Why such a different attitude to the name Nikita. Name meaning: Nikita. Career and family of Nikita

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Nikita- winner (ancient Greek).
Currently, the name is regaining popularity, which was in the XIX century.
name zodiac: Twins.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: violet.
Talisman Stone: pomegranate.
auspicious plant: ash, bluebell.
name patron: hedgehog
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: spring.
Main features: self-affirmation.


Nikita (Nifont) Alfanov, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, reverend, May 17 (4).
Nikita Apolloniadsky, archbishop, confessor, April 2 (March 20).
Nikita of Constantinople, confessor, reverend, October 26 (13).
Nikita of Constantinople, Hartulary, clerk, September 22 (9).
Nikita of Midiki, confessor, abbot. For the preaching of Christ and the denunciation of Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible trials and strangled, on April 16 (3).
Nikita Pechersky, Novgorod, bishop, recluse, February 13 (January 31), May 13 (April 30), May 27 (14).
Nikita of Chalcedon, Bishop, Confessor, June 10 (May 28).
Nikita Stylite, Pereyaslavsky, reverend, June 5 (May 23), June 6 (May 24), miracle worker, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner. Then he repented, took the monastic vows and asceticised on a pillar. He cast out demons and healed the sick with prayer. He was killed by robbers in 1186.
Nikita Gotfsky, Constantinople, Great Martyr, September 28 (15). Born and lived on the banks of the Danube. He worked diligently in spreading Christianity among his fellow tribesmen and by his example and inspired word led many pagans to the faith of Christ. However, the pagan Athenarix, having come to power, subjected Nikita to many tortures and threw him into the fire, where Nikita died. However, his body remained unharmed and was buried by Christians in 372.


If on April 16-17 the ice did not go to Nikita, then the fishing will be bad.
On Nikita of the spring, the merman wakes up from hibernation. The fishermen treat him: they drown someone else's horse, saying: "Here's a housewarming present for you, grandfather: love and favor our gang!"
September 28 - Nikita-goosefly, goose. Since that day domestic geese have been beaten.
They appease the merman on Nikita in the autumn, throwing him a goose without a head, and they take her home so that the brownie does not notice the damage.


As a child, Nikita is a calm, cheerful child. He quickly grasps knowledge, he is interested in literally everything. He likes to tell various stories, very early he has a desire to write them down. His literary experiments should be encouraged. Little Nikita cannot stand rude shouts, slaps. Then he becomes stubborn, withdrawn, offended and loses interest in everything. At school, Nikita studies well, but it is difficult for him to do one thing alone. He needs to intersperse lessons with walks, games, movies. He is intellectual, has a good memory, is very inquisitive, it seems that there is no question in any field of knowledge that he could not answer to his classmates.

Youth is the most difficult period of Nikita's life, the time of searching for himself and his place in reality. He does not need help or advice, even from his parents. By this time, Nikita is confident in his abilities, knows his own worth. Of the many possibilities, he himself will find his only destination, which he stubbornly strives for, overcoming any difficulties. Nikita asserts himself without doubts and hesitations, not paying attention to the interests of others, sometimes neglecting even moral principles. Nikita is justified by the fact that he is indeed gifted. He can be a writer, musician, actor, director, artist, mathematician, physicist or chemist. He can have his own business, in which he is sure to succeed, or become a politician. Sometimes it "takes out" to the highest spheres. In any case, he strives for leadership. He does not obey anyone, does not tolerate anyone's pressure, he recognizes the authority of only his father.

Outwardly attractive, most often the soul of the company, Nikita nevertheless has a tough, uncompromising, even heavy character. However, among his colleagues, he is respected: he is hardworking, does not tolerate empty talk, and does an excellent job with the specific task assigned to him. The severity of his character is usually felt by relatives. Outsiders, even those who have known him for many years, cannot imagine what a despot and tyrant he is in the family. Here he relaxes, the correctness characteristic of him in the service disappears. However, the family is financially secure. Nikita calmly gives his wife leadership in household chores, she is beautiful, smart, extremely tactful towards the breadwinner. He loves children very much and spends a lot of time with them. Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatyana, Eleanor can become a good wife for Nikita.

Surname: Nikitich, Nikitichna.


