Multiplication table for the number 5. II. Checking homework

Means that provide the educational process in the classroom: textbook, notebook, m/m projector, computer.

Lesson Objectives:

    contribute to the formation of an understanding of the meaning of multiplication and division with the number 5;

    make a multiplication and division table with the number 5;

    fix multiplication and division tables for 2,3,4;

    to promote the development of counting skills, thinking, attention, through work in pairs, groups, independently;

    broaden the horizons of students.

Planned results:

subject :
- be able to draw up a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and use it;
– apply the knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with the number 5 when performing calculations.
Metasubject :
- understand the learning objective of the lesson;
- interact in a group, in pairs when performing educational tasks;
- evaluate the results of their achievements in the lesson.
Personal :
- correlate the result of their activities with the goal and evaluate it;
- express and justify your point of view.


I. Organizational moment


    organizing the mood of students for learning activities;

    to form the ability to plan work in the lesson, to follow the tasks set.

Student activities

Teacher activity



We start our lesson with planning

1. Mental account

2. Determine the topic and objectives of the lesson
We defineWhat we will do andwhat study

3. Apply knowledge.How we will apply knowledge: work in a group, in pairs, independently, use a textbook, a computer.

4. Check if the goals have been achieved:What learned,what have learned.


What do we always start our lesson with?

Name the steps that we will walk today.

On the board is a ladder. In the course of the children's answers, notes appear on each step.

II. Knowledge update


    actualization of knowledge of the multiplication table and division by 2,3,4;

    development of spatial imagination through work with geometric material.

Write down the number in notebooks, class work.

Perform mental calculations and write the result in a notebook.

They work in pairs. They exchange notebooks and check the work of a neighbor.
Evaluate the work of a neighbor on the desk.
They return notebooks to each other.

They raise their hand.

They raise their hand.

Still need to learn the table

Arithmetic dictation dictates:
- Three times seven.
- 36 divided by 4.
- Divisible 14, divisor 7, find the quotient.
– First multiplier 8, second multiplier 4,
find the work.
- 18 divided by 3.
- 6 times 4.
– Find the product of numbers 3 and 5.

Mutual verification. Exchange notebooks and check your neighbor's work.
- Appreciate the work.
Swap with a roommate.
- Raise your hand, who wrote without errors.
- Raise your hand those who have 1-2 mistakes.
- Raise your hand those who have 3 or more mistakes.
- Are there guys who have everything wrong?
- What conclusions did you draw?

slide 1

Students evaluate the work according to the following criteria:

0 errors - "5"
1-2 mistakes - "4"
3-4 mistakes - "3"
5 or more errors - "2"

III. Definition of the topic, objectives of the lesson


    determining the topic of the lesson;

    setting goals for the lesson;

    setting your own goal this lesson every child;

    determining the forms of work in the lesson to achieve the goals.

Group work

Let's solve the chain.
Children's answers.

Got the number 5.

Sharp corner.

We will work in groups.
They are divided into 4 groups.

Three minutes.

Groups work

As the task progresses, the groups report on the completion of the work.

Representatives of the groups come to the board and demonstrate the object obtained as a result of the work. This is a star.

A star has 5 corners.
- Two more corners were formed as a result of the construction of the star.
- Pentagon.
We see the number 5 all the time.
So, we will work with the number 5.

Multiplication table with number 5.

The multiplication table for 4 has already been learned, which means that now we will learn the table for 5.

Make a multiplication and division table with the number 5. Remember it.
– Learns to use the table when solving expressions and problems.

5 fingers on the hand, 5 days, 5 years, 5 - good grade, 5 rubles, 5 months.

Look closely at the screen.

What is the resulting number?

What's in my hand?
- Right. I have four sets of such corners.
– How will it be more convenient to work with them?
- It is necessary to make a figure out of three corners, the subject is well known to you.
- How long will this work take?
Controls the time and work of groups.

Gives a signal after 3 minutes.

How many angles does a star have?
“Where did the other two corners come from, since I gave you three corners?”
What figure formed in the center of the star?
- Didn't you notice anything?

Who can determine the topic of the lesson?

Why so decided?

What are the goals for the lesson?

What do you associate the number 5 with?

