Types of winter clothes. Dictionary of fashion: terms of fashion and style. Double-breasted pea coat

Creating a business from scratch, an entrepreneur must think through each stage, foresee possible failures and risks. Among these important points, special attention should be paid to choosing the name of your store, even if it will operate in an online format. It significantly affects the process of attracting customers, the formation of a positive reputation of the enterprise.

How to name a women's clothing store - options

Choosing a name for a women's or men's clothing store is an important task, which is often given too little attention, considering this aspect far from paramount. It is best if the name is developed by professionals in the field of naming and branding. But if the financial condition of a novice entrepreneur does not allow you to pay for their services, you can try to create a name for your clothing store on your own. It is always worth remembering the mandatory requirements for names (they are also relevant for entrepreneurs who decide).

  1. positive perception.
  2. Easy memorization.
  3. Beautiful style and originality.
  4. positive associations.

Names that are completely composed of letters that go beyond the line, for example, a, o, p, s, t, k, are visually poorly perceived. p, b, e. It is believed that the presence, the predominance of the vowel “and” in the words creates the impression of second-rate, insignificance. If the name will consist of more than 5 characters, its assimilation is difficult. In order to increase sales and improve precise work personnel should be given special attention. Most often, they choose a linear-functional one (only one dominant person can manage), and it includes a director, an accountant, a senior salesperson, a driver, a cleaner, and sales consultants. But this is an approximate scheme, each owner creates an organizational structure for the concept of his enterprise.

When choosing a name for a women's clothing store, you can use the following approaches:

  • combine syllables from the names of the founders (MarCo);
  • add the prefix off to the surname or noun (Kreatiff, Brukoff);
  • create an abbreviation or shorten a word (Tata from Tatyana, TIK - You and Beauty, BTB - Be the Best or Be the best);
  • come up with a descriptive name that evokes a positive perception (Fashionista, Your style, Mr. Chic, Elegant, Luna);
  • geographic reference (Malibu beachwear store);
  • use a play on words (“MaRUSiya” - an emphasis on the root “rus” by analogy with the word Russia and the Russian name Marusya);
  • create a neologism (it is important to consider that new words, although they will be 100% original, are remembered worse - Rassana, Majestic).

To choose a beautiful name for a women's clothing store and increase the chances of success, an entrepreneur should not use some approaches:

  1. Take as a basis the names of loved ones, relatives (Elena store, Karina showroom).
  2. Come up with a complex name that is difficult to pronounce, remember, if not everyone can understand its meaning (Minerva is the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, Miscellaneous - translated from in English means "mixed".
  3. Change the sound of brands, imitating the process of creating a neologism (for example, Abibas).
  4. The name should not cause unpleasant emotions, ambiguous interpretations (the debut may be associated with incompetence, lack of successful work experience, the name of the Teremok women's or men's clothing store does not inspire confidence, a fairy tale is immediately remembered, children's entertainment, you should not choose such names as Corrupt Soul , Tsatsa).
  5. The name of the store should correspond to its profile, status (the Royal sign will not be in harmony with the industrial area, the shabby facade of the building or the basement), as well as the place, time and concept of the enterprise (choosing the name Passage, you should know that this is the name of the covered gallery with a number of shops connecting 2 streets, and if this condition is not met, then you should not choose such a name).
  6. Use foreign words that have long become commonplace, banal (Chercher la femme, Violette).

In addition to a good name, it is advisable for the owner to think over a creative one. It should be concise, interesting, push the customer to buy.

What is the name of the men's clothing store?

When choosing a name for a men's clothing store, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience, to focus on what will cause positive emotions and trust. To find out how well the option is chosen, you can conduct a small test among potential customers. You need to name the store in such a way that the name is in harmony with the assortment, concept, style of the enterprise, consistent with the pricing policy of the establishment (naming a small outlet World of Style is not a very good idea) and does not cause bad associations (examples of unsuccessful options are Dude, Egoist, Alfons, Lyubimchik , Macho, Provocateur). It is also better to avoid banal names: Cavalier, Don Juan, Fashion for men, Men's clothing store, Look. A men's clothing store can be called, for example, Stilyaga, Estet, Casanova, Your Style, Forward, El Bravo, Oscar. clothes will give you the opportunity to start your own business with the support of an experienced franchisor and not think about choosing a name (for example, you can cooperate with 7 Camicie, TOM TAILOR, VD one, etc.).

List of clothing store names

If you ask a person how many clothing brands he knows, probably about a dozen will be named, but only 2-3 will come to mind first. The same applies to specialized enterprises that customers visit in their city. It is important to choose a light and at the same time memorable name. Of course, for the successful promotion of a clothing store, brand awareness, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective advertising campaign, because a good name in itself is not a guarantee of success.

