Dishwasher in your kitchen. What is prewash in a washing machine Pre-soak in a dishwasher

It is already difficult to surprise anyone with modern technology and new developments. In almost every home you can see a lot of different appliances and gadgets that facilitate cleaning, cooking and human life in general. Automatic dishwashers have long been among the most popular, but manufacturers are adding new options to the main ones, which are not always easy to figure out. Studying the instruction manual can often take quite a long time, but once you know how to use it, dishwasher, you can master many useful functions and reduce cleaning time.

Like any device in the kitchen, the dishwasher has a number of basic rules of use that are important for proper operation and high-quality cleaning of dishes:

  1. Before loading dishes into the basket of the device, it is necessary to remove all food residues, otherwise no dishwasher cleaner will help in its operation.
  2. Any containers and vessels must be immersed upside down.
  3. The instructions say that it is impossible to load the dishwasher too much, as this may interfere with the movement of the blades.
  4. The most soiled dishes are recommended to be placed in the lower baskets, respectively, the least dirty - in the upper ones.
  5. The stabbing and cutting devices are installed with the handle up.
  6. Plates should be placed only vertically and the question of how to use the dishwasher will disappear by itself.
  7. Fragile dishes (in particular, crystal) must be cleaned in the delicate washing modes.
  8. To prevent thin glassware from tarnishing, you can use special tools that prevent the appearance of plaque.

What can not be done?

Many people after buying appliances are wondering how to use the dishwasher correctly, but even after reading the instructions they often make mistakes. The most common mistakes in the operation of machines such as Bosch, Veko and others:

  • Cleaning of painted porcelain;
  • Washing plastic dishes;
  • Cleaning fragile dishes in the absence of the delicate washing function in the machine;
  • Washing cutlery with wooden handles.

How to wash such dishes, the cleaning of which is not provided for by the installation? You can carry out the procedure in the classical way, while thoroughly washing off the dishwashing detergent.

Important :

Adding detergent

As you know, in installations of this type, special detergents of the Finish type are usually used. For example, this is stated in the instructions on how to use the Bosh dishwasher. However, it is also necessary to lay the chemical correctly after loading dirty dishes into the apparatus.

The first thing to do is find a special compartment for laying the powder (or capsule). When using powders, you should use a special measuring cup (usually attached to the machine in the kit). The location of the compartment is indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction manual, and more detailed instructions how to use the dishwashing detergent can be found on the package of the drug. It must be added before each dishwashing.

Video: dishwasher detergents:


It is not recommended to add detergents to the section for laying dishes, this will significantly impair the quality of cleaning. Dishwasher tablets are also refilled through a special compartment.

To wash dishes in an automatic machine, rinse aid is also used, which is refilled into a cell specially made for this purpose. Most often, a dispenser and a residue indicator are installed in it.

In addition to all dishwashing detergents, regenerating salt is also poured in the machine (to soften water hardness), taking into account the fact that one kilogram should be enough for a long time. The compartment for it is usually located at the bottom of the main chamber. For example, in installations such as Electrolux. Such a preparation will significantly extend the life of the equipment.

Dishwashing modes

The choice of the correct dishwashing regimen plays a big role, since to a large extent the result of the procedure depends on it. In the most complicated models, there can be many such modes, but the main ones are the same everywhere.

Quick wash mode

The fast dishwashing mode is suitable if the dishes are not too dirty. For example, if it was used for drinks or cut fruit. For more dirty containers and appliances, it will not work.

Pre-soak mode

How to use the dishwasher if the dishes are greasy or heavily soiled? First of all, before loading, it is necessary to remove all food residues from it, and after loading, select the “soaking” mode, which is found on all Hansa-type installations, and then the standard washing function. An option like "Very Dirty" is also suitable for these purposes.

To save energy before loading, you can soak the dishes manually. However, it is highly discouraged to allow chemicals for hand washing to get into the working basket of the unit.

