay long in Abdul's detachment.

"If only you were alive"

The end of the 95th. Bloody raid of Salman Raduev's gang on Kizlyar and Pervomaiskoye. For two weeks the whole country did not leave the television screens, watching the development of dramatic events. Capturing the helipad. Shooting people. A swift "visit" to the hospital, which almost ended with a repetition of Budyonnovsk. Solemn departure to Pervomaiskoye in a convoy of buses along with the captured hostages. And, finally, the mysterious disappearance from the village, which was practically demolished by artillery from the face of the earth and surrounded by Russian troops in a triple ring. Among several women who participated in that famous Radevsky campaign was Lena.
This fact became known only after the arrest of Salman Raduev himself. An interesting document was found in his archives, in which he asked the head of the Oktyabrsky district of Grozny to allocate a two-room apartment for Elena P. "as an active participant in the hostilities in Kizlyar and Pervomaisky." She got an apartment. Then she met Musa Charaev. "Wolf" and "she-wolf" fell in love with each other - and this was true in the legend about Lolita.
“There was a war,” Lena continues. - Musa and his guys hid in the mountains, and rarely came to Ishcherskaya (a large border junction station, where militants sometimes lay in bed after being wounded. - E.M.). I spoke Chechen very well. My mother-in-law immediately somehow accepted me and even fell in love - she became like a mother. She prayed all the time. Looking at her, I also converted to Islam. And soon a mullah married Musa and me.
Having arranged her personal life, Lena finally called her parents in Konstantinovka. Her mother, who had known nothing at all about her for several years, fainted when she heard her voice. "If only you were alive," she said, and burst into tears. After this call, she began to drink with her father. And six months later, in the summer of 1996, the whole family was poisoned by mushrooms bought at the market. Father and brother were pumped out by doctors. Lena saw her mother already in the coffin. As an active militant and the wife of a field commander, Lolita got into all operational reports. And she immediately received new documents. "To pull less," explains Lena. According to them, she came home for the funeral. After the war, a son was born in the fighting family of the Charaevs. Musa still did not part with the machine gun and his fighters, guarding the piece of the oil pipeline entrusted to him. Lena was given a solid position in customs. “I cleared goods through customs, processed paperwork, took money to Grozny. Nothing special,” Lena is obviously modest, because the treasury will not be trusted to just anyone. But Lena was valued not for this - she checked freight and passenger trains, looking for "FSB agents" in them. If a person seemed suspicious to her, he was removed from the train and taken away in an unknown direction. "She-wolf", - peaceful villagers were afraid of her. "Our she-wolf! The commander was lucky," the former militants approved. In March 1999, Musa was killed. He was found in his own car, not far from the "pipe", with the same machine gun in his hands and two dozen bullets in his back and neck. He never found out that Lena was pregnant again - she wanted to please him the next day.
By order No. 101 of the President of the CRI, Maskhadov, Charaev was posthumously awarded the rank of brigadier general and renamed his native village of Severnaya in the Naur region - the same one where he plowed the land for so long - into Musa-yurt. It turns out that the legend did not lie again.

Fake calculation

Baltic women, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Siberians, Urals, Leningraders, Muscovites and, of course, Chechens themselves—there is no end to the terrible stories about ruthless mercenary snipers who have been roaming the trenches, hospitals and newspaper pages for many years now. True, it is worth noting that the militants themselves are afraid of some fantastic Ossetian women who terribly hate them, allegedly fighting on the Russian side. The most persistent myth about "white tights" is that most of them are biathletes, and from the Baltics. If we put together all the stories about blond beauties who speak Russian with a pleasant slight accent and shoot at our soldiers, it turns out that not a single athlete who has ever held a weapon in her hands has long been left there - or has already been killed, or still fighting. However, in the first Chechen war, our law enforcement agencies still tried to check one chilling story about a Baltic sniper dropped by wounded paratroopers from a helicopter with a grenade into her vagina. officers. Maybe some girl fell, reaching for a cigarette, from a Russian "turntable", only the corpse was never found. As they did not find any traces of a biathlete by the name of Trankautene in the Baltic republics ... The very name "white tights" came from a white leotard, tight-fitting hips, in which biathletes perform at competitions. Before Chechnya, they flashed in almost all the "hot spots" of the former Soviet Union, from Transnistria to Nagorno-Karabakh. However, then the stories about the mercenaries caused only surprise among the military. And the snipers themselves could be counted on the fingers. Chechnya is another matter. Here is a big war and, accordingly, completely different money. In most cases, the Chechens entered into a contract with the newcomer for a month. According to the captured militants, before the crisis, snipers were paid up to 10,000 dollars. Sometimes they paid "without exception" from 500 to 800 bucks "unfastened" for a killed officer and 200 for a soldier. However, such fees were more likely to lure new mercenaries than actually pay them - either the dollars will turn out to be fake, or the field commander will consider that the lady wants too much and it’s cheaper to just kill her. But all the same: in half a year in Chechnya - unless, of course, the feds caught it or sewed their own militants - one could earn for the rest of his life. "Fatima - 170 thousand rubles, Oksana - 150 thousand, Lena - 30 (for two killed scouts)" - this "pay slip" was found in the pocket of a killed sniper near the village of Bechik.