We propose to consider several original options for the names of women's and men's clothing stores (they can also be used for online trading platforms):

The name of a women's online clothing store must be concise, capacious, positive, not cause ambiguous associations: House beautiful, Сarino, Best Brand, Lady Mart, Brand Factory, 4 seasons, Fashionista, Charm, Fashionable thing. But besides this, it is important that the name corresponds to the price level, the assortment of the virtual trading platform, and age and social factors are taken into account. It is important to register variant spellings of a domain name. Many decide

The production of raincoats and coats has its own terminology. Each piece of clothing has its own name. In this article, we want to introduce you to the basic terms.

Basque- a strip of fabric cut along an oblique thread and sewn along the waistline to a jacket short to the waist, as its completion, or as an ornament on a women's raincoat as in a women's raincoat Bianca or a dress.

Board- the flying part of the outerwear shelf (coat, jacket, raincoat, etc.), on which the fastener loops or buttons are located.

Barrel- part of the front or back, covering the side surface of the body.

tuck- a structural element in the form of a triangular or diamond-shaped fold ground to naught. Serves to give a three-dimensional shape to the details of clothing made of flat material. For example, the presence of an upper tuck on the shelves is the main design feature women's clothing: the upper tuck gives the shelf a three-dimensional shape in the chest area. To identify the waistline in adjacent and semi-adjacent products on the shelves, and often on the back, tucks are designed from the waistline.

Neck- cutout for the neck on the pattern of the front and back.

Dolevik- a strip of cushioning material cut along the longitudinal thread, attached on the wrong side of the product at the site of the cut (entrance to the pocket, undercut) to protect the cuts from stretching.

Kant- a decorative element, a section of a product detail from the inflection line to the line in the overcast seam. Often used in contrast to the main color of the fabric.

Valve- a decorative detail that forms the upper part of the pocket cut. Sometimes used as an independent decorative element of women's clothing.

Yoke- the upper, cutting part of the details of the shelf or back in a coat or raincoat.

drawstring- a strip of fabric adjusted to the product for pulling in a belt or elastic band.

Gusset- stitched or fully cut with sleeves detail at the bottom of the armhole, providing convenience in movement.

Lapel- the bent upper part of the side of a coat, raincoat, jacket or jacket. Lapels can be without a collar, symmetrical or asymmetrical, when the lapel is only on one side, the most common are lapels connected to the collar.

leaflet- a detail that forms the lower part of the pocket cut and covers the entrance to the pocket.

bodice- the upper part of women's shoulder clothing.

Sackcloth, or pocket lining- a detail necessary to design the depth of the pocket.

Okat- the upper rounded part of the sleeve.

Departure- processed edge of the detail: collar, cuffs, flounces.

Turning- a detail for processing a cut, cut, cut out according to the shape of the treated area.

Pickup- a detail of the product from the main fabric, intended for processing the bead and cut out according to its shape.

Valance- this is a part of the main fabric visible in the section, covering the lining of the pocket or fasteners.

shelf- half of the front of the bodice.

Armhole- cutout for a hand on patterns of a shelf and a back. The size and shape of the armhole depends on the variant and model of women's clothing.

Pata- decorative details on the sleeves, pockets in the form of stripes of various shapes. They are made overhead on fasteners or sewn into the seams. As, for example, in a woman's raincoat Domino:

Shoulder straps- shoulder insignia for military personnel and employees of some ministries and departments.

In modern fashion, epaulettes are called decorative shoulder parts, which are straps of greater or lesser width, fastened with buttons or buckles. Shoulder straps can be used to thread a shawl, scarf ends, bag strap, etc.

Back- half of the back of the bodice.

Urbanstyle have this element.

slot- a cut in the lower part of the product (sleeve), processed with a fabric allowance.

strap- a decorative detail used instead of a belt on the back of the product to make it more fitted.

Indifference interval- the gap between adjacent clothing numbers, indicating how much the size of the products can be changed without a noticeable human feeling, i.e., within this interval, the difference between the sizes of the products does not matter to the consumer. The indifference interval is necessary condition mass production of clothing, footwear, hats, knitwear, gloves, etc. In the clothing industry, as in other industries (shoes, knitwear) that produce personal items, the values ​​​​of the indifference interval for leading dimensional characteristics are established empirically, t i.e. empirically. The interval of indifference for the girths of the chest and hips is taken equal to 4 cm (for the half-girths - 2 cm); waist circumference - 6 cm (half circumference - 3 cm); height - 6 cm. (

Boho style - a mixture of national and ethnic motifs, grunge and gothic, hippie and gypsy (gypsy style). The meaning of the boho style is to combine all these incompatible elements, textures and styles. For example heavy boots and long skirt fringed, folk style.

grunge clothing styleis a rebellion and a protest against glamor. Mixing different styles of clothing, mixing incompatible textures and styles. Grunge idea: "don't take clothes too seriously, put on whatever comes to hand, be indifferent to fashion, but, most importantly, be highly spiritual."