Delicate wash

The delicate wash mode is suitable for festive tableware. With it, you can clean glass and crystal goblets and table vases, expensive porcelain and other fragile items.

Prewash option

Often there are situations when a sufficient number of containers and cutlery for the procedure is not collected, and in this case, in order to avoid drying out of the existing dishes, you can select the pre-cleaning mode.

End of procedure

After the cleaning procedure in the dishwasher is completed, do not immediately unload it. The instructions for installations of the Siemens type indicate that after the completion of the cycle, it is recommended to wait a few minutes in order to allow the instruments and containers inside to cool down. It is necessary to load baskets from the bottom up in order to exclude the possibility of water residues from the vacated departments getting on the rest of the dishes, especially for Kandy machines and many others.

If you need to move or repair equipment, it is important to drain the water from it. To do this, you need to disconnect the drain hose from the siphon (rubber gloves are recommended) and direct it into a container for dirty water. The same procedure can be done in case of clogging of the hose for its subsequent cleaning.

Dishwasher care

Any modern dishwasher must be constantly kept completely clean and not allowed to keep dirty dishes in it for more than a day. Compliance with this simple rule can significantly increase the life of the equipment. To this end, it is recommended to follow some important rules of use:

  • Cleaning of all filters must be carried out after each procedure;
  • The use of conventional detergents for manual cleaning is prohibited;
  • Unnecessary overload of the device is not allowed;
  • Do not open the loading door while the machine is running;
  • Do not allow chemical solvents or any other chemicals to enter through the compartments or the main door;
  • It is important to operate the unit only with the addition of regenerating salt to the appropriate compartment;
  • External surfaces must be kept clean;
  • It is not recommended to repair the dishwasher yourself;
  • Machine grounding is mandatory;
  • In case of malfunctions, stop work and contact the service center.

Video: dishwasher care:

Common Causes of Ineffective Dish Cleaning

There are times when kitchen utensils and containers are not washed well enough. There may be several reasons. Most often this is due to the fact that the dishes were loaded with dried food residues or placed too close to each other. In this case, poor water permeability and difficult movement of the blades are produced, which can even lead to breakage.

Also, the problem may lie in poor-quality detergent or the wrong choice of cleaning mode. Depending on the degree of fragility of the dishes inside the unit, you can switch the mode to a harder one.

If the baskets and sections of the machine are not cleaned well after use, this can also lead to poor washing. In this case, the baskets should be emptied and thoroughly cleaned using ordinary dishwashing detergents.

Improve the quality of cleaning dishes will help right choice detergents, on which it is not desirable to save. It is important that they not only clean effectively, but also rinse completely with water to prevent food poisoning. Seriously, it is worth considering the choice of rinses and regenerating salts.

What to do if the machine stops working?

Any equipment used in the home is prone to some sort of breakdown, and dishwashers are no exception. However, a sudden stop of work may not always be associated with a breakdown. Among the main reasons:

  • shutdown of tap water;
  • the door is not fully locked;
  • the dishes are installed incorrectly;
  • accidental disconnection of the unit from the outlet or power outage;
  • clogged drain hose;
  • wrong mode selection.

Safe use

Safe use of the equipment will not only help to avoid possible injuries during procedures, but will also extend its service life. It is worth noting that the safety rules for each model may be different, since a lot depends on the design of the unit. The main recommendations are as follows:

  • it is important to always use rubber gloves when carrying out procedures;
  • do not touch the heating elements and wires with your hands;
  • do not open the machine until it has completely cooled down;
  • lack of grounding can not only damage the unit, but also cause injury;
  • Never use defective equipment. On the one hand, this is fraught with poisoning with detergents, on the other hand, dangers, including a short circuit;
  • do not allow any other objects to the washing procedures, except for kitchen appliances and containers;
  • do not open the door and turn off the power from the socket until the machine has completely stopped working.


