Techniques for the development of spelling vigilance in younger students. Some methods of developing the spelling vigilance of younger students in the Russian language lessons. Find the extra word

Safronova Olga Vladislavovna
primary school teacher
MBOU NSh "Perspective", Surgut

Spelling literacy of students is one of the most important problems facing the school throughout its historical development. Psychologists P.S. Zhedek, V.V. Repkin, G.G. Granik, methodologists M.R. Lvov, M.V. Baranov and others emphasize the dependence of the results of teaching spelling on how the writer has developed the ability to detect spelling.

Possible psychological causes of underdevelopment spelling vigilance: low level of development of voluntary attention, lack of formation of methods of educational activity (self-control, ability to act according to the rule), low level of volume and distribution of attention and development of short-term memory.

Most children in elementary grades make mistakes when using new spelling or grammar rules. These are temporary errors. As the material covered is consolidated, they are overcome. But what if the child continues to make mistakes?

If you do not correct this process, do not help the student in elementary school, then by middle age you can get illiterate works in the Russian language, dislike for creative tasks related to writing, as well as undeveloped oral speech.

Therefore, one of the important tasks of the teacher is to improve the literacy of students. Since the spelling skill is formed in activity and is the result of repeated actions, in the methodology of teaching spelling, serious attention is paid to studying the patterns of such activities, as well as finding ways and means to increase the effectiveness of teaching spelling, taking into account these patterns. P.S. Zhedek distinguishes two stages in the spelling action:

  1. setting a spelling problem (spelling highlighting);
  2. solving a spelling problem (choosing a written sign in accordance with the rule).

Spelling action It is a conscious action, not a skill. M, R. Lvov identifies five stages that a student must go through when solving spelling problems:

  1. see the spelling in the word;
  2. determine its type;
  3. determine the method of solving the problem depending on the type of spelling;
  4. determine the steps of the solution, that is, draw up a solution algorithm;
  5. solve the problem, that is, perform sequential actions according to the algorithm.

For the formation of spelling vigilance, I recommend effective techniques that I successfully use in my work.

1) Letter with pronunciation (choral and individual).
A letter with pronunciation provides a large amount of writing, accuracy, and the almost complete absence of errors. Speaking is a kind of error warning. And if a student suddenly uttered a word with an error, then the class and the teacher will prevent trouble in time, i.e. will not fix this error.

2) Commented letter with spelling.

When commenting, a high level of self-control is achieved, since the student not only fixes, but explains the spelling. When commenting or spelling analysis, the student, first of all, finds the object of explanation, i.e. spelling.

3) Visual dictation.

Several sentences or text are written on the board. This text is read expressively, then the most interesting words from the point of view of spelling are highlighted, their spelling is explained, individual words are pronounced. Then the text is closed and the children write it under the dictation of the teacher. After writing, a check (self-check, mutual check) of the written dictation is organized.

4) Dictation with tapping.

During the dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces the word with the spelling. This tapping makes the student think.

5) "The secret of writing with green ink."

With the help of this technique, children draw up written work in notebooks as follows: as soon as a rule appears, green paste begins to work. The more spellings are studied, the more often the green light is "lit" in the students' notebooks.

6) Dictionary of words with unchecked spellings.

In the process of working in the classroom, there are words with unchecked spellings, these words are fixed and recorded in the dictionary.
You can give creative homework: from the read text on literary reading write out words with unchecked spelling.
The check takes into account: the correct choice of words and their number.
In addition, you can organize a competition for the "Best Dictionary".

7) Cacographic exercises.

In the practice of my work, I use cacographic exercises, which provide for the correction by students of erroneous spellings deliberately made in the texts.

8) The choice of words from the text with a given spelling.

For example, the task: find words in the text with an unpronounceable consonant, write down the words and check their spelling.

9) Putting a pass in the places of new (not previously studied) orthograms.

This technique is used when writing from dictation. Children have the right to put a space in the word in the place where the spelling is not familiar to him (has not been studied before).

10) Specially organized cheating.

This cheating technique was developed by a group of psychologists led by V.V. Repkin and P.S. Zhedek. The cheating algorithm must be strictly observed.

Cheating algorithm

  1. Read the sentence to understand and remember it.
  2. Repeat the sentence without looking at the text to see if you remember it.
  3. Highlight the spelling in the written text.
  4. Read the sentence the way it is written.
  5. Repeat, without looking at the text, the sentence as you write.
  6. Write, dictating to yourself as you spoke the last two times.
  7. Check what you wrote:

a) read what you wrote, marking the syllables with arcs;
b) underline the spelling in the written;
c) check each spelling with the original text.

11) Search for spelling in the "clean" text.

Task: underline the studied spellings in the text.

12) Classification of orthograms in a "pure" text.

Task: write out words with orthograms from the text: double consonant; unstressed vowel, with doubled consonants, etc. (groups of orthograms depending on the text).

13) "Photographer".

Words with different spellings are written on the board (on a card). The student is given 1-2 minutes to read and remember (photograph) these words. After that, the words are closed and the children write them down from memory. Literacy is assessed, the number of words. Who correctly and most of all wrote down the words, that photographer is a professional.

14) Creative thematic dictation.
Task: compose a dictation for your classmate from words with an unstressed vowel in the root of the word, etc.

15) Work on the bugs.

When checking any work, I don’t correct errors in words for the passed rules, instead I put a wand (or spelling number) in the margins. The student, having received the work, begins to search for errors, where a wand (or spelling number) is affixed in the margins. Then the student writes out the word in which the mistake was made at the bottom under the work and performs work on the mistakes in accordance with the memo (the list of spellings with numbers gives a way to explain and verify it).

Option 2
Pupils start a "Notebook of my mistakes." In this notebook, they fix their mistakes and work on them.
Using effective methods of forming spelling vigilance in their work, students significantly see the dynamics of growth in the level of formation of spelling skills, they learn to detect errors in the written text, oral and written speech is developing, and the vocabulary of students is enriched.


  1. Lvov M.R. Spelling in elementary school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  2. Baranov M.T. Skills and skills in the school course of the Russian language / / Russian language at school - 1979 - No. 4
  3. Zhedek P.S., Timchenko L.I. Cheating in teaching spelling // Primary school. - 1989

Exercises for the development of spelling vigilance of younger students

in Russian language lessons based on the use modern technologies

N.S. Rozhdestvensky wrote: “Competent writing is not just a movement of the writing hand, but a special speech activity. The more developed the child, the richer his vocabulary and syntax, the more correct his pronunciation, the easier it is for him to spell.

