L arginine contraindications. L-arginine - instructions for use in bodybuilding. Composition of the dietary supplement L arginine Solgar

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is a building block for protein synthesis in the body.

We get this substance from food, especially from animal sources of protein. In addition, L-arginine is created in the laboratory, so it can be used in the form biological additive, which is good for the heart during physical exertion.

How Arginine Works

Arginine is important to the human body for several reasons. It is one of the three components that make up creatine, a vital nutrient.

In the body, this amino acid is converted into nitric oxide, a powerful neurotransmitter that relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation.

Arginine deficiency leads to a decrease in immunity, deterioration in hair and muscle growth, and impaired neuromuscular function.

Arginine-rich foods include red meat, fish, poultry, wheat germ, cereals, nuts, and dairy products.

Arginine has received a lot of attention in recent times for its potential heart health benefits. Some evidence suggests that arginine may improve blood flow in the heart artery. This will relieve chest pain, angina pectoris and coronary artery disease.

However, there is currently no data on how long-term use of arginine affects cholesterol levels or heart health.

The ability of arginine to retain nitrogen is well known in bodybuilding. Arginine is essential for muscle growth due to its vasodilating action as well as its involvement in protein synthesis.

It holds water under the skin, which makes the muscles look smooth and bloated and is also of interest to bodybuilders.

Proven and imaginary effect of reception

Arginine provides some benefits to weightlifters.

It has a positive effect on the immune system, allowing you to complicate training and avoid the consequences associated with.

Athletes who have used androgenic or anabolic steroids and want to stop taking them can use an arginine supplement to improve their health.

This is due to the fact that steroids often lead to hypertension and the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the vessels, while arginine helps mitigate these effects.

Some studies have found that L-arginine supplementation of 5 to 9 grams per day can significantly increase growth hormone levels. In most cases, L-arginine increases this by at least 100%. In comparison, regular exercise increases growth hormone by 300-500%. Therefore, a more powerful combination is the combination with the intake of arginine.

There is also evidence that L-arginine, due to its effect on capillaries, increases plasma insulin concentration and helps to strengthen muscles even in the non-training period.

Such changes affect metabolism in a positive way, help build, maintain and repair the musculoskeletal system.

Of the additional benefits of taking arginine, the following effects are noted:

  • Because arginine improves blood flow and relaxes blood vessels, it helps with erectile dysfunction. As with poor circulation in the extremities, arginine will increase the diameter of the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow.
  • Due to the ability of arginine to increase growth hormone, stimulate lipid oxidation, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, taking this amino acid may be beneficial for obese people.

Unfortunately, the effect of arginine is not manifested in all people. Scientific studies showing a positive effect of nitric oxide in the bloodstream are combined with evidence of no effect. This difference is partly due to poor intestinal absorption of L-arginine.

There are other potential health benefits of arginine related to lowering blood pressure and improving performance in patients with intermittent claudication and leg cramps.

However, scientific research is not strong enough for experts to make any firm recommendations.

In addition, for the treatment of heart attacks in combination with standard therapy, arginine does not have a beneficial effect, and may even be harmful.

How to use

How much arginine does your body need daily? No recommended value has been established for this substance. daily dose, because it usually comes with food in sufficient quantities.

When taking L-arginine as a dietary supplement, higher doses of the order of 1200 mg per day are used. The standard pre-workout dose is 3-6 g.

To maintain the concentration of arginine in the body during the day, it can be divided into three doses with a total dose of 15–18 g. However, more than 10 g of this substance per dose can provoke gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea.

To avoid overdose, it is best to do a tolerance test. To do this, take a small dose of arginine for one week. Pay attention to improving performance and emerging side effects.

Starting next week, increase the dosage until you notice an improvement in performance, while side effects should be minimized. Over time, you will reach the optimal dose for your body.

If you are using for sports nutrition, please note that many of them are already fortified with amino acids, including arginine.

Take this amount into account when calculating your personal dose. If for some reason the tolerance test fails, follow the instructions for use of arginine on the label.

Precautionary measures

In clinical trials, taking arginine for three months was found to be safe with few side effects.

Possible effects include pain and bloating, diarrhea, and nausea. In people with asthma, taking arginine can cause difficulty breathing. Sometimes allergic reactions are observed.

