L carnitine dosage liquid. L-carnitine is a natural and harmless way to lose weight and increase the effectiveness of training. How many pounds can you lose in a month with this supplement

The most important aspect of female beauty is a slender figure. Therefore, many girls and women are in constant search of a remedy that will help to lose weight. Of course, each representative of the fair sex finds her own version. However, the majority prefers L-carnitine for weight loss.

To date, L-carnitine (L carnitine) is the most popular dietary supplement that helps to lose weight. In the people it is simply called - carnitine. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to take L carnitine and what it is.

What is and why is it needed

Let us consider in more detail the description of L-carnitine and its instructions for use for weight loss. This substance is taken by athletes for. Often referred to as vitamin B11. However, this name is erroneous. The drug is actually a vitamin-like. It is distinguished from vitamins by its ability to be synthesized in the human body.

There are two types:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

To lose weight, take only L-carnitine. The second kind is its opposite. It can harm the body. L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from methionine and lysine. After that, it spreads throughout the body.

Reviews of doctors from L-carnitine for weight loss are very good. The action of the drug is aimed at the utilization of fatty acids. Under its influence, they simply burn out, releasing energy.

In most cases, L-carnitine enters the human body with food - meat and dairy products. Plant foods contain very little of this substance. Its synthesis depends on vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, iron and enzymes. With a shortage of any component, the synthesis process becomes impossible. Because of this, a person can gain excess weight. It is in such cases that it is recommended to use L-carnitine separately, in the form of a medication. Which L-carnitine is better - in tablets or liquid, we will analyze further.

Benefits and effects on the body

L-carnitine has various properties:

  • burns excess fat;
  • affects mental activity;
  • has an anabolic effect;
  • affects the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • promotes detoxification.

As for the indications for the use of L-carnitine for women, some nuances must be taken into account. Especially for those who are planning to become a mother.

Let's analyze what benefits and harms L-carnitine brings, whether it has contraindications.

fat burner

The drug helps to keep a person's weight within normal limits by burning fats, converting them into energy. It is important to constantly maintain its norm in the body. Remember that with age, the concentration of this substance in the body becomes less.

Impact on mental activity

Positive feedback from doctors about the use of L-carnitine tablets. It was noted that taking 2 g of the drug per day for 6 months improves mental activity, increasing the endurance of the mind to high loads. It also has a neurotrophic effect, restoring the tissues of nerve cells.

Anabolic effect

Why is L-carnitine needed in sports nutrition? To increase the percentage of muscles in the body. This substance is very effective in the process of "drying", dissolving fat and maintaining muscle mass.

Action on the cardiovascular system

The drug lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Prevents myocardial infarction and stroke. Often it is advised to drink it for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, anorexia, thyrotoxicosis, as an additional remedy.

Levkartinin is also a good antioxidant and neuroprotector. It strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of osteoporosis.


Removes sludge very well. Its effectiveness has been proven in alcohol poisoning and drug intoxication.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Those who want to know how to take L-carnitine for weight loss should read reviews about contraindications and possible side effects.

In principle, the substance is absolutely safe if the correct dosage is observed. This dietary supplement is non-toxic, non-addictive, but not recommended for:

  • breastfeeding;
  • intolerance dietary protein;
  • exhaustion of the body due to prolonged starvation;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy planning.

Concerning side effects, then they can be:

  • diarrhea;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uremia;
  • allergic rash;
  • convulsions.

  • venison and beef;
  • pork and rabbit meat;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products, cheese, milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • the least of this substance is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals.

The best drug for weight loss

It is produced in different types of chemical compounds. Therefore, before use, you should decide which L-carnitine is better to buy.

  • Tartrate- This is the most active form with high bioavailability. When hit in digestive system tartrate is split into two components: pure kartonin and tartaric acid. Each part is digested in its own way. When deciding which L-carnitine to choose, you need to take into account the reviews of losing weight. And they indicate that it is Tartrate that contributes to weight loss better than anyone else.
  • Acetyl.This species has appeared on sale quite recently and is distinguished by the fact that it contains an acetyl group. Manufacturers tried to improve the bioavailability of the substance, its digestibility, but did not achieve the desired results. The advantage of acetylcarnitine is that it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier of the brain. There it stimulates metabolic processes, improves memory and thinking.
  • Fumarate. The L-carnitine compound in this form has a negative bioavailability. Fumarate is made by combining fumaric acid with pure levocarnitine. Levocarnitine for weight loss, also known as L-carnitine, according to the reviews of those who are losing weight, it works perfectly, but in combination with fumaric acid, its lipotropic effect is reduced. The advantage of fumarate lies in its beneficial effect on cardiovascular system.
  • Propionil is an ester of carnitine bound to the amino acid glycine. Propionyl is involved in lipid metabolism. It improves nitric oxide synthesis. This substance acts as a vasodilator. Therefore, it is taken for ischemia, heart failure, intermittent claudication. In addition, this substance has antioxidant properties. Propionyl improves testosterone synthesis and improves endurance by reducing lactic acid levels after exercise.
  • Carnitine chloride known to medicine for 50 years. The very first form was precisely chloride. Today it is no longer in demand. The chloride form contains not only L-carnitine, but also its opposite, D-kartinin. The result is LD-carnitine, which is successfully used in neurology, but not in sports. Of course, Carnitine chloride is produced today, but only for medical purposes.
  • Clean. Among athletes, pure carnitine is called basic or classic. In terms of its bioavailability, it is no worse than tartrate, but the price of such L-carnitine for weight loss is slightly lower.

