Test based on A. Pushkin's story "The Station Agent". Test on the story "The Station Agent" Where did Vyrin go in search of his daughter?

Test on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden"

7th grade

Beginning of the form

1. What epic genre does the work of A.S. belong to? Pushkin's "Station Warden"?

1) story; 2) story; 3) novel; 4) poem

2. Which cycle is the work “The Station Agent” included in?

1) “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”
2) “Tales of Pushkin”
3) “Pushkin’s Prose”
4) was not included in any cycle

3. In what year did the narrator’s first meeting with the hero take place?

1) 1812 ; 2) 1815; 3) 1816; 4) 1820

4. Indicate the name of the main character of the work “The Station Agent”.

1) Samson Vyrin; 2) Vladimir Dubrovsky; 3) Peter Grinev; 4) Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov

5. Indicate the name of the main character's daughter.

1) Natasha; 2) Glasha; 3) Dunya; 4) Masha

6. What color were the eyes of the hero’s daughter?

1) blue; 2) green; 3) brown; 4) the work does not mention this

7. How did the hussar pay the doctor?

1) I gave him twenty-five rubles for the visit and invited him to dinner.
2) Handed him fifty rubles.
3) Invited me to dinner.
4) Didn’t pay anything.

8. Indicate the name of the hussar who took away the caretaker’s daughter.

1) Nizhelsky; 2) Minsky; 3) Laevsky; 4) Pogorelsky

9. Where did the father go in search of his daughter?

1) to Moscow; 2) to Saratov; 3) to St. Petersburg; 4) to Novgorod

10. What color was the hussar’s hair?

1) light; 2) chestnut; 3) fair-haired; 4) black

11. What Bible story was depicted in the pictures in the caretaker's house?

1) global flood; 2) the story of the prodigal son; 3) the resurrection of Jesus Christ; 4) the story of David

12. For what purpose does A.S. Pushkin describe pictures depicting this biblical story in such detail?

1) I wanted to show the interior of the caretaker's house.
2) These were unusual pictures by a famous artist.
3) These pictures seem to hint at the future story of the “prodigal daughter.”
4) I wanted to show that everything in the house was decorated with taste.

13. Recognize the hero by description.

“A traveler in a Circassian hat, in a military overcoat, wrapped in a shawl.”

1) stationmaster; 2) hussar; 3) narrator; 4) doctor

14. Indicate the correct interpretation of the word “tract” in the sentence: “... it happened to me to pass through the *** province, along a highway that has now been destroyed.”

3) a set of means for moving something; 4) tavern

15. Indicate the correct interpretation of the word “shafork” in the sentence:

“... in the first, a respectable old man in a cap and dressing gown releases a restless young man, who hastily accepts his blessing and a bag of money.”

1) sweater; 2) housecoat; 3) shirt; 4) coat

16. What type literary heroes Can I include the stationmaster?

1) reasoner; 2) “little man”; 3) “extra person”; 4) “noble robber”

17. What problem is not raised in the work “The Station Agent”?

1) the problem of lonely old age;

2) the problem of late repentance;

3) the problem of filial ingratitude
4) the problem of language ecology End of form

1. What epic genre does the work “The Station Agent” belong to?

1) story

2) story
3) novel
4) poem

2. Which cycle is the work “The Station Agent” included in?

1) “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”
2) “Tales of Pushkin”
3) “Pushkin’s Prose”
4) was not included in any cycle

3. In what year did the narrator’s first meeting with the hero take place?

1) 1812
2) 1815
3) 1816
4) 1820

4. The stationmaster is an official

1) 1st class
2) 3 classes
3) 9th grade
4) 14th grade

5. Indicate the correct interpretation of the word “coat” in the sentence: “... in the first, a respectable old man in a cap and dressing gown releases a restless young man, who hastily accepts his blessing and a bag of money.”