A dishwasher is an expensive household appliance that requires careful handling. In order for it to work correctly and last as long as possible, it is necessary to follow not only the operating instructions, but also follow the recommendations for caring for the equipment. In addition, the correct selection of chemicals for procedures and compliance with safety regulations is important.

Video: how to use it correctly?

Dishwashers are extremely convenient and practical equipment. Many people buy such household appliances today. Their construction is simple and they are very easy to use. However, some rules must be observed when operating these units. Of course, this applies to equipment of absolutely any manufacturer, including well-known ones.

Basic rules for operating dishwashers

So, let's get started with how to use the dishwasher. IN without fail when operating such a unit, the following rules must be observed:

  • Pans and pots with leftover pieces of food must not be placed in baskets. It is also highly discouraged to overfill receivers. In the latter case, objects located close to each other simply will not be washed.
  • Large or heavily soiled dishes are usually placed in the lower basket, while small or very fragile items are placed in the upper basket. This is one of the main answers to the question of how to use the Electrolux dishwasher, Ariston, Sigmund & Stein, etc. correctly. The effectiveness of washing kitchen utensils depends to a large extent on how exactly you follow this recommendation.
  • Knives with blunt noses, as well as spoons, are placed with the handle down. Forks and sharp-nosed cutting objects - handle up.
  • Ladles, skimmers, etc. can be placed simply horizontally on top of the baskets.
  • All containers - plates, pans, cups, etc. - are installed upside down.
  • The dishwasher door is closed only after checking how freely the blades move.

End of work

Next, let's see how to properly use the dishwasher after the end of the dishwashing cycle. It is impossible to pull out spoons, plates and glasses immediately after stopping the unit. You have to wait at least a few minutes. During this time, the dishes should dry and cool. First of all, it is better to pull out the plates and pans from the lower container. The fact is that some water may spill out of the baskets after being removed. When the top receiver is removed first, it will definitely fall on the bottom dish.

How to wash not too dirty dishes

The question of how to use the dishwasher comes down to how to choose the right cleaning mode. In modern dishwashers, there are usually several programs. Most of them have, for example, a pre-wash function. It is usually used when there is not yet enough dirty dishes to fully load the machine. This prevents food residues from drying on the plates and cups. As soon as there are a lot of dishes, you can use the usual mode.

Also, most modern dishwashers have a quick wash function. It can be used to work with not too dirty dishes.

Dishwasher: how to use it to clean greasy dishes

For heavily soiled or greasy dishes, spoons and pots, it is very good to use the pre-soak mode. If keeping the dishes in water with detergents for some time does not help, you can use the "Very dirty" program. In this case, the washing will be carried out cyclically - several times in a row.

Some models are also designed for cleaning very fragile items, such as crystal glasses. The mode used for this purpose is called "Delicate wash".

How to drain water from the machine

If it is necessary to transport equipment in the event of, for example, moving, it must first be prepared. First of all, you will need to drain the water from the machine. The same procedure is performed if the unit needs to be repaired. This is done very simply:

  • Protective gloves are put on the hands.
  • Disconnect the drain hose of the machine from the sewer riser or sink siphon.
  • Its free end is placed in the pelvis.
  • In order to stop the flow of water, the hose just needs to be lifted.

What Not to Do

So, now you know how to use the dishwasher. Above, we examined in detail the basic rules for its operation. But that is not all. Some things cannot be done when operating these units. So, it is not recommended to wash in the dishwasher:

  • Crystal and decorative glass in the event that the model does not have a delicate washing function.
  • Painted porcelain.
  • Knives, spoons and forks with wooden or bone handles.
  • Soft plastic containers and bottles.
  • Items made of anodized aluminium.

How to extend the life of your dishwasher

Now let's see how to use the dishwasher without breaking it. During operation of the unit, you must not:

  • Too much to overload it.
  • Do not allow any solvents to enter the machine.
  • Use household products intended for manual washing.
  • Allow equipment to operate without regeneration salt. It is necessary to monitor its presence in the appropriate container.
  • Open the door during operation. Before doing this, be sure to wait for the blades to come to a complete stop.


