What are the nest sizes for laying hens. How to make nests for laying hens with an egg collector. Nest for laying hens so that eggs do not peck: why special designs are needed

Those people who live in private houses are mainly engaged in breeding animals and birds. As a rule, chickens are bred more often. It is easy to care for him, and as a result, he eats his eggs and meat. In order for the eggs to always be clean, and the chickens to lay in one place, it is necessary to equip the chicken coop with nests. It's easy to do.

Very just make nests for laying hens in the form of a box with their own hands. For this you will need the following materials:

As a rule, models are designed to be installed outdoors, if necessary. We have been using rabbit cages for a while. They also serve as extra layers for laying hens or curly hens. Cheap in general, easy to move around and clean, they are very useful. The advantage is that they can be installed under cover, moult or directly outside if needed.

Give your chickens always clean nests. If they sleep at night, remove the litter every morning. You can also place the cards in the evening so they don't sleep there. Thoroughly clean the nest boxes at least twice a year, decontaminating them with black knowledge, for example.

  • Board or plywood;
  • Nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw.

How to make a nest for laying hens:

  • Cut the prepared board (plywood) into equal parts.
  • Using a hammer and nails, connect the resulting elements so that you get a box.
  • Straw should be laid in the box made and installed thirty centimeters from the floor.
  • To the box, if desired, you can attach a small ladder. So, it will be easier for chickens to get into the nest.

Laying hen nest dimensions

chicken nest must fit the following dimensions: the depth of the nest should be more than forty centimeters. Height and width thirty centimeters.

Why aren't your chickens in the nest, why?

The location may throw them off if the nest is too close to the coop door. You may need to view its location. As we have seen, cleanliness is an important criterion. If the nest boxes fill up with droppings, they will not want to lay eggs.

IN wild nature Curly-haired hens are looking for quiet places to store their eggs. It is possible that they do the same, especially if they are scattered in bushes and hiding places.

False plastic eggs are commercially available to attract and induce nesting in nests.

The resulting design must be installed in a dark and warm place in the chicken coop. The size of the nest should fit the hen, and it should also be comfortable. If the chicken does not want to rush in it, then she does not like it and should be redone.

Where and how to install nests

For the hen to lay in the nest you made for her, you need to know a few rules:

Making nests with an egg box

You can also leave 1 or 2 real eggs in nests for a few days. Decided you will be installing chickens in your garden. But to get them well, you need a good quality chicken coop and well organized. First of all, choose where you will install it to meet the expectations of your new protected. Because your chickens need a dry place and well protected from the wind to sleep soundly and lie down with serenity. The material your chicken coop is built in is essential, and it must be thick enough and rot-resistant wood to provide good stability over time.

  • It is better to install such structures in a dark place and away from drafts.
  • For bedding the best option is straw or sawdust;
  • The bottom is better to do from the grid. This is necessary for ventilation.
  • It is necessary to hang the house at a distance of at least thirty centimeters from the floor, and you also need to take into account that you should not nail it to the wall.
  • It is not worth installing the structure in wet places. This can lead to illness in chickens.
  • Access to eggs and bedding should be convenient.

Nests for laying hens with an egg collector (drawing)

Often the owner of his birds, due to various circumstances, cannot regularly visit the chicken coop and collect eggs. In this case you need egg box design which you can make yourself. This nest is also called a "double bottom nest". Such a device becomes Lately more and more popular. It differs only in that its bottom has a slope. Thanks to the slope, the eggs roll to the right place.

Don't settle for the mere mention of "chicken coop in the woods"! There are a thousand types of wood and most of the wood used in making a cheap chicken coop is of very low quality, you just have to check the package weight to be sure. Around 20 pounds, don't expect your coop to spend more than one winter in the garden. Under the influence of weather changes, frost and temperature, the wood will move, crack and burst. A must is oak wood, chestnut or acacia, which are naturally resistant to wood decay: they do not require any treatment to resist over the years.

In order to make such a device, you will need:

  • Make a regular box out of plywood or boards.
  • The bottom should have a slope of approximately ten degrees.
  • Make a hole in the tray and attach the tray.
  • Lay straw or sawdust.

There is another option for making such a nest for laying hens with your own hands.

They are very dense and heavy woods. There is little chance that a chicken coop purchased from a garden center will be made from these species. The chicken coop should also be ventilated to avoid too many drafts. Place vents at the top of the coop and make sure no one leaves more than 2cm of clearance, chicken safety requires!

