Burgers: myths VS reality. Interesting facts about hamburgers Why burgers are bad

Burgers, which previously belonged exclusively to the fast food category, are becoming a real field for experimenting with quality products, resulting in amazing taste and unusual combinations. Despite this, juicy cutlets in mouth-watering buns continue to surround many myths. Let's find out what's true and what's not.

Deep frying, carcinogens VS grilled

Burger cutlets are fried in in large numbers oils. Due to the flow of people in fast food, it rarely changes. Accumulating in fats for frying, carcinogens get into cutlets, causing irreparable harm to the body.

The number of growing gourmets and supporters of the right and healthy food dictate their terms. Burger patties have not been fried in large amounts of oil for a long time. For this, a grill is used. It allows you to properly fry the cutlet, making it as juicy as possible.

High calorie = body hit

Burgers are high calorie foods. By using them constantly, you run the risk of gaining more than a dozen extra pounds.

Mandatory components of any burger are a meat patty and a bun. Depending on the recipe, they can be supplemented with fresh and pickled vegetables, cheese, bacon, and eggs. This is really a high-calorie dish, but cooked correctly and using quality products, while maintaining an active lifestyle, it can replace a regular lunch a couple of times a week, and not be reflected in the form of extra deposits on the body.

Those who approach the issue with pedantic scrupulousness should try the offers from modern burger and steak bars. The menu includes burgers with whole grain buns instead of regular ones. There are offers for girls when the same burger is served on a plate, but without a roll. Its role is played by the leaves of different varieties of lettuce, in which the rest of the ingredients are wrapped.

Spices and flavor enhancers VS salt and pepper

Old, good hamburgers and cheeseburgers from McDonald's have a special taste that cannot be achieved in normal conditions at home. Burger cutlets are regularly supplemented with flavor enhancers and numerous spices.

A modern burger patty is a piece of excellent pulp with a small amount of fat, chopped into small pieces with a sharp knife. Spices - salt, pepper. Proper roasting and grilling bring the formed cutlet to perfection, making it tasty, juicy, fragrant and with an appetizing crust. No flavor enhancers or flavor enhancers good meat spices are not used.

Preservatives and frozen cutlets VS fresh meat

Fast food burgers are stored and do not spoil for years

Our burgers are not stored for years - they are eaten immediately. And these are not the packaged and frozen cutlets that were offered by world chains. These are quality dishes made from freshly baked bread rolls, farm vegetables and excellent fresh, not frozen meat, which is often minced right before cooking.

Mayonnaise and ketchup VS author's sauce

Burgers are always served with ready-made sauces, which are prepared on the basis of powders, as well as fatty butter and mayonnaise.

The approach to sauces, as well as to the preparation of burgers, in general, has undergone tremendous changes. Restaurants that love their guests always offer fresh homemade sauces. This is not just ketchup squeezed onto a cutlet - it is a separately prepared component of the dish, which gives it a piquancy and gives your receptors a real paradise of flavors and mouth-watering aromas.

Take care of children - do not teach them hamburgers, inspire that it is harmful!

Even 15 years ago, we did not even suspect that food from fast food restaurants would be so popular. Fast food, represented by a huge variety of hamburgers and fries, is now becoming another conflict in the long list of disagreements between fathers and children. Doctors and not only children unanimously declare the dangers of fast food, because the constant use of hamburgers with fried potatoes can lead to obesity and other health problems. It is difficult to explain this to children, since they, first of all, worry about momentary pleasure and do not at all think about how they will feel in the future. Studies have shown that fast food is a set of carbohydrates and fats with completely absent useful substances. Children who constantly consume fast food are practically devoid of nutrients, but they receive fats in large quantities. Such an unbalanced diet can cause cardiovascular diseases and problems with the immune system, which is quite weak in a child. And given that the child is still in the formative stage, the constant use of fast food can lead to difficulty in mental development.

Looking for compromises...

Doctors say that "fast food" seems very tasty to the child due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of additives and flavor enhancers. At home, for example, a child can eat one serving of pasta or potatoes, and in fast food he will certainly want to eat more french fries after a huge hamburger with cola. This all confirms the research of scientists that appetite stimulants in the form of various seasonings are added to junk food.

Many parents make the most common mistake and start banning fast food restaurants, but this is not the most effective method. Because sometimes the parents themselves are drawn to have a bite to eat in such establishments. Therefore, in order not to go to extremes, it is necessary to strictly limit the child in visiting fast food and reduce this dubious pleasure to once a month, and gradually even less often.

Comments: total 2

Dener Maxim (Dener ) November 12, 2012.

However, until the child grows up, it is the adult who should tell him that he does not need to harm his body with fast food. Because there could be some pretty serious health problems in the future!

Re: Take care of children - do not accustom them to hamburgers, inspire that it is harmful!
Azrael Mary (Azrael )

How unhealthy are burgers and are they GMOs?

Burgers are a widely demanded and popular food all over the world. Today, in a variety of cafeterias, fast foods and other catering establishments, you can find burgers in a wide range, with a variety of tastes and additives. From time to time, many people have a completely logical question: are there GMOs in hamburgers? In order to dispel all sorts of doubts, it is necessary to initially understand all the components of this product, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

What is this popular product

The burger, first of all, gained its wide popularity due to the fact that it is a hearty dish, which includes not only a bun, but also vegetables and a meat patty. The presence of GMOs can be indicated not only by a variety of plant components, but also by meat, which has an unusual taste.

Very often, this food product is currently sold in finished form. That is, when it is packaged in a specific package, for example, a vacuum film or a branded paper bag. It is very difficult to judge the amount of harmful substances in this case, because in fact the consumer does not know exactly how the cutlet was cooked. Therefore, various flavor enhancers, preservatives, which are GMOs, could be added to it.

