What awaits a person in the future. Larisa Seklitova, Lyudmila Strelnikova What awaits humanity in the future? Higher intelligence about a man of the sixth race, aliens, lost civilizations and indigo children. year - cloud sowing chaos

What awaits humanity in the near future?


    For twenty-six thousand years, an experiment has been going on on Earth to bring humanity and the planet out of the depths of matter into a divine state. Two outcomes were supposed: the end of the world and a golden age.

    Mankind has made several attempts, but they were all unsuccessful. There was one last hope and people coped with it. We idm (return) together with the planet to the earthly Paradise. Because people remembered their divinity, and this was the main condition of the experiment. If humanity had not coped with the task, then after the catastrophe the planet would have been mothballed and they would have decided what to do next.

    In the near future we are waiting for the following.

    People will begin to change thoughts, feelings and body: the energy of the soul will begin to manifest in them. More advanced children will also continue to be born. Our planet is also changing, and a new dimension will soon be formed for human life. I already see this world a little - its light.

    There will be no world war, but there will be local brawls. Russia will flourish spiritually, and especially Siberia. Now we are approximately in the middle of a small ice age and at the same time there is a climate change - where it was cold, it will become warm, and vice versa. Since 1992, there have been no incurable diseases on Earth, if a person wants, he will recover from any disease. And since the end of 2012, people have the opportunity to live twice as long. People will more and more intuitively gravitate to live on earth, as technocratic civilization will come to an end.

    Changes are taking place on Earth, and this is clearly seen in planetary cataclysms and climate change, in the global crisis and the fragmentation of states, in the birth of advanced people and awakening people, in the information boom and the surge of spiritual aspirations among people...

    What awaits humanity in the near future, only one thing, God's Fair Judgment, will be rewarded to everyone, for theft, for lying, for abortions, for murders, for betrayal. and most importantly, because they rejected the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and did not repent of their crimes, although the Savior Jesus Christ called everyone to repentance!

    What awaits humanity, you thought?

    Not before, then later, well, alas!

    Ignorance of the law, the universe says

    No one will avoid meeting with God!

    Read the Gospel of John

    As there will be fire, hurricanes will pass,

    Earthquakes, cities fall.

    The rivers will be filled with blood. seas!

    It seems to you like a fairy tale, a reality,

    Only because the hearts are full of rot!

    And turn to Christ quickly,

    What pride prevents, but you know better!

    Then taste the delights of hell

    If you have God, and forgiveness is not needed!

    There are a lot of publications, statements, hypotheses, theories of both modern study and in comparison with previously published scientific, records of legends of different peoples on the Internet; the study of space allows us to put forward new hypotheses about the origin of the planet Earth, the Moon’s satellite, the origin of Life, development in the evolution of plant and the animal world, and the Man himself as an individual and human communities, their influence on each other for the development of civilization and the problems arising as a result of interaction; there are verbal statements that Man is the most dangerous beast, a conqueror of nature, changing the face of the planet not only in order to improve the general well-being, but in the interests of unreasoned plans, spontaneous decisions, erroneous theories; one can find publications of hypotheses about the decay of civilization as a result of environmental pollution to the upper words of the atmosphere

Mankind stands at the crossroads of its life path: the development of technology and science will destroy our planet, or help to cope with all the problems that people have created for themselves. Technological progress has made a reality what no one could even dream of a few decades ago: medicine, biology, physics, chemistry and other branches of scientific knowledge are advancing by leaps and bounds. But won't our civilization end up where roads paved with good intentions usually lead? Here a few guesses what awaits the Earth and its inhabitants in the future.

1. Environmental disaster

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere poses a serious threat to the climate of our planet. If humanity does not find a way to significantly limit CO2 emissions soon, the average annual temperature will begin to rise, and various climatic disasters will become more frequent, according to Ken Caldeira, an atmospheric specialist in the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology.

According to Caldeira, a person in the process of evolution improved his skills as a hunter and gatherer in order to provide himself and his loved ones with the most necessary things, but in the modern world this can cause a global ecological disaster. Nature has long become for mankind only a source of resources for improving technologies and production, and if decisive measures are not taken to correct the situation, it is not known what the future awaits our planet in the very near future, the scientist emphasized.