Which is more effective - liquid or capsules

The food supplement comes in four forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • liquid drinking.

Most often, you can find tablets on sale, for example, vitamin L-carnitine 500 mg in tablets. Capsules are also very popular.

However, the most effective is the liquid drinking form. The liquid preparation is well absorbed, but its composition may contain sweeteners and dyes that can cause gastrointestinal upset. However, reviews of the L carnitine liquid drink are only positive.

As for taking L-carnitine in slimming capsules, the doctors' reviews about them are also very good. Capsules are also well absorbed, but a little slower than the liquid preparation. They can be washed down with water, juice or warm tea. The drug in capsules is best combined with.

How to take for weight loss

Now let's talk about how to drink liquid L-carnitine for weight loss, what is its dosage and instructions for use.

Athletes need to drink 1200 mg of the drug per day. This dose can be divided into two equal parts. One should be drunk before meals. In this case, you can take tablets or capsules.

How to take L-carnitine before training? Before training, it is better to drink a liquid preparation. The general scheme of consumption looks like this:

  • 200 mg in the morning before breakfast;
  • 200 mg before lunch;
  • 200 mg before afternoon snack;
  • 600 mg 30 minutes before workout.

Now let's talk about how to take L-carnitine fat burner for weight loss for non-athletes, given the reviews of those who are losing weight. In this case, drink 1-2 capsules or tablets 3 times a day with meals. If body weight is greatly exceeded, then you can increase the daily rate by 1.5-2 times. Drink the drug should be within one month. After - a month break, and then you can re-drink the course to consolidate the result.

Does it make sense to take without training

How to take L-carnitine fat burner without training, what are the reviews about this method of losing weight? We immediately answer - the reviews are negative. If you take a fat burner and lie on the couch, it simply won't work.

Why? The reason is the effect of the drug. It synthesizes fatty acids in such a way that they can be "burned out" aerobically. This requires the presence of oxygen in the tissues. If there is no anaerobic load, then the result is not worth waiting for. Therefore, physical exercise is simply indispensable.

Which one to choose and where to buy

There are many manufacturers, so it is important to be well versed in which drug is better and where you can buy it. Let's start with the fact that this food supplement is freely sold online, as well as in regular pharmacies. However, this applies to tablets and capsules. But ampoules and liquid form are sold mainly in sports nutrition stores.

Now let's move on to the manufacturers:

  • Levocarnil Evalar. Reviews about Levokarnil produced by Evalar are only positive. Athletes note that this supplement perfectly fills the body with energy. Naturally, this is very important for the "burning" of excess fat. What L-carnitine for weight loss from Evalar looks like can be seen in the photo, it has a relatively low price and has mostly positive consumer reviews.
  • carniton. Reviews about Carniton for weight loss are also positive. In fact, this is a dietary supplement that is produced by many companies, both domestic and foreign. Carniton reduces fatigue, gives strength, accelerates metabolism, increases muscle tone, lowers fat metabolism and reduces overall body weight.
  • Arnebia L-carnitine. Another drug that has a lot of positive reviews is Arnebia L-carnitine. It can be taken not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining overall health. This dietary supplement helps to increase muscle mass.
  • Solgar L-carnitine. Solgar's L-carnitine reviews are pretty good, even though it's very expensive. The drug itself is of excellent quality and promotes accelerated fat burning.
  • Levocarnitine. What is the price of levocarnitine, are its instructions for use different? Levocarnitine is available in different forms. The drug will only work in combination with physical activity and a balanced diet. When doing fitness with the parallel intake of levocarnitine, excess weight will go away faster.

Research results

Recent studies have shown that this drug is actually not as harmless as everyone thinks. American scientists have found that this substance contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. But the culprit is not the substance itself, but some bacteria that “live” peacefully in the human intestine. They process L-kartinin, forming an active metabolite - Trimethylamine N-oxide or TMAO. This is a powerful toxin that destroys the walls of blood vessels and leads to the formation of plaques. In vegetarians during the study, the concentration of the toxin is lower, due to the peculiarities of their diet.

However, atherosclerotic plaques do not form overnight. This takes years. Therefore, short-term use of the drug will not be able to affect the state of the vessels.

Expert opinions

Experts say that people who are actively involved in sports need to take this supplement. With its help, you can quickly restore strength after significant loads. Thanks to this substance, the athlete will not feel lethargic after training.

In addition, experts note that it is not necessary to take the supplement cyclically. It can be used regularly, strictly observing the dosage. The supplement should be taken prior to training. Also, we must not forget that it is absorbed by the body very quickly.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

How to drink liquid vitamin L-carnitine in ampouleson non-training days?

The drug can be taken daily 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach for good health. To improve athletic performance, Acetyl L-carnitine should be preferred.

Can I drink with fat burners?

Combine this food supplement with fat burners is not recommended. Moreover, the fat burners themselves do not affect the human body. in the best way.

Will this supplement help build muscle while bodybuilding?

By itself, the drug does not contribute to bodybuilding tangible if physical activity is not performed. Of course, the substance improves results in athletics. However, bodybuilders cannot do without protein to achieve a tangible effect.

Can minors take it?

You can, but usually it's not necessary. In most cases, this drug is prescribed to minors for rare genetic diseases and obesity.

