Summary of chapter 13 raised virgin soil. "Virgin Soil Upturned": the beginning

The novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" is dedicated to the events that took place in the countryside and radically changed its usual way of life: collectivization, dispossession and the mass transition of the peasantry to collective farms. We recommend reading the summary of "Virgin Soil Upturned" chapter by chapter. The first volume of the book was written in 1932, the second - in 1959. A retelling of the work will also be useful for the reader's diary.

The main characters of the novel

Main characters:

  • Semyon Davydov is the chairman of the collective farm, a former sailor, an honest, decent, principled person.
  • Makar Nagulnov is the secretary of the party cell, an ardent revolutionary, has a quick-tempered, stubborn, sharp character.
  • Andrei Razmetnov is the chairman of the village council, a kind, gentle, sympathetic person.
  • Alexander Polovtsev - a former white officer, one of the organizers of the uprising against the Soviet regime.

Other characters:

  • Kondrat Maidannikov is a middle peasant who went over to the side of the Soviet government.
  • Grandfather Shchukar is an old peasant, joker and joker.
  • Timofey Rvany is a young guy, the son of a rich kulak, who sharply opposes the Soviet regime.
  • Yakov Lukich Ostrovnov is a wealthy peasant who secretly supports the counter-revolutionary forces.
  • Lushka Nagulnova - Nagulnov's wife, a dissolute, walking woman.
  • Varya is a young girl, the bride of Davydov.
  • Ippolit Shaly is a blacksmith, an honest and uncompromising person.

Sholokhov "Virgin Soil Upturned" very briefly

The work begins with the fact that a former commander of the First World War and a citizen of the Polovtsian wars comes to the farm. He goes to his former subordinate Lukic Ostrovnov. They had supper and began to talk about the unfairness of life and that a person should come to the farm and begin to call everyone to the collective farm. In addition, at his insistence, Lukic joined the Union for the Liberation of the Don.

So it happened soon Semyon Davydov arrived at the Gremyachiy farm and immediately set to work, he called a meeting of the local activists and the poor. On it they made lists of all the kulaks who were subject to dispossession. And they began the process of dispossession and the formation of a collective farm.

These actions led to the fact that in secret, from the authorities, dissatisfied with this and the actions began to gather.

A week later, a meeting of the formed collective farm approved Davydov as the chairman, and Ostrovsky as the supply manager. With all the visible successes, the process of collectivization was very difficult.

In addition, this work reveals the personal relationship of the characters, so Davydov started an affair with ex-wife secretary Lushkay, but considering that this would ruin his reputation, he decided to marry Varya Kharlamova, who was in love with her. However, he decided to hold this event after graduation.

The final plot of this work was the arrival in Gremyachy of two purveyors who wanted to find Polovts, but I feel that something was wrong, he and his accomplices killed them. After this incident, Davydov and his people decided to investigate the apogee of which was their murder. However, the conspirators failed to escape responsibility, most of them were arrested.

See also: The novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov is a monumental work of Russian literature of the twentieth century. You can read online by chapters and parts on our website. The book depicts the life of the Don Cossacks during the First World War, the 1917 revolution and the civil war in Russia.

A short retelling of "Virgin Soil Upturned"

On the extreme alley to the steppe on a January evening in 1930, a horseman rode into the Gremyachiy Log farm. I asked passers-by the way to Yakov Lukich Ostrovnov's kuren. The owner, recognizing the visitor, looked around and whispered: “Your honor! Otkel you? .. Mr. Yesaul ... "He was the former commander of Ostrovnov in the First World civil wars Polovtsev. After dinner, they began to talk. Lukich was considered the first-class owner on the farm, a man of great intelligence and fox caution. He began to complain to the visitor: in the twentieth year he returned to the bare walls, left all the good things near the Black Sea. Worked day and night.

In the very first year, the new government swept all the grain out of the surplus, and then lost count of the surrenders: they handed over bread, and meat, and butter, and skin, and poultry, paid countless taxes ... Now - a new misfortune. Some man came from the district and will drive everyone to the collective farm. He made money with his hump, and now give it to the common cauldron? “You have to fight, brother,” explains Polovtsev. And at his suggestion, Yakov Lukich joins the Union for the Liberation of the Native Don.

And the man they were talking about, in the past a sailor, and then a mechanic at the Putilov factory, Semyon Davydov, came to Gremyachy to carry out collectivization. At first, he called a meeting of the Gremyachny activists and the poor. Those present enrolled in the collective farm together and approved the list of kulaks: those who got into it were waiting for the confiscation of property and eviction from their homes. When discussing the candidacy of Tit Borodin, there was a hitch. The secretary of the farm cell of the Communist Party, Makar Nagulnov, a former Red partisan, explained to Davydov: Tit is a former Red Guard, from the poor. But, returning from the war, he clung to the economy with his teeth. He worked twenty hours a day, overgrown with wild hair, acquired a hernia - and began to grow rich, despite warnings and persuasion to wait for the world revolution. He answered the persuaders: “I was nothing and became everything, and I fought for this.”

“There was a partisan - honor to him for this, he became a fist - to crush,” Davydov answered. The next day, under the tears of the evicted children and women, dispossession took place. The chairman of the Gremyachinsky village council, Andrei Razmetnov, at first even refused to take part in this, but was persuaded by Davydov.

Not all of the Gremyachians aspired to the collective farm to be more prosperous. Dissatisfied with the authorities secretly gathered to discuss the situation. Among them were the middle peasants, and even some of the poor, Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that he had been in the White punitive detachment for some time. But Khoprov refused Ostnovnov's proposal to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is it that lives in Lukich's chaff - is it not the same “your honor”, ​​which incites to rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

A week later, the general meeting of collective farmers approved the newcomer Davydov as chairman of the collective farm, and Ostrovnov as supply manager. Collectivization in Gremyachy was difficult: at first they slaughtered livestock so as not to socialize it, then they hid seed grain from surrender.

The party secretary Nagulnov divorced his wife Lukerya due to the fact that she publicly voted for Timofey Rvany, who was being expelled, her lover. And soon Lushka, known for her frivolity, met Davydov and told him: “Look at me, Comrade Davydov ... I am a beautiful woman, he is ready for love ...”

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm was an order from the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, “but it’s not worth turning against all Soviet power”. “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachy, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications for leaving the collective farm were submitted. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the "darling" of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

The relations between the people and the government became aggravated again. And then the carts from the farm Yarsky arrived and there was a rumor that for seed grain. And a riot broke out in Gremyachy: they beat Davydov, knocked down the locks from the barns and began to arbitrarily disassemble the grain. After the suppression of the rebellion, Davydov promised not to apply administrative measures to the “temporarily deluded”.

By May 15, the collective farm in Gremyachy fulfilled the sowing plan. And Lushka began to visit Davydov: she took newspapers and asked if the chairman missed her. The resistance of the former naval one was short-lived, and soon the whole village found out about their connection.

Ostrovnov met Timothy Rvany, who had escaped from exile, in the forest. He ordered to convey to Lukerya that he was waiting for grubs. But at home Lukich was in for an incomparably more bitter trouble: Polovtsev returned and, together with his comrade Lyatevsky, settled at Ostrovnov's for a secret residence.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - the young Varya Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, pockmarked ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

One day, before sunrise, a rider rode up to the camp. He joked with Daria, helped her peel the potatoes, and then ordered to wake Davydov. It was the new secretary of the district committee, Nesterenko. He checked the quality of the plowing, talked about collective-farm affairs, in which he proved to be very knowledgeable, and criticized the chairman for omissions. The sailor himself was going to the farm: he learned that the night before Makar had been shot at.