2. Bionics

IN last years biology and medicine are actively developing and, one might say, are experiencing a period of prosperity. A mechanical heart, various prostheses, artificial organs - all this helps to improve the health of a person (and humanity as a whole) and prolong life. Modern biotechnologies are becoming more accessible, which allows them to be used more widely, but the coin also has a downside - popularization has led attackers to create a fundamentally new weapon in this business.

According to Seth Szostak, an astronomer at the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) in Mountain View, California, the main danger lies in the so-called bio-hacking. Under the common name hides a variety of activities: from the development of deadly viruses to the introduction of implants into the human brain to obtain any information.

Jacob Hakk-Misra, a climatologist at the Blue Marble Space Science Institute, believes in turn that there will be an “ethical implant” that will allow humanity to take a different look at the problems of a planetary scale.

3. Artificial intelligence

The best minds on the planet long ago started a debate: will people be able to create intelligent machines that can think like a person. Kim Stanley Robinson, science fiction writer, author of the famous Mars trilogy, believes that this will never happen: "There is one thing that will forever remain a mystery to us - the human brain."

So far, researchers can only study the brain using electroencephalography and blood flow measurements, but to understand the principles of the device of consciousness or, for example, memory, this is clearly not enough, Robinson said.

Seth Szostak does not agree with him: people did not, for example, have to thoroughly study the physiological structure of birds in order to build an airplane, so why is it necessary to delve into the structure of the brain in detail to create intelligent robots and computers?

“Once you have a smart machine, you can immediately give it the task of developing an even more advanced machine,” says Shostak.

Among supporters of computer superintelligence, the theory of technological singularity is popular, that is, the existence of a certain milestone, after which technical progress will become so fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to the understanding of people, and the capabilities of the computer mind will surpass human ones. The justification for the singularity was given in his writings by the famous American inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, according to whom this moment will be passed already in 2045, but other researchers, in particular Robinson and Shostak, are more skeptical.

4. Space exploration

Mars One

The process of active exploration of near-Earth space began more than half a century ago and is rapidly gaining momentum: man landed on the moon, it is expected that in the coming decades people will master the surface of Mars, and in the future it is planned to organize full-fledged space expeditions throughout the solar system and beyond.

“One of the goals of space exploration is to prepare for the evacuation of some earthlings to other planets so that humanity does not have to start all over from scratch if something happens to the Earth,” says writer, historian of science and astronomer Stephen Dick.

According to him, humanity may die tomorrow if, for example, a large meteorite collides with our planet, which astronomers did not notice in time.

Kim Robinson, in turn, suggested (and many scientists agreed with him) that no amount of space travel can save humanity from a possible catastrophe. The only thing it can give is a sense of the fragility of the small light blue planet on which we live.

5 Alien Life

The search for life and, in particular, intelligence in the Universe is one of the main goals of all space programs of earthlings. Of course, scientists and enthusiasts hope that alien life forms will at least somehow resemble earthly ones, and perhaps even make contact with humanoid aliens.

Using images from the Kepler telescope, NASA managed to detect several planets potentially suitable for the origin of life, which gave rise to a new wave of assumptions and rumors about extraterrestrial civilizations, and the SETI Institute has been deciphering the signals received by the radio telescope of the Arecibo Observatory (Puerto Rico) for several years. .

In a programme [email protected] Millions of volunteers are involved, providing the power of their computers for computing. On January 5, 2012, the receipt of a signal, possibly of extraterrestrial origin, was announced, but there is no unambiguous interpretation of this event yet - the study of this message continues.

Skeptics say that if aliens existed, then humanity would have met with them long ago, but there are also convincing counterarguments: perhaps the alien race deliberately avoids direct contact so as not to interfere with the development of our civilization, or, on the contrary, the humanoids decided to capture the Earth , and therefore do not want to create a panic ahead of time.

Be that as it may, scientists are sure of one thing: evidence of the existence of life outside of our planet will be of great importance to humanity. As Seth Szostak explains:

“Knowing that someone lives somewhere is very important in itself.”

