Modern Muslims. The most stylish Muslim girls. What is the event

What is she modern muslim woman?

From time immemorial, it has developed so that the roles of men and women in society have been strictly demarcated. At the same time, if a man had a whole horizon of opportunities to realize himself in this world, then the female vocation was only the creation and preservation of a family hearth, the birth and upbringing of children. Modern life is gradually making its own adjustments to these established views. The woman now faces other equally important tasks that go far beyond the hearth. This is also true for Muslim women.

Agree that to be able to observe the fine line between the requirements of religion and the opportunities that open up towards you to live an interesting, eventful life is not an easy task, but our Muslim contemporaries they handle it very well.

First of all, it concerns education. We all understand that education is the first step towards self-realization in society. If earlier the education of Muslim girls meant only obtaining the most basic knowledge of reading, writing and counting, today the doors of the most prestigious universities around the world are open to Muslim women. Our sisters in faith receive higher education, choose for themselves, master various specialties. They are also active in their work.

Modern Muslim women do not live an isolated life - they are able to harmoniously integrate into society without losing the awareness that they have chosen Islam as their religion. They do not stand out in the crowd with their black veils - after all, in this way they will even more attract the attention of others, and can even sometimes make a frightening impression on them. After all, one of the postulates of Islam for a woman is not to attract too much attention to herself when you are out of the house. Therefore, among ordinary city dwellers, who are accustomed to dress differently, one must be able not to turn out to be a "white" crow, or rather, even to say - "black". - black clothes that, like a bell, envelop the figure of a woman from head to toe, while completely covering her face, will, of course, be out of place. Muslim women know how to dress beautifully, following the refined taste and fashion trends.

Beautifully tied scarves, long dresses and skirts in all colors of the rainbow, loose tunics with trousers, light discreet makeup - this is the image modern Muslim woman.

Modern Muslim women know how to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully, feeling and observing the line between what is permitted and what is forbidden. For example, no one will be surprised even by the fact that a Muslim woman wears jeans. But there are subtleties here. Usually, two extremes are implied - either tight jeans on a girl with impeccable shapes, or ugly jeans sitting behind a shapeless young lady.

A Muslim woman, on the other hand, will put on jeans and be sure to be on top of the length to the middle of the thigh, knees, or even a little lower. This is the main hymn to beauty - to be able to emphasize your femininity, and at the same time not look vulgar and defiant, like most modern residents of megacities and cities. Modern Muslim women follow the latest Islamic fashion - offer a wide selection of outfits and accessories for every day and for special occasions.

Modern Muslim women know how to be and how to make up in front of her husband, relatives and outside the home. Everyone knows about the dangers of modern cosmetics on the skin and human health. Fortunately, a large selection of halal cosmetics has appeared, which consists only of natural ingredients and complies with Sharia without being forbidden for Muslims. This is what modern Muslim women use.

A submissive wife who follows the commands of her Lord, a caring mother who teaches children the laws of Islam, a diligent daughter, a modest daughter-in-law, a faithful friend. Do not count all the qualities that Allah has endowed a woman with.

But today we will talk about appearance. What does a modern Muslim woman look like? What do we see when we go outside? Clothes and all appearance Muslim women should talk about her modesty. It (clothing) should not be bright, tight, translucent. Aisha (r.a) reports: “Allah had mercy on the first women - Muhajirs. When He sent down the verse, “Tell the believing women to lower their eyes and guard their genitals. Let them not show off their adornments, except those that are visible, and let them cover the neckline with their veils and show their beauty to no one but their husbands, or their fathers, or their fathers-in-law, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands. , or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or slaves who have been taken possession of by their right hands, or servants from among men who are deprived of lust, or children who have not comprehended the nakedness of women; and let them not knock their feet, making known the ornaments they hide. O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance all together - perhaps you will succeed, ”they tore their cloaks to pieces and covered themselves with them.” (Al-Bukhari, 4480 and Abu Dawud, 4102).

A Muslim woman should not use make-up when going out, this is only allowed in front of her husband. Allah says in the Qur'an: “... tell the believing women that they are ordered to lower their eyes and not look at what Allah has forbidden to look at, and, protecting their chastity, avoid illegal intercourse and not show bodily beauty that seduces men - places where a woman wears jewelry: chest, neck, shoulders, except for the face and hands. Tell them (O prophet!) to cover the places that are visible in the neckline of their clothes, like the chest and neck, throwing their head coverings over them. Let them show their beauty to no one but their husbands<…>and follow the moral precepts of religion, that you may be happy in your present life and in the hereafter!” (Quran 24:31).

