Is l carnitine worth it? L-carnitine for weight loss: which is better, reviews. The benefits of using L-carnitine

L-carnitine - what is it and what is it for?

What is levocarnitine and what is it for? During physical activity human body subject to many biochemical reactions. For example, in the inner part of muscle cells, a complex carbohydrate, glycogen, is formed, which is replenished with excess glucose. When you exercise, your blood glucose drops dramatically and enzymes come into play. They break down glycogen, burn stored body fat and convert it into energy. The same principle applies to the substance L-carnitine, which stimulates the oxidation of fats, and then turns them into energy.

Without carnitine, the body is not able to burn fat, even with the most intense physical exertion. In the absence of this amino acid in the human body, no action: weight loss or set muscle mass will not happen.

As a rule, the human body produces the right amount of carnitine to maintain its health and muscle tone. This begs the question: why take carnitine as a supplement if you don't really need it? Many people additionally take levocarnitine in order to increase muscle mass and speed up the process of losing weight.

According to studies, an increased dose of levocarnitine in the body simultaneously contributes to a rapid set of muscle mass and weight loss. However, it is worth remembering that L-carnitine especially helps to lose weight during intense physical exertion. When playing sports, levocarnitine stimulates endurance, reduces fatigue and provides the body with energy, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the exercises performed.

The benefits of levocarnitine

Before moving on to the benefits, it is worth mentioning what problems the body may face with a lack of this substance. Lack of carnitine prevents fats from entering the mitochondria and creating an energy reserve. If the body does not produce enough carnitine, this leads to the following complications:

  • Overweight.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Loss of bone mass.
  • Enlarged liver.

What benefits does carnitine offer?

  • Removes fatigue.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Increases the effectiveness of physical activity.
  • Helps to gain muscle mass.
  • Slows down the process of bone loss.
  • Favorably affects cardiovascular system.
  • Prevents any kidney disease.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Contributes to the improvement of spermogram.
  • Improves brain functions.
  • Serves as an antidote for an overdose of valproic acid.

Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant drug that is prescribed in the presence of serious illnesses and mental disorders, such as epilepsy, migraine, schizophrenia and major depression.

Other than supplements, what foods contain carnitine? are red meat and dairy products.

Among plant foods, this substance is found in nuts, bananas, apricots, parsley, garlic, cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli) and cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal).

The benefits of L-carnitine in training

How does carnitine work during exercise and what effect does it have? In sports activities, carnitine promotes fat burning, muscle gain and rapid muscle recovery after exercise.

During physical exertion, the supplement works as follows:

  • Produces energy to increase muscle mass.
  • Trains the heart and increases its endurance.
  • Provides protection for muscle glycogen stores.
  • Helps maintain protein in the body.
  • Reduces the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles (relieves pain and cramps).
  • Strengthens the immune system during intense workouts.
  • Provides maximum consumption oxygen during aerobic exercise.

If you take carnitine, actively play sports and allow your muscles to recover in a timely manner, as a result, you will be able to lose weight and achieve a beautiful athletic body. The figure will be proportional, without the deposition of fat folds in certain areas of the body. sports supplement will provide your body with protein on a regular basis, which will allow the muscles to always be in good shape.

Is it possible to lose weight with carnitine without exercising? If you follow a strict diet and extract the active substance from plant and animal products, a small weight loss is only possible due to a low-calorie diet. But if you take the supplement in its pure form, combining it with carbohydrate products, the body provides itself with a large supply of energy that must be expended. Without sports, even the opposite effect is possible.

Carnitine supplementation does not provide positive results if you are on a low calorie diet. In order to build muscle and lose weight by burning fat, the body needs energy. Complex carbohydrates provide strength and high activity in training. Therefore, it is recommended to take levocarnitine in combination with carbohydrate foods (for example, rye bread, durum wheat pasta and cereals).

Today we decided to talk about a popular cutting supplement, so let's break it down and present you with reviews about L-Carnitine for weight loss. Manufacturers claim that it not only contributes to the burning of body fat, but also adds to the endurance of the athlete. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out by studying in detail the main properties and reviews of Elcarnitine for weight loss.

How to take L-carnitine for weight loss correctly?

There are two key effects of taking L-Carnitine:

  1. It helps to transport fatty acid into the blood, which enhances fat burning processes;
  2. Accelerates metabolism, as a result of which cells produce energy faster.

There are quite significant advantages for athletes, but the supplement has one significant disadvantage - it does not work for everyone. This is due to the wrong reception scheme. There are 4 main factors that help to get the maximum effect from the use of L-Carnitine.

1. Dosage

The optimal portion of the supplement is 4 to 6 g per day.

