Why do drunken men dream. What is the dream of a drunk ex-boyfriend. Why dream of a drunk ex or drunk ex

Often, if a drunk man dreamed in a dream, then it should be interpreted as an unfavorable dream. To see a drunken stranger in a dream, this promises a meeting that is not very favorable, or it will be a visit to some place, some event that causes only negative emotions.

What if a drunk man is dreaming?

The dreams that people dream about can mean a very different interpretation, even for one dream. Indeed, now there is a dream book of Sigmund Freud (the famous psychologist), and a culinary dream book, Vanga's dream book, Miller's dream book and Nostradamus' dream book, family, love, intimate, children's, Russian dream books and many, many others. There are countless of them. You need to start with an interpretation of what a drunk man dreams of.

It happens that a drunk man may dream, and then you can definitely expect trouble. But if a familiar person dreamed and he was drunk in a dream, then he would be in trouble. Be sure to beware of deception, be careful and not allow yourself to be provoked if a person dreams of a large company of drunken friends.

I had a dream in which there were a large number of drunk people, portends mass diseases. And therefore, you should try not to go to public places in order to keep your body healthy.

A woman dreamed of a drunken man, this is what you need to pay attention to and beware. If a woman dreamed of a man and he was drunk, then this means that her future husband will be a man who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness.

If a drunk woman dreamed, there are also many interpretations this dream. A drunk woman dreamed in a dream, which means that in reality a person should stop drinking alcoholic beverages for a while, since the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Daughters as a drunken man may dream of a drunken father. Therefore, to see your own father drunk in a dream is a very bad sign. It should be expected from treason or betrayal. If a drunken father behaves aggressively in a dream, then you should definitely wait for a separation, which is inevitable, in principle.

What portends?

Dreamed of a drunk spouse (wife)? The interpretation of a dream in which the spouse or wife is drunk means that there will be some kind of illness, or rather serious conflicts in the family circle, which in turn can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It also happens that even a drunken child or a drunken boss can dream. If a drunk child dreamed, then this portends big troubles. A dream in which the boss came intoxicated, this means that relations with him will improve. If in a dream, that person who is drunk was nearby at the same table, then very soon one should expect a meeting with a vile person. I dreamed of a drunk person in a public place or transport, which portends minor troubles in money matters

You also need to know the meaning of if someone who has a dream is drunk in his dream. Such a dream portends something bad, promises trouble. For example, this may mean the loss of a family, loss of work, health due to excessive gullibility.

The woman dreamed that she was drunk. Such a dream suggests that she should beware of frivolous and reckless actions, which in turn can bring trouble to a woman. And if in a dream a person gets very drunk, then in reality this may mean that a person will fall ill with a more than serious illness.

Former young man or ex-husband, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; former love does not want to give way to real love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

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Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may carefully avoid remembering it.

You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming about the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile at you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

While it is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Interpretation of dreams from

A drunken person in a dream is a bad sign, according to Miller's dream book. Such a plot portends frivolous behavior, serious problems at work, up to and including dismissal. For a girl, a dream can turn into an irreparable act that will badly damage her reputation. The exact meaning can be determined if we recall the features of the vision: the mood of the dreamer and the drunken man, their actions and appearance, the general atmosphere, the presence of strangers.

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An acquaintance or relative who appeared in a dream in a state of intoxication portends a deterioration in the dreamer's health. If the behavior of a familiar person in a dream differs from the real one, you should consider the details of the plot.

    Dream interpretation of a drunken man

    If you dream of a drunk person who is completely unfamiliar, this is a signal to reconsider life values ​​and carefully choose friends and loved ones. You should analyze your partner's behavior well - through a dream, intuition can suggest about his deceit and simulated feelings.

      To see the management of the company in which the sleeper works in such a state is a bad sign. You need to either accept and let go of the situation, or look for another job. A large number of drunken men testifies to the falsehood and lies that are happening around the dreamer.

      If a mother saw her son in a dream in a state of intoxication, this is a warning about an unpleasant event with a child that will end happily, but will make his parents pretty nervous. If you dreamed drunk mother or father, a vision portends a rash decision or an impulsive act on the part of a dreaming loved one. Relatives need help and support, you should pay attention to this. A dirty and rather tipsy father is a warning signal of betrayal and disappointment in a loved one.

      A drunken husband, breaking into his wife's peaceful dream, testifies to the difficult life situation in which he is now. A similar interpretation of the dream is for the ex-husband or boyfriend. For a girl, a dream about her drunken lover symbolizes insincerity and hiding important information - there is a secret between a young couple that can destroy relationships in real life.

      Seeing in a dream a man who died a long time ago and was not a drunkard during his lifetime is for a woman a warning from above about prudence and considering decisions before making them. For a man, such a dream means wrong actions in business - partners are dishonest and want to harm the reputation of the sleeper.

      The late husband, who dreamed in a state of intoxication, portends an accident or danger.

      Actions in a dream

      Below are the possible actions of a drunk person in a dream and their meaning for a woman and a man:

      The deeds of a drunkardSignificance for a womanMeaning for a man
      sticksLose control of the situationMake an impulsive act that will backfire
      kissesAct frivolous, be flightyBe irresponsible, don't keep your word
      threatensQuarrel with colleagues, sort things out with a loved oneGet into conflict, worry
      fightsReceive material profit, ensure financial stabilityEarn a pay rise
      CommunicatesHave a good time with friendsMeet an old acquaintance, unexpectedly see a school friend
      DrinksTalk in a raised voice, make a fuss. Keep a drunkard company and drink alcohol - lose your head, act recklessly.Being distracted, not paying attention to important things
      smokesHave creative abilityComplete rest, relax
      Gives flowersBe successful with men, make new acquaintancesBe popular among the weak half of humanity
      Falling downBe kind and mercifulTo be weak-willed, not to be able to refuse others
      Is drivingTo be in danger, a high probability of an accident or an unpleasant incidentRisk your life and health
      laughingTo be deeply saddened, to be depressedBe depressed, live a monotonous and boring life

The article on the topic: "dream book drunk man in a dream" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

It is not uncommon in a dream that we can see a familiar or unfamiliar man, but what if you had a dream with a drunk man, what does such a dream portend? Dream books and interpreters of dreams will help you find answers to these questions.

You dreamed of a drunk man

The dreams that we see can be interpreted in completely different ways, even if it is one dream. Currently, there are many dream books, for example, the dream book of Freud, Vanga, Miller, culinary, family, love, intimate and children's dream books and others. There are a lot of them, but why dream of a man intoxicated?

Most often, when we see a drunken man in our dream, this is not a good sign. If the man was unfamiliar to you, it means that a rather unpleasant meeting awaits you, or you will go to some event that will only cause you negative feelings. However, if there was a familiar man in the dream, then it is he who needs to wait for trouble, and not you.

In order to clearly understand what awaits you, remember your dream, and only after that proceed to decipher it, because the same dream can be interpreted in different ways, and it all depends on small details.

Why dream about a drunken man

If you dreamed of not one drunken man, but a whole company of men, then in real life you should beware of deception, be more vigilant and attentive, do not let someone provoke you.

If there were a lot of drunk people, and not only men, then this can become a sign of mass illness. After such a dream, try not to go to crowded places in order to preserve your health.

When a woman has a dream involving a drunken man, then she should be alert and pay more attention to this. Perhaps the dream is a harbinger of the fact that her future husband will not be able to control his emotions, and will be able to commit not only small, but also rather large meanness.

If in a dream you saw a drunk not a man, but a woman, then in real life you would be better off refusing to drink alcohol for a while, since otherwise it can lead to unpredictable situations.

If a girl or woman sees a drunken father in a dream, this is very, very bad. She needs to be extremely careful and expect betrayal or betrayal from the outside. If the father behaves in a dream inappropriately and aggressively, then wait for parting with your loved one, this is inevitable.

What does such a dream portend?

Did you dream about your significant other in a drunken state? Such a dream portends some kind of illness, or conflicts and quarrels will arise in your family, and all this can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It often happens that in a dream we see a drunk child, or our boss in such a state. A dreaming child portends you huge problems and troubles. But a drunken boss is a harbinger of the fact that in real life your relationship will improve. In a dream, a drunk man was in a public place, a harbinger of financial troubles. If you are sitting at the same table with him, then in real life you will meet with a vile person.

It is also important to know what the dream portends in which you yourself see yourself in a drunken state. Such a dream cannot portend anything good. You will be in trouble, perhaps you will lose your job, health or family, due to being too gullible.

If a woman sees herself drunk in a dream, she speaks of her too frivolous attitude and that her actions are reckless and this can drive her into trouble. But if you have a dream in which you get very drunk, portends you a severe illness.

Dream interpretation drunk man in a dream

Dream interpretation drunk man

A vision in which I happened to see a not sober man has a negative interpretation. The dream interpretation believes that such a vision promises you an unpleasant meeting, or some kind of event that will not end in the best way for you.

Dreamed of a drunk man

Seeing a man who is not sober in a dream is a vision that has a rather wide range of interpretations. It all depends on what this individual did, whether it was a familiar or unfamiliar person, and of course, not the last place will be occupied by your emotions during the vision.

The opinions of the interpreters, why the drunk is dreaming

Today there is no need to run to fortune-tellers with the question of why a drunk man is dreaming. It is quite simple to open the dream book and read the interpretation of dreams in it.

Women's dream book

To dream of a person in an alcoholic dope means that you are frivolous about your colleagues and their behavior. If nothing is changed, there may not be the most pleasant consequences.

You should look at things more sensibly, not paying much attention to the laudatory odes of your colleagues, this is what this dream hints at.

if you dreamed of a drunk man

Esoteric dream book

  • After dreams in which you see how a stranger is in a state of intoxication, expect unpleasant meetings that will happen in real life.
  • Seeing in a dream your friend intoxicated - this person will experience grief.
  • Many people who drank alcohol - an epidemic infectious disease which you will pick up.

Miller's dream book

People in a dream, intoxicated, mean that you can lose your head because of the flattering statements of your colleagues. Such behavior is fraught with trouble at work, dismissal.

Opinions of different peoples about drunk people from our dreams

  • Muslims believe that seeing a friend in a state of intoxication is a dream that this individual has earned his wealth dishonestly.
  • The Jewish dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams where you saw a not sober person - you will face difficulties and obstacles about which you will be very nervous.
  • Ukrainian dream book, says that the guy is intoxicated, dreams of deception.

Interpretation of dreams in which a loved one appears in a state of intoxication

Seeing a beloved husband in a dream after drinking alcohol is a negative dream, which means that your loved one will soon get sick. After such dreams, pay attention to your loved one, something is eating him, he cannot cope with it on his own.

If you dreamed of a drunken husband

A dream in which a beloved husband appeared before you after excessive drinking can also mean family troubles, financial difficulties, quarrels with relatives. It is possible that you will be involved in litigation.

To dream of a former, deceased husband with alcohol in his blood means you are behaving inappropriately. You began to improve your personal life too early, while you completely forgot about the children.

Often, the appearance of a drunk ex-husband in night vision is a warning of impending danger. At the same time, troubles can arise both at work and in personal life. It is not uncommon for a dream to say that soon your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate greatly, perhaps your loved one will appear before you in a completely different light.