I can also tell you something about the number 5.
- 5 thousand years - the age of the first toothpaste invented in ancient Egypt
– 5 thousand years old ice cream
– 5 thousand years – the age of the most ancient book
– 5 thousand years old baobab in Africa
- Earthworm has 5 hearts.

slide 2

Each group gets three paper cut corners:< < <

No need to wait for all groups to complete the task. Enough for 3 groups to do it.

slide 3

IV. Fizminutka

Target: prevention of overwork in the classroom.

Perform an exercise

One two three four five.
The bunny went out for a walk.
He patted his ears
He stomped his paws.
I saw five carrots
And sat down for joy:
"I'll be good for lunch!"
We continue our lesson.


Movement of hands over head, stomp feet


Sit down at the desks

V. Work on the topic


    teach children to learn; find the necessary information in the textbook;

    to convey to the understanding of each child the educational task of the lesson;

    students learn to interact in the performance of educational tasks;

    work in pairs.

We can multiply the number 5 by 2,3,4

How many people go to the board and write down:
5x2 = 10
5x3 = 15
- The product of multiplication increases by

5. Make a multiplication table for the number 5.
They go to the blackboard and write down the remaining cases of multiplication.

Swapping multipliers.

Cases of division by the number 5.
- Cases of division when the number 5 is obtained in the quotient.
- It is more convenient to perform in rows.
- 5 minutes
By rows, a table of multiplication by the number 5 and the corresponding cases of division are compiled:

6 x 5 = 30 30:5 = 6
30: 6 = 5

7 x 5 = 35 35:5 = 7

35: 7 = 5
8 x 5 = 40 40:5 = 8
40: 8 = 5
9 x 5 = 45 45:5 = 9
45: 9 = 5

Checking the textbook.

They check. Self-test.
- You need to learn the multiplication and division table with the number 5.

What do we already know about multiplying the number 5?

What is the meaning of multiplying by 5?

What is our task at this stage?

How else can you write this table?
What cases can be considered using this table?
- What is the best way to complete this task?
Distributes the task between the rows.
- How long will it take to complete the task?

Gives a signal about the end of time.
How can we check our work?
– Open your textbooks on p.40.
- Raise your hands, who has no mistakes.
- Raise your hands who have mistakes.
- What was the conclusion?

A table appears on the board:

5 x 5 = 25
5 x 6 = 30
5 x 7 = 35
5 x 8 = 40
5 x 9 = 45

In the process of doing it in a notebook, the guys of each row make notes on the board, a multiplication table for the number 5 appears, as well as two division tables.

Evaluate themselves, their work at this stage.

VI. Knowledge application stage


    determine how students learned the material of the lesson; how fully they can apply their knowledge in practice;

    ability to work independently;

    learn to understand the task, perform, applying the acquired knowledge.

We can complete tasks from the textbook.
– Number 1, p. 40
- According to options

- 3 minutes.

Students work independently

It was necessary to write out from a series of numbers from 1 to 20 numbers that are divisible by 5 and numbers that are divisible by 4.
One student reads, the rest checks.

How can we apply what we have learned?
What task are we going to do?
- What is the best way to do it?
- Option 1 writes out numbers that are divisible by 5;
Option 2 - numbers that are divisible by 4.
- How long will it take to complete this task?

Signals the end of time.
- Check execution
– What should have been done?

Raise your hands those guys who have no mistakes.
- Raise your hands those who have mistakes.

Working in a notebook

If errors are found, it is imperative that children be allowed to express their point of view and argue their choice.

VII. Reflection

Goals: students evaluate their achievements in the lesson

Students remember the objectives of the lesson, their goals.
The level of assimilation of the material is determined: hands on the belt - low level, hands at the shoulders - medium, hands up - high level.

Get up, attach stars.

Do your homework.
- Learn the multiplication table.

What did you learn in class?
- What goals did you set?
Determine how far you have achieved your goals today.
- At the beginning of the lesson, when planning, we set a scale. On this scale, I will ask you to attach stars at the level you think you are.

How can we strengthen our knowledge?

The teacher before the lesson needs to prepare stars.

VIII. Homework


    consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson;

    learn the multiplication table with the number 5.

Students choose a task

Find the tasks in the textbook on p.40
Determine what you can do.
This will be your homework.