Of course, we will not live to see all this, but it is very interesting to know at least approximately what awaits our planet in the distant future. I am glad that these are not just predictions of incomprehensible people, but quite reasonable calculations of scientists.

Less than 10,000 years ahead

~320 years - the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will become habitable.
~600 years - the time when, in accordance with modern ideas about the boundaries of the constellations, the precession of the Earth's axis will shift the spring equinox from the constellation of Pisces to the constellation of Aquarius. From this moment, the astrological "Age of Aquarius" will begin.
~1000 years - as a result of the precession of the earth's axis, Gamma Cephei will become the northern polar star.
3200 years - as a result of the precession of the earth's axis, Iota Cephei will become the northern polar star.
5200 years - The Gregorian calendar will begin to lag behind astronomical time by one day.
9700 years - Barnard's Star will approach the solar system at a distance of 3.8 light years. At this time, she will be our next door neighbor.

10,000 to 1,000,000 years ahead

10,000 years is the end of humanity according to Brandon Carter's doomsday theorem, which states that by this point humanity will have died out with a 95% probability.
13,000 years - as a result of the precession of the earth's axis, Vega will become the North Star.
36,000 years - The star Ross 248 will approach at a distance of 3.024 light years from solar system, becoming at this time the closest star to the Sun.
42,000 years - Alpha Centauri will approach the sun at a minimum distance.
50,000 years - the interglacial period will end and the Earth will plunge into a new epoch of glaciation, which will be softened by the effect of global warming. Niagara Falls will destroy the last 30 kilometers to Lake Erie and cease to exist.
100,000 years - the own movement of the stars will make the constellations unrecognizable. Hypergiant star VY Big Dog explode, forming a hypernova.
500,000 years - during this time, an asteroid with a diameter of about 1 km will most likely fall to Earth.

1 million to 1 billion (10^6 10^9) years ahead

1.4 million years - Gliese 710 will pass at a distance of 0.3-0.6 light years from the Sun. In this case, the gravitational field of the star can cause perturbation of the Oort Cloud and increase the likelihood of cometary bombardment inside the solar system.
10 million years - the expanding East African Rift Valley will be flooded by the waters of the Red Sea, African continent will be separated by a new ocean bay.
40 million years - the satellite of Mars Phobos will fall on its surface.
50 million years - Australia will cross the equator and collide with Southeast Asia. The California coast will begin to sink under the Aleutian Trench, and Africa will collide with Eurasia, closing off the Mediterranean Sea and creating a mountain system comparable to the Himalayas.
100 million years - during this time, the Earth is likely to collide with a meteorite similar in size to the one whose fall led to the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
150 million years - Australia will collide with Antarctica. America will collide with Greenland
~230 million years - from this moment it becomes impossible to predict the orbits of the planets.
~240 million years - The solar system will complete a full revolution around the center of the galaxy.
250 million years - the continents of the Earth will unite into a new Supercontinent.
600 million years - tidal drag will move the Moon away from the Earth so much that a total solar eclipse will become impossible.

1 billion to 1 trillion (10^9 10^12) years ahead

1 billion years - the moment when the increase in the brightness of the Sun will make life on the surface of the Earth impossible.
3.5 billion years - the conditions on the surface of the Earth will be comparable to those that we observe on Venus now.
3.6 billion years is the approximate time when Neptune's moon Triton will reach the planetary Roche limit and break up into a new planetary ring.
5.4 billion years - The sun begins to turn into a red giant. As a result, the surface temperature of Titan, Saturn's moon, can reach the temperature necessary to support life.
7 billion years - A collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies is expected. As a result of the collision, two galaxies will merge into one.
20 billion years - according to the Big Rip theory, our universe will cease to exist. Experimental evidence for this hypothesis is still insufficient.
50 billion years - the effect of tidal forces will equalize the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth and the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis. The Moon and the Earth will turn out to be facing each other on the same side. Provided that both survive the transformation of the Sun into a red giant.

100 billion years is the time when the expansion of the Universe will destroy all evidence for the Big Bang, leaving it behind the event horizon, which will likely make cosmology impossible.
>400 billion years - the time it takes for thorium (and much earlier uranium and all other actinides) of the entire solar system to decay to less than 10^10% of today's mass, leaving bismuth as the heaviest traceable element.

