Crossword in Russian dictionary words. Crossword dictionary words (from the "cherished chest"). Crossword "All works are good"

Crosswords with questions and answers on the Russian language and culture of speech for grade 2

Crossword 1

Topic: Unchecked unstressed vowels. Dictionary words.


1. Either he is a pancake, then he is a wedge, alone in the sky at night. (Month)

2. I am the most lively worker in the workshop, I beat my urine all day long. (A hammer.)

3. A green branch grows in the garden, and on it are red children. (Tomato.)


4. Without arms, without legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

5. We always walk together, similar, like brothers. We are at dinner - under the table, and at night - under the bed. (Slippers.)

6. He bows in the forest, he will come home - he will stretch. (Axe.)

Crossword 2

Topic: Rules for designating vowels after hissing (zhi, ish, cha, shcha, chu, shu). Horizontally.

1. They go from edge to edge, cut a black loaf. (Knives.)

2. Who, moving his mustache, commanded us? “You can eat! It's time to walk! Wash up and go to bed! (Watch.)

3. They look into the cracks, they are afraid to get out. (Mice.)

4. Where the tail rests, there will be a hole later. (Awl.)


5. We are nimble sisters, we are masters of running fast. In the rain - we lie down, in the cold - we run, this is our regime. (Skis.)

6. An eagle flies across the blue sky, spread its wings, covered the sun. (Cloud.)

7. They do not let the rose, they attach the boards. (Thorns.)

8. Not one car will run without me, but I'm called ... (tire.)

Crossword 3

Topic: voiced and voiceless consonants.

1. Red doors in my cave, white animals sit at the doors. Both meat and bread - all my prey - I gladly give to these animals. (Mouth.)

2. It grows in spring and falls off in autumn. (Sheet.)

3. There is also a leg, there is also a hat, not a mushroom. (Umbrella.)

4. In rich clothes he lives without a window, but he himself is blind, he has not seen the sun. (Mole.)

5. Soft paws, and scratches in the paws. Cat.)

6. On an airplane, this word is also on a ship; you can also meet it along the highway. (Board.)

Crossword 4

Topic: Voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words.


1. Stooped, humpbacked, crossed the whole field, counted all the musts. (Sickle.)

2. A white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Snow.)

3. Yegory stands in the semi-mountain. It is propped up with a spear, covered with a hat. 1 (stack)

4. A peasant is lying in a golden caftan, girded with a belt, he cannot get up, people raise him. (Sheaf.)

If you filled it in correctly, then in the circled cells vertically you will read the word again, which is a guess.

Crossword 5

Topic: Spelling rules for consonants at the root of words.


1. In a fur coat in summer, undressed in winter. (Forest.)

2. People always have it, ships always have it. (Nose.)

3. A bar fell on all of Russia, on that bar there are twelve fir trees, each with four branches. (Year.)

4. Fold - a wedge, unfold - a pancake. (Umbrella.)

5. Peas scattered on seventy roads, no one will pick it up: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (deg.)


6. Egoriy stands in the half-mountain, props himself up with a spear, covers himself with a hat. (Stack.)

7. It grows in summer and falls off in autumn. (Sheet.)

8. In winter he lay in the field, and in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow.)

9. I live across the path, but I don’t see my brother. (Eye.)

Crossword 6



1. What kind of spring bird likes to walk and feed behind a plow? (Rook.)

2. The dwarf moved his beard - and the owner entered the house. (Key.)

3. I am the opposite of laughter. Not from joy, comfort - I am involuntarily from misfortune and from pain, from resentment, failure. Guessed - this is ... (Crying.)

4. Seku, seku - I won’t cut it, I’ll cut it, I’ll cut it - I won’t cut it. (Ray.)

If you filled everything in correctly, then in the circled cells vertically you will read the word for the same rule. (Kalach.)

Crossword 7

Topic: Spelling of a soft sign after hissing nouns.

