The female power is all in me, everything is inside. Feminine energy: how to gain and retain. Where does feminine power come from?

Every woman wants to have powerful female energy, to be strong in a feminine way, attractive, to feel her feminine resources. We do a lot of practices in order to get closer to this goal, to become harmonious, feminine, holistic, internally calm.

  • It is important for us to be strong as a woman in order to have a courageous man nearby, strong as a man, responsible, protective and faithful. After all, it is our female energy and its quantity that allows a man to remain faithful and not gain energy on the side of other women.
  • And we also want to be strong as a woman, so that, having met with obstacles in life, we can look at them wisely and calmly, learn from them and see God’s care and love in this situation, instead of being nervous, complaining and asking: “ For what?- or bring yourself to nervous breakdowns and ultimatums to God!
  • We want to become strong as a woman, so that we have enough patience, love and endurance to raise our children in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance, so that for them the mother will always be an unshakable support and a haven of love at any age, and not a nervous, stuffed woman, who herself is not enough strength to live.
  • We need female power for friendship: sometimes our beloved friends feel bad and hard, and with our energy and love we can once again inspire them to develop and move forward, we can give them faith in themselves and strength to create their own reality.
  • We really need female strength in order to live harmoniously, internally easily, calmly and femininely happily.

The female power, or shakti, is the basis of the creation of the world, everything began with her, and she is the source of everything in this world. Our female energy creates reality, it is she who creates the material world, she gives birth and nurtures, she beckons and attracts, this is an eternal value, more significant than gold and diamonds, because female power is the essence of creating reality, the key to life.

And that is why men really need female muses to do great things, children need affectionate mothers, grandmothers need caring granddaughters with love in their eyes!

Everyone needs a strong woman, because wherever she goes, she awakens life and energy in this place, she creates the energy of space and fills it with vibrations of love.

AT recent times I pay a lot of attention to my feminine strength - not to the mind, not to knowledge, but to the internal energy. And I noticed that people's attitudes towards me change a lot. Men take care of me, even strangers, help, protect and offer support. My daughter began to treat me with great affection and tenderness 🙂 Friends and friends help in common cause, support and always come to the rescue if I suddenly feel sad. If I am in a good mood, everyone becomes joyful; if I am sad, then those around me (especially men) begin to make efforts to make me cheer up - they depend on my energy.

Benefits of an energetically strong woman

Being an energetically strong woman is very beneficial 🙂

Firstly , you create mood and energy around, and do not fall under someone's influence. Wanted - everyone laughs, wanted - everyone has nostalgia. Or suddenly all the romantic came - and everyone around drowned in thoughts of love 🙂

Or, for example, she came home, and her husband was angry after work. She seduced herself into a calm, gentle mood, went up to him, silently hugged him, kissed him, wrapped him in her energy, like a soft blanket, and went to the kitchen to do her women's business. After 5-10 minutes, the husband comes in and inquisitively asks how you are doing. He has calmed down and everything is fine again. Convenient, right? 🙂

Or the child is crying and acting up, and you take him in your arms and say: “ Yes, you are my good! I understand how sad you are...- and bathe him in your love. And in two minutes the cub is already smiling and running to play.

No need to swear, explain, prove, get nervous, wind up and worry.

I personally always use my feminine power, even at work. The workers in the team had a fight (they are doing repairs in my studio), everything is on edge, something is going wrong - I go up to the foreman, put my hand on his wrist or on the edge of his shoulder and calmly, gently say: “ You have already done such a great job, everything is already so beautiful ...”- or you can say nothing at all, just immerse a person through a touch into your state, and that’s it, he will calm down. A few minutes pass - and they are already working harmoniously. Everything is fine again.

Secondly , you create your own reality. When a woman has a strong energy, then she has enough good mood wish for something and let it go, continuing to live on. It won't be long before her wishes come true!

Thirdly , you feel like a part of the great creation of God, part of the great cosmic female power, and you are always protected. You always feel and realize that the great Ma guide and protect you. And these are not just some words - they really protect, through people. You just need to trust!

Recently, in my studio, movers left a faucet open overnight and flooded the floor with water. The beautiful chocolate-colored parquet was swollen and spoiled. Not only did I lose a lot of money, but I also lost precious days, and I already wanted to quickly move into the studio and start doing great women's work there.

I sat down and got sad. I didn’t think about anything at all, I just sat and felt sad for myself quietly 🙂 They immediately started calling me, and when they heard my voice, help and support quickly began to arrive. The next day, the guys came and not only laid new floors within one day, but also stood up for me and made those negligent loaders bear responsibility for their actions.

Fourth you feel great! 😉 When you are in contact with yourself, you perfectly feel the state of people and their needs. Women are by nature very empathic, and for them clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience is not a special gift, but a common thing. All women who have come into contact with their nature have these opportunities. And therefore, a strong woman feels everything in advance, without any logic, she already knows on a subtle level how what she started will end. And therefore, having learned to listen to our intuition and our heart, we, women, receive the key to world knowledge, to foresight and control our destiny.

Each of you at least once received answers from the universe in the form of dreams, a premonition, an inner voice or a sudden realization. But by merging with our feminine nature, we can be connected to this state all the time. For example, in my circle, where women live in accordance with their nature, feeling each other is completely normal.

The other day, my mentor in cosmoenergy called me and said: “ Julia, yesterday evening I was doing my own business and suddenly felt that you were feeling bad, I received information that I needed to hold you under certain energies. What has happened with you?» And in fact, at that time I had a very serious condition and everything that she described to me exactly matched reality.