Nikita Petrovich Panin (1770-1837) - count, statesman. He received a good education at home, was under Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich. In 1795 he became the Lithuanian governor. Emperor Paul I appointed him a member of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. In 1797 he traveled to Berlin for negotiations with Prussia and France. In 1799 he was already Vice-Chancellor. In the first months of the accession of Emperor Alexander I, he got the opportunity to lead the entire foreign policy of Russia, but soon his career came to an abrupt halt. In September 1801, Nikita Petrovich fell into disgrace, the reasons for which are unknown. He retired from business, went abroad. Upon his return to Russia, he settled in his estate Dugino, since he was forbidden to live in both capitals.

Probably at that time it was painted by Ludwig Guttenbrunn, a fashionable painter of that time, who painted members of the imperial family and the Russian aristocracy - the Vorontsovs, Kurakins, Naryshkins and other representatives of the high society nobility. Panin is depicted in a hunting suit, in nature. The image of a private person corresponds to the lifestyle of Nikita Petrovich of that time.

Contemporaries praised his abilities and "rare knowledge", claimed that he was "smart, moral, writes wonderfully not only in French, but also in Russian. "Dry, always prim, withdrawn and extremely restrained", Nikita Petrovich according to his contemporaries, he did not differ in “friendly manner.” And even in relation to his father, a famous military general who loved him without memory, he remained an “ice-like son”.

Inclined to everything supernatural, miraculous, he was engaged in the study of various mysterious sciences and magnetism in the wilderness, dictated the results of his research to his son Victor, who wrote entire folios.

Zodiac sign: Twins.

Planet: Mercury.

Color: violet.

Stone: pomegranate.

Plant: ash, bluebell

Animal: hedgehog.

Lucky time of the year: spring.

Happy day: Wednesday.

Name forms: Nikitka, Nick, Nikikha, Nikusha, Nikenia, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita, Nikisha, Nicky, Niko.

The name Nikita has ancient Greek roots. Literally, it translates as "winner". It came to Rus' along with Christianity. It was very common, somewhat forgotten in the Soviet period, but in the 21st century it regained its lost popularity.

Origin and interpretation of the name Nikita

The name Nikita comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike and means "one who won", "winner". The young goddess Nika, according to legend, endowed people with good luck and the ability to win in any business. Among the women of Mount Olympus stood out for their fortitude, courage, goodwill, honesty and justice. They passed on these traits to the Nikitas, the winners blessed by her. In the Christian tradition, this name has spread widely. Interestingly, when in the 30s of the last century it became possible to change the name, among the male names that were most often abandoned, "Nikita" was the leader. Today it is quite popular.

The nature of the name Nikita

A boy named Nikita, from early childhood, shows ingenuity and ingenuity in everything that interests him. He easily solves the most challenging tasks, coming up with the most rational way to solve them.

  • Egocentric. Nikita is focused primarily on himself. The thoughts and feelings of the people around him are of little concern.
  • Not sociable. It is very difficult to make contact with unfamiliar people, preferring to remain silent. It takes a long time to adapt. He studies a person for a long time before deciding whether it is worth dealing with him at all.
  • Does not tolerate rough handling. Raising Nikita with the help of screams and cuffs, you can inflict indelible mental trauma on him. Never hits his own children.
  • suspicious. Willing to put in enough effort to impress others.
  • Practical. In solving various issues, he shows efficiency, perseverance, bordering on stubbornness. In combination with the pronounced qualities of a leader, this helps him in moving up the career ladder.
  • Purposeful. Knows his own worth. He knows no doubts and hesitations.
  • Selfish. He achieves his goal at any cost.
  • Conflict. Likes to get into discussions. Knows and loves to argue. He cannot be praised, because he can completely stop communicating with a flatterer.
  • Interesting companion. Can talk for a long time and with interest on various abstract topics, philosophize.

Name day of Nikita

"Winter" Nikitas celebrate Angel Day on December 30 and February 13. In the spring, name days for bearers of this name are March 4, April 2 and May 13. In summer - June 30 and July 4. Autumn name days - September 22 and October 26.

