There will always be next statements. Quotes about new life. Quotes instantly transform your mood

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Quotes are wonderful because they are able to convey many difficult life situations in one phrase. We know many quotes by heart, but there are those that are better to write down and reread every time a difficulty arises in life. A good quote opens up from different angles every time you delve into it.

Many people confuse aphorisms and quotes. They are similar in that in their small volume they convey the depth of human wisdom. An aphorism is a truth contained in a few words. That is, when you pronounce an aphorism, you are speaking folk wisdom. But a quote is an excerpt from a book, or from something said by someone. When you quote someone, you agree with the author's point of view, without pretending to the depths of human wisdom. However, the aphorism may well be a quote and this introduces a little confusion in terms.

So, what are the main advantages of collecting quotes.

Quotes instantly transform your mood

Quotes allow you to recognize new smart people

Of course, quotes cannot replace reading books. Someone generally believes that the passion for quotes is an occupation of the lazy. However, this is the case when a person reads only quotes in his life.

When we consider Einstein a brilliant physicist, it narrows our opinion of him, but when we read his quotes, it allows us to treat him completely differently. So it is with many other people: quotations allow us to rediscover them.

Quotes get to the heart of things

Quotes carry a huge concentration of knowledge and experience, expressed in one phrase. Despite the fact that the quote may seem too simple and obvious, it actually takes an incredible amount of work to express complex things. in simple words to capture the essence.

It is very valuable when a person takes that idea that you have been thinking about for a long time and expressed it in a simple and understandable phrase. You can rely on this quote in a discussion or in your work, as a base, as a cornerstone. In addition, the quotation itself can become a springboard for an interesting discussion.

Quotes allow you to get to know other people and yourself better.

They say that you can tell about any person what books he reads and with whom he is friends. If so, then even more can be said from the list of quotes that the person has collected. You can argue a lot about the book, because it carries dozens of layers of understanding, while the quote is more understandable and clear in comparison with it.

After all, you can draw certain conclusions about a person based on his musical preferences, so why can't quotes contribute to this? Some quotes tend to pathos, others to logic and consistency, while others are completely filled with cynicism and dislike for humanity.

Accordingly, if you often think about what you really are, reread the list of your favorite quotes and draw a conclusion about yourself as an outsider.

Quotes allow you to get a different point of view

You can collect quotes that completely contradict your worldview (for this reason, little can be said about you based on such a list).

For example, an essay is usually built by building a point of view step by step. If an essay idea contradicts your point of view, then the natural reaction is to reject it. However, you need to read the essay to the end (for example, for study or work), so your brain builds a mental wall when you read it. But with a quote it is much easier: even if it contradicts your point of view, we can accept it, and the brain will not have time to build a wall. This will ultimately allow you to become a more versatile person.

Start building your collection

The Internet provides dozens of ways to collect anything, including quotes. For example, GoogleKeep and Trello are great for this purpose. There are services created specifically for quotes - huge repositories of human wisdom, where you can save individual phrases especially for yourself.

A great way is to start a diary and write down quotes by hand. This will allow you to play with the format, add images and express yourself.

If something does not suit you, and you want to change something, then read quotes about new life. In them, you can find inspiration and motivation to build a new life, quotes about which are collected here.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.
Paulo Coelho. Brida

Start from scratch. A blank slate promises so much.
Frederic Begbeder. Love lives for three years

You need to start a new life with those who are really dear to you.
The series "One Tree Hill"

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Lao Tzu

No matter how difficult the new life is, quotes will help you overcome everything.

Take a step - the road will appear by itself ...
The film “Tomorrow Comes or Not? (Kal Ho Naa Ho)"

When traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing - when one thing ends, something else begins.
The film "Love happens (Love Happens)"

Reading aphorisms about a new life, you can find strength for long-awaiting changes. Sayings about a new life can really help.

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.
Roy Jones Jr.