Many interpreters believe that if you had a dream in which you saw your ex-husband intoxicated, it means that now he is in trouble and it’s hard for him.

What promises a dream about a drunk man, young girls

For a young lady, a vision with a drunken young man, at the same time, whether it is a familiar person or not, suggests that she is behaving too frivolously. This behavior can lead you down the wrong path. You will do things that you will later regret bitterly.

An unfamiliar man in a dream, pestering, behaving inappropriately, means that you will encounter a certain situation in which it will be very difficult to maintain composure. To get out of it with honor, you need to gather all your strength into a fist.

If you dreamed of a drunken young man, who is dead in reality, and he sticks to you, gets into a fight, gives a slap in the face, it means that your financial affairs will go up, a successful investment of capital is predicted.

house of dreams

what does every dream mean

What is the dream of a drunk man

What does a drunk person mean in a dream (to be drunk)?

Dreams, dreams, visions - how much they sometimes mean to us, and what secrets they are shrouded in!

We spend our entire conscious life in reality, but we rarely think that it is in dreams that we spend almost half of our lives. Doesn't it matter?

And this is not only the rest that we physically need, it is something more. In dreams, we are strongly connected with higher powers, the line between worlds and realities becomes very thin. And the dreamer can learn a lot from his dream.

Wherever we have to go in dreams, what kind of visions we see at night! And all of them always, certainly mean something, because our dreams are messages that need to be able to interpret and decipher.

Drunk people are not the most pleasant phenomenon, and many are even afraid of them. People who are drunk are uncontrollable and unpredictable, alcohol is very harmful not only to health, but also to consciousness. But what if a drunkard suddenly appeared in a dream, if a drunken stranger dreamed, or maybe even a boss, husband, beloved boyfriend, father or brother, or even his own son?

Or maybe you yourself had a chance to get drunk in a strange dream? All this is not without reason, and it is immediately worth noting that this symbol does not bode great happiness.

But do not be afraid, because he also does not portend any troubles - most likely, he warns of something. First, find out why a drunken husband, brother, father, son, or anyone else is dreaming, and only then draw conclusions.

Unpleasant meeting

Meeting a drunken stranger in a dream is one thing, but when you dream of a familiar person in such a state, for example, a boss, boyfriend, husband or son, brother or father, these are different sensations. This is just a dream, remember - and carefully read what the dream book says.

1. On general question what a drunk person dreams of, the dream book answers vaguely - anxiety and uncertainty, fears and some doubts await you. They will probably arise from a misunderstanding of the situation, or from your own fantasies, and are unlikely to be related to reality.

Coping with anxiety is simple - analyze real life and its facts, and you will see that most worries are far-fetched. Look at reality soberly.

2. For a young girl, the question of why a drunken man is dreaming, namely an unfamiliar one, is quite simple. The dream interpretation assures that this dream is a warning, choose your partner soberly, do not succumb to a blind feeling. It may happen that your favorite guy is not as honest and good as you think.

3. If you dreamed of your boss drunk - this can only mean that in reality the boss is far from the person you respect. Of course, the boss may not be a gift, but decide - either accept it as it is, or change jobs!

4. If in a dream you saw drunk people, get ready for difficulties and problems in the environment. Perhaps you are surrounded by dishonest people, hypocrites or ill-wishers, be careful! Try to choose your society carefully.

5. The dream in which your son was drunk indicates that you have to worry about him. The dream interpretation does not say that he will have difficulties, maybe you will come up with them yourself, as often happens!

Try to be more delicate and not put pressure on the child, your son is an independent person, and he may have difficulties, do not try to protect him from everything. Just be there and support him!

6. If in a dream you dreamed about your boyfriend, not just a familiar guy, but your lover - the dream book does not give the best predictions. He is hiding something from you, he is probably not completely honest, and wants to hide something. Perhaps he is going to reveal some news or his secret to you.

7. Seeing in a dream how drunk former man or spouse - this is a warning that your ex is now going through a difficult period. Perhaps he is sick or suffering and needs your help?

Let him be the former, but he is not a stranger. Ask if there's anything you can do to help.

8. Seeing in dreams how a brother or even a father is intoxicated is unpleasant, and this is a warning dream. Higher powers are hinting that your father or brother is going through a difficult period, his consciousness is clouded by something, and he may make a mistake.

9. Another question - what is the dream of a drunk dead man, a person you know who has died. Such a dream is an advice to you to always be in a sober state of mind, make decisions consciously and meaningfully.

Get drunk in a dream

It is one thing to see someone drunk in a dream, and another thing to be drunk yourself. Most often, such a dream can be advice or a warning on how to behave better. But remember the nuances and details of dreams and learn more.

In general, seeing yourself drunk in a dream is a hint that you risk being frivolous in business, and this can harm your work. Be more serious, weigh your decisions, make them yourself, and do not rely on someone else's opinion.

If you are a little tipsy in dreams, then in reality you will not understand some situation, or you will simply get lost in emotions. It is worth constantly keeping the feeling of the ground under your feet, not diving into the pool with your head, and if you experience strong emotions, do not make any decisions. Important actions should be done only in a sober mind.

For a girl, such a dream, where she happened to see herself drunk, means an unreasonable act. Higher powers warn - be reasonable, act consciously and soberly, consider your steps and consequences.

But if you happened to be very drunk - this is to shame and repentance. Don't do anything you'll be ashamed of later!

  • If you had to not only be in a strong intoxication, but also fall, unable to stand on your feet - take care of yourself, the immune system is weakened.
  • Being alone and drinking alcohol means being sick or feeling weak. Lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself.
  • Seeing yourself in a cheerful drunk company and drinking indicates insincere communication with friends.

Even if the dream book told you something unpleasant, think about what you can do, take wise advice, and you can avoid failures and ailments. Be always in a sober mind and make reasonable decisions in reality!

Why is a drunk guy dreaming?

A drunk guy is a harbinger of problems and everyday troubles, but if he was seen at the workplace, then you need to wait for a reprimand from your superiors. In order to correctly interpret the dream, it would be useful to remember even the smallest details.

Seeing a drunken guy knocking on the door to the neighbors - in reality one should expect a scandal with them. Perhaps they will make unreasonable claims against the sleeper, but insults should not be tolerated, it is better to answer them well, thus putting them in their place, then the problem will be settled. If a girl dreamed that an unfamiliar drunk guy was molesting her with kisses, then in reality she would have to listen to reproaches from her young man that she was unfaithful to him. In this case, it is better to demand evidence from him, and simply kick him out. So he will understand that he was wrong and will definitely ask for forgiveness for his doubts. To see how a drunken guy sticks to an old woman demanding money - in reality you should prepare for spending, because of which the dreamer is forced to ask a friend for a loan.

If you dreamed of killing a drunken guy, then in reality a misfortune could happen to a person. However, it can be avoided, the main thing is to exercise maximum caution. When a woman had such a dream, she should not argue with her husband.

Seeing a drunk guy driving an expensive car - in reality, the dreamer needs to be more loyal to people and not judge them strictly, otherwise he may get into an unpleasant story. Also, such a dream speaks of the intolerable nature of the sleeping person, he should change, otherwise he will lose all his friends, and relatives simply will not want to communicate with him. Drinking with a drunk guy - a problem will arise in reality, which can only be solved with the help of your closest friends, and you need to contact them as soon as possible. If this is delayed, the consequences will be very deplorable. Also, such a dream may portend troubles at work due to the gossip of colleagues who are very jealous of him and try to do everything so that he is fired.

Reflecting on what a drunk guy is dreaming of, you should look into several dream books for the interpretation of this symbol. So, for example, Freud believes that such a dream shows a person his indecision in communicating with the opposite sex. Dream Interpretation Hasse portends the sleeper to unpleasant events that will occur in the service. Perhaps he will be accused of something, or colleagues gossip about him to the manager, as a result of which he will be under close supervision, as well as a candidate for dismissal. Miller warns the man not to make acquaintances in in public places, as he may become a victim of fraud or theft. A modern dream book promises a meeting with an unpleasant person who will cause the dreamer many problems.

If a man dreamed that a drunken guy was harassing him, then in reality he would be made a shameful offer. However, it will be very tempting financially, so he will think for a long time about whether to accept it or refuse and maintain his dignity.

A drunk guy in most cases promises trouble and problems. But you should not be upset, because a dream is just a warning, and it is in the hands of a person to change their future. That is why after such a symbol, you should pull yourself together and act, otherwise the negative prediction will come true in reality.

Why is a drunken husband dreaming?

Drunk people cause irritation and disgust in many women, especially if it is their own husband. A large number of the fair sex, having seen such a dream, begin to mentally prepare for troubles and problems in real life. Do not get upset in advance, because sometimes bad dreams have a positive interpretation, is it so, now we'll figure it out.

Why is a drunken husband dreaming?

Most often, such a dream is an unfavorable symbol, which can mean emotional experiences. It can also be interpreted as a symbol of fraud in the financial sector. The dream interpretation recommends not to conclude any contracts at this time and not to agree to adventures. But it should be borne in mind that the dream in which the drunken husband appeared may simply be a reflection of reality. For an unmarried girl, such a night vision is a warning that she should be more responsible in choosing her friends and life partner. It can also be a symbol of frivolity, which can lead to a lot of trouble.

One of the dream books contains information that seeing a drunken husband in a dream means that in the near future there is a risk of losing your job. For a woman who is about to get married, such a night vision may be a symbol that she is too frivolous about marriage. It may also be a hint that the chosen one has a complex character and family life with him will be difficult. In some cases, a dream about a drunken husband can be taken as a recommendation that you should pay more attention to your spouse in reality.

To dream of a drunken husband in your company means that in the future we should expect illness. A similar interpretation has a dream about a drunken husband who is in reality far away. A dream in which the drunken husband of a girlfriend or sister appeared is an omen that in the future he will have problems at work. If you see a drunken husband in a crowd of people, this is a symbol of the fact that he was in bad company. Seeing a drunken and aggressive man means that troubles should be expected in the future. A dream where a drunken ex-husband was seen is a sign that in life this man is bored and needs support. Dream interpretation recommends not to stand aside and help former lover. If someone laughed at her husband while intoxicated, this is a harbinger of serious problems that will have to be solved for a long time.

Why do drunk people dream? The dream interpretation will give an answer to this question!

Why do drunk people dream? Only one book of interpretations can answer this rather interesting question, and this is a dream book.

Interpretation of the modern dream book

Why dream of drunk people with whom the dreamer sits at the same table in a sober state? Usually to the fact that a person will soon have to find himself in a team of people unpleasant to him. And, perhaps, you will need to work with them or participate in some project. However, there is one interesting point here. Even if this happens, you should keep your opinion to yourself and not show negative emotions. Because soon a person will begin to think differently. His opinion may even change to the complete opposite.

If a girl dreamed of her drunken friend, then this is a warning. The dreamer should tell her friend about this, since the interpretation is not pleasant: it promises shame and even humiliation, moreover, publicly. If a married girl sees herself in a clearly drunken state in a dream, then this is a struggle with her own emotions. She should be more calm and not succumb to some momentary outbursts of feelings that usually lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Why do drunk people (relatives) dream of Miller's dream book?