Think magic? Nothing like this. We can feel this way for everyone if we enter our female energy pole, instead of the mind, we begin to listen to the heart and trust our feelings.

In a word, there are a lot of benefits and benefits from strong female energy 🙂 I can describe them for a long, long time.

Where does feminine power come from?

Recently, in consultations, I have been increasingly asked: “ How to become feminine strong? What is this strength made up of? How to get it? How to multiply it in yourself?»

I think this question is relevant for many women.

Where does feminine power come from? - From the awareness of being a woman. Not just understanding that I have such a gender identity, but precisely from the feeling and acceptance of myself as a woman, my body, my features. It is very important for a woman to accept a few facts about herself and treat them with calmness.

The first and most important fact

A woman is a creative force. When it's bad for a woman, it's bad for everyone. When a woman feels good, everyone thrives.

This awareness is very important so that a woman does not exhaust herself, does not curry favor with a deficit, and always takes care of her emotional state first of all, knowing that all the people around her depend on it.

A woman who has realized herself always understands that she needs to give and create only from abundance, and first she needs to fill herself with grace, her body with pleasure, and her heart with love!

When you realize yourself with psychic energy, then many things in life fall into place: you stop adapting to men and their gloomy mood, you stop depending on the opinions of your friends, you calmly treat the whims of the child and are able to cope with it. And knowing this, you will always care not about doing as many things as possible, but about your mood and condition, because they are the key to your joy and the joy of others.

The second important fact

…which we all know about, but are trying to fight.

The woman is unstable.

The female energy itself is not structured and chaotic, it is a bunch of power that can turn into good and evil. We are not constant and stable, our mood often changes, because we strongly feel the vibrations of the planets, the general energy of the city, country, planet, energy flows through us, and we periodically broadcast pain or suffering of various egregors.

We are mediators, conductors. Therefore, even if everything is fine in a woman’s life, she can periodically cry from internal pain of unknown origin.

This is how female karma is worked out - through states.

It is not possible to explain your condition to a man 🙂

Once I was driving a car with my husband, everything was fine, and suddenly I saw a couple of old people crossing the road: a lame, blind grandfather, who is being led by the arm by his exhausted and tired wife. They approached the store. Looking at them, I felt this state of alienation, uselessness, loneliness, despair, powerlessness before the world, pain from my helplessness and weakness so much that I burst into tears. I sobbed and couldn't stop! The husband, as always, did not understand what was happening 🙂 Just now the wife was telling her review of the film normally and cheerfully, and now she is sitting sobbing!

I think you know the story. And many women try to fight their instability, discipline themselves, suppress emotions, as a result, male power increases in them.

Instead, you need to accept your inconstancy and emotional volatility and take it into account in your life. You can sometimes laugh at him, because sometimes it's very funny 🙂 And you need to make allowances for this in Everyday life, do not reproach yourself for coming to the store for boots, but leaving with new underwear.

Or if you are sad, do not look for reasonable reasons to be sad in order to explain your condition to people. You can say: " I'm just sad... There's no reason! It's nobody's fault. I'll cry now and calm down. Stay with me, hug me... It means being in touch with your emotions.

A woman is Chaos, a man is Cosmos (translated as "order"). And if you feel that you have become the Cosmos, then you have moved away from your power.

For a woman, randomness is a completely normal phenomenon, she knows what she has where in her chaos 🙂 A good example is a woman's bag. This bag has only a couple of compartments, but they hold a million things. How to find what you need? You stick your hand in, close your eyes, turn on your intuition - and voila: the thing is in your hand the first time. I observe this phenomenon in myself and in other women. For order and structure, a woman needs a man, and then there will be a place for him in a relationship, and he will grow and develop in them.

I am often asked: Julia, tell us about your time management, how do you manage to do everything?»

I dont know. My time management is pure intuition: I intuitively feel which way to go, what business to start, what to postpone, where to go, what to do first. All my attempts to bring myself to classical discipline were crowned with a breakdown and irritation, as well as an increase in male energy. It even sometimes happens to me that I leave the house and still don’t know where I’m going, I just trust my hands, the feeling of the road, and then suddenly I find myself in a very necessary place or I meet a particularly important person. Pure chaos, no man will understand me.

Do not try to drive yourself into a rigid framework, discipline, streamline - this requires a man! Remain chaos and space will come to you...

What else makes a woman strong, powerful

Women's skills and abilities. It is they who increase our female self-confidence, prepare for relationships, create the foundation of female strength.

Consider the example of two women.

Skills and abilities of the first: a woman - Doctor of Law, two higher education, owns a computer, speaks languages, studied at the best business schools and knows how to clearly negotiate, drives a car, understands politics.

Skills and abilities of the second: she cooks well (she took several culinary courses), knows sexual practices (tantra, wumbling, Taoist practices and, of course, read the book "Peach Branches" - a translation of the Kama Shastra), she knows how to do massage, knows the psychology of a woman and men, deals with energy and knows how to control their states, to heal.

  • What do you think, which of these women will feel most confident and calm in a relationship?
  • Which of them will find it easier to attract a man into their life?
  • Who will find it easier to create a strong family?
  • With which of these women will a man develop a harmonious relationship?

The more purely feminine skills a woman has, the more chances she has to build harmonious relationships, the more she is in demand and unique.

This summer, I often had to communicate with men of a rather high level. In a dialogue with one of them, it accidentally turned out that I can do massage, cook delicious food, heat a bathhouse, soar with a broom, dance and do a bunch of other female wisdom. He looked at me as if I had descended from heaven to earth, and timidly asked if I could teach this to his wife, because, in his opinion, these skills make a woman just a treasure in the family.