  • Filters must be cleaned after every wash.
  • The outer surfaces of the machine should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth.
  • Do not try to repair a broken machine yourself.

The listed rules are a completely exhaustive answer to the question of how to use a Bosch dishwasher, Ariston, Electrolux and any other brand.


Modern dishwashers are convenient and practical equipment. It is almost impossible to get injured when using them. However, safety precautions when washing dishes in these units, of course, must still be observed. In this case, the rules are:

  • Before immersing your hands in water with detergents dissolved in it, be sure to wear rubber gloves.
  • If the machine is switched off during operation, the contents must be allowed to cool before opening the door.
  • Do not touch the heating element while the equipment is in operation.
  • In the event of a breakdown, the machine should be disconnected from the mains and contact the service center.
  • The unit must be connected to earth.

These rules must be observed when operating equipment of any manufacturer. This also applies, for example, to such a popular unit as the Bosch dishwasher. You now also know how to use the equipment "Ariston", "Electrolux", "Sigmund and Stein", etc. and minimize the risk of injury.

How to improve work efficiency

In order to achieve maximum cleanliness of dishes, detergents (detergents) can be added to the water. They are loaded into a special dispenser built into the door. They are equipped with absolutely any dishwasher. How to use detergents correctly? Let's deal with this as well.

Of course, the detergent must first of all be chosen correctly. Only special detergents are used for dishwashers, usually liquid or powder. Also on sale you can find options for detergents in tablets. Such detergents are somewhat more expensive, but they are more convenient to use. After all, when using them, you do not need to measure anything with a glass or spoon. Some tablets are a mixture of detergent, regeneration salt and rinse aid. This is the most efficient option.

Rinses are added to the machine so that the water drains faster from the dishes. Their use ensures the complete absence of streaks after drying. Of course, the rinse aid can also be purchased as a separate product.

If the machine stops working

In this case, before calling the wizard, you should make sure that the stop is not caused by any trifling reasons or simply by your own carelessness. If the equipment suddenly stops functioning, first of all you need to check:

  • Did someone at home unplug the machine from the socket?
  • Did the housing office turn off the water.
  • Is the unit door tightly closed?
  • Are the dishes loaded correctly in the machine?
  • How well is the mode set?
  • Are the filters or impeller nozzles clogged?

Why are dishes not washed well?

Sometimes housewives are interested in how to use the Siemens, Bosch, Sigmund & Stein dishwasher, etc. for the simple reason that plates and spoons simply do not wash in them. In this case, of course, the point is not at all in the poor quality of the equipment. The reasons for the inefficiency of laundering when using designs of well-known brands are usually completely different. There may be several. For example, you should not expect a very good result if dried or burnt food remains on the walls of plates, spoons and pots when loaded into the machine. Sometimes the dishes are not washed due to an incorrectly selected program due to inattention. In this case, it is worth trying a more intensive washing mode. The dishes will not be cleaned well even when too much is loaded into the machine.

The impeller nozzles, as mentioned above, should be cleaned as often as possible. If they become clogged, this can also greatly affect the efficiency of cleaning dishes, as the blades will turn slowly or stop functioning altogether.

The rules for operating the equipment discussed in this article are suitable for units of absolutely any brand. How to use the dishwasher "Ariston", "Bosch" and any other models, so you now know. Reliability and ease of use - this is what, of course, distinguishes the equipment of well-known brands. If you follow all the required technologies for its use, your dishes will always be perfectly clean, and the unit itself will last a long time.

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Many owners of washing household appliances have a question: prewash, what is it? Another dilemma is the Pre-Soak Program. It turns out that this is the same process, just manufacturers can indicate different names.


Modern automatic machines are equipped with many programs and functionalities. Earlier models of this household appliance did not raise questions when used, there were often only toggle switches for setting the type of fabrics, temperature, changing the spin speed and a few more functionalities. However, today manufacturers supply equipment with many additional, useful and not so, functions for use.

