What should I do if I think too much? Stop thinking all the time

Every person is affected by bad thoughts. They arise as a result of unjustified hopes, difficulties at work and similar life adversities. Negative thoughts quickly eat a person from the inside and drive him into a prolonged depression. If you do not take action in time, there is a risk of losing yourself forever. Ultimately, a person ceases to enjoy life.

Method number 1. Analyze negative emotions

When difficult life circumstances arise, many people do their best to hide them, do not betray them due importance. Often this opinion is considered erroneous. If you keep all the accumulated negativity in yourself, sooner or later complete despair sets in. In this case, it is worth analyzing the pressing problems and trying to cope with them as soon as possible.

  1. Control your thoughts. Set aside time to read psychological books aimed at expanding the subconscious mind. Fight negative thinking, try to extract positive emotions from what happened. Think positive, dream, no matter what. Human thoughts are material and have a pleasant feature to come true. The choice is yours - what to do, good or bad. By gaining control over your mind, you will no longer allow bad thoughts to control you.
  2. Find inspiration. In critical situations, a person despairs so much that he does not see a way out. Negativity literally breaks it, making it weak-willed. Believe me, there is always a way! Remember the bright moments in your life when you were happy. Inspiration is the key to trouble. Think about how much you haven't done yet and where you haven't been. Get the best of bad thoughts, don't let yourself fade away. Do what you have been dreaming of for a long time.
  3. Let emotions out. Most often, despondency comes with the departure of a loved one, a quarrel with relatives or friends, difficulties at work. Try to spit out the negative at one time. Remember pleasant and funny stories, give vent to emotions and let go of evil. The past cannot be returned, they quarreled, which means that you will soon make up. And at work, everything is normal, and the money will be. Be strong, live in the present, because life is beautiful. Feel free to cry sometimes, in this way you unload the nervous system and clear your mind.

Method number 2. Don't lock yourself in

Communicate. During the experience of difficult life moments, you should not close yourself in, protect yourself from friends and relatives. In critical situations, contact a psychologist, state the problems and let them go. Do not blame yourself for what happened, look for alternative actions to deal with bad thoughts. Do not isolate yourself from the outside world, communication with new people will quickly correct your perception of life.

  1. Look for allies. If possible, find purposeful and positive interlocutors. Such a move will help develop your ego. Negative thoughts will recede into the background. Having found a new social circle, become an interesting conversationalist. Express your opinion, offer non-standard ideas, do not be shy of emotions. Be more interested in the field of activity that affects you, share your personal observations and experiences.
  2. Provide support to family members. Based on your personal experience of experienced difficulties, be able to listen to a loved one. Talking about his current problems will help you forget the bad moments from own life. Do more good deeds, help sick family members, take care, cook, buy medicines. Arrange warm evenings in a friendly company, communicate more on diverse topics.
  3. Become a volunteer. Do noble deeds, look at people with disabilities. You will realize how insignificant your problems look against their background. After what you see comes the realization that absolutely everything is within your power. Working in this area, people make interesting acquaintances and gain life experience from each other.
  4. Pay attention to the little things. Go for a walk around the city on your day off. Concentrate on the little things, pay attention to the birds. Look around the buildings in the city center, you may have never noticed such exciting architecture. Relax, take a long walk like a first-time tourist in your city. Concentration on external factors helps the brain to work at a new level, overshadowing existing problems.
  5. Rejoice in the present. With the advent of negative emotions, a person moves away from friends and closes in on himself. He thinks that left alone with the problem, he can deal with it much faster. Such an opinion is gross mistake. If friends invited you to visit or to entertainment events, do not hesitate and agree. Every time you go out for a walk, you can meet interesting people and get a lot of positive emotions. A person quickly withers away without society and a sense of his social significance.

Method number 3. Become a confident person

The reasons for bad thoughts can be different. If we are talking about problems related to work, financial difficulties or personal life, it will not be difficult to correct the situation. First of all, don't take it all on yourself. Both bad and good periods come in life, be prepared for anything.