sniper war

It's only in cheap movies that the sniper works alone. In the worst case, he has one assistant - and he will provide cover and count the dead. In the best and most common in Chechnya - "an ambush hunter" (translated from English. - E.M.), a couple of submachine gunners, a machine gunner, grenade launchers and an ammunition carrier cover. By the way, the role of the last member of such a mobile group is generally difficult to overestimate - thanks to him, the militants can "peel" for two hours without a break. “It’s better to undereat than not sleep” and “you need to shoot like a waltz: one-two-three - and change position, sitting still is not recommended” - the “golden rules” of every sniper who knows both on that and on that side . Before "lighting up", a good "hunter" prepares 5-8 positions in advance and only then opens fire. "Find and neutralize" an enemy sniper, signalman and senior officers - the combat mission has not changed since the middle of the 18th century, when the first mention of "skirmishers" appeared in archival documents. According to the number of wounds to the head and chest, military doctors dubbed the current war in Chechnya a sniper war. But it begins only when the troops are engaged in positional battles. - Previously, snipers were looked for among professional shooters. It was believed that marksmanship in such work is the most important thing. But lately, especially after Chechnya, we have become convinced that strong nerves and the ability to hide well are still more important, - Colonel Alexander Abin, author of the book "Tactics of using snipers in the city", immediately classified by the FSB, a teacher at the department of tactical and special training, is sure St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. - A real sniper works primarily with his head - he knows engineering, topography, and medicine. There are few such professionals, and they improve all their lives. Aleksey, a sniper from the elite St. Petersburg special forces, is one of them. "The most self-possessed and calm person, he never conflicts with anyone," they say about him in the detachment.
- To aim, I need 2-3 seconds, a maximum of 10, - says Alexey. “I only worry when I can't see the target. As soon as she is in front of my eyes, I instantly calm down and pull the trigger. A good shot comes between heartbeats, and in women, the heart rate is less frequent. They are lighter, so they shoot better. By and large, biathletes need to be taught only tactics, technique is already disappearing. Athletes are hardy, and without it, nowhere in the mountains. Yes, and they are better armed. They also have SV-94 sniper rifles of 12-millimeter caliber, and "screw cutters", and the same our SVDshki (Dragunov sniper rifle, the "workhorse" of Russian snipers. - E.M.), only modernized. In addition, all optics are anti-reflective. For now, we can only dream of such weapons.

A lieutenant colonel and an ensign tell how they captured a Lithuanian sniper. How she asked not to kill her. She allegedly has two children.

- They tied a grenade to the head, - says the ensign, - they pulled out the pin and let go. Only cowards flew in different directions.

They are among us

Everything I write is true. I want us not to forget these deeds. These are three stories about three hells on earth, on our earth. And told to me by people who have been there. GPAP 1 bus station, former closed torture prison. There were no people in this prison, animals worked there. Guys and girls, not just killed. And how painful it can be. A horizontal bar is a device on which people were suspended in various poses. Over time, the bones came out of the joints. Fly agaric, a soldering iron burned out the oral cavity. Rose, the tube is inserted into the (*sensored*) passage, then the barbed wire is inserted through the tube into the rectum. The tube is pulled out and the wire remains. The wire is then pulled out. The famous cross There, in one of the halls, hung a cross welded from rails. Prisoners were fastened to the cross with wire and shocked. A wolf grin, teeth were grinded down in the mouth with a large file. A vise clamped the head in a vise, and boiling resin dripped from above. And the famous womb. They dug a meter-high hole, squatted the prisoners in a row and poured concrete up to their necks. As the concrete dries, it compresses and breaks all the bones.