Which washing mode to choose

Often, housewives use the daily wash function with heated water to the optimal required level. But sometimes it happens that even when using expensive and high-quality household chemicals, the result can be disappointing: stains remain, and the treatment has to be repeated again.

Some housewives try to wash out hard-to-remove stains by hand before loading the item into the drum of the machine. But very few people know that a washing machine can do this process perfectly, the main thing is to set it up correctly before starting it.

It is to combat very strong pollution that the pre-treatment mode is used. It replaces the familiar soaking process that many people still use if the washing machine is not equipped with this function, or if they do not know what it is and how to use this program. Excellent household appliances can cope with the stains that we used to get rid of manually.


If the washing machine is equipped with a prewash mode, it is not only possible, but necessary to use it. Some have never even tried to run such a process, not knowing about its benefits.


The main advantage of this processing is a better result. After the pre-treatment program for the desired type of fabric has been set, it is imperative to fill the special compartment with household chemicals. It is usually indicated by a bowl pattern with a Roman numeral I. For such a procedure, a product that is used during normal washing is suitable. However, you can use stain removers, bleaching liquids and powders, which are selected depending on the color and type of fabrics. After starting the process, water is collected in the required amount, while the powder is washed out of the specified compartment.

After the water has accumulated, the revolutions of the drum dissolve the stain remover or powder for a certain time, the machine heats the water to 30 ° C. And then there is a certain delay in the main time, during which things soaked and impregnated with powder wait for the action of the agent used. As mentioned above, it is this delay that implies a pre-wash, simulating soaking. But in the case of using an automatic washing machine, things are constantly turned over, which stimulates the penetration of the detergent components into the fibers of the fabrics.

The processing time described for each model is individual. It also depends on the type of tissue. You can find it from the table in the user manual. The temperature indicators are also indicated there, which will be automatically set depending on the selected prewash mode.

After the time passes, the used water is drained and new water is collected, while washing off the household chemicals from the compartment for the main washing process. After that, the main program is started, which depends on the selected pre-processing mode. For cotton, wool, delicate fabrics, they are different.

Often users do not use this mode, due to the fact that it takes more time. But those who have children and animals will definitely appreciate it, and returning cleanliness to things often causes a lot of trouble.

It all started with a woman. Josephine Cochrane was tired of looking at the broken saucers from the family china service and declared: “If no one is going to invent the dishwasher, I will do it myself!” Said - and done: in 1886, the first electric dishwashers were already sold in Chicago stores. They looked worse than modern smart devices, but they knew their business perfectly. Housewives of America immediately realized what the novelty promised them, and they were happy to buy even unpretentious, but reliable units.

It's nice to have the dishes washed for you.

More than a hundred years have passed, dishwashers have become skillful and beautiful. But not only appearance and functionality are good in them: experts have long noted that dishwasher owners are less likely to quarrel with their household because of who should wash the dishes after eating. In addition, not only dirt, but also germs leave the plates and cups; about 7,800 liters of water are saved per year; the dishwasher is able to scrub not only faience and porcelain, but also iron pans, crystal vases, ventilation grilles, glass shelves of refrigerators and freezer drawers. The skin of the hands does not suffer, the dishes do not break, time is not wasted in vain, the reception of guests no longer frightens the owners of the house.

The average family of four spends about 200 hours a year doing dishwashing by hand. This is more than eight days of uninterrupted vigil at the steel sink! So that the minutes do not disappear, and the nerves serve longer, you need to decide which dishwasher you need, how many sets of dishes, where it will stand and, of course, how much it will cost you.

How does it work? What can?

The dishwasher is very easy to use. They pressed the button - water went out, hot or cold, depending on the connection to the pipes; a special detergent went into the working chamber, and the machine immediately began to wash, clean and rinse. Since you do not touch spoons, forks and other cutlery, you can use strong detergents in the dishwasher that are dangerous for the skin of your hands, as well as wash everything in very hot water. All you have to do is put the dishes on the drawers of the machine, wait until they are clean and put them in the cupboards.