1 trillion to 1 decillion (10^12?10^33) years ahead

10 ^ 12 (1 trillion) years - the minimum time after which star formation in galaxies will stop due to the complete depletion of interstellar gas clouds necessary for the formation of new stars
2?10^12 (2 trillion) years is the time after which all galaxies outside the Local Supercluster will cease to be observable, assuming that dark energy continues to expand the Universe with acceleration.
from 10 ^ 13 (10 trillion) to 2x1013 (20 trillion) years - the life expectancy of the longest-lived stars, low-mass red dwarfs.
10^14 (100 trillion) years - maximum time until star formation in galaxies ceases. This means the transition of the universe from the era of stars to the era of decay; once star formation is over and the least massive red dwarfs have used up their fuel, the only stellar objects that exist will be the end products of stellar evolution: white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. There will also be brown dwarfs.
10^15 (1 quadrillion) years is the approximate time after which the planets will leave their orbits. When two stars pass close to each other, the orbits of their planets are perturbed and can be blown out of their orbits around their parent objects. The planets with the lowest orbits will last the longest, since objects must pass very close to each other to change their orbit.
10^19 to 10^20 years is the approximate time after which brown dwarfs and stellar remnants will be ejected from galaxies. When two objects pass close enough to each other, an exchange of orbital energy occurs, in which objects with less mass tend to accumulate energy. Thus, through repeated encounters, objects with less mass can accumulate enough energy to leave the galaxy. As a result of this process, galaxies will lose most of their brown dwarfs and stellar remains.
10^20 years is the approximate time after which the Earth would have fallen into the Sun due to the loss of energy of orbital motion through gravitational radiation, if the Earth had not previously been absorbed by the Sun, which turned into a red giant, or was not ejected from orbit by gravitational perturbations from passing by stars.
10^32 years - the minimum possible value of the proton half-life, according to experiments.

1 decillion to 1 million (10^33 10^3003) years ahead

3x10^34 years is the approximate time it takes for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if the half-life of the proton is taken as the minimum possible value.
10^36 years is the average half-life of a proton according to some theories.
10^41 years is the maximum possible value for the proton half-life, assuming that the Big Bang is described by inflationary cosmological theories and that the decay of the proton is caused by the same mechanism that is responsible for the predominance of baryons over antibaryons in the early Universe
3x10^43 years is the approximate time it will take for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if the maximum possible value, 10^41, is taken for the half-life of the proton, according to the conditions given above. After this time stamp, if the protons decay, the black hole era will begin, in which black holes are the only celestial bodies in existence.
10 ^ 65 years - assuming that protons do not decay, during this characteristic time, atoms and molecules in solids(stones, etc.) even at absolute zero they move to other places in the crystal lattice due to quantum tunneling. On this time scale, all matter can be considered as liquid.
2x10^66 years is the approximate time it takes for a black hole with the mass of the Sun to evaporate in the process of Hawking radiation.
1.7x10^106 years is the approximate time it takes for a supermassive black hole of 20 trillion solar masses to be evaporated by Hawking radiation. This marks the end of the era of black holes. Further, if protons decay, the Universe will enter an era of eternal darkness, in which all physical objects decayed to subatomic particles, gradually descending to a lower energy state.
10^1500 years - assuming protons do not decay, this is an approximate time for all matter to decay to iron-56. See isotopes of iron, iron star.

More than 1 million (10^3003) years ahead

10^10^26 years is the lower estimate of the time it takes for all matter to collapse into black holes (assuming that protons do not decay). The subsequent epoch of black holes, their evaporation and transition to the epoch of eternal darkness takes a negligible time compared to this time scale.
10^10^50 years - the estimated time after which the Boltzmann brain will appear in a vacuum due to a spontaneous decrease in entropy.

Thanks to the efforts of many scientists, modern civilization is developing dynamically. And in the 19th century there was a technological leap that brought humanity to a new stage of development. Soon people will be able to colonize the "Red Planet" or go beyond our galaxy. And there are a huge number of ways of development and humanity seems to be moving in the right direction, trying to comprehend the foundations of the universe.

But, at the same time, despite such a stunning technological progress, over the past 45 thousand years, there have been no changes directly with a person as a species of living organisms. According to the evolutionary concept, as soon as the species ceases to develop, to become better, a gradual recession and further decadence of the species begins. In the scientific community, more and more opinions are beginning to sound that humanity has reached the limit of its evolutionary development. What awaits man in the future? Can humanity continue to exist as a species of living organisms, or will the fate of dinosaurs await it?

Evolution or decadence of humanity

Our planet is going through a difficult time. Sadly, the world is on the verge of a huge collapse. Indeed, according to statistics, the world's population is increasing, resources are being depleted, and renewable resources do not have time to recover. For example, the forests of South America are being cut faster than new young trees are growing, drinking water becomes a real shortage, and in some regions of the planet, food is not enough for all people. More than 24,000 to 25,000 people die of hunger every day. In the near future, humanity will face the following problems:
population aging in developed countries;
changing climatic conditions on the planet;
lack of resources, food;
contraction of the labor market due to the use of technology;
increased information load.

One of the ways to solve all existing problems is the transition of mankind to a new stage of evolutionary development.

The famous scientist Stephen Hawking has been calling for the beginning of the process of cybernetization of mankind for many years in a row. According to his theory, the technological "pumping" of a person will consist in changing his nervous system, optimizing it with computers, which will significantly expand the intellectual capabilities of people, as well as replacing some parts of the body with mechanical analogues.

At first glance it may seem that the scientist's idea is completely insane. However, at the moment, research is being carried out in this direction in the world.

What awaits humanity in the near future?

Today, in developed countries, the implantation of computer chips into people's bodies is widely used. In addition, some large corporations, when hiring, put forward requirements for job seekers about the need to implant a special chip. The device implanted in the human body does not cause allergies and can be removed from the body quite simply. However, the precedent itself is interesting.

In modern medicine, devices are widely used that are implanted in the patient's body and stabilize the work. internal organs or collect and transmit information about the patient's condition.

Even more than that, the possibility of transplanting the head of one person with the preservation of his personality on a new body is already being considered. Even a volunteer has already been found who is ready to take risks in this dangerous experiment.

At the moment, a technology called NeuroNet is being developed in the USA. The developers are confident that in the near future it will be possible to create a stable platform for the operation of the human nervous system and the computer. The technology will significantly expand the mental abilities of people and launch a real biotechnical revolution. NeuroNet will create a new kind of people who will have hybrid human-machine intelligence. The use of technology is limitless: a person will receive an almost limitless memory, the level of information processing will increase, the brain will be able to decide the most difficult tasks increase the cognitive capabilities of the brain.

All this will lead to the fact that improved people will begin to gradually oust ordinary people from all prestigious positions, turning them into second-class biomaterial. In addition, research in this direction will accelerate the creation of artificial intelligence.

Will robots rule the world?

Large companies in Japan and South Korea are intensively creating companion robots that communicate with the elderly and people with disabilities, educate children and become children for childless mothers. Robots have already learned how to maintain a conversation with a person, distinguish between his emotions, make purchases and even some completely intimate things.

Sophie's robot became the first robot in the world to receive citizenship. The king of the UAE made the robot his subject after he talked to him.

In some countries, mass production and sale of robots that can replace a human sexual partner is already beginning. These machines can imitate the sounds of sexual pleasure, respond to human touch, and most importantly, they learn the habits of their partner and adapt to them.

In the near future, robots will become very similar to humans. According to Professor Oliver Sharp, such a technological leap will lead to the fact that people will stop communicating with each other and start families. After all, it is much easier to have an accommodating partner who will not pester with various problems.

As soon as the robot firmly enters everyday life, there will be a danger of crowding out people from certain sectors of the economy. There will be gradual job cuts. Professions that do not require much intellectual thought but require physical effort will be the first to be abolished. As an option, professions: scavenger, cleaner, loader, handyman.

Further development of technology will make it possible to entrust robots with more responsible work, an accountant, an economist, a statistician ... And, then ... maybe robots will displace a person himself ...