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects.. Teaching the Russian language should be based on three pillars: linguistics, psychology, methodology. The main attention of the teacher should be focused on the formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students and their speech development, as well as on the solid assimilation of the knowledge that is the basis for the application of spelling rules and mastery of speech norms. The level of literacy of secondary school students is one of the most acute problems of public education.

Spelling vigilance- this is the ability to quickly detect spelling in the text and determine their types, find their own and other people's mistakes. The lack of spelling vigilance or its weak formation is one of the main reasons for the mistakes made.

The task of the primary school teacher- to form the spelling vigilance of students. Starting to study spelling, children should realize that copying, dictation is not an end in itself, that in life spelling is necessary for communication, for the accuracy of speech.

Having worked for a long time on methods for developing spelling vigilance, for the development of the corresponding skill, I consider it appropriate to conduct the following games or exercises.

1. The game "Light the beacon". We carry out a sound analysis of the word or copying words and sentences in copybooks. Under the "dangerous place" children put green circles.

2.Dictation letter. First, I dictate the words as they are written. Later I will play the game "Echo". I read the words, and the children repeat in a whisper, but so that I hear. If someone copied incorrectly, then they correct the mistake by speaking again, then they write everything down.

3. A special way of writing words. During the dictation, letters in "dangerous places" are skipped. These letters must first be learned, and this is not easy: not all the rules are known yet. Therefore, it is advisable to put passes. When the text is written down, the teacher answers the questions of the children, the missing letters are inserted.

4. Phonetic parsing(conducted throughout all four years of study). Briefly, its principle can be represented by the example of the word Earth. I pronounce [z "and ml" a]. There are two syllables in the word [z "and m] - [l" a]. The second syllable is stressed.

[z "] - consonant, soft, sonorous, I write z;
[and] - a vowel, unstressed, I check [z "em l" and], after a soft consonant I write e;
[m] - consonant, solid, voiced, I write m;
[l"] - consonant, soft, sonorous, I write l;
[a] - vowel, shock, after a soft consonant I write the letter i.

5. Parsing a word by composition- This is one of the main stages of learning spelling.

Before the child writes the word, he must stress and determine in which part of the word there are "dangerous places". Some prefixes and suffixes are known to children. They speak and write. If you are not familiar, the teacher must clearly dictate. Vowels and consonants are fundamentally checked according to the rules or are clearly dictated by the teacher if the rules for this spelling have not been studied.

For example, the word is written runs through.

- Runs. The student's reasoning: the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. I am writing a prefix about- because prefixes great-- No. Root unstressed vowel e, because run. I don’t know the ending, I make a pass (the teacher clearly dictates this place).

6. Self-checking what is written. Students find and underline "dangerous places" in an already written sentence or word.

7. Cheating. Of particular note is the question of cheating, since it is the most important spelling exercises, which includes the operation of preliminary selection in the copied text of the overwhelming number of spellings.

Various reminders contribute to the development of self-examination skills, for example:

1. Did you miss the letters?

2. Did you write unstressed vowels correctly? What about double consonants?

3. Not sure, ask the teacher.

System of spelling exercises

Taking into account the two principles underlying the assimilation of spelling, conscious and mechanical, spelling training includes the following operations:

copying from the correct text; reading;

writing a coherent text memorized;

warning dictations;

explanatory dictations;

creative, free dictations;

selective, silent, visual dictations;

use of spelling dictionaries;

test dictations;

work on mistakes.

It is worth noting that teaching spelling, as you know, is based primarily on the study of spelling rules. It should be borne in mind that the rule organizes the teaching of writing, but it does not in itself lead to correct writing: writing must be fixed through long exercises so that it becomes a habit.

Types of exercises.

1. Decipher the fairy tale (according to the text "Turnip")

Psdl dd rpk. Vrsl rpk blsh-prblsh. Stl dd rpk z zml tscht. Tnt ptnt, vtnt n mzht. Pzvl dd bbk. BBk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, vtnt n mgt. Pzvl bbk vnchk. Vnchk with bbq, bbq with ddk, ddk with rpk. Tnt ptnt, vtnt n mgt. Pzvl vnchk Zhchk. Zhk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, vtnt n mgt. Pzvl Zhkk kshk. Kshk z Zhchk, Zhchk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, vtnt n mgt. Pzvl kshk mshk. Mshk z kshk, Kshk z Zhchk, Zhchk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Wtnl rpk!

2. Name and write down only the vowels of the dictated words:

House, smoke, ladies

cat, porridge, gut

Little, soap, mylo

Young, hungry, cold

3. cipher

Find the words on the page of the primer (alphabet) and encrypt them, writing down only the vowels or consonants of them.

4. Find a dangerous place

Clap as soon as you hear a sound you can't trust.

5.Traffic light

Show a red traffic light as soon as you find the word "dangerous place".

6. Finding "dangerous places" in the written word

This exercise is the beginning of learning self-examination.

In grades 2-4, you can use the following types of exercises aimed at developing spelling vigilance.

Spelling skip letter


1. Write off by inserting the missing letters. Put the stress, highlight the root.

Peace, appropriation, peaceful, remembrance, all...rny.

To ... thief, to ... current, prok ... tit, to ... tanie, ... stumbled.

Hungry ... d, g ... lodny, g ... lodat, gol ... dovka, g ... l ... giving.

Like ... t, m ... l ... tit, m ... l ... tba, m ... l ... tit, m ... l ... tilka.

2. Write, fill in the missing letters

Between r ... working in ... rhushek

P ... to ... burst with ... Neva.

Noisy at ... guns

Bright yellow foliage.

The spruce tree became more noticeable in l ... su,

B ... r ... eats a thick shadow.

P ... dosinovik p ... last

He moved his hat to one side (A. Tvardovsky)

3. Write off. Before words with unstressed vowels in the root, write test words.

sat in the garden - turned gray for a long time

drink medicine - sing a song

live in the city - chew food

made a nest - brought down the stairs

get off the roof - lick sour cream

write off the board - hurry home

open the door - boil potatoes

reconcile enemies - try on a suit

caress a cat - rinse clothes

The search and application of intensive forms of teaching the Russian language, new approaches to the use of existing methods and means of improving the spelling vigilance of students is accompanied by a deep analysis of the results achieved. To this end, it is necessary to constantly diagnose the qualitative level of students' knowledge, monitor specific mistakes made by students in all types of written work.