Everyone needs to learn the multiplication table. The assignment is optional.

UMK: "School of Russia", grade 3

Topic: "Table of multiplication and division by 5" (№17)

Purpose: to learn to perform multiplication and division by 5

Planned results:


Develop an interest in mathematics

Master the role of the student during the lesson based on the implementation of the rules

Establish relationships with teachers and classmates

Promote interest in acquiring and expanding knowledge and ways of doing things


Understand and accept the learning task of the lesson under the guidance of the teacher and strive to fulfill it

Correlate the result of your activity with the purpose of the lesson and evaluate it

Express and justify your point of view

Work in pairs and groups, perform mental operations of analysis and synthesis when compiling a table for 5


To update the previously studied knowledge of tabular cases of multiplication and division when solving problems of increasing and decreasing "in" and "by"

Introduce the multiplication table and division by 5 based on previously formed representations of the knowledge of the multiplication table by 4

Teach multiplication and division by 5 during practical work and continue learning how to solve equations


Routing lesson

Lesson stages





Formed UUD

Organizational - motivational

Checks readiness and motivates students for learning activities

So friends


The bell rang again.

Sit back

Let's start the lesson now!

Organizes work with a proverb in order to determine its meaning

"Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom"

Let's see what piece of wisdom we will get in today's lesson.

Check readiness and tune in for the lesson

Read the proverb, put forward their assumptions to determine the meaning of this proverb

Regulatory - control, self-control

Knowledge update


consolidate skills in problem solving

increase and decrease "in", "on"

Organizes a mental account by solving problems of increasing and decreasing "in" and "on"

Carlson ate 4 buns for breakfast, and 2 times more cakes. How many cakes did Carlson eat at breakfast? 4 2 \u003d 8 (p.)

To hide from the slut, the trousers ran 18 m, and the shirt ran 9 m less. How many meters did the shirt run, running away from the slut? 18 - 9=9(m)

Cheburashka was sitting in a box of oranges. Oranges weighed 12 kg, and Cheburashka - 2 times less. How many kg did Cheburashka weigh? 12:2=6(kg)

Uncle Fyodor caught 13 fish, and Sharik - 6 fish less. How many fish did Sharik catch? 13-6=7(p.)

Crocodile Gena made 7 gift boxes, and Cheburashka - 2 boxes less. How many gift boxes did Cheburashka make?

Arrange the results in ascending order

  1. 6 7 8 9

Offers to increase each number in a row by 5 times

Write down the answers in a notebook.

Arrange the numbers in ascending order in the notebook.

Increase the number by 5 times.

Regulatory - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and mastered by students, and what is still unknown.

Cognitive- formulation of a cognitive goal

Communicative -

Setting the goal of the lesson.

Organizes an introductory dialogue on the formulation of the learning task:

What caused you difficulty?

What else can't you do?

What needs to be learned?

What do I need to do?

They answer questions.

Formulate a learning task.

(make a multiplication table by 5, solve problems examples)

Regulatory- drawing up a plan and sequence of actions

Cognitive -

"Discovery of new knowledge".

Speaking new knowledge

Organizes the work of compiling a table for 5 on page 40 of the textbook

Why is the case 5 · 5 considered first in the multiplication table? (the previous cases are already known)- - Replace the product of 5 · 5 with the sum.

What does 5 5 mean? (5 take 5 times). What is a work equal to?

What happens to the second multiplier? (increased by 5)

How does the product change with an increase in one of the factors?

On the "chain" we fill in 1 column.

Organizes the pronunciation of new knowledge on the completed table using an algorithm

(5 5 \u003d 25 - if the product is divided by one of the factors, then we get the second factor;

5 6 \u003d 30, 6 5 \u003d 30 - the product does not change from permutation of factors, 30: 5 \u003d 6,


5 7=35 - similar

5 8; 5 9 - similar

Answer the teacher's questions and complete the table

Speak the multiplication table and division by 5 using the algorithm

Regulatory- accept and save the learning task, control, comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard (demonstration table)

Cognitive- building a logical chain of reasoning


(see Appendix No. 1)

Independent work with self check.