Step by step instructions for building nests for laying hens

This person must be insured once a week, so choose a chicken coop model that is practical and well thought out. Finally, think about essential supplies for your chickens! The three main accessories you need in your coop are the nest box, feeder and chute.

In this embodiment, the angle of the bottom should be forty degrees. The design may contain three or four tiers. There are no big differences in size. But you only need to take into account that this design is not installed thirty centimeters from the floor, but fifty centimeters. At the bottom of the box you need to make a hole where the testicles will roll. To keep them from breaking tray needs to be installed.

Install a chicken coop: choose the right place!

Where you will set up your coop is a real strategic choice. Ideally, it should be located as close to your home as possible and, if possible, in plain sight, so that the whole family takes the reflex to collect eggs and take care of the young. Indeed, if your chickens are close to your home, they will quickly become part of the family and will develop in your contact with amazing behavior, you will see 😉.

Your chicken coop should be the sunny part of the day, ideally the morning sun, less aggressive than the hot weather afternoon. In the shade of the day, the chicken coop will have time to freshen up a little. A good place for your chicken coop is also a place that is not too close to a watercourse or wetlands, if possible to overhang. Because chickens hate moisture!

You can make such a chicken nest with an egg collector according to this drawing.

For this you will need:

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Pre-treat the prepared material (boards or plywood) with sandpaper.
  2. We cut plywood or boards to certain sizes.
  3. The resulting elements are knocked down with nails and a hammer. Should be a box. For greater strength, attach the timber from the inside at the corners.
  4. Make the front the way you want. It can be open or made of plywood with a hole.
  5. On the bottom of the resulting box, you need to nail the bar.
  6. Now we attach the bar horizontally, ten centimeters from the hole (entrance). She will help the chicken to get inside.
  7. At the bottom of the box you need to make a hole about ten centimeters.
  8. To the bottom you need to attach a pallet with an inclination to the back wall. At the bottom of the back wall, make a hole into which the testicle will roll.
  9. We attach an egg collector behind the back wall, it must be upholstered with a soft cloth so that the testicle remains intact when it falls.
  10. In the floor of each cell we make a hole with a diameter of ten centimeters.
  11. Lay straw or sawdust on the bottom.
  12. Attach the resulting design in the chicken coop.

Unusual nests for laying hens do it yourself

These laying nests are very looks like a dog kennel.

Inside the chicken coop, the air must circulate and remain dry. Stagnant humidity favored the appearance of mushrooms in the walls of the chicken coop, which immediately affected the hygiene of the shelter. Many amateur breeders complain of respiratory problems which can lead to high excess mortality during the winter. Whenever we study the causes of these pathologies, we notice a lack of maintenance or a lack of isolation in the coop.

Chicken coop design: good, but well done!

Therefore, the quality of the production of the chicken coop is important for a healthy interior, starting with the roof, which must be - one must remember - well sealed! In short, your chickens should have their paws and their comb dry 😉. That's it, you've finally found the chicken coop of your dreams!

To make a nest you will need:

First you need to make a box of plywood or board according to the same principle as described above. The dimensions of the box will be the same, but there is only one difference - the box must be without front wall. From the remaining plywood, you need to draw, and then cut a hole. It should be wide enough for the chicken to fit in freely. This will be the front wall of the structure. Well, that's it. Now it remains only to lay straw or sawdust in the nest.

The simplest nests for laying hens do it yourself

Perch can be of different sizes, counting 20 cm minimum space per chicken, no more. They will sleep opposite each other to keep warm and feel safe. At this moment, the chickens are not like us, the closeness of relatives never oppresses them. 😉 When approaching the perch section, it should be slightly rounded at the edges for better ergonomics - think chickens are clinging to it all night.

Types of nests for birds - laying hens

Then a nest is essential if you want your hens to lay their fresh fresh eggs in the morning. 😉 In terms of space, a square or rectangle of 25 to 30 cm sides will be enough. Chickens like to snuggle, the "nest" effect allows them to lay eggs. Several hens will be able to share the nest without any problems. Only breeding hens should be left separately in a separate nest. For bedding, use straw that is shredded, absorbent and cozy.

Do-it-yourself frame model (drawing)

To make it, you will need materials such as:

  • timber;
  • Nails;
  • Plywood or boards;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Hammer;
  • Plank, ten centimeters wide;
  • Hand saw;
  • A simple pencil and a special ruler.

Such a model can be made in the form of separate cells, as well as in the form of sections.

Enclosure: a safety issue for chickens!

