Higher education remotely jurisprudence. Legal education remotely: advantages and prospects. Is it possible to combine the learning process with work?

A modern form of education, recently introduced in MIEPP and in high demand. How it suits you, you can understand by reading the answers to questions that potential listeners often ask us.

Is it possible to combine the learning process with work?

Yes! This is possible with the help of modern technologies. Such categories of potential students as:

  • living far from the university;
  • planning to study in their free time;
  • those for whom the Internet is a "natural habitat":
  • those who plan to study at several educational institutions at once (or in several educational areas);
  • people with rigid or special work schedules or shift workers;
  • young and large mothers;
  • people with limited mobility: the disabled and persons with temporary disabilities;
  • in military service or forced to spend a lot of time on business trips;
  • all those who prefer to independently control the intensity of their training without wasting time.

Will it distance learning with the use of distance technologies quality?

AT recent times The quality of knowledge is the most acute problem, but new technologies in education, as well as serious ministerial projects in the field of its quality, make it possible to look optimistically at the prospects for solving this problem. Distance learning is not an alternative to classical educational forms, but a new and effective tool. The educational process here is based on the Federal State Standards of Higher Education of the latest generation, the requirements of the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the use of distance learning technologies, the latest methods developed by the faculty of the Institute
Correspondence education with the use of distance technologies is widely developed abroad. Recently, it has been gaining momentum in the leading universities of the country, and it is obvious that learning via the Internet will attract more and more new supporters.
At MIEPP, you can take distance learning in any of the proposed areas of training (Psychology, Jurisprudence, Economics, Management).

Correspondence education with the use of distance technologies solves three main problems at once: the problem of time, the problem of money, the problem of distance.

  • The student himself controls the entire educational process - chooses the time for classes in accordance with the schedule convenient for him;
  • Prices for obtaining first and second higher education through distance learning are affordable for most applicants to Russian universities;
  • There is no need to produce serious financial expenses related to travel to the place of study and accommodation during the session;
  • You do not waste your own time on travel to the place of study, but come to the educational institution only to pass the state exam and defend your diploma;
  • The entire process of learning and receiving economic, psychological or legal distance education takes place behind the student's computer screen. The latest information technologies allow you to achieve a stunning effect. You, being at home, "live" are present at a lecture or seminar, communicate with fellow students or a teacher.

The advantages of such a training format are obvious. First of all, it is practically unlimited scale. If, within the framework of the traditional educational process, a professor can give a lecture to several hundred students, then a course recorded on video and transmitted via the Internet can, in principle, be listened to by any number of people.

What is needed for implementation?

Since this training is carried out via the Internet, a potential student must have basic knowledge and skills in working with a computer and, of course, constant access to the network through it.

Where can you get higher education with the use of remote technologies in Moscow?

The spread of new educational technologies in Russia is very fast. Now all Moscow, and indeed almost all Russian universities, are involved in this process in one way or another.

Among other universities, the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offers higher education and a second higher education under a distance learning program using distance technologies. By studying remotely at MIEPP, you can remotely receive:

What does the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offer in the field of distance learning with the use of distance technologies?

MIEPP provides training using distance technologies (correspondence form of education) in the following areas of training:

  • 03/40/01. - Jurisprudence
  • 38.03.02. - Management
  • 38.03.01. - Economy
  • 03/37/01. - Psychology

What are the training periods?

  • On the basis of secondary general education, primary vocational education and secondary vocational (non-core) education - 5 years.
  • On the basis of secondary vocational education (profile) - 3.5 years.
  • On the basis of higher professional education - 3.5 years.

Place of study - Moscow.

Upon completion of training, a diploma of the established sample is issued.

Modern multimedia used at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in organizing the educational process makes learning visual and accessible for those categories of students who, despite being very busy at work, hardly found an opportunity to improve their level of education. In this situation, Internet technologies in education are a chance for everyone who is trying to find the best educational program for themselves.


There are many ways to become a lawyer. One option is to train as a lawyer remotely. Of course, the older generation will object that distance education for a lawyer is the same as courses, but the results say otherwise.

It is just as difficult to study as a lawyer remotely as it is to complete it in a traditional, full-time way. And the results will depend not so much on the form of training, but on your personal desire.

Furthermore, modern education It is arranged in such a way that distance learning to become a lawyer will not differ much from the established one. All the same lectures, sometimes boring, all the same exams and far from simple ones, and all the same diploma, but obtained remotely.