  1. Work on yourself. Decide which area you work best in. Take workshops and refresher courses. Get a job in a new organization that will rightfully appreciate you. Improve, gradually discovering new skills in yourself.
  2. Develop your personality. Expand your mind with useful literature. Read history, psychology, sociology. Start learning if you can. foreign language, do it yourself with audio tutorials and your favorite movies. This method will allow you to learn unfamiliar phrases much faster than daily memorization of a textbook or dictionary.
  3. Do not depend on the opinion of society. Be natural when you are around familiar faces. You should not constantly pick up smart phrases, watch your hair and clothes. Do not refuse to laugh heartily, be yourself. People will love you for your openness and simplicity of character. Those who don't like you will drop out over time. Spit on imaginary friends, they are not worthy of you.
  4. Develop physically. Sports and morning jogging have never harmed anyone. Physical activity has a positive effect on the general psycho-emotional background. Do the exercises conscientiously, the result will not keep you waiting. Soon you will realize how self-confident you have become and forget about past failures. Give up bad habits. Follow a sleep schedule and a proper diet.

Throw away thoughts about the past, you can’t return to it. Live for today, develop, communicate, do not hold back feelings and emotions. Find real friends, spit on those who left you. Become the person they will look up to and not be afraid to seek advice. You decide your own destiny!

Video: how to get rid of negative thoughts

The former C student has already become the boss, the poor fellow, who was expelled from the first year, is generally a cool businessman and does not get out of Europe, and a pretty, but stupid classmate somehow got a job in an international corporation on a very international salary.

What's the matter? How do they do it?

If we try to express the essence of the problem very briefly, we get the following. When a person has learned to think, analyze, and reflect for many years in a row, then this will undoubtedly work out well for him. However, in real life from pure mental activity, not supported by any actions, there is absolutely no sense. That is why, very often in the state, scientific and simply human hierarchy, energetic fools are at the top, who, although not burdened with intellect, have seething energy and the ability to act. They may not be guided by the theory of relativity, but they know for sure that even a small real action is sometimes more important than long reflections on the ways of its accomplishment.

Let's learn to act!

Set decision time

Oh, those eternal vibrations! The torment about choosing the right path can stretch indefinitely, as a result of which you will not be able to choose any option (right or wrong) at all. So appoint exact time making a decision, after which the choice will be made without fail.

Take small steps

It is clear that a developed intellect requires great deeds and historical achievements. But we must start all the same with small, even microscopic, daily actions. This will not only bring you closer to the main goal, but will allow you to develop a habit of action. Become a man-action, not a man-thinking.


No person on earth is able to fully predict all the consequences of their actions. You cannot control and foresee everything in the world, so stop endlessly calculating the future. Just get started and see what happens.

Write down your plans

Each of your desires, in order not to turn into an ephemeral dream, must have a clear plan for achieving it. A clear plan should be materialized as an entry in your diary, online service, or planner. Each completed item should be marked and become the basis for the next action. the best way mankind has not yet come up with the achievement of its goals.


Forget all these caustic sayings "there is power - no mind is needed" or "knowledge is power." In fact, physical exercise affect not only muscle mass but also on our mood, energy and even temperament. Having overcome your laziness in the gym or on the treadmill, you will begin to win victories in life.

Read motivational books

Sometimes a book read in time can be a decisive factor in changing your attitude to the world. Today, a huge amount of special literature is being published that can push you to action. The best of these books find their place on . Find the author who can stir you up and give you the necessary impetus for change.

Do spontaneous things

The bad habit of thinking everything over and not taking risks deprives life of taste and color. Try to make instant situational decisions in choosing menus, movies, routes, music. Learn to love experiments, new experiences, unusual places and strange people. Come out of, for starters - at least in a small way.

Talk to strangers

Sometimes a person gets trapped and is unable to see the way out of the endless labyrinth of thoughts. In this case, it may be useful to hear the opinion from the outside. Looking from a different perspective can illuminate your "unsolvable" problem in a whole new light and provide a simple solution that you stubbornly overlooked.

