General Kizilov Mikhail Georgievich. The head of "Orlovka": the paths of the earth and heaven. Prospects for the development of the air navigation system of Russia

The professionalism of the masters who work in the Lilia Kim atelier, modern technological sewing equipment and the huge creative potential of the group of designers allow us to fulfill the most complex orders. In particular, we take tailoring for generals and senior officers of the Russian army.

First of all, we guarantee an individual approach to each visitor, the impeccable quality of order execution and strict observance of the agreed deadlines. Professional implies the use of fabrics of the best articles with a maximum content of wool (from 70 to 90%). All elements of our uniforms are made in strict accordance with officially approved departmental requirements. At the moment, our craftsmen are sewing clothes for generals of both the old (Grachevsky) and new (from Yudashkin) samples.

We are very attentive to tailoring for generals. A military suit sewn by our masters will favorably emphasize all the advantages of a figure and hide its individual flaws.

Uniforms of a new type for senior officers are distinguished by an abundance of gold embroidery. For its execution, our atelier uses a domestic-made thread with brass, 3 and 5% gold sputtering, so that the chevrons and stripes on the uniform do not wear out, do not turn pale and do not fade in the sun. For us, each order for tailoring a suit is very important, and we make every effort to ensure that customers who contact the Lilia Kim atelier are satisfied with the end result. A very limited number of workshops today carry out tailoring of this level, and the fact that we are included in this number speaks of our professionalism.

We provide services for individual tailoring of representative (output) uniforms for the Head of Departments of various State structures - the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, the Diplomatic Corps of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Rosselkhoznadzor of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzoar of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fisheries Service of the Russian Federation, Gostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, Spetssvyaz , Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, FCS, Active State Counselors 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade etc. only upon provision of the Technical Specification for tailoring uniforms and a document confirming the status of the customer.

Everyday woolen tunic, for generals, made of half-woolen worsted costume fabric, with 5% gilding sewing on the collar, with piping of established colors on the collar and sleeve cuffs.

ATTENTION! We sew military uniforms for officers, generals and admirals in accordance with the new Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 300 of 06/22/2015.
We are starting to sew military uniforms by order of the Minister of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2017 No. 89 "On Amendments to the Order of the RF Ministry of Defense of June 22, 2015 No. 300."

"Kizilov Mikhail Georgievich Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of NP "SAP" General Director of JSC "Concern" MANS "Second Congress of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia, Ulyanovsk 17.04.2015 ..."


Mikhail Georgievich

Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of NP SAP

General Director of JSC "Concern" MANS "

Second Congress of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia

Ulyanovsk 17.04.2015

Prospects for the development of the Russian air navigation system are based on the Concept

of the Global Air Navigation Plan 2013-2028 (BUDSS) ICAO and include the main

aviation system block upgrade provisions and are reflected in industry, national and international standards. The block upgrades are also aligned with the ICAO Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854).

In the United States of America (NextGen), block upgrades are largely based on operational concepts taken from the air transport system.

In Europe (SESAR), the block upgrade concept is based on ATM (Single European Sky) research and joint action to upgrade Japan's air transport systems (CARATS).

The Global Aviation System Block Upgrades initiative provides a framework for the modernization of the ATM system worldwide.

The Global Air Navigation Plan is a strategic document that successfully guides the efforts of States, Regional Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGS) and international organizations to improve the efficiency of air navigation systems. It provides guidance for system enhancements in the near to medium term to support the unified transition to the global ATM system envisaged by the global ATM operational concept.

The concept of creation and development of the Air Navigation System of Russia (Minutes of the Government meeting Russian Federation No. 35 dated 04.10.2006) Basic Provisions The concept defines the main directions of the organizational, technical, social, financial and economic policy for the creation and development of the Air Navigation System of Russia (ANS) in the interests of increasing the efficiency of using and controlling airspace, developing the economy, ensuring defense, national safety and flight safety The concept was developed for the period up to 2025.

The concept was developed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Stages of development of the Air Navigation System

Long term stage:

Full transition to advanced technical means and technologies

–  –  –

ANS will cover all types of air navigation services and airspace user coverage ANS will provide apron-to-apron aircraft services

Organizationally, functionally and technically, the ANS will be focused on the integration of functional subsystems based on the introduction of the promising ICAO CNS / ATM concept. The ANS will include an onboard segment as one of its main elements. The system should also include services for aeronautical and meteorological information, search and rescue, and a number of other services that support its activities. Air Navigation Non-Commercial Partnership "Union of Aircraft Manufacturers"

–  –  –

Engagement with the FAA (Federal Air Transport Agency): Determination of the conformity of design, production and maintenance regulatory requirements FAA within the framework of the ODA program (official authorization of the organization), promoting a plan for integrating UAVs and removing legal barriers to their use.