If you regularly take any medications or supplements, talk to your healthcare professional before using arginine.

  • It can interact with birth control medications, hormone therapy medications, anticoagulants, some pain relievers, medicines for heartburn, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
  • It is not combined with drugs that treat erectile dysfunction.
  • Arginine may interact with supplements such as ginkgo biloba, garlic, Asian ginseng, and potassium-containing medications.

Taking arginine can cause low blood pressure and changes in blood glucose levels.

It is believed that the ratio of lysine to arginine in the diet can affect the manifestation of the latent herpes virus. Some doctors recommend increasing lysine and decreasing arginine to avoid symptoms associated with the herpes simplex virus. Pregnant and lactating women are advised to discuss the possibility of taking with their doctor.

BUT proper nutrition- these are the bricks from which muscle mass is then built. As you know, if you take out one of the bricks, the whole building may collapse, depending on the significance of what we have removed from it. However, as practice shows, the building can really lose in appearance from the removal of one or more bricks, but the building itself will stand without feeling any change. However, as you know, over time, the removal of one brick will entail the extraction of the second, third and fourth. The whole wall will collapse, after which the whole house will collapse. And this analogy is well applicable to some seemingly insignificant components of muscle growth, without which, however, long-term muscle gain is impossible. Arginine can become such a brick in the athlete's diet. I also advise you to read articles about the wall in the diet of a bodybuilder - and.

What is l-arginine?

We are talking about a conditionally essential amino acid, which is used by athletes as a nitrogen donor.

Arginine is the main component for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is responsible for supplying all systems of our body, including muscles.

So, with a lack of arginine, there are problems with the synthesis of NO (nitric oxide), and this, in turn, provokes an increase in blood pressure and a slowdown in muscle mass growth. In addition, there are problems associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the immune system, and even the functioning of the reproductive system.

Note that such catastrophic health consequences are caused not so much by the amino acid itself, but by the lack of nitric oxide. However, arginine and nitric oxide are closely related, and therefore the lack of one component de facto means a lack of the other.

Indications for the use of arginine

The main indications for use are the above symptoms.

  1. Increased physical activity. Since the athlete's body is experiencing an increased need for the synthesis of nitric oxide.
  2. Increased fatigue.
  3. Delayed physical development in children.
  4. Male infertility, as well as any problems in the male genital area.
  5. Gastritis, stomach ulcer.

L-arginine instructions for use

A person who has reached the age of 18 is advised to use 2-3 capsules 40 minutes before a meal. Depending on the dosage, this is about 1-2 grams of arginine per day. These dosages may be appropriate for an adult who sits in his pants at work or school all day, but for an athlete, these dosages are ridiculous. For example, a liter of cow's milk contains about 1.25 grams of arginine.

It turns out that a special supplement in the dosages in which the manufacturers themselves recommend taking it is just a waste of money. Of course, if for some reason you have limited yourself to the use of animal products containing arginine, the recommended dosages will really help you. However, if the placebo effect is excluded, arginine at low doses will have absolutely no effect on the athlete.

Accordingly, our recommendations will differ from the official ones. Disperse at least 2-4 times. To see the effect of the use of arginine, you need to get about 4-8 grams of the amino acid from the supplement. I recommend purchasing a supplement verified stores.

Studies have shown that the first side effects fixed at a dosage of 15 grams per day. Accordingly, in order not to get a reversible side effect, we recommend not to consume more than 10 grams of arginine from the supplement per day.

Arginine benefits and harms

Arginine is useful due to the following properties:

  • Increase in muscle mass due to additional nitrogen synthesis.
  • Increasing the level of growth hormone in case of its deficiency.
  • Improving mood by increasing NO synthesis.
  • An increase in sexual desire in men, as well as an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

The harm of arginine is more private than common cases. Since the amino acid is found not only in the supplement, but in virtually any food containing protein, the amino acid itself is not capable of harming the body of any person, including the athlete.

  • There is an individual intolerance to arginine.
  • Diagnosed with mental illness. For example, schizophrenia.
  • The supplement is used by a woman at the stage of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

L-arginine can also be harmful if you overdo it with the dosage. So, the use of more than 15 grams per day (about 12-13 liters of milk, in terms of regular food, or about 400 grams of protein with a high content of arginine) can provoke some lethargy, stomach discomfort and nausea.