Is it forbidden to drink a supplement after the gallbladder has been removed?

Basically, no. However, you must first consult on this topic with your doctor. In any case, if the condition worsens, you should stop taking the drug.

Results and reviews

Eugene, 23 years old:

“I drank L-carnitine for 6 weeks and did an exercise bike, ran in the evenings. I didn’t overexert myself much, but as a result I lost 12 kg. Excellent result!".

Elena, 25 years old:

“Noted the effectiveness of the supplement in training and dietary nutrition. But only during training, taking the drug did not give any results. It was only the addition of diet that got the ball rolling.”

Vladimir, 39 years old:

“I strongly advise everyone to check their health before starting this drug. My blood pressure began to rise, although it had never happened before. It turned out that the body itself produces carnitine. If it is enough, then an additional reception can do much harm.


How L-carnitine works, and how to take it correctly to lose weight, you will learn from this video.

An example of L-carnitine packaging

Video: L-carnitine - what is it and why?

Video: L-Carnitine. Works or not?

L-carnitine - scientists

Levocarnitine or L-carnitine is a natural substance that is related to the B vitamins, but it is not B11 or Bt, as it is often called. It is a fat burner and performs a number of other important functions. You can often hear that it is called a vitamin, but this is not so, because it can be produced in the body. The level of L-carnitine in the body is homeostatic, if it is in excess, then the body itself removes it, its excess amount does not accumulate.

What is L-carnitine and its biosynthesis

If speak about physical properties L-carnitine as a sports nutrition, it is a white crystalline powder, soluble in water, hygroscopic. There are two forms of it - L and D, but only L-carnitine is biologically active. D-carnitine is harmful to the body: it is an antagonist of the L form.

AT human body L-carnitine is present in the liver and muscles. Its synthesis also occurs in the liver and kidneys, it is from these organs that it moves throughout the body (to tissues and organs). Its synthesis occurs with the participation of such vitamins: B3, B6, B9, B12, C. Iron, methionine and some enzymes take an active part. It is important that with a deficiency of at least one of the vitamins, levocarnitine deficiency will be observed, with a violation of the body's function. But such processes are extremely rare and are the result of a genetic failure.

Benefits of L-carnitine

The presence of this substance is very important both in sports and in Everyday life. For example, it helps to burn fats, accompanies the transport of the structural elements of fats (fatty acids) into the mitochondrial matrix, it is there that they are destroyed, the result of which is the release of energy. Taking it as a sports nutrition helps to intensify the destructive processes in adipose tissue.

It has a positive effect on increasing mental and physical energy. According to research conducted in 2007, daily dose substances in 2 g when used for a duration of 6 months gave tangible results. The subjects confirmed an increase in mood and endurance, the overall tone of the body rose.

L-carnitine helps to resist stress, the body's adaptability indicators increase. It also takes part in detoxification, helps to neutralize organic acids and xenobiotics.

It has a pronounced anabolic effect, which was established experimentally. In the process, his scientists noticed that the group of subjects not only lost weight, but also increased lean muscle mass. This effect has not yet been fully studied.

In addition, L-carnitine is able to lower cholesterol and thus prevent vasoconstriction, which helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. In addition to all of the above, it is able to have a neuroprotective, antioxidant, antihypoxic and antithyroid effect, triggers tissue regeneration.

L-carnitine in sports

Carnitine is needed when there is a need to increase general and special endurance. It is needed in running, rowing, swimming and other aerobic sports. If an athlete does not need to reduce body weight, but enhanced energy is important, L-carnitine can be combined with fats. When it is necessary to avoid weight loss during training, it is prescribed in combination with a high-fat diet. Levocarnitine is also prescribed in large doses.

The ability to increase endurance, which is necessary in any sport, is a very important quality for athletes. The anabolic effect can be observed in combination with a decrease in body fat. That is why the effect of consumption should be evaluated not by standard limb circumferences and weighing, but by determining the percentage of fat mass and total body weight.

An excellent effect will be achieved if L-carnitine is used in combination with a balanced diet food and training program. This sports nutrition is not doping, its use in sports nutrition has no restrictions.

If there are no genetic failures, then the course of its use should be short, if used for a long time, a withdrawal effect can be observed. That is, the biosynthesis of its own L-carnitine is reduced, and the intake of an exopreparation is required on an ongoing basis.

Side effects of L-carnitine

Not a single study of harm to health from taking L-carnitine has revealed, however, with side effects, not everything is so smooth, it is, among them the most common:

  • development of insomnia. Since energy is released after ingestion, such an effect is likely, although it is extremely rare. To avoid this, you need to take the drug in the morning, and it is during this period that it has the most significant effect.
  • Individual intolerance, which is accompanied by headache, nausea, impaired stool.
  • It is forbidden to take it if you are undergoing hemodialysis, the development of myasthenia gravis is likely.

Natural L-carnitine

It can be found naturally in meat and fish, as well as in dairy products. If there is a need to increase the level of L-carnitine, eat liver, beef, pork, veal. The meat of turkey, duck and goose also contains this additive, as well as sour cream, cream and cottage cheese.

But not everything is so simple, because during the heat treatment a significant amount of levocarnitine is lost, which leads to the need to take it in the form of a sports nutrition.