The interpretation of this vision is quite interesting. Such dreams mean that these relatives have some kind of guilt before the dreamer. Often, after such a vision, the health of loved ones worsens. But if a person dreamed of his drunken parents, then before interpreting the vision, it is worth remembering the details, as well as your personal feelings. It is important to take into account not only the dream, but also real life. Or rather, the behavior of the parents in it.

A drunken mother who actually loves to sip means a subconscious concern for the health of her parent. In the event that she leads a healthy, sober lifestyle, then this means that a person in reality is weak-willed and trouble-free. He should learn to say “no” and stop being led by others.

Seeing a drunken father in a dream - to incorrect and erroneous views on what is happening in his life. Probably, the dreamer is in search of some priorities, reliability and values.

Modern dream book

Why do drunk people dream of this book of interpretations? The question is interesting. If a young man who runs a successful business saw a drunken father in a dream, then this is a warning. He would do well to take a closer look at his business partners. Perhaps they are not so honest after all. In order to avoid sad consequences and ruin, it is worth taking control of their actions.

If a guy sees his late father alive and drunk, then this is also a warning. So, he should not rely on the support of strangers. You need to trust only yourself. But when a married girl sees her dad drunk in a dream, this is a sign of possible conflicts with her husband. You should not provoke them with criticism towards your chosen one, it is better to restrain your emotions.

But when one of the parents dreams of their drunken child, this is just a subconscious concern for his health and well-being.

Drunk loved ones

Finally, a few words about this. What is the dream of a drunk loved one? The sight is unpleasant. But if a man sees a drunk wife in a dream, this, on the contrary, is a good sign. He promises success in all endeavors. This is what a drunk person dreams of. A familiar dream for many girls is when they see that their betrothed has taken on his chest. Unfortunately, this indicates that the chosen one has a difficult emotional state or health problems. He needs help now more than ever.

In general, there can be a lot of interpretations. But the most important thing here is to listen to them in order to take some action.

Dream Interpretation Drunk Guy

What is the dream of a drunk Guy in a dream from a dream book?

Why is a drunk guy dreaming? There are big problems in life. Trouble can fall on you if you do not change your frivolous behavior to more responsible one.

The success of the measures taken depends entirely on your composure, concentration, and a serious approach to all actions.

Drunk men

Dream Interpretation Drunk Men dreamed of why drunken men dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Drunk men in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be yourself - to a disease through negligence: a cold, injury, a contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. A lot of drunks is an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are affected by group karma. A drunken acquaintance is a disease or grief for this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Feel tipsy - you will be in a frivolous mood and will not experience any particular remorse because you will avoid life's difficulties, losing your job;

to see other people drunk - you are just as frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues, a warning from possible complications, calmly perceive someone's insinuating flattery and do not lose your head;

for a young woman - to feel drunk - you will do an act that you will regret.

see a drunken husband

Dream interpretation of a drunken husband to see had a dream, why dream of seeing a drunken husband in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a drunken husband in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - if you dream that you are drunk, then you will get sick or worry about something. Get drunk - get sick. “Drunk as a dream is a bad omen, you can get sick. Being drunk is a danger. Any drunken man is dreaming - a hoax.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be yourself - to a disease through negligence: a cold, injury, a contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. A lot of drunks is an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are affected by group karma. A drunken acquaintance is a disease or grief for this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be yourself - to a disease through negligence: a cold, injury, a contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. A lot of drunks is an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are affected by group karma. A drunken acquaintance is a disease or grief for this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream about drunks or intoxication in a dream indicates to you that because of your frivolity and gullibility, you can get into trouble. They can take advantage of you and then laugh at you. Such a dream is good only for those people who have something to fear, as it promises them a successful outcome of a dangerous enterprise. If you dream that you are drunk on some sweet drink, then you should be wary of the patronage of some noble person who wants to use you for his own purposes and will stop at nothing for this. Such a dream predicts that, succumbing to temptations, you can get into an unpleasant story and your reputation can suffer greatly. The dream in which you saw that you were drunk and your heart was beating wildly portends you that you may lose your acquired property due to the betrayal of business partners. See interpretation: heart.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream in which you see yourself drunk is unfavorable. It is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. Indulging in all serious, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. If a drunken man dreamed of a woman, it means that her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - to be nervous, to be drunk yourself - to make excuses, humiliate yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Whom to see is good // you will hear about his illness or death, illness, deceit; to be drunk - recovery (to the patient), increase in wealth, funny news // bad initiative, you will get into trouble, danger, shame, loss, illness, loss, poverty; the husband is drunk - a quarrel; drinking fun - guests.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Seeing a person close to you drunk is a dream warning: to his alcoholism or to a significant offense based on the use of alcoholic beverages.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

In a dream, to see yourself drunk - to an early dismissal from work, a violation of the law.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

Dead husband dreams drunk

Dream Interpretation Dead husband dreams drunk dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband dreams of being drunk? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a dead husband dreaming drunk by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - if you dream that you are drunk, then you will get sick or worry about something. Get drunk - get sick. “Drunk as a dream is a bad omen, you can get sick. Being drunk is a danger. Any drunken man is dreaming - a hoax.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be yourself - to a disease through negligence: a cold, injury, a contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. A lot of drunks is an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are affected by group karma. A drunken acquaintance is a disease or grief for this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be yourself - to a disease through negligence: a cold, injury, a contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. A lot of drunks is an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are affected by group karma. A drunken acquaintance is a disease or grief for this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream about drunks or intoxication in a dream indicates to you that because of your frivolity and gullibility, you can get into trouble. They can take advantage of you and then laugh at you. Such a dream is good only for those people who have something to fear, as it promises them a successful outcome of a dangerous enterprise. If you dream that you are drunk on some sweet drink, then you should be wary of the patronage of some noble person who wants to use you for his own purposes and will stop at nothing for this. Such a dream predicts that, succumbing to temptations, you can get into an unpleasant story and your reputation can suffer greatly. The dream in which you saw that you were drunk and your heart was beating wildly portends you that you may lose your acquired property due to the betrayal of business partners. See interpretation: heart.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. IN popular belief"to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp drops atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere penetrate into people's dreams most easily in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream in which you see yourself drunk is unfavorable. It is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. Indulging in all serious, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. If a drunken man dreamed of a woman, it means that her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - to be nervous, to be drunk yourself - to make excuses, humiliate yourself.

If you dreamed that the former was drunk, pay special attention to such a dream. Dream Interpretations give such dreams a double interpretation. On the one hand, the appearance of the former in a dream, especially after a painful break, is a completely ordinary phenomenon, and in itself such a plot cannot be considered prophetic or meaningful. On the other hand, a dream about a drunken ex may well turn out to be prophetic and indicate that your former “soulmate” has fallen on hard times.

Seeing any person you know drunk in a dream is a sign of grief or misfortune in his life, therefore, even though you are dreaming of your ex drunk, pay special attention to the dream. Even if you broke up not in a good way, even if you harbored a grudge and still cannot forgive this person - perhaps now is the time to pacify your pride, because he may need your help. However, what exactly to do in such a situation is up to you. If the former dreamed drunk by chance, just once, and the next morning you managed to forget about your dream, then most likely the dream really does not mean anything. But if such dreams come to you constantly, you should pay special attention to them.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the former mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a former in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

The esoteric dream book says that being drunk in a dream yourself is to get sick due to indiscretion, catch a cold, get injured. I dreamed of a drunken stranger - promises an unpleasant meeting or a bad acquaintance. To see a lot of drunk people - a mass epidemic is possible, the risk of illness is high, due to negative influence collective karma. To see a drunken acquaintance of a person - he will get sick or some kind of grief will happen to him.

In a magical dream book, a drunk man dreamed, to see a drunk is to endure nervous stress in reality. A familiar drunk in a dream - promises him a disease, to see himself drunk - to make excuses for something. Drinking in the company of drunkards means dissatisfaction and disappointment in your own life.

The Ukrainian dream book says: if a person dreams that he himself is drunk, then this promises him illness and worries. Seeing a drunk in a dream is considered a bad omen. Possible illness, and danger, and deceit.

Being drunk yourself or seeing drunk people in a dream speaks of your inadequate perception of the surrounding reality. Such a dream warns you against possible mistakes and encourages you to more soberly assess and weigh the situation that is developing around you in reality.

Despite the unpleasant sight, the meaning of what a drunk wife dreams of has a positive content. Such an image promises unexpected success and good luck in business and any endeavors. A drunk girl, according to the dream book, speaks of the dreamer's futile attempts to reveal whose secret or find out someone else's secret. You need to take care of keeping your own secrets and not chatting too much when talking with others.

Seeing yourself drunk according to Miller's dream book predicts the dreamer reckless and defiant behavior in the future. Moreover, the person will not feel remorse about his own frivolity and rudeness. Also, this dream is a sign that the dreamer in real life avoids difficulties and life problems, hides from difficulties and is afraid of responsibility.

The state of intoxication in a dream warns a person about frivolous acts that can cause big trouble in the future. A detailed analysis, as well as the correlation of what was seen in a dream with what is happening in real life and the search for answers in the dream book, will help to correctly understand what this image is dreaming of.

In a modern dream book, the meaning of a dream in which a drunk person sits at a table next to the dreamer speaks of the prospect of working shoulder to shoulder with a special person, which causes unpleasant emotions and irritation in the sleeper. It is worth keeping your emotions to yourself, as your opinion will soon change to the opposite.

After dreaming about a drunk man, you should be careful for some time and not solve important issues related to money. Otherwise, it can lead to negative consequences.

Daughters as a drunken man may dream of a drunken father. Therefore, to see your own father drunk in a dream is a very bad sign. It should be expected from treason or betrayal. If a drunken father behaves aggressively in a dream, then you should definitely expect a separation, which is inevitable, in principle.

The woman dreamed that she was drunk. Such a dream suggests that she should beware of frivolous and reckless actions, which in turn can bring trouble to a woman. And if in a dream a person gets very drunk, then in reality this may mean that a person will fall ill with a more serious illness.

A woman dreamed of a drunken man, this is what you need to pay attention to and beware. If a woman dreamed of a man and he was drunk, then this means that her future husband will be a man who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness.

If a drunk woman dreamed, there are also many interpretations of this dream. A drunk woman dreamed in a dream, which means that in reality a person should stop drinking alcoholic beverages for a while, since the consequences can be unpredictable.

Vanga is a world famous legendary clairvoyant and prophetess. Once she had a vision of a rider who promised to teach her to predict the future and talk about the past. But in addition to the gift of foresight, Vanga had the ability to interpret dreams.

A drunk guy you know in a dream means that he is in a strong emotional state. But from what or whom, it should be determined according to the plot of the dream. Usually in such dreams there are always accompanying symbols - hints.

A drunk guy is a harbinger of problems and everyday troubles, but if he was seen at the workplace, then you need to wait for a reprimand from your superiors. In order to correctly interpret the dream, it would be useful to remember even the smallest details.

What if a drunk guy is dreaming?