By the way, you can wash beets, carrots, radishes, turnips and celery root in the dishwasher. Do toys want to be clean too? See if exposure to high temperatures is allowed, and if so, feel free to wash and sterilize them in your machine, putting them in mesh bags. Combs, rubber boots and galoshes will not stand aside: the dishwasher will perfectly put them in order.

Toys love cleanliness

In order for the dishwasher to do its job well, sponges, brushes and abrasives are not needed. A little salt to soften the water, one detergent - and no worries.

There are, however, items that cannot be washed. These are wooden boards, pewter, copper and aluminum utensils, crystal with an admixture of lead, cutlery made of ordinary steel. If a plate or glass is glued together, you run the risk of finding fragments instead.

Types of dishwashers

One set of dishes is approximately ten items: two spoons, forks or knives, a salad plate, a soup plate, a second course plate, a bread plate, a cup and a saucer for dessert. The more kits you can put in the car, the larger its dimensions will be. Think about how many guests you invite to the celebrations. Three, five, maybe ten or more? For lovers of dinner parties and lunches, they came up with full-size dishwashers. They can wash from 8 to 16 sets in one cycle. In addition, they are perfect for a large kitchen: their width reaches 90 cm.

Narrow dishwashers are no worse than full-size ones. If the kitchen area is 8-11 sq.m, and the family consists of three or four people, a narrow model will be the best choice. At one time, it will wash 9-10 sets of dishes, while it costs a little less than a full-size one; built-in dishwasher in width will fit into any kitchen set. She will cope with a huge saucepan, and with a fragile coffee cup, not to mention tall glasses or glass decanters for sangria.

Asks for a little space, but works like a big one

The compact dishwasher is designed for 4-6 sets of dishes. It can be placed on a table, built into a wall cabinet: it takes up no more space than a microwave oven or home coffee machine. Families of two, hardened bachelors, pensioners and gardeners will be pleased with such a device. Unless, of course, we take into account the fact that compact dishwashers are less economical and do not wash as well as narrow and full-sized ones.

Let's get into the details

To choose the right dishwasher, you need to study the features of each model. If the appliance is built-in, then it will definitely have screw legs or a removable top panel so that you can adjust the height. Folding holders are designed for washing the smallest glass items: glasses, stacks, sockets. It is better to keep knives in baskets - there is less risk of injuring your hands when unloading. You can wash bulky items (eg refrigerator shelves) by choosing a machine with adjustable basket height. The self-cleaning filter will allow you to save water. The internal lighting of the chamber will help you sort the dishes.

There are dishwashers with mechanical control; the rotary switch “clicks off” the entire program, spending the time specified by the manufacturer for each stage.

Stylish panel switch steel machine

In electronically controlled machines, you will be able to control the entire process yourself, adding several functions at will.

Some dishwashers are connected only to cold water, others - to cold and hot, others want to work with hot water and no other. From the point of view of manufacturers, heating cold water in the unit itself will be the best option. connect hot water more economical, but in the summer, when the good housing department closes the valve, you will again have to pick up a sponge and work instead of a dishwasher.

Which type of drying do you prefer: convection or condensation? Or active with recondensation? Convection, or turbo drying, is good because the dishes become completely dry and almost hot due to the heating element and fan; it is much faster and better. But the condensation method (sometimes called static) is more economical; after washing, the plates and spoons are rinsed with water, its drops evaporate and condense on the walls of the working chamber. The water flowing down enters the sewer. Active drying with recondensation is a cross between these two types. There is no fan, and air enters the chamber's exhaust opening due to the pressure difference, because it is connected to a water intake, in which the temperature is lower. You will need to consider what is preferable: fast, high-quality drying or saved kilowatts of electricity.

A good dishwasher should not rumble like a tractor. The noise level in the most prestigious and expensive models is approximately 27 dB. Standard dishwashers are slightly louder: the sound will be in the range of 40 to 55 dB. This is not at all scary, because a regular kitchen refrigerator is just as noisy.