Gothic style.

The main elements of the Gothic style in clothing are the predominant black color and silver jewelry.

Although gothic clothing is characterized by gloomy shades, after all, it is very diverse, many styles and styles, leather inserts, romantic elements of past centuries - lace, jabot, corsets.

The hairstyle plays an important role: it is straight long hair or buns raised by the gel, mohawks, etc. hair color - from black and purple to bright red. One of the signs of this style is makeup: a dense layer of white powder on the face and black eyeliner and lips.

Gothic fashion has its own directions:

Antique Goths (three-piece suit, elements of aristocratic fashion).

- "vampires", stylistically do not differ from "antique dealers", but there is a "vampire" theme.

Gypsy goths use the image of gypsies in the folklore of Western Europe.

Cyber ​​goths. passion for black combined with bright, acid colors, using dreadlocks, crosses, extreme makeup.

Corporate goths are employees of companies where there is a dress code. Due to restrictions, a minimum of makeup is used, accessories are characteristic of a business suit.

Glamor style- images abounding in luxury, brilliance, radiance, sexuality. Rhinestones, sequins, Swarovski stones, sparkling jewelry and accessories, a pile of rhinestones not only in clothes, but even in make-up. Gloss, expensive and luxurious things, furs and satin and luxury elements.

Rock style.

The main characteristics of the style are a challenge and a rebellious spirit.

Rock styles:

Hard rock. IN color scheme black is the leader, white and red colors are considered important, gray and beige tones are acceptable. The main materials are leather and white metal, knitwear, cotton, silk are also used. Crosses, skulls, chains, wolves are used as prints. Fringe and metal fittings are appropriate: rivets, spikes, zippers. Clothes are leather trousers, skirts, jackets. As well as straight cut jeans, skinny, jeggings, denim and leather shirts. Footwear: army boots, martens, sneakers, sneakers. Makeup in dark blue, purple, black tones. The most suitable lipstick colors are red, purple, sometimes black.

Glam rock. A combination of brutality, shocking, femininity and sexuality.

In addition to black, the color scheme includes red, white, silver and burgundy. Bright colors are allowed. Clothing materials can be denim, matte and patent leather, silk, chiffon, lace, as well as velvet and velor. Clothing consists of leather and denim jackets, tight leather trousers, shorts, chiffon and silk dresses with lace, skirts, miniskirts, corsets. Glam rock is characterized by tight and semi-adjacent silhouettes. Shoes - massive boots, over the knee boots, wedges or high heels, sandals, sneakers, Cossacks. Spiked bracelets, large earrings, skulls, dragons are used as accessories; precious stones and their imitations are acceptable. Makeup - light tones of powder combined with bright eye makeup and red lipstick.

Rockabilly - the main features of this style are brightness, femininity, contrast. The color scheme is white combined with bright colors. Clothing materials - patent leather, cotton, satin, chiffon. Clothing style - tight dresses with a fluffy skirt, flared sun, fluffy petticoats. Also, the style allows breeches with lapels, blouses made of light fabrics, fitted shirts. Shoes - sandals, shoes with heels. This style is characterized by a carefully styled hairstyle, curls or waves with a parting, whipped and curled bangs, ponytail. Accessories in minimal quantities, mainly ribbons, hair bands, plastic beads and earrings, belt straps. In makeup - emphasis on the eyes, arrows, bright shadows. Bright lipstick and nail polish are welcome.

Punk rock. The main features of the style are shocking, a combination of incongruous. A feature of style in clothes is original combinations, for example, a T-shirt and tie, dress pants and sneakers, a miniskirt and fishnet tights. Artistically torn jeans, leather jackets with studs, zippers, cocktail dresses with brutal prints, etc. Leather bracelets, bandanas, baubles, an abundance of earrings, and piercings are used as accessories. Shoes - sneakers, ankle boots. Hairstyle - high bouffants, hair painted in bright colors. Make-up is defiantly bright, or completely absent.

Indie rock. The main features are convenience and simplicity. From materials used denim, cotton. In clothing - these are T-shirts, jeans, skinny pants, shirts, vests, cardigans, dresses, short shorts. Unisex clothing is common. Shoes - tennis shoes, sneakers, moccasins. Hats, caps, inexpensive jewelry are used as accessories. Hairstyle - loose, slightly disheveled hair. Make-up is not bright, or its absence.

Thrash style (thrash) It's a total protest. Green hair, a Barbie skirt, a wide Mickey Mouse T-shirt and a luxurious tiara in her hair - this is the perfect thrash look.

Punk style.

Youth direction in culture, which arose in the 60-70s of the last century. The clothes use torn jeans tucked into army boots, rolled up pants, black T-shirts with symbols or names of rock bands, torn, washed T-shirts or vests, plaid pants. As accessories, large chains, pins, spiked wristlets, belts with a plaque in the form of a skull are used. As well as suspenders, dangling to the knees and tights in a large mesh. Hairstyles are mohawks of bright colors, black eyeliner is used in makeup.


As true “children of flowers”, hippies love everything natural. Natural materials, bright colors. Clothing is characterized by flared trousers or jeans embroidered with floss or beads. For the upper part of the costume, hippies use loose shirts, plain t-shirts, tops and tunics. Knitted loose cardigans, vests embroidered with braid or beads are appropriate. On their feet, hippies wear sandals, bright sneakers, slippers. As in no other style, hand-made is a success in hippies. Baubles, bracelets made of leather, threads and beads, colored ribbons in the hair, pendants, stylized rings, beads. Hippie jewelry is almost never expensive, mostly natural materials: wood, plant fruits. The hairstyle characteristic of hippies is straight long flowing hair. Braids, tails are allowed.

Hipster style in clothes- these are democratic, but branded things, as a rule, the style of hipsters is a deliberately casual, but stylish look. Hipsters love skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and blouses, with rolled up sleeves, hipster jeans often also have rolled up bottoms. The T-shirts depict various inscriptions and attributes of London, a plaid men's shirt is in the wardrobe of every hipster, they also wear slippers, loafers and topsiders, derbies, brogues, moccasins, oxfords. Hipster accessories and jewelry: plastic bracelets, bandanas, scarves, large bags.


Movement in the Soviet Union against the stereotypes of Soviet society. Characterized by imitation of the rockabilly style. Fashionable clothes were dominated by colorful jackets, wide-brimmed hats, colored silk or Hawaiian shirts, pipe trousers, and jeans. The girls wore fluffy skirts, bright blouses with floral prints. Shoes - shoes with narrow toes with and without heels. The dandies wore combed and briated "koki" on their foreheads. The girls combed and styled their hair like a "shell". Plastic or metal jewelry was used as accessories. As well as hairpins, ribbons and hoops for hair. Bright make-up: red lipstick, arrows on the eyes.


The main feature of the style is the use of details and elements of military ammunition. Its main advantage is practicality. Clothing materials - cotton and tweed. Natural colors: gray, khaki, olive, sand, brown. Military-style clothing is characterized by clear, sharp, strict lines. Straight shoulder line, patch pockets, double-breasted jackets, large buttons. Clothing is complemented by high rough boots or boots with thick soles. Sparkling gold or silver buttons, gold-embroidered chevrons, silk braids, fringe, braid, decorative orders and medals are used as an elegant addition.

Vanguard style.

It suggests unusual forms, the use of bright accessories that perfectly, but unexpectedly complement each other. The style implies an abundance of unusual and unexpected solutions, while it is distinguished by a harmony of elements and a single concept. An avant-garde style dress can combine various decorative elements and be distinguished by unusual shapes. For example, a huge bow at the waist, a skirt on a frame, etc. One outfit can combine various materials: glossy and matte, smooth and embossed. The avant-garde style is characterized by decorations with pompoms, bows, large plastic buttons, zippers, embroideries, and bright contrasting inserts. As accessories, large plastic bracelets of unusual shapes, large earrings and necklaces of complex designs, unusual hats, bags and large glasses are used. Complement the image of shoes or boots with figured heels of an unusual shape. Avant-garde hairstyles - asymmetrical, main characteristic- geometric shapes. Makeup in the same geometric shapes: arrows, shadows of juicy shades.

Sport style.

Free style of clothing, the main characteristics: convenience, practicality, freedom of movement. The style is characterized by free silhouettes and straight cut lines. Sports style clothing is T-shirts, turtlenecks, sweatshirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, loose jumpers. The collar is distinguished by a variety of forms: hoods, trims, polo collars, golf, etc. Sports style trousers are cargo pants, bermudas, shorts. Cotton or knitted dresses, usually mini or midi, loose fit, pockets, yokes, decorative stitching. Free-cut jackets, anoraks, down jackets, windbreakers. Materials used in this style: knitwear, cotton, wool, raincoat fabric. Footwear: sneakers, boots, sneakers. Hats: hats, baseball caps, bandanas, hairbands. Sports style accessories are wristlets, leather straps, watches, sports bags, backpacks. Makeup natural, or its absence.

Emo style.

It is characterized by an abundance of black flowers, as well as its alternation with pink. This style of emo differs from gothic. Peculiar to teenagers, a very bright image, attracts attention. The clothes are quite bright, mostly black and pink, but other colors are allowed. Emo style closer to the sporty style of clothing: T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, skinny jeans. Girls wear tutu skirts, skirts or trousers in black and pink or black and white checks. Emo clothing implies the presence of bright, unusual patterns. These can be hearts, blades, pistols, etc. Favorite emo shoes are sneakers and skater slippers, as well as flips and slip-ons. Emo accessories - badges, bracelets, wristlets, bags, scarves, striped stockings and leggings. Emo jewelry resembles punk accessories, but with a more pronounced romantic character. The make-up is bright, rather heavy, dark or neon lipstick is used for the lips.

Fashion direction, which is characterized by luxury and chic, the use of expensive materials. The style was synthesized through the fusion of neoclassicism and modernity. To create collections in this style, fashion designers use natural silk and velvet. In clothes, the geometric clarity of the lines is visible. Art Deco clothing is a true work of art. Models are decorated with glass beads, loose stones, fringe. Art Deco shoes are shoes, they are worn even with a coat. Art Deco shoes have a small, stable heel and webbing, and can be decorated with straps, beads, and other decorative elements. Style accessories are all kinds of hats, stylish berets and bowlers. Decorated with feathers, veils or bows. Hairstyles of this style are neatly styled hair in waves. Makeup in dark colors, dark or silver shadows, burgundy lipstick against a white face look great.

Bohemian style.

Clothing style that emphasizes sophistication. It involves partial copying of various classic elements of clothing. Bohemian style is a faithful companion of a creative person who is not afraid to stand out and surprise others. Bohemian style is closely related to the fashion movements popular in the 70s and extolling the human intelligence above all other values. There are many colors in the clothes, there are floral patterns and prints. Colored clothing is paired with ripped jeans and distressed nude tops. A bohemian look can be emphasized with a variety of accessories. These are bracelets and rings, necklaces, scarves, brooches. Leather bracelets and leather headbands are especially relevant. Earrings and rings look worn or stylized antique. Bohemian style shoes - simple comfortable sandals.

CASUAL (casual)

Style, the main features of which are practicality, convenience, simplicity of silhouettes, ease of combinations. In the 21st century, the casual style is the most popular. The color scheme of the style is shades of ivory, light blue, sandy, pale pink, khaki. A combination with products of brighter colors is possible: yellow, blue, orange. Casual does not welcome deep necklines, short dresses and skirts. The style allows jeans to be combined with a classic jacket and T-shirt, styles are distinguished by clear lines and simple silhouettes. Characteristic clothes of the style: club jackets, polo shirts, semi-sport jumpers, pale blue jeans. As accessories, the style involves berets, bulky bags, belts, belts, bracelets, neckerchiefs, ties.

DISCO style.

A style of clothing that appeared with discos. He opposed two trends in fashion at once: the unkempt hippie style and the too dry business style. Disco is characterized by flared trousers, low-waisted jeans, for men - a white suit with a black shirt, turtlenecks, denim skirts, shorts, colored tights, sundresses, T-shirts made of bright fabrics. Disco-style outfits are shiny, embroidered with lurex. Plastic bracelets, rings, large hoop earrings are offered as accessories. Clothing material - synthetics (viscose, polyester, spandex) Shoes - high heels or platform. Although the age of disco is a thing of the past, many fashion designers use disco motifs even now. The style remains the most striking, memorable, exotic and cheerful in the history of fashion.

English style.

One of the most basic and long-standing trends in fashion. characteristic feature style is simplicity, conservatism, constancy and practicality. Clothing in the English style is rectangular in shape, the silhouettes are simple, straight or semi-tight. Women's clothing is as closed as possible, the finish is strict, the buttons are certainly the same color as the clothes, the skirt is straight, a small cut, fold or smell is allowed. The choice of accessories is limited: gloves, scarves, a pocket handkerchief. Ornaments are simple and strict, made of gold or silver, strict earrings and pearl beads, as well as elegant brooches will do. Footwear - elegant pumps, leather elegant shoes for men. The tone of the shoes must match the tone of the clothes. A person who chooses this style for himself is considered a model of taste and sophistication. This trend in fashion is incredibly popular all over the world, despite the severity and conservatism.

Country style

The time of appearance of the style is the time of brave cowboys and farmers. Comfortable natural fabrics, rustic simplicity, cowboy hats, jeans and distinctive boots. And, if earlier simple village men dressed in this style, now it is preferred by city girls all over the world. Today, country style is closeness to nature, which manifests itself in shades and fabrics. The materials are dominated by cotton, linen, suede. Of the colors, the main ones are brown, beige, red, ocher and green. Style attributes: lace, knitwear, plaid shirts, fringes, suede or fur vests. This style is characterized by puffy sleeves, lanterns, flounces, lacing. Shoes - boots with pointed toes.

Gypsy (Gipsi-look)- style 1976/77, based on a gypsy costume. Characteristic motifs: skirts with tiers, flounces or corners at the hem, short blouses with Carmen-decollete (large neckline)

Denim style - it is mainly expressed by the sports orientation of mass clothing. Characteristic features are edge stitching along the seams and details, a specific cut, patch pockets, buttons, metal rivet buttons, zippers. Clothing in this style is not necessarily sewn from jeans, velveteen or thick cotton fabric is also used.

Classic style- concise, discreet, simple, but with the same attracts with its high quality tailoring, materials and performance. The color scheme is pastel, the shapes are elegant and do not have ultra-fashionable additions. Hairstyles are concise and restrained.

romantic style- as a rule it is characterized by laces, frills, light light fabrics, flowing and developing. This style is designed to create sophisticated, feminine romantic images. Delicate colors, floral prints, accessories: neckerchiefs, light silk scarves, long dresses, flowers, natural makeup and hairstyles. Jewelry in the form of flowers, butterflies, delicate and sophisticated jewelry.

Retro style- 30s, 60s, 80s - fashion explosions, elegance, femininity and sophistication. Hats, wave-style hair, gloves, puffy fitted dresses, polka dots and charming glasses in thick colored frames. This is only a hundredth of the retro style attributes. In fact, an image in retro style is any harmonious combination of modern fashion with the fashion of the last century.

Derby style in clothes- these are original images in the jockey style: characteristic bowler hats, high brown boots, goofed trousers, a cage, in other words - a style that imitates the clothes of horse race riders.

Business style clothing- smart but understated clothing. Clear straight lines, correct cut, no extravagant "antics". Everything is moderately clear and tidy. Business style can be fashionable, unlike the classic one. Business style colors: gray, black, white, blue, brown prevail. Clothes: pencil skirt, jacket, shirt, tie. Hairstyle - a high ponytail or hair neatly gathered into a "bun" or smoothly combed even.

Ethno (ethnic style)- a very versatile style of clothing, since any clothing using national outfits, prints or motifs is already considered ethnic. Traditionally, ethnic style is the use of bright accessories, jewelry and other decorations that hint at belonging to any ethnic group.

Erotic style in clothes- as a rule, these are defiant, transparent, short clothes, which are designed to emphasize the shape of the body, to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Short dresses, deep necklines, tight clothes. Leather, latex, transparent fabrics are often used. Jewelry in an erotic style can be not just the main accent in an outfit, but in principle an outfit.

Extravagant clothing style- non-standard, outrageous, flashy, unusual style with which a person can express himself and even set the trendy rhythm of the season. In fact, it is this style that is the engine of unusual fashionable things. But in this case, extravagance often borders on bad taste or vulgarity, so only a very confident fashion connoisseur, star or style icon can dress extravagantly.

Safari style- characterized by bright elements in the safari style: Bermuda shorts, a characteristic hat with a small brim, many patch pockets, sand color of clothes, buttons and a military shade of Africa.

Minimalism- a style of clothing that does not provide for unnecessary details. Down with massive jewelry, heaps of clothing and complex hairstyles. Simple laconic spacious outfits, solid or monochrome, natural makeup and loose, neat hair.

Marine style in clothes- undoubtedly, these are marine stripes (white and blue), gold buttons and shoulder straps, white and Blue colour, marine paraphernalia in the form of anchors, golden cufflinks and buttons. Double-breasted blazers and business-like cuts.

Colonial clothing style- similar to a safari, but has a more elegant look, dominated by White color, light fabrics and retro motifs.

Vamp style look- the name of the style speaks for itself: lool in the style of a vampire. Heels, red lipstick, perfect fitted dress, black and red colors, tight open-top dresses.

Garcon-style in clothes- in other words, men's women's clothing. This style is characterized by bright masculine details: tuxedos, bow ties, ties, vests, jackets, and men's cut trousers. Images in the style of emancipation.

Oversize-look (oversized clothing)- Gained popularity in the 70-90s. A style of clothing in which clothes are deliberately worn 1-2 sizes too big: wide sweaters, shirts and jumpers.

Judy's style or Teddy girls- espadrilles, clutches, tucked up jeans, a connoter hat, small brooches, elongated jackets and a tight pencil skirt - all these are Judy's attributes.

Country style implies a cowboy-style look: cowboy hats, boots with pointed raised toes, checkered shirts, brown leather jackets, vests, leather fringe. Bracelets made of metal and leather, wood. Jeans and Western clothing.