The nest should be provided for 2 to 3 hens, which can alternate or even lay eggs in the same nest at the same time. Hens loves to dip. However, contrary to popular belief, perch height does not matter. The size of the cabinet depends on the number of chickens you want to house. Ideally, your pans should have a nice space to stretch your legs, clear the ground, and make your "toilet" in the famous "chicken's nest" 😉.

It should provide a minimum of 10m2 per hen, even if the hens won't give up on more space where they will find richer green grass! As for the cabinet body, to better protect your chickens, plan for a 1m20 high fence, remembering to reinforce the base of your fence so that no predator can enter the enclosure.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Prepared plywood or boards need to be processed with sandpaper.
  2. Cut the material, taking into account that the width and height of the workpiece should not be less than thirty centimeters. If you decide to make the model in the form of sections, then in order to calculate the length, you need to multiply the number of sections by thirty.
  3. From the resulting segments you need to put together a box. In the corners, do not forget to nail the timber (on the inside). This is necessary in order for the box to be more durable.
  4. The front part can be both open and in the form of holes. It depends on your desire.
  5. Now we need to make a threshold. At the bottom of the box, nail the prepared bar.
  6. If you decide to make the model multi-tiered, then for each tier you will need to make a ladder.
  7. It remains to lay the existing bedding and you can hang the structure in the intended place.

Very simple and fast nest

If it turned out that you simply do not have time to make nests from a special material, then you can make from ordinary boxes. How much and what material is needed? To do this, you need any box in which the chicken will fit freely. In this box it is necessary to lay sawdust or straw. Well, that's all, the place for laying eggs is ready!

Location and methods of making feeders and drinkers for chickens

Most of the enclosures are shielded, even many urban breeders prefer the fences in the Hanivelle stakes, which are more aesthetic. The chicken coop and its annex are important elements for the well-being of your chickens. That is why it is better to keep the quality of the chicken, firm and well organized, which will make it easier to maintain.

Did you like this article about the chicken coop?

They are called "backyard animals" because they don't need a special habitat to survive. But they can be raised even in the space in front of their house. Many breeds of chickens for many reasons. To have authentic chicken dishes and raise chickens. But especially the fresh eggs every morning for breakfast. Croqueta is one of the important moments in the life of a chicken. In this guide, we will see how to prepare a chicken nest step by step.

Owners of private houses often breed chickens. Caring for them is not difficult, even beginners can easily cope with this task. There are always fresh homemade eggs in the house. After a certain age, the bird is cut for meat. Therefore, poultry farming is rapidly gaining popularity. Laying hens remain a favorite variety of chickens. Their eggs are tastier and larger. For successful egg laying, it is necessary to equip a nest for laying hens, which can be easily made with your own hands. It will avoid damage to the shell, increase the quantity and quality of the product.

Choose the most suitable chickens

Wooden box piece of straw iron. . To have a chick in them perfect garden reserved an exclusive space for people to live freely. In order to avoid any problems, enclose the coop is best solution. Thus, they cannot leave their territory and cannot be attacked by animals like dogs and cats. After a few weeks, the best of them can also "communicate" with their chicken. These tomes essentially emit different verses depending on the action they are doing.

  • Nests in the form of boxes. A kind of "houses" resembling a box with an opening. Inside, a cozy space is obtained, where a bird can rush in solitude. In turn, nest-boxes differ in the number of cells. One of the advantages: having such a design, it is easy to teach chickens to rush in the nest. To do this, they are simply closed inside for a while.
  • Nests from improvised materials. This option is most often used by novice poultry farmers who did not have time to equip the chicken coop thoroughly. It is also suitable for those who keep a small number of birds or are breeding them temporarily. If you make nests for laying hens with your own hands according to the standards, the birds will not notice the difference. The main rule: all improvised materials (boxes, baskets, boxes) must be clean and intact. Differences from the design with boxes: irrational use of space and fragility.
  • Nests with egg collector. This type is the most optimal, despite the fact that you will have to tinker with its manufacture. There can be many subspecies, again, but the main idea is to keep the laying hen in as little contact with the egg as possible. Moreover, it is not taken from the nest, as in the previous two versions, but from special pallets. To do this, either a funnel-shaped hole is made in the middle of the nest, or an inclined floor.

Size Requirements

Regardless of the species chosen, there are strict nest size standards for laying hens. They should be 30 to 40 cm deep (depending on the size of the bird), and 30 cm high and wide. The material used in the manufacture is pre-polished. Only short nails are used. If there are none, the protruding parts are cut off with a grinder and rubbed with a needle file. The laying hen can get hurt on the slightest sharp protrusion.