In Gremyachy, Razmetnov outlined the details of the assassination attempt: at night, Makar was sitting at open window with his newfound friend, joker and joker grandfather Shchukar, "they cut him down with a rifle." In the morning, it was determined by the cartridge case that a man who had not fought had fired: a soldier from thirty paces would not miss. Yes, and the shooter ran away so that the horse could not catch up. The shot did not cause any injuries to the party secretary, but he developed a terrible runny nose, audible throughout the whole farm.

Davydov went to the forge to inspect the inventory repaired for sowing. The blacksmith Ippolit Shaly warned the chairman in a conversation to throw Lukerya, otherwise he would also get a bullet in the forehead. Lushka does not knit knots with him alone. And without that it is not clear why Timoshka Rvany (namely, he turned out to be an unlucky shooter) shot at Makar, and not at Davydov.

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makar personally set up an ambush at the house of his "pre-existing" wife (Lushka was put under lock and key for this time) and on the third day killed Timofey who appeared with the first shot. Lukerye gave the opportunity to say goodbye to the dead and let him go.

In the meantime, new people appeared in Gremyachy: two bright-eyed cattle procurers. But Razmetnov stopped them, noticing that the newcomers' hands were white and their faces were not rustic. Here the "purveyors" presented the documents of the employees of the regional department of the OGPU and said that they were looking for a dangerous enemy, the captain of the white army Polovtsev, and professional instinct tells them that he is hiding in Gremyachy.

After the next party meeting, Varya waited for Davydov to say: her mother wants to marry her, but she herself loves him, a blind fool. Davydov, after sleepless reflection, decided to marry her in the fall. In the meantime, he sent to study as an agronomist.

Two days later, two procurers were killed on the road. Razmetnov, Nagulnov and Davydov immediately established surveillance over the houses of those from whom they bought livestock. Surveillance led to Ostrovnov's house. The capture plan was proposed by Makar: he and Davydov burst through the door, and Andrei would lie down in the yard under the window. After some negotiations, the owner himself opened it. Makar kicked open the bolted door, but did not have time to shoot. An explosion of a hand grenade flashed near the threshold, followed by a machine gun. Nagulnov, mutilated by fragments, died instantly, and Davydov, who fell under a machine-gun fire, died the next night.

... So the Don nightingales sang to Davydov and Nagulnov, the ripening wheat whispered to them, the nameless river rang on the stones ... The OGPU identified Lyatevsky in the man killed by Razmetnov. Polovtsev was taken three weeks later near Tashkent. After that, arrests swept across the region in a wide wave. In total, more than six hundred participants in the conspiracy were neutralized.

This is interesting: The story "" tells about the life of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War Andrey Sokolov. You can read the summary of Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" to get acquainted with the most important episodes of the story.

The content of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" by chapter

M. Sholokhov virgin lands upturned summary with a description of each chapter:

Book One

On a January evening in 1930, a horseman rode into the Gremyachiy Log farm. He drove up to the house of Yakov Ostrovnov, and the owner recognized the rider - it was the White Guard officer, Yesaul Alexander Polovtsev, with whom Yakov Lukich went through the entire German war.

The district committee of the party sent Semyon Davydov, a former sailor and responsible factory worker, to Gremyachiy Log "to carry out complete collectivization." Arriving at the farm, Davydov met the secretary of the party cell, Makar Nagulnov, and the chairman of the village council, Andrei Razmetnov. From them, he learned that in Gremyachiy Log there was a "partnership for the joint cultivation of the land", which included only one poor peasant.

Yakov Lukich and Polovtsev had a "long conversation", and Ostrovnov complained to his former commander about the Soviet government, which took away the bread. Polovtsev admitted that he joined the Red Army to divert attention, but did not give up hope of restoring his former power. Yakov Lukich supported him and wrote a receipt stating that he joined the Union for the Liberation of the Native Don, which fought against the communists.

At the meeting, Davydov told the peasants that his task was to "organize the collective farm and destroy the kulak as our common bloodsucker." There is no consensus among the inhabitants of the farm - someone stands up for the collective farms, and someone is categorically against it. Nagulnov advised Davydov to lure people to the collective farm at any cost.

The fate of Andrei Razmetnov was sad. He fought a lot - he went through the entire German war, then the civil one. The Cossacks, deciding to take revenge on a fellow villager for going over to the Reds, raped his wife, and she committed suicide. Soon the little son of Razmetnov also died.

At the gathering in the village council, Davydov found "fourteen people of the Gremyachy poor." They decided "to go and evict the kulaks, splitting into two groups." Nagulnov went to dispossess Tit Borodin, but he had already driven the cattle to the market so that the collective farm would not get it. Nagulnov overtook him and ordered him to return. Borodin reluctantly obeyed.

Meanwhile, Razmetnov went to the Damascus kulaks, where he began to describe the property. Damascus did not understand why the new government was taking away his property, acquired by hard work. The poor under the leadership of Razmetnov happily began to break into chests and confiscate property.

Nagulnov and Tit returned to the farm. During their absence, Davydov "described the property in two kulak farms, evicted the owners themselves." Nagulnov demanded that Titus give him a shotgun, but he had already managed to get rid of him. A scuffle began, after which Nagulnov wrote a note to the GPU against Titus. Before leaving, Titus promised his opponent to take revenge soon.

At the meeting, Davydov began to talk about the organization of the future collective farm. He "answered for a long time and sensibly" the questions that worried the peasants. According to rough estimates, it turned out that the collective farm was worthwhile, but only less than half of the Cossacks voted "for".

After the meeting, the strong peasant Kondrat Maidannikov began to say goodbye to the bulls, which the next day he was supposed to lead "to a common base." He wept as he remembered how he cared for them, how they worked for him. At home, Kondrat wrote a statement to the cell communist party so that his whole family was accepted into the collective farm.

The next in line for dispossession was the old man Lapshinov, who "has long been considered a man with money." He humbly watched as his possessions were described. Many sympathized with Lapshinov, who touchingly said goodbye to his property.

“Life in the Gremyachiy Log began to rear up” - meetings, gatherings were held every day, everyone discussed the upcoming changes. On the advice of Polovtsev, Yakov Lukich campaigned for the creation of a collective farm. Ostrovnov gathered kulaks and strong middle peasants who were opposed to Soviet power. They hoped for the imminent appearance of white officers and the uprising of the people. Poor Khoprov, having learned that the ataman Polovtsev lives near Ostrovnov, decided to report this to the Red Army, but he was killed along with his wife.

An investigator and a doctor arrived at the village, but the killer of Khoprov was never found. Nagulnov had no doubt that this was the muzzle of the hands of the kulaks and proposed "to evict the bastards to cold lands."

Davydov lived in the Nagulnovs' house, and Makar's wife, Lushka, a good-for-nothing and promiscuous, began to flirt with the guest. Nagulnov, accustomed to his wife's infidelities, did not interfere.

Yakov Lukich was offended by the Soviet government, which "did not give the opportunity to run a cool economy, to live richly." When they began to take away grain and cattle, Ostrovnov sold an old steam engine, excess cattle, turned off the sowing, and buried the proceeds in a capsule. Davydov believed that Yakov Lukich was a competent, intelligent owner, whose experience would be very useful on the collective farm.

The villagers began to slaughter the cattle, just not to give it to the collective farm. Grandfather Shchukar was the first in Gremyachiy Log to slaughter his heifer and gorged himself on meat so much that he suffered from indigestion for a long time. Davydov was seriously concerned about this. Nagulnov suggested that he complain to the Central Executive Committee and ruthlessly shoot those who knowingly harm the collective farm. At the meeting, Davydov announced that those "who succumbed to the kulak's bait and slaughtered cattle" would be expelled from the collective farm.