Sections: Primary School

With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly have problems with reading and writing. The guys are "at odds" with the Russian language, often make spelling mistakes. What is the reason you ask? And how to make sure that the number of errors decreases, and the letter becomes more conscious and correct. These questions are often asked by many teachers, methodologists and scholars.

In accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, spelling literacy in teaching the Russian language is given the main role. Literate writing involves the development of spelling. The basic unit of orthography is the orthogram. It is known that the basis of spell checking is the ability to see the spelling, to recognize it, i.e. correlate with the rule, with the grammatical basis. This ability to notice spellings is what we call spelling vigilance. The lack of spelling vigilance or its poor development is one of the main reasons for students' mistakes. This reason negates even a good knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them: the student simply does not see the spelling in the process of writing.

Possible psychological reasons for the underdevelopment of spelling vigilance:

  • low level of development of voluntary attention;
  • lack of formation of methods of educational activity (self-control, the ability to act according to the rule);
  • low level of volume and distribution of attention;
  • low level of development of short-term memory.

Spelling vigilance develops gradually, in the process of performing a variety of exercises that provide visual, auditory, articulatory, motor perception and memorization of spelling material.

According to M.S. Soloveichik, the formation of spelling vigilance of younger students takes place in 3 stages.

First stage- the ratio of sounding units of speech and graphic units of writing, that is, the ratio of sounds and letters. This direction is realized in the process of learning to read and write, when children extract a sound from a word, articulate it, learn to pronounce it in various positions.

Particular attention at this stage should be given to work with stress.

Second phase- memorization of the graphic composition of the word, its visual image. memorization - essential element assimilation of spelling - also occurs on the basis of sound-letter analysis. This stage of work gives students the idea that sounds in the Russian language can be in a strong and weak position, teaches them to distinguish which sound is in a strong position and which one is in a weak position.

Third stage - learning to solve grammar and spelling problems. This stage involves teaching younger students to perform actions based on the application of rules and methods of verification. The justified choice of the correct spelling is the solution of the grammar and spelling problem.

Professor M.R. Lvov identifies six stages that a student must go through to solve a spelling problem:

  • see the spelling in the word;
  • determine the type: checked or not; if so, what topic does it belong to, remember the rule;
  • determine the method of solving the problem depending on the type (kind) of spelling;
  • determine the “steps”, the steps of the solution and their sequence, i.e., compose an algorithm for the problem;
  • solve the problem, i.e. perform sequential actions according to the algorithm;
  • write words in accordance with the solution of the problem and do a self-examination.

Schoolchildren should be taught to identify spellings under various circumstances. However, the teacher often skips a whole stage in teaching schoolchildren, exactly the one at which they would specifically learn to be aware of the presence of a spelling in a word. The theoretical basis of this training is spelling marks:

1. Mismatch between letter and sound.

2. Sounds that give the most mismatches (dangerous sounds). It is necessary to teach children as early as possible to notice in words such "dangerous" sounds (letters), such positions in words, such pairs of sounds:
- vowels - a, o, i, e;
- pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants;
- combinations: zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-schu;
- combinations: stn-sn, zdn-zn, in which unpronounceable consonants may occur;
- consonants p, k, f, t, s, w at the end of a word, which may turn out to be weak positions of phonemes b, d, c, e, h,
- increased attention should be paid to the letters i, e, e, u;
- soft consonants (especially "l" soft) are also among the "dangerous" ones;
- "dangerous positions" in the word should be considered the ending, the junction of the prefix and the root, and much more.

3. Morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending; connecting vowels in compound words; return particle sya (s). The combination of morphemes - two prefixes, 2-3 suffixes. Having realized different morphemes in the word, the student purposefully searches for the spelling, since he already knows in advance what kind of difficulties (orthograms) can be encountered in the prefix, root, ending, which ones - at the junction of morphemes.

Below are examples of exercises necessary for the formation of spelling vigilance:

  • To achieve good results in the formation of literate writing, I use various teaching methods. I begin my work with a sound analysis of words, which I carry out in the following sequence:
  • Say the word and listen to yourself.
  • Find the stressed syllable and pronounce the word syllable by syllable.
  • Highlight the first sound with your voice, stretch it out, name it and describe it.
  • Mark the selected sound with a conditional icon.
  • Stretch out, highlighting the second sound with your voice, name it, describe it, designate it with a conditional icon, and so on.
  • Check if the word turned out, read it according to the sound scheme.
  • Name how many sounds in the word, how many letters in the word.
  • Use in the classroom game techniques:

"Find the Same Sound"

The teacher pronounces three or four words, with a given sound: sled, bone, nose - the children must name the same sound (s) that is in these words.

"Determine the place of the sound in the word"

The teacher hangs cards on the shelf of the board, on which a stork, a scarf, a fox are drawn. Invites the children to say what is shown on the cards. Asks what the same sound is heard in the names of objects. Then he offers a card with sound arrangements in a word. If the sound that the teacher calls, the children hear at the beginning of the word, then the chip is placed in the first cell. If the sound is heard in the middle of the word, the chip is placed in the second cell. If the sound is at the end of the word, the chip is placed in the third cell.

"Find items with a given sound"

The teacher invites the children to find objects in the class that contain the sound “y” in the name; finding sounds in the names of objects according to the plot picture (the one who finds the most objects wins).

"Traffic light"

Pupils must show the red card as soon as they find the ""dangerous place"" in the word.

Training is carried out by clearly pronouncing words, sentences, texts. Orthographic reading is based on articulatory memory - a special kind of motor memory. Spelling reading differs from orthoepic reading in that each word is pronounced as it is written, and thus remains in the memory of the movements of the speech apparatus. Based on articulatory memory, spelling reading opens up a wide way for enriching students' vocabulary. Children easily learn spelling reading and from the very beginning they notice two types of reading well: read as we write, and read as we speak.

During the dictation, students could skip the letter they were in doubt about. Then the students ask questions to their comrades or the teacher, after which they fill in the gaps or make the necessary corrections. It should be emphasized that the specific feature of this type of dictation is that the student analyzes the written text “to himself” from a spelling point, seeks to see in each word the “points” of applying the rules.

Visual dictations are a system of sentences that are not related in meaning, but focus on the number of words and letters that the child must remember during 6-10 seconds of exposure and then write down. Such work helps to develop memory, train attention, learn elementary grammar rules, learn to read faster.

The plan for conducting classes according to the methodology is as follows:

We show 6 sentences of the set on the board or monitor screen.

