The origin of phraseology is the golden mean. The golden mean strategy. Contrasting "I want" and "I need" is stupid

The golden mean is the middle between extremes, the unity of opposites, excluding extremes.

An extreme is an opposite, excluding, displacing, not allowing another opposite.

An extreme is undesirable or even dangerous. The dangerous extreme is either Scylla or Charybdis.

"To go to extremes" - to violate the measure.

Golden mean” — the image-symbol of the measure

Our weaknesses are an extension of our strengths

Every excess is a vice.

Ancient aphorism

Optimus: “It turns out that if something, some kind of dignity, exceeds a certain quantitative limit and becomes something too intrusive, then it’s definitely a disadvantage, huh?”

Paracelsus said: there are no medicines or poisons; it's all about the dose. This statement is true for the person himself. Any excess of a certain measure, dose leads in most cases to undesirable consequences. Pride turns into pride, arrogance; modesty into self-abasement. Caution turns into cowardice, and courage into recklessness. Tolerance turns into connivance, intolerance into fanaticism.

But it is also important not to absolutize the measure, the norm. After all, this is also an extreme. Measure is needed in everything, even in keeping it.

Man needs food, but excesses in food lead to obesity and disease. Patriotism is a good thing, but its absolutization in the form of nationalism and chauvinism is dangerous and harmful. Being logical, reasonable is good, but in moderation. Otherwise, prudence turns into rationality, and bringing logic to the extreme turns into empty formalism.

The golden mean can be like a razor blade or like walking a tightrope

The golden mean can be like a razor blade or like tightrope walking (balancing). A little to the side and you fall off.
In the movie "Scaramouche" a description of such a golden mean is given: you need to hold the sword like a bird - you can’t squeeze the handle too hard (you will strangle the bird), you can’t squeeze it weakly (the bird will fly away).

Or such an example of the golden mean: pay attention to how skillfully an experienced rider keeps on a horse. He sits on it while moving, slightly shifting to the right, then to the left, then forward (towards the head), then back (towards the croup) or slightly bouncing. An inexperienced rider does not immediately find a golden mean in his body movements: he can move strongly to the right side of the horse or to the left, forward to the horse's head or back to its croup, to the point that he risks falling off the horse.

Being between Scylla and Charybdis is another image of such a golden mean.

The principle of the golden mean does not always work

The principle of the golden mean does not always work. For example, one cannot look for the golden mean between good and evil, life and death.
Also, you can not look for a middle ground between intelligence and stupidity. If intelligence is not always good, as my opponent claims, then stupidity can be good. Such a conclusion follows from his statement. The darkness of "wise men"-paradoxicalists is ready to recognize stupidity in some cases as a blessing, and intelligence as evil. Especially if the words "mind" and "stupidity" are used not in their main meanings, but in peripheral, so to speak, little-used meanings. Mind is mind because it serves the good (in the fundamental sense), and not evil. This is the written truth. And my opponent is trying to challenge this common truth.

In cases where the mind is not good, it is no longer the mind, but stupidity!

________________________________________ ________

From correspondence

The golden mean between strictness and permissiveness

Vladimir Ryabchenko:

“As promised, in the winter I began to get acquainted with your works ... I increasingly come to the conclusion that instead of theologizing society with certain priorities by planting various theosophical disciplines in schools (whatever they are called), it is better to deepen the knowledge of philosophical and economic direction... but, I'm afraid, raising the level of general education is not included in the plans of our pastors ... as well as creating a happy life for the people ... everything is somehow more like a farce.

Lev Balashov

Thank you for your letter. As for the state of affairs in our country... I don't look so gloomy. And the church does not always offer bad things, and our society is not so easy to give itself to be eaten by the church. I think the current boom in religiosity in our country is a temporary phenomenon, generated by the previous time of militant and rabid atheism. The swing swung the other way. A little time will pass (10-20 years) and our society, I think, will find a golden mean between the archaic conservatism of Orthodoxy and Islam, on the one hand, and unbridled promiscuity, all the same​ permissiveness of Western culture, Western way of life. I personally believe in Russia and humanity.

* * *

"I-I" - the formula of the golden mean

Dear Eugene!

You wrote: "Any person probably asked himself the following question: is the human thought and mind something limited and imperfect, or can the intellect solve any problem and know any secrets of the world?". From my point of view, this is a false dilemma like "Is alcohol a poison or a medicine?" I have a book "How do we think?" It explains in detail what the human mind can and cannot do. The human mind is neither stupidly limited nor capable of solving all problems, revealing all the mysteries of the world. He is somewhat limited, weak, and at the same time is able to "go beyond", to decide more and more challenging tasks. The human mind is like the person himself. Man is perfect in some ways and imperfect in others. The poet Derzhavin said about a man: “I rot in the dust with my body, I command thunder with my mind. I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god!

Your questions reveal that you are thinking along the lines of "either-or", i.e. strict disjunction. Meanwhile, there are many things in life that involve the search for a golden mean according to the "and-and" type, both. Sometimes the search for the golden mean is like walking on a razor's edge.