After the meeting, Davydov and Razmetnov went to the stable to look at "collective farm horses." Noticing a crowd of people, they learned from the duty officer Kondrat Maidannikov that the peasants come every time to check how their horses are fed - "the people can not give up their individuality."

At a closed meeting of the party cell, "a decision was unanimously made to socialize all cattle." It was also decided to "launch an intensified agitation campaign to stop the malicious slaughter."

On the farm, they stopped slaughtering cattle, and began to distribute the clothes confiscated from the kulaks to the poor, but "the government was not able to satisfy everyone."

Kondrat Maidannikov was disturbed by the memories of his past life - how he fought in the German war, and after that "hacked the White Poles and Wrangelites, defending his Soviet power." However, he was sorry for his good, and he was worried that the shepherd boy did not follow the cows well.

Davydov realized that the “socialization of the bird” turned out to be a thankless task, and ordered all the chickens to be distributed to their homes.

In the district center, Davydov received a difficult task - to bring collectivization to one hundred percent.

With the onset of spring, the stanitsa began to discuss issues “on the creation of a seed fund, on production standards for field work, and repair of equipment for sowing.” Ostrovnov proved to be an experienced farmer, giving valuable advice for the upcoming plowing.

An agitation column led by Comrade Kondratko arrived in Gremyachiy Log. “Davydov listened with pleasure to his speech,” although at times he did not understand individual expressions of the agitator.

Meanwhile, Polovtsev, who was still living with Ostrovnov, was "actively preparing for the spring, for the uprising." Yakov Lukich lived a double life: he was an ardent opponent of collectivization, but at the same time he was very fond of housekeeping.

From Polovtsev, Yakov Lukich learned that the Bolsheviks would soon begin to collect seed bread "supposedly for collective farm crops." In fact, this grain is intended for sale abroad, "and grain growers, including collective farmers, will be doomed to severe hunger." Ostrovnov was supposed to "urgently carry out explanatory work" among the villagers.

The collection of the seed fund took place with great difficulties - there was "tremendous resistance on the part of the majority of collective farmers and individual farmers." Nagulnov decided to deal with this problem in his usual way - with the help of violence. He beat and intimidated Bannik, the sole proprietor, and locked several other stubborn peasants in the pantry all night. This policy has paid off.

Upon learning of what had happened, Davydov began to scold Nagulnov. He advised him to follow the example of the Komsomol member Naydenov, who, by cunning, outright lies and red words, managed to convince the inhabitants of the farm to hand over their bread.

By mid-March, "the semfond was completely assembled." Many harrows and plows had to be repaired. Blacksmith Shaly managed to do everything on time, for which he was rewarded with tools brought from Leningrad.

Nagulnov divorced Lushka, and the young woman asked Davydov to find her a “little” groom or to marry her himself. Davydov, who liked the beautiful Lushka, was very embarrassed.

Ostrovnoi told Polovtsev that he needed to act urgently, and the first thing to do was to attack the campaign column. But unexpectedly, the Cossacks, opposed to the Soviet regime, refused to support the former White Guard. They read Stalin's article in the newspaper about the excesses in collectivization, and they believed it. The peasants demanded their receipts from Polovtsev. In other villages, the Cossacks also refused to rebel.

"Newspapers with Stalin's article 'Dizziness from Success'" were brought to Gremyachiy Log. The peasants began to discuss it with might and main. Nagulnov realized that he went too far with his harsh methods, but did not want to admit it.

The next day, Davydov received "twenty-three applications for leaving the collective farm." It was felt that the area was in complete disarray, and no one really knew how to act. Soon Gremyachiy Log received orders to return socialized poultry and small livestock to the peasants.

A week later, in the village "about a hundred farms left the collective farm." Peasants stole horses and cattle and hid them in secluded places. Davydov learned that if the sowing plan was not fulfilled, he would answer with his head. In the meantime, the villagers who left the collective farm demanded the return of their allotments, which had to be sown. Davydov explained that he "couldn't split up the kolkhoz massif" and instead offered uncultivated land. The peasants were deeply indignant at this injustice.

Razmetnov's cohabitant, Marina Poyarkova, also left the collective farm, which caused the lovers to break up.

Grandfather Shchukar was appointed "as a permanent coachman under the board of the collective farm", despite the fact that he was poorly versed in horses. Talking with Davydov, he shared that he “didn’t have any luck when he was a peasant”: as a child, he was accidentally scalded by a priest during baptism, he was torn by dogs, pinched by a gander, and once even caught on a hook. Following the example of the neighbor boys, he wanted to bite off a fish hook from a deaf grandfather while fishing. The grandfather thought that he was biting, and dragged the hook with all his strength, and the hook caught on the boy's lip. Since then, he was nicknamed Shchukar.

Nagulnov learned that they were going to expel him from the party for arbitrariness. However, Makar did not want to return his party card to any - it would be better to shoot him than to be left out of work.

“Twenty-three collective farm carts” came to Gremyachiy Log from a neighboring farm for seeds - now everything is common, it needs to be shared, but there is no bread for sowing in the village. Upon learning of this, the villagers rushed to the barns to recapture their grain from strangers. The women began to demand that the seed bread be returned to them, but Davydov refused to do so. They began to beat him, and left him alone only when they found out that the neighboring Cossacks had broken the locks from the barns and began to share the bread.

Returning home from the area, Nagulnov met a wolf. The horse was frightened and, breaking off the bridle, ran away. Makar had to walk to the farm.

Seeing people at the barn, Nagulnov began to shoot into the air. He threatened that everyone who took the grain would be recognized as "enemies of Soviet power." Together with a policeman who came to the rescue, they managed to arrest the instigators. The next day we managed to collect all the stolen bread. Davydov shamed the villagers, but promised not to take revenge on them, but to punish only the instigators of the robbery. The peasants were grateful that he did not hold a grudge against them.

Plowing began, but soon Davydov noticed that many collective farmers were working on the land with their sleeves down. He began to reproach them, but all in vain. Then Davydov decided to set a personal example, despite the fact that he had never plowed before. By evening, from unusual hard work, his legs ached, "his back hurt," but he kept his word. Collective farmers began to look up to him, and soon "socialist competition" began in the brigade.

By mid-May, the collective farm “fully fulfilled the sowing plan,” but people feared that due to the late sowing dates, the wheat might not sprout. They suggested that Davydov go to church and order a prayer service, to which the chairman of the collective farm replied that it was necessary "to conduct a household with science, and not with priests."

Nagulnov was not expelled from the party - the case ended with one reprimand. Marina Poyarkova, meanwhile, found herself a new "husband", which is why Razmetnov began to slowly become an inveterate drunkard.

Davydov decided to weed the bread, "so that not a single weed would be on the collective farm fields." Previously, no one had done this on the Don, and Yakov Lukich was very happy with this innovation - the harvest would be much richer.

Lushka Nagulnova also began to work in the field. In the evenings, she arranged merry revels, and songs and dances did not stop until dawn. Lushka made a firm decision to win over Davydov. She tried as often as possible to show herself in front of him, flirting, starting conversations. Once Davydov saw off Lushka, and she seduced him. He realized that their relationship needed to "actually formalize, otherwise it would be inconvenient both in front of Makar and in general."

Ostrovnov went to mark the forest for felling. On the way, he began to think about Soviet power, and came to the conclusion that it was unlikely to be pushed aside. In the forest, he accidentally met Timofey Rvany, who decided to dig out a rifle and start "hunting". At home, Yakov Lukich was in for another trouble - Polovtsev returned.

book two

Grain sprouted on the collective farm field. Ostrovnov admired them every morning, marveling at how lucky the Soviet government was. Polovtsev still lived with him, and even brought an old machine gun and a saber. Yakov Lukich regretted that the white officer lived with him - when the Bolsheviks dealt with the enemies, they would get to him. Ostrovnov was "sad and sorry for himself, almost to the point of tears."