Arginine in bodybuilding

Arginine is essential for every professional and non-professional bodybuilder. The fact is that under the influence of cortisol, which is produced during training (especially when training lasts longer than 60 minutes), NO synthesis decreases. And here comes to the rescue a nitrogen donator - arginine, which blocks the negative effect of cortisol on NO production. Read also about.

In addition, it is necessary for athletes who train on the verge of overtraining. The situation is similar - constant, excessive loads negatively affect the synthesis of NO. And this is one of the reasons for slowing down muscle growth, reaching a plateau. That is why professional bodybuilders, in addition to their diet, which is already rich in arginine, use the supplement.

Together with anabolic steroids, the use of which in professional bodybuilding is not even worth discussing, arginine, which affects the synthesis of NO, allows top bodybuilders to train 6-10 times a week. Undoubtedly, without anabolic steroids on arginine alone, such a training frequency cannot be achieved, but sufficient (from 4 grams) dosages can accelerate the recovery of both muscle tissue and the central nervous system, which also needs to be restored with regular training.

Of course, the effect of this amino acid on increasing the production of growth hormone can be called controversial, however, even if we assume that the studies proving the effect of the supplement on one of the bodybuilder's main hormones are fabricated, arginine is still an indispensable building block for a bodybuilder, without which our hind or not will be built at all if you decide to tie not only with sports supplements, but also with protein food in general, or will collapse if you stop getting arginine from food without replacing dietary arginine with a supplement. At the same time, getting it from an additive, you can not only build a building, but also make it durable and stable.


Arginine is a supplement that:

- Allows you to accelerate muscle growth.

- Affects the restoration of muscle tissue and the central nervous system.

- Does not cause side effects, except in exceptional cases.

- It is a small but indispensable brick in the diet of a bodybuilder.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Everyone knows that without protein human body cannot exist. Composed of amino acids, it is the main building material for all fabrics. Contains protein and arginine. amino acid, the synthesis of which occurs under favorable conditions. Many experts note that recently its synthesis has decreased significantly. This is due to age characteristics, various diseases, malnutrition and other adverse factors. Lack of arginine leads to a significant deterioration in health, so it is necessary for the body throughout life.

Amino acid characterization

Arginine - what is it? It is an amino acid that is produced in the body of a healthy person in required quantity. It is able to turn into nitric oxide, which relatively recently was considered a very harmful compound that destroys all life. But thanks to the will of chance in the study of drugs that affect cardiac activity, it was found that nitric oxide can dramatically relax blood vessels. As a result of the experiments, it was proved that it is extremely important for a person. It is involved in many biochemical processes, without which the body cannot exist at all.

How does arginine affect the human body?

Many have not even heard of arginine. What is it for? This amino acid is produced only under certain conditions. If there is even a slight pathology in the body, then the production of this compound is significantly reduced. In this case, a person has to take it in the form of a drug or biologically. active additives. The body in children generally cannot produce arginine itself.

The benefits of amino acids are very high. It relaxes the walls of blood vessels, relieving their spasm. It is widely used in cardiology to stop angina attacks. It also improves blood circulation in the brain, reduces intraocular pressure, leads to increased blood flow to the genitals, improves retinal microcirculation.

Arginine is an important component of the protein from which almost all organs are built. It is especially indispensable for muscles. That is why athletes who want to build muscle mass, use supplements based on this amino acid.

A deficiency of arginine in the body leads to the progression of atherosclerosis, in addition, the kidneys and liver, which are responsible for detoxification, excretion of ammonia from the organs, begin to suffer. In the human body, a biochemical reaction proceeds from the amino acid ornithine, which forms urea. With a lack of arginine, this process is disrupted, which increases the amount of urea.

This amino acid is a component of collagen, which strengthens cartilage and muscles. In addition, it improves erectile function and the process of spermatogenesis. As you know, sperm consists of protein, so its quality improves.

Arginine also takes part in the process of apoptosis. What it is? Apoptosis is a programmed mechanism for the death of malignant cells. It is controlled directly by the body itself. It was noted that at a low concentration of nitric oxide, the process of apoptosis is suppressed, and at in large numbers- intensifies. This gives hope that cancer patients can be cured without the help of surgery.