2) housecoat
3) shirt
4) coat

6. What problem is not raised in the work “The Station Agent”?

1) the problem of lonely old age
2) the problem of late repentance
3) the problem of filial ingratitude
4) the problem of language ecology

7. Indicate the name of the main character's daughter.

1) Natasha
2) Glasha
3) Dunya
4) Masha

8. What color were the eyes of the hero’s daughter?

1) blue
2) green
3) brown
4) the work does not mention this

9. How did the hussar pay the doctor?

1) I gave him twenty-five rubles for the visit and invited him to dinner.
2) Handed him fifty rubles.
3) Invited me to dinner.
4) Didn’t pay anything.

10. A contemporary of Pushkin wrote: “Soon after Belkin’s stories came out, I went to see Alexander Sergeevich for a minute; they were lying on his table. I had no idea that he himself was the author of them. “What stories are these?” “And who is this Belkin?” I asked, looking into the book. “Whoever he is, stories need to be written this way: simply, briefly and clearly.”
The stories were written: "The Undertaker" - September 9, "The Station Agent" and the preface to the stories - September 14, "The Young Lady Peasant" - September 20, "The Shot" - October 12 and 14, "Blizzard" - October 20: at the same time Pushkin decided to combine the stories in the fictional image of Belkin and publish them anonymously.

1) 1830;
2) 1833;

11. Why, according to the author, are there no people more unhappy than stationmasters?

1) Because it is a dull and monotonous job

2) Because they lack human interaction

3) Because travelers always blame the caretakers for all their troubles

1)Ivan Belkin

2) Samson Vyrin

3)Petr Grinev

1) Hard work

2) Laughability


14. How has Samson Vyrin changed over the few years that the narrator has not seen him?

1) He became gloomy and taciturn

2) He was still the same, only a little older

3) He was very happy to meet, but seemed tired of life

15. How did Dunya and the visiting officer deceive her father in order to escape?

1) The officer feigned fever and, having recovered, offered to take Dunya to the church

2) Dunya pretended to be sick, and he offered to take her to the hospital

3) He offered to take her to the city to the fair

Assignment: find present passive participles in the story

Test with a creative task based on the story “The Station Agent” for grade 7

Option 2

1. Where did the father go in search of his daughter?

1) to Moscow
2) to Saratov
3) to St. Petersburg
4) to Novgorod

2. What color was the hussar’s hair?

1) light
2) chestnut
3) fair-haired
4) black

1) global flood
2) the story of the prodigal son
3) resurrection of Jesus Christ
4) the story of David

4. What is the purpose of describing the pictures depicting this biblical story in such detail?

1) I wanted to show the interior of the caretaker's house.
2) These were unusual pictures by a famous artist.
3) These pictures seem to hint at the future story of the “prodigal daughter.”
4) I wanted to show that everything in the house was decorated with taste.

5. Recognize the hero by the description: “A traveler in a Circassian hat, in a military overcoat, wrapped in a shawl.”

1) stationmaster
2) hussar
3) narrator
4) doctor

6. Indicate the correct interpretation of the word “tract” in the sentence: “... it happened to me to pass through the *** province, along a highway that has now been destroyed.”

1) large road
2) direction
3) a set of means for moving something
4) tavern

7. Indicate the name of the main character of the work “The Station Agent”.

1) Samson Vyrin
2) Vladimir Dubrovsky
3) Peter Grinev
4) Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov

8. What type of literary characters can the stationmaster be classified as?

1) resonator
2) “little man”
3) “extra person”
4) “noble robber”

9. Indicate the name of the hussar who took away the caretaker’s daughter.

1) Nizhelsky
2) Minsky
3) Laevsky
4) Pogorelsky
10. The epigraph to the stories “The Undertaker”, “The Station Agent”, “The Peasant Young Lady”, “The Shot”, “The Blizzard” was the following excerpt:

1) from "Minor";
2) from "Woe from Wit";
3) from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by W. Shakespeare.

