Fortune telling for money. Layout “Financial well-being. Fortune telling for the well-being of the family by windows

Of course, all people are concerned about the question of money, how to earn money, how to manage what they earn, where to benefit from. Money plans will help you answer these questions, reveal hidden potentials, and not miss favorable opportunities.

"Full Cup"

This prediction gives answers to questions related to the material sphere, helps to review options for receiving money, attracts luck to your side and helps improve your financial situation.

The forecast is valid for three months, unless another period has been set. It consists of 4 cards laid out as follows:

  • 1 – the card reveals the true state of affairs, answers the question why you have a difficult financial situation. Indicates specific problems and difficulties.
  • 2 – everything that can help you improve your financial situation, your assistants, tips and advice. Information that is worth paying attention to and carefully analyzing.
  • 3 – what you need to have at your disposal, what character traits help you and what you lack to resolve the situation. What is worth striving for, and what qualities are worth acquiring and developing.
  • 4 – what you need to do to stabilize the situation. Actions to attract luck to your side and advice on how to overcome existing difficulties.

Layout for viewing your financial situation for the near future

This fortune telling works for approximately three months. It is carried out on a full deck and consists of 6 cards laid out according to the following scheme:

1 – description of your energy channel, what state it is in, openness, and availability of your money channel for the receipt of finance.

2 – blockages and interference that prevent your channel from opening up to its full potential. If there is a positive card in this position, then it is worth analyzing other options for interference, looking for what else can block the flows.

3 – moments of karmic intervention and influence on your energy channel. How can you work through these moments?

4 – blocks of a psychological nature, how you block the flow of funds to yourself.

5 – description of your family, what interferes and pushes money away. Your ability to attract finance to yourself.

6 – what actions are necessary to improve your financial situation. How to open or cleanse the money channel to attract material wealth.

"Money Tree" layout

assistance in clarifying the financial situation, finding prospects and opportunities for obtaining funds. The layout consists of 5 cards. Layout diagram:

1 – root of the tree – a description of your past, indicating the reasons that led to the lack of money or difficulties.

2 – tree trunk – characteristic of the present, the true state of affairs.

3 – branch of fertility. Your assistants, what can have a positive impact on the situation, where to get the strength to solve the current situation.

4 – branch of problems – interference, fears, blocks – which can block the flow of money and block the energy channel through which finances come to you.

5 – fruits – summing up, getting an answer to the question.

"Magnet for money"

Helps to attract good luck, diagnoses the situation and models methods of action. The layout involves 7 cards, laid out according to the following scheme:

1 – your inner influence, your subconscious. This is the unconscious side of the issue. Your feelings and real attitude towards money. Your perception of money is not the attitude you show to others.

2 – factors influencing from outside, circumstances, situations, people. How do you make money?

3 – financial situation at the moment.

4 – financial situation in the future. The projected future is approximately three months.

5 – what you receive from life as a gift. Here your luck has an influence, it is it that helps you obtain some benefits on more favorable terms for you at the lowest cost or for free.

6 – what needs to be shared, what is worth parting with. These are not necessarily material or financial benefits. These could be your emotions or feelings, thoughts. Perhaps you should be more open in communication and share your experiences.

7 – which will allow you to attract money, meditation card.

Financial forecast

A layout to obtain information about your current financial situation and what may await you in the future. It involves 7 cards.

1 – your financial situation in the near past.

2 – current state of affairs, financial situation in the present.

3 – your fears, anxieties, concerns, how you see your situation, how you feel. Your assessment of your financial situation.

4 – influences of the future, taking into account the position in the present time relative to the material sphere.

5 – something that should not be allowed. If you want to change or improve your financial situation, then this card shows how you can do this by avoiding what is advised.

6 – changes that are necessary. Your actions to improve your financial situation.

7 – potential future regarding financial situation.

Layout to clarify the financial situation, consisting of 5 cards

1 – current state of affairs.

2 – are any changes possible in terms of financial situation.

3 – warnings and cautions about difficulties or delays in resolving the issue.

4 – what changes can bring, the dynamics of the situation, how your actions affect the situation.

5 – how changes affect the financial position.

Layout "Money on a barrel"

The forecast helps you understand your attitude towards money, how you feel about spending and how you spend money. Consists of five cards.

1 – your attitude towards money in general and specifically towards the money that is at your disposal.

2 – expenses that can be avoided, what you can save on. The card helps you improve your financial situation.

3 – ways to earn money, how you can increase your wealth.

4 – additional funds that can be saved, but you do not use them for their intended purpose.

5 – your expected financial situation in the future.

"View money channel"

Helps to look at the state of the money channel, identify negative influences and suggest actions to improve the situation. There are 6 cards in the layout, layout diagram:

1 – state of the money channel, its openness and efficiency.

2 – blocking of the money channel. What is preventing the flow of funds?

3 – what is the participation of karma in your financial matters.

4 – your psychological state, how your emotions affect cash flows.

5 – what financial problems did your family have?

6 – how to open or clear a money channel for new income.

"Money" layout

It helps to view the situation in general terms regarding the past, future and present. The layout consists of 8 cards, layout diagram:

1 – influences on the financial situation from the past. What situations could worsen your financial situation.

2 – something that will end soon. This may concern both existing finances and opportunities for obtaining them, missed opportunities.

3 – the current state of affairs, the true state of the financial situation.

4 is what begins. The prospect of additional income, new sources of income or opening and feeding existing options.

5 – how to improve your financial situation, necessary actions.

6 – description of positive and negative impacts. Here everything depends on the card that is drawn, if the card is positive or neutral, then the position is stable, if the card is negative, then the position is appropriate.

7 – profit or loss. Also, the interpretation depends on the card drawn, as in position 6.

8 – development of actions in the future. How your financial situation will develop, how your actions will affect your financial condition.

What do the cards say?

When interpreting money deals, you should pay attention to the cards that fall out. Particular attention should be paid to the following cards.

Cards that describe positive dynamics in money layouts and help your financial situation:

Strength – stable financial position, positive dynamics.

Chariot - making a profit, increasing your financial position.

Empress - income. Receipt of money from relatives.

Star – the right movement to make a profit. The card has a positive effect on the alignment, but you should not expect instant results. This is future profit. In the meantime, it's worth working.

Sun – in the monetary sphere everything is positive and sunny. You are doing what you love.

The Last Judgment - a stable financial position.

Wheel of Fortune - new opportunities for generating income.

Jester - quick money. But don’t be happy about the money that quickly came through the Jester card, but it can also quickly leave you. These could be unplanned expenses or a thoughtless investment.

Ace of Pentacles is a good state of affairs. Reward for work. Summarizing.

Nine of Pentacles - the situation is stable, good financial situation.

Seven of Cups – joy from the money received.

Cards you should be wary of when they appear. They may describe the situation negatively or warn of monetary losses:

Death is the absence of money. Actions are required for them to appear. It is worth reconsidering your affairs, you need to improve and develop. Transformation is needed.

The devil is debts, unfulfilled financial obligations.

Hermit - little money, enough only for the essentials, to satisfy minimal needs.

Justice is a karmic influence.

Moon - fears, self-doubt, worries - all this blocks the money channel.

Hanged Man - unnecessary expenses, monetary losses.

Five of Swords – spending, losing money.

Seven of Swords - unjustified investments, risks of losing money.

Eight of Swords – loss of money, betrayal and deception.

Ten of Swords - the source of money is blocked, the source of income is lost. Conscious refusal of money.

Four of Pentacles – limited financial opportunities, tightness. It is necessary to save money and approach expenses wisely.

In this article:

Fortune telling for prosperity and wealth has existed for a long time. There are special prediction techniques using playing cards and solitaire, rituals on banknotes and coins, on cereals, fire, and others.

In addition, numerous universal tools can be used to answer this question.

Ancient fortune telling for money

Every person dreams of wealth; this desire has existed as long as people themselves have existed. Whether now or centuries and millennia ago, man always wanted to have enough means to subsist, and dreamed that he would have more of these means than others.

That is why fortune telling with money has a very long history and is very popular in our time.

Fortune telling about the receipt of funds

For this fortune telling you will need a standard playing deck. Shuffle the cards, concentrating on your question about wealth, and then pull out 9 random cards and place them in a row face down on the table. Now reveal the cards one by one from left to right. When all the cards are revealed, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the dominant suit.

If your layout is dominated by red cards - diamonds or hearts, this means that at present there is no immediate change in your financial situation, you need to work more and take active steps to achieve your dream of wealth.

If the suit of spades dominates on the table, this is a bad omen, and you need to cut expenses as soon as possible, do not plan large purchases and try to save as much money as possible, since you may soon need a large sum for unforeseen needs.

The best sign is considered to be a layout in which clubs predominate, because they have been associated with money since ancient times. If there is more of this suit on your table, then you can really get rich in the near future. But even with such a prediction, you should not relax, because any fortune-telling is only a possibility, not an inevitability. Work and move towards your goal and remember that fate and fortune favor you.

If you learn how to make diagnostics on maps, it will help you in many situations

How to guess with money on water

This is an ancient and very simple version of predicting the future, which people have been using for many hundreds of years. To carry out such fortune telling, you will need clean, or better yet, spring water. On the night of the new moon, fill a transparent glass with water and place it on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the liquid; if this is not possible, it will be enough for rays of moonlight to fall into the water, open the window. After that, go to bed.

Early in the morning, go to the water and carefully look at the contents of the glass. If any objects appeared in the water overnight, this is a sure sign that in the near future, if not wealth, then significant financial income awaits you. It is also worth noting that the more foreign objects there are in the glass, and the larger they are in size, the greater the profit you will make.

Ritual with coins

This method can hardly be called ordinary fortune telling; rather, it is a whole magical ritual in which active actions are required from the performer. This ritual is performed only during the waxing moon, preferably immediately after the new moon.

Prepare coins of all denominations that are currently in use: 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, total: 8 pieces. Coins should be selected in the best possible condition; they should not be heavily soiled or damaged. They also need to be thoroughly washed and polished to make them look like new.

All these actions are necessary for fortune telling, but it is also worth remembering that the more carefully you carry out all these actions, the more carefully and accurately you treat coins, the more likely it is that you will not only recognize your future, but will also be able to attract material well-being.

This method is characterized by careful preparation for the session.

You need to put all the prepared coins in a new bag made of natural fabric; if it is not possible to get a new one, you can use the used one, the main thing is that it is clean. Place the bag at the head of your bed or under your pillow and leave it there for one night. The next evening, place a thick red candle and a small bowl of cereal on the table. Also take out a bag of coins, make a wish for wealth and financial well-being, and then in one motion pour the coins from the bag into a cup of cereal.

Take any oblong wooden object, such as a wooden spoon, and slowly stir the contents of the bowl, then cover it with the bag containing the money. Now you need to take a handful of its contents from the bowl without looking and place it on the table in front of you. Depending on the number and denomination of coins in front of you, you can make a prediction about your financial well-being in the future.

  • 1 kopeck - Challenges and a possible shortage of funds await you ahead, learn to save money.
  • 5 kopecks - To get rich, you need to carefully monitor your expenses.
  • 10 kopecks - No serious financial income is expected in the near future.
  • 50 kopecks - A sign of average income, as well as help; it is likely that in the near future one of your relatives or friends will need money.
  • 1 ruble - You will have financial income, but you can spend it on gifts or holidays.
  • 2 rubles - Soon you will unexpectedly receive a small but pleasant profit; if you invest this money in a business, then in the future it will give a very good income.
  • 5 rubles - It is likely that you will soon receive serious income, this may be due to a promotion on the career ladder or an unexpected win (successful sale of something).
  • 10 rubles - The largest coin, which indicates that your financial situation will soon change dramatically; you will have numerous and large cash receipts related to work or business. At the same time, if you took out only this one coin, then the financial income will be large, but short-lived, and you need to use it wisely.

If you haven’t pulled out a single coin, don’t be too upset, this is not a bad sign at all, it simply indicates that your monetary situation will not change in the near future. There is also a possibility that the fortune telling did not take place at all. In any case, you should repeat the ritual in a month, on the next new moon.

The most favorable situation is considered to be when the performer managed to pull out more than half of all the coins in the bowl onto the table. This means that in the near future he will receive serious financial income from various sources.

We can say that if you pulled out a lot of coins, then soon you will literally attract wealth to yourself. You've probably met or heard about such people who make a profit no matter what they do. In this case, you can be congratulated, you really have the opportunity to get rich. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Online wealth fortune telling determines in what area and in what way you will receive or earn money, which will help you get rich and become a multimillionaire.

Request for this Tarot layout: I want to be rich, but I don’t know how. Where is it better to invest money and effort? Which area will bring me wealth? Can I become a millionaire? Do you have business acumen and what?

Have a nice session!

1. Your business acumen: do you have the ability to make money? 2. Partnership and ability to collaborate. The influence of people on your finances. 3. Work and attitude towards work: will you make money at work. 4. Family and its influence on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance. 5. Force majeure circumstances: where to lay the straws. 6. Your investments: where to invest energy and money. 7. Creativity. How creative are you? Money from art. 8. Personal business: opportunities in this area. 9. Personal values, from spiritual to material: 10. What is your wealth and how can you earn capital:

  • Your business acumen: do you have the ability to make money?
  • Partnership and ability to collaborate. The influence of people on your finances.
  • Work and attitude towards work: will you make money at work.
  • Family and its influence on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance.
  • Force majeure circumstances: where to lay the straws.
  • Your investments: where to invest energy and money.
  • Creation. How creative are you? Money from art.
  • Personal business: opportunities in this area.
  • Personal values, from spiritual to material.
  • What is your wealth and where can you earn capital?

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the layout

This amazing layout is made in the shape of a money bag. By clicking on the cards inside the program, you fill it with new, sometimes unexpected interpretations of the Tarot - hints about your internal and external wealth.

Ten cards will show and tell you in which areas of your life happy material changes will occur, and in which areas you need to insure yourself. Which areas of your life most influence your financial situation - and here you will have the opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of your approach to finance.

The results may be unexpected. For example, once, when interpreting this alignment, in position 6 (investments where it is worth investing energy and money) - advice was received “to relax and have a good time.”

As it turned out, the questioner really needed rest and did not allow himself to relax for 7-8 years - as a result, working so hard, he was on the verge of depression and exhaustion. What kind of talk is there about wealth?

Pay close attention to all positions: the influence of family, the opportunity to get money from business (suddenly you did not dare to start your own business), money from art and creativity, etc.

Tarot fortune telling questions for wealth are designed in such a way that you will receive maximum information about your chances of getting rich. This creative diagnostic of your financial chances helps you consider your hidden potential, and also develops your intuition about money: how and where to get it.

Point 10 of the layout is a kind of summary and advice for the future. By the way, you don’t have to guess for the rest of your life. You can set more effective time frames, for example, a month, three months, a year - and you will receive more detailed instructions for your enrichment.

Fortune telling about wealth online is not difficult, it is important to understand the main principles that underlie your abundance in life, and what they are, judge by the fallen arcana, especially if some of them are repeated very often. It’s not for nothing that Tarot cards are called life codes: seize the moment, because now they are open just for you!

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love

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Fortune telling for money. The “Financial Well-Being” layout makes it possible to find out how things are with money now, and how the situation with money will be in the near and distant future. It will also give you the opportunity to find out whether something can be done to improve your money situation.

** From my own experience, I can say that it is better to immediately determine what is the near future for you and what is the distant future. So that later, when the schedule is already laid out, you don’t have to guess - how long is the near future? A week? Month? Six months? How long is the distant future?

Money is such a fickle thing. Either they are there, then suddenly they disappear somewhere in English, without warning.

Fortune telling for money. “Financial well-being” layout.

Layout diagram and position values. 3 cards are laid out on positions 1, 2, 3, 4.

This is one of the options for this layout. By slightly changing the position values, you can use this layout to check in situations where you are engaged in various esoteric practices to attract money, and want to check how effective the chosen practice will be. And how will it affect your financial well-being.

An example of the interpretation of the money layout “Financial Well-Being”

The client has several more or less permanent sources of income. She is interested in how things will go with the flow of money from one of these sources of income.

(All card meanings in brackets in italics are given for fortune telling for money, in the style there is money / there is no money)

1 Finance from this source now

7 of Wands (there is little money, it is not easy to come by, we are talking about saving at least something, about a significant increase in income)

Hierophant(cash card, pretty decent, stable income)

Ace of Cups (there is money, but it runs out quickly and does not accumulate)

Total value of 3 cards– one-time receipts for which you need to fight (7 of Wands), quite generous for one time (Hierophant), but not enough to be saved (Ace of Cups)

2 Finance from this source in the near future

5 of Swords (not a cash card, no money, nothing to save and no income expected)

Sun(good money, stable income)

Page of Swords(spending, Pages are not money cards at all, these are cards that talk about expenses, not income)

Total value of 3 cards at this position. In general, the situation is clearly not going to improve in the near future.

3 Finance from this source in the distant future

Chariot (a good money card, but we are not talking about a stable flow of money, this is quite large, but not regular money - for example, fees, lottery winnings, etc.)

Jester (The jester is not at all interested in money. He has it, not very much, but he has enough)

5 of Pentacles(there is no money, and the person has already come to terms with this, given up, and is no longer even trying to change anything)

Total value of 3 cards in this position. Actually, the combined value of all three cards is not very different from the two previous positions. Rare receipts of relatively large (by the client's standards) sums of money.

And now we get to the most interesting thing - if we intervene in this process, is it possible to somehow improve the situation with the flow of money from this source.

4 Will the intervention be harmonious (successful) to improve the situation?

King of Wands (all kings are cards indicating good money, kings always have money, how they manage it is another matter, but they always have money)

Lovers (also not a bad card for money, money does not arrive very regularly, but it is there)

Empress (a good cash card, a profit card. But the profit on this card will not come quickly, but when it comes, it will be a stable and very decent flow of money)

Total value of 3 cards at position 4.

Intervention to correct / improve the situation will be successful (all three cards of this position indicate quite a decent income).

5 What lesson should the client learn from this situation?

Hanged.(The monetary value of this card is losses, shortages, expenses. General meaning is Sacrifice, Losses, Fatigue, Difficulties.)

In general, the Hanged Man card in the LESSON position suggests that the client must sacrifice something in order to preserve something else that is more important to her.

It is quite possible that the client should generally stop “bothering” with this source of income, and direct all her efforts to developing more promising areas for earning money. Moreover, the client has several of them.

General conclusion

The client’s income from this source has become very depleted and will not increase in the foreseeable future. If she intervenes to increase the level of income from this source, then income may increase. But, the card in the “Lesson” position suggests that it may be worth sacrificing the source of this income.

At the very least, do not make great efforts in this direction, but direct these efforts to obtain money from other sources of income available to the client.


For advice, questions about training, and questions about the layouts that are posted on my website write or call me on whatsapp. Or (your message will be sent directly to my email; it will not be published on the website). Just indicate your valid email. address. Otherwise, my answer will go to my grandfather’s village and you won’t be able to read it.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

Tarot spread for money " Full bowl» will show the cause of financial difficulties, tell you what to do in the near future to increase your well-being, and also show events and circumstances that will help improve your financial situation.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Layout diagram and meaning of Tarot cards in fortune telling for money “Full Cup”

Card 1 – The main reason for financial difficulties in the present
Card 2 – Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation
Card 3 – What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase your material wealth
Card 4 – What needs to be done to improve well-being

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

The main reason for financial difficulties in the present

The Tower card foreshadows destruction, the collapse of the established order of things, plans and expectations. Maliciousness from outside. Humiliation, shame, deception. Deprivation of liberty. The collapse of the existing way of life under the pressure of external forces. A break up. Sudden move, flight. Forced disposal of old ballast, which looks like a disaster. Non-recognition of authorities, scandalousness.

Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation

You received the card “Justice”, or “Fairness”, which speaks of the balance of opposing forces in the world and the triumph of justice. Equivalence of action and reaction. The inevitability of accepting responsibility for actions and the inevitability of retribution for them. Legal matters, litigation. Obligation to follow the letter of the law in everything. Impartiality and search for a reasonable compromise in resolving controversial issues.

What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase material wealth?

You have been dealt the Ace of Wands. It represents emerging opportunities, a chance for self-development, strength, growth, life scope, dynamics, courage, liveliness, creativity. Determination and enterprise as a means to achieve the maximum in a tense struggle. Income, inheritance. Strengthening moral principles, beliefs and will. Decency, anticipation of new things.

What needs to be done to improve well-being

Here your card is the Six of Swords. This means a tense perception of impending changes, a gloomy mood, indecisiveness, and fear of novelty. Change of residence, slow departure. A new path to a better future. A negative attitude towards upcoming changes, without objective reasons, due to fear of new experiences. Traveling by water. Postponement, mitigation of punishment. Harmonization of life.