Organizes independent work in the lesson with verification according to the standard

Page 40, No. 2 (1, 2 columns)

Do their own work in a notebook, compare with the standard

Regulatory- control, self-control


Organizes frontal work on individual cards in order to determine numbers that are multiples of 5

(see Appendix No. 2)

Offers to solve equations in groups based on a table

(see Appendix No. 3)

Perform tasks on cards:

choose, write down and name the rule on which they relied when performing the task

Carry out mutual verification

Personal- show independence, accept social role the student, determine the meaning of the task, show motivation in educational and cognitive activity

Communicative -the ability to negotiate with a partner, accurately express one's thoughts, control, correction

Summary of the lesson.


Leads students, determines the outcome of the lesson.

What wisdom have you learned?

Can we now complete the mental arithmetic task?

Complete the task.

Organizes frontal work with subsequent verification of the task.

Offers to evaluate the result of his work (smiley: see Appendix No. 4)

Formulate the final result of their work in the lesson and name the main positions of the new material

Paint the smiley in the desired color

Personal - the action of meaning formation, moral and ethical evaluation, evaluation of digestible content.

Personal- the formation of an adequate positive self-esteem, show an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bindependence and personal responsibility in the process of teaching mathematics


№ 1 We worked together

And now we need to sleep

Hush, hush, hush

She came to our room.

Multiply, multiply

We are very, very tired.

One - two - above the head,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Let's sit down and rest

№2 Among the numbers, find multiples of 5, write them in a notebook and read the resulting word


54 40 18 36 63 15 21 30 49 5 56


27 35 20 14 48 10 12 8 45 81 25


№3Solving equations.

  1. How to find an unknown factor, dividend, divisor?

Group work

x 3 =15

2 x = 10




I know everything and I can --- green color

I doubt my knowledge --- yellow color

I don't know, I can't - red

Math lesson in grade 3 on the topic "Table of multiplication and division with the number 5" (UMK "School of Russia").

Goals: 1. Make a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it;

2. To consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with the numbers 2, 3, 4;

3. develop the ability to work independently and in pairs.

Planned results: 1. Students will learn how to make a multiplication and division table and use it;

2. Understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

3. Correlate the result of their activities with the goal and evaluate it;

4. Express and argue your point of view.



Lesson "Table of multiplication and division with the number 5"

Goals: make a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it; consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with the numbers 2, 3, 4; develop the ability to work independently and in pairs.

Planned results:students will learn how to make a multiplication and division table and use it; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; correlate the result of their activities with the goal and evaluate it; express and justify your point of view.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

1. Individual work

(Two students work at the blackboard.)

Specify the order of actions and calculate the values ​​of expressions.

6 * 4 - 3 * 5 18: 9 – 6: 3

36: 4 + 3 * 7 20: (14: 7) + 32

4 * 8 - (33 - 28) 24: (15 - 7)+ 59

Compare. Put signs >

1 dm About 12 cm 1 m About 9 dm

2 dm About 19 cm 88 cm About 1 m

1 dm 4 cm O 41 cm 4 cm O 50 mm

2. Mental account

Double the sum of the numbers 35 and 15. (100.)

How much more is 38 than 19? (On 19.)

The product of numbers 8 and 4 increase by 28 (60.)

Multiply the quotient of numbers 28 and 4 by 3 (21.)

What number is 9 times less than 36? (4.)

Subtract 5 from the sum of the numbers 25 and 38. (58.)

What number must 43 be subtracted from to get 28? (71.)

Divide the quotient of 20 and 2 by 5. (2.)

(Checking individual work at the blackboard.)

III. Self-determination to activity


2 * 5 5 * 2

3 * 5 5 * 3

4 * 5 5 * 4

What helped you to perform calculations quickly? (Knowledge of the multiplication table with numbers 2, 3, 4.)

What rule did you use when calculating the answers in the examples of the second column? (.)

What will be the next example? (5 * 5.)

What do you need to know to quickly calculate the answer in this example? (Multiplication table with number 5.)

Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Open with. 40 and look at the first column of the table. How was the value of the product 5 * 5 calculated? (5 + 5 + 5 + + 5 + 5 or 20 + 5.)

How much larger will each next piece be? ( On 5 .)

Write down the multiplication table for 5 in your notebook.

Make your own multiplication table for the number 5.


Rearranging the factors does not change the product..)

