Emo ideas. How to dress in emo style (for girls). How to distinguish the Emo style by the image and signs of clothing

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If you want to have more emo pieces in your wardrobe, follow these tips for more inspiration.


    Start with hair. Get layered or long side bangs that cover your eyes. You can ruffle it or straighten it. Many emo girls dye their hair a lot. The most popular colors are black or pure white. If you're afraid to go that bold but want to try it, buy regular hair dye that lasts 4-6 weeks from Ulta or Hot Topic, but the best hair dye is Manic Panic. You will need hairspray and other styling products to achieve the look you love. Remember that this is your hairstyle and make it unique. You can brush off the bangs if you like.

    We do makeup. The emo image concentrates on the eyes. Use a thick line of eyeliner at the top of the eye and below the lashes. Use dark shadows to create a darker color around the eyes. You can use a base tone lighter, but by the way, pale skin tones are a sign of Ready.

    Have a good assortment of clothes: skinny jeans and loose t-shirts should prevail. Try to buy clothes from online band stores or District Lines, as they give more money to the bands. Good clothing brands include Criminal Damage, Iron Fist, Hell Bunny, Green day and Poison Industries. Hot Topic makes good discounts by giving bands less money. Jeans can be found at Old Navy, Forever 21, Hot Topic, Pacsun, and Macy's. You will have to try to find skinny jeans in black or another dark color ... for both boys and girls. When it gets cold, you can wear regular sweatshirts or group sweatshirts If you live where there is snow, thick down jackets are perfect for you.

    Buying shoes: classic black and white or black tall Converse always look good. Also good option there will be black slip-ons or classic Vans in dark tones. You can look at other Wikihow pages for how to select them. It's as easy as writing your favorite band's lyrics on them or just buying some neon shoelaces. IN Lately the most daring emos wear colorful Nikes.

  1. Accessories: hair clips, bracelets, bright bracelets, black, white, silver studded belts, neon laces, band pins, safety pins, ribbons, grenades, pistols, brass knuckles.

    • Make sure you do this to be yourself and not to imitate or impress other people.
    • Search the Internet for what emo looks like and add your own personal touches to this look.
    • Don't cut yourself just to be on point. You don't need it. People who hurt themselves can be emo, but not everyone does it that way.
    • You can look sad or depressed, but don't do it on purpose, otherwise you may be called a poseur (a person who tries to fit into the image, but in fact he is not) or a copycat.
    • Gradually start wearing different things, but without completely changing the style for one night, maybe change clothes for the summer.
    • For makeup, check out the other wikihow pages, as proper makeup is the final touch of a perfect emo look.
    • It's okay to wear light-colored jeans like white, gray, or neon, but be careful with neon. "Theater people" respect themselves, so avoid confusion about which subculture you belong to.
    • If someone asks if you're emo, answer "I hate labels" or just ignore the question.
    • Hang flags and badges on personal items to let everyone know you love the music you listen to. Items such as colorful bracelets are also great.

    Try making your own accessories to spice up dark outfits.

    • When using nail polish, use a dark color.
    • Listen to bands like ptv, sws, bmth, mcr, etc.


    • Don't misbehave at school. Just because you're emo doesn't mean you should get bad grades and stay on punishment after class. Most emos are good at school because they know who they are. Also, many emos prefer to stay introverted in order to stand out more in the class.
    • Some people don't think about emo the way others do. Don't be offended if someone laughs at you or looks askance. You are who you are, so don't force yourself to worry about it.
    • If your friends don't like your style, don't change for them. Tell them to accept you the way you are. But try not to quarrel with them, you don't want to be left alone, do you? You are who you are, so don't change just because someone doesn't like it. Perhaps they are just jealous.
    • Don't push your old friends, they don't have to be emo.
    • You may be called a poser, but it's still your decision.
    • If you only become emo at night, you will be called a poseur.

    What will you need

    • Skinny jeans and layered skirts
    • Loose, black or retro shirts
    • Converse, Vans or similar shoes
    • Messenger bags, checkered or colored backpacks: Dickies and Jansport are good choices.
    • Badges or pins to identify outfits
    • A variety of hoodies: regular, colored, with band logos or just black will look best
    • A piercing on the lip, eyebrows in the ears or on the dimple on the cheek is not really necessary for you. A snake bite, an angel or spider bite, or just a regular piercing on one side of the lip.

We continue the series of materials about the subcultures of the 2000s, and today the most controversial subculture is next in line, which quickly gained popularity and just as quickly lost it, which other informals hated and even wanted to limit at the state level. This subculture is emo.

We have prepared a detailed guide in three parts and interviewed Nikolai Savenkov, the permanent bassist of the most popular emo band in Russia in the 2000s - Origami. The interview will be released in the third and final part of the review.


Like most subcultures, emo originated among fans of a particular musical genre. It happened in the 80s of the last century in the USA. Then hardcore punk with a heavy sound and powerful vocals was popular in the West. In this environment, the Rites of Spring group appeared, which was distinguished by great melody and lyrical themes in the texts. Many consider Rites of Spring to be the first emo band, but the musicians themselves deny such associations.

Frame from the film: "EMO The musical"

Nevertheless, the romantic, nostalgic and sad lyrics of Rites of Spring influenced many musicians and became Starting point development of a new genre - emo-core (short for "emotional hardcore punk"). Another notable band of that time was the Embrace group, which in just a year of its existence gave a big impetus to the development of the genre.

In the nineties, emo music in the US enters the mainstream, and many new bands appear: Mineral, Jimmy Eat World, My chemical romance and many others.

And in the 2000s, the emo movement became a full-fledged subculture that spread throughout the world, including in Russia.

Rise of popularity and criticism

At the beginning of the 2000s, the emo movement became a full-fledged subculture and took over the world: followers appeared in Europe, Russia, Japan and even the Middle East. In Russia, the subculture fell in love with young people, but it drew criticism from the authorities, the older generation, and even other informals. Opponents believed that emo promote infantilism, depression, bad habits and suicide.


Did not like emo and representatives of other subcultures. Goths did not like being compared and confused with emo because of similar style elements (black hair and clothes, piercings). Skinheads, radical fans and just gopniks often beat emo for their "inappropriate" appearance.

In June 2008, parliamentary hearings were even held in the State Duma, where they discussed state policy in the field of spiritual and moral education of children. At the hearings, youth subcultures - emo and goths - also got a good blow. They were, in fact, equated with dangerous skinheads and football fans.

In other countries, emo was criticized even more. In 2010 in Armenia, the National Security Service launched a campaign against emo, accusing them of harming the upbringing of the younger generation. According to the BBC Russian Service, emo youth were even detained on the streets of Yerevan.

More radical methods the fight against this subculture was applied in Iraq. In 2012, when the wave of popularity of the movement had already passed around the world, emo was still popular in this country. Due to the unusual appearance emo became associated with homosexuality, for which the death penalty was due in Iraq. According to BBC News, in 2012 more than 70 young emo people were kidnapped and killed due to belonging to the subculture.


Emo did not have a deep philosophy and a single list of principles. The main principle is based on the name of the subculture: emo is short for "emotional". They lived with emotions and put them first - both positive and negative.

They supported the ideas of love for freedom, pacifism. For emo, machismo and aggression are alien, they have a heightened sense of justice. Because of this, they often suffered clashes with the "cynical world" that refused to accept them for who they are.

Emo aesthetics is associated with the romanticization of death, depression. Some attributed to her the singing of suicidal moods, but many representatives of emo deny this.

Attributes and style of emo

In emo clothes, they preferred a combination of two colors: black and pink. Black color prevailed and helped to emphasize the brighter elements of the wardrobe: scarves, badges, bags, bracelets.

The clothes were tight, even for the boys. In fashion, emo had skinny black jeans, black and pink plaid shirts, scarves, shoulder bags, covered with badges with the symbols of their favorite bands. Girls often wore striped black and pink stockings. Black boots or sneakers with pink laces were also fashionable.

The content of the article

Not all people know that the word emo is of English origin. It comes from the English word emotional, which means emotional. Such a translation can say a lot at once. For example, that people who identify themselves with such a group have a different attitude to clothing and to many concepts that are the rule for us.

What do emo people like to wear?

First of all, black clothes. It is this difference that most often immediately catches the eye of the representatives of this group. It should be noted that the clothes still have a small number of other shades. As a rule, they are bright and even defiant.

Emo can inflict self-inflicted wounds on their arms. To cover them, they put on armlets. However, often, as if by accident, they take off this part of their clothes and show their scars to other people.

Emo can be identified if you see a guy wearing very tight jeans. It often happens that the guy just "borrowed" them from his sister. They love rivets on trousers and other metal parts.