Set No. 1

  • Snow is melting.
  • It's raining.
  • The sky is gloomy.
  • Kolya got sick.
  • The birds sang.
  • The field is empty.
  • Close the board or turn off the screen, and then open the first sentence.
  • We give the children 5–10 seconds to memorize the sentence while reading to themselves.
  • We invite the students to close their eyes and imagine how the sentence is written down.
  • We close the words again and invite the guys to write down what they remember.

Dictation with tapping.

During the dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces the word with the spelling. This tapping makes the student think.

Commented letter with spelling.

When commenting, a high level of self-control is achieved, since the student not only fixes, but explains the spelling. Let's look at this option using the example of commenting on a sentence from the spot: At aunts I we are and la s about tank T rezor. I write the beginning of a sentence with a capital letter. At - a suggestion, I write separately. I prove: with (our) aunt. Yana - I write with a capital letter - a proper name. Lived - root unstressed vowel and combination zhi - shi. Dog - root unverifiable unstressed vowel about It's a dictionary word, you need to remember. Trezor - I write with a capital letter, as this is a proper name. Combination chk I write without b . I put a dot at the end of a sentence.

Pronunciation writing (the basis of this writing is pronunciation by syllables) or phonemic writing.

This type of work provides a large amount of writing, accuracy, beautiful writing, almost complete absence of errors. The letter with pronunciation unites the whole class, gradually all the guys begin to work at a good pace. At first, the teacher can speak, then stronger students, then both medium and weak students are included in the work. (For example, “For - I write z with a vowel a”, etc.)

Reception ""The secret of writing with green ink"".

With the help of this technique, children draw up written work in notebooks: as soon as a rule appears, green paste begins to work. The more spellings are studied, the more often the green light "lights up" in the students' notebooks.

Specially organized write-off.

The proposed method of cheating was developed by a group of psychologists led by V.V. Repkin and P.S. Zhedek. They offer a cheating algorithm:

  • Read the offer carefully.
  • Repeat it without looking at the text.
  • Underline all the spellings in the sentence.
  • Read the sentence spelling.
  • Repeat the sentence again, spelling out all the sounds.
  • Close text. Start writing by dictating to yourself syllable by syllable (spelling) and underlining the spelling.
  • Check the written-off with the text, pay special attention to spelling.

"Secret circle".

With the help of this technique, children draw up their work in notebooks: as soon as a rule appears (zhi-shi, cha-cha, etc.), a secret circle begins to work.

Cacographic exercises.

In my opinion, the most interesting teaching methods and techniques are related to the issue of application in the classroom. problem learning and creating problem situations. That is why I began to use cacographic (incorrect) spellings in my lessons. The term "cacography" is an antonym to the word "spelling"; hence the name "cacographic", that is, a deliberately erroneous letter that is offered to the student in order to find and correct errors. (For example, in a Russian language lesson in grade 2, you can give the task: write off a sentence from the board in a notebook Grisha had a ginger cat. Students find and correct "mistakes". At the same time, they give a detailed explanation of their actions.)

Working with dictionary words.

Writing assimilation difficult words requires multiple systematic exercises that are associated with all types of written work of students.
When familiarizing myself with the spelling of the studied word, I observe the following sequence:

  • The teacher reads the riddle, the children guess it, explain the riddle. At this stage, it is imperative to explain the meaning of this word to the children and the teacher.
  • Then students pronounce the word in question, determine the place of stress in it, indicate the number of syllables, pronounce all the sounds in order.
  • A card with the word written on it is placed on the typesetting canvas. Students read it spelling, establish the difference in pronunciation and spelling.
  • Next, I propose to solve spelling problems: what letter in a word should be checked when writing and why? How to check this letter? Is it possible to check the spelling of a letter by selecting a test word? Next, students write the word in a notebook, put an accent mark, highlight a vowel (consonant), which must be remembered when writing.
  • Then, to the studied word, you can pick up words with the same root. The selection of single-root words is combined with elementary lexical analysis. Cards are placed on the board, on which words of the same root are written, the uniform spelling of the root in them is monitored, and the words are written in a notebook.
  • With any of the single-root words, students make up a sentence.


  1. Zhedek P.S. Methodology for teaching spelling / Theoretical basis teaching the Russian language in primary grades//Ed. M.S.Soloveichik. - M.: Enlightenment. 1992.
  2. Kobyzev A. I. A new type of dictation "I check myself" .- M., 1962.
  3. Kozina A. N. The development of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 18. - S. 584-586.
  4. Lvov, M.R. Fundamentals of teaching spelling in elementary school / M.R. Lvov. – M.: Prometheus, 1988.
  5. Lvov M.R. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 464 p.
  6. Russian language in primary classes: theory and practice of teaching / M.S. Soloveichik [i dr.]. – M.: Enlightenment, 1993.
  7. Ramzaeva T.G., Lvov M.R. Methods of teaching the Russian language in elementary grades. – M.: Enlightenment, 1979. – 431 p.

spelling - this is a spelling in a word that corresponds to a certain spelling rule.

Spelling vigilance - this is the ability to notice spellings, that is, those cases in writing where, with a single pronunciation, a choice of spelling is possible.

Formation of spelling vigilance

Improving the spelling literacy of students is one of the important tasks facing teachers. In Russian writing, the main section that determines the leading principle of orthography is the transmission of the phonemic composition of words by letters. It is to this section of spelling that most of the rules studied in the lower grades belong.

Tasks of studying the section "Spelling"

1. Introduce children to the concept of "spelling" and help them go deeperrealizethe essence of spelling difficulties in Russian writing. To introduce into the practice of writing for younger students a special way of writing - a letter with gaps in spelling, with "windows". The child must act according to the principle “I know the letter - I write, I don’t know - I skip it, I leave a danger signal”.

2. Introduce students to spelling dictionary, lay the foundations for the correct course of action needed to find the answer to a spelling question.

3. Due to the wide use of the cheating technique, ensure the memorization of the spelling appearance of words of different thematic groups(modes of transport, utensils, etc.), i.e. develop students' spelling memory

General identification signs of orthograms:

1) discrepancy between sound and letter, between pronunciation and spelling;

It is generally accepted that the main sign of a spelling is a discrepancy between letter and sound, spelling and pronunciation. But this sign "works" only in those cases when students hear the word and at the same time see its literal image (when copying, when analyzing what is written). In the process of writing from dictation, this sign "does not work", i.e. the younger schoolchild cannot in all cases detect discrepancies between the sound and the letter.