Yakov Lukich sensed the approach of some terrible disaster. He learned that his old mother began to talk about the fact that white officers live in their house. Upon learning of this, Polovtsev left and advised Ostrovnov to keep an eye on his mother. Yakov Lukich ordered his wife not to give her mother any food or drink - "anyway, she won't die today or tomorrow." A few days later the old woman died.

Davydov lost weight, became more irritable and nervous. Razmetnov advised him to look less at local girls, and "especially at divorced wives." Thoughts about Lushka did not leave Davydov, and he decided to marry her in order to re-educate her - to involve her in "social work", to force her to engage in self-education. However, Lushka, who despised Davydov for his gentle nature, refused him.

Nagulnov began to study English language in order to communicate freely with the Western proletariat in the future. Soon grandfather Shchukar joined him, who began to study the encyclopedic dictionary.

In the whole appearance of Davydov, “something unpleasant and pitiful” began to show through. Razmetnov and Nagulny sympathized with their comrade, who was at the mercy of a woman. They lamented that the "cursed lady's seed" suffered so much good people.

Davydov came to the lagging brigade, and during lunch he felt a close look at himself - there was so much “hot, unspoken love, expectation, hope and humility” in him that the chairman was confused. So Davydov found out that a very young girl Varya was in love with him.

Once Davydov had to plow with Varya. He accidentally tore his vest, and was about to return home for a jacket - on his chest and stomach there was an indecent tattoo that he got while serving in the Navy. Varya, wishing to serve him, ran to the camp for clothes. The girl dreamed of reciprocity, but Davydov's heart belonged to another.

The secretary of the district committee, Ivan Nesterenko, came to the camp and gave Davydov some advice: to organize a library on the farm, to be more attentive to the needs of the collective farmers. He also advised to deal with Lushka as soon as possible - "a stupid passion for a worthless woman" could undermine the authority of the collective farm chairman.

Davydov learned that Nagulnov had been shot at night. He was very lucky, he survived. Makar chased the attacker, but did not catch up. After that, he began to carry a revolver with him.

From the blacksmith, Davydov learned that Ostrovnov, who had always been known as a cunning, cruel and vengeful person, began to manage the entire household on the collective farm. Also, the blacksmith advised Davydov to leave the walking Lushka, whom he saw with Timofey Rvany, who had escaped from prison. Davydov told Nagulny about this, and he promised to deliver Timofey dead or alive as soon as possible.

Nagulnov and Razmetnov arrested Lushka and the aunt with whom she lived. In the village council, Nagulnov locked the women in a closet without informing Davydov about it. At first, Lushka cursed “worse than a drunken Cossack,” but then she quieted down. On the third day, Timofei Rvany appeared, and Nagulnov killed him. He released Lusha and ordered to immediately pack up and leave the farm forever, otherwise she could not escape the trial.

A few days later, Nagulnov said that Lushka had left, and advised him to put her out of his head.

When Davydov arrived in the field on Sunday, he saw that the collective farmers had no intention of working. He began to chastise them, to which the workers said that they were not "working cattle" and were entitled to a day off. With great difficulty, Davydov managed to persuade them to go into the field.

Davydov was visited by a "slightly beaten and out of uniform" stanitsa, who reported that the neighbors had stolen all their hay from the field. During the fight, two wagons were recaptured, but the rest of the hay was taken away.

Davydov went to a nearby collective farm to tell the chairman about the theft. However, he refused to return the stolen hay, since his collective farmers are "exceptionally honest workers."

Davydov "decided not to refer the hay theft case to the district prosecutor's office." He asked his grandfather Shchukar "to find out who actually owned the disputed land" and sent him to the district surveyor.

Davydov decided to inspect the farm school, and accidentally found a lemon grenade in one of the students. The chairman learned from the boy that he had taken the grenade from the shed that belonged to Timofey Rvany's father. During the search, he found a machine gun, rifles, grenades and a box of cartridges. The blacksmith insisted on a search at Ostrovnov's, but Davydov said that he had no right to "carry out unauthorized searches and disturb the whole farm."

On the way to the region, Shchukar fell asleep under a bush and was bitten by a snake. He thought it was "not otherwise a harmful viper" and prepared to die. Luckily for the old man, it turned out to be a harmless snake.

Upon returning home, the old man Shchukar was in for a new misfortune. In the yard, “he saw crowded, somewhat agitated women” - it turned out that a child had been thrown to him with a note stating that Shchukar was the father of the newborn. After that, he "walked for a week with a bandaged cheek and a swollen eye."

Two employees of the regional OGPU arrived in Gremyachiy Log, who were looking for a dangerous criminal - Polovtsev. Since the murdered Timothy Rvany was in Polovtsev's gang, it means that his accomplices could still remain on the farm.

Razmetnov, suffering from longing for family happiness, decided to get pigeons. To protect his pets, he began to shoot the neighbor's cats, for which he received a reprimand from Davydov.

At the meeting of the "Gremyachy party cell" the candidacies of the stanitsa who wished to join the party were discussed. A dispute arose between fellow villagers, who is worthy of this honor, and who is not.

“Unexpectedly for everyone, the blacksmith Ippolit Shaly spoke” and asked why Ostrovnov, who held the position of supply manager, had not yet joined the party. A skirmish ensues between them. Finally, the collective farmers began to discuss the organization kindergarten.

Varya confessed her feelings to Davydov and said that her mother wanted to marry her to a neighbor's boyfriend. Unexpectedly for himself, the chairman realized that "he has loved this girl for a long time." After a sleepless night, he went home to Varya and proposed to her. Davydov decided that the wedding would take place in the fall, when all work was completed, and Varya entered a technical school.

Davydov took Varya to the district. The first trip to the city led the girl "to delight, confusion and awe." On the way, grandfather Shchukar entertained the lovers with funny stories.

Polovtsev and his partner learned that they were wanted by the OGPU. It soon became clear that two Chekists had been brutally murdered on the road between farms. Davydov and Nagulnov realized that a gang was operating in the vicinity.

A few days after the murder of the Chekists, Polovtsev again settled at Ostrovnov. Meanwhile, Andrey Razmetnov decided to marry the neighbor Nyurka, who had been in love with him for a long time. The wedding turned out to be sad - "without songs, without dancing, without funny jokes inherent in Cossack weddings and wishes to the young."

Colonel Sedoy contacted Polovtsev, who had been giving him orders all this time. By the will of fate, he held the position of agronomist of the "regional agricultural department". He outlined a plan for the rebellion, according to which all forces should be directed to the fight not with the Cossacks, but with units of the Red Army.

Suspecting something was wrong, Nagulnov, Davydov and Razmetov burst into Ostrovnov's house, but immediately "the roar of a light machine gun thundered." Nagulnov and Davydov were killed.

Two months passed after these events, "a lot has changed in the farm" during this time. Grandfather Shchukar "became unsociable, taciturn, even more tearful than before." Varya dropped out of school.

The counter-revolutionary conspiracy on the Don was revealed - more than six hundred people were arrested, among whom were Polovtsev and Ostrovnov. The instigators were shot, the rest were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Thus ended the attempted uprising "against Soviet power in the south of the country."

Events in the book of M.A. Sholokhov "Virgin Soil Upturned" take place in the Cossack village of Gremyachiy Log in the thirties. This time for the whole country was a turning point, when the working peasantry had to abandon their own small holdings and move on to collective farming. The theme of collectivization became the central theme of the work. Andrey Razmetnov, Semyon Davydov and Makar Nagulnov are the main characters of the novel. Their images are generated by the era itself.