Dosage of L-carnitine and combination with other supplements

The optimal dosage is from 500 mg to 2 g per day (primary is divided into 2 or 3 times, depending on the volume). It is pointless to take more than 2 grams, since the study did not reveal an additional effect. Admission rules:

  • 30 minutes before workout.
  • Definitely on an empty stomach.
  • If there is no training, then the intake should be carried out in the morning and in the afternoon between meals on an empty stomach.

The excellent compatibility of L-carnitine with any type of fat burners has been noted. The latter are accompanied by a decrease in side effects. In the process of gaining mass, they can be used in combination with a gainer and protein or other complex sports nutrition preparations.

Today, in the field of fitness, there are many different supplements. One of the most popular is L-carnitine. By the way, this supplement is popular mainly among women. Therefore, I propose to understand it in more detail. In this article, you will find answers to questions such as: L is carnitine, is it? How to take L-carnitine for weight loss? Why and who needs it? What are the types of carnitine?

L - carnitine (levocarnitine)- This is one of the non-essential amino acids, which is produced in the liver from lysine and methionine. This amino acid helps convert fatty acids into energy. It can be obtained from the outside, with the help of special additives, or from food (meat and milk).

What is L-carnitine for?

The main task of levocarnitine is the transfer of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are used as an energy source, which ultimately accelerates the fat burning process and increases endurance.

Also, this amino acid removes harmful metabolic products from mitochondria. This detoxification function is very beneficial, as when the breakdown products accumulate, it slows down and impairs the breakdown of fatty acids. And l - carnitine, in turn, allows the mitochondria to continue producing energy with maximum efficiency.

Main functions:

  • increases stamina and overall tone
  • increases resistance to stressful situations
  • detoxification
  • lowers bad cholesterol levels
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • improves sperm quantity and quality
  • slows down the aging process
  • prevents apoptosis and osteoporosis
  • stimulates tissue regeneration
  • boosts immunity
  • enhances mental abilities

As you can see, this supplement has many positive properties. Therefore, it can even be used not only for weight loss, but for the healing effect of the whole organism.

What are the types of L-carnitine?

There are 3 different types:

  • in capsules
  • in powder
  • liquid

Of all the types, the most expensive is liquid carnitine, and the cheapest is in capsules. In principle, this is not surprising, since the liquid form has the advantage of speedy assimilation. After levocarnitine in capsules enters the body, you need to wait a while (approximately 30 minutes) so that they dissolve and start working. While L-carnitine in liquid form is almost instantly absorbed and gets to work. Powder form is a cross between capsules and liquid form.

What to choose?

If absorption rate is very important to you, then take liquid or powder. Liquid is available in two forms: in bottles and in ampoules. Ampoules are slightly more expensive than bottled because they are more convenient to use. (no need to measure portions ... opened - drank - threw away the empty ampoule). And if speed is not so important to you, then of course it is better to take it in capsules (it will be more cost effective).

Answers to the hottest questions:

No. 1. How to take L-carnitine for weight loss?

For weight loss, the most optimal doses are: 1000 - 2000 mg per day for women and 1500 - 3000 mg per day for men. The more your body weight, the more you need. According to my observations, it makes sense to take carnitine only on those days when there is training. On rest days - there is no point (waste of money). If this supplement is in capsules, then take it 30 minutes before training. If in powder or liquid form, then you can drink immediately before training.

No. 2. How much to take L-carnitine?

In order to prevent (for health), the daily norm for women is: 500 mg per day, and for men: 750 - 1000 mg. If the goal is weight loss, then: 1000 - 2000 mg per day for women and 1500 - 3000 mg per day for men.

Number 3. When to take L-carnitine?

In order to prevent (for health), the most the best option to be used morning time on an empty stomach (before first meal). In order to lose weight, the best option for consumption is pre-workout time. (10-30 minutes before workout).

No. 4. Is it possible to drink L-carnitine without training?

In general, it is possible, but to be honest, I don’t see much point in it. L - carnitine transports fatty acid into the mitochondria so that this acid can be oxidized and burned. And, as you know, fats are burned aerobically with the participation of oxygen. Therefore, if you drink a portion of carnitine and sit down to work at the computer, then there will be no effect, since there is no significant anaerobic load. But, if you still want to drink this supplement on non-training days, then try to use it before any continuous load (for example, before going to work or shopping).

No. 5. Is it possible to drink L - carnitine before training?

Not possible, but necessary. This is the best time to take this supplement.

No. 6. Can I drink L-carnitine during a workout?

Can. This will speed up the process of losing weight.

No. 7. Can I drink L-carnitine after training?

There is no point in taking this supplement when physical activity is over.

No. 8. Is it possible to drink L-carnitine in the morning?

If for recreational purposes, then you can. If it's for weight loss, then it doesn't make much sense. (the effect will be minimal).

That's basically it. You have received answers to the main questions. If I missed something - ask in the comments. Oh yeah, here's one last thing, the top best dietary sources of carnitine: beef, lamb, dairy, liver, veal, turkey, pork.


Every athlete who wants to speed up the fat burning process knows what L carnitine is. This drug is for excess fat able to speed up metabolism without much harm to the human body. Of course, L-carnitine can cause harm, however, if you strictly follow the instructions for use and dosages, then there will be no side effects.

We have already addressed the question of how to take L carnitine before and after training. You need to find out about the best form of L-carnitine to take. After all, several varieties of L-carnitine are produced: in liquid form, in tablets, capsules, powder (Concentrated form), ampoules. Today we will look at all the pros, cons and differences different types this drug to determine which L carnitine is best.