How did the interrogations go? Usually there were favorite options - a vacuum cleaner. A gas mask was put on his head and oxygen was cut off. And the suffocating prisoner began to be kicked. When he lost consciousness, he was injected with chemo, and everything started all over again. This went on for hours. Another option is birch. The prisoner was placed on a chair, having previously tied his hands behind his back. A noose was put on the head, which was tied over the head to the crossbar. They knocked out a chair, and the man suffocated while hanging in the gallows. Having lost consciousness, he was pumped out and hanged again.
There was a wall behind the building, people were shot there. Often they were placed against the wall, and 2-3 times they shot over the top. This is how they joked. Then they killed. Sometimes the chained wounded were given to be torn to pieces by dogs. This is GPAP1. Most of the executioners were narrow-eyed. This is not easy to say. They are the main characters of these stories.
I beg you, do not read these lines. Soak them up like water in your blood. This is not a fable, this is delirium in the night of a madman who has lost his mind. This is the suffering and anguish of those who remained there, and those few who survived. And they want to die rather than live, this stain and pain in the soul has settled in them forever. I want to ask before continuing.
This I would write on every wall of our city. It's a pity that not everyone can understand this. If I write about the Seagull Hotel. In the basement of which 48 people of refugees, littered with stoves, ate each other from hunger. Or about those who, passing by, heard screams from under the ground, and knocks. But he passed by. I am writing this and it will not forget us.

If there are buildings in your area that housed the military. That is empty at the moment. Please post the address. And the approximate location of the building. It's important for me. Tomorrow I will tell the story of other gates of hell in terrible.
My mother's cousin, personally knew the woman who went mad. And from what is in front of her eyes. In the basement of the house in which they were filled up, she had to eat human flesh. And her child died in her arms. After that, she threw herself at the children.

I spent a lot of time looking for people who have seen little of the world. And then, when they were taken out to be tortured. And getting them to tell what they had to go through was extremely difficult. Only one thing helped me, I can’t say that.

The other gate is a boarding school for the deaf and dumb for a minute. From 2000 to 2006, a closed prison (secret). While looking for one missing guy, I was informed that the military had moved out of this building. Now a little about this place. There were several buildings, one with a monkey house for excuses. But the second building and its cellars served as a death machine. The day before us, our memorial defenders arrived there.
Nah ets khumsh. They found documents and photographs of the prisoners in one of the offices. And how miserable cowards allowed the structures to seize them from themselves. Monkeys took a picture and went home. We arrived and they didn't let us in. At our own risk, we penetrated from the back side through another military. Part, the government gave a command to the workers who were there. Demolish buildings within a week. We had little time. Among the workers was a guy who helped us. Next, I will tell you what happened there.

I will continue. This place was the house of death, almost 400 people disappeared in it, even more. And its owners were those murderers from GPAP1. This is the Khanty-Mansiysk OMON, who called themselves SOM. Above the entrance to the basement where the prisoners were killed was written in large letters. HELP YOU DIE!
These were last words what our brothers and sisters read before entering the cave! And on the building one could clearly see the inscription, WE PO..Y YOUR SORRY! There were several cells in the cellars. There was nothing in them, no windows, no light, only dirt, dampness and concrete. Men were kept in the 1st cell, all the walls were written in Arabic, and with names. Girls and women were kept in the second cell. I won't say what was on the walls. But many were written in blood, those who wrote them understood that they would die. I AM ALIVE? Diana. I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING, I DIED HERE Zareta 2001. ALLAH HELP, Malika 16 years old. There is a lot of grief on these walls, and they absorbed a lot of tears and blood. All these inscriptions and words, it's hard for me to speak. The next day when we arrived, someone set fire to the cameras with tires. And soot settled on the walls.

These girls were brutally raped every day. Above almost every bed of the killers, there were photos of these girls in the nude. There were also those who were killed by them as a memory. These photos were found by workers, but immediately burned. They also raped at the cells with men that they heard the screams of their sisters. Whoever tried to help was tortured. There was also a torture chamber right behind the wall from the prisoners. So that they hear the screams and crunch of bones, their brothers and sisters. In this cell, we noticed two thick boards, they were used in this way: a person was laid on one, and the other was covered. And from above they beat with a huge sledgehammer. To burst the insides. The walls in this cell were covered in paint multiple times, as there was blood everywhere. One man survived, they managed to cut off his ear. But even now he does not tell the whole truth, fear overcame him. Some girls were stolen and sold to this place, you bastards. The next day, a man called me there. What I saw shocked me, it was a nightmare.