In addition, from a medical point of view, makeup is harmful, as it interferes with the flow of oxygen, because we get 60% of oxygen through the lungs, and the remaining 40% through the skin. And if you smear tons of creams, powders, lipsticks on yourself, then your skin will get oxygen starvation. Hence the premature aging of the skin.

Also, a Muslim woman should not use a bowl when leaving the house. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Every woman who puts on perfume and goes out of the house so that men can smell the fragrance emanating from her is like an adulteress.”

And so we see that there is a lot of evidence that beauty needs to be hidden from prying eyes. Whether it is the verses of the Koran or the hadiths of the Prophet (s.a.v), everywhere it is said about the modesty of a woman.

Of course, it is difficult to comply with Sharia law. Especially in a secular country. But who said that heaven is easy to earn? And if we look at the mothers of the faithful, we will see that it was more difficult for them than for us. They didn't have the amenities that we have. But did they look like that, did they think about it. They did everything to earn the pleasure of Allah. They helped our Beloved Prophet (saw), sewed clothes themselves, raised children, memorized the Koran, the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (saw) taught people religion, endured hunger and need. And at the same time they were satisfied and thought about the eternal world. Our spiritual mothers chose Ahirat in favor of dunya. Why don't we follow their example? After all, we should imitate them. If you think more and work on your inner world, then this will definitely affect your appearance.

islamtoday. en

A modern Muslim woman ... What is she like? A submissive wife who follows the commands of her Lord, a caring mother who teaches children the laws of Islam, a diligent daughter, a modest daughter-in-law, a faithful friend. Do not count all the qualities that Allah has endowed a woman with.

But today we will talk about appearance. What does a modern Muslim woman look like? What do we see when we go outside? Our modest and meek Muslim sisters seem to have forgotten about the commandments of the Lord. To meet a girl in a hijab, with "war paint" on her face, smeared with a fragrant bowl, unfortunately, has become not uncommon. It's like the norm. Where is the shame and meekness? Where is the piety that modern girls love to talk about and brag about so much. What can we say about the modern hijab. A fashionably knitted bright scarf, a tight skirt or dress and shoes with heels, so that they would certainly knock when walking. Maybe, having heard enough from everyone that Muslim women are oppressed and offended, having no rights to anything, our sisters, succumbing to the herd instinct, decided to prove that this is not so ?! What happens, the opinion of others is more terrible than the wrath of the Creator?!

The clothes and the whole appearance of a Muslim woman should speak of her modesty. It (clothing) should not be bright, tight, translucent. Aisha (r.a) reports: “Allah had mercy on the first women - Muhajirs. When He sent down the verse, “Tell the believing women to lower their eyes and guard their genitals. Let them not show off their adornments, except those that are visible, and let them cover the neckline with their veils and show their beauty to no one but their husbands, or their fathers, or their fathers-in-law, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands. , or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or slaves who have been taken possession of by their right hands, or servants from among men who are deprived of lust, or children who have not comprehended the nakedness of women; and let them not knock their feet, making known the ornaments they hide. O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance all together - perhaps you will succeed, ”they tore their cloaks to pieces and covered themselves with them.” (Al-Bukhari, 4480 and Abu Dawud, 4102).

A Muslim woman should not use make-up when going out, this is only allowed in front of her husband. Allah says in the Qur'an: “... tell the believing women that they are ordered to lower their eyes and not look at what Allah has forbidden to look at, and, protecting their chastity, avoid illegal intercourse and not show bodily beauty that seduces men - places where a woman wears jewelry: chest, neck, shoulders, except for the face and hands. Tell them (O prophet!) to cover the places that are visible in the neckline of their clothes, like the chest and neck, throwing their head coverings over them. Let them show their beauty to no one but their husbands<…>and follow the moral precepts of religion, that you may be happy in your present life and in the hereafter!” (Quran 24:31).

In addition, from a medical point of view, makeup is harmful, as it interferes with the flow of oxygen, because we get 60% of oxygen through the lungs, and the remaining 40% through the skin. And if you smear tons of creams, powders, lipsticks on yourself, then your skin will get oxygen starvation. Hence the premature aging of the skin.