With the help of arginine, insulin is produced, which helps to normalize blood sugar. He also takes an active part in the synthesis of growth.

Where is arginine found?

This amino acid is most often found in plant foods, meat. Its large concentration is in pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, walnuts. If you take meat, then there is a lot of arginine in raw chicken fillet, pork, salmon fillet. A little less of it is found in chocolate, peas, eggs, buckwheat bread and other products. But in order for the amino acid in the body to reach the required level, these products must be consumed in large quantities.

Arginine as a drug

This amino acid is produced in the form of dietary supplements, and is also part of various drugs: cardiological, anti-burn, stimulating erectile function, intended to combat AIDS, which are the main element of the diet for patients after surgery.

If a person suffers from a lack of muscle mass, then arginine will come to the rescue, the action of which is aimed at building it up. The drug is taken one hour before training or immediately after it.

Arginine is best taken with zinc, which enhances its effect. If there are no special instructions from the doctor, then arginine capsules are taken 1-2 times a day. More than 30 g of the drug can not be taken. The duration of treatment should not exceed three weeks, otherwise there is a thickening of the skin, which disappears after the drug is discontinued.

Can arginine harm the body?

What is the harm of arginine? And does he exist at all? Yes, if abused. The following side effects may occur: tissue thickening, indigestion, lowering blood pressure, nausea, deformity of cartilage and joints, abdominal pain, weakness, diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the consumed drug until the side effects disappear. An amino acid taken in large quantities can cause inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis.

Since arginine is involved in the synthesis of growth hormone, it is contraindicated for children to take, otherwise a disease such as gigantism may occur. It is also undesirable to take it by pregnant and lactating women, patients with mental illness. It is better not to use it for herpes, in combination with preparations containing nitroglycerin and nitric oxide.


Many people are interested in the question: arginine - what is it? This is a common amino acid that can change the body. It can accelerate the aging process or slow it down. The beauty and health of a person depend on it. With its shortage, various diseases develop, therefore, drugs based on arginine are taken to compensate for the deficiency.

The L-isomer of arginine (L-Arginine) is a part of peptides and proteins; the content of arginine is especially high in the main proteins - histones and protamines (up to 85%).
In an adult and healthy person, arginine is produced by the body in sufficient quantities. At the same time, in children and adolescents, in the elderly and sick people, the level of arginine synthesis is often insufficient. In this case, some amount of arginine must come from food.
L-Arginine is found in foods of both animal and plant origin. The richest in arginine are: pumpkin seeds (5353 mg per 100 g), pine and walnuts(2280-2410 mg per 100 g), dried peas (2190 mg per 100 g), raw pork, chicken and salmon fillet (1220-1440 mg per 100 g), buckwheat bread (980 mg per 100 g), chicken egg ( 820 mg per 100 g), Wheat flour coarse grinding (640 mg per 100 g), unpolished rice (600 mg per 100 g), corn flour (345 mg per 100 g), cow's milk 3.7% fat (119 mg per 100 g).

Biosynthesis of arginine

Arginine can be synthesized in the body from:
Citrulline under the action of arginine succinate synthase and arginine succinate lyase.
Ornithina. Arginine is one of the key metabolites in the processes of nitrogen metabolism (ornithine cycle in mammals and fish).
Dimethylarginine (ADMA)
Arginine is a substrate of NO-synthases in the synthesis of nitric oxide NO, which is a local tissue hormone with multiple effects - from pro-inflammatory to vascular effects and stimulation of angiogenesis.

New Nobel Laureates in Medicine!

Arginine is a nitric oxide donator, the discovery biological effects who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
In 1998, in Stockholm, at the Royal Town Hall, eight professors bowed to scientists: Robert Furchgott, Luis Ingarro, and Ferid Murad - with a bow from grateful humanity for the discovery of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the human cardiovascular system. The fact of information transmission by gas is recognized as unknown until now, a new principle of information delivery in living organisms, that it is gas, bypassing membranes, from cell to cell that transmits to the brain how each cell of its body feels.