Emo character oddities

Representatives of this group of people are photographed differently than most people do. They show the photographer only one side of their face. It seems that they are shy about something in their appearance. You will not meet a real emo who would smile when he is photographed. After talking with them, many come to the conclusion that emo has no self-respect for themselves. Yes and common sense in their actions, many also do not find. However, as they say, emo doesn't give a damn about it. After all, they live in their own world and do not particularly strive to be understood.

The society has long formed the opinion that these closed people are simply subject to constant severe depression. As a rule, these are all young people. Becoming emo, many girls and boys get involved in drugs, begin to harm their bodies and do a lot of disgusting actions that many representatives of human society do not understand and of course deny.

If you want to find emo

If you want to try and interview emo people or just talk to them and try to understand them, then you need to know where to look for them. Such places, of course, exist, although they are few in number. Let's try to list the places where you can find these people.

On the streets.

1. Try looking for emo in local malls. However, these are very dangerous places. Therefore, if you still decide to visit there, take a gas canister with you and maybe more than one.
2. You can find these people on the swing set in the playground near your house. What attracts them to these places is unclear. But they are emotional people, and children are like that too.
3. You can find them at various stations, both train and bus stations. They usually smoke cigarettes that have a characteristic blueberry flavor.
4. In the backyards of various adult clubs. They behave modestly and try to find the remnants of alcohol or food.

In shops.

1. Music stores. Emo, like all people sometimes buy different records.
2. Shops that sell books. Emo people like to read or watch animation magazines. You should be careful. If you take the emo away from his activity, he can respond to your actions in a very emotional way. How? Yes, very simple. He can use the blade he has in his pocket. Emo will not stop that he is in a crowded place.
3. Department stores. These are also places that representatives of this exotic group can visit.

Other places where you can meet emo.

1. Gateways.
2. Concerts. They are easy to recognize at concerts, as they stand completely still. This is what makes them different from other listeners. This will immediately catch your eye.
3. In public toilets.
4. At parties. They should be looked for in the back rooms. Here you have to be careful not to confuse emo with goths. Although an attentive person will never make such a mistake.

Not to be confused with Goths.

If you try to compare their culture with the emo culture with the goths, you will get a decisive rebuff. Although specialists in the so-called subculture point to some commonalities between these two groups, the representatives of these groups themselves always protest against such a comparison. Or they simply ignore such opinions. If the emos do not love themselves, then the goths, as is commonly believed, do not love and despise all of humanity. And although there are many similarities between these two groups, for example, a desire for depression, a romantic attitude towards death, a love of clothing in black, there are many differences between goths and emo.

They take part in these activities because they feel that they are rejected and completely separated from society. but at the same time, Emo are also ready to continue acting, which leads to constant hatred and rejection of these individuals by society.

Every psychiatrist can say that these very emotional people should simply be understood by society. This is required so that they can get rid of the depressive state. But they will also agree that the stereotype they have adopted is outrageous, and the mere notion of a cause can lead them to become even more depressed.

The most common gender of Emo is male. This is due to the fact that they are more exposed stress disorders, since they could be rejected by beautiful girls, or millet they have little manhood. The largest part of the girls included in this group ended up in it, because they consider themselves ugly, and they are often called "gray". And also these are those girls who have some problems with weight, or, for example, those who have a crooked vagina, excessive hair on the body, as well as simply sick people.

The largest number Emo only dream about death (want to cut their veins), but they can't make up their minds to take this step, therefore, they also continue to cry and whine about everything that they don't like. It is because of this that all the rest of humanity wants to just kill these terrible whiners, but why waste ammunition on them: it is better to run them over with a Hammer.

Emo are very much afraid of true individuality, as real individualists see through them. They wear them "immature".
- Numerous cool people are constantly relaxing and having fun, while killing Emo, and eat these people for breakfast. Emo just doesn't like it.
- Emo children try to hide from the fact that they are not loved, while hating others even more, but they do it in computer games. One such Emo (whose name is still unknown) said that he "killed a newbie". Since it was a real lie, he was eaten by Jacob Nussbaum, and the feces that he came to look like were burned and buried by Austin Garst.

Emo want to climb on everything that comes near them, regardless of the gender or the type of it. Therefore, you should be careful.

There are a number of theories about how the Emo movement started.

Theory 1. Some people believe that "emo" originated in the 1980s, and "emo" is short for "emotional hardcore", resulting in grandcore altered punk music. But these people are lying, and everyone on the Internet knows that "emo" means "nervous kids who put their photos on public display and laugh at themselves." Since various fat people have confirmed this, it turns out that the above is the real truth.