Semyon Davydov, on behalf of the party, comes to Gremyachiy Log with the aim of creating a collective farm. He firmly believes in the ideas of socialism. Davydov hardly understands agriculture, but still, in the position of leader, he teaches the Cossacks, forcibly forces them to join the collective farm, and fiercely fights with his fists. However, he concludes that collectivization is erroneous in nature, because all transformations occur against the will of the people. This is the failure of collectivization. At the end of the novel, Davydov, like Nagulnov, dies at the hands of a White Guard, confirming the untenability of this idea.

Makar Nagulnov - secretary of the Gremyachinsk party cell, a devoted ally of Davydov. This hero's dream world revolution. The formation of the collective farm for him is the main goal. Nagulnov does not have enough life experience, he is politically illiterate, has a hot temper, and this explains his mistakes. But at heart this man is a romantic, despite his asceticism and, sometimes reaching extremes, fanaticism.

Andrei Razmetnov is the chairman of the village council in the village. Andrei's fate is tragic: his wife committed suicide because of the atrocities of the White Guards. Razmetnov is capable of pity for others, unlike Nagulnov, he has humanity. Andrei does not approve of everything that Nagulnov does against the Cossacks. He is a reasonable and balanced person. The communist Razmetnov once participates in dispossession, but then decides not to further collectivization.

The main character in "Virgin Soil Upturned" can be considered the Russian people themselves at that difficult time for them, when the party tried to break the mass consciousness and create a new person. The novel depicts bloody scenes of dispossession, when the villagers slaughtered their cattle in order not to give it into the wrong hands. It was hard for a Russian person to renounce the old traditions, the rejection of them was accompanied by deep mental suffering.

In Virgin Soil Upturned, Sholokhov portrayed individual characters who welcomed collectivization. These are the images of Demid the Silent Man - a destitute man, Demka Ushakov, who has a whole gang of hungry children, Kondrat Maidannikov - a peasant who has become a middle peasant with his work. The image of Maidannikov in the novel demonstrates the movement of the peasantry towards interaction with the Soviet authorities: it is a pity for him to give away his cattle, but he still joins the collective farm and becomes a member of the party.

The camp of enemies of collectivization is headed by Alexander Anisimovich Polovtsev in Virgin Soil Upturned. The action of the novel begins with his arrival in Gremyachiy Log. This is a literate person who denies the policy of the party. The author, like Davydov, sympathizes with him: human feelings are not alien to Alexander, he pities the puppy he spotted in childhood. Polovtsev makes an ally in the fight against the collectivization of the Don agronomist Yakov Ostrovsky, his former colleague. Under the influence of Yakov Lukich Ostrovsky, a "woman's revolt" takes place in the village.

Opponents of collectivization
Opponents of a radical reorganization in the novel are Lyatevsky, Lapshinov, Tit Borodin. The image of Tata Borodin is complex. He used to be poor, fought against the whites. Now he has become a kulak, an enemy of the Soviet regime. Borodin, who had previously believed in the ideals of the revolution, now became its opponent.

Although Virgin Soil Upturned depicts a dramatic event, the narrative is not devoid of humorous overtones. The funny here is combined with the tragic. The author's humor can be traced in the image of the joker and merry fellow grandfather Shchukar. Grandfather often gets into different situations, he likes to show off. Shchukar is a rogue, but everyone in the village loves him for his innocence and worldly wisdom.

The formation of a new system, the problem of collectivization on the Don - this is the main idea of ​​"Virgin Soil Upturned". In 1932, the first book of the volume, formerly titled With Sweat and Blood, was completed, and in 1959, the second book. "Virgin Soil Upturned" (a summary or the entire novel as a whole) allows the reader to learn a lot about the hard life of the Don Cossacks of that time. Sholokhov is concerned about the true fate of the masses during collectivization.

The ideological center of the novel is the confrontation between two polar groups - a group of supporters of socialism and a group of counter-revolution. This confrontation is reflected at the very beginning of the novel, when two people arrive in Gremyachiy Log - an officer of the White Guard Polovtsev and a worker of the Putilov factory Davydov. Davydov's goal is to organize a collective economy, Polovtsev's task is to prevent this.

The main characters of the novel unite around Davydov and Polovtsev. The communists Razmetnov and Nagulnov, the agitator Vanya Naydenov, Kondrat Maidannikov, Ippolit Shaly are taking up the construction of a new collective farm life with great enthusiasm. Their work is directed by Semyon Davydov. Fists are trying to prevent collectivization in the novel: Lapshinov, Ostrovnov, Borodin, Timofei Rvany, Frol and their leader Polovtsev. Build new life in the village the communists were forced not only to fight the kulaks. They needed to change the people's consciousness, to inspire the peasantry that "their own" had already become obsolete, now "everything is common."

Analysis of the work

In the 20th century, many works about collectivization were created (“For the future” by A.P. Platonov, “Bars” by F.I. Panferov, “Girls” by N.I. Kochin, etc.), but such a complete and deep picture of peasant life, as in "Virgin Soil Upturned", there is none.

Sholokhov in the novel truthfully showed the time of revolutionary transformations on the Don: the complex processes of the formation of new public relations, the heroism of the leaders of the Communist Party, who died in the name of the good of the working people. In "Virgin Soil Upturned" pictures of the collectivization of the village are reliably depicted, although some critics believe that the work was written according to the social order, so the author kept silent about something. Sholokhov knew exactly how collectivization was carried out in the countryside from the letters he received from the peasants, and did not conceal anything in the novel.

Another famous novel by Mikhailo Sholokhov, They Fought for the Motherland, is an attempt to portray the heroism of Soviet soldiers during World War II.

In our next article, you will find a biography of the famous Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov, whose favorite topics of books were human heroism and hard work.

The socialist competition, depicted at the end of the first book, testifies to the beginning of the internal transformation of man himself, the formation of a new morality in him: the peasant now regards work not as an individual, but as a social task.

The heroes of the novel are not idealized by the writer. Sholokhov portrayed them as they were shaped by harsh reality. After the death of the main characters, a landscape sketch with thunderclouds, lightning and thunder evokes in readers a feeling of great things to come.

The significance of "Virgin Soil Upturned" is Sholokhov's reliable depiction of the events, of which he himself was an eyewitness. The author deeply believes in the strength of his people, which is what distinguishes him from most contemporary writers in his portrayal of the peasantry.

On the extreme alley to the steppe on a January evening in 1930, a horseman rode into the Gremyachiy Log farm. I asked passers-by the way to Yakov Lukich Ostrovnov's kuren. The owner, recognizing the visitor, looked around and whispered: “Your honor! Otkel you? .. Mr. Yesaul ... ”He was the former commander of Ostrovnov in the First World War and the Civil War of the Polovtsy. After dinner, they began to talk. Lukich was considered the first-class owner on the farm, a man of great intelligence and fox caution. He began to complain to the visitor: in the twentieth year he returned to the bare walls, left all the good at the Black Sea. Worked day and night. In the very first year, the new government swept all the grain out of the surplus, and then lost count of the change: they handed over bread, and meat, and butter, and skin, and poultry, paid countless taxes ... Now - a new misfortune. Some man came from the district and will drive everyone to the collective farm. He made money with his hump, and now give it to the common cauldron? “You have to fight, brother,” explains Polovtsev. And at his suggestion, Yakov Lukich joins the Union for the Liberation of the Native Don.

And the man they were talking about, in the past a sailor, and then a mechanic at the Putilov factory, Semyon Davydov, came to Gremyachy to carry out collectivization. At first, he called a meeting of the Gremyachny activists and the poor. Those present enrolled in the collective farm together and approved the list of kulaks: those who got into it were waiting for the confiscation of property and eviction from their homes. When discussing the candidacy of Tit Borodin, there was a hitch. The secretary of the farm cell of the Communist Party, Makar Nagulnov, a former Red partisan, explained to Davydov: Tit is a former Red Guard, from the poor. But, returning from the war, he clung to the economy with his teeth. He worked twenty hours a day, overgrown with wild hair, acquired a hernia - and began to grow rich, despite warnings and persuasion to wait for the world revolution. He answered the persuaders: “I was nothing and became everything, and I fought for this.”