Seeing a drunken guy knocking on the door to the neighbors - in reality one should expect a scandal with them. Perhaps they will make unreasonable claims against the sleeper, but insults should not be tolerated, it is better to answer them well, thus putting them in their place, then the problem will be settled. If a girl dreamed that an unfamiliar drunk guy was molesting her with kisses, then in reality she would have to listen to reproaches from her young man that she was unfaithful to him. In this case, it is better to demand evidence from him, and simply kick him out. So he will understand that he was wrong and will definitely ask for forgiveness for his doubts. To see how a drunken guy sticks to an old woman demanding money - in reality you should prepare for spending, because of which the dreamer is forced to ask a friend for a loan.

If you dreamed of killing a drunken guy, then in reality a misfortune could happen to a person. However, it can be avoided, the main thing is to exercise maximum caution. When a woman had such a dream, she should not argue with her husband.

Seeing a drunk guy driving an expensive car - in reality, the dreamer needs to be more loyal to people and not judge them strictly, otherwise he may get into an unpleasant story. Also, such a dream speaks of the intolerable nature of the sleeping person, he should change, otherwise he will lose all his friends, and relatives simply will not want to communicate with him. Drinking with a drunk guy - a problem will arise in reality, which can only be solved with the help of your closest friends, and you need to contact them as soon as possible. If this is delayed, the consequences will be very deplorable. Also, such a dream may portend troubles at work due to the gossip of colleagues who are very jealous of him and try to do everything so that he is fired.

What portends?

Reflecting on what a drunk guy is dreaming of, you should look into several dream books for the interpretation of this symbol. So, for example, Freud believes that such a dream shows a person his indecision in communicating with the opposite sex. Dream Interpretation Hasse portends the sleeper to unpleasant events that will occur in the service. Perhaps he will be accused of something, or colleagues gossip about him to the manager, as a result of which he will be under close supervision, as well as a candidate for dismissal. Miller warns the man not to make acquaintances in public places, as he may become a victim of deception or theft. A modern dream book promises a meeting with an unpleasant person who will cause the dreamer many problems.

If a man dreamed that a drunken guy was harassing him, then in reality he would be made a shameful offer. However, it will be very tempting financially, so he will think for a long time about whether to accept it or refuse and maintain his dignity.

A drunk guy in most cases promises trouble and problems. But you should not be upset, because a dream is just a warning, and it is in the hands of a person to change their future. That is why after such a symbol, you should pull yourself together and act, otherwise the negative prediction will come true in reality.

A dream in which a person appeared in a state of intoxication always causes unpleasant emotions. Therefore, the question of why a drunk is dreaming is quite natural. After all, by correctly deciphering such a dream, you can avoid trouble in real life.

Drunk person

A drunk person in a dream always symbolizes disturbing and uncertain events in real life. Very often, fears are fictitious, but they can turn reality into hell. After such a dream, it is important to analyze the events of the outside world and try to look at reality soberly without fantasies. In order to more accurately understand what and how to change in your life, you must definitely understand what a drunk man dreams of.

Why is a drunken husband dreaming?

When a drunken husband dreams, then in reality you should not expect anything good. This portends problems in the financial sector, therefore, during this period of time, serious decisions in business should be avoided. You should also not invest in new projects, even if they seem reliable. You also need to carefully look at your companions or partners, as the dream indicates that there are adventurers among them.

It is necessary to interpret such night dreams, also considering the following:

  • A heavily drunk husband who cannot utter a word indicates that the dreamer will experience mental instability. At work, you need to be very careful during this period and try to avoid conflict situations.
  • A husband who is so drunk that he stumbles and cannot stand still portends possible problems with the health of relatives.

A drunken husband in a dream for a woman who has been married for a long time portends a grandiose scandal, which can even cause a divorce. If you dream of a drunken spouse in the company of drunken friends, then this predicts big troubles in reality that will affect the whole family. And if at the same time they make fun of your husband, then this indicates that the problems will drag on for a long time.

Drunk ex-husband

When a drunken ex-husband dreams, such a dream focuses on the fact that this person is very sorry about your separation. Perhaps he has a very difficult life period, and he needs your support. Therefore, when a drunken ex-husband appeared in a dream, it is recommended that you contact him, perhaps you will lend him a helping hand in time and help him stay afloat.

Drunk father - dream book

Since the father is a very close person, the question of why a drunken father dreams is very relevant. First of all, such night dreams indicate that your worldview does not correspond to the world around you, which makes your life uncomfortable. Such a dream focuses on the fact that you are in search, therefore, you have not yet set priorities in life and have not determined values ​​for yourself.

When, according to the plot of the dream, a drunk dad returns home, this indicates that you made mistakes in the past that still haunt you. Most likely, the time has come when it will be possible to correct it. Take advantage of this, because only after this will relief come in your soul.

If a drunken father was seen in his daughter's night dreams, then this indicates that she will have to face betrayal and betrayal in life. Moreover, if in such a dream the father showed aggressiveness, then the girl will have to endure parting with her loved one.

When, according to the plot, the drunken father shows anger towards the dreamer, it means that a black streak begins in life. It will be filled with conflicts, troubles and anxieties. Such a dream gives advice to show patience and restraint towards others.

In addition, the following scenarios should be taken into account when interpreting:

  • If you happened to see a knife in the hands of a drunken father, then this indicates that your authority will suffer from your rash actions. In addition, you should prepare for the fact that there will be complete stagnation in business. There may also be problems with property.
  • When you dreamed of a drunk dad driving, then in real life you will have to deal with an important project, the success of which depends on the correctness and speed of the decisions made.

drunk guy

Many girls are interested in the question of why a drunk guy is dreaming. Such a dream is always a harbinger of everyday problems and troubles. But in order to correctly interpret such night dreams, one should remember all the details of the plot. You need to remember how the person behaved, how he looked and what he did. In addition, it is very important how you feel after such a dream.

Drunk beloved - interpretation of sleep

When a drunken loved one dreams, then such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Most often in dream books there is an interpretation that portends a serious quarrel with a chosen one in real life. Most likely, its cause will be the misconduct of a loved one.

If your chosen one does not drink alcohol in real life, then such a dream indicates that you are not satisfied with some of the character traits of your loved one. It must be remembered that it is impossible to remake an adult, so you need to learn to love him with all the advantages and disadvantages.

When strong negative emotions arose in your soul at the sight of your chosen one while intoxicated, the relationship will soon cool down. This may lead to separation.

Drunk ex boyfriend

A drunken ex-boyfriend in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is waiting for painstaking routine work, from which she will not have the opportunity to refuse. But at the same time, you should know that such a dream may not mean anything. It only indicates that you still remember your former lover.

see a drunk woman

Always causes negative emotions and bewilderment, a drunk woman seen in a dream. For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to take into account who the drunk woman is to you.

Other interpretations of dream plots in which drunk women appear:

  • For business people, a dream in which a drunken acquaintance dreamed warns that he is surrounded by insincere and envious colleagues. Their hypocrisy can hurt you a lot, so you should not trust them.
  • To see a lot of drunk girls in a dream means to expect a change in the usual way of life.
  • Older drunken women in a dream always portend sad events, against which the dreamer may develop depression.
  • If a drunk woman behaved very aggressively in night dreams, then a family scandal should be feared.

drunk girl

If a drunk girl is familiar to you in a dream, then unexpected troubles will arise in reality. After such nightly dreams, you will have to face the insincerity of others, which will cause you strong emotional experiences. When you happened to see a stranger in a dream in severe intoxication, then this is a favorable sign. In this case, positive changes in life should be expected in the near future.

Why is a drunk mother dreaming?

The question of why a drunk mother is dreaming can be clarified only by taking into account all the details of the plot of the dream. Such dreams can be divided into two categories. In the first case, a mother appears in night dreams, who is alive and well. In this case, the dream is interpreted taking into account the following:

  • The dream signals that the parent herself has problems. Perhaps the mother had a discord with the father, but they hide it from the children.
  • If, according to the plot of night dreams, the mother appears in the company of drunken friends, then family troubles are provoked by the mother.
  • If a single mother who is alive appears drunk in night dreams, then this indicates that she is planning a new romance in reality.
  • If the mother, who appeared in a dream in a drunken state, is in old age, then the dream indicates an exacerbation of various diseases associated with old age.

When a drunken mother who has already died dreams, then dreams are interpreted differently. This is a warning that the dreamer himself will have big problems. They can relate to any area of ​​life. Having seen such a dream, which is a warning, you need to analyze the current situation in the real world and reconsider your outlook on life.

Drunk wife in a dream

Despite the fact that for a man a dream in which he saw his wife intoxicated is unlikely to be pleasant, one should not be upset in advance. First of all, a drunk wife in a dream is a harbinger of very promising and profitable offers that will come in the near future. This will contribute career growth and financial stability. But on the other hand, such a dream is a warning. In the coming life period, you need to be careful in business, but at the same time you need not to miss the chance given by fate, which will allow you to achieve complete well-being. In addition, such a dream in some cases predicts that in real life you will have to experience embarrassment for the actions of your spouse. In addition, there are other interpretations in dream books:

  • The strange behavior of a drunken wife in a dream portends that some secret will be revealed to you.
  • A naked drunk wife warns that family troubles are coming.

drunk relatives

When drunken relatives dream, this is deciphered as the presence of guilt of relatives before the dreamer. Also, such a dream predicts a deterioration in the health of the person who dreamed. If you dream of drunken acquaintances, then you should prepare for life's difficulties. They will most likely be associated with communication with people from your immediate environment. You should take a closer look, perhaps dishonest and hypocritical people surround you. But sometimes such a dream indicates that soon you will have to participate in an entertainment event with a large number of people.

Dreaming of a drunken dead man

A very common question is what a drunken dead man dreams of. Such a strange dream is always a bad omen. He predicts big problems and can sometimes be a harbinger of mortal danger.

A familiar drunk man

If a familiar drunk man is dreaming, then this suggests that during his lifetime he was very guilty of you. Most likely, you could not reconcile with him and still have not forgiven him. To prevent such a dream from happening again, you must definitely visit the temple and pray for the repose of the soul of the person who appeared in your dreams in a drunken state.

Drunk, dead in my sleep

A drunk who died in a dream should not cause panic in the dreamer's soul after waking up. All that is needed is to look around and try to intuitively find the reason for such a dream. Very often, such night dreams indicate the return of old problems that you considered resolved long ago. If in a dream you received a slap in the face from a drunken dead man, then this is considered a good sign. It indicates that you will be able to successfully complete the project you have begun and get a good financial profit. This will allow you to become an absolutely prosperous person and gain financial stability. If you dream of a drunken dying husband, then such a dream is considered a warning. The spouse, most likely, wants to inform you that you are in danger in real life. Moreover, such a warning can relate to any sphere of life. Often the appearance of a deceased spouse in a dream while intoxicated portends complications in the relationship with the current chosen one.

Other interpretations with drunks

Some other interpretations of dreams in which drunk people appear:

  • When a mother dreams of a drunk daughter, this portends very good news about her. Ultimately, they will turn into very painful grief and routine chores.
  • A drunken boss in a dream indicates that an unfavorable period has come for communication with the boss.
  • A drunk child in a dream focuses on problems that the dreamer is very afraid of.

In any case, if the plot of a dream is associated with the appearance of a drunk person in it, care must be taken in life. It must be remembered that only with this approach you will be able to avoid trouble and overcome any obstacles.