Despite its novelty and innovative methods, synthetic biology belongs to the most demanded and promising areas genetic engineering. The rate of development of this field of knowledge allows us to talk about the creation of an absolutely artificial organism in the near future.

He will have behavioral patterns and biological functions human, including the ability to reproduce naturally. These bacteria will be widely used to make medicines and produce modern biofuels.

A huge DNA bank will help to realize grandiose ideas, which will become a habitat for thousands of fragments of DNA chains. The genetic material will give scientists the ability to assemble the code of the cell on the principle of a constructor. The problem is that when someone creates a code, there are always those who want to crack it. Computer technology is a clear confirmation of this.

The development of synthetic biology will entail the development of biohacking. Wanting to harm any representative of humanity, the hacker will create bacteria that can take over the functions of controlling the human brain and transfer them to the biohacker. This is a typical problem in the computer world, which we no longer pay much attention to. In the case of hacking biological materials, technology will become a serious weapon in the wrong hands.

It is still too early to say that the pace of development of synthetic biology is comparable to the rapid introduction of informatics and cybernetics into our lives. Nevertheless, in May 2010, the creation of the first synthetic cell was announced, the design of which was carried out on a computer using a digital code. Its creator was the American Craig Venter, who dubbed the living invention the first biological heir to a computer with the ability to reproduce itself.

The Japanese want to green the desert

The result of the joint work of Panasonic Corporation and Kyoto University was a grandiose project to turn lifeless tons of sand into luxurious flowering oases. The developed desert greening technology consists in spraying a special reagent that helps the soil retain up to 70% of the moisture that enters it. It is important that this spraying in no way interferes with the free flow of air into the soil and its normal circulation.

A number of countries have already expressed their interest in the project, for which the fight against the desert territory is on the list of priorities. These are states located in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In the context of the level of development of these countries, a significant advantage of landscaping technology is its relatively low cost. It costs only $100 to produce one ton of spray reagent. The technology is expected to become popular by 2016.

Mammoths are back!

Did you think that mammoths ceased to exist many centuries ago? Technological progress will force you to reconsider your attitude to the past-modern-future paradigm. Scientific experiments of today are not only aimed at the invention of ideal functional gadgets, the study of outer space or the search for mechanisms to protect the environment.

Some bright minds of mankind are "burning with the idea" to bring extinct animals back to life, the method of which should be cloning.

The first attempts to clone mammoths were made in the 1990s. Then scientists tried to revive the animal that disappeared from the face of the planet using its muscle tissue, preserved in the permafrost. The experiment was not successful. The viability of cells that had lain for so long in sub-zero temperatures was zero.

However, in 2008, researchers succeeded in cloning a mouse using the genetic material of an animal that had lain in the permafrost for 16 years. The experiment was conducted at the Center for Developmental Biology by Dr. Teruhiko Wakayama. Today, Akira Iritani, who is a professor at Kyoto University, is trying to improve the technique. His efforts are aimed at cloning an organism that has been stored for 5 thousand years.

  1. To begin with, the professor plans to go to Siberia to find a suitable piece of muscle tissue. Its dimensions must be at least 3 square centimeters. If the independent search for a sample is not successful, Iritani plans to seek help from Russian colleagues.
  2. The next point of the researcher's plan is to isolate the nucleus from the cells of an extinct animal. Of these, relatively healthy nuclei will be selected and placed in the eggs of female African elephants. It is assumed that this animal will become an almost ideal surrogate mother.
  3. Conception of a fetus will take approximately 2 years of work, and gestation will be equivalent to approximately 600 days.

Iritani claims that the experiment has a considerable chance of success, and results can be expected in 4-5 years.

"Armageddon" as a prototype of NASA research

The film "Armageddon", released in 1999, gathered masses of fans of the science fiction genre in cinemas. They admired, wondered and trembled before the sign of "his majesty of the future" with exciting space travel and noble missions to save humanity. And who would have thought then that the landing of people on an object of heavenly origin is not a bizarre invention of the scriptwriters, but the reality of tomorrow.

In 2015, NASA employees plan to send an expedition to the meteor. Its members will have to collect the necessary information, as well as take samples from space objects in order to test them for suitability for the extraction of various minerals. The curator of the mission is Dr. Abel. He focuses on the fact that despite the grandeur of the mission, its implementation will be much less dynamic and dramatic than in the movie Armageddon.

The expedition promises many difficulties and dangers, but the number of people wishing to take a place in the research team is increasing every day. At the moment, NASA does not select candidates, limiting itself to statements that the high level of complexity of the selection tests will weed out the majority of applicants.

The main problem is landing astronauts on the surface of an asteroid. Self-landing of a ship on a celestial body is impossible due to the very weak gravitational force of the asteroid. Since its speed is between 54,000 and 900,000 kilometers per hour, the spacecraft must develop the same speed so that the crew can get from the ship to the asteroid. After carrying out the necessary tests, the astronauts will return to the spacecraft in the same way.

The collapse of the traditional education system

During the Interra-2013 forum, which took place in Novosibirsk, a statement was made about the imminent collapse of school and university education. The idea was voiced by Pavel Luksha, head of corporate educational programs at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. The specialist suggests that the developed countries of the world will abandon the traditional approach to education in 25 years.

The beginning of non-systemic education will be laid by “digital universities”, where everyone will be able to choose the necessary high-quality materials. The text will no longer be the basic means of conveying information, and documents about the level of education like a diploma will become a thing of the past in 10 years.

Overpopulation of the planet threatens food shortage

American scientists have calculated that the population of the Earth will be replenished with 2.5 billion new lives in 40 years, which will allow it to reach the mark of 9.6 billion people. At the same time, food stocks will be too small to meet the needs of most of the inhabitants of the planet. China and India are expected to be the first victims of the food shortage.

The food crisis could be overcome by cutting down forests and planting crops in the resulting territories. However, this measure will have another environmental problem as its consequence. If the trees won't absorb carbon dioxide, which increases the greenhouse effect.

So the only way to deal with the food crisis is to grow more crops. Doubling existing crops will not be enough for the world's population in 40 years. To prevent possible famine, humanity must develop schemes to increase crop yields, as well as abandon biofuels. It would be very useful to improve fertilizers, reduce the proportion of meat in the human diet, and reduce food waste.

The African continent will become the most populated continent in the world

The publication La Repubblica suggests that in the near future the countries of Africa will unite into one huge power. Experts say that the state-continent will become the place of residence of the majority of the world's population. According to preliminary estimates, Africa will become the most populated continent by 2050.

The trend is clear, as most of the world's population growth rates are slowing down, while the African continent consistently demonstrates dynamic growth rates.

Experts from the Institute for Demographic Research (France) believe that by the middle of the century Africa will be the Motherland for every third child.

Top discoveries of the next hundred years: BBC version

The authoritative British news agency BBC has published a list of the most anticipated discoveries. The plan for their implementation is designed for 100 years, and the final place of each of them is determined based on a survey of Internet users.

Year 2012. Underwater farms

The world's population recently surpassed the 7 billion mark. A large number of people means not only more variation in the choice of labor force, but also greater needs in terms of satisfying hunger. Scientists are actively working to create a kind of "food reserves" at the bottom of the ocean, where they will grow fish, shellfish and algae. To date, it has been partially implemented.

Year 2012. Climate control systems

The development of such devices began a long time ago. The current level of technological development allows us to become witnesses of considerable success. It is unlikely that we, as city dwellers, will be able to order the desired weather, but these systems will be used by the authorities to maximize the efficiency of agricultural work, as well as to prevent natural disasters. To date, it has been partially implemented.

Year 2012-2015. US map change

The fears of the ruling elite are connected with the state of California. The bohemia of this region understands that its standard of living is much higher than the average indicators of the country, and does not hide its desire to separate. However, California may disappear from the list of US states for another reason, which is being in an earthquake zone.

Year 2050-2075. The emergence of a new race of people

Information will be freely delivered directly to the human brain and back. Artificial organisms will be created, placing one's brain in which will enable a person to modify himself and extend the period of his functionality. Consumption a large number food will be replaced by recharging.

Year 2100. Brain network

The network will add a lot of functionality when it is freed from wires and the need for localization. It will be in the head of a person, providing the ability to send messages and talk to people from other cities using the power of thought alone.