Important! When calculating the daily allowance, do not forget to take into account the L-Carnitine contained in dairy products and meat. Otherwise, with an excess of a substance in the body, it will simply be inactive.

The sports supplement is available in liquid and tablet form. Each of them has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. Liquid L-Carnitine It is absorbed into the blood faster, but sugar and preservatives are used in its production. Tablets are characterized by slow absorption, but their composition contains only the active substance without impurities.

2. Appointment time

Experts advise taking the supplement one hour before meals. On non-training days, divide the daily amount evenly into 5 servings. In training, write down the schedule of receptions so that half of the daily dosage (2-3 g) is taken an hour before physical exertion. L-Carnitine begins to act 50-60 minutes after ingestion, and the effect lasts about 2 hours. This feature will make your workout more productive.

An example of a schedule of appointments on training days:

  • 1000 mg an hour before the first meal;
  • 1000 mg an hour before lunch;
  • 3000 mg an hour before training;
  • 1000 mg one hour before dinner.

L-Carnitine has a cumulative property, so regular use of the substance is guaranteed to give the expected result.

3. Conditions for the effective work of L-Carnitine

Unfortunately, one intake of a weight loss supplement will not be enough. In order for a substance to demonstrate its best properties, a regimen must be observed proper nutrition and workouts, as well as add cardio exercises.

Taking L-Carnitine without the above conditions will be ineffective.

4. Possible side effects

L-Carnitine does not have strict contraindications or dangerous side effects. With an overdose, the maximum that threatens you is an upset stomach. Consult your doctor before starting a course of L-Carnitine. An experienced doctor will make an optimal schedule of appointments and advise the right diet.

Knowing the above 4 rules for taking L-Carnitine will help you squeeze out the maximum effect.

If you are seriously thinking about losing weight, then we advise you. You will be able to choose for yourself L-Carnitine at an affordable price and other supplements that will improve your performance.

Reviews on L-Carnitine for weight loss

Reviews of losing weight about L-Carnitine

“In pursuit of a slim body, I turned to a new (at least for myself) drug - Carnitine. I will not talk about the principles of action and the composition of the supplement. The Internet is full of various articles of similar content. Let's move on to the most interesting - the result.

1 month of admission has passed, I go to the gym three times a week (strength training + 40 minutes of cardio). Sometimes I add cardio on non-training days.

For nutrition. Eliminated all simple carbohydrates from the diet. If you want sweet, then I replace with dried fruits.

Within a month, the results surprised me. I deliberately did not stand for hours in front of the mirror every day so that the changes were clearly visible. As a result, my weight remained the same, but the centimeters from the sides are gone (at the waist -4 cm).I also took BCAA with Carnitine so as not to burn muscles during cardio.

In general, the action of the supplement is more than satisfied!

“I go in for sports for a short time, only 3 months. A month ago, I connected sports nutrition to my workouts, namely, el-carnitine and bcaa. Initially, I was against any additives and thought that it was chemistry from which it would only get worse. But the coach in the gym convinced me. And thank God!
El-carnitine is incredibly effective, provided that you comply with the BJU norm and add a lot of anaerobic exercise (running, elliptical, orbitrek, cycling, etc.)
In 1 month I lost weight from 61 kg to 58, with a height of 167 cm. The volumes from the sides and hips noticeably left. I plan not to stop there and continue to lose weight with El-Carnitine. ”

“I want to warn you right away if you think that any product from the store sports nutrition It's chemistry, so don't read any further. I would advise you to study the information on the Internet. For the rest, I will write an honest review about L-Carnitine.

Let's be honest, everyone is overweight. Some to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. One day, looking in the mirror, I realized that it was time to go to the gym. Armed with an experienced trainer, I began my fight against body fat. He advised me to add L-Carnitine to the diet. I was skeptical at first, but bought it anyway. After a week of taking it, I began to feel the effect, and even what! I started running for 15-20 minutes longer, while there is no feeling of terrible fatigue.
As for fat burning, in 3 months I have changed a lot. This is not only a coach for me, but all my friends say. Unfortunately, I did not take measurements, so I can not boast of achievements. But on the scales, I found the number 48, instead of 54, which showed off there three months earlier.

Every athlete who wants to speed up the fat burning process knows what L carnitine is. This drug is for excess fat able to speed up metabolism without much harm to the human body. Of course, L-carnitine can cause harm, however, if you strictly follow the instructions for use and dosages, then no side effects will not be.

We have already addressed the question of how to take L carnitine before and after training. You need to find out about the best form of L-carnitine to take. After all, several varieties of L-carnitine are produced: in liquid form, in tablets, capsules, powder (Concentrated form), ampoules. Today we will look at all the pros, cons and differences different types this drug to determine which L carnitine is best.

