Tsvetaeva your name analysis. The mystery of M. Tsvetaeva’s poem “Your name is a bird in your hand…. Means of artistic expression

Blok and Tsvetaeva... What is Tsvetaeva’s secret? What makes her unlike anyone else and at the same time internally connects her with Blok? First of all, the originality of the personality of the fighting poets, the rebellious spirit, rebellion, unprecedented energy, emphasized tension. Freedom from the conventions of modern life was embodied in the features of the style. These features were reflected in the poems dedicated to Blok. They combine love confessions with a funeral lament and sound like an extremely sincere confession. The tragic feeling of loneliness makes Tsvetaeva similar to Blok. For her, Blok is “two white wings,” an angel, God’s righteous man. A block is something sublime, light, but for some reason elusive and insubstantial. Tsvetaeva glorifies the name of Blok, loves, listens to, and prays to him. In all the poems of the cycle, written from 1916 to 1921, we feel the bitterness of loss and hope for resurrection. The title poem in the cycle is “Your name is a bird in your hand...”. It is surprising in that in it, which opens the cycle, Blok’s name is never uttered, but still we unmistakably determine who we are talking about. The poem consists of 3 stanzas. In the first, Tsvetaeva recreates the phonetic and even graphic image of the word “Blok”, each line is significant in the formation of the image of Blok. “Your name is a bird in your hand” - the word “block” has only one syllable, but we feel this elusiveness of the moment. Here it is, a bird, alive, warm, but if you open your palms, it will fly away and it will be gone. This is echoed by the line “one single movement of the lips.” Say a word - it flies away and cannot be returned. For Tsvetaeva, every sound of the block name is important. When we pronounce “l”, an image of something light, cold, and blue appears. This is how the line “your name is like a piece of ice on the tongue” appeared. A piece of ice is a tickling chill of mystery, a touch to the innermost depths of the soul.
The musical palette of the poem is extremely rich: here is the ringing of a bell, the clicking of a trigger, and the clatter of hooves. The word “block” absorbs all the sounds, all the colors so skillfully applied to the canvas of the verse by the artist. He is both “a ball caught on the fly” and “a stone thrown into a quiet pond.” I just want to repeat Tsvetaeva’s words from the third stanza, reminiscent of the sound of a kiss. Tsvetaeva’s block is her love, spiritual, unearthly love. Tsvetaeva tries to hear in the sound of the poet’s name the world of his snow mask: “key, icy, blue.” It is also symbolic that the last word poem - “deep” - contains all the sounds of the poet’s name and rhymes with him, because he is immeasurable, like his poetry.
The syntax of the poem is very close to the syntax of the lok itself. Tsvetaeva uses verbless syntactic constructions, which allows her to achieve special expression in conveying her feelings. Sentences record the present tense, but they have a special, timeless character. They emphasize Blok's immortality. This allows you to focus on the main thing for her - the associative series. That is why the poet’s tension and agitation are so great. Tsvetaeva uses syntactic parallelism: construction syntactic constructions Stanzas 1 and 3 coincide, which gives the poem compositional completeness and integrity. The anaphora “thy name” draws our attention precisely to the key word and enhances admiration for the poet. Even Tsvetaeva’s dash carries a syntactic load - it is necessary to pause. Inversion also helps Tsvetaeva. She makes the lines especially smooth: ".. in a light click...". Blok’s visual image is helped to create tropes: metaphors (“a bird in the hand”, “a piece of ice on the tongue”) - they express an emotional attitude towards the poet; epithets (“the gentle cold of motionless eyelids”); personification (“calls the trigger”), which makes Blok’s image more vivid and memorable.
The narrative is held together not so much by the plot as by the energy of Tsvetaeva’s monologue. This energy is given to the poem by each of its elements.

The poem is dedicated to the name of Blok, and opens a cycle of sixteen poems to A. Blok (1916-1921). In three stanzas, Tsvetaeva describes Blok’s name (without naming him) phonetically and graphically; compares the sounds of the name with the sounds of nature; brings an emotional association with the sound of a kiss. One syllable, five letters (in the pre-revolutionary spelling “Blok”), “one single movement of the lips” - and a whole world, elusive and elusive: it is a “bird in the hand” that is about to fly away, “a piece of ice on language,” which instantly melts and disappears. In the second stanza, the world of Blok’s ethical images is revealed: “a stone thrown into a quiet pond” (the silence of nature, the peace of the beloved Shakhmatovo estate), “the clicking of night hooves” (Blok’s image of a flying trotter over a gap into eternity; a troika carrying away happiness in this way), “a loudly clicking trigger” (Blok’s tragic “terrible world”). In the third stanza, Tsvetaeva confesses her love to the poet, hinting at the image of his Snow Mask (“oh, you can’t!”, “kiss in the snow,” “ice sip”). Her timeless (though written in the present tense) sentences of the poem. The syntactic parallelism of the first and third stanzas adds integrity to the composition of the poem. Material from the site Metaphors of the first stanza (“a bird in the hand”, “a piece of ice on the tongue”, “a ball caught on the fly”, epithets (“the gentle cold of motionless eyelids”, “a key, icy, blue sip”), personification (“the stone will sob”, “the trigger will call”) - all these tropes enliven the image of Blok, make it multidimensional. The poem ends with the word “deep”, containing all the letters of Blok’s name, rhyming with it and reflecting, in Tsvetaeva’s opinion, the essence of the immortal Poet.