Think about what education in women's fields will bring you more self-confidence as a woman.

  • Maybe you will feel more confident inviting guests to the table and preparing for them a signature dish that makes them moan with pleasure?
  • Maybe you want to discover the priestess of love in yourself and learn sexual practices and techniques that will not only make you a desirable woman, but also deepen relationships on an energy level?
  • Maybe you want to improve the qualities of a hostess in yourself and learn how to create comfort, receive guests with warmth and love?

Personally, I know exactly what trump card can be drawn from my deck when I want to charm a man 🙂

And every woman has her own trump card. Which one do you have now? And do you plan to expand the deck with trump cards?

Open heart

And the most important state that gives a woman strength, making her invincible, is the ability to love! Sincerely, truly, with the heart, not with the mind ...

Love and its living is one of the most important. We, women, are ready for a lot for the sake of love ... We are ready to suffer, overcome the impossible, wait and sometimes even die for it. But are we ready to just let her in and let her be in our lives? Are you ready to love yourself? Love those around you? Or is it safer to live without feelings?

In the modern world, there are a lot of dogmas about love, stereotypes that come to us through the painful experience of other people, through fairy tales and stories, through films and beliefs.

Almost every woman has in her mind a set of these stereotypes that separate her from great power.

  • Because of love, you will have to suffer / give the victim.
  • If people love each other, they should be together. If they are not together, it is not love.
  • You can only love once.
  • It is impossible to love everyone at once.

Undoubtedly, you can add a dozen more conditions and restrictions for love to this list.

But no matter what we think, no matter how we interpret the rules of love, it still remains a state that is available to everyone who is ready to open their heart.

And it is very important for us women to get rid of the dogmas that keep our hearts closed. The heart center fills a woman, gives her meaning and strength to live, it brings sensations, feelings, depth into her life. It gives peace and magical power... if it is open.

We are very much limited by the conventions of our society, which says: if you broke up, you must hate each other and be offended, you can no longer love each other.

Sometimes fate develops in such a way that we lose the people we love, but this does not mean that we should stop loving them, and it also does not mean that everything is over with this love and your heart will not feel like this again.

Love is all-encompassing and great. When loved ones die, we continue to love them. We can also continue to love the people with whom fate has divorced us ...

It is absolutely necessary for a woman to fill her most important love - love for God and love for herself - with trust. And when this love lives in her heart, she clearly feels that her task as a woman is to bring love and tenderness, to bring lightness to the world, and God will arrange everything else in the best way!

Karma is now unfolding very quickly: in one lifetime we meet several very important karmic people with whom we must share true love, without the admixture of guilt, shame and pain.

A loving woman is beautiful! Remember your state when you love ... Everything around takes on meaning, content, colors, clarity ... There comes a feeling that "this is what I want to live for." The main thing is not to confuse the state with the object to which it is translated. And then we can save this state and live with it forever. And it will not hurt us so much to let go, because the most important thing will remain with us.

  • Put your hand on your heart and feel if you have the strength to live with love in your heart?
  • Are you ready to discover this power in yourself?
  • And partly in dissonance with society to continue to live with an open heart?

At some stage in my life, I made this choice, and it brought me an incredible feeling of life. I chose love so decisively that the fourth chakra involuntarily begins to open in people next to me. And many are afraid of me, because they are not ready to live like this ... And others begin to open their hearts, release from it everything that was hidden there, all the power of their love and its thirst. This is especially true for men. One of the most common phrases I hear from them is: Julia, what I told you now, no one knows about me / a couple of people know / I have never told anyone about this».

Because a woman, connected with her heart full of love, quenches the thirst for trust! And trust is the foundation of a healthy and strong relationship.

A loving woman is powerful. She can forgive, she can be merciful!

You know, when I got acquainted with Vedic knowledge and heard that a woman should communicate with a man in this way, should cook for him, should do a foot massage, I thought: “ It's so difficult! What a lot of patience and perseverance!»

But everything turned out to be much simpler: it’s enough just to love so much that you have the strength to create female miracles every day!

Forgive all the offenses of your heart, restore the thread of love in relationships with people. You need it. This is for your happiness!

There are many more related questions.

  • How to love and keep your boundaries?
  • How to love and let go
  • How to love yourself?

We will discuss them in future articles. Now put your hand on your heart and ask: What separates me at this very moment from the state of love?»

And if you don’t have any weighty arguments, then live this day with your heart with love!

When we talk about the strength of a woman, we first of all mean femininity - the fundamental of all her life principles. However, to believe that this quality alone allows a woman to be successful and attractive, to serve as a support for her beloved man and children, and to endure unexpected blows of fate would be a delusion. Female strength lies in the combination of unique features inherent in the nature of the weaker sex, which serve as the basis of female attractiveness and an inexhaustible source of internal strength.

What is the strength of a woman

It was so conceived by nature that from the moment of her birth a woman has a huge reserve of internal forces, both energetic and physical. First of all, the opportunity given to her by nature to give birth to new lives implies the presence of endurance and adaptation to high loads on the body. The level of pain threshold in women is much higher than in men. The heart and body of a representative of the stronger sex simply could not bear the pain of labor.

The strength of men is concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscles and mental activity, a woman is like a vessel, inside of which all the richness of her sensual and emotional world is hidden. Not only the life of the woman herself, but also the well-being of her loved ones depends on the quality of the contents of this “vessel”. Returning home after a hard day, a man from the first minutes of communication with his soul mate is "fueled" by her emotions.