Absolute and relative are other opposites that some people stumble over. Truth is either absolute or relative, some think. In fact, truth is something absolute, something relative. I wrote about the extremes of absolutism and relativism in my book "Mistakes and distortions of categorical thinking".


* * *

Contrasting "I want" and "I need" is stupid


I don't owe anything to anyone

A sense of duty ("I owe", "I owe") should be devoted to a whole series of psychiatry. A classic of the genre: I hate to cook (wash, clean), but I have to. And instead of simply giving up unloved things, we force ourselves, getting annoyed at everyone, turning into an embittered "aunt". (...) The heroine of the film “You never dreamed of” to the tediousness of the class teacher: “My girl, when you grow up, you will have a husband. You will understand how good it is when a person has a sense of duty, ”she answered like this:“ But in my opinion, only love has the right to manage everything.


I don't care what people say. The main thing is what I think about myself.

And you only need to think well of yourself. And if someone thinks otherwise, that's their problem. Only “aunts” worry about “what Luda will say”. "Girls", like Kastanedov's warriors, "are looking for perfection only in their own eyes."

My comment:

To oppose "want" and "should" is silly. Human life is based on the game-interaction of these two approaches. I want without need - self-will, selfishness, individualism, immorality. What does "I don't owe anyone anything" mean? Doesn't owe parents, doesn't owe nature, society? What is this philosophy? Yes, with such a philosophy, we will simply die out if we do not die from mutual alienation first. Without the "must" there is no will, no conscience, no shame, no honor and honesty, no decency.
(There are, of course, situations when “I want” and “I have to” are opposed to the point of antagonism and there can be no compromise between them. Yes, there are, but this does not give anyone reason to categorically assert “I owe nothing to anyone \ should not\").
And the phrase “I don’t care what people say. The main thing is what I think about myself” is simply immoral. How can you ignore people's opinions?! It's impossible. She said absolute nonsense. I have met such women who try to be guided by this phrase in life. They are very uncomfortable in communication and simply repel.
Man always tries to find golden mean between “I want” and “necessary”, between what he thinks about himself and what others think and say about him.

* * *

Democracy is a constant search for compromises, the golden mean

The site "CHOICE 2012" ( discusses the topic "Parties settled by numbers". Already 249 comments. And what do I see in these comments: a sea of ​​hatred and anger against each other, especially against United Russia.

Commentators, you will never see real democracy with such feelings and thoughts. Because democracy is, above all, mutual respect for the opposing sides. Without mutual respect between those in power and the opposition, only barricades, blood and violence, only chaos. Or are you trying to achieve this in order to "fish in troubled waters"? I remember the parable-fable of Aesop, the ancient Greek, about the gardener and the potter. The gardener prayed for rain, the potter for no rain. So in society, the difference of interests is such that give free rein to the elements, there will be a bloody showdown and war.

It is necessary to look for compromises, a golden mean, and not heads, figuratively speaking, to break through each other. United Russia has a certain force (part of the people) behind it, and it must be respected, just as a potter must respect the interests of a gardener.

As long as the opposition will throw mud at each other and "ER", until then we will not have normal democratic institutions. And United Russia Of course, you still need to learn and learn to respect the opposition ...

Golden mean

Where did it come from and what does the expression mean golden mean? And why middle, in fact, golden?

Expression golden mean belongs to the category of intuitive. And the logic of its appearance can be easily traced. Adjective gold, golden in all languages ​​is a synonym for something good, positive, pleasant, right, desirable ... So, golden mean, this is, as it were, the correct middle, the desired middle. And what is the middle? The middle is the equidistant place from both extreme points of something, whether it be a measured object or an abstract concept. The middle is where opposing forces are balanced, where no extreme decision or point of view outweighs the other. If we talk, for example, about such abstract concepts as “decision”, “deed”, then the concept of the golden mean is in harmony with the phrases “balanced decision”, “balanced act” ...

In general, the golden mean is what allows you to avoid extreme and risky steps. Often the golden mean is golden because it is the only true one in a particular situation.

People who prefer extremes golden mean characterized as cautious, indecisive, not prone to conflicts or adventures.

Other interesting expressions from Russian speech:

To know by heart - this expression is familiar to everyone from school. Know on

The expression tooth for tooth is quite simple and clear, like Newton's third law. Means

One of the main versions of the origin of the expression If the mountain does not go to Mohammed,

Expression There is life in the old dog yet with a high degree of probability went

One more, last tale, and my chronicle is over...

0 In our country, and in any other, an excellent knowledge of the native language, and the turns of speech included in it, should become the hallmark of any young man who wants to show himself on the positive side. However, not everyone can confidently operate with bright phraseological units, and therefore we decided to help citizens in this difficult matter. Today we will talk about an intuitive expression, Golden mean, you can find out the value a little lower.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend reading a couple of other entertaining publications on the subject of proverbs and sayings. For example, what does it mean Put on hold; how to understand the phrase prodigal son; the meaning of the expression Sing praises; what does it mean to suck from the finger, etc.
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So let's continue Meaning of the golden mean? This term was coined by the Roman philosopher and poet Horace, and on Latin the saying sounded like " aurea mediocritas", which can literally be translated as " golden moderation".