–  –  –

Clean Sky: promotion of the Clean Sky 2 initiative, setting new parameters, advising the European Commission, participation in the development of a project progress report. Aerospace Companies of Japan (ADS) Aerospace policy: participation in audits and inspections and interaction with the state on this issue; publication of requests and recommendations to the state on the budget of the aerospace industry and its systemic revision as the industry standard.

Cargo and search and rescue aircraft:

promotion of the P-1 (maritime patrol aircraft) and C-2 (next generation cargo aircraft) as part of the Department of Defense fleet modernization program (deliveries began in 2013).

Canadian Aerospace Industries Association (AIAC) Emerson and Jenkins reports (recommendations to the authorities and a road map for the development of the industry), as a result of which the government:

Created a technology demonstration program with (funding - $110 million over 5 years)

Established the Canadian Aerospace Research and Innovation Consortium (CARIC), (funding - $30 million over 5 years);

Recapitalized the Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI) at $1 billion, changed terms and conditions to make the program more accessible to small businesses;

voiced new policy in the field of space technology and created an Advisory Council;

Included aerospace as a priority in the government's science, technology and innovation strategy and in the Global Markets Work Plan that guides Canadian diplomatic and trade policy for the coming years.

Proposals of the Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of NP SAP

M.G. Kizilov to the Draft Resolution of the Second Congress of Russian Aircraft Manufacturers

1. Submit a petition to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for granting

legal possibilities of law enforcement practice in the field of the right of legislative initiative on issues determined by the Charter of NP "SAP".

2. Improvement, preparation of proposals in the field of legal regulation in the field of harmonious development of the Russian air navigation system.

3. Promotion of certification technologies and advanced standards in the field of international certification procedures aimed at ensuring the Government's strategy in the field of science, innovation, creation of a new generation of competitive air navigation products for its introduction on the international market.

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1 PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AIR NAVIGATION SYSTEM OF RUSSIA Kizilov Mikhail Georgievich Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of NP "SAP" General Director of JSC "Concern "MANS" Second Congress of Russian Aircraft Manufacturers Ulyanovsk

2 Prospects for the development of the air navigation system in Russia are based on the Concept of the Global Air Navigation Plan of the years. (BUDSS) of ICAO and include the main provisions of the aviation system block upgrade and are reflected in industry, national and international standards. The block upgrades are also aligned with the ICAO Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854). In the United States of America (NextGen), block upgrades are largely based on operational concepts taken from the air transport system. In Europe (SESAR), the block upgrade concept is based on ATM (Single European Sky) research and joint action to upgrade Japan's air transport systems (CARATS). The Global Aviation System Block Upgrades initiative provides a framework for the modernization of the ATM system worldwide. The Global Air Navigation Plan is a strategic document that successfully guides the efforts of States, Regional Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGS) and international organizations to improve the efficiency of air navigation systems. It provides guidance for system enhancements in the near to medium term to support the unified transition to the global ATM system envisaged by the global ATM operational concept.

3 The Concept for the Creation and Development of the Air Navigation System of Russia (minutes of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation 35 dated) Main Provisions The Concept defines the main directions of the organizational, technical, social, financial and economic policy for the creation and development of the Air Navigation System of Russia (ANS) in the interests of increasing the efficiency of use and control airspace, economic development, defense, national security and flight safety The concept was developed for the period up to 2025. The concept was developed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

4 Stages of development of the Air Navigation System Short-term stage: Completion of the formation of the organizational and functional structure of the Air Navigation System Implementation of the potential capabilities of existing technical means and technologies Harmonization with similar systems of countries members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and neighboring states Long-term stage: Full transition to advanced technical means and technologies Ensuring automated interaction of elements systems Wide introduction of the method of "free flights" Integration into the global air navigation infrastructure 2015 Medium-term stage: 2025 Transition from traditional, mainly to advanced air navigation facilities and systems Implementation of new technologies based on the integration of advanced systems in certain regions of the country Integration into the European regional air navigation system

5 Air navigation system of Russia ANS is a single-fragment system ANS will cover all types of air navigation services and airspace user coverage areas ANS will provide service to aircraft "from gate to gate" Organizationally, functionally and technically ANS will be focused on combining functional subsystems based on the introduction of a promising concept CNS/ATM ICAO The ANS will include an airborne segment as one of its main elements. The system should also include services for aeronautical and meteorological information, search and rescue, and a number of other services that support its activities.