Not sure if I should hesitate to start; but I'm sure I shouldn't stop.
Winston Churchill

To live is simply to start forever from the beginning.
Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels

Fate never opens one door without first slamming another.
Victor Hugo. The man who laughs

It is one thing to talk about the need to take the first step, and quite another to truly step into the unknown.
Louis Rivera. There are only those who fight

Something in me wants to start.
Leonard Cohen. Favorite game

The world is round, and what seems to us the end may be the beginning.
Ivy Priest

What is not started today cannot be finished tomorrow.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You see, the real path is never a straight line. This is not a car ride to the fair in Numbanu. There is no forward movement, no destination to arrive at. It's much more like walking along the ocean in a storm. One wave knocks you off your feet and takes you to the open sea, and another throws you ashore. There is no goal, no Numban, no fair - nothing! Only your foolish, risky walk and ruthless waves that carry you along, and at the moment when it starts to seem to you that you have already got used to the ocean, they are thrown ashore again, and you understand that everything needs to be started all over again. Are you saying everything comes back? The way it is. But don't panic, boy: over time, you will realize that every time we are thrown to the other side, and we start from some other "beginning" ...
Max Fry. chatty dead man

We picked up 33 super powerful quotes famous people, which simply explode performance.

Start doing what needs to be done. Then do what you can. And suddenly you find yourself doing the impossible. — St. Francis of Assisi

Nothing is more painful to a wise man and nothing gives him more anxiety than the need to spend more time on trifles and useless things than they deserve. - Plato

The best way to start doing is to stop talking and start doing. — Walt Disney

Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't get hooked on a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the eyes of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. — Steve Jobs

Your brain can do everything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. Hands don't know they can't do push-ups, legs don't know they're weak. Your brain knows it. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can really do anything. — Robert Kiyosaki

You get from life only what you dare to ask for. Don't be afraid to raise the bar. — Oprah Winfrey

The endless striving to be the best is the duty of man. This in itself is a reward. Everything else is in the hands of God. — Mahatma Gandhi

A happy person is too satisfied with the present to think too much about the future. — Albert Einstein

Sometimes things may not go the way you would like, but you should not stop. — Michael Jordan

Believe in yourself! Believe in your abilities! Without modest but reasonable self-confidence, you cannot be successful or happy. — Norman Vincent Peel

We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be. — William Shakespeare

Be yourself, the rest of the roles are taken. — Oscar Wilde

Those who are not brave enough to take risks will achieve nothing in life. — Muhammad Ali

Plans are nothing, planning is everything. — Dwight D. Eisenhower

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or only to the present will surely miss the future. — John F. Kennedy

To improve means to change, to be perfect means to change often. — Winston Churchill

It is better to keep your mouth shut and look like a fool than to speak up and dispel all doubts. — Mark Twain

Learning never exhausts the mind. — Leonardo da Vinci

Truly, he who does not value life does not deserve it. — Leonardo da Vinci

Your well-being depends on your own decisions. — John D. Rockefeller

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once. — John Locke

Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanity. — Sigmund Freud

Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1. — Warren Buffett

A person dies when he stops changing, and a funeral is just a formality. — Henry Ford

At 20 you have the face that nature has given you; at 30 you have the face that life has fashioned for you; and at 50 you have the face you deserve. — Coco Chanel

I will never give my life for my beliefs, because I can be wrong. — Bertrand Russell

The only limit to our tomorrow's accomplishments will be our today's doubts. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Success is tempting to those who are not fed up with it. Nectar will soon be appreciated by those who are thirsty. — Emily Dickinson

If you don't give up, it matters. — Stephen Hawking

Everything you can imagine is real. — Pablo Picasso

The best minds are not in government. If they were there, the business would steal them. — Ronald Reagan

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. He visits us at midnight. It is wonderful when it comes and is given directly into our hands. He hopes we've learned at least something from yesterday. — John Wayne

Only the unfortunate believe in the power of fate. The happy of this world attribute to themselves all the successes they achieve. — Jonathan Swift.

Quotes in visual format:

We've rounded up 33 super-powerful quotes from famous people that will blow your productivity and present them in a visual format.

Quote: incorrect repetition of other people's words.
A. Beers

The quote is a risk under someone else's responsibility.
V. Grzeszczyk

Quote for any occasion The best way think original.
Paraphrased by Dorothy Sayers.

I knew a man so uneducated that he himself had to invent quotations from the classics.
S.E. Lec

Quotes are better than arguments. Quotes can win a discussion without convincing the opponent.
Gabriel Laub

It is useful for an uneducated person to read collections of quotes.
Winston Churchill

Each text is built from a mosaic of quotes.
Julia Kristeva

Almost everything we say is either a quotation or a paraphrase.
Mason Cooley

Each book is a quotation: each house is a quotation from all forests, mines and quarries: and each person is a quotation from all his ancestors.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A quotation is not an extract. Quote there is a cicada.
Osip Mandelstam

You can make the world's worst book out of quotes from the world's best writers.
Gilbert Chesterton

Their words can never satisfy; the requirements for them are equal to infinity. Other people's words still can not be improved and redone. Other people's words, even remotely and inaccurately expressing our thought, act like a revelation. Hence the charm of epigraphs and quotations.
Lydia Ginzburg

It is good to quote something that you do not understand at all, in a language that you understand with difficulty.