Theory 2. The first wave of Emo began in the city of Emo, Lithuania, in the early 1980s, led by Emo Philips. Phillips' constant sobbing with an intermittent acoustic punk rhythm spawned thousands of similar bands that began to form across the country within a few months. Teenagers and other crazy people were captured by this current. This soon led to an emo baby being born. As the movement progressed further, the philosophy of the early emo child and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard led to the writing of a book called Why No One Cares.

The Emo community became very upset and created a mass rally, reacting like this: "Life has no meaning, and we are very sad to agree with the official position."

Theory 3. More recently, scientists have found that Emo is a way to control the population, formed by the UN and the American government. At the moment, the population has grown very much, therefore, these two organizations decided to organize emo in order to monitor the growth of the population. The idea for this "music" that encourages misfit teenagers to kill themselves was conceived by Tom Cruise while he was on ecstasy. This idea became very popular, killing almost 100% of the misfits around the world.

For information, all emo vegetarians: but almost no one knows about it. It's not uncommon to see emos eating a salad, looking plaintively at a normal person eating a hamburger.

How to do emo hairstyle

How to make an emo hairstyle on your own: because otherwise no one will be able to understand why you constantly whine in the dark.

Most Important Steps:
1. If you are a man, then you need to grow your hair as long as possible, preferably the right length so that you can cover your face completely. If you possess short haircut, and you don’t have time to wait so much, then you should grow them to the middle of your noses.
2. If you are female, you can cut them to the level of the chin, and add some fluffy hair, or grow it to the very waist.
3. It is desirable that the hair is long in front and the length is shorter in the back.
4. Dye your hair black or dark brown. Make some strands light, so that they have an orange color.
5. Divide them into two sides, or comb, while covering some part of the face.
6. You can also cut off the bangs, but if you did the hairstyle yourself, then this may be uneven. Try to make her stick out in all directions.

Basic Hints:
- We must use medicinal paint. You need to be completely sure that it is permanent. Otherwise, they will say shame to you if your hair becomes lighter during the day.
- Random clips should be inserted into the hair. this is especially true for barrettes. Even if you are male.
- Straighten your hair. Emo hair can be a little curly, but it will look strange. If the hair is slightly curly, then it must be straightened in front. it looks fucking emo.

In the modern world, there are a great many subcultures that unite informal youth, depending on their interests and musical preferences. Emo culture, originating from punk and goth, is one such subculture. Like many other subcultures, Emo culture is mainly associated with certain music. But also the followers of this culture try to express themselves in a certain style of clothing and worldview.

Many believe that emo is not just a popular style of clothing or a preference for underground music - it is a state of mind. To understand whether this subculture suits you or not, you need to listen to your feelings. A follower of Emo culture, as a rule, should be depressed, constantly crying and be pessimistic. In this, of course, the influence of the Gothic subculture can be traced.

However, the supporters of the movement themselves argue that it is enough just to subtly capture the emotions of the surrounding world and be imbued with deep feelings when listening to music in the Emo style.

Emo music is a variety of movements of emotional rock, in the songs of which there are soul-stirring lyrics, underground and indie music. Today, emo music is gaining great popularity among young people. For example, bands such as Garbage, Tokio Hotel, Silverstain are prime examples of this direction in music.

Emo films tend to favor anime.

Emo style in clothes- this is a whole article with a list of rules that should be followed in order to properly present yourself to the world. The clothes are mostly black, which again indicates the influence of the Gothic, but with a small addition of other colors, mostly bright pink and purple, which indicates a bright emotionality in the worldview. There are various additions, mainly in tartan accessories, which clearly indicates the influence of punk culture. And so, in the Emo wardrobe there are always black T-shirts, sometimes with images of your favorite bands. Shoes are presented in an avant-garde, sometimes simple. Girls wear either black skirts with frills of lace.

Among the accessories, one can single out thick belts, possibly belts with spikes, bracelets and earrings with various Emo symbols, dark glasses in a thick horn-rimmed frame, key rings huge size, backpacks and messenger bags in dark colors, which can be decorated in your own way with various stripes, badges and checkered ribbons. Since a follower of Emo culture needs to think deeply about the surrounding events and spend a long time thinking and getting the emotions he needs so much, it is worth noting with regret that loneliness is his faithful companion. If some of your friends don't understand this, a surefire way to cut off the whole outside world is to get a thick, not necessarily interesting book and dig into the side reading somewhere.