Our whole life proves over and over again that being able to act is no less important than being able to think. Your actions bring concrete results, endless reflections often give nothing but a headache. Maybe stop thinking too much, and it's time to start fulfilling your intentions? How do you think?

Alas, it is sometimes useless to appeal to our own pride - despite it, we are able to almost humiliate ourselves, if only to prolong contact with our former love. Trying to stay in a relationship with someone we felt comfortable and safe with is perfectly normal and nothing unnatural. However, trying to rekindle a relationship with an ex is a bad idea. Figuratively speaking, you will simply step on the same rake, and, perhaps, it will be even more difficult to part later. We have prepared five unexpected but effective ways to help you stop thinking about your past.


This method may seem banal to you, but sometimes it’s really better not to act, but just to wait. Scientists have found that, on average, it takes exactly half the time you were together to completely forget about your ex. Perhaps you should reduce your activity and just wait, while doing something useful along the way - so you can not only survive the breakup with the least losses, but also significantly advance in your career, school or sports. Engage in something that you really like and cause bursts of joy. If you cannot find such an activity, remember the hobbies that you were fond of as a child: most likely, this is exactly what you need now.

Remember only the bad

Memory has one rather interesting property - it is arranged in such a way that we remember only the best moments from our lives, and, on the contrary, we gradually forget everything bad and negative. In case you still have feelings for ex boyfriend, but you need to forget it, this property can be used the other way around. Try to scroll through your memory more often all the negative moments that you can remember: it can be a partner’s habit that irritated you to the point of stupidity, your constant squabbles and quarrels, and finally, his pettiness - everything that you forced yourself to put up with in a relationship will do.

Develop "immunity" to the former

To do this, you will need to completely stop communication. If you have to communicate at work, try to keep conversations to a minimum. Limit virtual conversations too: remove the former from friends or, at least, unsubscribe from his updates - this is unlikely to interfere with the necessary correspondence, but it will definitely save you from unnecessary reminders. "Immunity", most likely, will be developed only after a few months - then you can monitor the page of the former on the social network as much as you like and stare at his new girlfriend: this is unlikely to cause you at least some kind of emotional outburst.

Do not fall for the provocations of the former

If you are determined to forget the former, and he is trying to return you, try not to succumb to his provocations. Perhaps he is just teasing you, but does not want to return the relationship at all: most likely, he enjoys managing you and your life. Therefore, ignore all attempts to contact you (unless, of course, this is a matter of life and death), and answer his messages only when necessary. Do not miss your chance to start a new relationship, especially if you understand that your union with the former has outlived itself and has no prospects for development. Although who knows - maybe a new relationship with the former will be successful?

Put a dot

This method will help you if the breakup was somewhat vague and you did not specifically indicate that your relationship is over. If this was the case, it's time to put a fat "point" in your relationship - this way you will bring clarity and certainty both for yourself and for your ex-partner. After that, all hesitation should come to naught: a decisive attitude will do you good, while incompleteness will destroy your relationship, or even leave you no chance to find new love. It may even seem to you that you will no longer find anyone who could even slightly compare with your ex, but this is not so.

This problem is known to many - it is difficult to move from plans or reflections to action. Something always gets in the way, there are excuses and excuses. The reasons for the delay usually lie in uncertainty, lack of interest or unwillingness to get a result.

Now I will start working. Right now, I’ll just drink a cup of coffee first so that I can work better, and I’ll call my mother and check my mail, and then I’ll start right away ... because there’s nowhere to put it off ... ”.

Does this happen to you too?

It has long been necessary to get down to business, and we are all delaying the moment, doing something completely optional. The feeling of guilt from a small cat scratch has already grown to the extent of unbearable remorse of an indignant conscience, but this does not force one to get down to business.