If such a “feed” carries negative information, it gives a destructive start to the inner world of a man and relationships in a couple. The constant charging of a man with positive, tenderness and over time becomes for him vital necessity. It is this trait of the female character that is a guarantee of the strength and duration of the relationship.

Almost every woman already from her youth has clear ideas about what her life partner should be like. In an active and persistent desire for the conformity of their companion to the ideal existing in these ideas, many ladies commit grossest mistake. In an attempt to "re-educate" their soul mate, they, without noticing it, suppress the partner's masculine energy with their energy and arouse in him a natural desire to free himself from oppressive and humiliating male self-esteem relationships. And this, oddly enough, also lies the "merit" of the strength of a woman.

The companion of a lady who is persistent in her aspirations subconsciously feels weaker her and chooses parting as the only opportunity to maintain his personal status. So real strength loving woman lies in the wisdom and ability to build relationships in such a way that, changing for the better under the imperceptible influence of his girlfriend, a man does not feel internal discomfort or pressure from her side.

Another quality given to a woman by nature is amazing. Invisible connection with the Cosmos and nature allows her sometimes to take only right decisions in difficult situations, without resorting to analytical calculations and lengthy conclusions. And such a woman's ability, combined with tolerance, is also another secret weapon of a woman. Men, no less than their "weak" girlfriends, need the presence of a person who is able to cope with life's difficulties and, at the right moment, take responsibility for the successful resolution of a particular crisis situation.

Is the strength of a woman in her weakness?

Many of the fair sex mistakenly believe that the manifestation of female weakness should be to demonstrate utter vulnerability and helplessness. Men's ideas about this concept are completely different. Women's weakness in their understanding is primarily a quality of a physical nature. Where masculine strength and endurance are required, a woman, as a rule, resorts to the help of a partner, and this is completely natural.

This not only does not irritate a man, but, on the contrary, gives him self-confidence and solvency as a person responsible for the safety and well-being of the family. A man is first and foremost a provider and protector. He takes this for granted, but in the event that the partner feels that his companion is abusing or speculating on this role in the relationship, discord is inevitable. The task of a woman is to convince a man of his importance. and indispensability in situations that really suggest it.

If female strength is connected with her weakness, then only in a single variant: any manifestation of weakness should be aimed at raising a man and not conflict with his life principles. The stronger sex today prefers to see independent and successful girlfriends next to them, showing weakness only where the patronage and protection of a reliable and physically strong partner is really required.

The false ideas of many women that weakness should manifest itself in a demonstration of excessive vulnerability, resentment, or, worse, tears or tantrums filled with reproaches, cause an effect diametrically opposite to what is expected. Irritation, disappointment, accumulated relationship fatigue can ultimately lead a partner to make a fair decision about parting.

Is the strength of a woman in the weakness of a man?

Of course, this wording has nothing to do with the physical indicators of male power. The weakness of a man lies in the need to feel support and understanding from a loved one. Men are creatures from the same planet as women. They are also able to experience and sometimes feel insecure in themselves, the only difference is that, due to their nature, they are not able to express this on an external emotional level.

If a woman subtly feels her partner, his thoughts, feelings and experiences, and strives to become his reliable friend, then all her actions and deeds will be aimed at giving the man a sense of inner comfort and regaining confidence in his abilities. The constant presence of warmth and sincere support coming from a girlfriend becomes an integral part of his life for a man and binds to a woman much stronger and stronger than sophisticated female tricks and tricks.

The Mind of a Woman: Strength or Weakness?

There is a common misconception that men avoid smart women. And again, the whole point lies in the concept embedded in this definition. There is hardly a man who will argue that he prefers stupid women to smart women. The presence of the intellect is always respectful, whether it is a man or a woman who shows his intelligence.

Another thing is important: so that, being smart and educated, a man’s girlfriend does not suppress his pride, abusing her education and focusing on her the attention of a man and others. Mind, combined with wisdom, is perhaps the greatest strength of a woman, giving her value in the eyes of her beloved man and making her truly irreplaceable for him.

What is male power - everyone knows, but what is the mysterious female power? Some argue that the strength of women is in beauty and fragility, others are in softness and understanding, others are in the ability to magic and ... currently there is no single concept of what the feminine power actually includes, but if consider all the popular assumptions, you can add up the big picture.

The secret of female power

Since ancient times, life has decreed that the female path and female power is different from the male. Where a man wins by physical performance, a woman can take by cunning; where a man wins with rudeness, a woman will use persuasion and arguments. And it cannot be said that in the modern world a woman has to give in to a man: not wanting to offend his ego, she acts gently and carefully, often acting as a “grey eminence” in relationships.

The strength of the female soul lies in its flexibility, softness and the ability to yield in some things, and stand on its own in some ways. After all, it is precisely in this way, gently and imperceptibly, that she is able to achieve anything in the harsh male world.

Generally speaking, and strength are closely related concepts. A wise woman will not try to achieve her goal with typical male methods - shouting, force, pressure. She will choose a soft, flexible path.

Development of female power

In the question of how to develop feminine strength, it is important to be consistent and calm. The secret of female power is too deep to be grasped quickly. You need to start with small changes in yourself:

Women's strength and energy is often associated with beauty. Indeed, people are more willing to yield to a beautiful person and initially treat him more favorably. That is why, in the question of how to gain female power, one cannot do without improving one's appearance. The more attractive you look, the stronger you are - especially in relation to men.