Nikita's health

Possessing fairly good health, Nikita suffers mainly from diseases of the heart and pressure. He should try to avoid various stressful situations, as well as all sorts of nervous strains, as this can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Career and family of Nikita

Endowed with excellent leadership qualities, but too soft to be a real leader. He rarely smiles real luck. At the same time, diligence, purposefulness and excellent possession of the skills and abilities necessary for work allow him to achieve the desired heights. Successful in creative professions. Can also reach certain heights in social activities and business. Likes to help colleagues. For this he enjoys prestige at work. May fall under the influence of flatterers and lose the ability to soberly assess their own strengths. This feature is able to play a cruel joke with Nikita, who is engaged in business. In order to avoid this, Nikita should learn to treat herself with humor. He has a rich imagination, which allows you to make Nikita's family life interesting and varied. Often changes his place of residence, furniture, work, loves new experiences. It is better for the wife not to contradict Nikita, since he is quite capable of seeking understanding on the side. Ready to change his muse rather than life principles. Can't adapt. This often leads to the fact that Nikita has to remarry. He takes his father's duties seriously, tries to provide the family with maximum prosperity. A very sensual partner, able to give a woman real pleasure. However, for him, the main thing is still feelings for a partner. He is very gentle and vulnerable, easily offended. Very selective in women who are simply crazy about him. Living together with Nikita, not every woman can do it. To create a harmonious family, his wife must keep up with her husband's fantasies, pay due attention to her own appearance, and also be a good housewife and loving mother. In return, Nikita will surround his woman with love and attention, create all the conditions for the most comfortable life for his family. The most successful will be an alliance with Alla, Vera, Veronica, Claudia, Irina, Lyudmila, Natalia, Svetlana. The probability of a successful marriage with Anastasia, Valeria, Zhanna, Lyubov, Tatyana is low.

Hobby Nikita

The owners of this name are very fond of animals. They are especially strongly attached to large and beautiful dogs. Ready to spend a lot of time with them. Particular pleasure is experienced when dealing with cars, but not repairing them. They like good music, light wine. The ideal is to rest in the company of a beautiful and intelligent woman.

A cheerful, positive-minded person with obvious inclinations of a leader - this is how Nikita's character can be described. But these are only the most striking, obvious features of his nature. But in fact, our hero also has a lot of secrets. True, he does not keep any skeletons in the closet. Nikita prefers honest, open conversation and equal partnership. However, this man will never reveal his trump cards. And all because he sincerely strives to be the best. But not at the expense of others, but at the cost of his own efforts, which he can apply in huge quantities.

How does Nikita manage to be who he is? Some secrets can be revealed if you learn something about the meaning and origin of his name.

Like many other names, the word "Nikita" has ancient Greek roots. In literal translation into Russian, it means "winner", which essentially makes him related to the name Victor. And this simple, understandable word gives us a general idea of ​​​​the energy of our hero. Nikita is a man of a bold disposition who is not used to retreating from difficulties by definition. His principle is to reach the end and never turn off the path because of difficulties.

In fact, this character trait is also manifested in the fate of a man named Nikita. He seems to be constantly proving to himself that he can overcome this or that obstacle. And these small everyday victories over himself really give him the right to consider himself a winner.

Conversational forms reflect Nikita's simple attitude towards everyone around. We can call him Nikitka, Nikish. Nikesha, Kesha, Nikenya, Kenya and even Nikush and Nikusya. Most often, of course, it is the full form that is used.


In connection with the meaning and colloquial forms of the name Nikita, many are probably interested in the question of what will be the patronymic of the son and daughter of this man. Everything is very simple here: according to Wikipedia and other authoritative sources, patronymics will be non-standard. The son will be called Nikitich, and the daughter - Nikitichna (pronounced through the sound "sh"). That is, Nikitovich and Nikitovna, although they are used in everyday life, do not correspond to the norms of the Russian language.

Foreign analogues of the name

It is interesting that for all peoples the spelling and pronunciation of the name Nikita, if they do not coincide one hundred percent, then they are certainly very similar to each other. Here are some examples:

  1. In Belarus and Ukraine, this man is called Mikita.
  2. In England we can meet a sir named Nikita (pronounced the same).
  3. The same is in Germany (Nikita).
  4. Who does not know the French analogue of Nicetas (Nikit A with the accent on the last syllable).