1. Walks along the loaf, cutting it. (Knife.)

2. Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle.)

3. In winter, everything eats, and sleeps in summer. The body is warm, but there is no blood. (Bake.)

4. Small, but not sweet to anyone. (Mouse.)

If you filled out everything correctly, then in the circled cells you will read the answer to the riddle: "The black cow overcame the whole world." (Night.)



Topic: Spelling of the soft sign in common nouns and proper nouns, animate and inanimate.

Exercise: write the name of animals and fish that end in "ь".


4. Bear


1. Minnow

Note. Can be used in speech development classes on a specific topic, for example, “Seasons”, “Professions”, “Planets”, etc.

Crossword in riddles

1. I took the bait

And without saying "thank you"

Sailed away somewhere, impolite ... (fish.)

2. This thing is familiar to you -

Drives the night out of the house. (Lamp.)

3. He looks so simple

And there is no it - and the table is empty. (Bread.)

4. Grandpa also has a cat,

Cancer and beetle have.

What? Think a little

And answer for sure. (Mustache.)

5. All year round in a fluffy coat

Sharp claws, strong teeth.

Walks in the house like a hostess.

Who? Try it, guess it! (Cat.)

6. Only light lets in houses,

No heat and cold! (Window.)

7. The white stone will sink into the water.

There is no stone, but it will become sweet. (Sugar.)

Crossword "All works are good"

1. She sews clothes. (Tailor)

2. He is driving a taxi. (Taxi driver.)

3. Heals people. (Doctor.)

4. He teaches children at school. (Teacher.)

5. Gives out tickets on the bus. (Conductor.)

6. Paint the fence and walls. (Painter.)

7. Lunch at the restaurant prepares. (Cook.)

8. Coal is mined in the mine. (Miner.)

9. Heals animals. (Veterinarian.)

10. Sells ice cream, clothes, toys. (Salesman.)

In selected cells vertically: doing hairstyles. (The hairdresser.)

Vocabulary #1

    A place where you can walk or drive.

    The lady is sitting in the garden, the whole dress is in folds.

    Morning meal.

    The result of the work of the artist.

    want something.

    You can hardly embrace this fruit,

if you are weak, you will not lift,

cut it into pieces

eat red pulp.

    deciduous tree with white bark.

    A building that sells various goods.

    Digging tool.

    Settlement in the countryside.

Dictionary words #2

1. A piece of utensils for first or second courses.

2. Residential part of the apartment, house.

3. Can be lottery, theatrical, railway.

4. Ground vehicle.

5. Glassware for water, juices.

6. Forest animal, the victim of wolves and foxes.

7. An elongated green vegetable.

8. A red vegetable used to make tomato juice.

9. A large domestic animal that gives milk.

10. Omnivorous wild animal, hibernates in winter.

Dictionary words #3

1. It's good when he is

Lie on it and sit on it.

He is given to us for rest,

Soft plush...

2. In this kitchen utensil
Soup and porridge are cooked by people.

3. Sitting in a spoon
Dangling legs.

4. During the day, a pillow sleeps on it,
And at night - Andryushka.

5. The second or third meal of the day, comes immediately after breakfast.

6. He looks like a red ball,
Only now it does not rush galloping.
It contains a useful vitamin -
It's ripe...

7. Who glazed all the puddles,
Covered the lake with glass
Allowed on skating rinks

8. White as snow

Sweet like honey.

Melts in the mouth

It is added to tea.

9. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries - all this ....

10. Its various forms and varieties
Always friends and guests, children are happy:
Relatives to bagels, gingerbread, cakes,
With jam, poppy seeds, cream, chocolate.
Raise the mood with a gentle tasteConfectionery sweet ..... .

Dictionary words #4

1. There is breakfast and lunch

There is an afternoon snack, or maybe not,

He's not really needed

Because we still have...

2. In a piece of sweet dough

Found a place for stuffing

Inside it is not empty -

There is meat or cabbage.