2) "dangerous" sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations), their memorization and constant attention to them:

    a) vowelso-a, i-e;

    b) pairs of voiced and voiceless consonantsb-p, g-k, v-f etc.;

    c) combinationszhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu;

    d) combinationsstn, sn, zdn, zn (unpronounceable consonants);

    e) combinationslf, nsch;

    e) consonantsb, d, c, d,h, f at the end of a word, which can denote deaf consonants [p], [k], [f], [t], [s], [w];

    g) lettersi, e, yu, yo denoting two sounds.

3) morphemes, their selection, prediction of orthograms in them and verification.

Finding a morpheme in a word, the student purposefully searches for a spelling, because he already knows which spellings can be found in the prefix, which in the root, which in the ending.Such signs are usually indicated in the rule. For example, "unstressed vowels", "paired consonant at the end of a word"

The main thing in teaching spelling is the spelling rule, its application, that is, the solution of the spelling problem, however, the solution of the spelling problem is possible provided that the student sees the object of application of the rule - the spelling. Only by being able to detect the spelling, the student will be able to decide on its specific spelling. Means, the ability to detect spelling, called spelling vigilance, acts as a basic spelling skill,the first stage in teaching spelling, the key to literate writing. The inability to distinguish spelling when writing is one of the main reasons that hinder the development of spelling skills.

Professor M.R. Lvov identifies six stages that a student must go through to solve a spelling problem:

    See the spelling in a word.

    Determine the type: checked or not; if so, to which topic it applies, remember the rule.

    Determine the way to solve the problem depending on the type (kind) of spelling.

    Determine the "steps", steps of the solution and their sequence, i.e., compose an algorithm for the problem.

    Solve the problem, i.e. perform sequential actions according to the algorithm.

    Write the words in accordance with the solution of the problem and do a self-test.

In our textbooks for elementary school there is no term, a phoneme; instead, the term “sound”, familiar and understandable to the baby, is used. In order for the child to master the laws of spelling as a system of rules, the term "position" must be introduced. The term itself must be introduced in the second grade, however, preparation for mastering the concept of "position" as the position (place) of a sound in a word surrounded by neighbors - other sounds - begins to be introduced from the first grade. Weak positions of phonemes are a source of spelling errors in students. Therefore, the child must see a weak position - because it is here that verification is required. There is nothing to check in a strong position - the phonemes there are perfectly different, they do not mix.

In the second grade, the term "position", "strong position", "weak position" is introduced in relation to spellings at the root of the word. In the third grade, the concept of a strong and weak position is transferred to other spelling rules that obey the basic phonemic principle of Russian spelling: the spelling of paired voiced and voiceless consonants before noisy consonants, the spelling of unpronounceable consonants is associated with the morphemic structure of the word: root, prefix, suffix and ending.

Of course, with such an organization of work, it takes a lot of time to complete tasks. But as the skill of determining spelling is automated, the execution algorithm is gradually being improved.How clearer the regularities of Russian spelling become, the higher their own spelling vigilance.

In the initial teaching of the Russian language, the importance of exercises is great to develop spelling vigilance

K.D.Ushinsky made demands on the exercises:

1. They “should be, as far as possible,independent , i.e. real exercises, and not just seeming ones.

2. "Exercise...should besystematic ”, i.e.

“every new exercise should be in connection with the previous one, rely on them and take a step forward”

“Let children acquire little by little, but do not lose anything from what they have acquired and use it to acquire new things”;

“The more the gift of speech develops in children, the less the teacher should help them, the more independent the exercises should be.”

3. "Exercise should bebrain teaser ... This makes it possible to find the main idea, attach a secondary one to it, grasp the very system of presentation, and not memorize phrases and words in the order in which they are.

4. "Exercise...should beoral and written and the oral must precede the written.

Speaking letter. An important role in the formation of spelling skills is played by the so-called spelling pronunciation. The work of the speech apparatus in the process of pronunciation creates an image of a word, the repeated repetition of which aloud and to oneself contributes to a stronger memorization of its spelling. Most often it concerns the memorization of difficult words. Such repeated pronunciation is scrolled several times in the lesson, repeated in subsequent lessons, and in the end it is firmly remembered. First, the teacher gives a sample of pronunciation - 1-2 words by syllables, then the children dictate to themselves in chorus according to a given model. After choral recitation, there is always a desire to try your hand, to speak individually.

Writing off (the basis of pronunciation by syllables) . This type of writing requires greater independence of students. They do not hear the word from a teacher, but find it in a book and read it themselves. In the process of cheating, children develop visual and auditory memory, attention, comparison, independence, self-control, positive emotions are brought up.

Commented letter . Commenting is a type of exercise that includes explanatory reasoning in the process of writing words, sentences.The student must see all the letters in the word. What is needed for attention to be directed to the known part of the word, to the spelling? Any attention and perception of the spelling must bear traces of conscious and vigorous activity. The child develops the habit of being attentive to speech, “weighing” the word, choosing and appreciating its correct form.

Commented writing acts as one of the methods of work to prevent errors, accustoms students to the conscious application of the rule, contributes to the development of competent writing, eliminating the gap between theory and practice. A commented letter develops thinking, memory, attention, speech of students: they learn to speak clearly, concisely, reasonably, children develop good diction. Commented writing allows for systematic repetition of the material, makes it possible to identify students' knowledge and check their spelling skills.

Students not only pronounce words and sentences. But they also justify spelling with rules, the selection of test words. It is very important here that everyone works with the commentator, not lagging behind and not looking ahead. First, I ask you to comment on strong students, then gradually everyone else joins in.. When commenting, a high level of self-control is achieved, since the student not only fixes, but explains the spelling.

Letter under dictation with preliminary preparation. First, the students deal with the spelling of those words that require verification. Then the children write this sentence or text under dictation.

Letter from memory. This type of writing develops memory, thinking, speech, attention. Industriousness, accuracy are brought up,

Creative work. Children love this kind of work. Practice shows that the ability of children to dictate to themselves in syllables helps them get rid of mistakes. Children often ask how to write a particular word. This is an indicator of a thoughtful attitude to work.

In the formation of spelling vigilance, students must be armed with knowledge of the identification features of spelling.

Spelling vigilance develops gradually, in the process of various activities, when reading, when writing dictations, when copying, if it is complicated by appropriate tasks.

For the successful development of spelling vigilance, it is very important to set the students themselves to work.

