Essay on the topic: “Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh. Write an essay-reasoning “What advice from Vladimir Monomakh do I consider important and why? Teacher's final words

Studying ancient Russian literature, we come across the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh, which he addressed to his sons, but it turned out that the significance of the teachings is great, and therefore they are relevant even in our time. This is like a will that the prince left not only to his children, but also to us, the readers. And now, many centuries later, the teachings of Monomakh guide everyone on the true path and touch upon moral and political issues. Thanks to the essay for grade 7, we will learn about instructions and short biography prince with a letter to Oleg Svyatoslavich. Now let's write on the topic: Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh.

Vladimir Monomakh teaching

Vladimir Monomakh, Prince of Kiev, was the most authoritative prince of the Russian land and ruled at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries. At this time he writes his instructions. First of all, in my essay-reasoning, moral instructions should be noted. The prince calls not to forget God, not to be proud, to be kind and respect elders. Monomakh calls not to be lazy, to avoid lies, to help the weak, the disadvantaged, and to support widows and orphans. Vladimir gives a lot in his teachings practical advice, including not trampling other people’s crops, learning languages ​​and the like. The prince calls for special attention to be paid to guests.

What does Monomakh teach? It seems to me, first of all, the prince teaches relationships between people, talks about self-improvement and the need to adhere to moral principles.

At the same time, the prince speaks not only about everyday advice. He also touches on political issues, showing how important it is to stop civil strife that harms the country's economy. He says how much these civil strife weaken the state. In the Instructions, the prince calls for public order. Vladimir also points out that the good of the state and its people is in the hands of the princes. It is very important to rule in peace, which leads any state to prosperity.

Getting acquainted with Monomakh in his teachings, I note that the prince was educated, well-read, erudite, he was a champion of enlightenment. He believed that the prince is a role model, an example for others, so you need to be worthy of this high title.

What is striking in the work is the letter to his brother, who was the murderer of Vladimir’s son. We see that the prince forgives the murderer. As for me, this is a strong act, I would never be able to forgive the killer, although I understand that at that time, during wars, deaths were a common occurrence.

I will conclude my essay “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh in the 7th grade” with the opinion that the teachings written to my sons are wonderful, valuable and most importantly, they are relevant to this day.

summary of other presentations

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“Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh” - Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh. Vladimir Monomakh was not only a wise statesman. Military feat is the duty of the prince to the people. Monomakh and the church. Tell us about the features of ancient Russian literature. Lesson objectives. "Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh. What is Vladimir Monomakh famous for? Let us turn to the first period of ancient Russian literature. Battle of Monomakh with the Polovtsians. Remember. What the old monk remembers.

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Lesson objectives:


– systematization and deepening of students’ knowledge about the genres of ancient Russian literature; formation of an idea of ​​the “Instruction” as an ancient Russian cultural monument; deepening knowledge about Vladimir Monomakh, his role in Russian history and culture, the relevance of his work.


– development of thinking, memory; formation of communication skills, skills in working with computer programs; improving the skills of comparison and comparison of information obtained independently from different sources;


– developing a sense of responsibility for the assigned work, the ability to work in a group; nurturing moral qualities in students through the image of Vladimir Monomakh.

Preliminary homework: collect information about DRL genres. Prepare projects about the life of Vladimir Monomakh, about the contents of the full text of the “Teachings” of Vladimir Monomakh; compose a “Teaching” to your peers.

Epigraph for the lesson: “He who has ears, let him hear...” (from the “Gospel” of Matthew).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory speech by the teacher. Goal setting.

Hello guys and guests. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the DRL monument - “Teaching” by Vladimir Monomakh. Write down in your notebooks the date and topic of the lesson: “The meaning of the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh.”

As an epigraph for the lesson, I took the words from the “Gospel” of Matthew: “He who has ears, let him hear.” How do you understand it? Write it down.

Based on the topic of the lesson and the epigraph, set a learning task for the lesson. (Find out what the meaning of the “Teaching” is in our time, why it is interesting for us.) Thank you, that’s right.

I would like you guys to demonstrate not only your knowledge in today’s lesson, but also show how you can translate it into real projects and use it not only in lessons, but also in life.

Homework will be related to what will be discussed in class. Write it down: write a miniature essay “What advice from Vladimir Monomakh do I consider important and why?”

Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher. Teaching is one of the genres of DRL. Let's remember what this genre is and what other genres existed in DRL.

A group of guys received the task of conducting a survey in an interesting form on the topic “DRL genres.” Annex 1. Let's see what they did. (Assignment to class). I ask you to write down the names of the genres that will be discussed.

Students solve a crossword puzzle, the word “teaching” appears vertically. The names of genres are written in notebooks.

Crossword discussion. Sample questions for group 1.

– Why did you choose these genres?

– What other genres existed in DRL?

Teacher. What do you think is the significance of DRL? Why do you need to know and study it?

– Tell me, guys, what did you learn by completing this task?

Teacher. Well done boys. You prepared well and conducted an interesting survey, and learned a lot about the DRL genres. You completed your task and deserve excellent marks.