The next day when we arrived, it turned out that the workers had found secret cameras. They were walled up. There was nothing in one. But there were rings in the walls. And the second passage to the second chamber was broken through before our eyes. We went there. What we saw there, I will remember for the rest of my life. Pregnant women and girls with babies were kept there. 3 iron beds, over each hangs a half-bent sheet of iron. Wired to the ceiling. Children were placed in them. The room is damp and dirty. No windows, no light. In the far corner stood a strange apparatus, and nearby the whole wall was covered in blood. As we found out, they chopped off fingers on it, burned it on a small stove that stood under it. and rubbed their hands against the wall. And this is all in the room where the girls with babies were kept. Most likely these children were born there. Neither they nor their mothers survived.

And the third place of death! It still functions today. From 2000 to today! If we combine the torture of GPAP1. And the cruelty of SOMA. There will not be even 10 percent of what is happening there. Even our president and any authority of our land are not allowed into this place. Only direct subordination to the Kremlin. Nobody returned from there. About small attacks. Secret base. Passing this place at night was a risk to the life of any driver. If they stop, I might not reach the house. One Nokhchi worked there, he told about this place before his death. Behind this part of the field, cells meter by meter are dug into the ground. In every cage there is a naked prisoner, in the open air. He is there almost always, he cannot lie down, stand up, sit down. All twisted up in a cage. This guy said that there were girls and boys, and very young ones. And there is not a single normal one, all who have lost their minds bark and howl at night. Overgrown, dirty, wild. This place is still there. And it instills fear in everyone, with its silence and stillness. For 200 meters people drink tea and relax. And there someone dies of suffering, even though they want to live this tea.

Revelations of the Russian occupier about the atrocities in Chechnya.
Both during the first and during the second war in Chechnya, I myself saw many deaths, I saw killed people. I saw many wounded and crippled children and adults. I saw grief, blood and tears.

And at that time, and now I heard a lot of stories about the atrocities perpetrated by the Russian military against civilians. Moreover, it is noteworthy that most of these crimes were committed by the so-called “contract soldiers”.

That is, military personnel who serve under the contract. Not 18-20-year-old youths, but rather adult men. Residents of Chechnya usually call them mercenaries. And this definition, in my opinion, fits them best. After all, these people go to war, they go to kill others for money. They want to build their happiness on the grief, blood and misfortune of others. Even the soldiers themselves, those who are called up for compulsory military service, as I understand it, do not respect and even hate such people.

During one of my trips to a conference in Moscow last summer, I met a former Russian soldier who served in Chechnya in 1999-2000. We were in the same compartment, got to know each other, talked, had lunch together. He drank a little, and somehow casually told me a story that shocked me to the core. I did not ask him to tell me about it, but for some reason he was drawn to revelations.

According to this former serviceman, let's call him Vladimir, it was in the winter of 2000, or rather at the end of January. The unit in which he served was sent for a “cleansing operation” in the area of ​​the village of Beryozka, which is located along the Staropromyslovsky highway in the city of Grozny. Among them were many contract soldiers, whom the conscripts called "double basses". And all of them, according to Vladimir, were almost always in a state of intoxication.

At that time, there were very few people in Grozny, because fierce battles for the city were still going on, and everyone who could, fled from there, leaving their homes and all their property.

In one of the houses, according to Vladimir, the servicemen stumbled upon a family of seven. Adult men and women, as well as young men and two young children, were immediately shot by the soldiers. Only a girl, 13-14 years old, was left alive, the only daughter of the murdered owners of the house.

The house was looted, as well as all the nearby households, abandoned by the owners, and then set on fire. The soldiers threw the girl into an armored personnel carrier and brought her to the place of their deployment, near the village of Zagryazhsky in the Staropromyslovsky district.

Vladimir said that for almost a week, the girl was raped by the officers of this unit. This happened every night, and often during the day. Having mocked the child enough, the commanders then handed her over to contract soldiers to be torn to pieces.

What these monsters did to her is indescribable. She was beaten and raped for several hours every day. And not only one by one, but also in groups of several people. The girl often lost consciousness, and she was brought to her senses by pouring cold water over her.