3. It is given to us by a cow,

For us to be healthy.

We drink it, cook porridge with it

And we cook yogurt.

4. Loves little Damir

Drink sweet in the morning...

5. They put it on the tile
They fry potatoes on it
Pancakes are baked on it.
What is her name?

6. Everyone in the world loves her

Loved by adults and children

They cut it with a knife and put it in a sandwich

Then the sandwich goes into the mouth.

7. We are sometimes like ears,

Bows, horns, shells.

Loved by adults and children

And rings, and spaghetti.

And add grated cheese to us -

There will be a real feast.

8. Look into the autumn garden
Miracle - the balls are hanging.
Reddish, ripe bock
To the kids on the teeth.

9. Before going to bed

Let's drink cranberry...

10. With it you can walk on mushrooms,

Can you pick berries?

It's not hard to wear

And very easy to break!

From rods, they weave their bast,

Tell me, what's her name?

Dictionary words #5

1. We chop cabbage

Put in a large bowl.

Cut cucumber, onion,

And parsley and lettuce.

Add cheese, tomato to them -

And it will work....

2. Guess who is?
White, thick.
The cream was whipped early in the morning,
For us to have...

3. Your mom will surely pour you

Useful from berries and fruits ....

4. Well, guess it

It's even very simple:
Orange, give or take
Just smaller.

5. Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ...

6. The orange spine hid in the ground,
And the braid is green in the morning dew.
I want to taste again and again
This wholesome, delicious.....

7. Little Light

For the second one...

8. There is a hoofed giant.
Neck like a crane
With horns, spotted,
But not very fast.

9. Attached to the steam locomotive

Delicious wagons.

Each is fragrant, rose,

Juicy bars.

All meat, in a thick skin,

And yesterday went to Murke.

10. Fantik bright, golden,
And sometimes silver.
Unfolded the candy wrapper of Light,
There's a favorite...


Vocabulary #1

Dictionary words #2

Dictionary words #3

Dictionary words #4

Dictionary words #5

I was sorting through my old papers - I stumbled upon my daddy "Crossword comes to class." At one time the guys were very fond of it. What, it turns out, I have the richest deposits! There are 3 crosswords "Do you know the theory of literature?" - in one there are 55 terms, in another – 57, in the third - 63!!! Several crossword puzzles based on the novel "The Master and Margarita".
In the Russian language in the 10th grade, I practiced compiling crossword puzzles for offsetting vocabulary words. Many preferred this task to a test in the form of a vocabulary dictation (and this was my trick: while the student was poring over his crossword puzzle, he automatically memorized the words, and it’s easy to figure out how to take them in practice).

I bring to your attention the crossword "Dictionary words", which was made by my tenth grader in 1996. Titanic work. All the work, as well as many other crossword puzzles, was done by hand: the cells were drawn by hand, the lexical interpretation of words was written by hand, the title page was made by hand. I scanned the title page and the crossword itself, leaving it unchanged, and typed the lexical interpretation of the words and the answers on the computer.