6 Structure of the Air Navigation Committee of the Non-Commercial Partnership “Union of Aircraft Manufacturers” Air Navigation Committee Chairman Mikhail Georgievich Kizilov General Director of JSC “Concern “International Air Navigation Systems” Committee for Specialized Meteorological Support Chairman Marina Viktorovna Petrova General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Aviamettelecom of Roshydromet" for the organization of aerospace search and rescue Chairman Anatoly Aleksandrovich Koptsev Head of the Department for Designing EU ATM Facilities and Aerodrome Complexes of JSC NPO "LEMZ" For Aeronautical Information Chairman Stepanova Elena Nikolaevna Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise " Aeronautical Information Center»

7 Structure of the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations

8 Key Aviation Projects US EU New generation air navigation system proposed by the Federal Air Transport Agency (FAA) Strategic Goals 1. Modernize the National Airspace System (NAS). 2. Overcome the impact of the explosive growth in air traffic by increasing capacity and efficiency 3. Improved security 4. Reduced environmental impact 5. Increased user access to NAS. Budget: $30 billion Long-term vision for the future of European aviation, jointly prepared by a group of experts and the European Commission Strategic goals 1. Satisfy the growing needs of society and the market for air travel 2. Maintain and expand EU leadership in aviation 3. Protect environment, the use of safe energy and its alternative sources 4. Ensuring safety 5. Priority research, testing facilities and education Budget: 2.1 billion

9 American Aerospace Association (AIA) NextGen (Next Generation Air Transportation System): Lobbying government funding for avionics manufacturers, promoting existing certified technologies and products for implementation as NextGen standard FAA (Federal Air Transportation Agency) engagement: determining design conformity, production and maintenance to FAA regulatory requirements as part of the ODA program (official authorization of the organization), advancing the plan for integrating UAVs and removing legal barriers to their use. Aerospace Caucus (Aerospace Committee): preparation and presentation of official documents for congressional hearings on state aerospace and defense policy, organization of events for congressmen (electoral forums, joint meetings, visits to exhibitions and conferences), development and implementation of legislative strategies based on the common interests of members and by mutual agreement

10 European Association for the Aerospace and Defense Industry (ASD) ACARE (European Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation): shaping the requirements for the FlightPath 2050 program; strategic, technical and organizational leadership of Clean Sky (a partnership between the European Commission and the aviation industry to increase the environmental efficiency of air transport based on new technologies within the single European sky): defining the scope and objectives of the program, lobbying the initiative in the European Commission, evaluating the passage of Clean Sky: promoting the initiative Clean Sky 2, setting new parameters, advising the European Commission, participation in the development of a report on the implementation of the project

11 Japan Aerospace Company Society (ADS) Aerospace policy: participation in audits and inspections and interaction with the government on this issue; publication of requests and recommendations to the state on the budget of the aerospace industry and its systemic revision as the industry standard. Cargo and Search and Rescue aircraft: Promotion of the P-1 (maritime patrol aircraft) and C-2 (next generation cargo aircraft) under the Department of Defense fleet modernization program (deliveries began in 2013).

12 Canadian Aerospace Industries Association (AIAC) Emerson and Jenkins Reports (recommendations to the authorities and a road map for the development of the industry), as a result of which the government: created a technology demonstration program with (funding - $ 110 million over 5 years) established the Canadian Consortium for Aerospace Research and Innovation (CARIC), (funding - $30 million over 5 years); recapitalized the Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI) at $1 billion, changed terms and conditions to make the program more accessible to small businesses; announced a new policy in the field of space technology and created an Advisory Board; included aerospace as a priority in the government's science, technology and innovation strategy and in the Global Markets Work Plan, which guides Canadian diplomatic and trade policy for the coming years.

13 Proposals of the Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of NP SAP M.G. Kizilov in the Draft Resolution of the Second Congress of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia 1. Submit a petition to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to empower the non-profit partnership "Union of Aircraft Manufacturers" with legal opportunities for law enforcement practice in the field of the right of legislative initiative on issues defined by the Charter of NP "SAP". 2. Improvement, preparation of proposals in the field of legal regulation in the field of harmonious development of the Russian air navigation system. 3. Promotion of certification technologies and advanced standards in the field of international certification procedures aimed at ensuring the Government's strategy in the field of science, innovation, creation of a new generation of competitive air navigation products for its introduction on the international market. Second Congress of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia Ulyanovsk

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In love with the sky

At the end of the summer, my friends took part in the celebration of the Russian Air Force Day at the Orlovka airfield, which is located not so far from Rzhev - in the Zubtsovsky district, two kilometers east of the village of Pogoreloye Gorodishche. According to them, they got to a democratic, cheerful and spectacular holiday, since everything was built on the enthusiasm of those who are truly in love with the sky.