“There was a partisan - honor to him for this, he became a fist - to crush,” Davydov answered. The next day, under the tears of the evicted children and women, dispossession took place. The chairman of the Gremyachinsky village council, Andrei Razmetnov, at first even refused to take part in this, but was persuaded by Davydov.

Not all of the Gremyachians aspired to the collective farm to be more prosperous. Dissatisfied with the authorities secretly gathered to discuss the situation. Among them were the middle peasants, and even some of the poor, Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that he had been in the White punitive detachment for some time. But Khoprov refused Ostrovnov's offer to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is this living in Lukich's chaff - isn't it the same "your honor" who is inciting a rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

A week later, the general meeting of collective farmers approved the newcomer Davydov as chairman of the collective farm, and Ostrovnov as supply manager. Collectivization in Gremyachy was difficult: at first they slaughtered livestock so as not to socialize it, then they hid seed grain from surrender.

The party secretary Nagulnov divorced his wife Lukerya because she publicly voted for Timofey Rvany, who was being expelled, her lover. And soon Lushka, known for her frivolity, met Davydov and told him: “Look at me, Comrade Davydov ... I am a beautiful woman, he is ready for love ...”

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm was an order from the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, "but it is not worth turning against the entire Soviet government." “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachy, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications for leaving the collective farm were submitted. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the “darling” of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

The relations between the people and the government became aggravated again. And then the carts from the farm Yarsky arrived and there was a rumor that for seed grain. And a riot broke out in Gremyachy: they beat Davydov, knocked down the locks from the barns and began to arbitrarily disassemble the grain. After the suppression of the rebellion, Davydov promised not to apply administrative measures to the “temporarily deluded”.

By May 15, the collective farm in Gremyachy fulfilled the sowing plan. And Lushka began to visit Davydov: she took newspapers and asked if the chairman missed her. The resistance of the former naval one was short-lived, and soon the whole village found out about their connection.

Ostrovnov met Timothy Rvany, who had escaped from exile, in the forest. He ordered to convey to Lukerya that he was waiting for grubs. But at home Lukich was in for an incomparably more bitter trouble: Polovtsev returned and, together with his comrade Lyatevsky, settled at Ostrovnov's for a secret residence.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - the young Varia Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, pockmarked ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

One day, before sunrise, a rider rode up to the camp. He joked with Daria, helped her peel the potatoes, and then ordered to wake Davydov. It was the new secretary of the district committee, Nesterenko. He checked the quality of the plowing, talked about collective-farm affairs, in which he proved to be very knowledgeable, and criticized the chairman for omissions. The sailor himself was going to the farm: he learned that the night before Makar had been shot at.

In Gremyachy, Razmetnov outlined the details of the assassination attempt: at night, Makar was sitting at an open window with his newfound friend, joker and joker grandfather Shchukar, “they cut him down with a rifle.” In the morning, it was determined by the cartridge case that a man who had not fought had fired: a soldier from thirty paces would not miss. Yes, and the shooter ran away so that the horse could not catch up. The shot did not cause any injuries to the party secretary, but he developed a terrible runny nose, audible throughout the whole farm.

Davydov went to the forge to inspect the inventory repaired for sowing. The blacksmith Ippolit Shaly warned the chairman in a conversation to throw Lukerya, otherwise he would also get a bullet in the forehead. Lushka does not knit knots with him alone. And without that it is not clear why Timoshka Rvany (namely, he turned out to be an unlucky shooter) shot at Makar, and not at Davydov.

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makar personally set up an ambush at the house of his "pre-existing" wife (Lushka was put under lock and key for this time) and on the third day killed Timofey who appeared with the first shot. Lukerye gave the opportunity to say goodbye to the dead and let him go.

In the meantime, new people appeared in Gremyachy: two bright-eyed cattle procurers. But Razmetnov stopped them, noticing that the newcomers' hands were white and their faces were not rustic. Here the "purveyors" presented the documents of the employees of the regional department of the OGPU and said that they were looking for a dangerous enemy, the captain of the white army Polovtsev, and professional instinct tells them that he is hiding in Gremyachy.

After the next party meeting, Varya waited for Davydov to say: her mother wants to marry her, but she herself loves him, a blind fool. Davydov, after sleepless reflection, decided to marry her in the fall. In the meantime, he sent to study as an agronomist.

Two days later, two procurers were killed on the road. Razmetnov, Nagulnov and Davydov immediately established surveillance over the houses of those from whom they bought livestock. Surveillance led to Ostrovnov's house. The capture plan was proposed by Makar: he and Davydov burst through the door, and Andrei would lie down in the yard under the window. After some negotiations, the owner himself opened it. Makar kicked open the bolted door, but did not have time to shoot. A hand grenade exploded near the threshold, followed by a machine gun. Nagulnov, mutilated by shrapnel, died instantly, and Davydov, who fell under machine-gun fire, died the next night.

... So the Don nightingales sang to Davydov and Nagulnov, the ripening wheat whispered to them, the nameless river rang on the stones ... The OGPU identified Lyatevsky in the man killed by Razmetnov. Polovtsev was taken three weeks later near Tashkent. After that, arrests swept across the region in a wide wave. In total, more than six hundred participants in the conspiracy were neutralized.

Year of writing:


Reading time:

Description of the work:

Virgin Soil Upturned is a famous novel by Mikhail Sholokhov. As follows from the title of the works, the plot mainly describes collectivization on the Don. The complete work consists of two books. Although after the release of the first book it seemed that the work was finished, Sholokhov was already working on the second part.

In 1960, the novel was awarded the Lenin Prize. Read on our website a summary of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned".

Summary of the novel
Upturned virgin soil

On the extreme alley to the steppe on a January evening in 1930, a horseman rode into the Gremyachiy Log farm. I learned from passers-by the way to the hut of Yakov Lukich Ostrovny. The owner, recognizing the visitor, looked around and whispered: “Your honor! Otkel you? .. Mr. Yesaul ... ”He was the former commander of Ostrovnoy in the First World and Civil Wars of the Polovtsians. After dinner, they began to talk. Lukich was considered the first-class owner on the farm, a man of great intelligence and fox caution. He began to complain to the visitor: in the twentieth year he returned to the bare walls, left all the good at the Black Sea. Worked day and night. In the very first year, the new government swept all the grain out of the surplus, and then lost count of the change - it handed over bread, and meat, and butter, and skin, and poultry, paid countless taxes ... Now - a new misfortune. Some man came from the district and will drive everyone to the collective farm. He made money with his hump, and now give it to the common cauldron? “You have to fight, brother,” explains Polovtsev. And at his suggestion, Yakov Lukich joined the Union for the Liberation of the Native Don.

And the man they were talking about, in the past a sailor, and then a mechanic at the Putilov factory, Semyon Davydov, came to Gremyachy to carry out collectivization. At first, he held a meeting of the Gremyachny activists and the poor. Those present enrolled in the collective farm together and approved the list of kulaks: those who got into it were waiting for the confiscation of property and eviction from their homes. When discussing the candidacy of Tit Borodin, there was a hitch. The secretary of the farm cell of the Communist Party, Makar Nagulnov, a former Red partisan, explained to Davydov: Tit is a former Red Guard, from the poor. But, returning from the war, he clung to the economy with his teeth. He worked twenty hours a day, overgrown with wild hair, acquired a hernia - and began to grow rich, despite warnings and persuasion to wait for the world revolution. He answered the persuaders: “I was nothing and became everything, and I fought for this.”

“There was a partisan - honor to him for this, he became a fist - to crush,” Davydov answered. The next day, under the tears of the evicted children and women, dispossession took place. The chairman of the Gremyachinsky village council, Andrei Razmetnov, at first even refused to take part in this, but was persuaded by Davydov.

Not all of the Gremyachians aspired to the collective farm to be more prosperous. Dissatisfied with the authorities secretly gathered to discuss the situation. Among them were the middle peasants, and even some of the poor. Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that for some time he was in the punitive detachment of whites. But Khoprov refused Ostrovny's offer to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is this living in Lukich's chaff - isn't it the same "your honor" who is inciting a rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm with a fool was the order of the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, "but it is not worth turning against the entire Soviet government." “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachye, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications were submitted for leaving the collective farm. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the "darling" of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - the young Varia Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, pockmarked ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makar and the middle peasants, and even some of the poor. Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that for some time he was in the punitive detachment of whites. But Khoprov refused Ostrovny's offer to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is this living in Lukich's chaff - isn't it the same "your honor" who is inciting a rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

A week later, the general meeting of collective farmers approved the newcomer Davydov as the chairman of the collective farm, and Ostrovny as the supply manager. Collectivization in Gremyachye was difficult: at first they slaughtered cattle so as not to socialize it, then they hid seed grain from surrender.

Party secretary Nagulnov divorced Lukerya due to the fact that she publicly voted for Timofei Rvany, her lover, who was being expelled. And soon Lushka, known for her frivolity, met Davydov and told him: “Look at me, Comrade Davydov ... I am a beautiful woman, he is ready for love ...”

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm with a fool was the order of the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, “and turn against all Soviet power” is not good. “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachye, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications were submitted to leave the collective farm. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the "darling" of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

The relations between the people and the government became aggravated again. And then the carts from the farm Yarsky arrived and there was a rumor that for seed grain. And a riot broke out in Gremyachye: they beat Davydov, knocked down the locks from the barns and began to sort out the grain without permission. After the suppression of the rebellion, Davydov promised not to apply administrative measures to the “temporarily deluded”.

By May 15, the collective farm in Gremyachye had fulfilled the sowing plan. And Lushka began to visit Davydov: she took newspapers and asked if the chairman missed her. The resistance of the former naval one was short-lived, and soon the whole village found out about their connection.

Ostrovnov met Timothy Rvany, who had escaped from exile, in the forest. He ordered to convey to Lukerya that he was waiting for grubs. But at home Lukich was in for an incomparably more bitter trouble: Polovtsev returned and, together with his comrade Lyatevsky, settled at Ostrovnov's for a secret residence.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - the young Varia Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, pockmarked ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

One day, before sunrise, a rider rode up to the camp. He joked with Daria, helped her peel the potatoes, and then ordered to wake Davydov. It was the new secretary of the district committee, Nesterenko. He checked the quality of the plowing, talked about collective-farm affairs, in which he proved to be very knowledgeable, and criticized the chairman for omissions. The sailor himself was going to the farm: he learned that the night before Makar had been shot at.

In Gremyachy, Razmetnov outlined the details of the assassination attempt: at night, Makar was sitting at an open window with his newly-minted friend, joker and joker grandfather Shchukar, “they cut him down with a rifle.” In the morning, it was determined by the cartridge case that a man who had not fought had fired: a soldier from thirty paces would not miss. Yes, and the shooter ran away so that the horse could not catch up. The shot did not cause any injuries to the party secretary, but he developed a terrible runny nose, audible throughout the whole farm.

Davydov went to the forge to inspect the inventory repaired for sowing. The blacksmith, Ippolit Shaly, in a conversation warned the chairman to leave Lukerya, otherwise he would also get a bullet in the forehead. Lushka does not knit knots with him alone. And without that it is not clear why Timoshka Rvany (namely, he turned out to be an unlucky shooter) shot at Makar, and not at Davydov.

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makar personally set up an ambush at the house of his "pre-existing" wife (Lushka was put under lock and key for this time) and on the third day killed Timofey who appeared with the first shot. Lukerye gave the opportunity to say goodbye to the dead and let him go.

In the meantime, new people appeared in Gremyachy: two bright-eyed cattle procurers. But Razmetnov stopped them, noticing that the newcomers' hands were white and their faces were not rustic. Here the "purchasers" presented the documents of the employees of the regional department of the OGPU and said that they were looking for a dangerous enemy, the captain of the white army Polovtsev, and professional instinct tells them that he is hiding in Gremyachy.

After the next party meeting, Varya waited for Davydov to say: her mother wants to marry her, but she herself loves him, a blind fool. Davydov, after sleepless reflection, decided to marry her in the fall. In the meantime, he sent to study as an agronomist.

Two days later, two procurers were killed on the road. Razmetnov, Nagulnov and Davydov immediately established surveillance over the houses of those from whom they bought livestock. Surveillance led to Ostrovny's house. The capture plan was proposed by Makar: he and Davydov burst through the door, and Andrei would lie down in the yard under the window. The door to them after a short negotiation was opened by the owner himself. Makar kicked open the bolted door, but did not have time to shoot. A hand grenade exploded near the threshold, followed by a machine gun. Nagulnov, mutilated by shrapnel, died instantly, and Davydov, who fell under machine-gun fire, died the next night.

... So the Don nightingales sang to Davydov and Nagulnov, the ripening wheat whispered to them, the nameless river rang over the stones ...

The OGPU officers identified Lyatevsky in the man killed by Razmetnov. Polovtsev was taken three weeks later near Tashkent. After that, arrests swept across the region in a wide wave. In total, more than six hundred participants in the conspiracy were neutralized.

You have read the summary of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned". We also suggest that you visit the Summary section to read the presentations of other popular writers.

On the extreme alley to the steppe on a January evening in 1930, a horseman rode into the Gremyachiy Log farm. I learned from passers-by the way to the hut of Yakov Lukich Ostrovny. The owner, recognizing the visitor, looked around and whispered: “Your honor! Otkel you? .. Mr. Yesaul ... ”He was the former commander of Ostrovnoy in the First World and Civil Wars of the Polovtsians. After dinner, they began to talk. Lukich was considered the first-class owner on the farm, a man of great intelligence and fox caution. He began to complain to the visitor: in the twentieth year he returned to the bare walls, left all the good at the Black Sea. Worked day and night. In the very first year, the new government swept all the grain out of the surplus, and then lost count of the change - it handed over bread, and meat, and butter, and skin, and poultry, paid countless taxes ... Now - a new misfortune. Some man came from the district and will drive everyone to the collective farm. He made money with his hump, and now give it to the common cauldron? “You have to fight, brother,” explains Polovtsev. And at his suggestion, Yakov Lukich joined the Union for the Liberation of the Native Don.

And the man they were talking about, in the past a sailor, and then a mechanic at the Putilov factory, Semyon Davydov, came to Gremyachy to carry out collectivization. At first, he held a meeting of the Gremyachny activists and the poor. Those present enrolled in the collective farm together and approved the list of kulaks: those who got into it were waiting for the confiscation of property and eviction from their homes. When discussing the candidacy of Tit Borodin, there was a hitch. The secretary of the farm cell of the Communist Party, Makar Nagulnov, a former Red partisan, explained to Davydov: Tit is a former Red Guard, from the poor. But, returning from the war, he clung to the economy with his teeth. He worked twenty hours a day, overgrown with wild hair, acquired a hernia - and began to grow rich, despite warnings and persuasion to wait for the world revolution. He answered the persuaders: “I was nothing and became everything, and I fought for this.”