Signs, talismans, patrons of Nikita

You can choose the name Nikita for a boy not only on the basis of its meaning. It is useful to know the secrets of origin, and those signs that will have a special influence on the fate of a person. We are talking about talismans and patrons favoring a man named Nikita:

  1. In the starry firmament, many-sided bring good luck to our hero. This unusual zodiac sign belongs to the air element. Its representatives have remarkable intellectual abilities. They usually say about such people: they grab everything on the fly. Even if Nikita didn't learn his lesson, he would surely be able to prepare his answer in a matter of minutes. Yes, this man has a rich imagination. Sometimes there is a feeling that he himself cannot draw a line between the real world and the fictional worlds. But the reasoning and logic of this guy is simply flawless. And it is this combination that makes him an unusually interesting person.
  2. The planet that patronizes a man named Nikita is Mercury. It is located closest to the Sun than all other bodies. This is manifested in the character of our hero: he really strives to be a leader. Moreover, the techniques used by Nikita are distinguished by honesty and transparency. Of course, he does not mind cheating, but this is the result of the work of his intellect. But grossly breaking the rules of the game is not at all in the style of this guy.
  3. The colors that bring luck to Nikita are related to purple hues. They symbolize the inner dignity of a person, moderation, a harmonious combination of different character traits. Indeed, our hero is a real chameleon. But only in the best sense of the word. He skillfully adapts to the situation and perfectly understands when it is worth going into battle, and when it is better to just go with the flow. Such a truly wise approach works: apparently, this is why Nikita can be considered a real winner.
  4. In the plant world, good luck gives bell. This flower symbolizes the cheerfulness, energy of a person and his brightest, selfless thoughts.
  5. And among the animals that patronize Nikita, one can especially distinguish hedgehog. He personifies wisdom, ingenuity and at the same time militancy, intransigence. In the character of Nikita there are no aggressive traits as such. But the natural nature of the leader constantly affects his fate: our hero is often forced to literally fight for his place under the sun. And such a struggle gradually turns into a habit of defending one's interests at any opportunity.
  6. The stone that will become a real talisman for this man is. This is a symbol of abundance, material well-being, as well as the transition to a new life stage. By the way, it is even associated with immortality. In a word, the gem provides good health and allows you to take correct solution even in the most confusing situation.

name day

Nikita can remember his heavenly patrons - the saints of the same name - more than 18 times a year. Here are the dates of his name day:

  • February 13;
  • March 4;
  • April 2, 16 and 17;
  • May 13, 17 and 27;
  • June 2, 6, 10 and 30;
  • 4 and 7 July;
  • September 22 and 28;
  • October 26;
  • December 30th.

The character and fate of Nikita

Those who were lucky enough to observe the formation of Nikita's character can note one interesting truth. When we talk about the development of human nature, we mean, rather, not the emergence of new features, but the modification of what has already been laid down. In other words, already in childhood you can see that Nikita is an independent, strong-willed boy. When he matures, all these qualities will not only be preserved, but they will also be able to turn the little bully into a real representative of the stronger sex.

By nature, our hero is distinguished by a balanced, even modest disposition. However, this external idyll can collapse at any moment and give way to an assertive, unbending nature that can always stand up for itself and its loved ones. Indeed, Nikita is honest and fair. But he is disgusted by the very idea that someone is trying to get into his affairs and dictate what to do. It turns out that this man himself established the rules of the game and strictly observes them. This situation seems to him absolutely fair, so he perceives any attempt to change the established order very painfully.

Nikita Mikhalkov, actor and director (young years)

However, the masculinity of nature coexists with the tenderness, caring that Nikita shows to ladies, parents, people older than him. Beautiful demeanor, good manners - not an empty phrase for this person. In the name Nikita, we can feel a certain lightness that goes well with solidity and reliability. And these wonderful qualities are felt by everyone who finds himself in his company.


In most cases, Nikita, if not a public person, is definitely drawn to society and loves to be in the spotlight. There is nothing shameful in this capacity, but our hero should sometimes behave more prudently so as not to seek attention at any cost. It is also useful for young Nikita to know that many of his friends can use flattery to outright manipulate his behavior. It’s just that Nikita loves praise, but you shouldn’t trust too many unfamiliar people who can use his gullibility for evil.

Nikita in love and marriage: compatibility with female names

Nikita's inner charm practically guarantees him success with the weaker sex. Another thing is that it is not easy for our hero to take advantage of the fruits of popularity. Yes, he is a real ladies' favorite and in some ways even a heartthrob. Another thing is that flirting, the external ease of developing relationships does not mean that this man will offer his hand and heart to the first girl he meets.