In the first grade, students learn to use the algorithm for solving a spelling problem:

    Determine the place where the spelling task arose;

    Which group of rules does this spelling belong to;

    In what part of the word is the spelling;

    Set which letter to check: vowel or consonant;

    Determine the stress in the word;

    Determine the checked or not checked spelling;

    Write the word according to the rule.


1 Read the riddles: "The eyes are on the horns, and the house is on the back." "Tail with a sickle, head with a comb." Determine in which words the vowels should be checked or memorized. How to do it? Write the sentence and highlight the spelling.

2 to make a sentence according to the plot picture on the topic: "Winter in the forest." For example:In winter, the forest is covered with snow. Traces of animals are visible in the snow: a hare, a wolf, a fox. Put stress marks, underline the vowels that need to be checked (remembered).

3 visual-auditory dictations. On the desk: Burrow under a pine tree in the forest. A fox lives in this hole with cubs. Fox is smart. Read the text. How to determine which vowels to check? Determine. Check. I close the text, the children write it down from dictation. In the written text, children highlight spelling.

4 Games.

The game "Hide b in the middle of the word:": day-days; stump-stumps. Prove why the unstressed vowel E was written in the words days and hemp.

Game "Help Dunno to fill in the missing letters": p. la, m. rya, p. dy,, pl.dy, m.rzhi. Explain why such letters were inserted.

Game "Pick up the letters": Beautiful Russian HP! Lsa walked across the fluffy snow. Why are words pronounced the same but spelled differently?

The game "Ladder". Two teams compete to see who gets to the top the fastest: fill in the missing letters:

hand... take...

lu… moro…

winter le… smooth le…

Russian flag.. heavy gr…

sick tooth .. ripe watermelon ..

I often use the following types of work:

On the board I write two words with a voiced or voiceless consonant, two words with a checked unstressed vowel, two words with a doubled consonant. Please write down the words only with a double consonant.

When studying the topic “unpronounceable consonants”, I suggest that children write five words with unpronounceable consonants from memory and be sure to underline them. If a student wrote a word and misses an unpronounceable consonant, he will have nothing to emphasize. After the students have written five words from memory, I open a blackboard with 10 words written on the topic. Children write off those words that they do not have, emphasizing unpronounceable consonants. I use this exercise when studying any topic.

- Dictation "Check Yourself" (3-4 sentences)

Students write sentences under dictation, and those words in the spelling of which there are doubts are skipped. letters . After the dictation, the children ask how to write this or that word, i.e. the writing of which they doubted. And only after that, the missing spellings are inserted.

The first and main advantage of the "Check Yourself" dictation is that children begin to feel for their weaknesses, learn to ask and doubt, we give them the opportunity to write without errors, to warn them.

If you systematically use the “Check Yourself” technique, then the development of spelling vigilance increases to 70% - 90%.

Another type of dictation (but not control)with a tap. During the dictation, I tap on the table at the moment when I pronounce a word with any spelling. This tapping makes the student think and remember the spelling. All of the above techniques allow you to prevent errors, develop spelling vigilance, the skill of sound-letter analysis, and self-control.

Tasks for the formation of spelling vigilance are selected quite diverse so that they do not bother children, and attention to them is constantly increasing. Within four years, younger students must learn a sufficient number of words in which there is an unverifiable spelling. It is especially difficult for students who have poorly developed visual memory to learn such words.

Vocabulary and spelling work - one of the most important stages of the Russian language lesson in elementary school. Primary students should remember a large number of with unpronounceable consonants, unchecked vowels. The task of the teacher is to arouse the interest of schoolchildren, to help them fall in love with difficult words.

Task types:

    Recording words from dictation. I dictate words, students write them down, then check them in the dictionary, opening strips of paper.

    Oral work with the help of a signal fan on which vowels are written: A, O, I, E, Z. I name words from the dictionary. Children raise a signal card with the desired spelling.

    I propose to write out from the dictionary words with unstressed vowels according to the options (1 - with the vowel A, 2 - with the vowel O).

    Write down the words that answer the questions who? (what?).

    Write down words with two syllables.

    Write the words on the topic "Animals".

    Selective dictation. I read the text, the children should write down the dictionary word that they met.

    Answer the questions. Who lives in the forest? Who keeps the classroom clean? Etc.

    Add an offer.Cheerfully tweets ....... (sparrow)

    Solve the riddle:

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (freezing)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk)

Find the extra word.

For example, I offer children the following vocabulary dictation:Village, notebook, Saturday, Moscow, garden, pencil, black, magpie. Children name "extra" words:

1 .Moscow – because capitalized;

2 .Saturday – because this is a word for the spelling of a double consonant at the root of the word;

3. notebook - on the spelling of a double consonant in the root of the word; this word has more letters than sounds;

4 .magpie - answers the question who? The rest of the question is what? (except for the word black0;

5 .the black This word answers the question what? It is an adjective, the rest are nouns.

6 .pencil - consists of four syllables, the rest of two or three.

The use of various types of work on vocabulary words gives positive results.

Work on mistakes , is a means of fixing spelling and a means of preventing errors. Systematic and purposeful work on mistakes educates children in spelling vigilance, a responsible attitude to writing, and the desire to formulate their thoughts correctly. The purpose of such work is to explain spelling errors, to consolidate the skills of correct spelling of words, to give an orientation to independent work of students on errors. Of no small importance for the organization of work on errors is their correction.

I start working on mistakes by reproducing students' knowledge of certain spelling rules, for which they made mistakes. First, I give examples of explaining mistakes, fixing spelling skills. I also prepare students for independent work over mistakes. I group all errors by types of spelling rules and conduct purposeful work to correct them.

Systematic work on the word contributes to the development of mental activity of students - it teaches them to perform a number of mental operations: observation, comparison, comparison, establishing similarities and differences. BUT leads to the efficiency of assimilation of spelling norms, instills interest and desire to solve spelling problems, develops spelling vigilance of students.Starting from grade 1 (2), when checking any work, I don’t correct errors in words for the rules passed, instead I put a wand in the margins (for weaker students - the spelling number), and at the end of the work - instead of marking a dot. The student, having received a work without a mark, is taken to search for errors in the line where the wand (or spelling number) is placed in the margins.

Then the word in which the mistake was made, the student writes down below the work and performs work on the mistakes. After the work on the errors is completed, a mark is set.

Techniques, to the greatest extent, developing spelling vigilance.


Cheating algorithm

Read the offer carefully.

Repeat it without looking at the text.