That is why competent experts who conduct various studies on the dangers or benefits of fast food argue that, first of all, it is necessary that in the place where you will purchase a fragrant delicacy, all the ingredients are prepared in front of you. If there were no semi-finished products in the process of creating a dish, it becomes much easier to talk about the quality of the product.

How to choose a burger?

When choosing this food product, you need to pay special attention to several indicators:

  • Price. These criteria primarily indicate what exactly the burger patty is made of. If the price does not exceed 50 rubles, obviously there are additives, soy, or some kind of preservatives. If the price is high enough, there is some guarantee that in fact the cutlet for this product is made from high-quality meat.
  • Appearance of products. Ingredients should in no case look like weathered.
  • No foreign odors.
  • The bun should be soft and fresh.
  • The meat patty should have a certain level of roasting and at the same time not reveal specific flavors. For example, in no case should cutlets be too spicy or salty.

When purchasing a burger, you need to think not only about whether there is any amount of GMOs in this product, but also to worry about your own health in terms of the freshness of the product.

Where can you buy a burger without fear for your own health

Competent experts in the field of healthy nutrition do not recommend buying a burger in:

  • McDonald's;
  • roadside cafes.

Unfortunately, the specifics of preparing a burger in such establishments does not exclude the presence of GMOs in certain products. The owner may not monitor the quality of meat or vegetables, as a result of which the product will not only have dubious taste, but also be harmful to health.

It is recommended to purchase burgers at, which fulfill the order directly in front of the client. Today, a huge number of different establishments offer a wide range of burgers, ranging from meat, ending with vegetarian, and even sweet ones. At the time of preparation of this kind of product, each client can see with his own eyes what exactly the cutlet is made of, or what vegetables are used for cooking.

Is there a GMO in a burger?

This issue worries many people around the world. With confidence, only competent specialists who have been manufacturing this product for a long time and have the conclusion of a laboratory analysis in their hands can answer it negatively. In order to protect themselves, everyone has the right to choose one or another institution, the reputation of which he considers impeccable, and try the dishes there.

Do not forget that at present the problem of GMOs is present in many food products, even in those that do not belong to fast food. Therefore, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from the presence of any additives, but it is quite possible to reduce their consumption. If you want a non-GMO burger, buy it from a place that is guaranteed to use only high quality fresh meat.

We will help you find where GMO meat patties are not prepared. from the burgerRussia team.

Hamburgers, as the main course of fast food restaurants, are a closed type sandwich with an enclosed filling. At first glance, a piece of meat covered with a bun on both sides does not make a bad impression. Moreover, people are assured of the usefulness of this simple dish.

Fast food, and in particular hamburgers, are dangerous because they give a deceptive impression of usefulness. Behind the salad abundantly sticking out of the edges of the roll lies a shock dose of calories, fast carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

Why is Burger King delicious or why additives are harmful?

All the ingredients that make up fast food dishes are familiar and available to us. However, no one has such a love for chicken, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce and buns that he has for hamburgers. It's not about the combination of these products, but about additives that make food more appetizing and tasty.

The meat is heavily flavored with additives such as monosodium glutamate, artificial flavors and stabilizers. As a result, the food acquires an enhanced taste, causing addiction to this kind of food.

Despite the fact that flavor enhancers are allowed for use, they are harmful to the body.

Why people get fat from burgers

Hamburgers, rolls and meat dishes are far from the most dangerous foods in terms of calorie content. Most of the calories found in desserts and drinks are in the form of sugar, the main source of fast-acting carbs.

Even if some dish you have chosen is within the calorie allowance for you, then you run the risk of significantly exceeding these very limits by ordering a carbonated drink or juice for it. The combination of high-calorie foods is the cause of overeating.

Harm to children

The harm of hamburgers for adults is obvious, and the harm of fast food for children cannot even be compared with the risk that adult consumers of "eating on the go" expose themselves to. Children's growing organism is especially susceptible to the harmful components of such food. The abundance of sugar and salt in fast food disrupts the water-salt balance in the body, leading to an excess of calories.

Children especially need macro and micronutrients for their growth, so it is very important to provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If one of the child's main meals is replaced by a trip to Burger King, the child's body does not receive the necessary components for growth.

It is also dangerous that fast food chains lure kids with attractive bright pictures, gifts and toys. All this develops in children a strong association “Burger King = tasty food", which is difficult to refute. They begin to refuse ordinary, “tasteless” food.

Dishes from Burger King with minimal harm to health

It happens that there is no other way to eat during the day, except in fast food restaurants. Fortunately, the calorie content of the Burger King menu is not equally high. If you study in detail the offer of this restaurant, you will be able to find those positions that may also be suitable for fitness enthusiasts. These include King Nuggets (265 kcal) and Whopper Mini (320 kcal)

Salads are also harmless, but there are some nuances.

    Firstly, it is not advisable to add the proposed dressing to the salad, since it contains most of the calories of the finished dish.

    Secondly, the taste of vegetables in a salad, for unknown reasons, is much less pronounced than in those that we are used to eating normally.

Calorie table of the main dishes of Burger King:

Name Serving weight calories Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
French fries 75 205 3,5 9,8 25
Whopper 280 578 25 34 44
king nuggets 100 265 6,5 27 43
Hamburger 110 220 8,5 28,5 5,6
Cheeseburger 125 247 11 9 30
big king 200 430 17 30 27
Whopper Mini 154 320 14 17 30
salad mix 80 18 1 0 3

Style Outcome

Following our advice, you can always dine at Burger King with benefit.