Where is training for a lawyer remotely?

Who would have thought, but a few years ago the answer would have been unequivocal - nowhere. Or maybe not in Russia. But it is very difficult to imagine a lawyer, prosecutor or investigator who has received a law degree abroad, and who works in Russia in a good position - it is very difficult to know Russian legislation.

Today, distance learning for a lawyer is no longer a fantasy and look for suitable university will have among the many options.

  • One of them is Synergy University. Applicants are ready to accept under the programs of higher and secondary vocational education. The study will last about 3 years in college, up to 5 years in a university when studying for a bachelor's degree. They study here for 2 years and for a master's degree.
  • A good option is offered at the Law Institute of Moscow state university ways of communication. Training for a lawyer remotely is conducted here according to a distance learning program using distance technologies. Future bachelors will be prepared.
  • An excellent choice for applicants is offered by the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law MIEPP. Education here is also part-time, but thanks to distance technologies, in general, there is practically no need to come to the university.
  • Do you already have a higher education and want to become a Master of Laws? Distance learning for a lawyer can be done at Witte Moscow University.

And this list is far from complete. Moreover, every year the number of universities offering distance learning to become a lawyer is increasing. In the future, most likely, he will completely supplant the so-called "zaochka" so well-known to everyone.

Features of distance learning for a lawyer

One can speak about the peculiarities of training as a lawyer remotely only by comparing this method with the already known ones.

  1. At full-time, the student must attend classes every day, but this allows him to listen to lectures of teachers, use all the additional resources of the university. Of course, the student is overwhelmed with a huge number of tasks that need to be completed on time. However, daily mental work brings knowledge that is so necessary in further work.
  2. Correspondence form of education is based on the independent activity of the student. Not everyone can withstand it, but only a purposeful person.
  3. Distance education is a new form of education. This is a completely independent search for information, its application.

Despite the fact that full-time education is a classic, distance learning for a lawyer is the most promising. The following statements will confirm what has been said:

  1. Thanks to the use of computer technology, this type of education is constantly being updated. All the novelties and changes in jurisprudence fall into the field of view of the student, and he learns about them on his own. Hence the effectiveness of information.
  2. The student can use various virtual libraries, which allows him to search for any information.
  3. By studying remotely, a young person saves his time significantly, because his classes are held behind the display of a home computer.

Distance education of a lawyer: what does it give?

We can highlight the following points in defense of this type of education:

  1. Distance education of a lawyer has become possible with the use of information technology.
  2. This education can rightly be considered complete, because the student receives all the most modern technological knowledge.
  3. Although not all, but almost all universities that are engaged in distance education have a state level of accreditation. Therefore, documents on graduation from the Faculty of Law, obtained through online studies, are no different from the diplomas of a student of the stationary department.

What prospects does distance learning open up for a lawyer?

Distance learning came to us from abroad, where it has been popular for about fifty years. Today it is possible to study distance learning as a lawyer in Russia.

Now the student has the following options:

  • thoughtfully and calmly study the course of the program;
  • participate in webinars;
  • listen to electronic lectures, pass the test when it is convenient;

And just finishing his studies, a young man must appear at the institute to pass the State exams and defend his diploma.

Is distance education prestigious?

Many people go to universities, it is prestigious. If it was not possible to enter the university, applicants try their hand at entering academies and institutes. It's not so prestigious anymore. But years later, graduates note that the place of study is not important. Only experience and knowledge of your profession is important. It can be realized already in the process of work. Studying is just a push and the first step, followed by a whole series of events. Therefore, from the point of view of prestige, distance learning to become a lawyer is no different from full-time or part-time education.

What will be indicated in the diploma?

Educational standards tell us that there is a full-time, part-time and distance education. But the line between distance learning and distance learning is very blurred. Moreover, modern students and full-time students have long been learning the basics of the profession through the network.

It would be strange if universities did not take advantage of this aspect, which prefer to talk not about distance learning, but about distance learning using distance technologies. For a graduate, this means that, based on the results of studying to become a lawyer remotely, most likely not a word will be said about this in the diploma. At least today, the vast majority of graduates, having completed training as a lawyer remotely, receive diplomas indicating the correspondence form of its receipt. Whether to tell the employer all the features of obtaining a diploma or not - the choice is yours.