This fall, enthusiasts from Orlovka once again reminded the Rzhevites of themselves, and not only them, by organizing a training procession in the airspace over the Rzhev diocese and its cathedral city.

The “flight of the gods” is an extraordinary event, it was interesting to meet with its initiators. Since the interest is genuine, I wanted the conversation to be informal. True, already at the airport it turned out that journalists here, to put it mildly, are not favored. The situation was saved by the fact that we represented Rzhev, and colleagues from Rzhev television at that August air show made a favorable impression in Orlovka with an objective presentation of the material.

On the way to the runway, we met the leader - or, as is customary among pilots, the senior aviation chief of Orlovka, Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov.

“A pilot must fly,” Mikhail Georgievich explained, heading towards the plane. - Personally, I try to fly three days a week - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You are here to chat with people, drink tea, and I will join later ...

GA: aviation enthusiasts

The general flew away, and we went to the hangar to watch the planes. All of them turned out to be surprisingly colorful, but “all felt-tip pens are different in taste and color,” commented my guide Timur.

Why do you dislike journalists so much? - I'm interested.

- Our pilots do not need PR, no matter what they do. For example, there is such an organization "Angel", when people on their aviation equipment carry out search and rescue operations, looking for tourists-mushroom-berry pickers lost in the forests. Enormous money is spent on this without receiving compensation from the state. And for some reason, journalists in most cases want aviation general purpose(AON) to show in a negative light, - Timur says in a conciliatory tone. - The townsfolk hear about GA at your suggestion only in the context of disasters.

Does AON remain beyond their understanding?

- Everyone is used to the fact that there is military, civil and experimental aviation. What is GA - general aviation - few people imagine. But it exists, and is built almost entirely on the enthusiasm of individuals. We are talking about aircraft that are individually owned - like cars. But while the concept of a private jet is foreign to most people, aviation for them is the Air Force and civil aviation.

In the Tver region, we, perhaps, became pioneers. Once upon a time, an Aeroflot detachment of chemists was stationed in the Pogorely Settlement. After 1991, everything fell into disrepair, and the runway looked more like a landfill. 5 years ago, we purchased an airfield, cleared and lengthened the runway, installed hangars, and made a command and control tower for flights. And they began to develop general aviation. After all, there are many people who cannot serve as military pilots or work in civil aviation, but the dream of the sky lives in them ...

Therefore, today the certified aviation training center Nebosvod-Avia operates in Orlovka. Professionals in their field give and theoretical training, and, most importantly, a practical flight base. 42 hours in the air, plus a ground theoretical part. True, they are very conditional - these 42 hours, training can stretch from 2 months to six months. People get a pilot's license, buy a small plane, which, by the way, costs no more than a foreign car. And they fly.

Orlovka is sure that the state needs general aviation, a country with such vast territories will not survive without small aircraft. Caller ID can be used for emergency medical services, during search and rescue operations. Aerial photography, agricultural work, monitoring of forest fires, pipelines, power lines - all this can be done by AON.

“We have people of various specialties,” says Timur, “from a doctor to the commander of a Boeing 747-800, who flies about 200 hours a month at work. But on the Orlovka he gets more pleasure in a small plane, because he feels the plane live, pilots it in manual mode.

Probably the best time to fly is in the summer?

- Summer is not the best time for flying, the activity of the sun is very high. The earth warms up in different ways, thermal flows are formed that can go up, they can go down, the plane has a lot of shaking. This is not comfortable, you have to fly at an altitude of over 1600 meters, and GA flies up to 1000. The best weather for GA is autumn, when the air is balanced, its density is high, this has a positive effect on the aircraft in terms of shaking, vertical rate of climb.

Therefore, they decided to conduct a training religious procession through the air in the fall?

“I think that Mikhail Georgievich would better tell you about the cross flight,” says Timur.

“Godflight” is a complex task

Here I must say about the head of the Orlovka himself. Born in the Altai village. As a child, he loved to lie on the grass with his arms outstretched, look at the floating clouds and dream of the sky. Now Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov is the President of the International Air Navigation Systems Concern. Prior to his retirement, he was the head of the Directorate for the Use of Airspace and Air Traffic Control under the Ministry of Defense of Russia. A well-known practitioner in the field of air navigation. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation, awarded state awards. Until now - an active pilot.