Underline all the spellings in the sentence.

Read the sentence spelling.

· Repeat the sentence again, spelling out all the sounds.

· Close the text. Start writing by dictating to yourself syllable by syllable (spelling) and underlining the spelling.

Check the written-off with the text, pay special attention to spelling.

To evoke and support the desire to engagecheating at home, you can offer at will, write out the most liked passages from your favorite books. In addition, I recommend the so-called “oral cheating” to children and parents. For 5-10 minutes, the child reads the text aloud spelling, then the mother calls any word from the read orthoepic, and the child dictates its spelling.

I set aside time for copying in each lesson, in separate lessons it can be reduced to one sentence. Moreover, cheating can be supplemented with grammar tasks.

I pay special attentionselective write-off , which is a preparatory work for learning selective dictations. The following tasks can be set for selective cheating:

Write out sentences expressing the main idea of ​​the text; exclamatory sentences, incentive, interrogative, narrative; a sentence corresponding to the scheme, etc.

Write down synonyms, antonyms, related words.

Write out words with a certain type of spelling; distribute the words from the text into groups, depending on the type of spelling.

Write out the words with missing letters, determine which part of the word is not completed, indicate the grammatical features of the words.

Write down the words of a certain part of speech.

Write out the phrases.

The development of spelling vigilance in younger students.

Literate writing is not just a movement of the writing hand, but a special speech activity. The more developed the child, the richer his vocabulary and syntax, the more correct his pronunciation, the easier it is for him to spell.

N.S. Christmas

One of the most important goals facing the elementary school is the study of the native language. In turn, the formation of spelling literacy is the main task of teaching the Russian language to younger students. Spelling literacy is one of the components of the general language culture, ensuring the accuracy of the expression of thoughts and mutual understanding in written communication.

Literate writing involves the development of spelling. The basic unit of orthography is the orthogram. It is known that the basis of spell checking is the ability to see the spelling, to recognize it, i.e. correlate with the rule, with the grammatical basis. This ability to notice spellings is what we call spelling vigilance. The lack of spelling vigilance or its poor development is one of the main reasons for students' mistakes. This reason negates even a good knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them: the student simply does not see the spelling in the process of writing.

Possible psychological reasons for the underdevelopment of spelling vigilance:

    low level of development of voluntary attention;

    lack of formation of methods of educational activity (self-control, the ability to act according to the rule);

    low level of volume and distribution of attention;

    low level of development of short-term memory.

Psychologists have proven that once a child misspelled a word, he will remember it visually, and the hand will fix the wrong graphic image of the word. It will be deposited in the memory so firmly that then it will be necessary to write this word a hundred times in order to eliminate the mistake.

auditory factor. The writer, as you know, always starts from what he hears. Therefore, he must listen well and hear what the teacher says or what he says to himself. Therefore, the teacher must develop phonemic awareness.

Driving factor. Any spelling skill can only be achieved with the help of exercises, that is, with the rhythmic movement of the writing hand. That is why it is necessary to write as much as possible in the lesson. The hand itself, moving along the line, creates a graphic image of a particular word, "remembers" and then writes it automatically.

pronunciation. Spelling plays an important role in the formation of spelling skills. Speaking the way you write.

According to M. S. Soloveichik, the formation of spelling vigilance of younger students takes place in 3 stages.

First stage- the ratio of sounding units of speech and graphic units of writing, that is, the ratio of sounds and letters. This direction is realized in the process of learning to read and write, when children extract a sound from a word, articulate it, learn to pronounce it in various positions. Particular attention at this stage should be given to work with stress.

Second phase- memorization of the graphic composition of the word, its visual image. Memorization - the most important element in the assimilation of spelling - also occurs on the basis of sound-letter analysis. This stage of work gives students the idea that sounds in the Russian language can be in a strong and weak position, teaches them to distinguish which sound is in a strong position and which one is in a weak position.

Third stage - learning to solve grammar and spelling problems. This stage involves teaching younger students to perform actions based on the application of rules and methods of verification. The justified choice of the correct spelling is the solution of the grammar and spelling problem.

Professor M.R. Lvov identifies six stages that a student must go through to solve a spelling problem:

    see the spelling in the word;

    determine the type: checked or not; if so, what topic does it belong to, remember the rule;

    determine the method of solving the problem depending on the type (kind) of spelling;

    determine the “steps”, the steps of the solution and their sequence, i.e., compose an algorithm for the problem;

    solve the problem, i.e. perform sequential actions according to the algorithm;

    write words in accordance with the solution of the problem and do a self-examination.

    Types of work used in the formation of spelling vigilance

    Spelling vigilance develops gradually, in the process of performing various tasks, when reading, when writing dictations, when copying (if it is complicated by the corresponding tasks). For the successful development of spelling vigilance, it is very important to set the students themselves to work. Starting to study spelling, children should realize that the exercise is not an end in itself, that in life spelling is necessary for communication, for the accuracy of speech. At the same time, the teacher must remember that the grade does not decrease if the child, after writing an essay or presentation and dictation, found his own mistakes and corrected them, as this indicates that the student has the ability to find and correct the mistakes made.

    1. Sound analysis of words

    First of all, you need to learn to listen to sounds, determine their number in syllables, and then in words.

    Spelling vigilance can be defined as the ability to phonologically (positionally) evaluate each sound of a word: to distinguish which sound is in a strong position, that is, it clearly indicates a letter, and which one is in a weak position, which means that it can be indicated by different letters with the same sound.

    Starting from the 1st grade, it is necessary to work on teaching the sound analysis of words. The following exercises correspond to this goal:

    Sound analysis classes (daily), regardless of the number of reading children in the class;

    The presence of a sample of the analysis of the sounding word (permanently);

    Teaching intonation selection of sounds in a word: s-s-s-s-yr, sy-s-s-s-r, cheese-r-r-r-r.

    Presentation of the finished model for self-control (at the first stage);

    Reception of transformation (If I close the first letter, what word will I get?)

    Selection of words for sound models;

    Search for sound patterns for words;

    Sound analysis with drawing up a diagram in which "dangerous places" are indicated;

    Trap tasks (How many sounds are in the word “two”? Which word is longer: “hour” or “minute”? It seems to me that all the sounds in the word “cotton wool” are soft?), etc.

    It is very important to be patient - in sound analysis of a child, you cannot rush or do the work for him; the class at this time can work in tandem with their models (feel kinesthetically).