It's hard to imagine that modern girls dressed not according to fashion trends and generally accepted trends, but only based on their own sense of beauty, building their own style of clothing. The types of styles that dictate the rules for compiling a wardrobe are fairly well-established and generally accepted trends that are accepted not only by eminent beauty specialists, but also by ordinary people.

Types of clothing is also a well-formed and stable concept. Designers can invent something new to diversify the closet of fashionistas and fashionistas, but still its foundation, its basis are standard and familiar things, the types of which you simply need to understand.

Why is such knowledge needed?

Well, at least in order to be a literate and educated person. The benefit of knowing what types of clothing there are also extends to the very real sphere of human existence, to what he has to deal with almost daily - shopping.

Recent years have become significant for the development of online trading. On the network you can buy everything your heart desires - from a small island in the Caribbean to a pack of matches. But it is clothing that is the main product on a variety of virtual trading platforms.

For the convenience of users, catalogs in online stores are compiled according to a single model, and the goods in it are sorted according to the generally accepted classification. Types of women's clothing, products for men and children, accessories, hats and shoes all over the world have the same name, and therefore netizens can easily shop around the world, easily finding the right thing.

foundation of the foundations

So, where to start with an overview of all existing clothing and how to highlight the main types of clothing? It is almost impossible to fit the names of absolutely all wardrobe items within the framework of one article. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the most important things and their generally accepted names.

One of the main differences in clothing is its division into male and female, although in last years this indicator is slightly blurred. There is also a classification of things depending on the age of the owner of a particular wardrobe item. So, the types of clothing can be for babies, for children, teenagers, young or middle-aged people, the elderly.

However, if we consider it by type, then the clothes are divided into the following categories:

  • household - it can be home, everyday, for relaxation, "grand-day off" and spectacular, it is also called spectacular (stage costumes belong to it);
  • national costumes - in Lately they in one form or another migrate to the household wardrobe, in a new, modernized vision and performance;
  • a uniform;
  • clothing for special purposes, suits intended for work in production or in special conditions;
  • sportswear.

These categories cannot be strictly demarcated, because the use of clothing from each group may fall under a specific style of clothing. Types of styles are even more diverse, they generally incorporate a lot of concepts and trends.

Classification of women's clothing

No wonder comedians add up jokes about the diversity of women's wardrobe and the eternal lack of clothes in it. It is often difficult for girls to choose a beautiful and harmonious set of things so that they both like it and fit the occasion. Let's see what clothes "live" in the wardrobes of beautiful ladies. So, the types of women's clothing:

  • underwear, a variety of home clothes, including pajamas, nightgowns, bathrobes, suits;
  • blouses, blouses, shirts, body shirts;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts, tops;
  • capes, ponchos, boleros, cropped jackets;
  • trousers, shorts, capris, bermudas, leggings, leggings, denim pants;
  • overalls;
  • skirts;
  • dresses, sundresses;
  • tunics;
  • sweaters, jumpers, cardigans, long sleeves;
  • sweaters, turtlenecks, blouses;
  • sweatshirts, hoodies;
  • suits;
  • vests;
  • sportswear;
  • outerwear (more details below).

In addition, clothing for nursing and pregnant women should be noted separately. In this case, it can be all the same trousers, tunics and overalls. However, their cut and tailoring are radically different from ordinary things in a women's wardrobe.

Women's style

There are a lot of styles according to which ladies dress. However, among their huge number, three basic and unchanged ones can be distinguished:

  1. Classical.
  2. Sports.
  3. Casual (everyday).

Some beautiful people like to stand out from the rest and delight others with rather extravagant images, beating their bow in the style of romanticism, disco, grunge, hipster, glamour, or retro.

Men take note

The strong half of humanity cannot boast of such an abundance of types of clothing, so they have to be content with boring suits and shirts. Although in reality not everything is so prosaic in the men's wardrobe, there would be a desire and taste to diversify it. Types of clothing for men:

  • household items and underwear;
  • suits;
  • trousers, jeans, shorts, breeches;
  • shirts;
  • jackets, vests;
  • sweaters, sweaters, turtlenecks, raglans;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts;
  • sweatshirts, hoodies;
  • sportswear;
  • outerwear (raincoats, trench coats, coats, jackets, down jackets, sheepskin coats, fur coats).

Throughout the ages, men have been famous for their ability to create a beautiful look not with the amount of clothes in the closet, but with the help of accessories that can add gloss to even the most trivial suit, so it’s not the quantity of wardrobe items that matters to them, but their quality.

A little warmer!

Separately, let's talk about what types of outerwear are. It is divided into demi-season and winter. The first is not subject to too stringent requirements regarding its protective properties. It should not only be cozy, comfortable and beautiful, but also protect from autumn or spring bad weather.

This section includes a variety of coats (including knitted ones), raincoats, trench coats, windbreakers, vests (both sports, and fur, and those made from thick coat fabrics) and, of course, jackets. This type of outerwear is striking in its diversity, because jackets can be sports, leather, sewn from raincoat fabric, thick cotton, coat, denim. If you sort them by models, then these are parks, Americans, anoraks, capes, leather jackets, duffle coats.

Winter clothes are, first of all, insulated jackets, down jackets, fur coats and sheepskin coats.

Essential information for the winter break

Also, in our review, we cannot ignore special things designed for warming during active winter recreation. Clothing for winter sports is special. It is sewn from special fabrics that have increased strength, excellent moisture resistance, windproofness and breathability. Such clothing should be ergonomic, light, but at the same time warm. So, what do manufacturers offer their customers? People who want to feel comfortable while skiing or snowboarding create their own layered suit using:

  1. Thermal underwear.
  2. Intermediate warming suit (pants and jacket) made of fleece.
  3. The top, outer layer is the "ski" jacket and similar pants.

Made from high-tech fabrics, according to human anatomy, equipped with good cuffs on the sleeves and legs, special holes for moisture removal, such clothes will help make sports more productive and more interesting.

special order

  • suits;
  • overalls;
  • bathrobes;
  • aprons;
  • jackets;
  • accessories and headwear (hats, caps, mittens, armlets).

These are usually functional things, tailored to the specifics of the work for which they are intended (medicine, construction, uniforms for employees of enterprises, warehouses, and household departments of various institutions). They are made from fabrics that are easy to clean, have good hygroscopicity, are not hot in summer, and warm well in winter. There are samples among such clothes that are resistant to chemicals, elevated temperatures, and mechanical stress.

In terms of fashion and style, you need to understand in order to become a stylish girl. After all, without having an idea of ​​at least the basic concepts from the fashion dictionary, it is impossible to talk about stylish clothes. Without knowing the fashion terms used in the fashion industry, you will not be able to follow stylish advice - you risk simply not understanding what is being said. So, read, look at the photos and remember!

Stylish terms from the world of fashion

Blazer- a jacket with a V-neck, single-breasted or double-breasted, its prototype was a marine uniform. Fashionable girls wear it with rolled up sleeves, wearing it over a dress or with jeans.

Ankle boots- this term from the fashion dictionary refers to very short boots to the ankle or even lower. With heels or flats, they come in all sorts of styles and are bound to stay in style for the fall/winter seasons.

It bag- a bag created by a fashion designer, which can be seen in the hands of celebrities in photographs in a glossy magazine and is therefore coveted by fashion fans.

buggy pants very popular with skateboarders, these are wide and long cotton trousers or jeans. They are worn on the hips, trouser legs are twisted, and sneakers are on the legs.

Saruel trousers- Came from North Africa. These are very comfortable, loose-fitting trousers that flare just above the knee and are caught at the ankle or calf at the bottom.

Babydoll (cut) means a cut of a dress or blouse with a high waist and a flared bottom. It is also called "Empire cut".

Vintage- an English word, originally a wine-making term. This fashion term has the meaning of "clothes worn in ancient times". Not to be confused with second hand.

Gladiator Sandals- flat sandals with interlaced straps, reaching to the ankle, sometimes to the knee. Gladiator sandals are the perfect footwear for summer and worn by all celebrities.

Derby- shoes with laces, inspired by men's boots oxfords, now many girls wear such shoes.

Fashion terms in the fashion and style industry

Skinny jeans- Skinny stretch jeans. A cousin of the ankle-length piping trousers, which in turn are made from cotton fabric.

Cashmere- soft and thin expensive fabric. It is made from goat hair in some Asian regions. Cashmere is valued as a warm and lightweight fabric.

clutch- a rectangular handbag without handles, which is worn under the arm or in the hand. An elegant clutch especially suitable for a party.

Leggings- Paired tights with open feet. They are worn with a dress, skirt or tunic.

Liberty- cotton fabric with printed flowers, invented in England.

T-shirt-alcoholic- the equivalent of a men's tank top, a lightweight, form-fitting tank top with a round neckline.

Boar coat- a thick, straight, short double-breasted coat with a large turn-down collar, inspired by the marine uniform. It is sewn from woolen fabric. It is brought up to date every winter and remains the most popular outerwear.

tartan- woolen fabric in a large cage of different colors, invented in Scotland.

trench coat- outerwear to protect against rain, originally sewn for the military. Now this term from the fashion world means a knee-length double-breasted raincoat with a belt, traditionally beige.

Knitted deuce- a classic elegant ensemble consisting of a vest and a sweater.

Delenki shoes- shoes with heels with a T-shaped lace-up belt to the ankle, the ankle is also wrapped in a strap.

fashion girie- this is the name of girls who are very fond of fashion and try to follow fashion trends.