Nikita makes great demands on the character, appearance, way of thinking of the future chosen one. That is why he can spin many novels, spend a thousand and one nights, but at the same time he will stubbornly seek the only one that is one dear to his heart. Of course, over time, our hero will learn to compromise, and in general, one day he will look at human shortcomings as a continuation of virtues - or rather, their reverse side. Then everything will fall into place, and others will only have to be happy for their beloved Nikita.

It is through acquaintances and business contacts that this person paves his way. Subsequently, he can choose any path for himself, because literally on all paths bright stars shine on him in the form of experienced friends who are ready to provide their patronage.

Famous Nikita

All the famous namesakes named Nikita have one thing in common: they are certainly great personalities. They may be more famous or less, but one has only to get to know their biography better, as you understand that we are talking about a person of a strong character. These are Nikita Odoevsky, Zotov, Mikhalkov, Bogoslovsky and others.

A cheerful guy and a reliable man - this is how his relatives and friends imagine Nikita.

The name Nikita of Greek origin, translated as "winner", comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike. In European countries, you can find the female version, it sounds the same as the male one, but sometimes it is pronounced with an emphasis on the last syllable. There is also an opinion that the name was formed from the Russian dialect Nikifor. The name Nikita is very common in Russia.

The characterization of the name Nikita is contradictory, on the one hand, a person named like that knows his own worth, has a strong and purposeful character. He almost never turns off the chosen path. But, on the other hand, he has a very sensitive and vulnerable nature, although others do not know about it, because a person named Nikita does not show his true feelings to anyone.

As a rule, such a person usually looks like a mother, but his father inherits his character. He develops a good trusting relationship with his father. He consults with him in difficult life situations.

As a child, a boy named Nikita stands out among other peers because he is intelligent and smart beyond his years. He has few friends, because he gets used to people for a long time, as a rule, does not trust strangers.

  • The origin of the name Nikita speaks of a strong character, but such a person often suffers from indecision.
  • It is difficult for him to make important decisions. In a situation of choice, he often closes, he can ask for help from loved ones.

A child named Nikita cannot be severely punished, because he can be very offended by his parents. If the kid has done a bad deed, then it is better to talk to him and explain where he was wrong.

Thus, the realization of the error will come faster.

Such a child may have a tendency to neurasthenia. For a boy named Nikita emotionally comfortable atmosphere is very important. This is a very calm and assiduous child who can spend hours doing some kind of monotonous activity. The name Nikita endowed its owner with a stubborn and stubborn character, such a person does nothing against his will.

As an adult, a man the name Nikita gains self-confidence and thanks to this he achieves any goals. He greatly appreciates freedom and independence, does not like responsibility.

  • With age, he becomes more sociable and friendly.
  • A man named Nikita is very fond of various parties and adventures, and also loves to receive guests.
  • But it is very difficult for such a person to adapt to other people, he cannot be called a team player.
  • A man named Nikita is a loner by nature, he works better alone than in a team. Such a person does not tolerate when they try to put pressure on him.
  • With age, he learns to make all decisions on his own, usually trusts only his father, so sometimes he can consult with him.


The name Nikita endows its owner with a passionate and amorous nature. He thinks late about starting a family, so in his youth he may have a large number of love connections. Very often, a man named Nikita refers to female representatives as a means of entertainment.

He is attracted to bright and spectacular girls, but at the same time they must be smart and relaxed in bed.

Such a man has high requirements for his chosen one, so not every girl will be able to win his heart. Women feel Nikita's inaccessibility and this attracts them even more, so such a man does not lack the attention of the fair sex, they are drawn to him like butterflies to a fire.

Only the girl who will meet all the requirements will be able to conquer him. She must be beautiful, smart and passionate.


Family life of a man with the name Nikita usually adds up uneasy. He is selfish and does not like to adapt to other people, rarely compromises. Such a man, although not distinguished by windiness, however, does not tolerate everyday life and everyday routine.

This means that Nikita constantly needs new impressions, he often changes his image, the situation in the apartment, loves to travel. If the spouse is ready to constantly adapt to him, then it is possible that the marriage will be long. Otherwise, the union will quickly fall apart.

happiness in family life often depends on the woman. If she does not put pressure on him and nag for no reason, then a man named Nikita will try to do everything for the family. He may even cede the role of leader to her. Often in such families, all the main functions in the family are performed by the wife.

As for children, such a man loves very much them, but due to lack of time is rarely engaged in education. Nikita tries to maintain good relations with his wife's relatives, provided that they do not interfere in his family and do not tell him how to live.