Possessing the necessary competence in the field legal regulation, today you can achieve impressive career growth or become an independent specialist, having the advantages of high income, position in society and opportunities for self-realization. That is why the specialty "jurisprudence" is more relevant and popular among applicants than ever before: a future student expects to achieve the desired life benefits with a diploma, having received a profession that is so valued in all sectors of society.

However, modern reality has another feature - time is of increasing importance, and now a significant number of students are thinking about whether it is worth spending several years to sit at a university every day. Education becomes mobile and allows you to receive vocational training without giving up your other needs, ambitions and plans. Is it possible to master a sought-after specialty and simultaneously work full-time, study at a metropolitan university and at the same time not leave your hometown, combine education and upbringing of a child, acquire the necessary skills and knowledge without interrupting personal projects? Yes, if we are talking about distance education, which partially resembles a correspondence format - with the only difference being that the entire educational process and testing tests are carried out completely remotely.

Pass the online training in the specialty "jurisprudence" At Synergy University, it means remotely mastering the basic disciplines, getting high-quality training, a coveted diploma and excellent job prospects.

Goals and objectives of the training program

The training of a future lawyer, whatever the form of training, includes the acquisition of professional competencies in the field of law enforcement, as well as work practice, the purpose of which is to master methods, consolidate skills and prepare for independent activity.

Distance education involves gaining knowledge in basic disciplines, participating in master classes and seminars, and completing thematic tasks. At the same time, the educational process is implemented via the Internet - on the basis of a specialized educational portal. An applicant for a bachelor's degree in law gets access to electronic materials and to all portal services that help make learning convenient and effective.

Graduate Qualification

Possession of a law degree does not mean the ability to show their knowledge in real work. The problem of novice specialists is the lack of the required experience, at least the minimum. This means that during the first years the graduate will have to try himself in the role of "apprentice", passing internships - often unpaid, and learning from more experienced colleagues, postponing for years his dreams of career growth and material well-being. Applicants act much more wisely, even at the time of admission, they were preoccupied with the issue of choosing a practice-oriented university - one where you can get real skills by attending practical classes or taking advantage of employment support during the period of study.

Moving away from the stereotype of the primacy of book knowledge, at Synergy University we have created conditions for professional growth from the first year, and a high percentage of students graduating from the Faculty of Law already have entries in work books at the time of graduation. Possessing high qualifications - in practice, and not just on paper, such a graduate can easily find a worthy workplace. In addition, practice during the study period is also an opportunity to get acquainted with various types of official duties lawyer and decide for yourself which area of ​​law to prefer later.

Scope of the profession by a graduate

Yesterday's law student, even if he has already had time to practice in the profession, often faces a problem: where to go to work, whether to choose government agency or direct your attention to private companies and organizations. The possibility of employment is primarily limited by specialization: depending on which direction of study was chosen - criminal or civil law. A novice specialist can consider for himself such initial positions:

  • legal assistant;
  • legal assistant;
  • junior lawyer.

, Remote education, education via the Internet - behind these definitions today there is not some fashionable and dubious "trick", but a fundamentally new, high-tech approach to the process of knowledge transfer. And the fact that receiving higher education remotely today is becoming more and more popular, and the number of universities with distance learning has increased dramatically, is explained not only by the development of information technology. Internet education, and especially receiving higher correspondence distance education has a number of fundamental and already generally recognized benefits for the student.


Education using distance technologies accessible from virtually anywhere in the country. To receive education remotely, it is enough to have only access to the Internet and a personal computer. You can study even in Moscow, even at the end of the world, at home, in the country and even, excuse me, on the couch. Often this is a decisive factor for those who want to combine work with study, are busy with household duties (as, for example, young mothers) or, for health reasons, cannot leave their place of residence.

Comfort and efficiency

Very flexible and convenient system of education. In fact, the student himself sets the parameters for obtaining knowledge, choosing both the schedule and the pace of classes. At the same time, for a person receiving distance education, there is no problem of finding educational materials and manuals - he receives them automatically. And, besides, when teaching with the use of distance technologies, there is an opportunity to gain knowledge from the best teachers who would hardly have left with lectures in some remote corner of the country.

Democracy and diversity

When learning with the use of distance technologies, in fact, there are no age, professional, educational, etc. restrictions. Furthermore. A student can equally successfully receive a higher or second higher education remotely. In the same way, the range of programs of higher professional education through distance learning is also wide. It covers a wide variety of areas of study. For example, in our university you can get distance higher legal education, as well as distance higher education under the program of state and municipal government. And since 2011 we have been preparing distance bachelors jurisprudence, management, economics. That is, there are many options for obtaining correspondence distance education. The main thing is to choose a university with training using distance technologies, where everything has been worked out and adjusted.