Nitric oxide not only regulates cardiac activity. As it turned out, this compound is involved in all metabolic processes of the body. Without it, the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems is impossible. Production of hormones and enzymes. Sexual activity and development of muscle mass. It is no coincidence that bodybuilders were the first to fall for Arginine. This amino acid is able to increase the level of creatine in the muscles. And this allows you to increase muscle mass, while reducing body fat.
Arginine can rightly be called a “Positive Molecule”, as it improves mood, physical and mental activity, initiative and endurance, a kind of increase in “mental energy”, correcting human behavior in a positive direction.

The action of L-arginine

L-arginine prevents the onset of hypertension
A lack of nitric oxide leads to an increase in blood pressure, that is, hypertension. And in the case of chronic cardiovascular diseases, the content of nitric oxide usually decreases, that is, NO is synthesized in the body much less. The reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in the reserves of L-arginine in the body.
L-arginine is an excellent prophylactic in treatment and prevention. Only 2-3 grams per day of L-arginine reduce the tension of the smooth muscles of blood vessels, arteries, thereby causing a decrease in diastolic, that is, the lower component of blood pressure.

L-arginine for atherosclerosis
L-arginine is necessary for the prevention of blood vessels. L-arginine perfectly prevents the formation of blood clots, as well as adhesion, that is, the “sticking” of these same clots to the inner wall of blood vessels. The latter significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

L-Arginine in Cardiovascular Diseases
L-arginine increases collateral blood flow to an occluded coronary vessel in patients with coronary heart disease; improves the general condition of patients with coronary heart disease: reducing the frequency of attacks, reducing the amount of nitrate intake, increasing endurance to physical exertion, as well as the effectiveness of action antihypertensive drugs;

The effect of L-arginine on the gastrointestinal tract
A disease such as diffuse spasm of the esophagus is accompanied by spasm of smooth muscles. And the reason for this disease also lies in the lack of L-arginine in the body.
Incorrect operation of the duodenal valve, and, as a result, is also due to an insufficient amount of nitric oxide.

L-arginine and immunity
Completely regardless of Nobel laureates another team of researchers studied the work of macrophages, that is, cells responsible for the formation and. Back in the 1970s, it was discovered that macrophages become active only after the accumulation of nitrates or nitrites in vitro.
It was on these factors that the theory of cellular immunity was built, or rather, the theory of killer cells - macrophages and target cells - bacteria - cells of malignant neoplasms.
Already in 1983, it became clear that macrophages are active precisely due to the presence of nitric oxide. At a sufficiently high concentration of NO, the bacteria die. Thus, there is a direct relationship between natural immunity and the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. A deficiency of nitric oxide, on the contrary, weakens the immune system.

L-arginine in the fight against cancer
Nitric oxide is detrimental to malignant cells. It has been proven that this substance is involved in programmed cell death. It is apoptosis (programmed cell death) that is one of the mechanisms of death of malignant cells, and this process is regulated by the body itself.
It is noteworthy that a low concentration of nitric oxide, on the contrary, suppresses the process of apoptosis, while a high one enhances it. What is encouraging and absolutely harmless for cancer patients, unlike conservative methods of treatment.

The effect of L-arginine on the reproductive system
L-arginine has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system equally for both men and women of all age groups. It is used to treat male infertility; increases the production of seminal fluid, spermatogenesis; and sexual activity; is able to increase the strength and duration of blood supply to the genital organs; prolongs the time of sexual intercourse; enhances pleasant sexual sensations; makes orgasm longer; increases the frequency and intensity of orgasms.

In addition, L-arginine
promotes the production of serotonin or the hormone of joy, which improves mood, makes a person more active and resilient;
participates in the production of growth hormone (GH), the so-called growth hormone;
stimulates the production of insulin, thereby contributing to the normalization of blood sugar at;
improves liver function, dietary supplements are especially recommended for hepatitis, cirrhosis, including after the treatment of alcoholism, long-term medication;
increases the cleansing potential of the kidneys. It plays an important role in the urea formation cycle (purification of protein slags).