3. Protection of student projects.

  • We have already become acquainted with a fragment from the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh. Who is Vladimir Monomakh? What did you manage to find out about him, about his life? (Student presentation “The Life of the “Blessed, Christ-loving and Grand Duke of All Rus'” Vladimir Monomakh”.) Appendix 2
  • Class assignment: make a plan for the biography of V. Monomakh.

    Discussion of the project. Sample questions for group 2.

    – One of the tasks you set was to identify the traits of a historical figure in the personality of V. Monomakh. What features did you find important?

    – How can I use your presentation?

    – What sources did you turn to while working on the project?

    – Were you interested in working on the project?

    Teacher. You did a good job and deserve the highest marks. Thank you.

    We learned a lot of interesting things about the personality of Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh. Let's take a break: let's do some physical education.

    • Physical education minute

    The glorious prince Monomakh ruled in Rus'. (Turns of the torso.)
    For those who have not heard of him, listen and understand:
    He was honest, and brave, and full of strength (Waving his arms.)
    To collect holy Rus', to save it from war.
    He delivered Rus' from the Polovtsian tribes. (Bends the body.)
    He made friends with all the princes and led them.
    Monomakh gave the following order to his sons: (Rotate eyes.)
    Live in friendship, respect the old and sick,
    Don’t be lazy, study, value friendship. (Rotations with hands.)
    And then Rus' will remember its sons.

    Teacher. Vladimir Monomakh was an extraordinary person, a wise man, if he created the “Instruction”, which is still relevant today. Let's try to figure out what its relevance is.

    The third group of children studied in detail the full text of the “Teaching”. Tell us about the work you have done.

    • What is the history of creation, structure and content of the “Teaching”? (Student presentation “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as a testament to descendants”). Appendix 3

    Class assignment: write down the structure of the “Teaching.”

    Discussion of the project. Sample questions for group 3.

    – Don’t you think that the “Teaching” is outdated these days?

    – How did you work on the project?

    – What was the most difficult?

    Teacher. Thanks guys. You have understood the structure and content of the “Teaching” quite deeply, have done a lot of serious work and are getting excellent grades.

    • What advice from the “blessed prince” Vladimir Monomakh seems useful and relevant to you in our time? What would you add to them? (Student project. Booklet “Teachings to good people.”) Appendix 4

    Discussion of the project. Sample questions for group 4.

    – How do you explain the choice of such advice to your peers?

    – Why didn’t you limit yourself to giving advice to children and peers and turned to adults?

    – Why did you choose the booklet form to implement your project?

    Teacher. What did you learn from completing the task?

    – How can your work be used practically?

    Well done guys, you did a really good job and honestly earned excellent marks.

    4. Final word from the teacher.

    The outstanding monument of the DRL - the "Teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh - must be considered in the context of the historical era of the end of the 11th century. Certainly, political activity Vladimir Monomakh himself was by no means always morally impeccable. In his activities there were cases of deceit, and violation of promises, and cruel treatment of the population of captured cities. All this is true!

    And for all that, Monomakh knew how to admit his mistakes, knew how, as in the case of Oleg, to forgive his sworn enemy. His example is amazing. And instructive for us. Remember the epigraph to the lesson: “He who has ears, let him hear...”. I hope that today you not only heard, but also understood much of what the great Vladimir Monomakh bequeathed to us, his descendants.

    5. Lesson summary. Reflection.

    – Was the lesson interesting? Was the lesson useful to you? How? Will the skills and abilities acquired while working on projects be useful to you in the future?

    By preparing for the lesson on your own, you were able to acquire new knowledge, comprehend it and present it in the form of a crossword puzzle, presentations, or booklet. That is, you showed how you can use your knowledge in practice.

    Thank you for a fruitful and interesting lesson.

    "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" -

    The moral testament of our ancestors.

    Lesson objectives: 1) give an idea of ​​the genre of teaching in ancient Russian literature..

    1. the concept of ancient Russian literature, the features of storytelling in the genre of “words”;
    2. development of logic, the ability to analyze proposed texts, highlight common features, and create your own text on this basis;
    3. nurturing independence and responsibility, familiarizing with the values ​​of Orthodox culture, nurturing the qualities of citizenship and patriotism.

    Equipment: teaching text, slide presentation, statements about ancient Russian literature by great people, information basis - Internet sites


    Today we will continue our acquaintance with the DRL monument - the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh.

    Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebooks: “Teachings” of Vladimir Monomakh” - the moral testament of our ancestors.”

    «» As an epigraph for the lesson, I took the words from the “Gospel”, which became a proverb: “As you want people to do to you, do so to them, for this is the law...”.

    So, for the second lesson we are studying ancient Russian literature.

    Let's read Turgenev's words

    Slide 1 – writing the topic of the lesson.

    Slides 2-3 (words by Turgenev and Likhachev, a famous researcher of ancient Russian culture).

    Why do you need to study ancient Russian literature? Works written several centuries ago?

    Let's remember in what century did ancient Russian literature appear? (In the tenth century.)