As for the appearance, the Emo style is characterized by the so-called Emo-style haircuts, when the hair on the back of the head is shortened, and the bangs are left long, covering one eye. Bangs can be dyed in different colors. But the hair itself remains classically black. Be careful with the darkest black when choosing paint. This can result in an unexpected blue-violet color. The eyes are subtly lined with a black pencil. It is used by both girls and boys.

To understand whether you are Emo or not, try to plunge into their world. Listen to emo music, try it Emo style in clothes. First of all, you will need tight black jeans, T-shirts with the image of your favorite Emo bands, avant-garde sport shoes or rocker boots, various Emo accessories, belts with metal spikes, black eyeliner and hair dye; all in black and dark colors.

And do not forget that under the influx of emotions, Emo constantly cry. If you can’t do this, an onion cut into two parts will come in handy. If, after trying all this, you find Emo inside you, you should not openly admit it to your non-emo friends. You may be subject to severe criticism and accusations of posturing. If loneliness is not for you, find like-minded people and communicate with other informals all the time, and then everyone will understand everything. Don't forget that emo style is not just a popular movement, it's a state of mind.

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Emo (from the English "emotional" - emotional) is not just a style, but a whole direction that appeared back in the 80s of the last century along with the new musical direction emocore, based on the strong emotions of the vocalist and melodic music. However, it took a long time before this style gained extraordinary popularity among teenagers. And for several years now we have been watching young people who listen to emotional music about love and death, look very extraordinary and, without hesitation, tell the whole world about their emotions.

Emo hair and makeup

Let's start with the fact that the emo style is characterized by the obligatory presence of black, both in clothes and in makeup. Even the hair color of emo teenagers is black. It would seem that gloomy people, but no! Emo style also has a bright pink color, which distinguishes it from gothic. Therefore, the image of emo is very bright and, as a rule, attracts everyone's attention.

Among emo teenagers you will not find blondes or blonds, more often they dye their hair black, sometimes diluting it with pink, white or ash-gray strands. Emo hair is worn straight, their length can be absolutely any, as, indeed, the type of hairstyle itself - from perfectly smooth and neat to tousled. The main attribute of the emo hairstyle is the bangs, obliquely cut and covering one eye. Emo girls often give their hairstyles a bit of a doll-like touch, decorating them with thin pink headbands, barrettes and ribbons.

Emo makeup is bright, catchy and very simple. Black eyeliner, black shadows combined with pink. Moreover, such a make-up is applied not only by girls, but also by guys.

In addition to hairstyles and bright make-up, emo face piercings can also be found, huge “tunnel” punctures in the ears, and stylish and bright tattoos on the hands, meaning the main values ​​​​of this trend are emotions and love.

Emo clothes and shoes

The colors in the clothes are still the same - black and pink, although other bright, eye-catching shades are allowed. But the main colors of the style are far from random, they have their own special meanings. Black is the color of sadness, sadness, pain and longing. Pink reflects the highlights of an emo's life associated with their emotions such as friendship and love.

The style of the clothes itself is quite simple: sports t-shirts, jeans, leggings, sweatshirts with bright, unusual patterns (it can be hearts, symbols of suicide, pins, blades, sad or funny little men, couples in love). Emo girls can often be found wearing puffy tutu skirts, which is one of their ways of expressing themselves, which is quite appreciated in emo style. This skirt of an emo girl is boldly combined with bright fishnet tights.

Emo-style clothes are also characterized by a strip and a cage, but again only black and pink or black and white. Emo guys can most often be found in tight jeans, trousers, worn T-shirts, decorated with bright prints. The favorite shoes of emo are sneakers, skater slippers, slip-ons and flips.

With the help of clothes, emo express their emotions, and in order to emphasize their mood, they “decorate” their emo images with various accessories: ties, suspenders, headbands, wristlets, bracelets, jewelry in the form of plastic jewelry, collars with spikes, metal chains. Costume jewelry has a more romantic character, although it vaguely resembles punk accessories. Almost all emo have their own collection of badges with images or logos of famous musical groups that symbolize this direction, or with drawings that reflect their unique image of these emotional and vibrant personalities.

So there is definitely nothing frightening or sinister about these black and pink guys and girls, they just want to tell the whole world about their emotions just like that - bright, original and very bold.