L carnitine in liquid form

Liquid L carnitine is perhaps the most popular variety of this substance. The main plus of L-carnitine in liquid form is its rapid absorption by the human body. However, it is worth distinguishing between a liquid concentrate and ready-made portioned vials. What is their difference?

The advantages of liquid l carnitine in ready-made vials are the absence of additional preparation. The athlete simply needs to drink a certain amount, choosing the dosage that suits him. The concentration and dosage is always indicated on the package. The average dosage is 100,000 - 200,000 mg per 1 liter of water. In addition, it tastes good. Manufacturers often add vitamins, macro- and microelements to liquid forms.

The disadvantage of this form of release is the high price, the presence of flavors, sweeteners. You cannot find a clear dosage for yourself. However, manufacturers produce many dosage options.

Liquid L-carnitine concentrate has a convenient dosage, allows you to prepare a drink depending on the daily requirement. In addition, its cost is somewhat lower. However, the negative side of this form of release is the need to dilute it with water, which is not very convenient to do in the hall. It is not always convenient to measure the right amount, since not all manufacturers complete bottles with measuring cups.

L carnitine tablets

This type of L-carnitine is characterized by a low price compared to the liquid form and ease of use. Tablets can be carried in a bag. In this form, carnitine is taken mainly to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

L carnitine tablets are characterized by slow absorption by the body. Of course, its functions remain the same: reducing appetite, improving metabolism, fat burning. In addition, athletes note that l carnitine tablets are less effective in losing weight because of this. Therefore, it can be combined with other drugs to improve fat metabolism.

L carnitine capsules

The difference between L-carnitine capsules and tablets is faster digestibility. The body receives the substance from the capsules completely quickly enough. In this form, L-carnitine can be taken by people who have a “tender” stomach.

Advantages of L carnitine in capsules - lack of taste, smell. Manufacturers generally do not add flavors and flavors to them, which are often present in liquid forms. For some, this, of course, can be a negative side.

The concentration of the substance in one ampoule, as a rule, is 1-1.5 g. The exact dosage is indicated on the package. Therefore, if necessary, you can drink as many capsules as you need per day.

L carnitine powder

The difference between the powdered form of L-carnitine and all the others is that it can be mixed with various drinks (water, juice, tea). In addition, it can be easily dosed, it is quickly absorbed. The main advantage of L-carnitine in powder form is its low price and economical consumption.

Minus L carnitine powder - you need to spend time preparing, carry a bottle for diluting the powder and liquid.

Acetyl carnitine

In addition to traditional forms, there are now new types of carnitine on the sports nutrition market: Acetyl L carnitine and Tartrate. They are added chemicals that increase the efficiency and speed of assimilation.

The only disadvantage of these species is unproven effectiveness. They are untested and poorly studied. Therefore, if you do not want to experiment, risk your health, choose proven types of L-carnitine.

L carnitine: in what form is it better to take

If you do not know how to choose L carnitine yet, remember that all forms are the same in terms of effectiveness. The main difference between the types of L carnitine is the rate of absorption in the body. When choosing, be sure to compare the composition, concentration with the same volume of liquids, tablets and capsules.

Each person must choose which type of l carnitine suits him best, depending on personal preferences. Many athletes combine several types.

If you decide to choose liquid carnitine, pay attention to the percentage of the active substance, that is, its amount per 100 ml. It should be at least 10%, that is, 10 grams per 100 ml. Make sure that there are fewer carbohydrates in the composition, because the main goal is weight loss.

A person receives part of the necessary L-carnitine from food, part of the substance is synthesized in the body, and the level of L-carnitine in the body is relatively constant, there is no excess of the substance, since all its excess is quickly excreted from the body.

Actually, carnitine exists in two forms: L-carnitine and D-carnitine, while only the L-form of carnitine has beneficial biological activity, and its D-isomer is an antagonist and harmful to the body.

In the human body, L-carnitine is synthesized in the tissues of the kidneys and liver, from where it is transferred to other organs and tissues with the bloodstream. L-carnitine accumulates in the muscles and liver. The process of synthesis of levocarnitine itself proceeds with the participation of a number of vitamins: C, group B3, iron, and some other substances, with a deficiency of which L-carnitine deficiency develops quite quickly, leading to impaired body functions.

Fortunately, as a rule, this condition occurs only with a genetically determined deficiency of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of L-carnitine, and therefore is rarely observed.