11. What did Minsky say to Samson when he came to St. Petersburg to find his daughter?

1) So that he doesn’t show up here anymore

2) That he loves Dunya and will never leave her

3) He suggested that he wait for Dunya to return from her walk

12. How did Samson manage to see his daughter?

1) He waited for her in Minsky’s apartment

2) He managed to sneak into Minsky’s apartment after he sent him out

3) He was able to see her only from afar, because Minsky was against his meeting with his daughter

1) For a happy wife and mother

3) To a woman suffering abuse from her husband

14. What number did Samson give to the narrator when talking about the last time he saw his daughter?

15. What was the narrator told about the fate of Samson when he was passing through those places for the third time?

1) That he and his daughter made peace, and she took him to St. Petersburg

2) She did not have time to ask him for forgiveness before his death and was very sad about his grave

3) He sometimes visits his daughter in St. Petersburg

Gray clouds covered the sky; a cold wind blew from the reaped fields, carrying away red and yellow leaves from oncoming trees. I arrived at sunset and stopped at the post office. In the entryway (where poor Dunya once kissed me) a fat woman came out and answered my questions that the old caretaker had died a year ago, that a brewer had settled in his house, and that she was the brewer’s wife. I felt sorry for my wasted trip and the seven rubles spent for nothing... “Hey, Vanka! You've had enough of messing around with the cat. Take the master to the cemetery and show him the caretaker’s grave.”
At these words, a ragged boy, red-haired and crooked, ran out to me and immediately led me outside the outskirts...
- Do passers-by remember him?
- Yes, but there are few travelers; Unless the assessor wraps it up, he has no time for the dead. A lady was passing by, and she asked about the old caretaker and went to his grave.
- Which lady? - I asked curiously.
“Beautiful lady,” answered the boy; - she rode in a carriage of six horses, with three little barchats and a nurse, and a black pug; and when they told her that the old caretaker had died, she began to cry and said to the children: “Sit still, and I’ll go to the cemetery.” And I volunteered to bring it to her. And the lady said: “I know the way myself.” And she gave me a silver nickel - such a kind lady!..
We came to the cemetery, a bare place, unfenced, dotted with wooden crosses, not shaded by a single tree. I have never seen such a sad cemetery in my life.
“Here is the grave of the old caretaker,” the boy told me, jumping onto a pile of sand into which was buried a black cross with a copper image.
- And the lady came here? - I asked.
“She came,” answered Vanka, “I looked at her from afar.” She lay down here and lay there for a long time. And there the lady went to the village and called the priest, gave him money and went, and gave me a nickel in silver - a nice lady!
And I gave the boy a penny and no longer regretted either the trip or the seven rubles I spent.

Short answer questions

1 option

1. Indicate the name of the cycle that includes the story “”.

2. What is the description of nature called? literary work(“It happened in the fall. Gray clouds covered the sky; a cold wind blew from the reaped fields, carrying red and yellow leaves from the oncoming trees.”)?

3. What is the name of the visual medium? I have never seen such a sad cemetery in my life.

4. In this fragment, the boy repeats the phrase twice:
And she gave me a silver nickel - such a kind lady!.. What is this technique called?

5. Who was the deceased caretaker's owner for the lady who came to his grave?

Option 2

1. What was the name of the stationmaster (indicate first and last name)?

2. What is the name of the description of the hero’s appearance in a literary work (“a ragged boy, red-haired and crooked, ran out to me...”)?

3. What is the name of the visual medium? Gray clouds covered the sky...

4. The narrator and the boy exchange remarks. What is this form of verbal interaction between characters called?

5. In the above fragment, the narrator twice mentions the seven rubles spent. What is this technique called?


Question No. 1

“Who hasn’t cursed the stationmasters, who hasn’t sworn at them?” - this is how Pushkin begins his story. “However, let’s be fair, let’s try to put ourselves in their position and, perhaps, we’ll begin to judge them much more leniently. What is a stationmaster?”