    It is also possible to use didactic games and game techniques: “Find the same sound”, “Determine the place of the sound in the word”, “Find objects with a given sound”, “Cryptists” with skipping “dangerous” places immediately by ear, “Light the beacon”, “Half a word is behind you” ( ball ... -kon, in ... -ron), “Look at the pictures and find the same sound in words”, “Syllabic auction” (Ba ... -nya, -nan, -ran), “Changeles” (cat-tok, sort-cable ), “Exclusion of sound from the word” (dew-wasp), “Guess the word by the first sounds in the names of the pictures” (house, watermelon, ball, aster - Dasha), etc.

    2. Cheating

    1) Cheating with advance preparation

    The write-off carried out according to the technology proposed by P.S. Zhedek, combines two traditional types of exercise: copying and writing from memory. The systematic use of this exercise allows us to hope for the successful development of not only spelling vigilance, but also spelling memory, as well as the formation of the ability to check what is written.

For the effectiveness of this type of work, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements for its organization: firstly, it must be carried out daily, and secondly, the writing algorithm itself must be strictly observed, since each step has a certain semantic load and cannot be thrown out of the list. Only complete reproduction of the algorithm guarantees success. 2) Selective cheating

Selective cheating is a preparatory work for learning to write selective dictations. When explaining the task, the children are given a setting: it is not necessary to write everything off, you only need to write off ... sentences expressing the main idea of ​​the text, or words with a certain spelling, or it is necessary to distribute the words from the text into groups, depending on the type of spelling, etc.

3. Working with the finished text

This is a useful type of vocabulary and spelling work that forms spelling vigilance, in another way it is also called "search for spelling in a clean text." Children are given a text in which they need to verbally or when copying, highlight spellings and explain them. When highlighting spellings, you can use the "Secret of Writing with Green Paste" technique , with the help of which children draw up written work in notebooks: as soon as the spelling appears, the green paste begins to work. The more spellings are studied, the more often the green light is "lit" in the students' notebooks.

4. Commented letter, or letter with pronunciation

This type of work is one of the methods of work to prevent errors, accustoms students to the conscious application of the rule, and contributes to the development of literate writing skills. Commenting includes explanatory reasoning in the process of writing words, sentences. When commenting, a high level of self-control is achieved, since the student not only fixes, but explains the spelling. The student must, first of all, find the spelling, so the commented letter develops the students' spelling vigilance.

At first, the teacher can speak, then strong students, then both medium and weak students are included in the work. Speaking is a warning of errors. And if a student suddenly uttered a word with an error, then the class and the teacher will correct it in time, they will not allow this error to be recorded in the letter.

In addition to all of the above, a commented letter develops thinking, memory, attention, speech of students: they learn to speak clearly, concisely, reasonably, children develop good diction. The commented letter allows for the systematic repetition of the material, enables the teacher to identify students' knowledge and check their spelling skills.

5. Spelling reading

It is necessary, starting from elementary school, to develop articulatory memory based on spelling reading. If every day at each lesson (mathematics, Russian, reading, the world around) allocate 5-7 minutes for spelling reading, this will bring a good result (tasks, rules, specially selected texts, columns of words, phrases; in pairs, according to the memo, by exercise, etc.).

6. Dictation

1) Warning dictation

This is a type of work when the explanation of spelling and punctograms is carried out before writing in notebooks. It can be carried out in two versions: with text display (visual) and without text display (auditory). In a class with poor preparation, the first option should be preferred. When conducting a visual warning dictation, a sentence or words with spellings are written on the board, then they are sorted out, after that what is written on the board is closed - and students write words or sentences under dictation. Then the text is opened, students check it with their record and correct the mistakes made.

With an auditory warning dictation, before writing the text, students orally repeat the spelling and punctuation rules that are being dictated. Difficult cases of writing from the upcoming dictation are sorted out together with the teacher. This is followed by dictation.

The warning dictation allows you to double check. On the back of the board, two students write the dictation together with the class. After the dictation, we check their work in turn, then the students check it with their entry in their notebooks. Thus, work on each spelling is carried out repeatedly.

2) Explanatory dictation

The teacher dictates the text in sentences, and the students write in notebooks. After recording, one of the students reads his record and explains the spelling and punctograms, the rest follow their notebooks and correct the mistakes made. Such an exercise increases the independence of students and develops their phonemic hearing.

3) "Dictation with justification"

The teacher dictates words, for example, with an unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress. Children must first write down the test word and only then what the teacher dictates, as they must justify the spelling. This will teach them to “hear” the spelling, justify the choice of its spelling before writing the word.

4) Selective dictation

The teacher dictates words or sentences, and students write down only those of them that correspond to the rule given before the dictation. Selective dictation is valuable in that it excludes the possibility of mechanical recording, allows you to give material rich in studied spellings, and contributes to a better perception and memorization of the spelling of words.

5) Dictation with tapping

During the dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces the word with the spelling. This tapping makes students think about the spelling of the word.

6) Self-dictation, or writing from memory

Before recording, the text is visually perceived by the children, their attention is fixed on the spelling being studied, the students independently explain the spelling of words with the given spelling, at the end of such work, the students “dictate” the text to themselves, that is, write it down from memory, and then check their record with the sample. This type of dictation differs from copying with preliminary preparation in the absence of frontal work before writing the text.

7) Mutual dictation

This type of dictation can be carried out both after the preparation described for the self-dictation, and after home preparation. In the first case, the dictation takes place in pairs with mutual verification using a sample (textbook, card, etc.); in the second, one of the students dictates to the class the words he has chosen at home from a book for reading or a textbook, after recording, comments are made on what was written down by several students, then the work is submitted to the teacher for verification.

8) Dictation “Checking myself” (letter with “windows”)

At the end of the 60s, an article by methodologists A.I. Kobyzeva and E.M. Zamorzaeva "Dictation" I check myself "" as a means of developing spelling vigilance. According to the technology of such a dictation, it was allowed to skip those letters, the writing of which the student doubted. Then the students had to ask the class questions, the answers to which were sought in a collective conversation. After the issue was clarified, the gaps were filled in.

All of these methodological techniques help prevent errors, develop students' spelling vigilance, the skill of sound-letter analysis, and self-control.

The formation of a spelling and punctuation literate letter is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks solved at school.

Therefore, for the most effective learning, you need to start working on spelling literacy from the first days. Even during the period of literacy, when we talk about sounds, teach children to recognize them, designate them with a certain letter, the first spellings appear, which means the need to form spelling vigilance and self-control.