L carnitine in liquid form

Liquid L carnitine is perhaps the most popular variety of this substance. The main plus of L-carnitine in liquid form is its rapid absorption by the human body. However, it is worth distinguishing between a liquid concentrate and ready-made portioned vials. What is their difference?

The advantages of liquid l carnitine in ready-made vials are the absence of additional preparation. The athlete simply needs to drink a certain amount, choosing the dosage that suits him. The concentration and dosage is always indicated on the packaging. The average dosage is 100,000 - 200,000 mg per 1 liter of water. In addition, it tastes good. Manufacturers often add vitamins, macro- and microelements to liquid forms.

The disadvantage of this form of release is the high price, the presence of flavors, sweeteners. You cannot find a clear dosage for yourself. However, manufacturers produce many dosage options.

Liquid L-carnitine concentrate has a convenient dosage, allows you to prepare a drink depending on the daily requirement. In addition, its cost is somewhat lower. However, the negative side of this form of release is the need to dilute it with water, which is not very convenient to do in the hall. It is not always convenient to measure the right amount, since not all manufacturers complete bottles with measuring cups.

L carnitine tablets

This type of L-carnitine is characterized by a low price compared to the liquid form and ease of use. Tablets can be carried in a bag. In this form, carnitine is taken mainly to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

L carnitine tablets are characterized by slow absorption by the body. Of course, its functions remain the same: reducing appetite, improving metabolism, fat burning. In addition, athletes note that l carnitine tablets are less effective in losing weight because of this. Therefore, it can be combined with other drugs to improve fat metabolism.

L carnitine capsules

The difference between L-carnitine capsules and tablets is faster digestibility. The body receives the substance from the capsules completely quickly enough. In this form, L-carnitine can be taken by people who have a “tender” stomach.

Advantages of L carnitine in capsules - lack of taste, smell. Manufacturers generally do not add flavors and flavors to them, which are often present in liquid forms. For some, this, of course, can be a negative side.

The concentration of the substance in one ampoule, as a rule, is 1-1.5 g. The exact dosage is indicated on the package. Therefore, if necessary, you can drink as many capsules as you need per day.

L carnitine powder

The difference between the powdered form of L-carnitine and all the others is that it can be mixed with various drinks (water, juice, tea). In addition, it can be easily dosed, it is quickly absorbed. The main advantage of L-carnitine in powder form is its low price and economical consumption.

Minus L carnitine powder - you need to spend time preparing, carry a bottle for diluting the powder and liquid.

Acetyl carnitine

In addition to traditional forms, there are now new types of carnitine on the sports nutrition market: Acetyl L carnitine and Tartrate. They are added chemicals that increase the efficiency and speed of assimilation.

The only disadvantage of these species is unproven effectiveness. They are untested and poorly studied. Therefore, if you do not want to experiment, risk your health, choose proven types of L-carnitine.

L carnitine: in what form is it better to take

If you do not know how to choose L carnitine yet, remember that all forms are the same in terms of effectiveness. The main difference between the types of L carnitine is the rate of absorption in the body. When choosing, be sure to compare the composition, concentration with the same volume of liquids, tablets and capsules.

Each person must choose which type of l carnitine suits him best, depending on personal preferences. Many athletes combine several types.

If you decide to choose liquid carnitine, pay attention to the percentage of the active substance, that is, its amount per 100 ml. It should be at least 10%, that is, 10 grams per 100 ml. Make sure that there are fewer carbohydrates in the composition, because the main goal is weight loss.

Good day, regular blog readers and passers-by! Many overweight people at least once in their lives thought about weight loss and how to do it with minimal effort with the help of fat burners.

Get instructions on how to use L-carnitine (L-carnitine), whether it is a fat burner, how to take it for weight loss, which is better to choose: liquid, capsules or powder.

If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments to the article, which are located at the end of the article.

You will also learn about contraindications and side effects, use in pregnant and lactating women, and also read my review and it.

And at the end of the article you will find information about the latest research on this substance, which, to put it mildly, did not please me very much.

What is L-carnitine and what is it for?

Carnitine or L-Carnitine, or L Carnitine, or Levocarnitine is widely used as a sports nutrition to burn fat. But this is not the only indication for which carnitine is used. It is also called vitamin B11 (Bt), but it is not a vitamin.

In the article, I talked about various pills that supposedly work without dieting and exercise. Carnitine is not one of them, and I will tell you why.

Let me tell you briefly about this substance. Carnitine is a vitamin-like substance belonging to the B vitamins, which, unlike vitamins, is synthesized in the human body. There are 2 forms of this substance: L-carnitine and D-carnitine. In order to lose weight, L-carnitine is used, D-carnitine is dangerous and harmful to the body, because it is the complete opposite. Therefore, we will focus on levocarnitine.

L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from two essential amino acids (methionine and lysine), and then distributed to other organs. In the human body, it is constantly present in the muscles and liver. The mechanism of action of this substance is based on the utilization of fatty acids, that is, it transfers fats to the cell, where they burn in the mitochondria (“blast furnaces” of the cell), with the release of energy.