Look at the meanings of the pieces. What interesting thing did you notice? (All answers end in 0 or 5.)

What division examples can be made from the product of 5 * 5? (25:5=5.)

What rule did you use? (If you divide the product by one of the factors, you get another factor.)

Make your own division table with the number 5


No. 1 (p. 40).

(Independent performance. Check. Students call the numbers in chorus; 5, 10. 15, 20; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.)

No. 3 (p. 40).

Read the task.

How many meters of fabric was there? (24 m.)

Did all the fabric go to the coat? (No, 10m cut off for suits.)

How many meters of fabric were used on the coat? (24 m - 10 m.)

Fill the table.

How many steps are involved in solving a problem? ( Two .)

What will you learn in the first act? (Total fabric consumption.)

What will you learn in the second act? (Fabric consumption per coat.)

Write down the solution and the answer to the problem.


V. Physical education

VI. Consolidation of the studied material

Textbook work

No. 4 (p. 40).

(Self-execution. Verification.)

What rule did you use to solve the problem? (To find out how much one number is greater or less than another, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number..)

No. 5 (p. 40).

(Self-execution. Check according to the sample.)

Fill in the magic square in the margins.


Name the sum of the square. (78.)

Read the numbers in the middle row. (24, 26, 28.)

Read the numbers on the top line. (25, 30, 23.)

VII. Reflection

(“Test yourself” (textbook, p. 40). Self-fulfillment. Check. Answers are written on the board: 40, 6, 9, 52.)

VIII. Summing up the lesson

What did you learn in the lesson?

To whom and for what would you like to thank today?


4 Slide title - Subtract 5 from the sum of the numbers 25 and 38. - From what number do you need to subtract 43 to get 28? - Divide the quotient of 20 and 2 by 5.

5 Slide title Test Yourself 100, 19, 60, 21, 4, 58, 71, 2

6 Slide title 2 5 = 5 2 = 3 5 = 5 3 = 4 5 = 5 4 =

7 Slide title Fabric consumption per coat Number of coats Total fabric consumption? 7 pcs. 24 m. - 10 m.

8 Slide title "Check Yourself" 40, 6, 9, 52

9 Slide title

Mathematics lesson in grade 2 (program "Perspective")

Compiled by Vyatkina Kristina Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher

Topic: "Table of multiplication and division by 5"

Purpose: to make a multiplication table and division by 5, learn how to use it and work on memorizing it.

Expected results: Students will learn how to use the multiplication table and divide by five, apply the knowledge gained in practice, learn how to make control and mutual control.

Formation of universal educational activities - UUD

cognitive : compose and use tables of multiplication and division by 5; correctly and meaningfully build mathematical statements; analyze objects and establish relationships.

Regulatory: plan your action in accordance with the task; evaluate the correctness of the performance of an action at the level of an adequate assessment; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Communicative : participate in a dialogue, formulate one's own position, listen and understand others; cooperate when working in pairs, control the actions of a partner.

Personal : to form educational and cognitive interest in the new learning material; express their own opinions and give them justification; own elementary objective methods of self-assessment of performance results.

Basic concepts: multiplication table, the relationship between the components of the action of multiplication and division, the properties of multiplication.

Resources: presentation for the lesson, task cards, math notebook, route and assessment sheets for each student.

Technological map of the lesson. Outline plan

Teacher activity





1. Motivation for learning activities

Target: Inclusion of students in the educational process

Let's think, discuss

And help each other

Students read the motto along with the teacher on the slide

Self-regulation to learning activities (R)

Awareness of the attitude to the educational process (L)

2.Updating knowledge.


Today we will help one hero of a fairy tale who got into a difficult situation. You are ready?


You guessed it (slide 4): this bun.

Remember how his journey through the forest ended? - To avoid such a sad end, we will direct his curiosity in the other direction.

Everyone he meets will give him different tasks and our task is to help him cope. (slide 5.6)

Encounter with a hare

Encounter with the wolf. (slide 7) Little Red Riding Hood carried 8 pies with apples, 6 pies with berries to her grandmother. On the way, she ate 4. How many pies are left - Check (slide 7)

Encounter with a bear. (slide 8)

I have 24 raspberries in my basket, and three cubs. How many raspberries should I give to each of my teddy bears so that it is evenly

Let's check (slide 8)

5) Meeting with the fox equally

Let's check (slide 9)

Kolobok is grateful to you for your help and he does not mind learning from you what you can do. (slide 10)

Do not forget to evaluate yourself for participating in the fate of the kolobok, to cope with the tasks as you could

Individual work of students on cards

60 -35∙0 (b) 40 + 5∙4 (o)

The word comes out:

Work on the score sheet.