Winner without a fight or Seven forgotten secrets of female power

Who is the strong sex today and who is the weak one is a big question. It is the "weaker" sex that solves such problems that the "strong" one is too tough. The "weak" fight for their rights, the "strong" strive to give the rest of the responsibility to those "who care". At the same time, each of the sexes is unhappy. Nobody knows how to change this. It has long been forgotten what it means to be a woman or a man.

For many, this is just a difference in physiology now. Although now, in the days of plastic surgery, even physiology does not play a role: if you were born a man, then it is not a fact that you will not die a woman. And once, in ancient times, our ancestors knew the basic principle of life, they knew what the strength and special role of the sexes were. People followed their nature and lived in harmony with themselves and with others. To teach a son to be a Man, and a daughter to be a Woman, was the main task of the parents. Having taught this, they could be calm that the children will fulfill the task for which they were born. To live in accordance with one's destiny means to embody the Will of the Creator.

The role of women in society was once special. On the piety, purity and wisdom of a woman, the life of entire states was kept. She was a source of balance in the family and society. The reasonableness and prudence of a woman is a guarantee that peace will reign, and conflicts will be excluded. The world inside and outside is female nature.

The woman herself was a source of peace and happiness for all. It is she who finds it easiest to embody in life the qualities characteristic of the Soul: love, kindness, mercy - after all, the Soul has a feminine nature. It is these qualities that are already inherent in girls from birth in accordance with their nature. And it is these qualities that enable humanity to live in happiness, peace and harmony. Men were the guardians of women and their support, being noble and strong, which corresponds to the masculine nature of the Spirit.

The Secret of Education.

The birth of a girl in the family has always been a blessing from Heaven. The very word "girl" is a diminutive of "virgin", which in Sanskrit (one of the oldest languages) means "divine". Her parents knew that with her birth love itself, joy, divine light came into the family. And today, at a time when knowledge about life in harmony and happiness is almost lost, girls unconsciously from childhood tend to show their divine nature: they are more obedient than boys, study better, try to create beauty and harmony around themselves, caring and kind.

Raising a daughter, her parents always treated her kindly and gently. Neither strict punishments nor harsh statements against her were unacceptable. On the contrary, the task of the parents was to preserve her purity and give the opportunity to maximize the manifestation and development of the qualities of the female character. After all, these are the divine qualities on which the world rested. This was the sacred duty of parents to GOD, and to their daughter, and to the family, and to people.
The girl, who from childhood was instilled with all the necessary skills and helped to reveal the qualities of female nature, became the guardian of the happiness of all people.

The Secret of Women's Magic.

The purity and piety of a woman are able to protect not only her family, but the whole people. These qualities are magical.

The mental strength of the fair sex is several times greater than the mental strength of men. This is the law of harmony: a man is stronger on the physical plane, a woman is stronger on the energy plane. This means that a woman's thoughts, her desires, prayers and meditations have a much stronger influence on the world around her. The Vedic scriptures said that the thought of a woman is equated with the action of a man.

Having lost knowledge of the strength and characteristics of the sexes, people have not ceased to notice these special abilities in life. In the Middle Ages, this power was attributed to the devilish intrigues, and women - "witches" were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

Since ancient times, it has been known that a wife is able to protect her husband, who is on the battlefield, with her purity and loyalty to him alone. Her feminine strength surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unharmed from any battle: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target. Subconsciously we understand this even today. And many men who returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return. Thus, Konstantin Simonov wrote:

Don't understand
Not waiting for them
like a fire
waiting for your
you saved me.

But it is not necessary to be in the thick of wars in order to feel the power of female energy. As you know, "behind every great man is a great woman." There are many examples from history: one of the brightest is the wife of Sultan Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.

The world knows little about the enormous contribution of the Sultan's wife to the development of India. But Shah Jahan knew. He valued her as something sacred in his life. The daughter of the chief minister, she received an excellent education and had a brilliant mind. At the same time, being an oriental woman, she treated her husband with great respect and love. Her influence on the government of the country was great. The Sultan consulted with his wife on a variety of issues, including public ones. Mumtaz Mahal performed her task as subtly and skillfully as only a very wise woman could do, not for a second questioning authority and high quality his spouse, but on the contrary, only strengthening them. She was such a strong inspiration for her husband that while building a house for his beloved, he ordered the lines to be written on the ceiling of this palace: “If there is a paradise on earth, then it is here, it is here, it is here.”

But, as you know, death separated the lovers and the heartbroken Sultan erected the most beautiful monument of love and admiration for a woman on earth - the Taj Mahal.
Often, reading the correspondence of famous historical figures with their beautiful halves, you can see that it was in them that they drew inspiration and strength.

A woman really has the ability to elevate a man to unprecedented heights, if she is pure and reasonable. As the famous saying goes: "A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool."

Becoming a mother, she acquired a sacred duty and the opportunity to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will develop life on the planet further. The woman knew that her children would germinate the seeds that she planted in them. So, one of the life tasks of every woman from time immemorial was: to give birth and raise children.

For such a great role, the fair sex was prepared from childhood. In every culture there was a list of mandatory knowledge and skills that every woman should have. Among them: the art of dressing up, the ability to play musical instruments, singing, dancing, the ability to draw, tell stories, knowledge of languages, the ability to decorate a house, and many other much more complex skills.
At first glance, it may seem - nonsense. But in fact, these skills are the work of the Soul, this is creativity, creation, these are abilities that allow you to harmonize people's lives, bring beauty, joy, peace into it, which is the essence of the female role. Among other duties of a woman was the creation of beauty inside and out.

The secret of radiant beauty.