Also, a Muslim woman should not use a bowl when leaving the house. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Every woman who puts on perfume and goes out of the house so that men can smell the fragrance emanating from her is like an adulteress.”

And so we see that there is a lot of evidence that beauty needs to be hidden from prying eyes. Whether it is the verses of the Koran or the hadiths of the Prophet (s.a.v), everywhere it is said about the modesty of a woman.

Of course, it is difficult to comply with Sharia law. Especially in a secular country. But who said that heaven is easy to earn? And if we look at the mothers of the faithful, we will see that it was more difficult for them than for us. They didn't have the amenities that we have. But did they look like that, did they think about it. They did everything to earn the pleasure of Allah. They helped our Beloved Prophet (saw), sewed clothes themselves, raised children, memorized the Koran, the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (saw) taught people religion, endured hunger and need. And at the same time they were satisfied and thought about the eternal world. Our spiritual mothers chose Ahirat in favor of dunya. Why don't we follow their example? After all, we should imitate them. If you think more and work on your inner world, then this will definitely affect your appearance.

Nurdi Nukhazhiev, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chechen Republic

The worldview in Islam and its values ​​represent Islamic civilization. This civilization has its own, clearly formulated principles of the position of women in society, in the family. However, when we talk about the position of a Muslim woman in the modern world, I consider it necessary to recall once again how the very attitude towards Islam was formed.

Even at the dawn of the Western world's acquaintance with Islam, it was presented to him in a negative light, and therefore to this day in the West there is a stable idea of ​​a Muslim woman as an oppressed, without any rights, downtrodden being.

For example, English scientist William Montgomery noted that the scholar of Islam is struck by the path that formed in medieval Europe (still continuing to hover over the European public) a distorted image of Islam.

Unfortunately, stereotypes about Islam, in particular, about the attitude of Muslims towards women, are still firmly planted in the minds of most of the Russian intelligentsia, not to mention the ordinary people of Russia. Also, many regions where the Muslim population predominates give reasons for the above idea of ​​a Muslim woman to be preserved in the minds of many people, including Muslims themselves.

And what place does Islam really assign to a woman?

While welcoming and encouraging the active participation of women in the social, cultural, political and economic life of society, Islam at the same time assigns her a major role in the life of the family. This view comes from the physiological, mental, emotional nature of a woman. By the way, in this regard, the Abrahamic religions do not have fundamental disagreements. And yet, when talking about Islamic society and, in particular, about the position of women in these societies, it must be borne in mind that the vast majority of Muslim countries have recently, by historical standards, liberated themselves from colonialism.

As experience shows, this release is largely conditional. That is why Muslim societies have not yet revealed their potential, they are still gaining experience. And the fact that Islamic civilization can contribute a lot to the treasury of human development is eloquently evidenced by its “golden age”. Find golden mean both in the personal and social life of society - this is the main task of a Muslim woman in the modern world.

Under what conditions did the formation of the Chechen value scale begin and end, and what place was assigned to a woman in it? Without delving into reasoning, I will quote the words of one of the most highly respected people in Chechnya and Dagestan - a Chechen philosopher, religious figure of the 19th century, ustaz (Teacher) Kunta-Khadzhi Kishiev. He instructed his disciples (murids) to treat a woman as a saint. Considering that in Chechnya the instructions of Kunt-Khadji Kishiev are still revered as a moral guideline, I have every right to assert that respect for a woman in Chechen society was the highest, although in last years this attitude has undergone some deformation. But, as Baret Nanayeva, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, notes, a woman in Chechen society today, despite some restrictions, occupies a more worthy place in society than in a number of other regions of the Muslim world. I will note right away: it is the value scale of the people that shows the true attitude towards women in society. The formation of the value system of the Chechen people was greatly influenced by the form of Islam, which was established in Chechnya.

From my point of view, two factors had a decisive influence on this process.

The first is that Sufi Islam was eventually established in Chechnya, which penetrated to us at the beginning of the 15th century, after it was banned and persecuted in the Ottoman Empire. The Sufi form of Islam is distinguished by tolerance, striving for perfection, rejects any violence against any living being and inanimate nature. Since that time, the Chechens began to rework their customary law through the prism of the moral values ​​of Sufism.

