What is gulkin's nose idiom meaning. The meaning of the phraseological unit "With gulkin's nose". The history of the emergence of phraseology. Synonyms in other languages

The origin and meaning of the phraseological unit "with a gulkin's nose"?

0 what does S Gulkin's nose mean? Since ancient times in Russia they have been using a large number of colorful turns of speech that give our language figurativeness and expressiveness. Some of them were formed relatively recently, while others have their roots in the depths of centuries. Therefore, not all citizens can confidently declare that they know their meaning and origin. To dispel your doubts and find a decoding of the necessary terms, I suggest adding the modny-slova.rf website to your bookmarks. Then you can visit us at any time for a light. Today we will talk about a curious expression, this With a goofy nose, you can find out the meaning of phraseology a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to show you a couple more sensible publications on the subject of proverbs and sayings. For example, what does it mean to build eyes; how to understand Dashing trouble is the beginning; which means beat means loves; the meaning of the expression Further-more, etc.
So let's continue what does it mean with a gulkin nose?

Synonym C gulkin nose: sensitive, with a little finger; with a pin needle; once or twice and miscalculated; a little, on the little finger; for a penny; microscopic, tiny, small, tiny, the cat cried; short, nothing at all; with a sparrow nose; on the bottom; tiny, tiny.

The origin of the expression C gulkin's nose arose at the dawn of pigeon lovers, the so-called pigeon breeders. The fact is that when a person begins to feed his winged pets, they begin to make pleasant throat sounds. ghoul ghoul". Therefore, some admirers of these birds began to affectionately call them "ghouls" or diminutively "ghouls". It must be admitted that today in the villages they call for feeding with the words, “ghoul ghoul”, not only pigeons, but more chickens, ducks, and other flying animals.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that gulkin's nose' is a pigeon's beak. And since the beak of this bird is not very large, everything that is called that has a tiny size. Therefore, when you hear the girls laughingly discussing the “jade wand”, one of the guys, comparing “him with a gulka nose”, know that this is very insulting.

After reading this article, you learned phraseology With gulkin' nose meaning and its origin. Now you will not get into trouble when you again discover this ambiguous statement or hear it from your friends nyashek.

Chop from the shoulder

In ancient times, to chop meant to smash enemies, that is, to strike the enemy from the shoulder or backhand. This blow was specially trained, and it was considered very effective in battle.

And the warrior who mastered this science was considered an experienced warrior who knew how to give a worthy rebuff in difficult times. The main thing was that the blow should come sharply, suddenly. Only in his suddenness was half the success.

Later, this expression entered the civilian life.

Now "to cut from the shoulder" means to say something directly, sharply, without embarrassment in expressions.

With a goofy nose

In Russian, a dove or a dove was affectionately called a gulka, gulka. Pigeoners, those who deal with pigeons, know this very well. They say this because pigeons, when they are fed and talked to, in response, make such sounds as “gul-gul”. They are even invited to feed.

So, gulkin's nose is the nose of a dove.

And we use the expression "with a gulkin's nose" when we want to say that there is very little of something, just with a pigeon's nose.

Seven Fridays in a week

In ancient times in Rus', Friday was a market day. On this day, people went to the fair to buy or sell something. That is, on this day trade transactions were made, contracts were concluded, conditions were prescribed. Also, debts were paid off.

The person who did not repay the debt on Friday was considered an unreliable person. Traders tried not to deal with such a person.

And among the merchants there was such an opinion that such a person always had seven Fridays a week.

Those. this man swore to repay the debt, but put it off from day to day.

Later, this expression began to be applied to people who constantly change their minds, postpone their decisions.

Burn with shame

Everyone has experienced this at least once. After all, there were moments in life when we were ashamed. It seems that the face is just on fire. And all because the blood from excitement rushes to the face.

And it seems a little more, and you can burn out completely. This is how the expression came about. And the root here is in the work of the human body.

Such expressions describe a situation very clearly and colorfully. Use them with understanding.

Philologist, candidate of philological sciences, poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Publication date: 01/10/2019

When something good is not enough, it is depressing. To convey disappointment, some particularly capacious expression is needed. There are enough such idioms in Russian! One of them - with a gulkin nose- perfectly characterizes the traditions of Russian minimalism.

The meaning and origin of phraseology

The stable phrase "with a gulkin's nose" is used when they want to emphasize a meager amount of something. Gulka is a "ghoul", the colloquial name for a dove. The beak of a ghoul is tiny, it cannot be compared with a duck or an eagle. That is why something small and insignificant can be compared to a pigeon's nose. Phonetically, the expression also fits the situation: there is some slightly offensive, teasing connotation in it.

There is also an expression about a sparrow: "shorter than a sparrow's nose." This bird is even smaller, but the dove takes first place in the idiomatic race.
For example, after picking mushrooms, when mushroom pickers compare the volume of prey brought in baskets, it will be annoying to hear from an experienced grandfather, the commander of a detachment of grandchildren: “Well, you, Vasyatka, scored mushrooms - with a gulkin nose!”. This means less...

“I wrote an essay - with a gulkin nose!” - Marya Ivanna will reproach the laziest student, putting a notebook with a fresh “troika” on his desk. It should be understood that the assessment directly depends not only on the number of errors, but also on the amount of work. Brevity, of course, is the sister of talent, but brevity has its limits.

Another example of the use of phraseological units is everyday colloquial speech. Discussing and condemning their acquaintances, ladies do not stand on ceremony in choosing expressions. About a short-sighted neighbor, they may well say: “She has a mind - with a gulkin nose: she also guessed to start washing for Easter!”. This means that not very smart, according to the "pious" gossips, the neighbor has violated a certain prohibition.

In general, we can say that Gulkin's nose is remembered everywhere and at every opportunity, as soon as something is missing. This expression is one of the most beloved among Russians, because the broad nature of compatriots loves space and scope. Everything small, cramped, limited upsets us and makes us want to express ourselves more expressively.

If something is very small, you can use synonymous idioms, which are enough in our language. Instead of the phrase “I don’t have enough,” say, for example:

  • with a sparrow nose;
  • with a pinhead;
  • what an elephant is a pellet;
  • a drop in the sea;
  • once or twice and miscalculated;
  • on the little finger;
  • can be counted on the fingers.

To better understand the meaning of a phraseological unit, compare it with antonyms used in the meaning of "very much, redundantly":

  • chickens do not peck;
  • count not count;
  • nowhere to step.

To indicate the extreme poverty of something, foreigners use the following phrases:

  • as small as a pigeon's nose (German);
  • a drop in the ocean (English);
  • with a cat's forehead (Japanese);
  • nowhere to bite (Spanish).

A harmless bird with a short beak, in general, is very harmless. It's no fault that the neatness of her nose has become . In order not to be disappointed and to remember the need and lack as little as possible, try to do everything so that there is more good in life than with a gulkin's nose.

What unexpected and at first glance even incomprehensible expressions do not contain dictionaries of the Russian language! Here is the "gulkin's nose" - who is this gulka and what does her nose have to do with it? Let's try to figure it out.

The meaning of phraseologism "with gulkin's nose"

The richness of the native language is characteristic of the fact that the definition of a particular concept is not limited to one word. You can just say, "I'm hungry." But this will be nothing more than a statement of fact. Or you can add expression to this message and say: “Since yesterday, there was no poppy dew in my mouth.” And the degree of hunger of the speaker becomes almost tangible. How much richer such a message sounds!

There are many such examples. It is not for nothing that a huge number of relevant dictionaries have been published, explaining the meanings and origin of various set expressions.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "with a gulkin's nose" also expands the concepts of "very little" or "very small, small." It is used, as a rule, when characterizing a place, objects, money: “He will need a place with a gulkin’s nose”, “And the coins in his wallet - with a gulkin’s nose”, “He has a room with a gulkin’s nose”. The meaning of something small is also expressed by the phrase "with a sparrow's nose."

The history of the origin of the expression "with a gulkin nose"

Phraseological units and words have common features - lexical meaning and grammatical category. The first parameter is confirmed by the fact that both of them can be correlated as synonyms. These include the idiom "with a gulkin's nose" in the meaning of "very little."

The history of the emergence of phraseological units points to the phrase as a genetic source By and large, each of the idioms represents a grammatical structure, which is rethought for a specific concept. This is what the expression under consideration says.

Phraseologism "with gulkin's nose" is directly related to the beak of a dove. How are these birds usually called? "Guli-guli-ghuli" - in imitation of their "conversation". And these birds themselves began to be affectionately called the same. And the beak - the nose of a dove, the bun - in comparison with her body is very small. This is the lexico-genetic origin: "with a gulkin's nose" - therefore, something extremely small, well, just the size of a pigeon's beak.

Synonyms of phraseologism in Russian

The expression in question belongs to the category It is known that thanks to them the language is enriched. By the way, the meaning of the phraseological unit “with gulkin’s nose” in Russian vocabulary has several more similar catch phrases.

The history of the emergence of phraseological units is rich in such examples. Expanding the topic, one can also turn to verbal synonyms (including dialectisms) that have the same meaning.

  • In the meaning of "little": drip, drop, per penny, on the bottom, sensitive;
  • in the meaning of "small": tiny, tiny, tiny, tiddly, microscopic, so tiny.

Synonyms in other languages

Of course, the primordially Russian expression associated with the onomatopoeic name of a dove cannot be literally transferred into other people's lexical systems.

However, in different languages ​​there are set expressions that have the meaning of "very little". So, in English it is the phrase less then nothing, literally meaning "less than nothing." And the familiar “drop in the ocean” in English sounds a drop in the ocean (a drop in the ocean).