After several days of continuous bullying, she was practically half dead. The girl could die at any moment, and then they decided to use her, as one of the contractors said, “to use it for the last time for the benefit of the cause.”

As Vladimir said, a half-dead, naked child was hung up by the arms in one of the basements so that her legs barely touched the floor. Then a young guy who had been detained earlier was brought there. For several days, the unfortunate man was severely beaten and tortured, demanding to know where the weapons were hidden and to indicate the whereabouts of the militants. But he was stubbornly silent, despite the savage torture that was applied to him by brutal contract soldiers.

They burned his body with red-hot iron, stabbed and cut him with knives, beat him with clubs and heavy army boots, but the young man constantly insisted that he knew nothing and no one, since he had recently returned from Russia. Vladimir knew that neither this tiny girl nor the detained guy had any chance to get out of there alive.

According to the soldier, it was he who was ordered to bring the detainee to the premises where a group of contractors gathered and the girl was. On the way, he whispered to the detainee not to slander himself and warned that in any case he would not be released. The young man, barely standing on his feet, was taken into the room and placed in front of the crucified girl.

The contractors again demanded from him to tell where he had hidden the weapon, saying that otherwise they would "tackle" the girl. He continued to be silent. Then one of the contractors approached the hanging girl and cut off her chest with a knife. She screamed wildly in pain, and the young man literally died, and tried to turn away from this terrible sight.

But they began to beat him severely, demanding that he watch how the girl was dying “through his fault”. Then the same contractor cut off the child's second breast, and she lost consciousness. The guy began to ask the contractors to stop this fanaticism, and said that he accidentally saw how one of the local residents hid a machine gun in a drainpipe, and named the place. This terribly amused the contractors.

Saying, “well, now we don’t need either her or you,” they began to finish off the already half-dead girl. First, her legs were cut off with an ax for chopping meat, then her hands were cut off, and when the bloodied stump fell to the floor, her head was cut off.

Pieces of the body were thrown into a huge bag, after which the detainee was taken outside. They took him to a wasteland, tied him to a box of TNT, placed the remains of the girl on top and blew them both up. A dead child and a young man still alive.

Vladimir himself wept when he told me this. He said that the “double basses” constantly mocked people, killed everyone without any pity, regardless of gender, age and even nationality. That even conscripts often became targets for mockery by contractors. Vladimir got off the train somewhere in Voronezh. I never met him again. True, he left me his phone number and took mine, but we never called each other. And why?

The story told by this ex-soldier Russian army Probably the worst thing I've heard in all these years. Although I repeat once again, I have heard and seen a lot. Unfortunately, I do not know either the names or surnames of this girl and guy.

Probably, their relatives, if not close, then distant, are still searching, hoping that perhaps someday they will return home, and do not even imagine how painful and terrible their death was. They don't even have graves. They were simply blown to pieces by the explosion and that's it. And this was done by the military, who came here to “liberate” us from “international terrorists”.

I read somewhere this expression: "Who killed - will be killed, who killed by order - will be killed, who gave the order to kill - will be killed." And I very much hope that the fiends in military uniform, who brutally dealt with unarmed people, women, children, the elderly, will sooner or later be duly punished. And if not in this world, then at least in that world they will answer to the Almighty for their deeds.

Aslanbek Apaev

Aldy village. March 2000
Finding no protection in the Russian courts, the victims of the armed conflict in the North Caucasus appeal to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights. By November 2000, the court accepted for consideration and registered 16 complaints prepared with the assistance of the Memorial Human Rights Center; six of them are already under consideration in court.

Since the spring of 2000, the Memorial Human Rights Center has been assisting victims of the armed conflict in Chechnya in filing complaints with the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights. Six complaints began in the summer, all related to killings or attempted killings of civilians. They are united in three cases, in three episodes.

1. Bombardment of a column of refugees on the Rostov-Baku highway on October 29, 1999. The exit of refugees from Chechnya to Ingushetia was blocked by federal troops on October 23. On 29, according to the statements of the federal command, the opening of the Kavkaz-1 checkpoint was scheduled. On this day, on the highway, a column of people and cars waiting for a pass stretched for 15 kilometers. It was announced that the checkpoint would not be opened, but when the vehicles with refugees moved deep into Chechnya, they were attacked from the air by Russian attack aircraft. Among the destroyed cars, two belonged to the Red Cross, several dozen people died.

2. Murders of residents of the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny during its “cleansing” in January 2000. Bombing and shelling of the city began in September 1999, it was blocked by federal forces in early December. Safe corridors for leaving Grozny were not provided, and tens of thousands of people did not dare to leave it under shelling. The Staropromyslovsky district, stretching along the highway for tens of kilometers, was the first to be taken under control by Russian military personnel. During several weeks of January, dozens of residents who remained in their homes were killed by the military there.

Several people survived after the execution and were able to tell about what happened.

3. The death of residents of the village of Katyr-Yurt February 4, 2000 In late January - early February 2000, the federal command carried out a "special operation", luring the Chechen detachments defending Grozny from the city to the plain.

Detachments of militants were deliberately allowed into the villages, previously declared by the federal side as "security zones", after which their destruction began with the use of aviation and artillery. "Corridors" for the exit of civilians from the villages were not organized, as a result, more than one and a half hundred people died in the village of Katyr-Yurt.

These cases have undergone preliminary consideration, and relevant requests have been sent to the Russian government. The Russian side has provided its explanations on these requests, and the cases are to be considered on the merits. The armed conflict in Chechnya has been going on for more than a year. During this time, thousands of civilians of different nationalities died during the bombing, shelling and "cleansing", were illegally detained, beaten, tortured in the "filtration" system. According to the official statement of the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the observance of human and civil rights in Chechen Republic, more than four thousand people turned to him with complaints about serious crimes against a person committed by employees of the Russian law enforcement agencies, for which criminal cases were to be initiated. Meanwhile, to date, the Russian prosecutor's office has initiated less than twenty such cases against military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, there are no courts in Chechnya to which citizens could apply with their complaints.

Meanwhile, since 1996, after Russia joined the Council of Europe, its citizens can apply to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights. Human rights are not internal affairs states. In addition, when joining the Council of Europe, Russia voluntarily gave up part of its sovereignty, recognizing the jurisdiction of the Strasbourg Court.

But it is well known that for such an appeal it is necessary to exhaust all national funds judicial protection - from the district to the supreme court.

However, if national remedies are not available or are ineffective, the complaint may be taken directly. The precedent for such treatment was given in the cases of Turkish Kurds. The Human Rights Center "Memorial" intends to further assist the victims of armed conflicts in the judicial protection of their legal rights.

On October 12, 2000, in Grozny, as a result of a car explosion near the building of the Oktyabrsky District Department of the Interior, seventeen people were killed and sixteen were injured. Both among the dead and among the wounded, many are civilians in Grozny who came to the internal affairs bodies to issue passports or for other everyday reasons. From the very beginning of the current armed conflict on the territory of the Chechen Republic, civilians have been suffering from both warring parties, which in their actions do not want to take into account the security of civilians. Both international organizations (such as the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe) and most non-governmental human rights organizations, quite rightly holding the federal side responsible for mass death of the civilian population in Chechnya, they always talked about violations of humanitarian law by Chechen armed groups. At the beginning of the war, when large-scale hostilities were underway, Chechen armed groups opposing federal forces often located their positions near civilian objects and within settlements. This created an obvious threat to the lives of civilians. When Russian troops occupied the settlements of Chechnya and a guerrilla war began, civilians began to die from fire during attacks on checkpoints and places of deployment of federal forces, during mine explosions on the roads. However, the terrorist act committed on October 12 cannot be considered among other episodes of the guerrilla war. The place and time of this explosion deliberately endangered civilians. One of two things: either its organizers are completely indifferent to the lives of civilians, or in this way they deliberately intimidate everyone who comes into any contact with federal structures. In both cases, the organizers and perpetrators of the explosion are cynical criminals. History shows that partisan movements often turn to indiscriminate terror and outright banditry. If the armed formations opposing the federal forces in Chechnya have chosen this path, then their moral defeat is obvious.

Memorial: "humanitarian corridor" with mass graves.
The human rights community Memorial now on July 3 circulated the results of an investigation conducted by community workers in Chechnya in 2000 into the execution of a column of refugees inside a humanitarian corridor. As REGNUM reported earlier, Nurdi Nukhadzhiev, a lawyer for the President of Chechnya on human rights, informed about the discovery of 2 mass graves in Chechnya. In the first of them, about 800 bodies are supposedly buried, in the second - about 30. Below is the story of the appearance of the second burial, compiled by the Memorial community based on the testimony of witnesses. On October 29, 1999, a convoy of cars with refugees left the town of Argun in a northerly direction. People wanted to leave the areas in which battles could soon unfold, and which by this time were already subjected to periodic bombing and missile attacks. Over the past weeks, Russian troops, having taken control of the northern - Nadterechny, Naursky and Shchelkovo - regions of Chechnya, slowly moved south to Surovoy. On October 26, Russian money of mass information spread the message that from October 29 “humanitarian corridors” would be opened for the departure of civilians from Chechnya either to Ingushetia or to the northern regions of the Chechen Republic.

It seemed to almost all the refugees that it was most desirable to taxi to the northern regions, already occupied by Russian troops. On October 29, at about 9 a.m., a column of refugees passed through the village of Petropavlovskoye and set off along the highway towards the village of Goryacheistochnenskaya, adjacent to the regional center - the large village of Tolstoy-Yurt. On the outskirts of these 2 populated points, positions of Russian troops were already located. When the convoy of cars approached Goryacheistochnenskaya, an artillery strike was launched on it without warning. The fire, apparently, was fired from the artillery positions of the federal troops located on the heights near the village of Vinogradovoe, to the northeast of Goryacheistonenskaya. For 4 hours, the combatants did not let the columns of local residents to the place of shelling, who wanted to help people in misfortune. Only later, as far as the head of the administration of the village of Goryacheistochnenskaya could agree with the combatants, did a truck with young people from the village of Tolstoy-Yurt leave to help the victims, who were able to take out the wounded and part of the bodies of the dead. However, a group of 5 frightened kids, driven by a seventeen-year-old man, for another 5 days, without a havka and warm clothes, she hid from shelling in the mounds.

Only on November 3 did they get to the village of Goryacheistochnenskaya, where they were given first aid. As a result of the shelling, at least 20 3 refugees died, seven more people later died from wounds in the clinic. Among the dead were at least 5 babies. Several 10 people were injured. It is likely that the dead were larger. Definitely to establish their number is not certain. Some of the dead were buried by local residents in the cemetery of the village of Tolstoy-Yurt, some of the bodies were taken by relatives for burial in other populated areas of Chechnya.

Those organisms that could not be removed from the crash site immediately were buried by combatants along with separated cars. June 2 and 3, 2000 only.

Human rights violations in Chechnya by the Russian military
Violations of human rights in Chechnya by the Russian military - murders, abductions, beatings and torture of the population of Chechnya by Russian security forces. Some of the crimes committed by the federal troops were investigated by the European Court of Human Rights, after which Russia paid large compensations to the victims. The majority of human rights violations in Russian courts have not been considered or the defendants have been given lenient sentences.

In January 2000, in the Staropromyslovsky district of Chechnya, the Russian military attacked civilians for profit: they shot women to make it easier to remove their earrings, and people with Slavic appearance were also shot.

There is information that in the spring or summer of 2000, representatives of Russian law enforcement agencies executed an unknown number of captured militants. We are talking about a small group that participated in the battle with the sergeant of the Kursk OMON Andrei Khmelevsky (posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia). According to one of the Kursk riot police, “Soon this gang was caught. Too bad we didn't have time to ask. The brothers detained them. They identified the identities and immediately destroyed everyone. ”

Massacre in Novye Aldy

On February 5, 2000, 56 civilians were shot by the Russian military in the village of Novye Aldy and adjacent areas of the city of Grozny. Most of the inhabitants killed by the punishers were Chechens, and some of them were Russians. The Russian side did not admit its guilt in what happened, but did not deny that on that day in Novye Aldy, the St. Petersburg OMON carried out a “special operation.” Nevertheless, Russia lost all processes in this case before the European Court of Human Rights. The Russian riot police acted with extreme cruelty, shooting children, women and the elderly, and then burning people still alive with a flamethrower. Witnesses also reported rapes of civilians and beheadings (49-year-old Sultan Temirov, according to witnesses, had his head cut off alive and his body thrown to dogs). OMON first demanded gold and money from the residents, then the residents were shot, and the Russian military pulled out gold teeth from some corpses.

On March 2, 2002, four young Chechens were killed. According to human rights activist Libkhan Bazaeva, the young people were building a greenhouse when soldiers approached them and took them away to check their documents. Two days later, Russian channels announced a shootout between these people and soldiers, as a result of which the terrorists were allegedly killed. The bodies of the killed guys were stabbed with a knife, their hands were tied behind their backs, one had a badly damaged ear. Bazaeva claims that “This crime will go unpunished, no one will look for the guilty Russian soldiers. Such crimes are in the order of things. The corruption in the army has reached its limit, the trade in corpses, rapes are becoming more and more frequent, and the rapes of men - the "new practice" - are occurring in abundance. “The military tell us bluntly that they will kill all our husbands and make us their wives so that we will give birth to Russian children.”

On January 13, 2005, federal forces in the village of Zumsoy, Itum-Kalinsky District, carried out a cleansing operation: they robbed local residents and carried out pogroms. After the cleansing was completed, four local residents were loaded onto helicopters: Vakha and Atabi Mukhaev (16-year-old), father and son, as well as Shakhran Nasipov and Magomed-Emin Ibishev. After that, no one saw them. The military claimed that all four went to the mountains to fight against the bandits, although it was the Russian military who took them away that day. Then, in the same winter, federal troops once again came to the village: they destroyed the school, desecrated the mosque, slaughtered the cattle, saying that they would not let people live there, otherwise militants might be hiding there. On July 4, the head of the village administration, Abdul-Azim Yangulbaev, was shot by masked men who spoke fluent Russian in front of witnesses. He demanded that the authorities return the stolen civilians. The surviving Mehdi and Salakh Mukhtaevs sent a complaint to the Strasbourg court, and in the fall, an official request from Strasbourg came to the Russian government. On the night of December 29-30, they also came for Mekhti Mukhtaev: in his underwear and barefoot, he was taken away by people in camouflage uniforms and masks who spoke Chechen in SIZO No. 1 in the city of Grozny. He was tortured for several weeks, threatened with the death of his relatives. Then, according to the testimony of a badly beaten prisoner, who, when giving evidence, could not even stand on his feet, he was accused of banditry. Later, your testifier against him admitted that he was forced to give false testimony under torture. According to Anna Politkovskaya, who investigated the case, the investigators wanted to prove to Strasbourg that the applicant was a separatist, and that is why he went to court with a complaint against the Russian authorities.

Abductions and torture by Kadyrov's close associates

Human Rights Watch stated in 2005 that the "vast majority" of abductions over two recent years committed by Kadyrov's people. According to Ayut Titiev, a representative of Memorial in Gudermes, Kadyrov himself tortured one of his opponents with a blowtorch, another person was hung up for 36 hours and beaten iron bars. To intimidate the inhabitants of the village of Tsotsin-Yurt, Kadyrov ordered the severed head of one of the rebels to be impaled.

Trials against Russia and the Russian military

In most cases, cases against the Russian military were either not considered by Russian courts or very light sentences were handed down. As noted in May 2008 by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chechen Republic N. Nukhazhiev, “1873 criminal cases initiated on the facts of kidnapping remain unsolved and suspended for failure to identify the persons involved in the crimes. All these criminal cases are being processed by the territorial civil prosecutor's offices, and given that the suspects in their commission are military personnel, all these cases are practically doomed to be suspended.

However, a number of processes caused a serious public outcry. Many residents of Chechnya were eventually forced to apply to the European Court of Human Rights.

* One of the most high-profile cases was the case of Budanov. This case was accompanied by strong pressure from the military. As a result, Budanov was charged with the murder of a young woman (rape was not taken into account by the court). After Budanov was convicted, he was amnestied, but after the indignation of the human rights community and a number of politicians, the criminal was again forced to return to prison.

* Another high-profile trial against the Russian military was the trial of Arakcheev and Khudyakov. Arakcheev was suspected of killing 3 workers in Chechnya. As a result, both suspects were released on bail.

* Another well-known case was the Ulman case. Ulman was found guilty of murder, abuse of power and deliberate destruction of property and sentenced to 14 years in prison to be served in a strict regime colony. Lieutenant Alexander Kalagansky was sentenced to 11 years, and warrant officer Vladimir Voevodin was sentenced to 12 years.

* An officer of the Nizhnevartovsk police department, Sergey Lapin, was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2005 on charges of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm under aggravating circumstances, abuse of power under aggravating circumstances, and official forgery (in connection with the disappearance in January 2001 of Zelimkhan Murdalov ). In 2007, his case was sent by the Supreme Court for a new trial.