Career and business

A man named Nikita is a leader by nature, therefore he is used to achieving his goals, he can achieve success in any chosen profession.

Nikita Vasilievich Salopin (Russian theater and film actor)

But, as a rule, he does not strive for power and big money, he has other priorities.

  • Nikita has a rich imagination and well-developed creative abilities, so he can become a good poet, writer or director.
  • It is very important that the profession brings emotional satisfaction.
  • As for business, it is difficult for him to realize himself in this area, because he does not tolerate hypocrisy. He can succeed in business only if he takes a responsible person as a partner who will help him lead.

In choosing friends, he should be careful, otherwise they may abuse his kindness and compliance.

Nikita is an inquisitive person, always striving for self-development, he loves long journeys very much, which is why he could make an excellent traveler.

What does the name Nikita mean, we found out that a person named like that has both his positive and negative qualities. In general, the name has good energy, it is beautiful and harmonious. Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible matter, parents must definitely learn about its meaning and origin. If a person does not like the way he was called, then he can change the name, but you should always remember that fate can change with him and not always for the better.

Name days: February 13, March 4, April 2, April 16, April 17, May 13, May 17, May 26, June 2, June 5, June 6, June 10, June 30, July 4, July 7, September 22, September 28, October 26, December 30

Nikita is a kind, beautiful name. It is of ancient Greek origin, formed from the name Niketas, which in turn comes from the word "niketes" and means "winner", "victorious". Currently, this is a fairly popular and frequently encountered name.

Name astrology

  • Gemini
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Garnet
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: bluebell
  • Animal: hedgehog
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, he is a smart, quick-witted boy, prone to fantasy, which contributes to his future creative abilities. At school, he is a good student and a favorite of teachers. In general, Nikita's character is tough, uncompromising and heavy. He is purposeful, sociable, hardworking, persistent, vulnerable, sensitive, practical. The secret of the name is that he knows his worth. Confidently moves towards the goal, not paying attention to the opinions of other people.

Born in winter, Nikita is an emotional person. He is a fidget, and it is important for him to alternate physical and mental stress. Spring - a selfish, easily vulnerable and squeamish nature. He does not tolerate various comments in his direction and is sensitive to criticism. Contradictory, has a philosophical mindset, strongly attached to his parents. Summer Nikita is talented in various fields. He is good-natured and fair, well versed in people, a little slow and independent. The autumn owner of the name is distinguished by the fact that he is talented in everything. Any science, hobby, profession are given to him with ease. He is reasonable, practical, purposeful. He is adored by the public, especially the female audience. He is charming, witty and resourceful.

Interests and hobbies

Nikita has a weakness for sports, both summer and winter sports. Travels a lot different countries. In her free time she attends noisy parties and dances.

Profession and business

Thanks to diligence, hard work and the highest efficiency, any profession is subject to him. But often he makes a choice in favor of art and creativity, as he strives for fame and fame. Can succeed in business and become an entrepreneur. Nikita is successful in politics and jurisprudence. He makes an excellent teacher, actor, composer, banker.


Nikita is not distinguished by excellent health; all his organs are weakened. Therefore, he constantly needs to carry out preventive actions to strengthen the body. To do this, you should beware of cold, drafts and excessive emotions, and also take vitamins, minerals and food enzymes. It is necessary to follow a diet, take walks and be in the fresh air more often.

Sex and love

Nikita is very amorous from an early age and boasts numerous novels. He is very sensitive, in a woman he appreciates external data, intelligence and a free attitude to sex. He does not like long love games, and during the intimacy itself he receives the highest pleasure. Not every girl can satisfy him, but only one who is a temptress and knows how to give real pleasure to a man. He is an excellent sexual partner and is well versed in the secrets of female psychology. Girls are considered as an object of pleasure.

Family and marriage

The representative of this name does not strive for family life and values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom. But if Nikita falls in love, he is ready to immediately marry. Only a beautiful, smart, tactful and sexy girl. For the sake of his wife, he is ready for various sacrifices, but he will never refuse to communicate with his friends. In the family, he gives primacy and leadership in household chores to the second half. She loves her children very much and devotes a lot of time to them, and is also very kind to her parents. Due to the lack of diplomacy, a family idyll is difficult, and often the union is unsuccessful. But he is not a supporter of divorce and adheres to strict moral principles.