There are almost inaudible built-in models in which you can’t tell if she was washing or already finished. In this case, they came up with the indicator "Ray on the floor". The red dot next to the dishwasher will glow while the machine is running. As soon as the cycle comes to an end, the beam will go out.

If you have children, it is better to buy a device with an additional protection function. Some models lock the door, but most modern dishwashers provide for the locking of buttons and switches on the control panel. Moms and dads, do not be afraid that your baby will get burned by hot air: an open car door will immediately interrupt the program and restore it only when all the slots are completely closed.

Leak protection will save you and your neighbors from flooding. In the smartest models, protection is usually complete, not a single drop of water will fall on the floor. It includes the safety systems of the hull and supply hoses. Simpler models are equipped with either housing or hose protection. If the pan is full or there is a leak in the walls of the working chamber, the machine will turn itself off and the drain pump will remove all the water. If the internal double hose is damaged, the solenoid valve will work, the water supply will immediately stop.

The dishwasher will definitely require a special detergent. It is convenient to use 3 in 1 tablets: in one rectangular lozenge there is already powder for cleaning dirt, rinse aid against streaks and stains, salt that softens water so that dishwasher parts last longer. Good quality machines, recognizing the combined agent, will correct all the programs themselves.

Everyone loves reliable and effective products.

But there are devices that do not recognize "3 in 1". For them, you will need to buy everything separately: powder, rinse aid, and salt. This is less practical, but beneficial.

The water purity sensor is very important. The machine will rinse your dishes until the slightest trace of dirt and detergent remains in the water.

The most expensive and luxurious models have an automatic water hardness setting. It is needed for the correct consumption of salt, which softens our hard water. If the car is not a luxury class, then you yourself can set the stiffness value with special tests that are sold separately or included in the delivery.

Let's talk about classes

What is the most important thing in any model you choose? Of course, the classes of washing, drying and energy consumption. There are three of them: A, B, C.

The class of washing determines the quality. The higher the class, the better, of course. By purchasing a class A unit, you will get sparkling, perfectly clean cups, plates and forks out of the car. A class B appliance washes well too, but still not so great. The class C model may leave some dirt on the dishes. Almost all modern dishwashers are produced class A.

The drying class does not depend on its method. Condensation or convection has nothing to do with it. Class A dries great, class B a little worse, class C can leave a few drops of water on your appliances.

The less energy a dishwasher takes in one cycle of operation, the more economical it is. Grade A stands for a dream for frugal householders, Grade B gives average consumption, and Grade C is slowly disappearing from the shelves: why pay more when you have huge selection cars of class A and B?

Water consumption is also an important factor. If your dishwasher will consume less than 15 liters per cycle - congratulations, this model is very economical. Consumption up to 20 liters is considered average. But even the most "greedy" machines, willing to use more than 23 liters, use much less water than you do when washing by hand.

Let's discuss the modes of operation

In the presence of an economical "bio-program", the dishwasher will work with warm, not hot water; for it you need to use special detergents with bio-additives. A simple economic program saves up to 20% of resources, but there should be no dried food residues on the dishes.

The dishwasher start delay is designed for your comfort. With it, you can put the dishes in the car in the evening, turn on the timer for the right time, and in the morning get clean, dry plates and saucers out of the basket.

If you haven’t taken the front service out of the closet for a long time and want to wash off the dust from it before the guests arrive, load the cutlery into the machine and start the warm rinse mode.

Half load mode is only available for freestanding and built-in full-size, as well as narrow dishwashers. Detergents, water and electricity are saved, but the cycle time is not changed.

The pre-soak mode will allow the machine to rinse the dishes cold water and leave it damp for a while. Dried dirt is soaked and washed off much better.

For pots and pans there is an intensive mode of enhanced washing with high temperature. Strong soot can be washed off with detergents specially designed for this purpose.