The main action of L-carnitine:

  • Fat burning
  • Increase in intellectual and physical tone
  • Increasing Stress Resilience
  • Removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body
  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels
  • Cardiovascular Protection

Other beneficial effects of L-carnitine:

  • Stimulates tissue regeneration processes
  • Protects the nervous system
  • Increases the supply of oxygen to body tissues
  • Neutralizes the damaging effects of free radicals
  • Prevents apoptosis (cell death)
  • Protects bones from the development of osteoporosis

The benefits of L-carnitine for an athlete:

Levocarnitine increases the body's endurance when doing aerobic sports (running, rowing, swimming, etc.). At the same time, if simultaneous weight loss is not required, the combination of levocarnitine with a high-fat diet will give the maximum energy effect.

Levocarnitine is useful for increasing endurance and in anaerobic sports (bodybuilding, powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.). However, in this case, please note that the anabolic effect of levocarnitine can be masked by a decrease in total body weight due to a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Therefore, the anabolic effect of carnitine should be evaluated by calculating the percentage of adipose tissue relative to total body weight. At the same time, in order for the effect of taking levocarnitine to be maximum, it should be combined with a balanced diet and training.

Natural Food Sources of L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is found in meat, fish and dairy products. Minimum daily dose of this substance - 300 mg - is contained in 300-400 g of raw beef. However, it should be remembered that the heat treatment of the product destroys the levocarnitine contained in it, and therefore it becomes necessary to take this substance in the form of additional food supplements.

Compatibility with other supplements

L-carnitine goes well with any fat-burning food additives, while it enhances their action and significantly reduces the incidence of side effects.

Effective intake of L-carnitine and during weight gain - in order to avoid the accumulation of adipose tissue. Another highly effective combination is the complex intake of carnitine and coenzyme Q10, as they work in a complementary way.

Dosage of L-carnitine and time of administration

Take L-carnitine in the morning, on an empty stomach, and 30 minutes before training. On non-training days, L-carnitine is also taken in the morning on an empty stomach and in the middle of the day between meals (on an empty stomach). The drug has the highest activity in the first half of the day and during physical exertion.

Please note that if you do not initially suffer from a violation of the synthesis of your own L-carnitine, you should take the supplement in short courses, since with a prolonged intake of L-carnitine, the production of your own carnitine is significantly reduced and a withdrawal syndrome is observed.

Supplements or how to take l carnitine for athletes.

Before talking about how to take l carnitine, dosages and other nuances, you should find out what this substance is.

What is l carnitine?

L-carnitine is an amino acid that plays a special role in the breakdown of fats and energy production. It delivers fatty acids to the mitochondria, which are located inside the cell, where their subsequent “burning” takes place. The most valuable qualities attributed to this substance by physicians is its ability to lower the amount of fat in the body and increase the amount of energy that can be expended during physical exertion. Due to these features, the best l carnitine is used in complexes provided for various diets, as well as for athletes.

L-carnitine is known to be particularly beneficial during exercise because:

1) Increases the amount of fat involved in the work of the muscles at the same time as saving carbon, allowing you to extend the time allotted for physical activity;

2) When used before physical exertion, it reduces the amount of accumulated lactic acid, therefore, prolongs the time of active muscle work without feeling tired;

3) Replenishment is important, since taking l carnitine means alleviating the pain that occurs as a result of intense physical exertion.

Most diets are based on the consumption of low-calorie foods and active sports training. But sports should always be practiced, and not only during the course of the diet. Therefore, most women quickly gain lost pounds. That is why in Lately for the "burning" of fats began to use l carnitine, which makes it possible to get rid of excess fat and save the body needs construction material in the form of proteins and glycogen.

Daily l carnitine

Every day a person should consume 200-500 mg l of carnitine. With active muscle work and stress, more than 1200 mg of this amino acid may be required. Athletes pay special attention to this. Therefore, for them, taking l carnitine per day is about 9 g. Since ordinary foods (mainly meat, milk, dairy products) do not allow the liver and kidneys to synthesize such an amount of this valuable substance, it is required to take it in the form of special additives.


If you want to consult a specialist on the question "How to take l carnitine?", Then you will be told that the intake is carried out twice a day before breakfast and before lunch. Do not neglect this condition, since taking l carnitine at night can lead to insomnia.

The optimal daily norm of any person is from 0.5 to 2 g per day. This amount of amino acid is quite enough and should not be exceeded. The first course of admission is carried out for 4-6 weeks, then it is recommended to take a break for a couple of weeks. The end of the break is a sign that the reception can be resumed.

Any athlete knows how to take l carnitine, since its reserves cannot be restored through food. Its consumption allows you to strengthen the heart, reduce the content of subcutaneous fat, and also increase the endurance of the body. For sports activities, the best l-carnitine is recommended in the amount of 1-3 g daily. The norm varies depending on the sport and the intensity of training.

Don't think that L-carnitine is harmful to the body, as medical tests have not revealed any side effects from taking it. Moreover, there is nothing dangerous even in the long-term intake of large amounts of this amino acid.