What you need to build a nest for chickens

There is a line for the cattle to graze, one while they are laying eggs and another until they are ready to nest. Just as the chicken is about to duck, it's time to drown. To prepare a nest for a chicken, simply serve one, typical for vegetables, a piece of iron and straw. In the cassette, you will have to place a piece of iron first, and then the straw that your chicken is standing on. In fact, a piece of iron has no rational motivation: it is a simple arson from lightning. Straw is instead a great natural conductor of heat, and so it serves to maintain the correct temperature in the egg before it is opened.

Placement rules

little to do chicken nests with their own hands, they still need to be placed in the chicken coop in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the hens.

  • Height above the floor - not less than 30 cm.
  • The take-off bar should be at a distance of about 10 cm from the entrance to the nest and have a section of 5x2.
  • Hay or sawdust is used as flooring.
  • For better ventilation of the flooring, the bottom should be mesh or have ventilation holes.
  • Nests are located in dark, draft-protected parts of the chicken coop.
  • The drawers are not fixed directly to the walls. First, it makes the structure less durable. Secondly, it will be cold from the walls in winter.

Remember that the made nests should be convenient not only for the bird, but also for you. They should not interfere with cleaning. It is important that they have free access to change the flooring and collect eggs. If the laying hens refuse to lay their eggs in the proposed location, the nest for the hens is redone.

Artificial wooden nest for wooden hens to be hung on the wall with egg storage. A very useful accessory for homemade chicken. The bottom of the semi-automatic nest is slightly tilted to slide eggs laid on the bottom of the container and is provided with a soft, damp cloth. The eggs roll and settle in the reservoir located at the front, keeping it clean and avoiding eating from the same hens. The container serves to support the hens and is equipped with a convenient door handle with traditional hinges and a handle for collecting eggs.

Suspended from the ground, the nest is always dry and promotes ovulation. It is equipped with hooks for fastening to the wall, the nest is placed in the lid. Also suitable for other birds or for collecting fertilized eggs to prevent them from hatching. The bottom of the nest is completely removable for quick and easy occasional dry cleaning. Handmade production, even customized style, with high quality wood and raw materials to ensure a long life. Made in different colors for every taste or preference.

Manufacturing instructions

A nest for laying hens with your own hands can be made according to the drawings. For this you will need:

  • material (plywood or boards);
  • self-tapping screws (nails);
  • sandpaper;
  • cutting tool;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver.

Construction in the form of boxes

They can be performed in the form of individual cells or entire sections. Manufacturing principle:

  1. Material (plywood or boards) is processed with sandpaper.
  2. The tree is cut in accordance with the size of future nests. Remember that the length, height and width of each cell cannot be less than 30 cm. Accordingly, in order to calculate the length of the workpiece, you need to multiply the estimated number of sections by 30. Depending on the breed, this figure may be higher.
  3. From the fragments obtained, a box is knocked together. To strengthen the structure at the corners from the inside, we fasten the timber.
  4. Be careful that the nails do not stick out from the inside.
  5. "Entrance" to the nest can be done by leaving the front of the box open. This is the easiest option. You can do it differently: cut round holes on the front side, each of which corresponds to its own cell.
  6. At the bottom of the box, a bar 10 cm high (threshold) is attached to the entire length.
  7. A horizontal bar is fixed in front of the cells (along the entire length, 10 cm from the entrance). This is the takeoff platform.
  8. Do not forget that the story of this design needs to be at a height of at least 30 cm from the floor, and not to the wall itself.
  9. Ladder manufacturing. If the nesting is multi-tiered, each of the tiers should have its own ladder.

Egg box design

Nests for laying hens equipped with an egg collector can be made by hand:

In the "house" itself, you need to leave a minimum of bedding so that it does not interfere with the eggs rolling down. There should be no hard places in the tray that are not covered with bedding or softening material.

The arrangement of nests should be approached with all responsibility. Only if all parameters are observed, it is possible to achieve from the laying hen the number of eggs corresponding to the breed. In addition, simple designs ensure the safety of the finished product. When you get to work, do not be afraid of constructive solutions. Each chicken coop has its own characteristics. It is not scary if the design differs from accepted standards. The main thing is to observe the dimensions of the cell (in more spacious or cramped layers, the laying hen will not feel comfortable) and follow the placement rules.