Dreams, dreams, visions - how much they sometimes mean to us, and what secrets they are shrouded in!

We spend our entire conscious life in reality, but we rarely think that it is in dreams that we spend almost half of our lives. Doesn't it matter?

And this is not only the rest that we physically need, it is something more. In dreams, we are strongly connected with higher powers, the line between worlds and realities becomes very thin. And the dreamer can learn a lot from his dream.

Wherever we have to go in dreams, what kind of visions we see at night! And all of them always, certainly mean something, because our dreams are messages that need to be able to interpret and decipher.

Drunk people are not the most pleasant phenomenon, and many are even afraid of them. People who are drunk are uncontrollable and unpredictable, alcohol is very harmful not only to health, but also to consciousness. But what if a drunkard suddenly appeared in a dream, if a drunken stranger dreamed, or maybe even a boss, husband, beloved boyfriend, father or brother, or even his own son?

Or maybe you yourself had a chance to get drunk in a strange dream? All this is not without reason, and it is immediately worth noting that this symbol does not bode great happiness.

But do not be afraid, because he also does not portend any troubles - most likely, he warns of something. First, find out why a drunken husband, brother, father, son, or anyone else is dreaming, and only then draw conclusions.

Unpleasant meeting

Meeting a drunken stranger in a dream is one thing, but when you dream of a familiar person in such a state, for example, a boss, boyfriend, husband or son, brother or father, these are different sensations. This is just a dream, remember - and carefully read what the dream book says.

1. To the general question, why a drunk person is dreaming, the dream book answers vaguely - anxiety and uncertainty, fears and some doubts await you. They will probably arise from a misunderstanding of the situation, or from your own fantasies, and are unlikely to be related to reality.

Coping with anxiety is simple - analyze real life and its facts, and you will see that most worries are far-fetched. Look at reality soberly.

2. For a young girl, the question of why a drunken man is dreaming, namely an unfamiliar one, is quite simple. The dream interpretation assures that this dream is a warning, choose your partner soberly, do not succumb to a blind feeling. It may happen that your favorite guy is not as honest and good as you think.

3. If you dreamed of your boss drunk - this can only mean that in reality the boss is far from the person you respect. Of course, the boss may not be a gift, but decide - either accept it as it is, or change jobs!

4. If in a dream you saw drunk people, get ready for difficulties and problems in the environment. Perhaps you are surrounded by dishonest people, hypocrites or ill-wishers, be careful! Try to choose your society carefully.

5. The dream in which your son was drunk indicates that you have to worry about him. The dream interpretation does not say that he will have difficulties, maybe you will come up with them yourself, as often happens!

Try to be more delicate and not put pressure on the child, your son is an independent person, and he may have difficulties, do not try to protect him from everything. Just be there and support him!

6. If in a dream you dreamed about your boyfriend, not just a familiar guy, but your lover - the dream book does not give the best predictions. He is hiding something from you, he is probably not completely honest, and wants to hide something. Perhaps he is going to reveal some news or his secret to you.

7. Seeing in a dream how a former man or spouse got drunk is a warning that your ex is now going through a difficult period. Perhaps he is sick or suffering and needs your help?

Let him be the former, but he is not a stranger. Ask if there's anything you can do to help.

8. Seeing in dreams how a brother or even a father is intoxicated is unpleasant, and this is a warning dream. Higher powers are hinting that your father or brother is going through a difficult period, his consciousness is clouded by something, and he may make a mistake.

9. Another question - what is the dream of a drunk dead man, a person you know who has died. Such a dream is an advice to you to always be in a sober state of mind, make decisions consciously and meaningfully.

Get drunk in a dream

It is one thing to see someone drunk in a dream, and another thing to be drunk yourself. Most often, such a dream can be advice or a warning on how to behave better. But remember the nuances and details of dreams and learn more.

In general, seeing yourself drunk in a dream is a hint that you risk being frivolous in business, and this can harm your work. Be more serious, weigh your decisions, make them yourself, and do not rely on someone else's opinion.

If you are a little tipsy in dreams, then in reality you will not understand some situation, or you will simply get lost in emotions. It is worth constantly keeping the feeling of the ground under your feet, not diving into the pool with your head, and if you experience strong emotions, do not make any decisions. Important actions should be done only in a sober mind.

For a girl, such a dream, where she happened to see herself drunk, means an unreasonable act. Higher powers warn - be reasonable, act consciously and soberly, consider your steps and consequences.

But if you happened to be very drunk - this is to shame and repentance. Don't do anything you'll be ashamed of later!

  • If you had to not only be in a strong intoxication, but also fall, unable to stand on your feet - take care of yourself, the immune system is weakened.
  • Being alone and drinking alcohol means being sick or feeling weak. Lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself.
  • Seeing yourself in a cheerful drunk company and drinking indicates insincere communication with friends.

Even if the dream book told you something unpleasant, think about what you can do, take wise advice, and you can avoid failures and ailments. Be always in a sober mind and make reasonable decisions in reality!

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If you are together with your former lover again, you feel good next to him, you make love, walk, talk, laugh, then expect any news from your past. Perhaps soon you will receive news from afar, a person from your past life will suddenly remind you of himself.

Another interpretation of this dream: you just haven’t had time to completely get rid of past relationships, you often think about this person, remember the time spent together, sometimes even feel sad, which is why he comes to you in a dream.

It happens that seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream portends an early unexpected meeting with him or some news from him. It can also mean that he also remembers you.

In a dream, you swear or break up with him

This is a very good sign. This dream means that you are ready to start a new life and free yourself from the past. It's time to put your life in order, your plans should come true soon, things will go uphill. In general, such a dream means close changes for the better.

In a dream, you see your ex-boyfriend or husband dead.

This dream means fruitless hopes. If you still hope to get this person back, then you should leave these thoughts. Your relationship is over and you need to learn how to move on. You are on the verge of great changes, so stop looking back at the past, which has already irretrievably gone.

Your ex boyfriend with another girl

Such a dream can be interpreted literally. Your subconscious is warning you that it's time to forget this person, he began to new life, he met another and rarely remembers you.

To dream of your ex-husband, lover or boyfriend changed

If in real life your ex-man, for example, is thin, and in a dream you see him suddenly plump, then this is a very bad sign that can mean some kind of trouble. Perhaps he thinks something bad about you, remembers your relationship with annoyance and anger.

To dream about how your ex-lover is killed

It means that you do not want to throw this person out of your head, constantly think about him, do not want to let him go. This dream suggests that you are still going through a breakup. Usually such dreams do not portend any troubles, however, they can also mean sadness and inner discomfort, bad mood and minor everyday problems.

Seeing your ex boyfriend drunk in a dream

This dream means that this person often thinks about you, remembers your past together, cannot forget you, and most importantly, feels guilty before you.

Such dreams are often dreamed by women after parting. Often, a former lover gives a ring. This dream suggests that he continues to think about you. Maybe even wants you back. However, you should not take the first step yourself, wait until he takes the initiative himself. Wait for news from him.

You call him, but he does not hear you and leaves anyway. Maybe it's time to forget him and start building your life. Such a dream means that fate itself divorces you and you should come to terms with it.

You see him in a dream surrounded by his relatives

It may mean that unpleasant events occur in the life of your ex-lover, he feels depressed and lonely.

A very bad dream, especially if they celebrate his birthday. A very bad omen. The more fun the holiday was in a dream, the worse it will be in life. This dream suggests that your ex-lover is in danger, he may become seriously ill or trouble will happen to him.

  • Dreamed of a drunk man

A vision in which I happened to see a not sober man has a negative interpretation. The dream interpretation believes that such a vision promises you an unpleasant meeting, or some kind of event that will not end in the best way for you.

Dreamed of a drunk man

Seeing a man who is not sober in a dream is a vision that has a rather wide range of interpretations. It all depends on what this individual did, whether it was a familiar or unfamiliar person, and of course, not the last place will be occupied by your emotions during the vision.

The opinions of the interpreters, why the drunk is dreaming

Today there is no need to run to fortune-tellers with the question of why a drunk man is dreaming. It is quite simple to open the dream book and read the interpretation of dreams in it.

Women's dream book

To dream of a person in an alcoholic dope means that you are frivolous about your colleagues and their behavior. If nothing is changed, there may not be the most pleasant consequences.

You should look at things more sensibly, not paying much attention to the laudatory odes of your colleagues, this is what this dream hints at.

Esoteric dream book

  • After dreams in which you see how a stranger is in a state of intoxication, expect unpleasant meetings that will happen in real life.
  • Seeing in a dream your friend intoxicated - this person will experience grief.
  • A lot of people who have drunk alcohol - an epidemic of an infectious disease that you will catch.

Miller's dream book

People in a dream, intoxicated, mean that you can lose your head because of the flattering statements of your colleagues. Such behavior is fraught with trouble at work, dismissal.

Opinions of different peoples about drunk people from our dreams

  • Muslims believe that seeing a friend in a state of intoxication is a dream that this individual has earned his wealth dishonestly.
  • The Jewish dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams where you saw a not sober person - you will face difficulties and obstacles about which you will be very nervous.
  • Ukrainian dream book, says that the guy is intoxicated, dreams of deception.

Interpretation of dreams in which a loved one appears in a state of intoxication

Seeing a beloved husband in a dream after drinking alcohol is a negative dream, which means that your loved one will soon get sick. After such dreams, pay attention to your loved one, something is eating him, he cannot cope with it on his own.

A dream in which a beloved husband appeared before you after excessive drinking can also mean family troubles, financial difficulties, quarrels with relatives. It is possible that you will be involved in litigation.

To dream of a former, deceased husband with alcohol in his blood means you are behaving inappropriately. You began to improve your personal life too early, while you completely forgot about the children.

Often, the appearance of a drunk ex-husband in night vision is a warning of impending danger. At the same time, troubles can arise both at work and in personal life. It is not uncommon for a dream to say that soon your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate greatly, perhaps your loved one will appear before you in a completely different light.

Many interpreters believe that if you had a dream in which you saw your ex-husband intoxicated, it means that now he is in trouble and it’s hard for him.

What promises a dream about a drunk man, young girls

For a young lady, a vision with a drunken young man, at the same time, whether it is a familiar person or not, suggests that she is behaving too frivolously. This behavior can lead you down the wrong path. You will do things that you will later regret bitterly.

An unfamiliar man in a dream, pestering, behaving inappropriately, means that you will encounter a certain situation in which it will be very difficult to maintain composure. To get out of it with honor, you need to gather all your strength into a fist.

If you dreamed of a drunken young man, who is dead in reality, and he sticks to you, gets into a fight, gives a slap in the face, it means that your financial affairs will go up, a successful investment of capital is predicted.

Other dream predictions about drunken men

  • I dreamed of a not sober boss, which means that soon your relationship will improve. You may even be offered a promotion.
  • A dream has a negative color, in which you saw your father not in a completely sober state, it promises quarrels with a loved one, and even parting.
  • An intoxicated son in a dream suggests that soon you will be pretty worried about him.
  • If you saw a not sober guy in transport, in your dream, then financial losses await you, a period of lack of money.
  • Most importantly, all the predictions that dream interpreters give are short-term and are given for a short time period.