2 . Same as print . 3 . Case, incident. 5 . Eloquence. 8 . A short saying or word that expresses the guiding idea of ​​someone's behavior or activity. 9. A device with a dome that opens in the air and slings for jumping from an airplane or descending from a height of cargo, a spacecraft. 11 . Orchestral introduction to opera, ballet, film. 12 . Demonstration or trial product. 14. The title, which is awarded for outstanding services, achievements in production, technology, science, art. 15. An art form that combines the performances of acrobats, gymnasts, clowns. 16. Home or work clothes that are wrapped or fastened from top to bottom. 17. House for temporary residence of visitors with single or non-single rooms, serviced. 18 . A military unit located in a settlement, fortress or fortified area. 20. A narrow indoor space connecting parts of the building, as well as a long balcony along the building. 21. Powdered binder, which is part of concrete, reinforced concrete and mortars. 22. Large tomb memorial. 23 . A vehicle running on rails. 25. The front side of the building, structure. 26. Recognized value, influence, general respect. 28. An apparatus for breathing under water when a person is immersed to a relatively shallow depth. 29. Firearms. 33. A picturesque graphic or sculptural decoration, a pattern of a combination of geometric, plant or animal elements. 34 . An official who performs notarial deeds. 36 . Script. 38. An object that serves as a conventional name for an activity or idea. 40. Well-known sample, stencil. 42. A person who treats everything sharply negatively, skeptically. 43. Debate, discussion of the issue. 47. Author and director of ballets, choreographic miniatures, dances . 48. Road (in a garden, park) with rows of trees planted on both sides. 51. A special wide belt worn to keep the body on the water. 52. A collective trip somewhere, visiting something with an educational, cognitive purpose. 53. Occupation, work, activity. 55 . Cavalry, cavalry. 56. A cover made of soft material, made in the shape of an object and protecting it from pollution, moisture. 57 . Long box for pens, pencils, pens. 60. A group of officials forming an administrative, deliberative or administrative body. 61. A piece of furniture in the form of shelves mounted on racks one above the other. 63. Upholstered furniture for sitting and lying with a back and handles. 65. An old, experienced warrior. 66. A thing sacredly kept as a memory of the past. 68 . The speech of some social or other group united by common interests, containing many words and expressions that are different from the common language. 69. An impression made by someone on someone. 70. geometric body, formed by rotation rectangle around one of its sides. 72. A stable group of atoms in a molecule that passes unchanged from one chemical compound to another. 75. The different parts of something connected together. 78 . Solemn written appeal of the supreme power to the people. 79 . A small poor house, a hut. 81. Outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities. 83 . Conclusion, proof. 84 . Chemical element in black and gray. 85. dominance in anything. 86. A clash of opposing views, aspirations. 90 . An irreconcilable adversary. 91. Device, technical device, fixture. 92. Crimson color. 95 . Foresight, prediction of some events, phenomena. 96 . Higher educational institution and at the same time a scientific institution with various natural-mathematical and humanitarian departments. 97. Performing group of singers, musicians. 98. A subtle, hidden sneer. 100 . Small fenced garden, flower garden in front of the house. 101 . A person belonging to the intelligentsia. 103. A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for laying on the floor, for packaging. 104 . During the festivities, decorative lights fly high from a rocket. 105 . A group of experts that determines prizes at exhibitions and competitions. 106. Seats in the auditorium, rising in ledges behind the stalls, as well as places in the circus, in the lecture hall. 107. The person conducting the experiment. 108. An unscrupulous person engaged in adventures. 110. Limited land space. 111 . A structure in the form of a series of steps for ascent and descent.