The fox ate it

It turns out 15

You can solve the problem in different ways, count the carrots for 2 (3x2) hares, then for 3 (3x3), then add them up. And you can count all the hares (2 + 3), and then multiply 3 by the amount.

Little Red Riding Hood brought only 10 pies. You can calculate like this 8+6-4=10

The number 12 is suitable, it is divisible by 3 and 4

Check answers

Work according to the score sheet, for activity and correct answers

Actualization of mental operations, comparison, choice of letters. (P)

Justify their answers. (L)

Participate in dialogue (K)

Performance evaluation (P)

Cooperation in work with the teacher and other students (.K)

Finding a solution and choosing more rational decision(P) Ability to work in a team, express and prove one's opinion. (TO)

Finding a solution and choosing a more rational solution, comparison with the standard (P)

Collaboration at work (K)

Actualization and generalization of knowledge on the material covered, control and correction (P)

Organization of mental operations: choice of decision method, comparison with the standard. (P)

The ability to give an objective assessment of their activities (L)

3. Problem situation and setting the goal of the lesson.

Target :


Prepare the itinerary sheets that are needed for further travel with the kolobok, if we fill them out correctly, then we are ready to travel further with the kolobok.

( slide 11,) dictation

Check the correctness of filling (slide 12 ).

What is the goal of today's lesson?

Yes, I agree with your goal, this is how we will voice it ( slide 14)

Let's make a multiplication table and divide by 5 and work on memorizing it

Individual work in route sheets.

Math dictation: 2∙6 4∙ 7 4∙3 24:3 10: 2 4∙8 9∙ 5 35:5 children complete the map. Standard check:

It was difficult (or wrong)

in the last two, because we still don’t know the table for 5

Work on score sheets

Our goal today in the lesson: to make a table of multiplication and division by 5 and memorize it.

Trial organization. Repetition of the past. (P)

Correction and control of knowledge (P)

Putting forward a hypothesis, posing a problem (P),

Performance evaluation (P&P)

Self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal (P) formation of educational and cognitive interest in new educational material

4. Construction of a project for getting out of difficulty

Target: find a way out of the difficulty and build a work plan in the lesson.

Let's make a plan for our work in the lesson, for this we recall similar lessons on working with the multiplication and division tables.

Recall what properties of multiplication we will need when working

Why don't the answers change?

What knowledge do we need when compiling a table in division.

What will we do when we make a table?

Based on your answers, here is the work plan (Slide 15)

First, we will make a multiplication table. To do this, we will count by 5 and write down the answers, they will help us not to make mistakes, And then we will swap the factors and the answers will be the same.

We know that rearranging the factors does not change the product.

When composing division, we remember that division is associated with multiplication.

And then we will apply it, solve examples and problems and memorize the table.

Planning your actions in accordance with the task (P)

Planning educational cooperation with the teacher, the correct expression of one's thoughts (K)

Correctly builds mathematical statements, establish relationships (P)

Statement of judgments and their justification (L)

Apply knowledge acquired earlier and compare with new (P)

5.Project implementation.


Practical work

Let's start working on the plan. Let's repeat the count of fives

And now, based on this number series, make a multiplication table 1 column

What will we take into account when compiling column 2? .

They count in chorus and write down on the board the multiples of 5: 5,10,15,20 ... 50

Independent work of students in printed notebooks. Drawing up a table, collectively .. page 22 - The product does not change from a permutation of factors; independent work of students when filling out 2 columns

Division is the opposite of multiplication.

Self-filling 3 and 4 columns per division.

An educational and cognitive interest in a new educational action is formed (P)

They learn to independently compile a multiplication table and division by 5. (P)

Learn to use the multiplication table, establish analogies (P)

Performance evaluation (P&P)

6. Fizminutka.(slide 16)

We've done a good job and you can rest.

We shared an orange.