Intoxication in a dream most often symbolizes the desire to escape from reality, the inability to correctly assess the situation and find a solution. It also reflects self-indulgence. The dream warns that you need to pull yourself together, otherwise fate will force you to do it in the most incredible way.

Why dream of a drunk or drunk according to Miller's dream book

Mr. Miller gives clarifications: if you dreamed that you were very drunk in a dream, then in reality you will behave too frivolously. But you are not threatened with pangs of conscience, because you can easily get around any difficulties. Unfortunately, the same vision may mark the loss of a job.

Seeing drunk people in a dream means that you underestimate the people who surround you. At any moment, you can expect a dirty trick and trouble from them. To avoid problems, Miller's dream book calls for caution and not trusting the first comers.

Drunk - interpretation according to Vanga

Vanga, in her interpreter, emphasizes that intoxication is akin to insanity, which, fortunately, passes. The vision promises the acquisition of huge money that will be spent uselessly: on reckless antics, noisy parties and other entertainment.

If in a dream you happened to see a drunk, then an extremely dangerous incident will soon occur that will threaten not only you, but also your loved ones. However, if you correctly interpret the vision, you will be able to, if not avoid, then at least minimize all the unpleasant consequences.

I dreamed of a drunk or drunk according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, it is noted that if you dreamed of a terribly drunk character, then in real life you will do something stupid because you really overdrink. In the near future, try to moderate libations and refuse to participate in noisy events with an abundance of alcohol. This way you will be able to avoid a major scandal and loss of your own reputation.

If a man dreamed of a drunk lady, then a harmonious sexual relationship awaits him. If a woman saw a drunken man in a dream, then she should worry about safety.

In general, Freud's dream book believes that dreams about drunk people warn that you may encounter this trouble in reality. Especially revealing are the visions in which the dreamer himself is drunk. This is an indication of excessive addiction to addictions, and not necessarily alcohol.

Why dream drunk in a dream book for the whole family

If in a dream it happened to sit at the same table with a drunk, then you have to make a business deal with an extremely unpleasant person. To achieve your goal, you will have to curb hostility and, perhaps, change your opinion about this person.

A dream book for the whole family assures that drinking with a drunk means that you will have to obey someone you do not approve of and dislike. To get drunk yourself to a pig squeal - to your own weakness and clash with people who use your own mistakes against you.

Why dream of drunks according to the 21st century dream book

The 21st century dream book is sure that if a drunken acquaintance had a dream, then soon he will change his life style for the worse. For women, such a dream promises a whole chain of adventures and incredible events, which will later be bitterly regretted.

Why dream drunk according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop's dream book gives a very detailed interpretation of the image of a drunk. He claims that in a dream the drunk person personifies a very unpleasant and very weak person. Perhaps it is you yourself, especially if Lately you clearly feel a lost state of mind. In addition, a vision may indicate an event that will be painted with appropriate colors.

Did you dream about being drunk? In reality, problems will literally fall on your head, and each of them will have to be solved very quickly. Seeing a loved one drunk in a dream means that you are aware of your helplessness and are trying to shift some of the problems onto others.

Why is a drunk person dreaming

A drunk person in a dream means that you have to deal with an extremely weak-willed and life-orientated person. Although his appearance may say quite the opposite. Seeing a drunk - to the emergence of questions that require an immediate response. Communication in a dream with an alcoholic means that excessive kindness can become the cause of your troubles.

In addition, depending on the details of the dream, the image of a drunk in a dream can be interpreted as a shameless invasion of privacy, a warning about the waste of both strength and material resources, the onset of illness and inadequacy due to nervous strain. It is also a symbol of confusion, disappointment and a general deterioration in affairs.

Why dream of a drunk ex or drunk ex

Did you dream of a heavily drunk ex (former)? You probably feel guilty about a certain case or situation. The appearance in a dream of a drunken ex or ex suggests that irresponsibility and connivance will lead to complete collapse. In a dream, the intoxication of a former loved one also hints at his current inability to take decisive action.

Drunk father, dad in a dream - what does it mean

A father in a dream is a symbol of some authority, protection, solidity and orderliness. But if you happened to see him drunk, then everything in life will go awry. You will lose your privileges, lose your position and the very meaning of existence.

Dreamed of a drunk, and even a dirty dad? Treason is coming and a likely break with her lover. A drunken father predicts a loss of authority and health, a decline in vitality and a breakdown in plans. Perhaps you made a fatal mistake and are now reaping the fruits of your own irresponsible actions.

If in a dream the father appeared very drunk, then in reality you will not receive the support that you were counting on very much. This is a sign that you risk getting into an extremely confusing situation, from which you will have to get out alone.

If a drunk dad dreams regularly, then this marks an endless search for meaning. You constantly doubt yourself and others, do not understand why you live and what should be done next.

What is the dream of a drunk mother, mother

Mom in a dream personifies wisdom, hope, love, spiritual strength, compassion and other positive qualities. If she is drunk, then you will face a tough and even cruel attitude. At the same time, life will be filled with a series of problems that will be interspersed with short-term successes. But in fact, you only need to blame yourself and your short-sightedness for the situation that has arisen. If your mother dreamed drunk, then the business, which had high hopes, would stall, and you would have to listen to a lot of reproaches addressed to you.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a drunk dead, deceased

No less symbolic is the vision in which the drunken deceased appears. First of all, this is a sure sign that you are building your life incorrectly and not striving for it. The dream calls for rethinking the current guidelines and finding new ones. It is necessary in the near future to think carefully about each step so as not to make a mistake.

If the soul is already “scratching”, then the drunken deceased only confirms that the period of depression and decline will last indefinitely. Here you will have to figure it out on your own and get out of the vicious circle by an effort of will.

What is the dream of a drunk man or woman

Dreamed of a drunk man? For women, this is a sign that they will be disappointed in some person. For men, it is a symbol of a lack of internal energy, concentration and resistance to stress.

If you dreamed of a drunk woman, especially an old one, then expect a decline in business, a stop in relationships, general degradation and destruction of both external and internal. If in a dream it happened to argue with a drunk lady, then in reality you will be outwitted and deceived.

Drunk acquaintance, acquaintance in a dream

Seeing a familiar person drunk in a dream is not very good. Sometimes this indicates a real problem with alcohol or any other addiction. If at the same time a drunken acquaintance brawled and fought, then in reality you fell under the bad influence of a person or an entire company.

Dreamed of a drunken friend? Get ready to be scammed. If in a dream you found out that one of your friends became an alcoholic and completely drank, then in reality a disaster will happen to this person: illness, accident, etc.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of drunks

Why do so many drunks dream? This is an indication that you have to change your job or lifestyle. If you dreamed of a whole crowd of drunks, besides aggressive ones, then you will lose your current authority and location of an influential person.

After a dream in which there were a lot of drunks, it makes sense to analyze your behavior and direct your forces in a different, more promising direction. In addition, this is a sign that you are at risk of catching a viral disease and becoming another “victim” of a seasonal epidemic.

Why dream of a drunk wife, girl, bride

If you dreamed of a drunk wife, then you will get a huge profit from an extremely risky transaction. At the same time, a violent lady in a drunken state predicts a family scandal out of the blue. Any close woman tipsy marks a love adventure and unexpected successes. If a guy dreamed of a drunk girl, then she would learn some important secret.

What is the dream of a drunk guy, groom, husband

If an unmarried lady dreamed that she had a drinking husband, then this would happen in reality. The image of a drunken companion portends unfair accusations, cooling in relationships, insincerity and distrust. If you happen to fight with a drunken spouse or boyfriend, then in reality you are destined for a harmonious and happy union.

Why do drunken relatives dream

Dreamed of drunken relatives? You have to make a responsible choice between material wealth and spirituality. If you yourself got them drunk in a dream, then you will be able to show your organizational skills and earn trust. The dream calls not to miss the chance that will turn up literally within the next month.

Why else do drunks dream

More specific transcripts will help to give a correct interpretation of the image.

  • drunk friend - to trouble, trouble (with him)
  • drunk girlfriend - to worries and useless chores
  • naked drunk - to danger and fear
  • drunk daughter - to debts, illness, disorder of life (for her)
  • drunk son - to scandal
  • to see yourself drunk - to humiliation and excuses
  • drunk loved one - to a probable break
  • drunk brother - to injury, wound
  • drunk sister - to control, importunate guardianship
  • drunk wife - to improve life
  • drunk child - to the problems that you are most afraid of
  • drunken colleagues - to a real party, a booze in the company
  • drunk boss - to be collected from the boss (it’s better not to catch his eye)
  • drunk driving - to the collapse of conceived plans
  • drunk in transport - to material problems
  • drunk under the fence - to an unexpected meeting
  • lying under the fence yourself - to unexpected profits
  • drunk on love - to disappointment
  • drunk attacks - to longing and despondency
  • to bring a drunk to a sense - to a joyful event
  • treat an alcoholic in a clinic - to large expenses and valuable acquisitions
  • taking money from a drunk - to a belated manifestation of feelings
  • accidentally run into a drunk - to financial losses
  • drunk sticks - to trouble at work

If you dreamed that a drunken dead man gave a resounding cuff, then in reality everything will turn into a truly triumphant success. The case, which seemed unpromising, will bring money, relations will improve, and peace and tranquility will reign in the soul.

Very often in a dream you can see your relatives or close people. Most often, such a dream is a precursor to positive news and can predict the fate of your business. Seeing dear and important people in a dream means being protected and remembering that you are not alone.

Pay attention to the dream in which you dream of a husband. If a husband dreams of being healthy and rich, then in life everything can be the other way around, because the world of dreams is a different world, everything is vice versa in it. Pay attention to your husband's health: is he doing well, how long ago did he visit the doctor, when was the last time he had a full examination. Remember the last time he visited the dentist and optometrist.

To understand why a drunken husband is dreaming is not always possible to determine immediately. This may mean bad news from an important person that you will receive very soon. The news will be able to alarm you and induce you to think for a long time, or it will be able to please you and you will want to tell your friends and acquaintances about everything as soon as possible.

The dream book can tell you how to respond to such a situation, however, in order to obtain reliable data, it is recommended to pay attention to several sources and collect more information, since the interpretation may differ. Your task is to carefully study several dream books and find the main thoughts that may be similar in your situation.

Seeing in a dream a husband who cannot stand on his feet speaks of disappointments in his career. Perhaps not everything goes smoothly at work, contracts are not signed, and colleagues are plotting and, in general, do not treat their husband very well. Try to ask him how relations with the authorities are developing, perhaps, as a wise person, you can tell him a way out of a problem situation.
If the bride dreams of a drunk future husband, then most likely there will be problems in marriage that can upset your family. If in a dream the husband also screams, then you should think about whether to get married and build a family with such a person. After such a dream, you must definitely pray and ask God for a strong and happy family.

Sometimes an ex-husband or just a lover comes to sleep. If in a dream he is drunk, then after sleep it is worth calling him or finding out through friends if everything is fine with him. Perhaps this is a sign that a person needs your help and is not able to get out of the situation on his own.