Arginine in dietary supplements for bodybuilders

Arginine is widely advertised as a dietary supplement for bodybuilders to improve muscle nutrition, and the elderly to improve erectile function. Arginine is also widely used in nutritional supplements advertised "in order to stimulate immunity."
Arginine plays an important role in the division of muscle cells, muscle recovery after training, healing of injuries, removal of toxins, strengthening the immune system, and also increases the production of somatotropic hormone. An important property of arginine in bodybuilding is its ability to improve erectile function, in this case it can be used in conjunction with yohimbine.
Claimed effects of arginine
Nitric oxide donator
Improves muscle nutrition
Accelerates Recovery
Accelerates the healing of injuries
Reduces blood pressure
Improves erectile function
Improves the transport of creatine to the muscles
Promotes pumping
Antioxidant Properties
Enhances the secretion of growth hormone

Strengthens the immune system

Arginine is used not only as an independent supplement, but also as a transport system. By increasing blood flow in the muscles, arginine improves the delivery of all nutrients to muscle cells. In particular, it is used as a transport system for creatine, so it is desirable to take them simultaneously. Very often, arginine is part of pre-workout complexes.
However, the effectiveness of arginine in bodybuilding remains controversial. The following are excerpts from scientific studies recent years, refuting some of the dogmas of using arginine in bodybuilding in order to improve muscle nutrition and achieve pumping.
Endogenous synthesis of arginine remains virtually unchanged when this amino acid is used as a supplement.
The subjects took 6 g of arginine per day for 3 days, the control group took , after which a physical test was performed on an exercise bike. Blood samples were taken before, during and after the test. No differences were found in the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood between the control and experimental groups. There were also no differences in the content of lactic acid, ammonia and physical parameters of the subjects.
There were no significant differences in cardiorespiratory parameters and blood nitrate concentrations. In conclusion, L-arginine supplementation does not improve exercise performance.
The introduction of L-arginine into the body led to an increase in its concentration in the blood, but the level of NO did not change. The blood flow in the skin and forearm also did not change after the introduction of the amino acid.
Taking L-arginine leads to a significant increase in its concentration in blood plasma. However, no change in nitric oxide levels and vasodilation was observed.

BAA Vazoton (L-arginine)

L-arginine - amino-guanidyl-valeric acid - an amino acid that plays an important role in the urea formation cycle (neutralization of protein slags).
Provides nitrogen to a system of enzymes that synthesize the nitroso group (NO) - a substance that regulates arterial tone. Stimulates the production of STH (growth hormone). Activates the immune system, which is important in immunodeficiency diseases (cancer, AIDS). Stimulates spermatogenesis and blood supply to the genital organs.

Arginine in the composition of medicines

Arginine is present in the formulation of hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators, cardiac drugs, medicines for burn patients, HIV/AIDS patients, as well as in formulations for parenteral nutrition in the postoperative period. Recently, drugs with arginine have appeared in gerontology and oncology.
L-arginine is being tested as a treatment for stroke-like episodes in a mitochondrial disease, the MELAS syndrome.

Side effects of arginine

When using arginine in large doses (more than 15 g per day), weakness, nausea, and a drop in blood pressure may occur. If side effects occur, reduce the dosage to a level at which you will not experience any discomfort.
Be careful with supplements containing arginine - too much of it can adversely affect the pancreas. At least one published scientific study indicates that the intake of this amino acid has led to the development of pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas.
Taking dietary supplements containing L-arginine is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

People need protein. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Different amino acids perform different functions in the human body. L-arginine is also an amino acid. The prefix "L" in front denotes the form of its isomer. Such isomers are included in the proteins necessary for the body. The difference between l-arginine and other amino acids of this type is that the body itself is able to produce it. That is, in our body, this part of the protein is generated from other substances, including protein products obtained during meals. There are other isomers that are not generated in human body, and, if necessary, the doctor prescribes a synthetic analogue.

The need for the amino acid L-arginine can be felt in a child and in the elderly. These 2 age groups produce few amino acids. Also, mature men and women lose a lot of calories when playing sports, and they need a certain type of protein. In these cases, the doctor may prescribe sports nutrition, which includes arginine. Let's take a closer look at what arginine is and why it is needed.

The effect of the isomer on the body

The study of the properties of substances necessary for life in the 21st century has stepped far forward. Previously, l-arginine was used to stimulate the production of creatine. The isomer also helped transport creatine through the blood to the muscles and organs of the body. The consequence of increasing creatine is an increase in the feeling of vivacity, a surge of physical strength, muscle growth and the simultaneous destruction of the fatty layer. In the modern world, much more is known about l-arginine.

