Tarot will I meet my destiny. The most accurate online fortune telling “Will I meet my love?”

Young girls often use fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate,” and this is not surprising, because everyone dreams of care and stability. But, unfortunately, there are no ideal situations - as a result, many young ladies are forced to only dream and fantasize.

“My man” - who is this?

In the thoughts of almost everyone there is a lot of room for love and warm relationships, while they have no idea about the essence of the term “my person.” But it is endowed with an ambiguous meaning, although at first glance it seems extremely clear. The secret of a beautiful relationship is far from a brightly burning love and not at all outbursts of passion. There are three components here: “friendship”, “respect” and “desire”.

In order to overcome negative thoughts about difficulties in her personal life and support herself, almost every girl has ever turned to cards and made fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?”

Naturally, it’s ridiculous to trust everything. But the meaning of the process is not at all in the results, but in how much we believe in them. And then he enters into this difficult struggle. Therefore, turning to fortune telling is not at all a stupid idea of ​​girls, but a very expedient activity, which is aimed not so much at obtaining information as at the process of creating one’s future, because it’s no secret that the lines on the hands can be modified in every possible way.

There is a way out: fortune telling with Tarot cards “When will I meet love?”

By trusting the Tarot card layouts, you can easily find out about your personal life in the future and consider all its aspects. But in order for the process to be carried out competently, you need to clearly know the meaning of each of the elements of love layouts. Fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?” performed through Tarot cards having the following description:

  • Mag. Upright position - for girls this is an excellent sign, as it is a harbinger of new love; inverted card - you should be more confident in yourself, and then love will not pass you by.
  • High Priestess. The situation is straightforward - soon that same person will knock on your door, but he will be much stronger than you spiritually; inverted card - passion will suddenly flare up.
  • Empress. The situation is straight - a relationship of a serious nature (a man in the form of his girlfriend finds a mother or becomes a mature partner for her, aimed at a long-term relationship); an inverted card indicates troubles and loss of strength.
  • Emperor. The position is straight - a connection of a strong nature; an inverted card - most likely, this is a trauma of a sexual nature, echoes of which are heard from childhood.

Among the “participants” performing the fortune-telling “Where will I meet my soulmate?”, there are many more cards (King of Wands, Queen of Wands, Peace, Court, Sun and others). It is helpful to consider the detailed process leading to the results presented.

Fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?” Process description

The most recognized of the many is a fortune telling called Marriage Prospects. With his help, the girl will be able to put everything in its place and form competent behavioral tactics. “Marriage prospects” provide information about when marriage is destined and whether it is intended at all. And most importantly, there is an opportunity to find out how happy the girl will be in her family life.

The process of fortune telling can take two different forms. It all depends on the first card drawn. If it shows the negative nature of the answer to the question posed, then the remaining elements of fortune telling do not matter. The “Analysis of Loneliness” layout would be appropriate here. If it is positive, then you need to place six cards in one row:

  • How older will the chosen one be (and will he be)?
  • Will he end up unmarried?
  • Will you get sexual satisfaction with him?
  • Will you find harmony with him?
  • How suitable will it be for you in terms of financial solvency?
  • A general picture of the prospects for the relationships considered.

As a result of fortune telling, the girl will not only learn how she should behave with her future man, but will also easily form in her subconscious the image of a suitable partner for her.

Meanings of runes in love fortune telling

A unique method of knowing the future, which has fundamental differences from Tarot layouts, is fortune telling on runes for relationships “When will I find my soul mate?” Its essence lies in the fact that each of the elements of the process has an individual meaning:

  • Y - a sincere feeling that will lead to a beautiful future and a happy family life;
  • X is a good option where both parties need to try hard in order to maintain a warm relationship and successfully build a happy future;
  • Z - almost zero chances of compatibility, as there are a huge number of difficulties in relationships;
  • V - a sincere feeling will be appropriate if the girl overcomes the “sea of ​​tears” and achieves her goal;
  • L - a fleeting romance that has no chance for the future;
  • S - the roads will diverge, but from this real happiness will come to both sides;
  • H - the situation depends on the lovers; With a little effort, our future together can turn into a fairy tale.

A layout that describes the situation “here and now”

The most famous and common rune layout is “Aphrodite”. It is produced for the purpose of a detailed analysis of absolutely any partnership relationship. To diagnose your personal life, you need to do a number of simple steps, as a result of which the picture will become extremely clear. To do this, you should concentrate and select four runes from the entire set, each of which in order will mean the following:

1) The nature of the relationship between the fortuneteller and the chosen one.

2) How do you see the relationship?

3) How does the young man see the relationship?

4) What will happen as a result?

The alignment allows you to reconsider your behavior, worldview, attitude towards life and loved ones. It helps answer such a common question: “Why can’t I cope with this or that task?” As a result of identifying the causes of failures, a person understands what changes need to be made in himself and his lifestyle in order to become himself and open up through sincere feelings.

It is important to note that the above alignment allows you to find out what is happening at the moment with a person who is out of reach, due to the drawing of his image in thoughts.

What a fortune teller sees in the palm of your hand is often written on the person’s face

Fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?” - more and more people are interested in this ritual. Why is this happening? Have people forgotten how to love or, perhaps, do not know how to appreciate what they have? The reasons for this trend can be very diverse. And only a good attitude towards life and others, self-analysis and other aspects can solve this issue.

On a happy person’s face you can read his joy and satisfaction with life. So what prevents each of us from awakening happiness within ourselves and enjoying every moment that life gives us? After all, every person, every day, or even a cat walking down the street carries so many new and interesting things. If you don’t know how to be content with little and get pleasure from the simplest things, fortune telling “Where will I meet my soulmate?” will not help: the sun should shine within us and infect others with joy, and not vice versa. It is important to always remember that only a person “with the sun inside” is capable of sincere feelings. It has always been so, is and will be!

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

Tarot cards in a marriage reading mean the following:

1. The fortuneteller’s opinion of himself

You want high relationships, pomp, exemplary attentions... And you do not want to put up with the realities, circumstances and subtleties of male characters. You've probably gotten what you wanted so far to one degree or another. However, life will certainly make its own “adjustments”, and maybe you have even already felt it.

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

You are considered charming, warm-hearted, romantic. In addition, hardly anyone doubts your creative abilities. True, sometimes it is clear that you have your head in the clouds, but this also seems to be a natural property of your nature.

3. What is a fortuneteller like in family relationships?

In family life, you will always be above squabbles and banal quarrels. Your vision of marital relations can be characterized as equality, generosity towards your loved one, and constructiveness.

4. The fortuneteller’s idea of ​​a partner

You are convinced that your chosen one should be suggested to you by your heart. You may even be expecting love at first sight. And you want him to love you selflessly - sincerely, deeply, as if dissolved in you.

5. Where or under what circumstances can a fortuneteller meet a partner

When you first meet, nothing major will bother you. You will be confident, calm, balanced. Most likely, your acquaintance will take place on an ordinary weekday, when you perform your daily duties and visit your usual places.

6. What should the fortuneteller do?

Listen to your intuition, trust your gut feeling. And - most importantly - do not share your intentions or fears with anyone. Especially if you want to artificially “adjust” the situation to suit you. If you need someone's help, organize everything so that this person does not even suspect anything.

7. Are there any circumstances that aggravate karma?

Someone else may well interfere in your sphere of feelings. In particular, you should be wary of weddings. Moreover, it is far from a fact that something will be done purposefully against you. You just might be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

8. Tarot card advice

You should learn to set global goals. Then everything else will serve to achieve them. Now you are limited to half measures, partial solutions that create the illusion of moving forward, but in fact are not capable of qualitatively changing your life.

9. Possibility of marriage - time forecast

Mid-January is the period that you may later call one of the happiest in your life. But keep in mind that in this case we are talking only about the coming January. If during this time and in winter no key events occur, it means that the Eight of Coins was pointing not to this, but to another, second period of success - next summer.

From time immemorial, young girls wanted to know when they would find love and get married, who their spouse would be and how many children would be born in the marriage. Information was often obtained through rituals and fortune telling.

Today it is not necessary to use magic and use ancient spells. To know, How will your personal life turn out?b, is possible thanks to numerological calculation based on date of birth.


A lot of interesting information about the character and fate of a person is contained in the date of his birth. The numbers that make it up add up to individual person's identity code.

To calculate a symbolic number, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. To the resulting amount you then need to add the number corresponding to the day of the week of birth. For example: date of birth 12/15/1980 = 1+5+1+2+1+9+8+0 = 27. To this number we add the number of the day of the week.

You can find out what day of the week you were born on using the calendar. December 15, 1980 is Monday. Since this is the first day of the week, the number 1 corresponds to it. Then we add 1 to 27 and get the number 28. From the resulting number we add the numbers 2 and 8 and get the number 9. The final number remains to be deciphered depending on its meaning in numerology.

So, what do the numbers predict??

  • Number1 – love is very close, you will improve your life within six months.
  • Number 2– a likely meeting will occur within a year.
  • Number 3– your personal life will improve only when you are completely ready for it.
  • Number 4– very soon love will burst into your life. Don't miss your chance, be open to new acquaintances.
  • Number 5– it all depends on your intentions and desires. Become simpler and more open.
  • Number 6– if some kind of solemn event awaits you ahead, then be on your guard: that’s where your fate will await you.
  • Number 7– expect to meet your soulmate no earlier than in a year or two.
  • Number 8- a couple of days, a couple of weeks, months or years - it all depends on your desire to meet new people.
  • Number 9- the romance will begin in the coming months.

The resulting number can also tell you who your chosen one will be and under what circumstances you will meet him. Let us consider the meaning of numbers on this issue in numerology in more detail.


Number 1 means that your soulmate has been walking around somewhere for a long time. It could be work colleague, close friend or just an acquaintance. You probably have a secret admirer. This is a person you know. Or maybe this person has been showing you signs of attention for a long time, but you simply don’t notice them.

This number in numerology encourages you to carefully look around: your destiny is near you. You probably have too high demands on your future chosen one. Reconsider your priorities and decide for yourself what is most important in your man.

Number 2 - you will meet your love on a trip. Your destiny is in another city or even in another country. There is also a possibility of meeting your soulmate on the road or in transport. This person will be similar to you in character, which will initially become an obstacle to the development of relationships. Romantic feelings will not flare up immediately.

Moreover, initially you may have feelings for each other feelings of hostility, hatred and even contempt. However, you will be united by a constant struggle for leadership: both you and your man will constantly prove that you are right and worthwhile. A long grinding period awaits you.

But then your feelings will flare up, and you will realize that you cannot live without this person. The relationship will be passionate, quite complex and contradictory. But despite this, you will be happy.

Number 3 – you have a very romantic nature. You picture in your imagination a beautiful meeting, sensual confessions, love at first sight. You dream of a beautiful relationship, serenades under the window, large bouquets of roses. But in vain. Everything will happen quite banal.

Most likely, you will find your soul mate under a completely ordinary set of circumstances - friends will introduce you. At first you will not attach much importance to this meeting, but then friendly communication will flow into friendship, and after that - into love.

The number 4 symbolizes a stormy and passionate romance. Your chosen one will be an influential and wealthy person. The meeting will happen suddenly, at a moment when you are not expecting it. You should not deliberately seek your love - all attempts will be in vain. Everything will be decided by itself, by chance.

Most likely, you will meet at work, on a business trip, or fate will bring you together in some organization. The fan will be generous and attentive, and the relationship with them will be the most vivid and unforgettable.

Number 5– your other half has been walking somewhere near you for a long time. You have often heard about this person, perhaps they even wanted to introduce you, but for some reason the meeting did not take place.

Also you could meeting this person by chance at events, work or business. Fate repeatedly tried to bring you together with him, but something constantly prevented the development of the relationship. This is an acquaintance, colleague, friend or relative of your loved one.

Number 6– you will find your love at some special event: at a wedding, birthday or corporate event. Love will break out unexpectedly for both of you. When you see him, you will immediately understand - here he is, the man of my dreams.

However, the relationship will develop very slowly. You will even have time to be disappointed in him and start an affair with another person. But in the end, after all, you will be together.

Number 7 – you will find yourself in a love triangle. At the time of meeting, your chosen one will be in a relationship with another woman, or even be officially married. Your feelings will become so strong that you will start fighting for this person A.

The fight is expected to be long and painful - the other woman will not just give up. You should show ingenuity, cunning and feminine wisdom. You should not put pressure on your chosen one, give him ultimatums and blackmail him with your feelings. He must make the choice himself.

Number 8– your destiny is on the other side of the computer monitor. Eight portends virtual romance, which subsequently outgrows the romantic relationship. You will find your love on a dating site or social networks.

As a result of long communication online, you still decide to have a real meeting. Your virtual friend will seem like an interesting person to you. You will be united by similar hobbies. You will quickly find a common language, after which friendly communication will develop into a love affair.

The number 9 predicts an office romance. Most likely, the chosen one will be your boss. Nine indicates an influential, rich and authoritative man. Initially, your relationship will be purely business. You may not even imagine that one day you will become one family with your boss.

But once fate will bring you together under different circumstances, and you will look at each other from a different perspective. In his eyes, you will reveal yourself not as an employee, but as a woman and a person.

Numerology cannot accurately answer the question “when will I meet my love,” but it can provide information about under what circumstances this will happen and who your soulmate will be.

Fortune telling about when you will be able to meet your love is suitable not only for young girls. It can be used with equal success by divorced ladies who want to find out the approximate time of a new acquaintance. It is not recommended to guess again after divination. A repeat session is usually carried out no earlier than after one lunar month. Otherwise, objects or cards used for fortune telling may tell lies.

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    Fortune telling on cards

    Tarot cards not only help you find out when you will meet your chosen one. They also give advice on whether the fortuneteller should enter into this relationship, and what the features of the new love affair will be. A deck of playing cards gives information about the month of the meeting and the seriousness of the man’s intentions.

    Tarot spread "New Union"

    Fortune telling allows you to find out whether a lonely person will find a soul mate in the next 6-12 months. The deck will also tell you what to do so that a joyful meeting occurs as soon as possible and the union is successful.

    A significator is pre-selected - a card indicating the questioner. It can be selected either from the deck on which the layout is made, or from another set of cards. When the significator is chosen, the cards are shuffled. When shuffling, a time period is guessed about which the deck is asked about. Then five cards are selected and laid out in a row.

    The Arcana are interpreted as follows:

    1. 1. What does the questioner expect from a future relationship?
    2. 2. Will she meet her betrothed at the appointed time?
    3. 3. If she meets a new person, will this union bring joy? If not, isn't it preferable to stay alone during this period?
    4. 4. If the meeting happens, what good can it bring to this relationship? If it doesn't happen, what should you do to meet a new person?
    5. 5. What impact will this relationship have on the life of the fortuneteller.
    6. 6. Final advice from the deck.

    On the Lenormand deck

    The deck is shuffled and a specific time limit is requested. For example, “Will I meet my love in the next three months?” Then, one at a time, the cards are laid out face down in accordance with the diagram:

    The Lenormand layout is interpreted as follows (S - significator):

    1. 1. Answers whether a meeting with your lover will happen in the near future.
    2. 2. Describes what circumstances will accompany a fateful acquaintance.
    3. 3. Will tell you how the new connection will develop.
    4. 4. Tells about the man’s attitude towards the fortuneteller.
    5. 5. About his psycho-emotional state.
    6. 6. About the peculiarities of his intellect.
    7. 7. About the financial capabilities of the new man.
    8. 8. About inner, spiritual potential.
    9. 9. About his dreams and aspirations.
    10. 10. About the peculiarities of the new fan’s family environment.
    11. 11. About what the new partner expects from a love relationship.
    12. 12. Indicates the past experience of the fortuneteller in love.
    13. 13. Will give advice on how a fortuneteller should build her strategy of behavior.
    14. 14. General advice from the deck about whether it is worth entering into a new relationship, or whether it is safer to remain alone during the specified period of time.

    On playing cards

    For fortune telling, take a deck of playing cards. It is important that it be new, unplayed. The prediction is made a year in advance.

    A blank card is placed in the center of the table, symbolizing the questioner. The best option for fortune telling for love is the queen of hearts. The deck is shuffled and 12 cards are laid out face down around the form. Then they can be put aside and begin interpretation:

    • Jacks indicate minor intrigues, young guys without serious intentions. Such cards speak of people who are only interested in flirting.
    • Kings- wealthy and fulfilled men who will pay attention to the witch. It is not yet possible to judge their intentions with certainty.
    • Aces indicate serious contenders for a hand and a heart who will want to connect their lives with the sorceress. If several aces fall out, the fortuneteller faces a serious choice that will predetermine her future life.
    • Ace of Hearts indicates a person who is ready to do anything for the fortuneteller’s happiness. He will become her faithful and reliable husband.

    If such cards do not appear in the layout, do not fall into despair. The cards predict the future depending on the current situation, which may change in the future. A similar session can be repeated (but not earlier than 4 weeks).

    Fortune telling by runes

    To get a prediction, you should mix the runes and take out one at random. They are interpreted as follows:

    • Y (Yer)- in the near future there will be a pleasant acquaintance, which in the future will lead to a happy marriage.
    • X (Kano)- the fortuneteller will meet a new man, but in order to “help” him fall in love, she will need to make a lot of effort;
    • Z (Algiz)- a romantic acquaintance will occur, but the compatibility of the fortuneteller with this person will be low.
    • V (Vunyo)- a love affair is possible provided that the fortuneteller overcomes her shortcomings and begins to adhere to a more optimistic view of the world.
    • L (Laguz)- in the next few months the fortuneteller will meet a new acquaintance, but the connection will be fleeting.
    • S (Soulu)- within six months, the fortuneteller will meet a man with whom they will subsequently diverge.
    • H (Hagall)- acquaintance will happen in the next few weeks, but whether the relationship will last depends on the lovers.

    If you come across a rune that is not on the list, there will be no romantic encounters yet. Using this method, you can tell fortunes not only for your new love, but also for your intended person. In this case, the fallen rune will indicate the characteristics of the relationship with him or the time most favorable for starting communication.

    By date of birth

    You can determine the time of meeting your future chosen one using numerology. First you need to determine the number of the event. It is calculated as follows:

    1. 1. The number of birth is calculated. To do this, add up all the digits of the date of birth and bring it to a simple number. For example, the fortuneteller was born on August 15, 1990, i.e. 1+5+0+8+1+9+9+0=33, 3+3=6.
    2. 2. The number of the day on which fortune telling is performed is calculated in the same way. For example, they say fortune on January 23, 2020. 2+3+0+1+2+0+2+0=10. 1+0=1.
    3. 3. The resulting numbers are added and, if necessary, brought to a prime number. In the example under consideration, the last operation is not needed: 6+1= 7.

    The final result obtained allows us to judge the time of the meeting:

    1. 1. Romantic acquaintance is just around the corner; your chosen one will meet in the next 6 months.
    2. 2. The fortuneteller will meet the man of her dreams within a year after the session.
    3. 3. Personal life will settle down only after the fortuneteller is psychologically ready for this.
    4. 4. Very soon a new love will burst into life.
    5. 5. Everything depends on the behavior of the fortuneteller; she should be more sociable and open.
    6. 6. If there is any event coming up in the near future, you should be on your guard: this is where the long-awaited meeting will take place.
    7. 7. A lot of time will pass before acquaintance takes place - at least 1 year.
    8. 8. The time of the meeting depends on the desire of the fortuneteller to make new acquaintances.
    9. 9. The love affair will begin in the next few months.

    Find out about the New Year's Eve meeting

    This simple method allows you to find out your fate for the New Year. On the morning of January 1, you should go out into the street and count how many buttons the first passerby you come across has. To stop him for a while, you can come up with an unobtrusive excuse. For example, ask what time it is.

    An alternative version of this fortune telling is to count the number of birds on the tree. To do this, you don’t have to leave the house, but just look out the window.

    By the number of buttons or birds you can judge whether a date will happen in the coming year:

    • if the quantity is zero - not yet;
    • if odd - yes;
    • if it's even, no.

    Before carrying out fortune telling, you can mentally ask the question about how many months or years later the meeting will take place. In this case, the number of buttons or birds will be the answer.

    Fortune telling with additional items

    The following fortune telling uses additional attributes in the form of stones and cones. These objects, as in other methods, take on the role of a conductor of information from the subtle plane. Therefore, the main element of successful divination is focusing on the issue of interest. This will allow you to charge objects with the necessary energy and get the correct answer about when the fateful meeting will take place.

    Ritual with stones

    The sacrament helps you find out when you will meet your loved one. To carry it out you will need the help of a friend. An important point: for fortune telling to be reliable, she should not be privy to the intricacies of divination.


    1. 1. Take several round sea stones. They should be of different sizes (large and small).
    2. 2. All stones are placed in a bag.
    3. 3. A friend is asked to get 12 pieces at random.
    4. 4. After this, the attributes of fortune telling are counted.

    Small pebbles are days, large pebbles are months. For example, if a friend took 7 large stones and 12 small ones from a bag, a meeting with her future lover will occur in 7 months and 12 days.

    Sacrament with cones

    For the ceremony, five cones are taken. The following inscriptions are cut out or written with a marker:

    • six months;
    • 2 years;
    • soon;
    • not soon.

    Then all the cones are put into a canvas bag and they say: “I want to know the truth, when to look for my love.”

    After this, the cones are thrown up. The timing of the meeting is judged by their location. The one that fell closest to the fortuneteller indicates this period.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

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