A real martyr of the fourteenth class, protected by his rank only from beatings.
Collegiate registrar, postal station dictator.
A forced enemy of anyone passing by.

Question No. 2

".. .For twenty years in a row I traveled Russia in all directions; almost all postal routes are known to me; several generations of coachmen are familiar to me; I don’t know a rare caretaker by sight, I haven’t dealt with a rare one; I hope for a curious stock of my travel observations to be published in a short time; for now I will only say that the class of stationmasters is presented to society in the most false form." They are people:

peaceful, helpful, although prone to love of money;
curious, inclined to communicate, although some of them claim honors;
peaceful, naturally helpful, inclined to socialize, modest in their claims to honor and not too money-loving.

Question No. 3

The narrator says that the memory of one stationmaster, with whom circumstances once brought him closer, is “especially precious to him.” They met in 1816, at that time the narrator was:

“As a result of this, the caretakers did not stand on ceremony with me, and I often took in battle what, in my opinion, was rightfully due me.”

young military men;
in a minor rank;
just a provincial landowner.

Question No. 4

its beauty;
agility in economic affairs.

Question No. 5

the story of the prodigal son;
tale of scarlet flower;
the story of a certain girl who fell in love with a hussar.

Question No. 6

“I offered my father her glass of punch; I gave Dunya a cup of tea, and the three of us began to talk, as if we had known each other for centuries.” Dunya replied:

without any timidity, like a girl who has seen the light;
with adult intelligence, but with the timidity inherent in her age;
coquettishly lowering his big blue eyes.

Question No. 7

“Several years passed, and circumstances led me to that very road, to those very places.” The traveler remembered the stationmaster and his daughter as he approached the station:

rejoicing that he will see Dunya again;
immersed in Nice memories;
with a sad feeling.

Question No. 8

“It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how he aged! ... I looked at his gray hair, at the deep wrinkles of his long-unshaven face, at his hunched back - and could not wonder how three or four years could turn a vigorous man into a frail old man ".
The stationmaster met the author:

joyful because I recognized him;
indifferently, although it was clear from everything that he recognized him;
at first indifferent, but the rum cleared up his sullenness, on the second

Question No. 9

“Ah, Dunya, Dunya! What a girl she was! It used to be that whoever passed by, everyone would praise her, no one would judge her. Ladies gave her as gifts... Gentlemen passing by stopped on purpose... just to look at her hem... She kept the house going: she kept up with everything, what to clean, what to cook.” Everything changed when a young, stately hussar with a black mustache appeared at the station. Minsky was:


Question No. 10

Having given orders for the traveler's wagon, the caretaker found him "... lying almost unconscious on a bench: he felt sick, had a headache, it was impossible to go...". The young man spent time in the stationmaster's house:

two days;
more than a week.

Question No. 11

“What are you afraid of?” her father said to her, “after all, his high nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you...” The “kind guest” volunteered to take Dunya:

to the next station, where her godmother lived;
to the nearest village;
to the church.

Question No. 12

“Having barely recovered from his illness, the caretaker asked S*** the postmaster for leave for two months and, without telling anyone a word about his intention, he set off on foot to fetch his daughter.” He found out where to look for her:

from the Minsk road;
from coachmen;
by chance, from a passerby who saw Dunya.

Question No. 13

“Perhaps,” the caretaker thought, “I’ll bring my lost sheep home.” He arrived with this thought."

To Smolensk;
to Moscow;
to St. Petersburg.

Question No. 14

“Early in the morning he came to his [Minsky’s] hallway and asked him to report to his honor that the old soldier was asking to see him.” Minsky received the old man:

at 11 o'clock, since before that time he was resting and did not receive anyone;
only the next day.

Question No. 15

“What has been done cannot be undone,” said the young man in extreme confusion, “I am guilty before you and am glad to ask you for forgiveness; but don’t think that I could leave Dunya: she will be happy, I give you my word of honor. Why do you need her? She loves me; she has lost the habit of her previous state. Neither you nor she will forget what happened."