At the end of the 20th century, American medical scientists discovered positive influence on our well-being of nitric oxide. This substance is produced in the body from the described isomer. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow, lowers blood pressure, promotes heart health, stimulates the metabolic processes in our body, increases sexual and reproductive functions.

The amino acid, which was obtained from lupine flowers over 100 years ago, improves our health:

  • Isomer promotes wound healing in the shortest possible time;
  • Helps the kidneys to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Supports hormonal balance;
  • Expands blood vessels;
  • Helps to normalize the amount of glucose;
  • Frees the liver from toxins;
  • Increases the bone density of the skeleton;
  • Helps to cope with alcohol poisoning;
  • Accelerates the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues;
  • Slows down the growth of malignant tumors;
  • Removes harmful protein breakdown products;
  • Participates in production in the human body;
  • Promotes the generation of the hormone of joy;
  • Lowers the amount of cholesterol in the vessels;
  • Promotes an increase in the rate of regeneration of cells and tissues.

These valuable qualities determine the use of l-arginine in pharmacology.

When l-arginine is prescribed, its benefits are wide-ranging. Diseases that are the reason for its appointment:

  1. Heart diseases. The drug is used for heart failure, with increased pressure above the norm, if necessary, treat the vessels.
  2. Since l-arginine is a protein, it is used by the body to produce proteins. This means that the isomer helps the rapid healing of wounds. It is necessary for bedridden patients with tissue death syndrome.
  3. Since the drug is an analogue of an amino acid produced inside the body, it is prescribed under the supervision of a doctor, even to pregnant women if they cannot cope with high blood pressure.
  4. The drug is used to eliminate the negative effects of alcohol intoxication.

The property of the isomer to dilate blood vessels is used to eliminate failures with male potency. L-arginine, used for potency, improves blood flow in the genitals, as well as in other parts of the body. The amino acid also promotes the production of strong sperm. This effect is used in the treatment of male infertility. Arginine for men has great importance for reproductive performance. Why else is prescribed this medicine, we will explain further.

Scientists in our time are conducting research on the effect of amino acids on the course of aging. L-arginine ensures the production of the sex hormone testosterone, the hormone insulin-like growth factor and somatotropin, which affects the regeneration of body tissues. With the onset of old age, the generation of these hormones by the organs of the body decreases. From this it is clear that eating foods containing this amino acid has a positive effect on rejuvenation - the condition of the skin improves, unnecessary fats are burned, muscles grow, and sexual desire increases.

How to get l-arginine through food

The substance is found in dairy products such as cheese and cottage cheese. Its presence is revealed in meat and seafood. The amino acid is part of the nuts and grains, suitable for consumption in the form of cereals. It is found in raisins chicken eggs, chocolate. Chicken and turkey meat also contain the substance. As you can see, lean meat is not at all a harmful product, if you do not exceed its norm on the menu. And chocolate in small quantities is beneficial.

Is this isomer harmful? Arginine in foods is not harmful. An undesirable effect on the body of the listed products appears with individual intolerance. But, if someone does not tolerate milk and sour-milk products, he can include meat and nuts in the diet, and vice versa.

The harm of the described amino acid

Only the synthetic isomer can cause harm, which the patient uses for treatment or an athlete in order to stimulate physical capabilities.

In medicine, the drug is known to be harmful to people with complex heart conditions. When using l-arginine immediately after a heart attack, a fatal outcome is likely.

Studies of the benefits and harms of the substance are ongoing to this day. Some doctors believe that in the event of an asthma attack, taking medication by injection or supplementing food with amino acid supplements can worsen the situation. There is reason to believe that the drug has a negative effect on patients with atherosclerosis.

L-arginine should not be taken by people who use blood thinners (anticoagulants) on a regular basis, as this combination can lead to bleeding.

Contraindications when prescribing drugs

The very first contraindication is individual intolerance. In addition, the drug is not prescribed:

  • During lactation to young mothers;
  • During pregnancy only on prescription;
  • Patients with impaired liver function;
  • People with permanently low blood pressure;
  • suffering from herpes;
  • With a diagnosis of schizophrenia;
  • After heart attacks;
  • Children under 3 years old should not be given the drug, children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed the medicine only in the form of a solution (not in tablets);
  • With renal failure.