But basically, carnitine enters the body with food, mainly with meat and dairy products, it contains a small amount in plants. When there is a deficiency in the intake of this substance, the compensatory mechanism of synthesis in the liver and kidneys is activated. But this process is dependent on many other substances, such as:

  • Vitamins: C, B3, B6, B9
  • Minerals: iron
  • Amino acids: lysine and methionine
  • Enzymes

If for some reason one of the components is missing, then the synthesis of carnitine by the liver is completely impossible. This situation can occur in people who do not eat meat and dairy products or who receive an insufficient amount of factors for self-synthesis. Vegetarians may be included in this category.

I think that's why some vegetarians can gain weight, they just have a carnitine deficiency and fatty acids are not oxidized in cells, but are deposited in fat depots. In this case, they need to administer separately drugs based on L-carnitine, it can be sports nutrition, and various dietary supplements (about them a little later).

The benefits and harms of el-carnitine

In addition to the effect on lipid metabolism, el-carnitine also has other properties and effects. Now I will list the main ones, and then I will talk about each in more detail:

  • participates in the process of burning fat in the muscle cell
  • affects mental activity
  • slight anabolic effect
  • promotes detoxification
  • effect on the cardiovascular system

L-carnitine is a fat burner

The main function of levocarnitine is “fat burning”. Please note that I wrote in quotation marks. This means that I want to show that l-carnitine is not really a fat burner, that is, it only helps in the fat burning mechanism.

NOTE that this substance does not break down fat cells, does not contribute to the release of fatty acids into the blood, it only facilitates the penetration of fatty acids that are already in the blood into the cells of various organs (muscles, brain, heart, lungs, etc.), since this the mechanism is very limited in the absence of carnitine. And how these fatty acids get into the blood from the fat cell is another question, but I will talk about this later.

But not only carnitine is involved in the process of utilization of fatty acids in mitochondria. It only contributes to the entry of fatty acids into the muscle cell, but the fat must reach the mitochondria and pass through its double membrane. This is where the second substance is needed, which works with L-carnitine in tandem - coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinol. Sometimes lipoic acid is also added to the regimen.

In order for fat burning not to stop, but to continue, an adequate concentration of this substance is necessary, the concentration of which decreases with age. Therefore, I recommend taking them together or at the same time.

But I must warn you that in a relatively calm state, this carnitine has practically no effect. The best effect is obtained when its intake coincides with physical activity. I told you that you need to somehow expel fatty acids from the fat cell, and this can only be done with the help of physical activity.

Physical activity should be adequate, and not 20-30 minutes. The fact is that fatty acids leave the depot only when glycogen stores are depleted. It is then that fats begin to be consumed for energy production. This happens 30-40 minutes after the start of an aerobic workout. Thus, after the start of burning fat, you need to work out at least another 30 minutes.

As a result, such a picture is obtained. Fatty acids are brought to the muscle cell on a trolley, and carnitine, like a driver, actively throws them into the furnace (muscle cell or cell of any other organ) of the armored train. Acids are burned, and as a result, energy is obtained that goes to build up the train (muscles, heart, brain).

Effect on mental activity

An increase in mental and physical energy is also a pleasant effect of levocarnitine. Scientists in the study of this substance noticed that when using 2 g of carnitine per day for 6 months, indicators of mental and physical activity improve. Increases endurance to any physical and mental stress.

By consuming carnitine before physical activity, you can achieve increased endurance, which will make it possible to work harder, and this in turn will effectively burn even more fatty acids.

It has a neurotrophic effect and restores the structure of the nervous tissue.

Anabolic action

The anabolic effect of this substance is also a big plus in sports and fitness. It has been observed that L-carnitine is able to increase muscle mass, of course, not as powerful as testosterone, growth hormone, insulin and other similar drugs do. But in the process of the so-called drying of athletes, he will not melt muscle mass, and only the fat reserve will go away, i.e. subcutaneous fat goes away, and the muscles remain in the same volume.


The detoxifying effect lies in the fact that L-carnitine supports the functioning of the liver and contributes to the neutralization of organic acids and xenobiotics in it, and also helps the work of various enzymes. In addition, levocarnitine is an antidote for valproic acid poisoning.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The impact on the cardiovascular system also does not go unnoticed. This effect is due to lower cholesterol levels, which prevents the progression of atherosclerosis and the development of formidable diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

But this effect is currently disputed, read on and you will understand why. In addition, carnitine improves the metabolism of the heart muscle, which, as you know, is fed by 70% fatty acids. Therefore, in developed countries, carnitine is widely used in the schemes and courses of treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to all these effects, levocarnitine has an antioxidant, neuroprotective effect, improves immunity and resistance to stress, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

In some guidelines, L-carnitine is recommended as an additional treatment for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, anorexia, and this substance is also prescribed for children from infancy, especially premature and debilitated, with cardiac conduction disorders, with poor growth and mass.

What foods contain L-carnitine

So, about the benefits and possible harm you already know this stuff. Perhaps you have already decided to start actively consuming it, so it remains to choose in what form you want to do it. Where is this “miracle substance” contained?

L-carnitine in in large numbers is found in red meat: beef, lamb, pork, venison, salmon, wild boar, etc. In addition, it is found in other products. For your convenience, I am posting a comparative table that shows the amount of carnitine per 100 g of products. But you need to take into account the fact that during heat treatment, part of the carnitine is lost.

Getting carnitine with food is certainly good, but how much meat do you need to eat to get an adequate dose for sports? By the way, I forgot to say that in ordinary life the daily requirement for this substance is about 300 mg, and when playing sports, the dose increases significantly and reaches 2000 mg per day or more. Therefore, it is recommended to use L-carnitine additionally in the form of sports nutrition or dietary supplements.