Not so bad when it comes to everyday affairs, but over time, this strategy extends to serious, urgent matters, and becomes a way of life. The result is failures, small, large and global.

It turns out that the situation is not hopeless, you can get out of the paws of chronic inaction. Psychologists could not leave us to the mercy of fate, and developed effective recommendations, which should get rid of the addiction to put things off until later. I will tell you about seven ways, among which you will surely be able to choose the ones that are right for you.

1. Nike

Don't be surprised, this is the same Nike - a manufacturer of sporting goods. This company has the famous slogan "Just do it" - "Just do it!". In other words, don't rock for too long - just do it!

It seems too simple, but it works flawlessly. There is a wise saying: “The expectation of punishment is much worse than the punishment itself.” While we are thinking about what a difficult, tedious, or unpleasant task we have to do, we are wasting energy, and much more than it would take to carry out the task itself. We live dozens of times in a situation that we could have long forgotten about. At the same time, negative emotions literally stick to us, turning into an impenetrable pillow that prevents us from acting and moving forward.

Instead of letting the imagination paint pictures of one worse than the other, let's focus on the action. Most of the tension will be spent on action, and there will simply be no time or energy left for abstract emotions. On the contrary, one can often even experience pleasure from the very process of work and from the consciousness that the process has begun.
Thus, immediate action will relieve stress, bring results and satisfaction.

2. Icebreaker

The essence of this method is to associate oneself with a person or an object that personifies a purposeful and unstoppable action.

Imagine that you are a powerful icebreaker. You calmly and confidently move where you need to go, and problems, hesitations and doubts split and evaporate under the pressure of your energy. Wherever you rush, you yourself pave the way, nothing can stop you or lead you astray.

Another variant of the same method is to remember a person radiating energy. "Put" this image on yourself. Imagine how this person would act in your place, and repeat his behavior.

For many successful businessmen, this image is. He is certainly energetic, and simply revels in the struggle and victories. He tirelessly implements new projects, earning another millions of dollars.

– just an example, you can choose anyone, famous person or your friend, energetic and purposeful.

3. Turn Duties Into Desires

We perceive the events of our life through the prism of our desires. If what happened does not match our hopes and ideas of how it should look like, we label it “Failure”.

When you're about to do something, don't say, "I have to finish my work before lunch." Formulate the problem differently: "I want to finish before lunch." The difference between "need" and "want" is obvious.

It is also good to reinforce the desire by presenting the result of actions. Think about how wonderful you will feel when you finish the job. Try to treat it like a game. The main thing is that your actions are motivated by your sincere desire.

The method is based on the fact that you do what you want and what you need. So, the essence of the “I want” method is to do not what you need, but what you want.

4. Kill the dragon

There is no doubt that if we put something off until later, then there is something unpleasant in the task, and we strive to avoid it. Ask yourself what exactly you are trying to run away from that scares you or triggers other negative emotions. Think about the most unfavorable outcome of meeting this "something". If you systematically postpone something, it means that there is a certain "Dragon" that you do not want to meet.

Ask yourself: “What is the most unpleasant thing for me in this matter?”. Usually the cause of avoidance is an unpleasant expectation or fear of something. The next question is: “What is the worst thing that can happen if I meet this unpleasant factor?”. If you put aside emotions and look at the situation in cold blood, it turns out that nothing terrible can happen. So you can kill the "Dragon".

Let's say you're putting off calling a potential client because you're afraid of being rejected. Think that even if this happens, then your next step will be just a call to the next client, only you can talk to him, being more prepared for the conversation. Another positive point is that you will no longer need to think about the fact that you need to fulfill an unpleasant duty for you.

5. Very difficult first steps

It happens that on the threshold of a big and difficult task we are marking time, not daring to take the first step, not knowing from which side to approach the implementation, the task seems completely unbearable. Think about what you can do right now, any small step towards accomplishing a huge task. It turns out that the very first step is no more difficult than when performing an ordinary task and is quite capable. If you realize this, it will be much easier to get started.