We are many, he is one

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This is a slice for a swift,

This is a slice for ducklings

this is for kittens.

This is a slice for a beaver

Well, the peel to the wolf.

He's evil, oh trouble!

Who ran away!

perform a movement in accordance with the text and pronounce the text in chorus

Health Care(L)

Managing one's behavior, self-regulation (P) cooperation in a team (C)

7. Primary fastening


Primary performance of the task with pronunciation.

Work in pairs during peer review

1) Who is the most attentive

And if 15? and if 25? 40? And if 18 is divided equally? Why?

And now let's try to solve the examples themselves using the knowledge that we have received.

2Task 2 p. 23;

We will pronounce columns 1 and 2, and

3 we will do it ourselves with mutual verification

For 5 (list animals)

By 3 (15:3=25); by 5 (25:5=5), by 8 (40:5=8)

18 is not divisible by 5, so it does not work out equally

children take turns doing the task by pronouncing the answers, referring to the table

Evaluation on the score sheet

Ability to apply their knowledge in a non-standard form (P)

Primary application of acquired knowledge, (P).

Situation analysis (R)

Application of acquired knowledge in practice (P)

Conduct mutual checks (P) and evaluate their activities

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system.


Solving equations (No. 3 p. 23).

the standard is given individually, because. the pace of decision is different in children

Problem Solving #5

Work in pairs

When solving equations, we need to remember the name of the components and their relationship.

In what equation will you look for multiplication? And in what division?

If we remember how to solve equations, it will not be difficult to solve them.

Now let's move on to problem solving. Read problem #5 and complete the diagram with data.

Let's create a diagram for the problem:

red green


We often met with such tasks, test your strength and work in pairs. Whose pair finishes first, she will demonstrate her decision on the board

Can this solution be written as an expression? Who will help?

When multiplying: multipliers, and the result is the product. When dividing: dividend, divisor, result-quotient. The multiplier is found by dividing the product by a known multiplier. divider too

we find by division, and we find the dividend by multiplication.

Independent work.

Checking by grading in the score sheet

Read the task.

Drawing up a diagram on the board, checking the correctness of filling,

decide in pairs

The solution shows the first couple at the blackboard explaining:

Repeat the name of the components and their relationship (P) include new knowledge with previously studied

Justification for choosing your solution method (L)

Inclusion in the knowledge system (P)

Correct the acquired knowledge. (P) and evaluate

Repeat and apply knowledge acquired earlier (P)

cooperate when working in pairs, control the actions of a partner (K).

9. Reflection


What was our goal for the lesson?

Have you achieved this goal?

Our lesson is over

Plan completed.

Thanks guys,

Huge to you!

For being persistent

worked hard

Make a table for 5 and memorize it. Apply it.

We think we did it6 solved examples, equations.

Work on score sheets

Explanation of the choice of grade for work in the lesson.

Participate in dialogue, formulate one's own position, listen and understand others (K)

Evaluation of the correctness of the action in the lesson; making the necessary adjustments based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made. (P)

Give a rationale for evaluating your performance (L)

Lesson plan.

    Motivation for learning activities.

Target: Inclusion of students in the educational process.

Let's read the motto of our lesson. (Lesson presentation; slide 2)

Let's think, discuss

And help each other. (Children read in chorus with the teacher).

    Knowledge update.

Target: Preparation for the perception of new material. Repetition of the past.

Today we will help one hero of a fairy tale who got into a difficult situation. You are ready?

1)Guess- the name of this fairy tale hero (slide 3, each student has individual cards)

    30 + 15: 2 (l) 36 - 24 ∙ 1 (k)

    60 -35∙0 (b) 40 + 5∙4 (o)

You guessed it (slide 4): this bun.

Each of you has an evaluation sheet, after each stage you will evaluate yourself and at the end you will be able to say how you worked.

Remember how his journey through the forest ended? (children's answers)

To avoid such a sad end, we will direct his curiosity in the other direction.

Everyone with whom he meets will give him different tasks, and our task is to help him cope. (slide 5.6)

2) Encounter with a hare. Three neighbors jumped up to two hares at lunchtime. Together they all sat in a circle and ate 3 carrots. Guess, if dexterous, how many carrots are eaten? (children solve the problem orally, say the answer and explain the solution).