Which L-carnitine is more effective in losing weight

El-carnitine is available in several types of chemical compounds. What are the properties of the bottom and what is the difference between them? Let's try to figure it out. I will be very grateful if, having found an inaccuracy in the text, you will direct me on the right path and correct me.

So, biological substance marketed in the following compounds:

  • L-carnitine tartrate
  • L-carnitine fumarate
  • Acetyl L-carnitine
  • Propionyl L-carnitine
  • Pure L-Carnitine (Base or Free Form Base)

L-carnitine tartrate

Today it is the most biologically active form and with high bioavailability, despite the fact that acetylcarnitine appeared later and tried to displace it.

Once in the digestive tract, it is easily broken down into pure carnitine and tartaric acid. They are taken separately. It is most often recommended to help in weight loss.

L-carnitine fumarate

The bioavailability of this compound lags far behind. It is obtained by combining fumaric acid and pure levocarnitine. This salt has a lesser lipotropic effect, but the effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels remains the advantage of the substance.

Acetyl L-carnitine

Acetylcarnitine was invented relatively recently. An acetyl group is attached to regular carnitine. In this way, manufacturers thought to improve bioavailability and digestibility. But unfortunately this did not happen - this is a minus. But this compound has an excellent ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier to the brain - this is a plus.

As a result, acetyl L-carnitine has a pronounced effect of stimulating the metabolic processes of the brain, improving memory, thinking and preventing mental age-related disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Propionyl L-carnitine

It is a carnitine ester that is most commonly released in association with the amino acid glycine. It turns out a certain complex - Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine (GPLC). The main function, in addition to participation in lipid metabolism, is to enhance the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO). This is a very important substance that is produced in the cells of blood vessels and has a vasodilating effect.

This is very important for people with cardiovascular pathology, coronary heart disease, heart failure, intermittent claudication, erectile dysfunction, etc. Also, this substance has shown its antioxidant properties, enhances testosterone synthesis and affects sperm quality, reduces the level of lactic acid after exercise and also increases stamina.

Together with acetyl L-carnitine, doctors use it in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

100% pure L-carnitine

Athletes call this carnitine base or classic carnitine. Bioavailability is not inferior to carnitine tartrate. You can see this in the picture below.

Despite this, pure carnitine is slightly cheaper. You can compare prices and choose the one you like best.

Instructions for carnitine chloride

What is this connection? A long time ago, about 50 years ago, a new substance was first obtained - carnitine, and its very first form was precisely chloride. To date, it has lost its former popularity. The composition of this compound includes not only the L-isomer of carnitine, but also its D-form.

Therefore, this DL-carnitine chloride has been used successfully in the treatment of neurological diseases. However, it has not found its application in sports, but all because of its D-isomer in the composition.

This substance is produced to this day exclusively for therapeutic purposes in neurology. Release form - 10% solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injection, 5 ml.

Instructions for L-carnitine: how to take it for weight loss

I recommend buying sports nutrition in specialized stores or from serious companies that produce dietary supplements. Optimal doses are from 500 to 3000 mg of carnitine per day, the dose is usually divided into 2-3 doses. It does not make sense to increase the dose beyond 3000 mg, since this does not increase its effectiveness. As a rule, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before training and immediately after.

There is no specific course of admission, such a regimen implies a long-term intake until you achieve the desired result and lose weight.

Can you drink e-carnitine without training?

The main condition for taking the supplement is physical activity and sports. You will send your money straight down the toilet if you start drinking it without training. Remember its main action, if necessary, go back and reread it again.

After taking levocarnitine, some feel a surge of energy, they train with even greater performance. The negative point is an increase in appetite, which is difficult to curb. But not everyone sees it.

Forms of release of bioadditives

Today, there are the following forms of release of carnitine:

  • tablets and capsules
  • drinking ampoules
  • powder for dilution in liquid
  • liquid concentrate
  • prepared drinks with carnitine

If we compare the effectiveness of the substance, then there is no difference in what form to buy if the manufacturer is widely known and has long been in the sports nutrition market. Everything depends on the ease of use, as you like.

Usually liquid forms contain not only basic carnitine but also all sorts of vitamins, minerals or other beneficial substances. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what suits you best, but until you try, you will not know. Many people prefer 100% pure carnitine with no additives or impurities.

L-carnitine which company is better

Today, all carnitine is obtained synthetically. Large factories produce this substance, and then sell it to various companies that produce jars of dietary supplements. There are a lot of such factories in the world, among which are China, India, etc. Choose the best dietary supplement, you need not by name or end company, but by the original company that supplies raw materials.

Worldwide, the best suppliers of L-carnitine are:

  • Italian company Sigma-Tau (name of raw materials - Biosint)
  • Swiss company Lonza (the name of the raw material is Carnipure)

All of the supplements that I have recommended above contain high quality carnitine and you can safely order them. A quality product will never be cheap. Cheaper alternatives will never work the way pure L-carnitine does. Look for brand names on the packaging to indicate the source of the raw material. Below in the picture you see my carnitine from Now Foods and the brand name "Carnipure"

Side effects and contraindications of L-carnitine

Since the discovery of levocarnitine, many studies have been conducted, and in some the dose was deliberately overestimated hundreds of times, but harm from the use was not revealed. Carnitine does not accumulate in the body, the excess is actively excreted from the body with urine and feces. Its safety is confirmed by the fact that it is used in pediatrics for the treatment of premature babies, as I mentioned above.