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Marina Tsvetaeva treated the work of Alexander Blok with extraordinary reverence; she spoke so deeply about his poetry that she called it unearthly, as if created by a supernatural being. Their acquaintance was not close, although Tsvetaeva was often present at the poet’s literary meetings, always fascinated by his originality. Alexander Blok won the hearts of a considerable number of women, including Tsvetaeva’s friends. Even having feelings for the poet, she did not mention them, considering love impossible due to the inaccessibility of the image she drew in her dreams.

Many beautiful poetic works were dedicated to Tsvetaeva, the subject of her unshakable adoration. Written in 1916, “Your name is a bird in your hand” personifies a high degree of enthusiasm, all lines reveal main idea poems are the most significant feelings on life path of the author are addressed to Blok.

His name leads to various associations and generates apt imagery in the description. The epithets used accurately make it clear to the reader the conscious degree of admiration with which Tsvetaeva conveys her infinitely strong emotions. But every line seems to be permeated with the reflection that this person, whose name shimmers with different facets, is endowed with mystical qualities. The mysterious work of Alexander Blok, completely devoid of earthly ordinariness, does not leave the poetess the opportunity to think about any romantic relationships. She is sincerely convinced of her unworthiness of this man, deifying him.

It seems that this is just one word denoting a name, but Tsvetaeva so skillfully and soulfully painted in her poem the detailed subtlety of associations that each of her comparisons is involuntarily imagined. And this gives the right to appreciate the feelings that overwhelm the author’s soul. Tsvetaeva, realizing the inaccessibility of her idol, combines the most unexpected artistic definitions in his name, here a flying ball that she managed to catch, and a piece of ice on her lips. And even the volume with which his name is pronounced is conveyed in the lines with unsurpassed precision.

Analyzing the poem “Your name is a bird in your hand” by Marina Tsvetaeva, it becomes extremely clear that it was written with genuine sensuality, every word here is imbued with sincerity. The final lines confirm this, speaking about the depth of the poetess’s sleep with the name of her hero, because she really fell asleep holding a volume of his works in her hands.

The authenticity of the feelings experienced is clearly embodied on paper in an endless poem, analyzing which not only the author’s emotional impulses are conveyed to the reader, but also the entire significance of the heartfelt inclination being tested.

In Russian literature of the 20th century, the work of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva stands apart. Her works are distinguished by their particular emotional intensity and expressiveness. Originality, irrepressibility, constant desire for freedom and truth bring Tsvetaeva closer to another famous Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, who to a unique extent influenced the poetess’s work.

Tsvetaeva was not personally acquainted with the poet, but she carried her admiration for him throughout her life. In the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, one can distinguish a whole layer of works dedicated to Alexander Bloki and his creativity. The most famous of them is the poem “Your name is a bird in your hand...”

In it, Blok appears before us not as a symbolist poet or a mystic poet, but as an unattainable ideal, a model. Tsvetaeva literally idolizes the poet, listens to him, and admires him. The theme of this work is the theme of the poet and poetry. Marina Tsvetaeva’s attitude towards the work of Alexander Blok is revealed in awe of the poet’s name alone. Practically, the entire work is the name, or rather the surname, Blok (that’s why “your name is five letters”). Tsvetaeva has proven herself to be an unsurpassed artist of words. The dynamic, instant images she created create a real sound picture, convey feelings of taste and touch.

So, Tsvetaeva hears the cherished “Blok” in almost everything - it occupies the entire space. It is worth noting the gradation of images - from the almost inaudible sound of “a ball caught on the fly” to “your name thunders loudly” and the ringing click of the trigger right next to the ear. This sequence indicates an intensification of emotions, which at the end turn into an intonation explosion:

"..Your name, ah, it’s impossible!-

Your name is a kiss on the eyes.."

Numerous dashes, exclamation marks, and the interjection “ah” show the fragmentary nature of the poetess’s feelings and thoughts. For her, a block is something incomprehensible, indescribable, sublime and therefore forbidden.

The last 6 lines of the poem reveal the tragic mood of the work.

Your name - oh, you can’t! -
Your name is a kiss in the eyes,
In the gentle cold of motionless eyelids.
Your name is a kiss in the snow.
Key, icy, blue sip...
With your name - deep sleep.