The second factor: at about the same time, the Chechens began a long and stubborn struggle and, as a result, overthrew the class hierarchical social structure and established democratic rule (in fact, a republic) on their ethnic territory. I would like to stress that at the same time, societies with social inequality are finally taking shape among our neighboring peoples, in which, unlike the Chechen society, the attitude towards a woman was determined by her social position. It is the value system that has developed on the basis of these two factors that has made the attitude towards women in Chechen society unique and specific. It was strikingly different from the attitude towards women among other peoples of the Caucasus. This fact was noted by many scientists, writers, travelers.

So, the Georgian writer and ethnographer Alexander Kazbegi, who knew the culture of the Caucasian peoples perfectly, wrote: Chechen woman freer than all women and therefore more honest than all. She will never allow obscenity ... "

And here is what the Russian military writer, general, participant Caucasian war Melenty Olshevsky: “In general, it must be said that the female Chechens enjoy incomparably more freedom than their neighbors.” He was echoed by his contemporary - the famous Imam Shamil, an Avar by nationality. He noted: “... a woman among them (among the Chechens) is some kind of saint, inviolable. She cannot be insulted and humiliated by word or deed. Our contemporary, the Chechen ethnographer Said-Magomed Khasiev, notes: “A mother woman has earned respect among all peoples, but among the Chechens she has been put in a very special position.” The difference between the educational system of the Chechens and their Caucasian neighbors was noted by Pushkin and Lermontov. One has only to recall their poems "Tazit" and "Mtsyri".

Let me cite one more eloquent fact, which leaves no doubt that a woman in Chechen society was given a worthy place, on an equal basis with men.

As the same Khasiev, who is a great authority in the field of ethnography of the Caucasus, notes, in the value scale of the Chechens, a person is the crown of nature, the representative of the Almighty on earth, and therefore, in traditional Chechen culture, a man and a woman are equal and equivalent. I think the following fact should also be noted: other Muslim peoples and even peoples of other faiths, living among Chechens, largely adopted the Chechen attitude towards women. The Chechen value scale in our technological and information age, of course, began to change. The active participation of women in public and economic life, of course, should be welcomed and encouraged. Today, the equal position of women in many matters of public and private life in Chechen Republic became a reality. I repeat, sometimes they say that women in Chechnya are infringed in some way, but we categorically disagree with this statement. Such, in quotation marks, infringement, as noted above, is due to the natural, physiological, psychological and other data of a woman. It should be noted that over the past 25 years, a woman in Chechnya has been forced to take on functions that are not characteristic of her. And it couldn't go unnoticed. The social roles of men and women were re-evaluated. But this process, as scientists note, has not yet reached the point of no return.

Public morality in Chechnya still requires adherence to mental attitudes regarding the roles of men and women.

Morality is especially strict in rural areas, where the majority of the Chechen population lives. This state is explained by socio-political and economic conditions. And the improvement of these conditions will naturally contribute to the alignment social roles men and women.

Life exists only in development, and therefore it is clear that with the growth of material and spiritual culture, the life of women in Chechen society will change. At the same time, the need to preserve family values ​​requires an increase in the role of women in the functioning of the family. As Nanaeva mentioned above writes, “the combination of archaic traditions and modern civilized life is the key to overcoming the crisis, ... without a reliable reliance on the past, society has no present, much less a future. Language and moral traditions are the "golden fund" of the nation. It cannot be changed, and it cannot be changed."

Chechen society is conservative by nature. But this is not stagnant conservatism, including in relation to women, but, as Russian President Vladimir Putin noted, answering a question from a French journalist, “conservatism aimed at development.” Currently, about 50% of women work in the Chechen Republic in the field of culture, education, and medicine. The proportion of women in local government is about 10%. They are in business. Systemic measures have been taken in our republic to make them competitive in the labor market. As the standard of living rises, women will be increasingly represented in the social and economic life of Chechen society. There are no disputes here.

The question is that at the same time the woman does not lose the role that is determined by her nature.

Unfortunately, in our time, many vicious habits and customs have spread among Muslim women. And one of the most dangerous and harmful habits that our sisters suffer from is, without exaggeration, gossip.

Today, gossip often dominates the conversation between two people, and even the whole company. It is difficult to protect yourself from this sin, because it has long entered our lives as something normal and familiar.