    I.S. Turgenev and D.S. Likhachev argue that the past and present are connected and our distant ancestors help solve today's problems.


    Today we are studying another work. Why do you think you should know it?

    So, we need to find out what the significance of the “Teaching” is for our time, why it is interesting for us, and try to understand its meaning.


    What does Vladimir Monomakh teach us? Should we follow his advice?What people's advice do you listen to?

    Let's hear who he was.

    Class assignment: write down the chronology of the life of Vladimir Monomakh.


    Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh was born on May 26, 1053. His father was Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Through his mother, Vladimir was the grandson of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh. The family name of the latter passed to the Russian prince.

    According to testimony, Vladimir Monomakh in childhood was an obedient son, in his youth he was brave on the battlefield, friendly at home, and respectful to his parents.

    From the age of 13, he and his father began to take part in princely labors - military campaigns and hunts. Around 1067 (presumable date) Vladimir Monomakh became the prince of Rostov. Then he ruled Smolensk, and later Chernigov.

    After the death of his father, real power over Kiev was in the hands of Vladimir. However, he voluntarily cedes Kyiv to his cousin Svyatopolk.

    The great merit of Prince Vladimir Monomakh was the defeat of the Polovtsians. The Polovtsians regularly attacked the Pereyaslav Principality, where Monomakh settled. At the cost of incredible efforts, the princes manage to reconcile with each other and stop the endless internecine wars.

    Vladimir Monomakh organizes large joint campaigns in the Steppe, in which the strongest Russian princes of that time take part. Rus' was liberated.

    When he died Kyiv prince Svyatopolk, Vladimir Monomakh headed the government of the country.

    In 1116, Vladimir fought against the Greeks, supporting the deposed Byzantine Emperor Diogenes, since Vladimir's daughter (Maria) was married to Diogenes' son Leon. Diogenes died, and the new Byzantine emperor Alexei sent a royal crown, the famous Monomakh's Cap, to Monomakh, and placed it on Vladimir's head, calling him king. Russian sovereigns were subsequently crowned with this crown; it is kept in Armory Chamber Moscow Kremlin.

    The Grand Duke died on May 19, 1125. According to the chronicle,“His fame spread throughout all countries; he was a brotherly lover and a lover of the poor and a good sufferer (worker) for the Russian land; ... all the people cried for him, as children cry for their father or mother.”


    What kind of ruler was the prince?(It seems to us that Monomakh was an extraordinary person for his time, a statesman of the Russian Middle Ages. He was a man who cared primarily about glory and honor native land. - So, Vladimir Monomakh was an extraordinary person, a wise and courageous ruler.


    So, I think you can learn from such a person. Monomakh had extensive life experience; This is a noble man who always thought about the good of his state. This is an energetic, enterprising prince, endowed with military virtues, who spent his entire life in tireless labor and in dangerous military campaigns.)


    Vladimir Monomakh was not only a good ruler, but hadliterary talent.Having lived a glorious life, he writes, shortly before his death, a teaching for his sons, in which he lists examples from his own life which he considers worthy of imitation. In the text of the Laurentian Chronicle, 2 works of Vladimir Monomakh were discovered -« A lesson to your children" And " Message to cousin Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich».

    In our textbook there is an excerpt “A lesson to your children». To children - not only to their children, but to all their subjects.

    How do you understand the meaning of the word " child"? ( 1.V. I. Dal: 1. Child, child; son daughter. 2. Spiritual son or daughter, godfather.God gave them a child. With children and household members. The father is with a bipod, and the child is with a spoon. God has given birth to a child! A child was born, older than his grandmother (he’s being smart). Sweet is the conversation of your children. Children - servants, squad, militia, warriors.)

    So, Teaching is a special genre ancient Russian literature, in whicha model of behavior was given for rulers and ordinary people, vices were exposed, virtues were glorified.


    Teaching how literary genre had its own rules of creation.

    1. For Old Russian l iterate The author must humbly request not to laugh at his description.(reading introduction)
    2. The purpose of the introduction is to attract the reader’s attention and convince him of the benefits of what has been written.
    3. Then come the teachings themselves.

    Expressive reading.

    Before reading, assign the class:write down what you think is best important tips not only for that time, but also for us.

    We will have our own chronicler in our class; he writes down the teachings that seem important to the majority.

    - “The eulogy was written in the 11th century, is it not outdated?

    - Let's listen to our lesson writer,What tips do you think are the most important?


    Have you ever listened to instructions and advice in your life?

    Have you ever had to mentor anyone?

    Assignment: following the structure of the teaching, write advice to your friend in the form of a teaching.

    (to study well in order to become useful to our homeland; to be good children for our parents in order to become a support for them in the future; to be healthy so as not to waste the time allotted to us for life on treatment; to be devoted to our homeland in order to repay our debt to it in full)

    5. Lesson summary. Reflection.

    - Was the lesson interesting? Was the lesson useful to you? How? Will the acquired skills and abilities be useful to you in the future?

    1 Write an essay-reasoning. “What advice from Vladimir Monomakh do I consider important and why?”