Golden mean- this expression denotes the optimal choice between two extremes

Golden mean is something that is characterized by the absence of any extremes

Golden mean- this is what can help to avoid risky and extremely dangerous steps


Russia does not need to rush to extremes, between bombing Washington or surrendering all our positions to it. It is necessary to find a middle ground, and then everyone will be happy, except for the liberals, but this is not surprising.

I do not want to give advice to the EU, they hardly need it, but nevertheless, you still have to choose the golden mean.

It is worth noting that the word "golden" in most languages ​​is a synonym for something good, kind, right. From this we can conclude that the "golden mean" is a kind of right middle, a pleasant middle.

For some, especially inquisitive citizens, the question may arise, what is this very middle?

middle- this is the central part of something, a place equidistant from the edges, ends of something, whether it be an abstract concept or an object

Essentially, the middle is that area where opposing forces are in balance, and where no extreme point or solution can " pull the blanket"on yourself. If it comes to such concepts as" action" or " thought", then the phrase "golden mean" is consistent with the expressions " weighted thoughts", "weighted action".

Usually, " golden mean"The act that is correct in a certain situation is called. Usually, people who choose the "golden mean" all their lives are characterized as not prone to adventures, conflicts, indecisive, and not quarrelsome.
Although, if you look from a different point of view, the ability to find and maintain such a "golden mean" is a sign of a far from mediocre mind.
People, during a dispute, trying to find the so-called consensus, just in the end find the very one " golden mean".

Known in narrow circles Machiavelli(Italian thinker, philosopher, writer, political figure ), noted that failures in business stem from the fact that people for the most part try to adhere to the "golden mean", remaining indecisive, and unable to take sides.
Even allies are afraid of such personalities, because you don’t know what they can throw out at a certain moment. And only uncompromising people occupy high positions in life, and are able to infuse the history of not only the country, but the world as a whole.

By reading this article, you have learned Meaning of the golden mean, and now you can explain this expression to your acquaintances and friends.

Golden mean

Golden mean
From Latin: Aurea mediocritas (aurea mediocritas).
From the second book "Od" (the tenth ode) of the famous Roman poet Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus, 65-8 BC):
The one who is true to the golden mean,
Wisely avoid and wretched roof,
And what feeds envy in others -
Weird devils.

Hence the expression: “keep the golden mean”, that is, behave reasonably, avoiding extremes and risk.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Golden mean

So they say about some decision, a course of action, alien to extremes, risk. This expression, "aurea mediocritas", is from the 2nd book of the odes of the Roman poet Horace.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004


See what the "Golden Mean" is in other dictionaries:

    - (mediocrity). Wed You are just the golden mean, which gets along everywhere ... in its own way. Dostoevsky. Demons. 1, 1, 8. Cf. Each of your actions must be thought over, considered with the circumstances, its consequences must be clarified for yourself, and not rush into the water, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Moderation, measure Dictionary of Russian synonyms. golden mean n., number of synonyms: 3 measure (250) norm ... Synonym dictionary

    Golden mean- Golden Mean ♦ Médieté This concept (in Greek mesotes) is in Aristotle. So, he called virtue itself the golden mean "between the types of depravity, one of which is from excess, the other from lack." The golden mean is the concept, ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    GOLD, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    GOLDEN MEAN- that the Optimal position, devoid of extremes. This refers to the situation, mode of action, behavior (P), in which they try to find the middle, least conflict path, try to avoid risky decisions. book. ✦ P is the golden mean. As an additional… Phrasebook Russian language

    golden mean- Approval. Only ed. An image of action, behavior, thoughts, etc., devoid of extremes. Hold on, hold on to… what? the golden mean; what is the golden mean? in actions, in deeds, in everything ... My friend does not like to take risks, he always adheres to ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    Translation of the expression: aurea mediocritas, used by Horace (Od. II, 10, 5) to mean the proper course of action, alien to all extremes. Now this expression is usually used in an ironic sense ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Razg. A way of behavior in which extremes, risky decisions are avoided; intermediate position. FSRYA, 422; BMS 1998, 523; SHZF 2001, 85 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Golden mean- Express. The image of action, behavior, devoid of extremes; intermediate position. Rubtsov Yemnitsky was an agile person and in his work he loved not the golden mean, but extremes (S. Babaevsky. Cavalier of the Golden Star). Translation from Latin sayings ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Golden mean- a state when the influences on the object are compensated so that the rate of change of parameters is zero, and this state of equilibrium is stable; for example, in mechanics, when a position deviates from equilibrium, such a force arises that ... ... Lem's world - dictionary and guide


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