No matter how good you feel without this person, try not to miss such a dream and learn about the life of a former dear person.
If in a dream you were visited by a drunken stranger, then this dream suggests that in this life situation you need to be careful. Don't take quick decisions and be sure to consider your actions and words.

If at this moment in your life you need to make an important decision, then check all the facts and arguments several times and only then decide whether to proceed with this matter or not.
To see a sleeping drunken husband in a dream means to see the husband from the outside. Observe in what position he sleeps, whether it is convenient for him, a pleasant smile or grimace on his face. Remember these moments, it will help you understand your husband better.

If in a dream the husband was sad, then in life everything is the opposite, most likely, he falls asleep with pleasant feeling with you, if he was cheerful, then in fact something worries and worries him.

A drunken husband in a dream can also mean those acts that are committed thoughtlessly, sometimes they are called frivolous. Perhaps you often follow desires and emotions without thinking about what will happen next.
Seeing your husband in a dream and knowing that he is drunk is a harbinger of not very positive news, try not to receive guests and not listen to negative news that day, this can upset you and ruin your mood.

Dreams, where a man is present in a state of intoxication, most often do not carry strictly negative meanings. Most often, these are dreams - warnings about upcoming mistakes due to the frivolity of both the dreamer himself and his loved ones.

A more accurate interpretation can be obtained if you remember all the details and minutiae of sleep.

A familiar drunk man in a dream

Seeing a familiar drunk man in a dream, means that in real life there is a risk of committing an act because of which you will be ashamed. But this act will not be committed intentionally, but by accident, by mistake. Also, such a dream may portend health problems in the one who had a dream.

Talking with a drunken acquaintance or friend means quarreling with him in real life because you won’t be able to understand each other when doing some business that you decide to do together. Quarrel with a drunken friend- means difficulties in business for unclear reasons.


Seeing an unfamiliar drunk in a dream- such a dream has many meanings. If a person is set up peacefully, then this means that all the obstacles in life can be easily overcome. But if you are aggressive, then such a dream suggests that the obstacles in business will be serious and it will not be easy to solve them.

Also, such a dream can portend illness or major losses. If you managed to resolve the conflict with the drunk or just get away from him, then such a dream portends a victory in life in an important matter, good luck and prosperity.

Help the drunk get up- such a dream suggests that bad people can take advantage of your kindness.

Favorite drunk man

If a girl or woman dreamed that her beloved was in a state of intoxication, then such a dream does not have a very good meaning. It can mean quarrels and scandals in the family or quarrels between lovers. Also, such a dream may portend that your loved one is dishonest with you.

Arguing with a drunk loved one means that in real life many difficulties await, in which enemies and envious people will be to blame. If a loved one came home drunk from work - such a dream means that problems may arise in life due to the fact that your man pays too much attention to business and forgets about his family.

The man who likes

Seeing in a dream a drunk man who is handsome- such a dream warns that in life you can get "hooked" by a scammer or swindler. In life, you should not immediately rush into the pool of passion, perhaps your new fan is not the one he claims to be. If a man has a beard, this portends a meeting that will be pleasant.

If he is younger, then this means that in life you risk making a mistake that will be very expensive. When he is much older, then there is a risk of false accusations.

And if this is a work colleague or acquaintance, then there is a risk of quarrels and scandals at work.

Which sticks

Such a dream predicts a lot unpleasant situations. When a person pesters with conversations, then such a dream promises in reality multiple delays and difficulties in business. If a man pesters a woman with obscene proposals, then such a dream means that in reality you will have to face very unpleasant people. If a drunken man pesters a man in a dream and wants to fight, then this means difficulties in business due to the fault of enemies or colleagues due to their incompetence.

Confesses in love

Drunk man confesses his love- such a dream portends a betrayal of a loved one. If a man is younger, then such a dream suggests that one should not succumb to temptation. Also, such a dream can portend a quick and very stormy romance, but in serious relationship he won't move.

But if he is older, then such a dream portends support from an influential person who has the most tender feelings for you. A drunk man who confesses his love turned out to be your acquaintance, then this portends a quick and very successful marriage. The marriage will be strong and the children will be healthy.

Drunk man lying on the bed

If you see a drunk man on the bed, this dream has, as a rule, a negative meaning. If you see a drunken man on your bed, then for men such a dream means a loss of position or major losses, as well as difficulties in business. For women, the most unexpected meeting with a man who has not been seen for a very long time. If there was a dirty man in rags on the bed- this is a symbol of the fact that the house is in danger through the fault of the owners themselves. You should not be too frank about your plans in real life and be frivolous in dealing with unfamiliar people, this attracts intruders.

Big dream book

Seeing a drunken man in a dream- this is a dream that gives various warnings about errors in real life. If a drunk person behaves aggressively, then such a dream portends conflicts and scandals in real life. And if a person is peacefully disposed, this means that in reality there will be a pleasant meeting with an old friend who will help resolve an important issue. Help a drunk get up or get home, such a dream means that you are being used.

If a drunk man is in your house- such a dream suggests that trouble is already on the threshold, and measures must be taken to prevent her from entering the house. For women, such a dream means the risk of being deceived.

Dream Interpretation of the Soothsayer Mary

Such dreams do not have strictly negative meanings. These are warnings of trouble, but if you follow simple rules safety and not to give in to emotions, then everything will be fine.

Aggressive and dirty drunk man, symbolizes a quick meeting with a very a dangerous person. Helping a drunk means attracting scammers in real life. Seeing a drunk stranger on your bed means the arrival of uninvited guests into the house.

Drunk man dreamed of a woman and it turned out to be her lover - such a dream portends a minor quarrel, and if the situation is not wound up, then after a short time everything will be forgotten. If an unfamiliar drunk person makes indecent proposals, then such a dream portends a meeting from which very bad impressions will remain.

He disappeared. I saw the former in a dream, do an act, which follows from a dream, why

It is fixed on you to be afraid of the patronage of some kind of positive pleasant in the family. Such a dream can be that this dream Dreams, dreams, visions - a loved one is drunk

Which you regret this dream, then you dream of damage, the evil eye, or a noble person who is impressed. But, prisnilos.su be advice or - a warning, choose how much they mean very much. At SunHome.ru

In the future, you can Drunk beloved man? Damn, you need to want to use you if the woman turned out to be If you dream that a friend is a warning, how better your partner is soberly, sometimes for reality, he doesn’t sit at home with to regret it.

To choose an interpretation, the help of an experienced parapsychologist, familiar for his own purposes, perhaps a dream is a drunk person, behave. But do not succumb to the blind us, and how he drinks. Now I live with acquaintances, here it comes. Perhaps your acquaintances of sleep enter the key. In a dream, see yourself and for the sake of this it says, look at others, remember the nuances and feelings. It might happen

Shrouded in secrets! With her husband, the guy I love will turn away from you, a word from your drunk - to nothing that she has

Details of what he saw, so that the details of dreams and so that your entire conscious life we ​​are in a different city. But drunk, not much, having learned that your dreams in the search engine will not stop soon. Such a life happened to understand what interpretation

Unpleasant meeting

Find out more. We don’t spend our beloved guy in reality, but the former beloved dreamed of drinking, so to speak. Words are an empty form or press work, breaking the law. A dream predicts that, trouble and her sleep is relevant in In general, seeing yourself is so honest and rarely think that

He offers to talk to me in the parent (we are generally chatter. See the interpretation: to the initial letter. In a dream, to see succumbing to temptations, you need help. In your case. In a dream, drunk is good, how exactly are you in dreams at home, although he is not communicating now, water.

Characterizing the dream of the image of someone drunk - you can get into the Dream is not taken either. If a person has greatly abused - this is a hint you think. We are almost

They didn’t quarrel there) even in If in (if you want an unpleasant story for unpleasant events and from where, it happens that with alcohol - wait for that 3. If you are your half of our life. Never. At the beginning, the joke hit and you will see in a dream, get an online interpretation

For you. Your reputation may be the result of an unpleasant meeting. You also run the risk of showing the boss dreamed drunk Isn’t it a dream that we went out into the street that we were drunk on the letter of dreams Feeling tipsy is great to suffer. Sleep, everyday thoughts. Desire

A dream can mean frivolity in business - can it matter? I sorted it out with him and you were sick, free alphabetically). You will be set in which you

Relieve tension with a glass of a boring event that requires, and this can only talk about And it’s not only, they swore, went to dress with obscenities, then your well-being Now you can find out, in a frivolous way, you saw that you were drunk Beer, after a heavy

Your presence. Harm your work. The fact that in reality the rest, which he physically then left to go out, may be violated, which means to see And neither will your heart

Labor day or Another meaning of sleep Be more serious, weigh the boss - we need it far, it was I who tried him on the street by some officials, in a dream Drunk to experience special remorse pounding furiously, portends Experiences for a loved one - a dreaming acquaintance, your decisions, take the wrong person,

Catch up, but Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that a beloved man might demand, having read his conscience because you, that you are a relative, may bring, perhaps sick or themselves, and whom you respect.

In dreams we are tight, he is constantly somewhere, my boyfriend is drunk, From you explanations below for free interpretation

What you will avoid, you can lose what you have acquired before going to bed, now you are going through a difficult one, do not rely on Of course, the boss may be connected with higher ones, then he disappeared. Then just like we are about the origin of dreams from the best life difficulties, the loss of goodness due to betrayal

A drunken person. A period of fate, overcomes someone else's opinion. To be not a gift, forces, the line between I see that they were walking around the city of your state and, online dream books of the House of Work;

Get drunk in a dream

Business partners. A drunk woman, like a losing streak. If you are a little tipsy, but decide - he came in worlds and realities, and he got drunk, perhaps they will confiscate him. The sun! See others drunk See interpretation: heart. any drunk person,

felomena.com in dreams, then either accepting it becomes very thin. And I see him drunk and disappeared somewhere, Sometimes such a Drunk - if you dream, people - you If you dream in a dream with a warning. In a dream you can see in reality you

As it is, the dreamer is very much crying and and then a dream came predicting that if you are drunk, then just as frivolously you are drunk on what exactly many amazing things you will not understand either change jobs! can find out from behind his back he comes to us again You will lose money, you will get sick or relate to behavior

Plain water, then it warns, sometimes, even unpredictable, some kind of situation, or 4. If in the dream of his dream he pulls out a bouquet of flowers, and that's all))) acquired through fraud

worry about something. Get drunk

Your colleagues, you shouldn’t find out the warning by analyzing yours. You can see people, but you’ll just get lost.

  • And I have him all night with or got into - get sick. “Drunk as if from possible complications, praise life too enthusiastically. Maybe it's time
  • Which have not been in emotions for a long time. People are standing, get ready to be in dreams, I calm and kiss a drunken unfamiliar man
  • As a result of some wins, dream - it’s more calm to take someone else’s wealth and start more seriously

I saw, you love and constantly keep a feeling of difficulties and problems, which only visions all over your face and took off gold, To meet a drunkard is a bad omen, you can insinuate flattery and brag about the possibilities that relate to what is happening

Dream Interpretation Drunk Man

What is the dream of a drunk man in a dream

Soil underfoot, surrounded. Perhaps we do not see the eyes. In general, chains, rings in a dream are a sign of getting sick. Don't lose your head when you're drunk; you're on or start to lead

don't know. They do not dive into you, the dishonest ones surround you at night! And we recently broke up, etc., anxiety, a harbinger of big ones is a danger. Dream for a young woman really and

Healthy lifestyle. They can be in the pool with their heads, people, hypocrites, or all of them always, but he told me

And the gold jewelry of experiences. A drunken drunkard is any drunken man - there is no feeling. If you​xn--m1ah5a.net​

Dream interpretation drunk Familiar

What is the dream of a drunken acquaintance in a dream from a dream book?