Before prescribing a medicine or dietary supplement, the doctor will prescribe the patient for examination, since it is necessary to identify diseases in which taking an amino acid is more likely to harm than help. If such diseases are not detected, the specialist will help you figure out the dosage of the drug.

Side effects of the drug

If the dietary supplement is used in a dose of more than 15 g intravenously, nausea and diarrhea may occur, turning into vomiting. There may be pain in the abdomen. The medicine provokes an attack of gout. If the medicine is administered in the form of intramuscular injections, then pain in the lower back is possible, headache, numbness. The drug can lead to an increase in an asthma attack. The patient may feel difficulty with swallowing, he sometimes has wheezing. Swelling of the face or an allergy in the form of urticaria is possible.

In some patients, when taking the drug, there is increased excitability, sleep disturbance. There are herpes infections. Immune system dysfunction may be detected.

The study of the harmful effects of the drug has not yet been completed. No more serious side effects have been found to date. If there are no reasons described in the "Contraindications" subsection, not to take the drug, a course of treatment can be carried out on the advice of a doctor.

Signs of an Arginine Deficiency

To maintain a normal amount of arginine, a person does not need to take pills or give himself injections. The simplest and safest remedy is to include foods containing amino acids in the diet. The fact that the substance in the diet is not enough and the body produces little of it can be understood by the following signs:

  1. Decreased production of natural insulin;
  2. Diabetes disease;
  3. Problems with the functioning of the liver;
  4. Elevated blood cholesterol.

The drug l-arginine for taking in tablets or in ampoules for injections can only be prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is also selected by a specialist, based on the individual characteristics of a person and his state of health.

Dosage of the drug and form of release

How to take medicine correctly? We will talk about the average dosage, which for each patient is subject to adjustment during a visit to the doctor. The drug is produced by the pharmacological industry in the form of tablets, in a solution for injections and in the form of a powder. The doctor will recommend the use of l-arginine three times a day with meals. Adults are on average recommended to drink 5 ml three times during a meal. This is 2 tablets per dose.

For children from 3 years of age, arginine is prescribed in a dose of 3 to 10 ml, divided into twice a day. Those who are 12 years old can increase the daily dose to 12-15 ml. Adults should not take more than 3 g of the drug in 24 hours. The medicine, as a rule, is drunk in courses, between which it is necessary to take a break, otherwise addiction to the drug is developed. How to take the medicine and when to take a break, the specialist will advise.

Arginine for use in bodybuilding

Since arginine, as an amino acid, stimulates the production of creatine and protein, muscles grow from it. Thanks to its functioning in the body, there is an increased division of muscle tissue cells. The amino acid also promotes cell regeneration when needed. Men who are trying to give their figure sexuality take advantage of these properties of the isomer, as well as the fact that it helps to get rid of fat. Also, the amino acid helps to remove harmful substances from our body, ensures the delivery of oxygen to the muscles.

In order to correct the figure, the daily dose of dietary supplements with arginine or analogues is no more than 9 g of the drug. Reception begins with a small dose, then it is gradually increased to the named value. It is best to take the supplement half an hour before training. Taking the amino acid at night is also possible, since the volume of somatotropin increases at night.

Amino acid for rejuvenation

Arginine and its analogues are known to women who are trying to prolong the youth of the body. It is available for skin regeneration in the form of a gel or cream. Ladies smear their skin with it, as a result of which cellulite disappears, the skin rejuvenates, acquires elasticity and a smooth surface. Wraps with arginine are popular, which are used for the same purposes. The drug is also used to get rid of fat overweight ladies. Arginine for women is sometimes indispensable. It is taken in tablets as prescribed by a doctor. He will tell you how to take the supplement.

Medicine analogs

The drug Tivortin is produced in Ukraine. The drug is an antioxidant. In addition, it supplies the body with oxygen, removes toxins, and protects cells from harmful substances. The advantages of the drug are that it fights lethargy and physical and psychological weakness, lowers blood pressure. The tool is quite effective. The disadvantages include the side effects inherent in l-arginine.

The drug Vazoton is produced in Russia. The active ingredient is l-arginine. Release form - in capsules for oral administration. The drug has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, prevents coronary disease. It is also an antioxidant, promotes memory mobilization, restores efficiency. In the pharmacy Vazoton costs about 250 rubles. These analogues are the most famous and widespread.