In addition, having taken the first step, you will be surprised to notice that you have quietly passed half of the second stage. Things will work if you decide to take action.

6. Manifesto

Announce the start date and time for your manifest. From the date announced to yourself and until the end of the manifesto, your task is to fulfill your obligations.

For example, let’s say you set yourself a day of action for tomorrow. From the very morning, instead of swinging and thinking about how to get down to business, you begin to act. No thoughts or emotions. As soon as you notice the first signs of shirking, remind yourself - today in action!

It is easier for almost everyone to stay focused and productive if there is confidence that after a certain time the pace can be reduced. Then the effectiveness of actions in the "active" period reaches unprecedented levels. You'll understand what I'm talking about if you remember pleasant evening after general cleaning.

Start with small periods, you can start with one day and, if necessary, increase the duration of the "active phase". Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to announce a year of action.

7. "Movement in the flow"

This method seems to be the most correct and harmonious. Adoption conscious decisions generally makes life much more pleasant. If there is a clear understanding of what is happening and your goal, any task will be feasible. There is no need to struggle with life, no need to break through "in spite of" and "regardless".

It has long been noticed and not by us that if a person is engaged in a business for which he has the ability or talent, he does not have to push himself. When you move in "your flow", it will help the movement. Goals appear themselves and give strength, which can be called inspiration.

Unfortunately, many people do not realize where and why they go in life. According to the results of various studies, 7 out of 10 people are busy with other things.

It is not surprising that there are problems with energy, inspiration and motivation. The subconscious is not wasteful - for what you really do not need, forces are not allocated. If the direction of movement is chosen correctly, and the goals are precisely set, the question of how to overcome laziness usually does not arise.

To use this method, many will have to rebuild their lives. It is difficult to give advice on this matter, but the new quality of life is worth the effort. Of course, this method requires the most thorough approach, but the high results and new quality of life are worth it.

When we find ourselves in a critical situation, or an important decision needs to be made, many people begin to constantly think about it. Your thoughts revolve around the same thing without interruption and hope for insight. This way of thinking serves only to maintain its existence.

Driven by guilt, we get the feeling that if we think about something long enough (usually constantly), eventually we will find the right answer. All we have to do is think long and BAM! Divine illumination will descend. How to keep from looping?

get distracted

Choose an activity, such as knitting or physical work, that requires such concentration that the brain has to distract itself from intrusive thoughts. Physical work is best, as it takes up both the hands and the mind. Your brain simply does not have enough resources for the third activity - thinking.

Try activities that make you feel curious, proud, or challenged. When you feel good and you need to put in a little more effort than before, you will put your brain to really work for you. Or watch an action movie.

Research has shown that when a person is watching something exciting, the brain has to stay in the present because all of your senses are fully occupied. You literally won't have time to worry about the future because your mind is focused on what's stimulating it now.

Technique "STOP"

A psychotherapist once told me that she gives her patients elastic bands to wear around their wrists. As soon as obsessive thoughts get into your head again, you need to click on your wrist with a rubber band to stop them. Immediately.

Another way to use this technique is to say the word STOP out loud, or if you're around people and don't want to make a scene, visualize a big red STOP sign in front of you. Anything that immediately draws attention to what you are doing right now will stop the intrusive thoughts.

Pull the trigger

If you're in a situation where you know you need to take action and want to take action, but fear is holding you back, take the first step in doing so. Even if it's a very small step.

Constant requests, hopes and prayers will not give you any incentive or relief. It will only keep you on the wheel of obsessive thoughts. But the smallest step will take you out of this vicious circle that leads nowhere, and it really doesn't matter if this step is the right one or not.

This will help you keep moving, and in this way you will bring yourself out of the state of suspended animation caused by thinking. You will feel like a snowball, gaining momentum as you go.

Avoid the pitfalls of constant thinking

If you are a person who constantly worries about money, stop checking your bank account daily. If one of your employees is so negative that it depresses you, start eating at a nearby restaurant so you don't see her as often.