- Indeed, there are two ways to solve this problem: (slide 6)

3) Encounter with the wolf. (slide 7)

Little Red Riding Hood carried 8 pies with apples, 6 pies with berries to her grandmother. On the way, she ate 4. How many pies are left

Let's check (slide 7)

4) Encounter with a bear. (slide 8)

I have 24 raspberries in my basket, and three cubs. How many raspberries should I give each of my teddy bears so that it is evenly distributed? ? (children give answers and explanation).

Let's check (slide 8)

5) Meeting with the fox. (slide 9) I have a few peas in my hand. I can them equally divided between 3 or 4 cubs. How many peas do I have? ? (children give answers and explanation).

Let's check (slide 9)

Kolobok is grateful to you for your help and he does not mind learning from you what you can do. Don't forget to rate yourself. (children evaluate themselves according to the evaluation sheet).

3. Problem situation and setting the goal of the lesson.

Target : Organization of the implementation of a trial action and an exit to the problem to set the goal of the lesson.

Prepare route maps. We will now fill them in and see if we are ready to continue the journey with the kolobok. (Slide 10)

Math dictation: 2∙6 4∙ 7 4∙3 24:3 10: 2 4∙8 9∙ 5 35:5 (children fill out the card and check according to the standard ( slide 11,12 )).

When did you experience difficulties and why? (slide 13).

Target: identifying the place and causes of the difficulty and getting to the topic of the lesson, its goals. (in the last two, because we still don’t know the table for 5)

What is the goal of today's lesson? ( Let's make a table of multiplication and division by 5 and work on memorizing it).( slide 14)

    Building a project to get out of trouble

Target: find a way out of the current situation and build a work plan in the lesson.

Let's make a plan of our work and remember what knowledge we will use in this case. ( children answer)

Here is the work plan (Slide 15)

2) fill in the multiplication table by 5, knowledge: the next is 5 more than the previous one,

Rearranging the factors does not change the product.

When making a division-by-5 ​​table: division is the inverse of multiplication.

3) apply this table in solving examples and problems.

    Project implementation.

Target: Organization of work on filling out the table for 5

Let's start working on the plan. Repeat counting in fives children count 5, 10, 15……50)

And now, based on this number series, make a multiplication table 1 column ( Independent work of students in printed notebooks. Compilation of the table, collectively .. page 22).
-What will we take into account when compiling 2 columns? -( Rearranging the factors does not change the product.; independent work of students.

- What will we take into account when compiling column 3? (children's answers, independent work, mutual check)

6. Fizminutka.(slide 16) (perform movement in accordance with the text)

We shared an orange.

We are many, he is one

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This is a slice for a swift,

This is a slice for ducklings

this is for kittens.

This is a slice for a beaver.

Well, the peel to the wolf.

He's evil, oh trouble!

Who ran away!

    Primary fastening

Target: organize the primary assimilation of the topic with commenting and pronunciation, work in groups.

1) Who is the most attentive:

How many animals were the orange slices divided into? (On 5)

If there were 10 slices in an orange, how many would each get? (2 slices each).

And if 15? and if 25? 40? And if 18 then it will be divided equally? (no) Why? (18 is not divisible by 5).

2.) Completion of the task by new topic.

Task 2 page 23; With commenting 1 and 2 column, (children take turns doing the task by saying the answers), and

3 perform independently with mutual verification.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Target: Organization of tasks using the multiplication and division tables.

- Solving equations with mutual verification. (No. 3 p. 23). Preparation for work.

Let's remember the name of the components in multiplication and division, their relationship? (children answer and explain how they find an unknown component and how to find it)

In what equation will you look for multiplication? And in what division ? (children's answers)

Independent work:

Problem Solving #5 ( Drawing up a diagram on the board, but solve it independently in pairs with mutual verification).

red green


32: 4 + 32 = 40 (s)

9. Reflection

Target: organization of the analysis of educational activities and evaluation of their own work.

What was our goal for the lesson?

Have you achieved this goal?

What do you already remember from the table? When do we get the number 35, 40, 25, 30.45 when multiplying?

Our lesson is over

Plan completed.

Thanks guys,

Huge to you!

For being persistent

worked hard

And your knowledge is useful to us.