It must be noted that distance learning, especially distance education in Moscow much cheaper than the traditional one. True, there is an opinion that receiving higher education remotely, no matter what learning systems using distance technologies are used, is “not quite right”. They say that distance learning is a kind of simplification, and the education itself received via the Internet is of less quality. Actually it is not.

In any system of education using distance technologies, as, for example, in our university, constant monitoring is carried out, which ensures high quality distance education. Besides, in distance learning knowledge assessment systems are objective and independent of anyone else. Here, on the part of the teacher, it is impossible to single out a “favorite” or give an assessment of “with passion”.

Often, those who want to get an education via the Internet have a fear that the employer may not like the entry in the diploma about some kind of distance learning. Therefore, it is important to immediately understand that the form of education is indicated in the diploma in accordance with the law "On Education". And in this case - in absentia. That is learning with the use of distance technologies is a technology of correspondence education, and the word "remote" in diploma just not is written.

By the way, in February 2012, amendments were made to the legislation on education, according to which (Federal Law of February 28, 2012 No. Russian Federation"On Education" in parts of the application of e-learning, distance learning technologies") e-education and Distance Educational Technologies (DET) can be used in all educational programs implemented by educational institutions, in all forms of education.

The law clearly states that distance learning technologies refers to educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

In addition, it was determined that the structure of federal state educational standards will henceforth include requirements to create conditions that ensure the use of e-learning and distance education.

Moreover, the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2013, has a special article that regulates in detail the concepts "e-learning" and "distance educational technologies". In particular, in paragraph 1 of article 16 of the said law, it was formulated for the first time that “Under e-learning organization is understood educational activities with the use of information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means that ensure its processing, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of the specified information over communication lines, the interaction of students and teachers.

Thus, at present distance learning and education are an absolutely equal form of education in relation to traditional ones. It is no coincidence that universities with distance learning today they are more popular with applicants compared to educational institutions that do not have such a form of education.

It remains to add that the current in our university distance learning system fully complies with the most modern requirements of the legislation, and its cost has been stable for several years and will not be revised in 2017.

Getting an education remotely at MIGUP is simple and reliable!

NOU VPO "Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law" offers you to study at the university by correspondence with the use of distance technologies (Internet address: systemdo.ru). Upon graduation, a state diploma of higher education is issued.

Advantages of our distance learning system:

  • The system allows you to study without visiting an educational institution, remotely;
  • Access to educational materials and exam questions is carried out via the Internet, around the clock, which allows the student to keep his work schedule and not leave his city even during credit and examination sessions;
  • A distance learning student is not required to bear additional costs associated with a trip to Moscow, paying for meals and hotels;
  • All educational materials prepared by highly qualified teachers, including doctors and candidates of sciences. All materials meet the training standards in force in the Russian Federation;
  • Communication with the teaching staff can be carried out both in the format of correspondence by e-mail, and in the format of a question-answer (forum) on the website of the distance learning system using distance technologies.

Personal presence of the student in educational institution required only for passing the final state exams and defending a thesis.

For training in the system in admission committee ATwe should submit (according to mail or in person) the following list of documents (upon submission of documentsonly notarized copies are accepted by mail):

  • Admission Application:
    • for bachelors - download
  • Questionnaire:
    • download (.docx) sample filling
  • Original or photocopy of the passport or identity document of the applicant, citizenship.
  • The original state document on education (with an attachment!) or a copy certified by the MIGUP (certified by the admission committee according to the original) or notarized, in the prescribed manner.
  • 2 photos (3×4, matte black and white).
  • Pass testing in subjects approved as entrance examinations for your chosen area of ​​study (For Persons with higher professional and secondary professional education, foreign citizens and other categories stipulated by the admission rules).

After the MIGUP Admissions Committee receives the necessary documents from the applicant, and the parties conclude the Training Agreement, an account is created for the applicant and the appropriate access attributes (login, password) are provided.

After the applicant submits documents on tuition fees in accordance with the concluded Agreement, MIGUP issues an order for enrollment, after which the applicant becomes a student of the university.

Access to the system is located at: systemdo.ru Below are screenshots of the system: