Laetitia's cards: how to carry out fortune telling and the reliability of the results

Laetitia's cards are a new system of fortune telling using simple playing cards. She made a real revolution in the art of fortune telling. Now there is no need to turn to books on cartomancy, memorize the meaning of each card in one position or another, or memorize the meanings of hundreds of different combinations. You just need to read the interpretation we have given. Whether you believe in them or not, cards can answer any question you have.

We offer 5 games that allow you to try your luck. Two simple games - Express Oracle and Game of Three Aces (Small Game of Laetitia) and three Big Games - Game of 9 (Oracle of Flowers), Game of 13 (Oracle of Laetitia) and Game of 21 (the most difficult game). The game for 21 is for professional predictors. It requires great skill, and perhaps a special gift. For beginners, we suggest practicing on simpler layouts.

Map view

The fortune telling deck consists of 33 cards - 32 ordinary cards (starting with sevens) and the Client card if you are telling fortunes for a man, or the Client card if you are telling fortunes for a woman. Thus, a card that would have lost its meaning in a regular deck because it played the role of the Client now retains its original meaning. Any card not found in the deck - a joker or a deuce - can also act as a Client card.

Each card in this system, in addition to the traditional meanings - hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades - has another interpretation, for which the terms “straight” card and “inverted” card are used. On a regular playing deck of cards from which the twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes have been removed, use a pencil to make checkmarks at the top of the cards. Now they can take upright and inverted positions. A "straight" card - if the checkmarks on the card you are dealt are located at the top, an "inverted" card - if at the bottom.

The general meaning accepted in cartomancy is as follows: upright position is a positive value, inverted position is a negative value. For example, if you get 9 hearts upright, it means joy, if upside down, it means sadness.

In addition to the terms "straight" and "reversed" card, this deck uses the terms "speaking" and "adjacent". The term "speaking" refers to the card you are asking for. The term “neighboring” refers to the card that lies nearby; it clarifies the interpretation of the “talking” card. The card placed to the right of the "talking" card is more important than the card placed to the left.

The exact value is determined by neighboring cards. So, you got 9 hearts - joy. But which one? You will find out this by reading the interpretation of the suit of the adjacent card. Suppose there is a club card next to the 9 of hearts line. “On the nine we read: next to the club there is joy from an unexpected large monetary profit.

Card meanings

Seven of Clubs

Directly - waiting for a brunette or a brunette. Near:
- worms: the feeling that she shows you is associated with some kind of interest;
- clubs: needs money and wants to borrow from you;
- ace or 8 diamonds: they will visit you or send you a letter that will bring you benefits;
- other diamonds: wants to use you or your influence to satisfy his ambitions;
- in spades: sad (sad) or sick (sick) and harbors a grudge against you for your insufficient desire to help.

Reversed - to giving gifts, losing small amounts of money. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: giving jewelry to a loved one;
- other worms: gifts or money to family members or friends;
- clubs: small unexpected expenses; losing a game or lottery;
- king or 10 diamonds: a gift or money will be sent to someone far away;
- other tambourines: give gifts to colleagues or friends;
- in spades: small expenses due to health, household troubles, wear and tear of things.

Eight of Clubs

Directly - to receive gifts, small amounts of money. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: receive expensive jewelry as a sign of love;
- other worms: a gift or money that will be received by family members or friends;
- clubs: receiving small amounts of money, small winnings in a game or lottery;
- king or 10 diamonds: a gift or money sent by someone from afar;
- other diamonds: a gift from a colleague or an acquaintance at work, a small monetary reward;
- in spades: a gift or compensation received as a sign of reconciliation or settlement of litigation.

Reversed - to parting with a small amount of money. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: give something to your loved one;
- other worms: expenses for gifts or money to family members or friends;
- clubs: unexpected expenses;
- king or 10 diamonds: money will be sent to someone far away;
- other diamonds: financial problems at work;
- in spades: small expenses due to troubles at home, poor health.

Nine of Clubs

Directly - to receive money. Near:
- Queen or Jack of Hearts: large gifts or sums of money from someone close to you;
- other worms: a successful deal;
- clubs: return of debts or winnings in the lottery;
- 10 diamonds: a small inheritance or gift from relatives or friends;
- ace of diamonds: receiving letters and money;
- other diamonds: success in business; unexpected receipt of money or promotion;
- 10 spades: immediate repayment of the debt to you;
- other peaks: receiving a small inheritance, receiving money after successfully resolving conflicts.

Inverted - to waste of money. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: you will have to spend money on a wedding gift;
- other worms: expenses in connection with events in the family;
- clubs: disappointment in connection with the expected receipt of money;
- diamonds: difficult things that will bring profit in the future; salary increase is smaller than expected;
- 10th peak: loss in money;
- other peaks: a small inheritance that will bring more trouble than profit.

Ten of Clubs

Directly - to receive a large amount of money. Near:
- worms: a gift or valuable gift from another person;
- clubs: receipt of a large amount of money; winnings on the stock exchange or lottery;
- 10 diamonds: inheritance or unexpected gift from relatives or distant friends;
- other diamonds: success in business; prosperity or improvement of property status or large compensation;
- 10 spades: quick receipt of money;
- other peaks: a large inheritance or receipt of money after a happy settlement of a lawsuit, trial, conflict.

Reversed - to pay a large sum of money. Near:
- worms: spending a large amount of money on a loved one;
- clubs: loss on the stock exchange, in a game, or they will borrow from you;
- 10 diamonds: disappointment about the inheritance of relatives or friends;
- other tambourines: difficult course of affairs; unexpected expenses at work; risk of losing your place.
- 10 spades: you will be required to immediately repay the debt;
- other peaks: expenses related to the health of loved ones, litigation, litigation, conflict.

Jack of Clubs - a young and serious brunette (for a woman - an admirer, friend, relative; for a man - a comrade, relative).

Directly. Near:
- worms: a faithful friend, a confidant who keeps a secret;
- with a queen of clubs: a young man dreams of marriage or wants to show evidence of love;
- other clubs: generous; a young man with a bright future;
- other diamonds: active and serious employee; a frank, helpful colleague;
- with spades: a good support in any matter.

Upside down. Near:
- by worms: he is deceived in love or friendship;
- by the lady of clubs: the implementation of heartfelt plans is postponed;
- other clubs: he has a difficult financial situation;
- the lady’s tambourine: he allows himself to be influenced by an insidious woman;
- with other diamonds: a subordinate or colleague who has been deceived;
- 8 or 9 of spades: he suffers;
- other peaks: great personal troubles alienate him from his friends.

The Queen of Clubs is an energetic brunette (for a woman - a friend, relative; for a man - a wife, fiancee, girlfriend, relative).

Directly. Near:
- worms: loving, faithful, happy; loves to patronize and sacrifice himself;
- king of clubs: a wedding or increased passion is coming;
- other clubs: generous; good support in money matters;
- tambourines: devoted employee, helpful friend; an influential woman will help in business;
- spades: will help you get out of any troubles; a patient nurse if you are sick.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: suffers silently;
- king of clubs: marriage is postponed, difficulties in the house;
- other clubs: she has money worries;
- a tambourine for a lady: can become an enemy, a rival;
- with other diamonds: disappointed in the one they are guessing at, wants to break up with him;
- 8 or 9 of spades: she suffers;
- other peaks: family troubles.

The King of Clubs is a serious brunette (for a woman - a husband, groom or friend; for a man - a faithful friend or patron).

Directly. Near:
- worms: very reliable in love and friendship; loyal and trustworthy;
- clubs: very generous; will provide financial assistance;
- a lady’s tambourine: an imaginary girlfriend is trying to take possession of him, influence him;
- other diamonds: an influential patron or a strict but fair boss; strong support in business;
- spades: help, useful advice in any difficulties.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: suffers in love or is deceived in friendship;
- by the queen of clubs: his heart’s plans are postponed; difficulties at home;
- other clubs: temporarily needs money;
- with tambourines: he is deceived, wants to break the connection and move away;
- queen of spades: risks falling under the influence of an intriguer;
- 8 or 9 of peaks: he is absorbed in his worries; don't count on his support.
- with other peaks: he is selfish.

Ace of clubs

Directly - a quick and complete victory. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: triumph in rivalry concerning love and friendship;
- other worms: success and recognition in the home or family;
- clubs: triumph in financial affairs;
- diamonds: great success in business; a brilliant victory over rivals and competitors; advancement in business and career;
- spades: victory over diseases and evil fate; complete victory over all difficulties.

Inverted - belated and incomplete victory. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: temporary victory in love or friendship;
- other worms: partial success and recognition in the home and family;
- clubs: belated or less significant than expected success in financial matters;
- tambourines: sure, but slow progress in business; your fortune and career are not as brilliant as you expected;
- in spades: a belated but thorough solution to all problems (health, litigation).

Seven of Hearts- waiting for a fair-haired person (male or female).

Directly. Near:
- worms: craves your presence: seeks your love or friendship.
- clubs: dreams of giving you a gift or helping you with money.
- ace of diamonds: will write you a passionate letter.
- 8 diamonds: will give you a pleasant visit.
- other diamonds: worries about your future; is looking for a reason to help you in any situation, to support you financially.
- spades: interested in everything that worries you; sympathizes with your difficulties.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: suffers from your coldness or unfriendliness;
- clubs: has strong hope in money and expects help from you;
- ace of diamonds: he will write you a not very pleasant letter;
- 8 diamonds: inopportunely will pay you a visit;
- with other diamonds: he expects you to help him in a situation related to financial matters or work difficulties;
- jack of spades: he suffers;
- other peaks: sad or sick, looking for your support; disappointed by your indifference.

Eight of Hearts

Straight up - small joys. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: minor successes; small victories in matters of the heart;
- other worms: quiet family happiness; happy friendship;
- clubs: a gift that will pleasantly surprise; unexpected receipt of a small amount of money; chance in a game or lottery;
- 8 diamonds: a pleasant visit or party;
- 10 diamonds: a trip full of pleasant impressions;
- ace of diamonds: a letter that will bring joy;
- other diamonds: satisfaction in work, implementation of plans, success in competition;
- in spades: the joy of quickly resolving small problems.

Inverted - minor disappointments. Near:
- other worms: on the horizon of heart or family affairs - small clouds;
- clubs: small losses in money;
- ace of diamonds: a letter that will bring disappointment;
- 8 diamonds: not a very pleasant visit;
- 10 diamonds: delayed trip;
- other diamonds: disappointment in work; postponed plans; difficult resolution of current problems; defeat or semi-success in a competition.
- in spades: frustration due to delays and obstacles.

Nine of Hearts

Straight up - joy. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: future victories; success in love;
- other worms: family happiness or new friendship;
- clubs: joy from unexpected large monetary profits;
- diamonds: great success in business; success in competition or significant improvement in financial situation;
- 8 or 9 peaks: joy from the patient’s recovery;
- other peaks: joy from reconciliation or happy resolution of problems.

Inverted - disappointment. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: slight disappointment in matters of the heart;
- other worms: failure associated with relatives or friends;
- clubs: disappointment about the late receipt of a small amount of money;
- diamonds: moderate success in business or slight improvement in financial situation;
- ace of spades: disappointment from a proposal that will not lead to success or will be postponed;
- other peaks: minor obstacles or delays in solving problems.

Ten of worms - home, hearth.

Directly. Near:
- worms: family harmony or satisfaction in matters of the heart;
- clubs: very great material well-being;
- a tambourine for a lady: an imaginary girlfriend will try to bring anxiety into the house;
- other diamonds: satisfaction at work; strong financial position.
- 10 peak: quick and happy changes in the home or family;
- other peaks: concern about the health of others, which turns out to be groundless; minor disagreements that are easily resolved.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: minor family disagreements or slight disappointment in matters of the heart, which will quickly be forgotten;
- clubs: temporary need for money;
- a tambourine for a lady: an imaginary friend, immodest and unkind, who will need to be moved away from home;
- other diamonds: temporary difficulties in business or unstable work, unsuccessful search for your calling;
- 10th peak: very quick but undesirable changes in the home or family;
- other peaks: you need to monitor the health of your loved ones.

Jack of hearts- a young and serious blond (for a woman - an admirer, friend, relative; for a man - a comrade, relative).

Directly. Near:
- queen of hearts: flirting that can become serious;
- other worms: a faithful friend, confidant in matters of the heart;
- clubs: quite generous, likes to give small gifts;
- a lady’s tambourine: risks falling under the influence of an insincere woman;
- other diamonds: a devoted subordinate, employee or pleasant colleague, helpful at work;
- in spades: a comforter in trouble.

Upside down. Near:
- queen of hearts: flirting without serious continuation;
- other worms: he is disappointed in love and friendship;
- with clubs: it causes losses;
- the lady's tambourine: allows the intriguer to take possession of herself;
- other diamonds: a colleague who has been caught and wants to get away from the offenders;
- 8 or 9 of spades: he suffers;
- other peaks: has an easy character and quickly moves away from insults.

Queen of Hearts- a pleasant blonde (for a woman - a friend, relative; for a man - a wife, fiancee, friend, relative).

Directly. Near:
- king of hearts: future wedding, increased passion;
- jack of hearts: simple flirting;
- other worms: she is amorous, trusting, faithful, happy;
- clubs: likes to give gifts;
- tambourines: a devoted employee, confidant in your affairs at work;
- in spades: it will comfort you during your hardships, but without much results; a quiet nurse if you are sick.

Upside down. Near:
- king of hearts: plans for marriage are postponed; difficulties at home;
- jack of hearts: stop flirting;
- other worms: disappointment in love or friendship;
- clubs: she has money troubles;
- tambourines: disappointment, wants to break up, move away;
- the queen of spades: you allow her to have a great influence on you, she can become a rival;
- 8 or 9 of spades: she suffers;
- other peaks: slight malaise.

King of Hearts- a pleasant blond (for a woman - a husband, groom or friend; for a man - a friend, patron).

Directly. Near:
- Queen of Hearts: dreams of a wedding or of providing you with proof of her love;
- other worms: he is loving, faithful, happy, trusting;
- clubs: generous, helps financially;
- a lady's diamond: intrigues that will not have any influence on him;
- other diamonds: an influential patron or a benevolent boss; reliable support in financial matters;
- in spades: helps, gives useful advice during difficulties.

Upside down. Near:
- Queen of Hearts: postponement of the wedding or a small dispute between spouses;
- other worms: he suffers from his love or friendship;
- clubs: he has difficulties with money;
- a lady’s tambourine: danger associated with an intriguer;
- other diamonds: can become a dangerous rival in money matters;
- 8 or 9 of spades: he suffers;
- other peaks: personal concerns prevent him from taking care of you.

Ace of Hearts

Straightforward - a nice letter. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: declaration of love;
- other worms: news from a dear person;
- clubs: a letter with news of sending money or a gift;
- 8 or 10 diamonds: news of a visit or a pleasant journey;
- other diamonds: good news about current affairs or rivalries;
- ace of spades: brings interesting offers;
- other peaks: speaks of a possible settlement of disputes and disagreements; brings good news about a recovering patient.

Upside down - not a very pleasant letter. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: reproaches of lovers;
- other worms: a letter from a loved one that will cause disappointment or anxiety;
- clubs: a letter asking for money;
- 8 or 10 diamonds: portends an unpleasant visit or journey;
- 7 diamonds: news that will cause anger;
- other diamonds: disappointment caused by the completion of current affairs;
- ace of spades: dishonest offers;
- other peaks: promises delay, obstacle, hindrance and some slight anxiety.

Seven of diamonds

Straight-up small news; small pleasures. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: new flirting;
- 7 worms: newborn;
- other worms: family joy; new friendship;
- 7 clubs: someone's child;
- other clubs: receiving a gift or money;
- queen of diamonds: a rival in love or at work, who has been eliminated;
- king of diamonds: good news from a military man or a very distant relative;
- other diamonds: self-esteem satisfaction at work;
- spades: reconciliation, mitigation of disagreements; quick and easy resolution of minor misunderstandings.

Inverted - small news; disagreements; anger. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: quarrel between lovers;
- 7 of hearts: a newborn will cause surprise;
- other worms: a quarrel between relatives or friends;
- 7 clubs: expenses associated with a newborn;
- other clubs: small spending of money;
- a lady’s tambourine: anger caused by a woman’s deceit;
- king of diamonds: anger towards a military man or distant relative;
- other diamonds: disappointment and disagreements at work;
- in spades: anger caused by arguments and delays.

Eight of diamonds - a close road; enterprises, visits.

Directly. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: love date;
- other worms: meeting with relatives or close friends;
- clubs: success in an enterprise related to money matters;
- diamonds: visits that will bring benefits in financial matters, in elections, a pleasant visit from colleagues, useful acquaintances; unexpected meeting;
- 8 or 9 peak: visit to a patient who will recover;
- other peaks: efforts to solve current problems that have been crowned with success.

Upside down. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: a failed or conflicting love date;
- other worms: a postponed visit or unexpected appearance of relatives and friends;
- clubs: a visit or trip that caused unexpected expenses;
- diamonds: enterprises that did not bring results; a visit from an annoying colleague or acquaintance; not a very pleasant meeting;
- 8 or 9 peaks: a tedious visit to a sick or sad person;
- other peaks: enterprises that did not produce noticeable results.

Nine of diamonds - delays; obstacles; interference.

Directly. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: temporary suspension in solving heart problems due to fluctuations;
- other worms: love or friendship meets obstacles;
- clubs: late return of money;
- diamonds: letters, visits or trips will be postponed; difficulties in completing current affairs; interference and intrigues at work;
- peaks: interference, indecision, small obstacles that will cause anger and nervousness.

Upside down. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: matters of the heart are still far from being resolved.
- other worms: a protracted quarrel between relatives or friends.
- clubs: an attempt to return the money is not yet feasible;
- diamonds: letters, visits or trips will be postponed; difficulties in completing current affairs; nominations rejected; interference in career and money matters;
- queen of spades: danger of rupture;
- other peaks: troubles and interference leading to nervous exhaustion.

Ten of diamonds - trips and enterprises.

Directly. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: a meeting with the aim of creating a marriage union - with an excellent result;
- other worms: a trip on matters of the heart or a pleasant vacation with relatives or friends;
- with clubs: a financially successful trip;
- with diamonds: a business trip, an enterprise that ended in complete success;
- in spades: a trip due to the health of loved ones or family problems, which was crowned with success.

Upside down. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: an enterprise related to the wedding, but unsuccessful or postponed;
- other worms: a trip on matters of the heart or on vacation with annoying twists and turns;
- clubs: a trip or venture related to money matters that was not successful;
- tambourines: slow results of a business trip or enterprise;
- in spades: a painful trip due to the health of a loved one or solving family problems.

Jack of diamonds

Directly - a messenger with good news. Near:
- worms: good news in matters of the heart and family; newborn or wedding;
- clubs: will bring money and a gift;
- tambourines: good news about current affairs;
- ace of spades: they will make you an interesting offer;
- other peaks: good news about the health of people dear to you or immediate resolution of all difficulties.

Inverted - a messenger with not very good news. Near:
- worms: predicts disappointment in matters of the heart or family;
- clubs: will bring unexpected expenses;
- ace of diamonds: the news will be confirmed by letter;
- other diamonds: portends disappointment in property matters, obstacles in completing business;
- jack of spades: warns of betrayal;
- ace of spades: will bring an unfair offer;
- other peaks: notifies about the illness of a loved one or a delay in solving current affairs.

Queen of Tambourines - a woman of cunning or easy behavior.

Directly. Near:
- king or jack of hearts: rival in love, without remorse; destroyer of family happiness.
- other worms: an imaginary girlfriend;
- clubs: trying to take possession of money;
- tambourines: immodest, jealous, malicious acquaintance; a lying friend who is trying to harm, survive from somewhere;
- jack of spades: severe betrayal in close circle;
- other peaks: plays a sinister role in the lives of others, spreads slander that can cause harm.

Upside down. Near:
- King or Jack of Hearts: an attempt to interfere with love or destroy happy ties will fail;
- other worms: the imaginary friend will be exposed;
- with clubs: she will not be able to fish out money;
- with tambourines: her attempts to do harm in business or to deceive her will fail;
- jack of spades: the betrayal she has planned will be exposed or will remain without consequences;
- with other peaks: her slander and slander will be turned against herself.

The King of Diamonds is a distant relative or a military man.

Directly. Near:
- worms: friendly to the one who is being told fortunes, but somewhat selfish;
- with clubs: he will send money (a gift) that will surprise and delight;
- a lady's tambourine: an insidious woman next to him;
- with other diamonds: he will send a letter or make a pleasant and profitable visit;
- 8 or 9 of spades: now he is suffering a little;
- other peaks: can usefully intervene in all difficulties, resolve family disagreements, lead to reconciliation.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: has a bad attitude towards the one who is being told fortunes; evaluates him harshly;
- clubs: causes unexpected expenses;
- a lady's tambourine: willingly listens to slander and slander addressed to the one who is being told fortunes;
- other diamonds: his visits and letters cause unpleasant troubles;
- 8 or 9 of spades: he suffers;
- with a queen or jack of spades: will warn about the betrayal of another person;
- other peaks: inappropriately interferes in the affairs of others, incites family quarrels.

Ace of Diamonds

Straight up - great joy. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: joy from great shared love;
- other worms: success in all matters relating to love and friendship;
- clubs: joy caused by unexpectedly receiving money or a gift;
- tambourines: joy caused by success in business and improvement of property status;
- ace of spades: joy caused by an interesting offer;
- other peaks: successful resolution of all current difficulties; joy caused by the improvement in the health of someone close to you.

Inverted - mixed joy. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: a pleasant love affair, but without consequences;
- other worms: minor delays in the implementation of plans of the heart or minor complications between lovers or friends;
- clubs: late return of money or in smaller quantities;
- tambourines: delay in completing things or their slight improvement;
- ace of spades: disappointment caused by a hopeless proposal;
- other peaks: a sure, but protracted recovery of the patient.

Seven of spades - melancholy; minor worries.

Directly. Near:
- worms: disappointment in matters of the heart; quarrel between spouses, lovers; a fight between relatives and friends;
- clubs: loss of money or things;
- 8 or 10 diamonds: interference and trip cancellation;
- other diamonds: business and material troubles; rivalry between friends;
- queen or jack of spades: petty betrayal of friends, which will cause surprise and irritation, deception;
- other peaks: minor problems that can be solved; misunderstandings; fatigue, nervous depression.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: a quarrel between relatives and friends that will end in reconciliation; mild heartfelt disappointment;
- clubs: loss of money and things that will eventually be returned;
- lady of diamonds: complications caused by a colleague;
- other tambourines: squabbles, obstacles and interference at work;
- queen or jack of spades: minor deception;
- other peaks: fatigue, depression, which will be quickly suppressed; misunderstandings, disputes of little significance.

Eight of spades - minor sorrows; tears.

Directly. Near:
- 7 of hearts: worry about a blonde child;
- other worms: sadness due to the departure or indifference of people dear to you;
- 7 of clubs: worries about a dark-haired child;
- other clubs: financial difficulties;
- a lady's tambourine: a skirmish caused by rivalry in love or service;
- other diamonds: failure or delay in the implementation of plans related to financial issues;
- peaks: short-term illness or great fatigue caused by overexertion and nervousness.

Upside down. Near:
- 7 of hearts: a minor illness of a fair-haired child;
- other worms: short-lived sadness due to love; family disagreements, which will then soften;
- 7 of clubs: a minor illness of a dark-haired child;
- other clubs: loss in money that will be compensated;
- queen of diamonds: a rival who will bring trouble, but will be defeated;
- other diamonds: delay in the implementation of plans related to material well-being, disagreements at work;
- peaks: fleeting difficulties; nervous fatigue, which is easily relieved by rest.

Nine of Spades

Directly - anxiety; sadness. Near:
- king, queen or jack of hearts: disappointment, sadness because of love; danger of rupture;
- other worms: difficulties in the family or at home; death of a relative or friend;
- clubs: sadness due to loss of money; financial difficulties;
- tambourines: anxiety in connection with current problems or money matters;
- 8th peak: illness in close surroundings;
- queen or jack of spades: sadness caused by betrayal;
- other peaks: various everyday difficulties, disagreements, rivalry; risk of losing the lawsuit.

Reversed - anxiety; sadness. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: sad love that will soon be forgotten, or a breakup that can be avoided; rupture followed by reconciliation;
- other worms: a family conflict that is quickly resolved;
- clubs: disappointment caused by the inheritance received;
- other clubs: misunderstandings in money matters;
- diamonds: fleeting difficulties in financial matters;
- 8 peak: short-term illness of a loved one;
- queen or jack of spades: quick consolation after betrayal;
- other peaks: major but passing concerns.

Ten of spades - immediate results.

Directly. Near:
- worms: happy resolution of family problems; an end to all hesitation in matters of the heart; wedding announcement;
- clubs: unexpected resolution of all financial problems;
- ace of diamonds: unexpected receipt of a letter;
- 8 or 10 diamonds: fast trips;
- other diamonds: fulfillment of desires regarding affairs, property status, work;
- in spades: a happy resolution of unpleasant problems or a quick and complete recovery.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: not a very happy resolution of heart and family problems, danger of breaking the engagement;
- clubs: not very sensitive improvement in financial situation;
- ace of diamonds: the letter you were waiting for will bring disappointment;
- 8 or 10 diamonds: an unpleasant trip ahead;
- other diamonds: unfavorable resolution of current problems; useless money worries;
- in spades: not a very pleasant solution to current problems or incomplete recovery.

Jack of spades is an evil person, a liar, a traitor.

Directly. Near:
- worms: unscrupulous seducer, imaginary friend, rival in matters of the heart;
- with clubs: tries to deceive, cheats to achieve his goals;
- jack of diamonds: a thieving servant or an unscrupulous subordinate;
- other diamonds: an unprincipled competitor in business or a two-faced colleague, a gossip;
- queen of spades: betrayal in close circle;
- other peaks: a rogue looking for a reason to cause harm at any opportunity, to cause quarrels and anger.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: a rogue and a seducer who will not get his way; an imaginary friend who will be exposed, or a rival who will be defeated;
- with clubs: he will not achieve his fraud;
- jack of diamonds: a dishonest subordinate who will be caught at the crime scene;
- other diamonds: an unprincipled competitor in business or a two-faced colleague who will eventually be eliminated from the path;
- queen of spades: slight betrayal in close circle;
- with other peaks: a slanderer whose cards will be mixed.

Queen of Spades -
a widow, divorced or single woman (sometimes aged and unhappy; often angry and envious).

Directly. Near:
- queen or jack of hearts: tries to break alliances;
- other worms: looking for quarrels with friends and relatives;
- clubs: currently she is in dire need of money;
- with tambourines: causes jealousy, tries to harm in business, destroy a career, ruin;
- jack of spades: plotting treason, plotting intrigues;
- other peaks: elderly woman, lonely, sick, sad.

Upside down. Near:
- worms: an attempt to quarrel between friends and relatives, to separate spouses or lovers will fail;
- clubs: poor woman, but her condition will improve;
- tambourines: a jealous, envious woman who tries in vain to do harm;
- jack of spades: the plot will not succeed;
- other peaks: the woman is elderly and sick, but on the road to recovery.

King of Spades
- government official, adviser, widower.

Directly. Near:
- worms: can be beneficial in matters of the heart and family;
- ace of clubs: will help you win in litigation, in rivalry;
- other clubs: good advice in financial matters;
- diamonds: good advice or support in matters relating to property or work;
- queen of spades: a widower or divorcee who wants to get married again;
- other peaks: good support in any issues (health, litigation, disputes).

Upside down. Near:
- worms: inappropriately interferes in family affairs;
- ace of clubs: can provoke a loss in a lawsuit;
- other clubs: bad advice in money matters;
- a queen's diamond: fraud;
- other diamonds: bad advice in business, career;
- queen of spades: widower or divorced, suffering from loneliness;
- other peaks: the doctor you

Letitia's method of fortune telling with cards created a real sensation in the art of predictions. For the layout, a regular gaming deck is used, with help. where you can get an answer to any question you have. With Letitia fortune telling, interpreting the results is very simple. Like the Tarot, it gives a truthful answer, but the difference is that the fortune-telling layouts are simpler and more understandable; you do not need to remember the meaning of each suit or their combination. It is enough to read the interpretation.

Features of Laetitia cards

The fortune telling deck consists of 33 cards. Of these, 32 are ordinary (without sixes) and one client card (or clients) for which they tell fortunes. Any card that has no significance when playing or telling fortunes can be used as a client card. As a rule, Joker or deuce is used.

In fortune telling according to Letitia, each card, in addition to its suit (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades), also has a meaning - straight or inverted. To do this, you need to make a mark on the back of the cards - this will make it easier to determine the position. The dash on the top indicates a straight position. On the bottom - inverted. A dropped card in an upright position means “yes”, in an inverted position “no”. If a dozen of hearts land upright, the answer should be interpreted as joy. If inverted - sadness, sadness.

In addition to direct and inverted meanings, there are also “neighboring” and “talking” cards. “Speaking” is the main one, it determines the card you are accessing. And “neighboring” indicates the one lying next to the main one. It helps interpret the meaning of "speaker." Moreover, the “neighboring” one, placed to the right of the “speaking” one, has more significance than the one that lies on the left side.

The exact meaning and answer to the question is determined by adjacent cards. For example, a ten of hearts falling upright means joy. But what kind of joy and from what - the neighboring suits will help you understand. For example, if any suit of clubs lies with the ten of hearts, such a duet means joy from monetary profit (clubs - money).

The most popular types of fortune telling according to Letitia

"Nine Cards"

The main ones in interpreting the layout are 9 main cards. For their detailed interpretation, 9 more explanatory ones are used. A client card (clients) is not needed in this fortune telling; only the 32 main ones are taken. The schedule is carried out no more than once a week.

Step by step plan:

  1. Shuffle the deck well, take it to you with your left hand and lay it out in a chaotic order on the table surface, face down.
  2. Choose 9 cards from the scattered deck - they will be “talking”, that is, the main ones.
  3. Lay out the main ones in a row and select 9 more, place them in order under the main ones. These will be adjacent (explanatory) cards.
  4. View the interpretation of the talking cards along with explanatory ones.

The position of the cards is important - upright or inverted. As a result of fortune telling, you will get 9 interpretations and “predictions” that are expected in the near future.

"To fulfill a wish"

  1. The layout is popular because it helps to find out whether your wish will come true at home.
  2. Take Laetitia's 33-card deck. To find out whether your cherished wish will come true or not, shuffle the deck, then slide it toward you with your left hand and place it in random order in front of you, face down.
  3. From the scattered deck, take out one card at a time until you come across a client card(s) or an ace of any suit.

The faster you can draw the right card, the closer your wish will come true. Pay attention to the suits that were opened before the ace or client card.

"Letizia - fortune telling for the month"

This type of divination is no less popular. It helps you find out what events are expected in the coming month, what signs to pay attention to. In the interpretation of meanings, the direct and inverted meaning of the cards is used.

The main thing in this scenario is to correctly guess the period you are interested in - it can be a week or a month (4 weeks).

Shuffle the deck, move it towards you with your left hand, select 4 cards (if fortune telling is for 4 weeks) and lay it out in front of you. Each card represents a specific week. After this, interpret the results according to the meaning of the interpretations.

☞ Video story

The advantage of Letitia's cards is that the deck is no different from a playing deck, but with its help you can get answers to questions that are bothering you at the moment. This will help predict the future and get advice. Unlike Tarot, the listed layouts are performed quickly and easily, and the results, in most cases, turn out to be true.

From this article you will learn:

    What are Oracle cards

    What can you learn from Oracle cards?

    How to tell fortunes using Oracle cards

    Which decks of Oracle cards to buy

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the future and used a wide variety of symbolic systems to do this: from looking at stars and clouds to fortune telling by the flight of birds or coffee grounds. However, the most popular fortune-telling tool has been “Oracle” cards for several centuries. They are used by gypsies to predict people success, love, changes in life, illness, etc. Nowadays, there are a huge number of decks of Oracle cards: astrological, psychological, associative and thematic, oracles of animals, stones, etc.

What are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot?

What does the word "oracle" mean? The Great Encyclopedia defines it as follows: “An oracle (from Latin oraculum) is in ancient times one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with a deity. The sayings of the Oracle were considered revelations of the deity. All Oracles can be summed up under three categories: predictions were received either in the form of maxims, or in the form of symbols, or in the form of dreams.”

Card Oracles are symbolic systems. The structure of different decks of Oracle cards may vary, which distinguishes these cards from the Tarot, which must contain the major and minor arcana. Oracles have a completely different number of cards. They depict scenes or symbols from a single set.

Thus, in the Oracle of Numbers there are 32 cards, and each of them consists of two halves - a number and a Kabbalistic sign. Madame Lenormand's Oracle deck contains 36 cards, the content of which are characters (for example, Horseman) or abstract images (Ship, Clover). The Gypsy Oracle contains 52 cards, all of which are story-based. But this is not the limit: the Simbolon Oracle has as many as 78 cards (this deck combines astrological images and other symbolic subjects).

In terms of accuracy of predictions, Oracle cards are not inferior to Tarot. However, there is one significant difference: the strict symbolic system of the Tarot is not obvious and convenient to everyone; Oracles are simpler in this sense. To interpret the meanings of Oracle cards, it is enough to recognize the plots and images on them, while to use Tarot cards you need to have a good understanding of all the symbolism that they cover.

The problem with some Oracle decks is that they are superficial. These maps reflect the external outline of events rather than the deep essence of what is happening, so with their help it is impossible to obtain comprehensive and accurate answers to the questions posed. Unlike Oracle cards, Tarot reveals the entire chain of causes and consequences, starting from the energy level and ending with the event level.

If you want to bring a little magic into your daily life, turn to your own feelings and intuition when reading Oracle cards. It’s not scary if at first it seems that intuition is silent and does not participate in what is happening. To begin, take the entire deck in your hands, hold it, listening to your own feelings. The one of the decks that will be more “lively” and “warm” for you is yours.

Fortune telling with Oracle cards: interpretation and rules

Fortune telling cards of the “Oracle” type have become a real breakthrough in the field of predictive techniques. In order to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, it is necessary to make a layout and then interpret its result (the meaning of the symbol is usually written on the card itself). Cards are not a blind weapon, but a rather capricious entity that can remain silent without giving an answer. If fortune telling is unsuccessful, put it off for another day, do not persist, be patient.

Oracle card decks typically contain 33 cards, one of which is a client card. Cards can be upright or upside down, and this also matters (as, for example, in Runes).

As for the meaning of Oracle cards, it consists of several components:

    Card suits (diamonds, crosses, etc.).

    The general meaning of the card (9 inverted worms, for example, symbolize sadness, straight ones - joy).

    Exact value. For example, for nine hearts in an upright position, the adjacent card gives information about what kind of joy awaits you. If it has a cross suit, then it will be joy caused by unexpected receipt of money.

Thus, two cards provide information:

    The speaker is the one you are interpreting.

    Neighboring – located next to the speaker and clarifying her meaning. The card lying to the right of the speaker will have more weight.

The basic rules for fortune telling with Oracle cards are as follows:

    We select a client card - a person who addresses his question to the Oracle.

    We carefully shuffle the cards. To do this, you first need to hit the deck, then split it with your left hand, then split it into two halves again and mix it again.

    The day of fortune telling affects the result. On Monday it is better not to touch the Oracle cards, but Friday (especially falling on the 13th) is a very good day for fortune telling. The first of January, the 13th of each month and your birthday are also suitable: the predictions will be deep and accurate.

    For fortune telling, you can only use your individual deck of Oracle cards. It, like a toothbrush, cannot be passed on to other people.

    Fortune telling is done alone. At least not surrounded by people who are skeptical about predictions - in this case the cards will be silent.

    But a cat, on the contrary, is a wonderful companion and assistant in fortune telling. It's better to guess when the cat is in the room. If she showed interest and walked through the cards, see where exactly she stepped.

    To communicate with Oracle cards, sit in a comfortable, quiet place with dim lighting.

    You can also make wishes with the help of fortune telling Oracle cards. To do this, on February 2, you need to put a card under your pillow before going to bed, whose symbolism reflects your desire.

Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Four Aces Oracle

Ask a question that has a clear answer: either “no” or “yes.” Take the top 13 cards from the deck. Set aside the aces you find among them and the client card. Repeat the entire procedure three times.

Interpretation of the result:

    The dropped four aces in combination with the client card indicate great luck, for which you do not have to make any effort.

    Four aces, but without a client card, is also a great success, but with the participation of other people.

    Three aces along with the client card indicate that you will have to try a little to achieve success.

    It's just that three aces are interpreted as a very low probability of luck.

    Two aces in combination with a client card are an opportunity for success in the distant future.

If there is no clear answer from the Oracle cards, you should postpone fortune telling for a while and ask the question of interest later.

Little Oracle of Letitia

Take two cards, then set aside the one that goes with the client's card. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you should get three cards from which you can predict life events in the next three days. To interpret them, consult an interpreter.

Oracle of Flowers

For this fortune telling, 32 Oracle cards are taken (without the client card). A pile of cards is thrown face down, then nine cards are selected from it, turned over and laid out according to the suits in the order in which they were removed. These cards will be talking.

Then the next nine cards are removed and placed next to each of the speakers. These are adjacent cards.

Formulate questions for each suit. Take a talking card of the required suit and read its meaning from the interpreter. After this, refer to the adjacent card to clarify the result.

Great Oracle of Laetitia

This method is similar to fortune telling with the Oracle of Flowers, only you need to remove not nine, but thirteen cards. After the cards are revealed, they are laid out in the order they were removed in a circle (there should be no groupings). The cards are then sorted by rank. The speakers will be the first six cards on the left, and the neighboring ones will be the last six cards on the right. The talking and neighboring cards should be laid out according to the following scheme:

1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8,

the seventh card should be in the center, surrounded by six pairs of other cards.

Processing of the results consists of interpreting the talking cards and subsequent clarification of their meanings based on neighboring cards (only their suit is taken into account). The central card is a surprise. It can also be interpreted by drawing another card from the pile, which will become a pair for it.

Oracle for the future

Predicting the future is not at all difficult if you have a deck of Oracle cards at your disposal. Here is one of the simplest methods of fortune telling:

    shuffle the deck and remove the top card;

    then pull out a pair of cards;

    when faced with a client’s card, put aside the card that is paired with it;

    do this three times;

    interpret the three cards set aside according to the interpretations that are written directly on them.

Where and what Oracle cards to buy

Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

The famous fortune teller and psychic Madame Lenormand developed her own method of card fortune telling. Her Golden Dreams deck has become very popular and has been actively used for many decades. The secret of the success of this Oracle is that it is not only able to predict the development of events, but also helps to make a decision in a difficult situation.

A modern version of the Lenormand Oracle was illustrated by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Each of these maps is a real little masterpiece, combining exquisite detail and original imagery of plots. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Lenormand Oracle or already have some idea about it, the Marchetti deck is an ideal option.

This edition of the deck takes into account all the principles of the classic versions of the Lenormand Oracle, but by increasing the number of cards from 36 to 47, the predictive capabilities of the deck are significantly expanded. 11 new cards have been added to the traditional set of cards, namely Well, Bridge, Compass, Mask, Magnifying Glass, Owl, Dice, Man, Lady, Labyrinth, Time.

Oracle "I Ching"

Each of us would like to know how to achieve success, gain knowledge and spiritual strength, live every new day at the peak of feelings and possibilities, what changes fate has in store for us around the next turn.

To find answers to these questions, the I Ching oracle was created in ancient China, the “canon of change” - a philosophical concept, ritual and technique for predicting the future. The classical I Ching involved drawing sets of lines, solid and broken, and throwing a coin to create a hexagram - a set of six lines, which is then interpreted in a certain way.

The I Ching, embodied in a deck of cards, simplifies the fortune telling procedure and makes it more understandable and convenient for a person of the European tradition, accustomed to Western mantles. To find out your destiny, you no longer need to perform a Chinese ritual; you just need to draw an Oracle card.

Oracle Rumi

Rumi's Oracle Cards will allow the reader to connect with the divine and experience love and beauty. This is a conversation through dance movements, not words.

The authors of the deck were inspired by the poems of a Sufi poet and philosopher named Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, who lived and worked in the 18th century. The images reflected in the cards of this Oracle originate in the mystical whirling dance practiced by the dervishes, and which, according to Rumi, helps to throw off the shackles of the material world and soar to the spirit.

Oracle by Suzanne Kipper (Fin de Siecle Kipper)

This deck of Oracle cards has a long and interesting history. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Suzanne Kipper, a very gifted fortune teller, who at some point needed her own author's cards. She illustrated maps in a style typical of 1870s Germany, where she lived. The oracle turned out to be very popular (no less than the Lenormand cards).

This Oracle was later creatively reinterpreted by artist Ciro Marchetti, who created the third version of the Mystic Kipper in the style of Victorian England. Oracle cards by Marchetti are distinguished by a clear system of interpretation, an abundance of interesting details, and subtly and luxuriously painted interiors and portraits. This makes this deck of Oracle cards very popular.

Runic Oracle “Legends of the Northern Roads”

The Runic Oracle deck of cards, based on Legends of the Northern Roads, provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the runic predictive tradition through cards. Its authors are Anna Simonova, a tarot reader, and Dmitry Shevtsov, a Russian artist. The deck contains 25 cards, including an “empty” rune, which can be used or not used at the wish of the person doing the fortune-telling. These Oracle cards come with instructions in Russian.

Our online store “Witch's Happiness” is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

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