As for the side effects, they are so unlikely and insignificant that the benefits of carnitine far outweigh its disadvantages. So, since a lot of energy is released during the intake of L-carnitine, it is possible to develop problems with falling asleep. To avoid this, it is recommended to take it in the morning, especially since at this time its action is most effective.

Very rarely, individual intolerance in the form of nausea, headache or stool disorders is observed. In this case, the withdrawal of the drug is required and the state of health will improve again.

This substance does not interact with drugs and other fat burners or sports nutrition so it can be used in any combination. Additional additives may cause allergies.

As you can see, L-carnitine is a very harmless drug, with a minimum of side effects, and therefore, theoretically, it can be used in any person.

Latest data from the levocarnitine study

So how do you like carnitine? Everything that was written above, you can read on other sports related sites. And now I will tell you something contrary to popular opinion. One gets the feeling that this is the perfect remedy, but let me add a little fly in the ointment to this beautiful, odorous barrel of honey. As I was preparing to write this article, I stumbled upon an article about the latest study which is dated April 2013.

The study was conducted in the United States, at the Cleveland Hospital. The head of the study is Dr. Steven Sintra. The fact is that scientists have found that carnitine is not as harmless as it is presented. The aim of the study was to establish safety in terms of effects on the cardiovascular system, and more specifically on atherogenesis or the development of atherosclerosis. The study involved experimental mice, not real people.

So, they found that carnitine, no matter how it got into the body: with food or in the form of supplements, contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis, but .... But not the substance itself causes changes in the cells of the coronary vessels and cerebral vessels. In fact, the culprits are some types of bacteria that live peacefully in the human intestine.

They digest L-carnitine to form the active metabolite, Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). TMAO is a potent toxin that destroys vascular walls and promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, as occurs in vascular endothelial dysfunction. Next, a solution was proposed, which is so similar to the Americans, to prescribe antibiotics that would solve the problem with bacteria, but so far this issue is being discussed and requires new research.

The study also involved vegetarians who do not eat meat but were given carnitine as a food supplement. It turned out that their concentration of TMAO is much lower, which is probably due to the fact that, due to the peculiarities of their diet, they have few of the same bacteria than omnivorous people.

Thus, it turns out that the negative effect of carnitine is associated with the number of certain types of bacteria. If it's that bad, then some negative properties can be found in many foods: gluten causes celiac disease, fiber causes bloating, the development of inflammatory bowel disease and cancer, milk causes allergies and diabetes in children. So what to do then, what to eat?

When asked about his diet, Dr. Steven Sintra replied, “I will also continue to take L-thyroxine at 400mg per day and Acetyl-L-Carnitine at 1000mg per day. And I will also enjoy a portion of a delicious beef or lamb steak 2-3 times a week.

The entire study was aimed at elucidating the impact of chronic carnitine use, when a person eats a lot of red meat or drinks supplements containing L-carnitine for years. In my article, I did not touch on the topic of general recovery or treatment of any diseases, but the use of carnitine for weight loss and sports, that is, when the drug is taken for a short time.

Believe me, atherosclerotic plaques do not form in one day, or even in a year, so there should be no deterioration in the condition when taking short courses. Moreover, TMAO is formed only when carnitine is present in the body, during its absence, the vessels have nothing to fear, at least carnitine :).

In the article, I told and showed all the pros and cons of using levocarnitine, and the decision to start using it lies entirely with you. I'm just giving my opinion, if you don't mind. I am in favor of using short courses when exercising together.

Review of a losing weight doctor about carnitine

I practically don’t feel any sensations, except for increased stamina and the drowsiness that tormented me after dinner disappeared. I also noticed such a pleasant effect - the muscles practically do not hurt after training the next day, although earlier, with an increase in weights, everything hurt very much. It feels like the body is recovering very quickly and gaining new energy. I looked for a description of this effect and found that carnitine really reduces pain by improving blood circulation and better removing toxins from tired muscles. I really like this effect.

The taste is pleasant, with an orange flavor, it gives off vitamin C (included in the composition). For the rest, I can't say. I took measurements: weight 57 kg, waist 74 cm, hips 94 cm, leg volume in the thigh 54 cm. I do 3 power and 2 aerobic loads per week. The goal is to remove fat from the abdomen and hips, weigh about 54-55 kg, and decrease in volume by at least 4 cm. I will make the following measurements after 1 month of use.

Results after 4 weeks. Lost some weight. I became 55.8 kg. The waist circumference became 71 cm, the hip circumference was 93 cm, the leg circumference in the thigh remained the same - 54 cm. You can see it in the photos above. Let me remind you that at the same time I followed a diet without bread (replaced with natural bread) and pasta, and I also had regular workouts (3 strength per week, 1-2 aerobic per week). I think that this is a good result in a month, at least there is some.

Now I want to continue taking pre-workout carnitine, as well as review the presence or absence of important vitamins and minerals in my diet, add protein and olive oil.

And that's all I have. Remember one important thing about carnitine, if you drink to lose weight, then without compliance proper nutrition(without overeating, fasting or low-carb dieting) and adequate exercise, it does little to reduce weight, otherwise you will get the effect. You also need to remember that the reception should be in conjunction with coenzyme Q10. Tell us about your experience of taking carnitine, it will be very interesting and informative for all of us.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva