Articles about famous people famous for their work. Geniuses choose self-education

Life can bring many pleasant surprises - the main thing is not to give up and achieve success. Therefore, if you are 30, and you think that you have not achieved anything, and life has been in vain, drive away such destructive thoughts from yourself. Here are 10 stories of people who gained success over the years because they weren't afraid to change their lives at a "late" age.

Ray Kroc, co-founder of the McDonald's brand. Was a seller of disposable cups until the age of 52

“I turned 52 in '54. I developed arthritis, suffered from diabetes, lost my gallbladder and almost my entire thyroid. But I did not stop believing in my luck, ”- this is a phrase from the memoirs of Ray Kroc. During this period, he met the Macdonalds, and this meeting changed his life.

Kroc had been an entrepreneur before, but all his ideas eventually failed. Therefore, Ray's finances were limited, and in addition to all the diseases, deafness developed with age. In 1954, when he tried to acquire a license to expand the McDonald's chain, he could not get a single bank loan. Krok took a chance and mortgaged his own house. The result of the risk is known to all of us. The businessman himself lived another third of a century in full prosperity, earning 600 million dollars.

Harland David (Colonel) Sanders, KFC. At the age of 40, he began offering fried chicken to customers of his own gas station.

The fate of one of the most famous creators of a chain of fast food establishments was difficult: he lost his father when he was young, so from childhood he had to cook food, as his mother worked very hard. David himself began to earn from the age of 10, changing many professions. At the age of 12, due to a quarrel with his stepfather, he left the house with nothing in his soul. A typical plot for a film about the American dream - however, all this happened in reality.

“Roast chicken is a symbol of national hospitality for me. Yes, that's right - all in capital letters. And it doesn't matter who sat down at the table: the head of state, a bigwig from parliament or an ordinary person. He is your guest, and you are obliged to feed him deliciously, ”Sanders liked to say when his business became a truly American property.

JK Rowling, author of books about the young wizard Potter. Received benefits as unemployed until the age of 31

Draft notes for the future super-popular novel Joan began to do in the 90th year. Ahead of her were seven years of life in poverty, unemployment, a scandalous divorce. In 1997, the first book was published. Now Rowling is the best British author (in terms of the number of copies of books sold) and has turned from a poor single mother into a millionaire.

Amancio Ortega, owner of Zara. Worked in an ordinary position in a store until the age of 37

Amancio grew up in a poor family, and because of this, he did not even receive a high school diploma. His career was launched at the age of 13, when he got a job as a courier in a shirt shop. After 23 years, Amancio opened his own knitwear company.

At first, he worked with his wife Rosalia: they sewed lingerie, nightgowns and women's dressing gowns, working at home. When the client, who ordered a large batch of lingerie, was rejected from the order, and the spouses had to look for ways to sell the products. This prompted them to open a small Zorba store in 1975. At that moment, Amancio "knocked" 40. In 2012, according to Bloomberg, Ortega was recognized as the richest man in Europe - the holding created over the years is the owner of the Zara trademarks and many others.

Harrison Ford, actor, later producer. Worked as a carpenter until the age of 30

Harrison decided to give up his dream of a successful acting career in 1968, when all the moments he played were cut from the film Zabriskie Point. The failed actor went into carpentry and worked like that for quite a long time, until, by chance, he met George Lucas and played a role in the film American Graffiti.

Mary Kay Ash, creator of the Mary Kay brand. Was a sales representative until the age of 45

Mary gave a quarter of a century to the work of a sales representative, but did not achieve the slightest advance in her career. As soon as she turned 45, she made the decision to do away with a dead end job and create a book for women who dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. When the book was written, Mary realized that in front of her was a great business plan for the production and sale of beauty products. Mary Kay Cosmetics was founded in 1963. Mary was helped by her husband, and the start-up capital of the company amounted to 5 thousand dollars.

“I dreamed of a company that gives any married woman with children a chance to build their own successful work,” Mary admitted.