“There was a partisan - honor to him for this, he became a fist - to crush,” Davydov answered. The next day, under the tears of the evicted children and women, dispossession took place. The chairman of the Gremyachinsky village council, Andrei Razmetnov, at first even refused to take part in this, but was persuaded by Davydov.

Not all of the Gremyachians aspired to the collective farm to be more prosperous. Dissatisfied with the authorities secretly gathered to discuss the situation. Among them were the middle peasants, and even some of the poor. Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that for some time he was in the punitive detachment of whites. But Khoprov refused Ostrovny's offer to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is this living in Lukich's chaff - isn't it the same "your honor" who is inciting a rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm with a fool was the order of the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, "but it is not worth turning against the entire Soviet government." “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachye, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications were submitted for leaving the collective farm. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the "darling" of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - young Varia Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, chipped ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

Davydov went to the forge to inspect the inventory repaired for sowing. The blacksmith, Ippolit Shaly, in a conversation warned the chairman to leave Lukerya, otherwise he would also get a bullet in the forehead. Lushka does not knit knots with him alone. And without that it is not clear why Timoshka Rvany (namely, he turned out to be unlucky-

vym shooter) shot at Makar, and not at Davydov.

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makari middle peasants, and even some of the poor. Nikita Khoprov, for example, who was blackmailed by the fact that for some time he was in the punitive detachment of whites. But Khoprov refused Ostrovny's offer to participate in an armed uprising. He'd better take it upon himself. By the way, who is this living in Lukich's chaff - isn't it the same "your honor" who is inciting a rebellion? That same night, Khoprov and his wife were killed. Ostrovnov, Polovtsev and the son of the dispossessed, the first village handsome man and accordion player Timofey Rvany participated in this. The investigator from the district failed to get the leads leading to the disclosure of the murder.

A week later, the general meeting of collective farmers approved the newcomer Davydov as the chairman of the collective farm, and Ostrovny as the supply manager. Collectivization in Gremyachye was difficult: at first they slaughtered cattle so as not to socialize it, then they hid seed grain from surrender.

Party secretary Nagulnov divorced Lukerya due to the fact that she publicly voted for Timofei Rvany, her lover, who was being expelled. And soon Lushka, known for her frivolity, met Davydov and told him: “Look at me, Comrade Davydov ... I am a beautiful woman, he is ready for love ...”

Polovtsev and Yakov Lukich informed like-minded people from a neighboring farm that the uprising was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. But those, it turns out, changed their minds after reading Stalin's article "Dizziness from success." They thought that to drive everyone to the collective farm with a fool was the order of the center. And Stalin said that "you can sit in your own individuality." So they will get along with the local authorities, who were rigidly bent on collectivization, “and turn against all Soviet power” is not good. “Fools, damned by God!..” Polovtsev fumed. “They don’t understand that this article is a vile deceit, a maneuver!” And in Gremyachye, a week after the article appeared, about a hundred applications were submitted to leave the collective farm. Including from the widow of Marina Poyarkova, the "darling" of the chairman of the village council Andrei Razmetnov. And half an hour later, Marina, personally harnessing herself to the shafts of her wagon, easily took away the harrow and plow from the brigade's yard.

The relations between the people and the government became aggravated again. And then the carts from the Yarsky farm arrived and there was a rumor that for seed grain. And a riot broke out in Gremyachye: they beat Davydov, knocked down the locks from the barns and began to sort out the grain without permission. After the suppression of the rebellion, Davydov promised not to apply administrative measures to the “temporarily deluded”.

By May 15, the collective farm in Gremyachye had fulfilled the sowing plan. And Lushka began to visit Davydov: she took newspapers and asked if the chairman missed her. The resistance of the former naval one was short-lived, and soon the whole village found out about their connection.

Ostrovnov met Timothy Rvany, who had escaped from exile, in the forest. He ordered to convey to Lukerya that he was waiting for grubs. But at home Lukich was in for an incomparably more bitter trouble: Polovtsev returned and, together with his comrade Lyatevsky, settled at Ostrovnov's for a secret residence.

Davydov, tormented by the fact that relations with Lushka undermine his authority, suggested that she get married. Unexpectedly, this led to a violent quarrel. In separation, the chairman became homesick, entrusted the affairs to Razmetnov, and he himself drove off to the second brigade to help raise steam. The brigade constantly scoffed about the exorbitant thickness of Daria's cook. With the arrival of Davydov, another topic for rude jokes appeared - young Varia Kharlamova was in love with him. He himself, looking into her blazing blush face, thought: "After all, I'm twice your age, wounded, ugly, chipped ... No ... grow up without me, dear."

One day, before sunrise, a rider rode up to the camp. He joked with Daria, helped her peel the potatoes, and then ordered to wake Davydov. It was the new secretary of the district committee, Nesterenko. He checked the quality of the plowing, talked about collective-farm affairs, in which he proved to be very knowledgeable, and criticized the chairman for omissions. The sailor himself was going to the farm: he learned that the night before Makar had been shot at.

In Gremyachy, Razmetnov outlined the details of the assassination attempt: at night, Makar was sitting at an open window with his newly-minted friend, joker and joker grandfather Shchukar, “they cut him down with a rifle.” In the morning, it was determined by the cartridge case that a man who had not fought had fired: a soldier from thirty paces would not miss. Yes, and the shooter ran away so that the horse could not catch up. The shot did not cause any injuries to the party secretary, but he developed a terrible runny nose, audible throughout the whole farm.

Davydov went to the forge to inspect the inventory repaired for sowing. The blacksmith, Ippolit Shaly, in a conversation warned the chairman to leave Lukerya, otherwise he would also get a bullet in the forehead. Lushka does not knit knots with him alone. And without that it is not clear why Timoshka Rvany (namely, he turned out to be an unlucky shooter) shot at Makar, and not at Davydov.

In the evening, Davydov told Makar and Razmetnov about the conversation and offered to inform the GPU. Makar resolutely objected: as soon as the Gepeushnik appears on the farm, Timofei will immediately disappear. Makar personally set up an ambush at the house of his "pre-existing" wife (Lushka was put under lock and key for this time) and on the third day killed Timofey who appeared with the first shot. Lukerye gave the opportunity to say goodbye to the dead and let him go.

In the meantime, new people appeared in Gremyachy: two bright-eyed cattle procurers. But Razmetnov stopped them, noticing that the newcomers' hands were white and their faces were not rustic. Here the "purchasers" presented the documents of the employees of the regional department of the OGPU and said that they were looking for a dangerous enemy, the captain of the white army Polovtsev, and professional instinct tells them that he is hiding in Gremyachy.

After the next party meeting, Varya ambushed Davydov to say: her mother wants to marry her, but she herself loves him, a blind fool. Davydov, after sleepless reflection, decided to marry her in the fall. In the meantime, he sent to study as an agronomist.

Two days later, two procurers were killed on the road. Razmetnov, Nagulnov and Davydov immediately established surveillance over the houses of those from whom they bought livestock. Surveillance led to Ostrovny's house. The capture plan was proposed by Makar: he and Davydov burst through the door, and Andrei would lie down in the yard under the window. The door to them after a short negotiation was opened by the owner himself. Makar kicked open the bolted door, but did not have time to shoot. A hand grenade exploded near the threshold, followed by a machine gun. Nagulnov, mutilated by shrapnel, died instantly, and Davydov, who fell under machine-gun fire, died the next night.

... So the Don nightingales sang to Davydov and Nagulnov, the ripening wheat whispered to them, the nameless river rang over the stones ...

The OGPU officers identified Lyatevsky in the man killed by Razmetnov. Polovtsev was taken three weeks later near Tashkent. After that, arrests swept across the region in a wide wave. In total, more than six hundred participants in the conspiracy were neutralized.

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