In German, so klein / wenig wie Taubennase is almost “gulkin's nose”, which literally means “so small / as small as the nose of a dove”.

A popular Spanish expression with the same meaning is no hay para un bocado, i.e. there is no place to bite.

The Japanese version of the phraseologism (neko no hitai hodo) is also interesting, which has a literal meaning "with a cat's forehead" and also means "very little, almost nothing."

Antonyms of phraseologism in Russian

Naturally, if there is a concept of "very little", then, accordingly, the opposite should also be. What can be the opposite meaning of the phraseologism "with a gulkin's nose"?

An example is the idiom "at least a dime a dozen". In the old days, in order to artificially create a small reservoir, they blocked the river flow with a dam. For its construction, they used stones, earth, in general, any waste, cheap material, which was around in large quantities - at least a dime a dozen.

As antonyms, one can consider the expressions “apparently invisible”, “more than enough”, “there is no end to the edge”, “as much as you like”, “a wagon and a small cart”, as well as the word “full”.

Although at first glance this seems somewhat unexpected, the phrase "no end" can be used in a certain sense. Wed: work with gulkin's nose - no end of work.

Antonyms in other languages

The expression "with a gulkin's nose" with the opposite meaning has interesting options in other languages. In English, this antonym with the meaning "at least a dime a dozen" will sound like this: at least a dime a dozen. It translates into Russian as "at least a dime (a coin worth 10 cents) for a dozen."

In English, there is one more expression - the antonym of "gulk's nose", which corresponds to the Russian "carriage and a small cart": enough for a man and his dog (that is, literally: enough for a man and his dog).

The Spanish phrase al menos a diez centavos por docena has the same meaning as the English phrase about 10 cents a dozen.

The French equivalent to the Russian "at least a dime a dozen" is au moins treize à la douzaine. Literally translated as "at least thirteen in a dozen (i.e., twelve)".

In German, the analogues of “more than enough” are jeder menge, that is, “a large number”, “at least a dime a dozen” - Im Überfluss (“abundant”), but these are, so to speak, verbal substitutes. And there is also such a stable phrase: so viel wie Sand am Meer, which literally translates: “as much as sand by the sea.”

Use of the expression "with a gulkin nose" in literature

Phraseologisms have an enviable fate. They are assigned the role of elements of the language, decorating and enriching it. Take, for example, the expression "with a gulkin's nose." The meaning of “very little, very small”, as already established, has several more set expressions that are successfully used in literary speech.

And although in the dictionaries next to the idiom in question there is a note “simple.” - colloquial, it is easy to imagine how dull the dialogue would sound, say, the heroes of S. Antonov’s story “It was in Penkovo”, if instead of “gulkin’s nose” a laconic “very little” was written: “A dryer is needed when there is something to dry, he interrupted her. - And you know how much seed corn we have. With a gulkin nose.

As already noted, the phrase is used not only to determine the meager amount, but also in the description of the size, area. So, in The Zvonarev Family, A. Stepanov, through the mouth of one of the characters, remarks: “One thing is bad: where to put it? A shed - with a gulkin nose, and even that one has a thin roof.

The use of the expression "with a gulkin nose" in oral speech

When people talk to each other in everyday situations, of course, it hardly occurs to them what lexical units they use in a conversation - these are phraseological units or just words. And set expressions have such a feature: they represent an integral formation and are used, organically and naturally flowing into the speech flow. And “with a gulkin nose” is not even an exception at all. Rather the opposite.

Phraseologisms, like words, are used in oral speech, obeying the established norms of the language. However, they can be pronounced by speakers and in a slightly modified form. You can use the phrase without a pretext: "small - well, purely gulkin's nose." In another colloquial version, it will sound like "no more than a gulka nose." And above, such a synonym for the expression under consideration as "with a sparrow's nose" was noted. As they say, the birds are different, but the meaning is the same.


Among the various components of the composite section of linguistics, called phraseology, the expression "with a gulkin's nose" stands out according to the method of formation: its component is, as it were, a rethought word. “Gulka” - “dove”, “nose” - “beak”, and as a result, the resulting expression “dove's beak” expresses a new meaning - “negligible”.

As a rule, phraseological units are mostly elements colloquial speech, no matter how often they are used in fiction. However, it is quite difficult to separate them from expressions that are neutral in style and are used in various, including colloquial, expressions.

Knowing what “with a gulkin’s nose” means as a phraseological unit, you can use it in everyday communication in a role that linguists would describe as stylistically reduced - colloquial.

However, if you try to conduct a kind of experiment on the frequency of use of this phraseological unit, compared with words that have the same meaning, then, perhaps, it will be the winner. If this is not “with a gulkin’s nose”, then “the cat cried” - for sure.