Henry Ford. Became an Entrepreneur at 40

Henry, who came from a family of Irish settlers, ran away from home at an early age and went in search of a better life to Detroit. After various vicissitudes, he mastered the profession of a mechanical engineer and until the age of 36 he worked in the company of the inventor Edison. Henry assembled his first car at the age of 30, but it took him another 10 years to fully set up production.

The entrepreneur "knocked" 45 when his car earned recognition. It was the famous Ford T from 1908.

Ursula Burns, CEO of Xerox. Was an ordinary employee until the age of 32

Ursula grew up in one of the poorest areas of Manhattan - Down East Side, living in a social home for the poor. In the 80s, she got a job as an intern at Xerox. After 29 years, a diligent and intelligent woman headed this corporation, becoming the first black top manager in the United States.

Sheldon Adelson, creator of Las Vegas Sands. Was a seller of hygiene products and glass cleaners for up to 30 years

Having dropped out of school at the age of 12, Sheldon changed many professions: he was a newspaper seller, sold batches of hygiene products for hotels, established De-Ice-It with his brother to sell sprays with car “anti-freeze”, was a broker ... Sheldon's father is an old taxi driver from Boston - he liked to joke about this: "Sheldon is like old horse dung - he is everywhere."

At 30, Sheldon became interested in new technologies and organized an exhibition of IT equipment in Las Vegas. In 1988, the indefatigable entrepreneur, who turned 55, founded a corporation that has become the largest online casino in the world.

Manoy Bhargava, creator of the 5-Hour Energy drink. Was a monk in an Indian temple until the age of 30

After graduating from monasticism, Manoj came to America and decided to become an entrepreneur by starting an energy drink company. Not without scandals - big information "battles" were fought around the negative impact of these drinks on the body. But even the ability of a person to radically change his life, reincarnated from a monk into a multibillionaire, arouses admiration.

Andrea Bocelli, singer. Worked as a musician in bars until the age of 33

The boy, cherishing the dream of becoming an opera soloist, lost his sight at the age of 12. But he did not forget the dream - and especially for this he went to Italian Turin. During the day, he was engaged in singing with a famous operatic tenor, and in the evenings he played in entertainment establishments to earn money.

In 1992, the young talent was successfully cast by Zucchero, a well-known rock performer in Italy. The recording from the audition came to the tenor Luciano Pavarotti, thanks to which Andrea's successful career began. Now he is a fairly well-known professional singer.

Ang Lee, director. Didn't work until age 36

Eng studied the basics of filmmaking in America and even became the author of two good student films. However, the further career did not work out, and for 6 years the young director did not work. It wasn't until 1990 that the 36-year-old Lee won a script competition, finally becoming a sought-after film director. Now his name is known all over the world thanks to the paintings: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Hulk", etc.

It is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of self-education. Of course, at school and university you can get valuable knowledge, but it is the process of self-education that makes a person a real person, cultivates self-discipline and broadens one's horizons as much as possible.

What is self-education?

Self-education is a continuous process of personal development. Being engaged in self-education, a person acquires knowledge and skills outside of any educational institution. Unlike the traditional one, the education of such a council is not limited to certain terms, and you can receive it all your life.

Psychologists say that self-education is an integral part of self-development. There are many ways to improve your knowledge. For example, you can study languages ​​on your own, read books in a certain field, attend independent workshops and lectures, etc. Finally, traveling and interacting with people can also become an important part of the self-education process.

Geniuses who taught themselves

Among the adherents of self-education are many world-famous names. Paying tribute to traditional educational institutions, geniuses have always looked for sources of knowledge and inspiration outside the university walls.

Albert Einstein

famous physicist and Nobel Laureate was one of the most desperate adherents of self-education. Many schoolchildren, justifying themselves to their parents, still use the example of the “negligent Einstein”, who was later recognized as a genius.

Indeed, Einstein was not a model student, but he never wasted time either. Already in his school years, he preferred self-education, and at the university he skipped lectures, studying independently selected materials.

The physicist received the necessary knowledge mainly from books, which allowed him to develop independent thinking early. In addition, from an early age, Einstein did not take anything for granted, did not trust the statements of even experienced scientists, verified them empirically and analyzed them.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Oddly enough, the scientist who developed the Moscow University project was not himself an adherent of traditional education. He received a systematic education at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, the St. Petersburg Academic University and the University of Marburg. However, Lomonosov himself argued that it was self-education that was the key element in his development.

Mikhail Lomonosov, who possessed unique versatile knowledge and a flexible mind, always strived for knowledge, but did not overestimate the importance of educational institutions. Starting with reading church books at an early age, Lomonosov "absorbed" various literature and absorbed the knowledge of all sorts of masters.

The scientist's inquisitive mind made him critical of traditional forms of education. So, in Germany, Lomonosov literally fought with one of the professors, whose approach to teaching he considered too superficial. Today, Lomonosov can be called a vivid example of a person who successfully combined university studies with self-education.

Heinrich Schliemann

Schliemann was a self-taught archaeologist and entrepreneur who became famous for discovering Troy. Heinrich Schliemann became, perhaps, one of the most famous adherents of self-education. It was self-education that allowed him to reach heights in several areas at once.

At a young age, the future researcher did not receive a full-fledged education, but from childhood he discovered in himself the need for new knowledge and adventure. Schliemann began by reading the books of ancient writers, learned ancient Greek and studied the originals of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Over time, he became a real expert in this field and, as an adult, he decided to radically change his life. Guided by the knowledge obtained independently from ancient sources, Schliemann decided to find the famous Troy, and he succeeded!

In addition, Schliemann was a true polyglot. He even invented his own method of learning languages. The method was to read aloud as much as possible in foreign language. This helps to quickly learn new vocabulary and language rules through the simultaneous pronunciation and perception of speech. Thus, Schliemann learned not only ancient Greek, but also English, Dutch, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and learned the basics of other languages.

By the way, Schliemann did not shy away from traditional education and believed that it was never too late to learn. At the age of 44, he entered the Sorbonne to study ancient history and archeology. True, he never completed the training course - his independently acquired knowledge turned out to be much more extensive than the academic program.

Among the recognized geniuses there are many other adherents of self-education. These include: Isaac Newton, Jack London, who independently took a school course, Salvador Dali, who believed that he had nothing to learn from teachers, Pablo Picasso, Otto von Bismarck, Leo Tolstoy, who did not associate the acquisition of knowledge with educational institutions, and many others…

Today I would like to talk with you about such a necessary component of success as education. Statistics show that the number of people with one, two, or even three higher educations in Russia is growing.

However, again, the same statistics, and even our eyes "tell" us that diplomas do not solve such issues as: the growth of people's well-being, their satisfaction with life, self-realization, the achievement of dreams and goals, and not always a red diploma is a green light in life.

On the contrary, "hooligans" (those who studied for twos and threes, slept in pairs or skipped them) in many cases, thanks to the developed defense, "decide", negotiate, "spin" (it's better to think of something than to teach), in a certain way communicate in life become more successful.

It turns out that the models of science are looking for work, and "loafers" who know nothing "have" to open, establish businesses, companies and hire the first ones. Therefore, it turns out from the outside, the fool leads the reasonable. Indeed, at present, the market for those who are looking for a job is much larger than for those who give.

Why is that? Higher education has become a certain mania, there is a strong opinion that without education it is impossible to achieve something, although more than 50% of the "stamped" bachelors, specialists, masters do not work in their specialty, which means that 4-6 years of LIFE is relatively lost.

A student comes with the knowledge of a big "0" and says: "I need" 4 ". The answer is "what for?" - "Let it be, it can come in handy." Around the emphasis is not on education as a source of understanding yourself, some processes you need , and on the number in the certificate - a bubble that disappears when graduating outside the door of the university.

Sometimes people go to the point of absurdity, throwing away an amount for training (tuition fees, accommodation, search and "work decision"), which, if placed on a regular bank deposit, would give more than the received, "desirable" job.

"Live and learn," says folk wisdom. However, in this case it is self-development, which, unlike the academic one, where everything is given with the thought "but it may come in handy", has an applied character. And it is precisely those people who have developed this line of self-education in themselves, as a rule, reach the heights.

It is worth thinking about, regardless of what you are doing at this stage of your life, what you are really interested in, and start studying it, looking for people who are masters of this business, make it a hobby, think about how to make money on it - after all, perhaps, the point life is to do a thing that turns you on, inspires you, gives you pleasure and at the same time provides a decent living.

I want to give a list of very famous and successful people who did not have an academic education, however, thanks to perseverance and self-education, they became one of the richest in the world. Here is the list: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Picasso, Hemingway, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Howard Hughes, Stephen Hawking, Richard Branson, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John Davidson Rockefeller, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak, Ingvar Kamprad, Francois Pino, Michael Dell, Ruth Handler, Lillian Vernon, Kirk Kerkorian, Ralph Lauren, Sheldon Adelson and others.. .

These people are billionaires who influenced the development of mankind, who did not even deal with such trifles as HIGHER EDUCATION! We all grew up, being firmly convinced that a quality education and the opportunity to earn a lot are directly related to each other.

However, today the examples of numerous billionaires who did not even finish school are quite capable of convincing us of the opposite. Here is a summary of some of them:

Millionaires without education

Thomas Edison

John Davison Rockefeller

Rockefeller's name has become a symbol of wealth, it has become a household name. He had a villa land plot on 700 acres on the outskirts of Cleveland, as well as homes in the states of New York, Florida, Maine and a personal golf course in New Jersey. But most of all he loved the villa "Pocantico Hills" near New York. Rockefeller prided himself on his generosity. Considering himself a Christian businessman, from childhood he counted 10% of his church income. In 1905, this "tithe" amounted to 100 million US dollars.

Bill Gates

“You can love it or hate it, but you just can’t ignore it,” writes Fortune magazine, edited by John Hugh.

Paul Allen

He stepped down from the board of directors of Microsoft, retaining his position as chief strategy consultant, because Bill Gates will not tolerate anyone other than Allen, whose friendship has been going on for the fourth decade, as an adviser ...

Steve Jobs

He was not the inventor of the first Apple personal computer, it was invented by Steve Wozniak. However, Steve Jobs can be considered his surrogate father as he brought the idea of ​​the PC to fruition. If Jobs hadn't put as much energy and dedication into commercializing the Apple 1 project as possible, the PC might have had a very different fate.

Steve Wozniak

In 1975 he left the University of California (he would return there later to complete his EECS studies and receive his bachelor's degree in 1986) and arrived with the computer that eventually made him famous. However, he mainly worked to impress the members of the Home Computer Club, which was located in Palo Alto. He did not set himself any lofty goal.

Larry Ellison

Founder of Oracle - one of the largest American companies, developer of database management systems.

Ingvar Kamprad

Started doing business in childhood selling matches to neighbors. He found that he could buy them cheaply in bulk in Stockholm and then retail them at a low price and make a good profit. Subsequently, he was engaged in the sale of fish, Christmas decorations, seeds, ballpoint pens and pencils. When he was 17 years old, with money received from his father as a gift, Ingvar founded an enterprise that later became IKEA.

Henry Ford

Most Americans believe that Henry Ford invented the automobile. Everyone is sure that Henry Ford invented the conveyor, although 6 years before Ford, a certain Ransome Olds used moving carts in production, and belt conveyors were already used in grain elevators and meat processing plants in Chicago. Ford's merit is that he created mass production. He invented the car business. When enterprises became economically organized, there was a need for a manager. The 20th century has become the century of governance. But in order to come to this, creators had to appear at the beginning of the century. Henry Ford was such a creator. And for this he was recognized by Fortune magazine as the best businessman of the 20th century.

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin corporation, which includes dozens of different branches: music disc stores, air and rail companies, a radio station and a publishing house. Branson is known to the general public for his out-of-the-box acts, including hosting his own talk show and repeated attempts to break world speed records. In 2007, according to the London newspaper The Times, his fortune amounted to 3 billion pounds.

François Pinault

One of the richest Frenchmen (capital - 9.2 billion euros), head of the Pinault-Printemps-Redoute group, which includes numerous department stores and the Christie's auction house, as well as the fashion houses of Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci.

Michael Dell

Investment fund managers are ready to blow dust off this person. Michael Dell proved with his brilliant example that to achieve financial success it is not at all necessary to have a diploma from higher education.

Ruth Handler

This woman gave birth to two children and ... a doll. Children brought her joy, and the doll - money. Today, "mother" Barbie is one of the richest and most famous women in the United States. Her company ranks first in the world in terms of turnover of capital brought down on toys.

Kirk Kerkorian

Almost a Las Vegas legend: the billionaire owns shares in the largest casinos Bellagio, Excaliber, Luxor, Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand, New York-New York, Circus Circus, Mirage and so on. Achieving tremendous success in the world of gambling did not prevent Kerkorian from leaving school in the 8th grade.

David Geffen

A famous figure in the American entertainment industry, he also failed to graduate from the University of Austin. However, that hasn't stopped Geffen from becoming the co-founder of the popular DreamWorks studio, which has been releasing one animated hit after another over the past few years.

Ralph Lauren

The American designer has become one of the modern icons of the fashion world. Lauren announced his intention to become a millionaire at school, where he earned his first money by selling ties. Later, Ralph Lauren dropped out of the City College of New York and founded his own brand Polo Ralph Lauren, which has become one of the most popular fashion brands in the world.

Sheldon Adelson

Another gambling legend and, concurrently, a former student at the City College of New York, next to Lauren did not complete his education. Today Adelson is the chief executive of the Las Vegas Sands corporation, which owns the hotel complex with the Venetian casino. Resort Hotel Casino and Sands Expo & Convention Center. In addition, Adelson became one of the co-founders of one of the largest computer exhibitions in the US, COMDEX.

Howard Hughes Robard Jr.

American industrial entrepreneur, engineer, American aviation pioneer and innovator, director, film producer, and one of the richest people in the world. He is known for building the Hughes Hercules aircraft (also known as the Spruce Goose, although it was made primarily from birch), the ship and the Glomar Explorer project, and to some extent for his eccentric behavior.

Stephen William Hawking

Renowned astrophysicist, one of the most influential British scientists, co-author of the LHC. In his own words, it is known that, as a professor of mathematics, he never received any mathematical education since high school. In his first year at Oxford, Hawking read a textbook two weeks ahead of his own students.

Of course, the list of such people can be continued. And, as you can see, not the number of diplomas, but the amount of start-up capital do wonders. There is only one conclusion: in order to succeed, you need dedication, hard work, devotion to the work you love, and, of course, SELF-EDUCATION.

We decided to find out what the future holds for Hollywood, and who will replace the irreplaceable Angelina Jolie , Madonna and Jack Nicholson! We invite you to get to know young, famous, and very talented artists!

Dakota Fannng (age 20)

Saoirse Ronan (20 years old)

Her name means "freedom" in Irish. She is an incredibly talented and ambitious girl who has achieved incredible success for her years! Despite the fact that she does not often appear in the gossip column, critics around the world are betting on Saoirse, supporting any of her undertakings. Be sure to watch the movie "The Lovely Bones" with her and see the talent of this beautiful girl.

Willow Smith (age 13)

Willow is only 13 years old, and she is already an idol for millions of American teenagers! Still: her style and manner of performing songs was appreciated even by Lady Gaga! And we know that this lady has the right taste! :) By the way, she is a daughter Will Smith, so it is not surprising that the girl has the same stellar ambitions as her dad.

Elle Fanning (16 years old)

El - younger sister Dakota Fanning. Despite her young age, she is one of the youngest actresses in Hollywood! El has a filmography that many stars can envy. One of her latest film credits is Maleficent" With Angelina Jolie. Not bad, right? :)

Chloe Grace Moretz (age 17)

Chloe Grace Moretz has already starred in more than 90 films, in 2011 she received a channel award"MTV" in the nominations "Breakthrough of the Year" and "The coolest" star for his role in the film " Kick-Ass". By the way, she was recently in YES! in the "YES!-girl" section, and this is already a level! :)

AnnaSophia Robb (age 20)

Does anyone remember this beauty from the movie " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", while others know her from the TV series" The Kerry Diaries". The young actress perfectly knows how to transform into a variety of heroines, for which she received not only several prestigious awards, but also something more serious - the love of millions of fans around the world.

Justin Bieber (age 20)

We thought for a long time whether to include a Canadian artist in the list, because Justin is a real star and everyone knows about him. But as you can see, we still included him in our selection. :) It is now every day that scandalous news appears with the participation of a young star. A couple of years ago, Justin was just starting his career singing ballads. Justin Timberlake and Ne-Yo. With video hosting YouTube noticed him Asher, which made a world star out of a simple guy. We really hope that Bieber remembers where he started. After all, fans are ready to forgive him for any antics. But their patience is not forever ...

Ariana Grande (20 years old)

Ariana is only gaining popularity in Russia, because abroad her hits are already occupying the first lines of numerous hit parodies. The young American woman has a good voice, good looks and no scandals around her name. Therefore, it is not surprising that teenagers love it so much! :)

Brooklyn Beckham (age 15)

First son Victoria and David Beckham has already started acting for glossy publications and attending parties. Brooklyn is a real daddy's boy. He copies David literally in everything: he adopts his clothing style and learns to perform complex football tricks. By the way, Brooklyn is one of the heirs of Sir's multi-million dollar fortune. Elton John. But you should not think that a real star is growing out of a guy, because he earns extra money in his free time. waiter .

Ulyana Litvinova (13 years old)

Even at the first glance at this cute girl, it is immediately clear whose daughter she is. Ulyana is like 2 drops of water similar to her mother - Renata Litvinova. Girls often appear in public instead, but they do not give any interviews. Which does not prevent Ulyana from leading an active social life, where she often posts her family photos. By the way, both beauties recently dreamed for one Russian fashion brand.

Island Baldwin (age 19)

Daughter Alec Baldwin and Kim BasingerIreland Baldwin signed her first contract with an agency at the age of 17 IMGmodels. Now the girl is a real it-girls, who does not miss a single fashion show, poses for photographers with pleasure and is not afraid to be in the spotlight. She does not dream of being an actress, but is trying to conquer the modeling business. We hope she succeeds! :)

Abigail Breslin (age 18)

Charming Abigail is known for the films " My guardian angel», « Welcome to Zombieland" and " Nim Island". For the role of a girl who dreams of winning a beauty contest in the film " Little Miss Happy”, In 2007, the girl was nominated for an Oscar in the category of best supporting actress, thus becoming one of the youngest nominees in the history of the American Film Academy.

Jodelle Ferland (age 19)

Finest hour for the young actress came in 2005 in the film " Tideland”, which collected many positive reviews from critics and fans. And many "Twilight" fans remember her from the saga " Twilight. Eclipse where Ferland played the young vampire convert Bree.

Lourdes Leon (17 years old)

Lourdes is Madonna's eldest daughter. Today, she is remembered even without the prefix - "daughter of a famous mother." True, many media outlets accuse the girl of lack of taste, but she earned the attention of the press with the release of youth fashion clothes. material girl. By the way, you can see her in Madonna's video " celebration”, we note that she is moving well there! :)

Hailee Steinfeld (age 17)

American actress who made her feature film debut playing Matty Ross in the film iron grip". For this role she was nominated for an Academy Award in 2011 for Best Supporting Actress, as well as a BAFTA Award for Best Actress. You probably remember her from the movie Romeo and Juliet", where the handsome men also played Douglas Booth and Ed Westwick.

How do you like our selection? Who would you include in this list? :)

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