He is quoted so often that one might think that he wrote nothing but quotations.
Arkady Davidovich

A well-read person never quotes accurately - precisely because he has read too much.
Heskett Pearson

I often quote myself. It spices up my conversation.
George Bernard Shaw

A quote without a source is a clock without hands.
Paul Desalman

The more successful the phrase, the more contenders for authorship.
Arthur Bloch

Historical phrases are created specifically to help students memorize dates and chronological tables. The most tenacious are aphorisms that are the fruit of the imagination of historians.
Pierre Daninos

In the history there are phrases of a maximum of seven words.
Hugo Steinhaus

Online search law.
1. The same quote found twice on the Internet will have a different look or a different author, or both.
2. If on two sites the quote has the same form and the same author, then both are wrong.
Murphy's laws

The ability to quote is a wonderful and dangerous gift. Wonderful - because it decorates your speech with pearls of someone else's thought, and dangerous for the same reason.
Robertson Davis

Anyone can tell the truth, but only a very few know how to compose epigrams.
Somerset Maugham

I love to quote Einstein because no one dares to contradict him.
Stade Terkel

If someone has already spoken on this topic, and spoke beautifully, do not be shy. Take and repeat.
Anatole France

Others I quote only in order to more accurately express my thought.
Michel de Montaigne

If not for the quotes, the gentlemen's conversation would consist of an endless sequence of "Hey, listen!".
P. G. Wodehouse

When you read great aphorisms, you get the feeling that their authors were intimately acquainted.
Elias Canetti

It is quite possible to convey any idea with quotes - if, of course, you have enough quotes.
James Murray

The quote whose came is stronger than the whole army.
V.I.E. Gates
Undoubtedly a hoax. Such a signature is only under two quotes - this one and about a man who drowned while crossing a river 6 inches deep. The earlier citation is presumably from the mid-1990s. In addition, the author's name sounds the same as the German expression Wie geht's, which means "How are you?". Looks like someone decided to fabricate a quote.

There is nothing more useless than a wise statement on a general topic.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

A distorted quote is the only one that is not threatened with distortion.
Hesketh Pearson

Distorting quotes is the prerogative of an educated person. A well-read person never quotes accurately, for the obvious reason - he reads too much.
Hesketh Pearson

Live a century - learn a century ... And yet ... Wisdom does not come to everyone with age ... They don’t become wise, they are born wise ... It’s just that it is revealed later ...

Especially for our readers, we have selected 30 best quotes during the week.

1. Don't complain about life - someone dreams of the life you live.

2. The basic rule of life is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

4. You can not expect from a person what is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

5. After the rain, a rainbow always comes, after tears - happiness.

6. One day, by chance, you will be at the right time in the right place, and millions of roads will converge at one point.

7. What you believe in becomes your world.

8. A diamond that has fallen into the mud still remains a diamond, and dust that has risen to heaven remains dust.

9. They don’t call, they don’t write, they aren’t interested - that means they don’t need it. Everything is simple and there is nothing to invent here.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are prescribed by fate. For me, it's better to be honestly evil than people with false kindness!

11. Be like a lotus, which is always pure and blooms even in troubled waters.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with those with whom the heart does not seek others.

13. No best place than a house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

15. It hurts - this is when a child wants to go to mom and dad, but they are not. The rest can be experienced.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not invent ideals for yourself ... Appreciate what you have.

17. Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is prickly, is still the best!

19. Distances should not be afraid. And far away you can love deeply, and near you can quickly part.

20. I always consider the last book I read to be the best until I take on something new.

21. We give children LIFE, and they give us MEANING!

22. A happy person is one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

23. Pain sometimes goes away, but thoughts remain.

24. How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

25. After giving up on me once, don't interfere in my life again. Never.

26. Appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And do not chase those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract what you believe in!

28. Only one thing you can regret in life - that you once never took a chance.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. The living cannot be frozen.

30. A wise man was asked: “What should you do if you are out of love?”

"Take your soul and leave," he replied.