The hussar talked with the old man for a long time, convincing him that he was right and offering him money.
Minsky called his footman and ordered him to escort the guest, generously rewarded “for his efforts,” to the door.
Having handed something to the old man, Minsky opened the door, and the caretaker, without remembering how, found himself on the street.

Question No. 16

“He stood motionless for a long time, finally he saw a bundle of papers behind the cuff of his sleeve; he took them out and unfolded several five- and ten-ruble crumpled banknotes. Tears welled up in his eyes again, tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers into a ball, threw them on the ground, and stamped them with his heel and went..."

Having walked a few steps away, he stopped, thought... and turned back... but the banknotes were no longer there. A well-dressed young man, seeing him, ran up to the cab driver, sat down hastily and shouted: “Get off!..” The caretaker did not chase him.
His small figure hunched over more and more, but the caretaker never looked back.
Having walked a few steps away, he stopped, thought... and returned, picked up the banknotes, carefully smoothed them out and hid them in his pocket.

Test on the story “Pushkin A.S. Stationmaster" for 7th grade

Option 1

1. What epic genre does the work “The Station Agent” belong to?

a) story b) story c) poem2. What cycle is the work “The Station Agent” included in?

a) “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”b) “Pushkin’s Stories” c) “Pushkin’s Prose”

3. Samson Vyrin was a man:

a) fifty years old b) fifty-five years old c) sixty years old

4. What did Dunya give when she was riding with the hussar in a wagon?

a) read a book b) laughed all the way c) cried

5. The traveling official did not feel sorry for the money spent on the trip because:

a) he learned about Dunya’s fate and her repentance; b) he was rich, but he knew how to count money;

c) money doesn’t buy happiness.

Option 2

1. Indicate the name of the main character of the work “The Station Agent”:

a) Ivan Vyrin b) Minsky c) Samson Vyrin

2.Talking about station guards,

a) condemns them b) despises them c) sympathizes with them

3. Indicate the name of the main character's daughter:

a) Aksinya b) Avdotya c) Daria

4.The pictures that decorated the caretaker’s abode are:

a) evidence of the owners’ religiosity and piety;

b) modest decoration of a poor home;

V)hint at the future story of the “prodigal daughter.”

5. “A traveler in a Circassian hat and a military overcoat” is:

a) I.P. Belkin b) S. Vyrin c) Minsky

Option 3

1. What is the main significance of the story “The Station Agent” in Russian literature?

a) the writer makes you think about the lack of rights of the “little man”
b) shows the awakening of pride and human dignity in the “little man”
c) the story opens with an image under the general name “little man”

2. Dunya sat down in the wagon next to the hussar to:

a) get to the church b) run away from home c) go for a ride, relax

3. Captain Minsky rode:

a) from Smolensk to St. Petersburg b) from St. Petersburg to Smolensk c) from Moscow to St. Petersburg

4. Cause of death of the caretaker:

a) died of a serious illness b) drank himself to death from grief c) had a heart attack

5. How the hussar paid the doctor:

a) gave him twenty-five rubles for the visit and invited him to dinner

b) gave him twenty-five rubles for the visit c) invited him to dinner

Option 4

1.What Bible story was depicted in the pictures in the caretaker's house?

a) global flood; b) the story of the prodigal son; c) the resurrection of Jesus Christ;

2. Where did Vyrin go in search of his daughter?

a) to Moscow b) to Saratoa c) to St. Petersburg

3. In what year did the narrator’s first meeting with the hero take place?

a) 1816 b) 1820 c) 1815

4. How has Samson Vyrin changed over the few years that the narrator has not seen him?

a) He became gloomy and taciturn b) He was still the same, only a little older

c) He was very happy to meet, but seemed tired of life

5. Dunya’s fate was:

a) happy; b) tragic; c) successfully;