Tsvetaeva introduces the motive of death and loneliness. In my opinion, in these lines one can hear fear, the bitterness of loss. After all, for the poetess Blok is something elusive; every moment, every sound of his name is important to her. Alliteration (repetition of sounds [l], [l "]) creates an image of something cold, mysterious, it seems as if we have looked into the most closed, intimate corners of Tsvetaeva’s soul.

The work consists of 3 stanzas, each of which has a special meaning. In the first, a metaphorical, tangible image of Blok is created (“a bird in his hand,” “a piece of ice on the tongue”). In the second, a phonetic image. In the third, a direct relationship to the poet is revealed. Adjacent rhyming makes the poem dynamic and at the same time whole, complete.

The syntax of this work is interesting. The author uses verbless syntactic constructions, which enhances the emotionality of the poem. The dash forces you to pause, which also carries a special meaning. The anaphora “thy name” focuses attention on the key image of the work, making it sublime and exceptional.

This work, dedicated to Blok, sounds colorful and figurative. Metaphors (“a bird in the hand”, “a piece of ice on the tongue”) - they express an emotional attitude towards the poet; epithets (“the gentle cold of motionless eyelids”); personification (“calls the trigger”), which makes Blok’s image more vivid and memorable.

Undoubtedly, this poem is an example of suggestive lyrics; Tsvetaeva seems to infect us with a feeling of admiration and admiration for Blok and his work.

“Your name is a bird in your hand” is one of the most famous works by Marina Tsvetaeva. The special emotionality, expressiveness, depth and sincerity of emotions cannot but leave in the souls of readers the feelings that the poetess herself felt for the writer Blok.

Marina Tsvetaeva is a very extraordinary Russian poet, whose work is distinguished by expressiveness and emotionality. All her poems show a love of truth and freedom - in this Tsvetaeva is in many ways reminiscent of Alexander Blok, whose influence can be seen in many of her works.

Tsvetaeva and Blok did not know each other personally, but it is known that the poetess worshiped the genius Silver Age. In her work there are many works dedicated to Blok. One of them is “Your name is a bird in your hand...”

The image of Blok in this poem symbolizes not just a mystical poet, whose works are permeated with symbolism. Blok appears as an unattainable role model, an idol whom Tsvetaeva literally deifies. The work examines the theme of the poet and his work. And from it it is easy to conclude that Tsvetaeva literally trembles before the name of Blok. In fact, the entire work is a “game” with the poet’s surname. Tsvetaeva examines its sound and the associations that arise with it, so that readers have a very real picture of sensations, not only visual and auditory, but also gustatory and tactile:

- “a ball caught on the fly” - an analogue of a quiet elastic sound;

- “silver bell in the mouth” - sound and taste associations;

- “a stone thrown into a quiet pond” - the dull sound of the word “block”;

— “loudly clicking trigger” — a clear sound;

- “light clicking of night hooves” - dull knocking.

One gets the feeling that the poetess hears the name “Blok” in everything around her, and in the poem there is a gradation of sounds from very quiet, like a ball hitting, to a loud, distinct one. It seems that with each line not only the sound intensifies, but the emotional intensity also increases, which at the end of the poem resembles a real explosion:

Your name - oh, it’s impossible! -

Your name is a kiss in the eyes...

Tsvetaeva uses ellipses, exclamation marks, and dashes, which are intended to reflect the confusion of thoughts and feelings. For her, a poet is not only a sublime, but also a seemingly forbidden topic. The last six lines reflect the true nature of the poem - tragic. And with the line “With your name the sleep is deep,” Tsvetaeva introduces new topic- loneliness and death.

The poetess perceives Blok as something unattainable and elusive, and every sound of his name is important to her. The poem creates the impression that its subject is mysterious and cold, and Tsvetaeva herself seems to reveal to us the most intimate corners of the soul.

The poem has three stanzas, each of which carries its own meaning. The first stanza paints a metaphorical image of the poet. The second is built on phonetic associations, and the third reveals the author’s attitude towards the poet. For her work, Tsvetaeva chose an adjacent rhyme, which allows her to most accurately reflect its emotional intensity. Each dash symbolizes a semantic pause. And the anaphora “your name” allows you to constantly keep the key image of the poem in your mind, endowing it with exceptional features.

In general, the work looks very colorful, full of clearly written images and numerous metaphors and personifications. All this allows you not only to feel Tsvetaeva’s attitude towards the poet at the level of various sensations, but also makes his image itself more vivid and memorable.

Many agree that before us is a magnificent example of suggestive lyrics, as if evoking in the reader the same feelings that the author himself experiences in relation to Blok and his work.

The poem “Your name is a bird in your hand...” is considered one of Tsvetaeva’s most famous works. It is distinguished by the depth and sincerity of feelings, and it invariably leaves a great emotional mark on the reader’s soul.