Glass goblets with long stems and thin-walled fragile glasses require especially delicate washing. In this mode, the water temperature will be about 30 degrees.

Glass recognizes only gentle handling

Dishes are not only dirty and very dirty. If there was a sandwich with cheese, tartlets with pate or, say, an apple on the saucer, then it is clearly not clean, but what is the correct name for it so as not to sin against the truth? Lightly polluted, here! For such devices, the quick wash mode is intended. It saves water and electricity.

Variable washing is a special article. While in one basket the dishes are soaked in a solution of detergent, the intensive mode is in full swing in the other. Appliances become cleaner, and water is consumed 25% less.

For the most fastidious householders, there is a dish heating mode. It will be nice to take it in your hands and arrange it in cabinets.

Let's admire the most popular models and brands

Bosch SMV 50E10

The fully integrated dishwasher for 13 place settings boasts a half load mode, five washing programs (including pre-rinsing for especially dirty dishes), a German assembly and a height-adjustable top basket.

The start timer will allow you to delay the start by 3 to 9 hours, and an audible signal will inform you that the machine has finished washing the dishes. Of course, there is full AquaStop leakage protection, work and energy efficiency classes - A. Drying here is condensing, water consumption - 12 liters, noise level - 48 dB, and dimensions - 60 * 55 * 82 centimeters. This dishwasher costs about 24 thousand rubles.

Bosch SMS 40L08

Another Bosch dishwasher, but this time freestanding (however, if you wish, you can also build it in). Noise level, work classes, leakage protection - everything is as in the model above. What are the differences?

It holds one set less and does not know how to soak dishes. But the start of the program can be postponed for a maximum of a day (or at least an hour), you can see how much time is left before the end of washing and there is a smooth finishing of the door when closing. The silvery coating is quite non-staining, almost does not collect fingerprints. Estimated price of this model - 26 thousand rubles.

Indesit DSG 0517

Narrow, freestanding, inexpensive dishwasher for 10 sets. Class of work - A, drying - condensation, control - electronic, no display, dimensions - 45 * 60 * 85 centimeters. Why does it cost only 11 thousand rubles?

Indesit DSG 0517

It has leakage protection only on the body, water consumption - 10 liters, noise level - 53 dB, but there is no indication of the end of work. But it copes well with the main task: this dishwasher has both regular, and intensive, and fast, and environmentally friendly programs, and even a pre-soak mode.

Miele G 4280 SCVi

The first dishwashers in Europe were produced by Miele. This private German company belongs to the premium segment, and you will have to pay extra for the brand - the considered dishwasher is more expensive than all the others in this collection, it costs almost 50 thousand rubles. What would you have to pay that kind of money for?

Miele G 4280 SCVi

This is a fully built-in full-size machine for 14 place settings with a display and electronic control. All the main programs are available, as well as automatic detection of the desired one, there is a delayed start, indication of work and end of work, but you cannot use 3 in 1 tools and there is no protection from children. Of course, it has complete protection against leaks, the noise level is 48 dB, energy efficiency classes, washing and drying are A, and the drying is not condensing, but turbo (in practice, this means that drying, and with it the entire cycle of work, will be completed faster, and without streaks on the dishes). And this machine, the only one in the selection, has an instantaneous water heater, and not tubular heater like in teapots.

Candy CDCF 6

This free-standing Italian crumb for 6 sets is found in white and silver (the second is about a thousand rubles more expensive and differs in the S index) and holds 6 sets of dishes. This dishwasher is comparable in size to an average microwave - 55 * 50 * 44 cm.

At one time, it consumes only 8 liters of water and makes noise about like a talking person (53 dB). Accelerated washing without drying takes only half an hour, there is a delay start timer (from 2 to 8 hours), control is electronic, energy efficiency classes, washing and drying are A. At a price of about 10 thousand rubles, it is the first candidate for the position of an indispensable assistant if you live together with someone or alone and do not like to wash dishes.