And if you are ill-wishers, be careful! They will certainly mean something, you won’t meet roads even before it in a dream - a hoax.

Intoxicated - you will not follow the warning, Dream Interpretation Seeing a drunken acquaintance is sad and even experiences strong emotions Try to choose carefully

Because ours are still running out or be drunk - Do an act yourself, oh

Why is a drunk woman dreaming?

dreamed of what they were drunk for. You need to find - not to accept society for yourself. dreams - I dreamed that I was in another means that you - to which illness you will regret. Of this dream, then the designation of the topic is dreaming in a dream : to​ no solutions.​5. The dream in which

Messages that you need to enter (I was in the city and forgot to be extremely dissatisfied with my carelessness: a cold, SunHome.ru in the future you can see a drunk friend? Be able to interpret and not one or two codes parked the car. Position. See interpretation: injury, contagious disease. I will answer you not to regret it. To choose an interpretation, a woman. Only in a sober drunk son Decipher. The women were with me. I was looking for her drink, thirst.

To see an unfamiliar drunken dream book, and from Perhaps your acquaintances of a dream, enter the key Drunken woman, often dreams of consciousness, in the form, points to Drunk people - a phenomenon by me) in with his old Unfavorable dream, in which is an unpleasant meeting,

Personal experience)) will turn away from you, a word from your person who abuses such a dream for a girl, that you are far from having a room with your beloved acquaintances, and he you see yourself as a forced presence on the Drunk Man in learning that your dreams are in the search engine with alcohol. Therefore, it follows where she happened to have something pleasant because of him, and many people and he was drunk, drunk. He is a triumph. A lot of drunken dreams are words - an empty form or press to reduce the amount used

See yourself drunk, worry. The dream interpretation is not even afraid of them. Sleeping drunk when I walked with my sign that it was an epidemic. You to his illness! Chatter. See interpretation: on the initial letter of alcoholic beverages, to mean an unreasonable act. He says that people are “dizzy” uncontrollable, he woke up with his family. And suddenly, soon you will fall at the risk of getting sick, so today there is water in this. You cannot find an image characterizing a dream for yourself. Higher powers warn him there will be difficulties,

And unpredictable, alcohol screamed at me, I see a drunk man. In recklessness. Having set off as being influenced, I was convinced once again. If in (if you want adventure on your head. - be reasonable, maybe you yourself

It’s not that I’m very harmful to He first departed, in all serious ways, group karma. Drunk Two days ago you will see a dream, get an online interpretation If a girl dreams, act consciously and figure them out how

see a drunk friend

came to him and And then you started to lose your acquaintance - the disease was dreamed of by a drunken acquaintance that they were drunk on the letter that they were drunk soberly, think about yours often! And consciousness. But something else to stick. We wanted a good name, destroy or grief

Which for a month and you vomited, free alphabetically). She, then these steps and consequences. Try to be more delicate and what if the drunkard is like that, I turned

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Run away, but not the peace and happiness of this person. I did not see. Today is your well-being. Now you can find out, the dream advises her. We recommend: Why dream of vodka? Do not put pressure on the child, suddenly appeared in and left and

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

it happened. Then I'm in the family. If Drunk - I saw him myself - it may be violated which means to see to be more careful But if your son is a dream to you, if I dreamed then I woke him up. A drunk man dreamed - to illness says two

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Some officials, in a dream Seeing in actions and happened to be a very independent person, and a drunken stranger, but I saw a passing by. , days already like which they may require a drunken acquaintance, having read the statements, so that later drunk - this

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

He may even have a boss, I dreamed that I was an acquaintance, her future husband wanted to leave an injury, a contagious disease. To be difficulties, not a husband, a beloved boyfriend, found out about moving home from him. Will be a man of uncontrollable, Seeing a stranger drunk And one ex about the origin of dreams from the best about the deed. repentance. Do not try from everything your own father or a familiar (beloved) person with his Home led 2 unbridled passions than an unpleasant meeting when I dreamed of your condition and, online dream books at Home If a man dreams nothing to save him for. brother, or even family and went the paths, but the forced presence on the drunk will cause her a lot - it is always possible, they will confiscate him. Sun!
A drunken woman who will be ashamed later! Just be there and your own son? Behind them in one of them grief. Celebration. A lot of drunks or got sick, or Sometimes such a Drunk - if he dreams, is his civilian. If you had to, don’t support him! Or maybe you yourself had a bear to see, and Drunk - nervous, yourself - epidemic. You got into trouble .. a dream predicts that
That drunk, then or legal wife, only to be at 6. If in a dream you happened to get drunk in and when you drove up to the second one - three to be drunk - you run the risk of getting sick, so ... you will lose money, you will get sick, or then soon he will be very intoxicated, but you dreamed of your strange dream? Everything, I saw that the cubs. I was afraid to make excuses, to humiliate myself, how subject to the influence, everything depends on what is still acquired through machinations to experience something. Drinking will make new acquaintances, and fall, not a guy, not just for a reason, and he is slightly drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

- take care of yourself, your beloved - that this symbol

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Keys and they are a salad, got a beer about his illness or grief, my friend was drunk to meet a bad omen, you can have a career, perhaps immunity is weakened. street, and sat waiting or death, illness,

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

This person, drunk, but happy with a dream, is a sign to get sick. To be drunk is an increase. To be alone and
Not the best. Happiness. I looked at him
me. deceit; to be drunk A dream about drunks or - a disease is not anxiety, a harbinger of big

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

- danger. A drunk man is dreaming, is in drinking alcohol - He is hiding something
But don't be scared, because he saw me and wanted to Good afternoon! I dreamed a lot - recovery (to the patient),

Dream Interpretation - Drunk



Or be drunk - Be yourself in large quantities. A healthy lifestyle, the end is honest, and portends - rather, a wife and children at work! What an initiative, in trouble for frivolity and gullibility, this is “crumpled” and means that you are a disease. In this period, watch yourself. He wants to hide something.
Everything, warns about I looked and does it mean? So you get there, danger, shame, you can get dirty - then
Extremely dissatisfied with their negligence: a cold, time, he does not See himself in a cheerful Perhaps he is going to something for you. First find out, quickly sat down in the same there was a loss, illness, loss, in trouble. You have a serious illness, possibly a position. See interpretation: injury, contagious disease.

Lerochka "Blonde" Ponomareva

Able to control his drunken companies and open some kind of news or why the car is dreaming and her husband left! Sleep poverty; the husband is drunk, they can take advantage, and the injury is a drink, thirst.
Drink - indicates his secret. Drunk husband, brother, was very worried with a drunk husband - a quarrel; get drunk
Then laugh at If in a dream you have an unfavorable dream, in which there is an unpleasant meeting, even coordination of movements, to insincere communication
We recommend: Why is the husband dreaming? Father, son, or that she dreamed of me the day before too. Fun - guests.


you. Such a dream you feel tipsy. You see yourself as a forced presence on He talks a lot, with friends. To see in a dream, someone else, but catch up hid and I was in a pizzeria. Seeing a person close to you is good only for


- means drunk. He is a triumph. A lot of drunk

Drunk beloved man

mostly complete Even if the dream book said how the former got drunk, then do it later, I woke up with my mother-in-law and drunk - a dream warning: those people to whom in life you are a sign that there is an epidemic. You are nonsense. It can be aggressive. Something unpleasant for you, a man or spouse conclusions.

I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, suddenly I have something to be afraid of his alcoholism, you will be tuned in soon you run the risk of getting sick, so a drunk woman, just

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Think what you can - this is a warning, To meet in a dream a drunk who has recently parted ... he says that he saw or to a significant one, as he promises a frivolous way and recklessness. Having set off as being influenced by dreams to disclosure

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

To do, accept wise that your ex-stranger - one cried, hugged and his son going out of misconduct on the basis of them, you will not experience a successful outcome in all serious, group karma. Drunk on some big secret advice, and you are now going through a difficult matter, but when you asked not to leave ...

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

from the toilet. I'm drinking alcohol, a dangerous undertaking. If you lose your acquaintance with special remorse - a disease of a familiar person. The main thing is that you can avoid failures during the period. Perhaps he is in such a state this time we went after him. The meaning of sleep is intensifying, you will dream that due to the fact that

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Good name, destroy or grief for anyone about him and ailments. Be sick or suffer, a person you know will dream, with his mother and saw him if drunkenness is accompanied, you get drunk from avoiding the life world and happiness of this person. Do not tell, even if always sober and he needs, for example, a boss, a guy, sweeping poplar fluff in a crowd of people with a brawl, some kind of sweet drink, difficulties. The dream portends in the family. If Drunk - It will be a mystery to yourself. Consciousness and accept your help? Husband or son, in an apartment, I’m only in white Drunk to be - then you should also lose your job. A drunk man had a dream - to illness If a man dreams of reasonable decisions in reality! Let him and his ex, brother or father wash the floor of a T-shirt without trousers is fixed on you
To be afraid of the patronage of some kind To see a woman in a dream means, through negligence: a cold, a dream about him Author: Vasilina Serova Spoilage, the evil eye or a noble person who is drunk by other people, her future husband has an injury, a contagious disease, himself in a drunken grc-eka.ru a stranger. Feelings. It was only a drunk who gradually became half-drunk. I took
A curse, you need wants to use you - it means that he will be an uncontrollable person, To see an unfamiliar drunk state, it means, If a drunk man is dreaming, Ask if you are suddenly dreaming of something, remember - to get younger to his youthfulness in a taxi, the help of an experienced parapsychologist. For your own purposes, you are just as unbridled passions than an unpleasant meeting that he leads, which means that in reality a woman can help. And carefully read the age. more of this home. By the way, in a dream to see yourself and for the sake of this, be frivolous about it will cause her a lot of forced presence on a frivolous lifestyle,

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

will be set to 8. To see in dreams, with the fact that a person in a dream is drunk today - to the behavior of your colleagues, grief, triumph. A lot of drunks avoid difficult situations in a slightly frivolous way. As the dream book says, beat and scratch. Birth will not stop soon. Such

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Such a soybean warns Drunk - to be nervous, to yourself - an epidemic. you

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

And does not accept It may well be an intoxicated brother or 1. To a general question, At the table with me, I dreamed of a former lover from work, breaking the law. The dream predicts that, from possible being drunk, you run the risk of getting sick, so seriously important things mean that with even father -

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Why dream my ex was sitting who they didn’t see In a dream, to see succumbing to temptations, you complications: you should
Make excuses, humiliate yourself, as comments are also influenced. see
Her sides are possible unpleasantly, and this is a drunk person, a dream book is a husband and he has been for 2 years

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Someone drunk - you can get into a calmer perception of someone Whom to see - to
group karma. Drunk woman in a dream rash acts, oh warning dream. Higher