From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that (once) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked:

أَتَدْرُونَ مَا الْغِيبَةُ؟ قَالُوا: اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَعْلَمُ، قَالَ: ذِكْرُكَ أَخَاكَ بِمَا يَكْرَهُ . قِيلَ: أَفَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ كَانَ فِي أَخِي مَا أَقُولُ؟ قَالَ: إِنْ كَانَ فِيهِ مَا تَقُولُ، فَقَدِ اغْتَبْتَهُ، وَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ فِيهِ فَقَدْ بَهَتَّهُ

« Do you know what a hula is? The Companions replied: Allah and His Messenger know best about it.". The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: It's saying things about your brother that he doesn't like ". Asked him: " Tell me, what if what I say belongs to my brother? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: If what you say is inherent in him, then you are slandering about him, and if this is not in him, then you will slander him (buhtan) ". (Muslim, 2589)

But, despite the warnings of the Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), this sin, like a plague, infected the hearts of so many of our sisters.

Today, as you probably noticed, gossip finds its "corner" in almost every conversation of those who have mutual acquaintances. People who love to gossip do not see anything reprehensible in this, but as soon as gossip touches them, they begin to accuse others of meanness and immorality.

Gossip is primarily aimed at discrediting the honor of another person, and therefore is associated with cowardice or envy. God Almighty says in the Quran:

وَلا يَغْتَبْ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضًا أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَنْ يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ

(meaning): " And don't bully each other. Would any of you wish to eat the flesh of your dead brother? It will only make you disgusted... "(Sura Al-Khuzhurat, verse 12)

As we know, gossip can not only discredit a person, but also cause a strong offense to his heart. And, of course, the passion for discussion weakens a person's iman and deprives his heart of nobility and high morality.

Why is that bad

Hudhaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

لَا يَدْخُلُ الجَنَّةَ قَتَّاتٌ

« The gossip will not enter Heaven! » (Bukhari, 6056; Muslim, 105)

From this hadith, we understand that gossip is not only an ugly act, but also a very serious sin, because of which we can lose Paradise. People at all times have loved to evaluate and criticize other people, which is why, in fact, this terrible sin has taken root so easily in our society.

For example, women very often discuss the external data of a friend or, belittling her dignity, focus on her shortcomings. This is especially true when talking about famous women - actresses and singers.

Of course, public figures sometimes allow themselves a lot of superfluous things, but does this give us the right to discuss them? Of course not. It is their life and their own business, how to spend it, and as long as their sins do not concern us, we have no right to talk about it.

On the Day of Judgment, this habit can turn into a real disaster for a person, because every word addressed to someone will have to be paid in full.

From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

لَمَّا عُرِجَ بِي مَرَرْتُ بِقَوْمٍ لَهُمْ أظْفارٌ مِنْ نُحاسٍ يَخْمِشُونَ وُجُوهَهُمْ وَصُدُورَهُمْ، فَقُلْتُ: مَنْ هؤُلاءِ يا جِبْرِيلُ؟ قال: هَؤُلاءِ الَّذينَ يأكُلُونَ لُحُومَ النَّاسِ وَيَقَعُونَ في أعْرَاضِهِمْ

« When I was taken to heaven (miraj), I passed people with copper claws, with which they scratched their faces and chests. I asked: "Who are they, oh Jibril? " He replied: " These are (people) who ate the meat of other people and affected their honor ". (Imam Ahmad, 3/224; Abu Dawud, 4878)

And imagine how the punishment for gyb against someone will increase if this person subsequently repents and stops committing this sin. And the gossip we spread will remind everyone of what he or she once did. This is doubly ugly and cruel.

Our respected Ulama devote a huge number of lectures to this topic, but despite this, gossip in society does not become less. This happens because we do not fully realize the severity of sins while we are in this world.

We must also not forget that we are the slaves of the Almighty Allah, before whom everyone is equally equal. And in relation to each other, we have certain obligations: mutual respect and non-admission of treachery.

By perfidy in relation to others is meant not only material damage, but also the verbal damage that people inflict with gossip.

I hope that from today's article, my dear sisters, you have understood that idle gossip and negative statements about strangers are an extremely dangerous sin, for which a person will be responsible before Allah.

And if you notice this for yourself, then make a tavba as soon as possible and promise yourself never to return to this again. Peace to you and all the best!

Alfia Sinai