Being beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Reading about mythical and fairy-tale heroines and goddesses, we will always find a description of their radiant beauty. It's shining. Despite different ideas about the standards of female beauty in different cultures, all the mythical and fabulous beauties of all nations are united by the fact that, according to the descriptions, radiance emanated from them.

The goddess Aphrodite or Venus is called the embodiment of beauty. She is called "fire-eyed" and "golden", referring to her smile, "permeated with sunlight." In one of the myths, she took on the appearance of an old woman, but she was betrayed by "shining eyes." The legendary beauty of Aphrodite is this divine radiance, penetrating her entire being and flowing from within.

This can be taken as a metaphor. But in fact, each of us has met in life people who can be said to be shining. And everyone will call them beautiful, and regardless of external data and age. Such radiant beauty is real and cannot be counterfeited.

Ayurveda describes this radiance emanating from a person, giving a sparkle to the eyes, a radiant smile, a glowing freshness to the skin, and a serene expression of pure happiness on the face. According to ancient science, this is a natural phenomenon. This is how the presence of ojas is manifested on the physical plane - the finest substance that is produced only by healthy tissues of the body. Ojas is the unifying force of consciousness, the binding life force. It fuses matter and mind together. When all the systems of the body and the subtle structures of the body are in balance, the tissues of the body successfully produce this subtlest vital substance. But if the mind is out of balance, the tissues lose their strength. Thus, the radiance visibly testifies to the state of deep balance of all systems, elements, subtle and physical processes, that is, to the complete harmony of man.

The inner sign of this harmony is a feeling of pure bliss, that is, bright joy and love. Harmony and love are the qualities of the Soul, the qualities inherent in women from birth. Thus, beauty, sung at all times, was not an end in itself, but was a natural result of love, well-being and inner strength.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, gained feminine strength in serving the family and society.

Dr. Andrew Weil wrote: "Beauty in any form is healing to the spirit." This was one of the mystical abilities of women in maintaining peace and balance, which contemporaries forgot about.
Today, the "pursuit of beauty" does not lead to harmony, but to endless lifelong stress. People go to extremes: some make appearance the meaning of their lives, others completely deny its meaning, saying that the only thing that matters is the inner world. But the wise ancestors knew that both were important.

Appearance was part of female magic - the magic of love. Our forefathers used in their outfits well-thought-out combinations of colors, ornaments, shapes and cuts - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energy impact. The jewelry worn by the woman, precious stones, worked in the same way - all this was important, so the woman strengthened her connection with subtle worlds harmonized itself and space.

The hairstyle was magical too. Hair - conductors of cosmic energy (as an example of cosmos - a single-root word with cosmos). Long hair made it possible to accumulate this energy and use it in different ways depending on the situation. For example, hair gathered at the top of the head provided a woman with a large influx of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair collected below, at the back of her head, helped her enter a state of humility and deep humility.

Secret of happiness.

Having lost themselves, women are now ready to seek happiness in anything. Either opposing himself to men, or trying to "get everything from them." Today it is fashionable to be a bitch. There was even a “science” such as “stervology”. This is the only way to be happy, some psychologists teach. Unfortunately, this is a voluntary nailing by women into the coffin of their own happiness.

“Love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life” - this is approximately what the new psychology of female behavior, the behavior of the so-called “bitch”, offers.

Until recently, this word was not proper to pronounce in a decent society. And now many of the fair sex proudly declare: "I am a bitch."

We open the dictionary. We read: “A bitch is the corpse of a dead animal, livestock; carrion, carrion, dead meat, fall, dead dead cattle. Dahl " Dictionary living Great Russian language. We read from Krylov: “Bitch is a common Slavic word from the disappeared sterbnuti -“ stiffen, numb, endure”; has correspondences in other languages: in German sterben ("to die"), in Greek stereos ("stiff").

Originally meant "dead, corpse", then - "carrion". The transition to abusive meaning occurred due to a squeamish attitude towards the dead, ”- “The Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language”.

So, it turns out: “I am a corpse” - this is what some women manage to be proud of today. They are not so far from the truth, because the psychology of “think only of yourself and get what you want in any way” suggests that the Soul of such a woman, at best, is in a deep swoon. But it is the Soul that is the source of life. The “bitch woman” is really dead as a woman, because the meaning of life, the purpose of the fair sex, is to serve others in joy, love and kindness.

Service for a woman is her happiness. This is manifested even at the level of physiology: when a woman takes care of someone, she produces the hormone oxytocin, which in turn stimulates the production of endorphins - “hormones of happiness” and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

The kind heart of a woman is a source of life and joy for those around her. Her physical body is also the source of life. Cultivating in herself a heart of stone, cruelty and coldness, she really ceases to be a woman-source of love and becomes a "bitch", that is, she becomes "numb". This is the opposite of her natural state, the state of "divinity", the state of "virgin". By voluntarily renouncing their inherent female role, the fair sex also loses the physiological possibilities of being a woman. Psychological imbalance leads to hormonal imbalance and a woman is deprived of the opportunity to become a mother, that is, to fulfill the main task with which she came to earth: to give life and fill it with light.

Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that in the Universe there is no power greater than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the most loving can be called the strongest. The strength of a woman is in her ability to love and mercy. Nobody and nothing can resist it. In ancient times, they said that a woman is the one who wins without a fight. When a woman learns to achieve her aggression, cunning, reproaches or resentment, she loses her strength.

Secret of harmony.

How can women return to their divinity today? To a state of serene happiness?
“I am the Soul” is that secret knowledge that allowed a woman to be peaceful, loving and happy all her life. This was the secret not only of her happiness, but also the key to the prosperity of states. How does this knowledge work?