A big celebration to commemorate some event. 4. Fencing along the edge of stairs, balconies, bridges. 6. The manner of writing, the nature of the lettering in the letter. 7. Brevity and clarity of presentation. 10. Outstanding Artwork art. 12. Member of the occupation, invader. 13 . One of the four cardinal directions and the direction opposite to the east, the part of the horizon where the sun sets. 17 . A creature of enormous size, a giant. 19. An organized mass cessation of work in order to achieve the fulfillment of some demands, a strike. 24. A structure in the form of a tall pillar, erected as a monument or serving as a support in a building. 26 . The one to whom the letter, telegram, postal item is addressed. 27. Artificial reservoir or glass container with water for keeping fish, aquatic animals, plants. 30. Theatrical performance - dances and pantomime, accompanied by music. 31 . Quadrangular, durable material, container for manual transport of things, with a hinged lid, locks and a handle. 32. An immovable object by which one is oriented. 35. A keepsake. 37. Sign. 39. Special purpose train for mass transportation. 41. A platform protruding from the wall of the building with railings, gratings. 44. Time span of ten days, the third part of the month. 45. An official document on graduation from an educational institution with a title . 46. A person who is full of despondency, hopelessness, sees the bad, unpleasant in everything. 49. A part of something, a component. 50. Creative worker, artistic organizer, director of a theatrical, film or television production, entertainment programs in general. 54 . Circus juggler. 55. group of people united common work, study, common interests. 58. Same as experience. 59. Skill, craftsmanship, knowledge. 62. Continuous, strong, frequent firing from many guns. 64 . A place outside the window of a store, cabinet or box under glass to display various items, goods. 67. A written order, order or document for the issuance, receipt, implementation of something. 68. Short outerwear. 71. A person who is dependent on someone. 73. A special insignia as an award for outstanding services to the state. 74. A collection of something. 76. Moral, instruction. 77. The outline of something, visible in the dark, fog. 80. A person with a cheerful, cheerful attitude, inclined to see the good in everything. 82 . A schedule or a list of things in a specific order. 87 . Junior medical worker engaged in hygienic care for the sick and wounded, cleaning the premises of a medical institution. 88. Creative imagination, dream. 89 . Exclusive right, advantage. 91 . Handwritten, usually commemorative, painting or inscription. 93. The second in order of precedence (after the private) is the rank of a soldier, as well as a soldier who has this rank. 94. medical institution with doctors of different specialties for visiting patients or home care. 99 . Desire to eat. 102. Scientific reference publication on all or individual branches of knowledge in the form of a dictionary. 104. Fate, accidental happiness. 106. Musical accompaniment . 108. Agronomy specialist. 109. A short break between the actions of the performance, or sections of the concert, circus performance.



2. Stamp. 3. Episode. 5. Rhetoric. 8. Motto. 9 . Parachute. 11. Overture. 12 . Sample. 14. Laureate. 15. The circus. 16. Robe. 17. Hotel. 18 . Garrison. 20 . Gallery. 21 . Cement. 22. Mausoleum. 23. Railway carriage. 25. Facade. 26. Authority. 28 . Scuba. 29. Artillery 33. Ornament. 34 . Notary. 36 . Original. 38. Symbol. 40. Sample. 42 . Nihilist. 43. Debate. 47 . Choreographer. 48. Alley. 51 . Vest. 52. Excursion. 53. Job. 55. Cavalry. 56. Case. 57 . Pencil case. 60. Board. 61. Whatnot. 63. Sofa. 65. Veteran. 66. Relic. 68. Jargon. 69 . Effect. 70. Cylinder. 72. Radical. 75. Mounting. 78. Manifesto. 79. Hut. 81 . Talent. 83. Argument. 84 . Iodine 85 . A priority. 86. Conflict. 90. Antagonist. 91. Apparatus. 92. Crimson. 95. Forecast. 96. University. 97 . Ensemble. 98. Irony. 100. front garden. 101. Intellectual. 103 . Mat. 104. Fireworks. 105. Jury. 106. Amphitheater. 107. Experimenter. 108. Adventurer. 110. Territory. 111. Stairs.


1. Celebration. 4. Railing. 6. Handwriting. 7. Laconism. 10. Masterpiece. 12 . Occupant. 13 . West. 17. Giant. 19. Strike. 24. Column. 26 . Destination. 27 . Aquarium. 30 . Ballet. 31. Suitcase. 32. Reference point. 35. Souvenir. 37 . Signal. 39. Echelon. 41 . Balcony. 44 . Decade. 45 . Certificate. 46. Pessimist. 49 . Element. 50 . Producer. 54. Juggler. 55. Collective. 58 . Experiment. 59. Art. 62. Cannonade. 64 . Showcase. 67. Order. 68. Jacket. 71. Dependent. 73 . Order. 74. Collection. 76 . Morality. 77. Silhouette. 80 . Optimist. 82. Timesheet. 87. orderly. 88 . Fantasy. 89. Privilege. 91. Autograph. 93 . Corporal. 94. Polyclinic. 99. Appetite. 102. Encyclopedia. 104. Fortune. 106 . Accompaniment. 108. Agronomist. 109 . Intermission.