Mikhail Georgievich! Your training "flight of the gods" caused a great resonance ...

- The idea to fly around the Rzhev diocese appeared a long time ago. Moreover, the tradition of religious processions is an integral part of national history and culture. After consulting with Bishop Adrian, we decided to make a training flight with five crews, but if the weather allows, we will create a more powerful group. I have a dream to have 14 crews fly. So far, the alignment of battle formation, and this, above all, the selection of aircraft at the same speed, causes difficulties. But we will not rush, first of all - Her Majesty flight safety. All flights that we carry out are the initiative of individuals. “Godflight” is a complex task for us: it is also flight and pilot training.

From AON to BAS

- Mikhail Georgievich, your airfield has good prospects, thanks to people who are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to the development of small aircraft. In what vein will Orlovka develop further?

- First of all, Orlovka is a flight experimental base for testing new technologies and testing equipment of the International Air Navigation Systems concern. Now our company employs 16 doctors of sciences, professors, 41 candidates of technical sciences. The developments carried out by MANS are world-class. All of them, including various meteorological complexes, radars, weather stations, remote video surveillance systems and other equipment, are being tested and tested at the Orlovka airfield. We are very proud that we have our own airfield. After all, if you look at the creation of any device on an aircraft or a unit, analyze its life cycle and financial expenses, it turns out that approximately 20-30 percent of the time and cost is spent on product development and manufacture, and 70-80 percent of the time and money is spent on flight tests.

What are you working on now?

— At Vnukovo airport, we are completing the installation of remote video surveillance in order to prevent air crashes, such as the one in which the president of a French oil company died in October 2014, when a snow blower drove onto the runway towards the aircraft picking up speed.

Now the Aeronet program is being implemented in the Russian state - this is the development of advanced technologies for unmanned aerial systems (UAS). We are striving to create a Russian-level center for the development of unmanned aerial technologies at Orlovka, and our project is considered with a fairly high rating.

Memorial, temple and children

— Mikhail Georgievich, in your life the paths of the earth and the paths of heaven surprisingly intersect. So, the temple of Elijah the Prophet in the Burnt Settlement is under your personal protection?

– Other people made timid attempts to help restore the temple, but Father John will not let you be deceitful, the main contribution to its restoration is ours. In addition to me, Nikolay Lavushkin also helps us in the revival of the ancient temple.

Near the Ilyinsky temple there is a memorial to Soviet soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. My dream is to make a playground nearby, to enclose the entire ensemble with a beautiful fence. It will be a unique complex in Russia, uniting concepts that are sacred to us: a memorial to soldiers as a memory of the Fatherland's past, a playground as a symbol of the country's future. And a temple that has risen from the ruins, testifying to the triumph of the truth of God. By the way, his rector, Archpriest John Krylov, was a participant in the training cross flight, - Mikhail Georgievich notes.

- I say: “religious procession”, and Mikhail Georgievich corrects: “flight of the cross”. "A move is when they walk, and we fly." It was my first flight, the impressions are wonderful,” says the priest.

- When we first met with Mikhail Georgievich, he spoke about his intention to build a temple in the village. In turn, he offered him to restore the existing ancient temple built in the early 18th century. It was closed in the 1930s. He honestly warned that he would have to make every effort, some had already tried, but he was frightened by the scale of the work ahead. Mikhail Georgievich at that time did not know that the temple existed. Then we got into the car and arrived at the place. He took in the ruins with his eyes, walked around. He immediately said backhand: "We will restore." Here stood only the skeleton of the temple, like the skeleton of a ship. Our further acquaintance took place in the process of restoration. A team from Belarus arrived, the residents began to donate money for bricks. The dome Mikhail Georgievich brought from Volgodonsk in a collapsible form, it was consecrated by Bishop Adrian. A familiar icon painter depicted a huge face of Christ on the dome. Another benefactor pays for the construction of the iconostasis. Now the builders are working in the refectory of the temple, the temple is plastered from the outside, work is underway inside.

Apparently, people like General Kizilov think in a complex way. Therefore, it is developing domestic aviation, and Agriculture in the Zubtsovsky district raises, and restores the destroyed temple. Patriot, not in words, but in deeds. By the way, he also cares about the upbringing of the younger generation:

“If a boy rises into the sky at least once and feels it, then he will never become a drug addict or an alcoholic,” Mikhail Kizilov is sure. But that is another story…

Irina Kuznetsova

Photo by Maxim Shorokhov