The woman felt: "I am the Soul." What are the qualities of the Soul? The soul is eternal, so there is nothing to be afraid of: problems come and go, but life never ends. The soul is full of love - love does not dry out, the more you love, the more happiness. The soul is happiness, being happy is the norm. The soul is beauty, it awakens the best feelings. The soul is mercy and kindness. The soul is softness and warmth.

A developed, freely manifested Soul, like a magnet, attracts the Spirit to itself, providing it with protection.
A woman who follows her soft loving nature is always attractive to a strong noble man. This is the law of harmony. This is the law of life that our ancestors knew and practiced. Purity, kindness and gentleness of a woman were the guarantee of her happy life.

Thus, the fair sex was under the protection of men all their lives: at first she was under the protection of her father and brothers, then under the protection of her husband, and in old age - under the protection of sons or other relatives. But who raised such noble strong men? Woman! When women today complain about the stronger sex, they need to pay attention to how they raise their sons.
Also, the tender sex is under the protection of every man in society. Our forefathers knew how to interact with other men in society without allowing pollution in those relationships. Thus, a woman treated all older men as a father, younger men as sons or younger brothers, and equals as brothers.

Secret of the Golden Age.

The fulfillment of each of the sexes in their unique role guarantees harmony and a happy life on the planet.
The last centuries of the life of mankind prove this statement by the method of contradiction.

The existence of people for many centuries has not been distinguished by harmony - both globally on the planet and in everyone's life. Not a day goes by without conflict, not a year without war. Enmity has penetrated even into the seemingly unacceptable sphere: between a man and a woman! This seems impossible, since the mechanism of attraction and divine cooperation between these two poles is inherent in nature. But life shows - it is possible. Although, with a small caveat: the mechanism of attraction is broken precisely because each of the poles has lost its original charge! Men are no longer men and women no longer women. Result: instead of attraction and harmony, enmity, mutual reproaches and demands.

For many hundreds of years, a woman has been deprived of her divine status in society and the family. The balancing peaceful principle in nature for a long time was in the special position of "gender without the right to vote." Then the situation went to the other extreme. The feminist movement emerged. They began by advocating equal rights for both sexes, and continued with the complete denial of at least some differences between the sexes, except for physiological ones. The concept of "sexism" appeared. If at one time it was considered impossible to talk in society about the equality of men and women, now it is considered just as impossible, “politically incorrect” to talk about at least some differences between them.

In some countries that are particularly “advanced” in this matter, it is even considered an insult to give a woman a seat or let her in first at the door. If ever fair sex it was not supposed to make at least some decision on their own, now psychologists teach how to use men, regardless of their opinion. But for some reason, this does not make women and men happy either. Divorce statistics are staggering, and belief in the possibility of creating a happy marriage for life becomes synonymous with naivety.

So the extremes have been tried. Now, having received a negative experience from both options, it's time to return to harmony, to the law on which the universe rests. Indeed, gender equality is the Supreme Law. Equality! But not identity. Each of the sexes has its own role in the implementation of a common task, its own strengths and its own ways of achieving the goal. These roles do not overlap. A man and a woman have nothing to share!

A man is the support and guardian of a woman and children. Strong and noble. A woman is the creator of life and nourishes it with love and light, the embodiment of purity. The soul and woman are the driving force in life. A man is a core, a support in a woman-man union, in a family and in society.
Ignorance in this matter, today gives rise to many conflicts in families. So, without realizing it, the husband tries to get masculine qualities from his wife, and she is disappointed when her husband does not show feminine qualities. This is a mistake.

Marriage is the embodiment of absolute harmony, a reflection on earth of the heavenly union of GOD AND GODDESS. Husband and wife are those who complement each other.

The famous sage Srila Prabhupada said, “You cannot change the differences in your abilities. This is the law of GOD, the law of nature. This is unity: to be together, to act differently, but for the sake of a common goal. Unity is in diversity, that's what is desirable."

Secret of the Future.

All religions of the world, philosophers and humanists agree that compassion, love and kindness are the only way to perfection. Adhering to these qualities, a person develops spiritually. A society with such citizens flourishes. For women, these qualities are as natural as light is for the Sun. The life of a woman is the spiritual path described in many scriptures of various religions. Service is her happiness. Caring for others is a source of energy. A woman lives with her heart. She makes decisions with her heart. And the heart has a direct connection with the Source of Life.

No wonder they say that women are only one step below the angels.

With the onset of the third millennium, a new era came into being - the Age of Aquarius. In many sources, it is called the Age of Woman. This is a time of unity, harmony, peace and prosperity. This is the time when the fair sex will once again take the once lost divine position. To establish a new order on Earth, women must realize their destiny, restore balance and bring the principles of love and high spirituality into the world. And they have every opportunity for this.

We all know that in nature there are only two principles, female and male. Men from birth, for the most part, are endowed with physical strength. Indeed, since ancient times, they were credited with heroic skills and remarkable strength, which helped them in hunting wild animals, in wars and banal fist fights. Women, on the contrary, have always been considered the weaker sex, created rather for the convenience and gratification of men. However, what do we really see?

A man who comes home from work, as a rule, has dinner and goes to the TV. Lying most of the time before going to bed near the screen. Only occasionally does something around the house and devotes time to children. Yes, of course there are exceptions, but most, as you know, only confirm the already existing rule. The explanation for men is one-tired.

A woman, in modern conditions of life, works, and often occupies the same positions as men, including leadership positions. When she comes home from work, she finds time to cook, clean, do laundry, do homework with the children, and at the same time pay attention and affection to her man. So the question arises: “Where does a woman get strength and energy for all this and even more?”

In fact, the energy of women is also not unlimited, and it just as well once comes to an end. And then we watch how our wives, mothers, sisters and just acquaintances become irritable, look haggard, stop caring for themselves, and so on. That is, signs that a woman clearly lacks strength and energy are visible to the naked eye, this is evidenced by her appearance and physical condition.

Strength and energy in women are not the same thing, but different things. Firstly, you need to know that female energy is drawn by female representatives exclusively from purely female affairs. Surprised? Yes, it’s really true, if a lady regularly cleans up the house, ennobles and comforts her home, breeds indoor and other flowers, various needlework is not alien to her, then she usually has enough energy for a lot.

After all, here the sense of beauty develops and the woman constantly looks calm and well-groomed, which allows her to enjoy her reflection in the mirror and not waste her feminine energy. Such ladies are usually called mistresses, sweet in communication and very calm.

And of course, when all this is not there, then what kind of power of a woman’s energy will be here. It simply will not exist and urgent energy replenishment is needed.

As for female strength, it lies in many ways, in the basis of education from childhood, love of life, patience and, of course, beauty. Just try to remember how much you have seen in your life beautiful women who were said to be weaklings? Here, and this means that it is not in vain that beautiful women are called bitches. And most often the reason lies in the fact that, as they say, they can do everything and they always have enough time and energy for everything.

Here the ladies may already ask themselves: “How to increase female strength and energy?”. After all, no one wants to look and act like a squeezed lemon. Rather, on the contrary, there is a desire to always be on top despite all life's troubles and stresses.

Of course, there is no universal way for this, and each lady needs an individual recipe that will help replenish the supply of both. But we will still try to help you and point out the most common sources from which you can draw strength and energy for yourself.

So, let's start with energy and point out the most effective points that will help return it.

1. In order for the supply of energy to regularly and uninterruptedly enter the female body, it is necessary to remember that this very supply is most often drawn by a woman from the inspired looks of men. It is their views that the ladies feed on. But for it to really work, you should take care of it and look your best. What do we have to do? Do not forget about the condition of the skin, nails, hair. When all this is in perfect condition, then you will not be deprived of male attention. After all, no man wants to look at a groomed lady.

2. The next source of energy for a woman is massage. Since the female body is arranged in such a way that stagnation of energy disappears from touch and creates a mood, thereby nourishing the energy centers of a woman.

3. Also, the main energy source of the female body is ordinary water. And not in the quality and quantity of the liquid you drink, but as a relaxation bath. Flavored baths energize well. It can be aroma oils or flower petals to choose from. It is worth considering that with blues, depression and the desire to cry, you need to take such a bath, and not an ordinary pillow.

4. Energy centers in women are located more in the lower body. Therefore, it would be good to give up unnecessary restrictions, remove from your everyday wardrobe all tight clothes that compress these centers in the lower body. It is worth abandoning dark clothes, replacing it with lunar shades, that is, light ones. After all, female energy in everything also depends on the phases of the moon, and male energy on the solar.

5. We must not forget about various jewelry, which not only create charm and charm for a lady, but also contribute to the harmony of her energy. And if you still wear jewelry made of noble stones, you don’t have to worry about your energy at all.

6. You can not give up sweets completely. Our brain is designed in such a way that its recharge comes from the glucose contained in the sweet. The lack of the latter leads to prolonged depressive reactions that feed on your energy, depriving you not only of energy, but of feminine strength.

Using these tips, you will be sure that the power of female energy in your body will never run out.
What kills the fair sex, where does their female energy go, its strength and sources?

All available sources have already been listed, it remains to find out where the female strength and energy go. She, as it does not just sound, is wasted on fuss, but rather on the eternal female haste. It is this process that depresses all energetically strong centers.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to learn how to do everything calmly and measuredly, even when you are late. When in a hurry, more time is spent on fussy movements and unsuccessful attempts to return the time that has already passed. Remember, the time has already passed and no matter how fast you run frantically to find this or that thing, make up your lips and so on, you still won’t be able to reach your destination at the hour you needed.

This suggests that we need to recognize the fact that being late is inevitable and calmly, measuredly and with pleasure, get together and come a few minutes late and apologize. After all, you're not always late, are you?

The same applies to household chores, do them measuredly and calmly, then these worries and your energy will be in order and will bring joy, not a burden.

Moreover, not all women know that the power of female energy is drawn from perfumery, yeast dough, positive communication with people you like. Increased strength and energy from doing some work, which can be classified as a hobby.

How to stimulate the power of your energy?

Walk more often, find beautiful and unusual nuances in nature. Engage in active shopping or sports. Stop, if possible, to communicate with those people who clearly annoy you and unbalance you. Remember when you are upset or react to the words of such a person, you empower him and allow him to take the energy of your body for nothing. Is it necessary?

A lot also depends on the mood of a woman's partner. If, for example, he is constantly in dissatisfaction with something, is ill or does not pay enough attention to the lady, then she will lack energy positive nourishment and feelings of love.

And vice versa, an always smiling, positive partner who convinces a woman that everything will be fine and all bad things will pass, only gives the charmer female strength, endurance and positive. When a partner understands this, then a strong union is created for many years to come.

And one last piece of good advice that will help you keep the power of your feminine energy. Sing more often, regardless of whether you have a hearing or not, it is during singing that the female energy is cleansed and new forces come.

Therefore, everything is in your hands!