What believers do on Easter: customs and traditions of the Great Day. What can and cannot be done for Easter: folk signs What people do for Easter

Easter is a church holiday during which the Lord and the Son of God are glorified. The history of the origin of the holiday is amazing: in ancient times there lived a pharaoh who hated the Jews. God's people wanted to leave the state, but Pharaoh was categorically against it, because he used them as slaves.

With the advent of Moses, the prophet of God, the fate of the Jews changed. He helped bring the Jewish people out, punished the slave owner and gave the Jewish people his homeland, called Jerusalem.

That is why this city is called a holy place. Many years later, a son of God, called Jesus Christ, was born on this holy land. At 33, Jesus was crucified on Mount Golgotha. This happened on Friday. The day before, the son of God organized the Last Supper, where he gathered the parishioners.

After the crucifixion, the body of Jesus was placed in a cave. A few days later, the body was not found. Jesus appeared before the people alive. It is on this day that they celebrate the resurrection of the son of God, in other words, Jesus. Easter symbolizes liberation from death, deliverance from sins and grace.

There are many signs and customs associated with the holiday. There are rituals that can and must be performed, and there are those that are strictly prohibited.

What is forbidden to do

On the day of the celebration of Easter, you cannot:

  • Think bad.
  • Wish people evil.
  • Fight with relatives.
  • Use obscene language in the lexicon.
  • Lie.
  • Embroider.
  • Sew.
  • To knit.
  • Bring order to the house.
  • Vacuum.
  • Sweep.
  • Hack.
  • Throw away consecrated food.
  • Get rid of sacred things.
  • Sneer at people.
  • Work in the garden, field.
  • Dig.
  • Sow.
  • Lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.
  • Watch TV.
  • Visit entertainment venues.
  • Have noisy parties.
  • Sit at the computer.
  • Revenge.
  • Change spouse.

During the Easter week it is forbidden:

  • Get married. According to tradition, marriages on this day are not blessed by the Almighty. You can't get married. These families may not have children.
  • Order funeral services.
  • Mourn.
  • Cry.

It is undesirable to wash the dishes, but if it is necessary, it's okay. All people are subject to household chores. There is no escape from them and no one will fulfill them for us.

During the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics It was believed that it was impossible to visit the cemetery on this day. But the church says otherwise. No one forbids visiting deceased relatives, praying for them and remembering. But Easter is a holiday of goodness, light and rebirth. Therefore, you can visit the dead on the ninth day after the celebration of Easter.


On the bright feast of Easter, food is consecrated in the church. People visit the sacred house, bring gifts to it, take communion and pray.

The food is sure to shine. Eating consecrated food after Lent means cleansing and forgiveness of sins. The consecration of food is an ancient sign and tradition.

All food is put into an Easter basket. It is customary to highlight:

  1. Red wine.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Easter cakes.

People come to church, listen to the liturgy, praise God and go home to break their fast. Breaking the fast means eating.

Before Easter, people fast. These days you can not eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. The strictest post falls on Good Friday.

The holiday is allowed:

  • Laugh.
  • Have fun.
  • Pray.
  • Visit guests.
  • Invite friends and family to the house.
  • Do charity work.
  • Carry out care work for young children and sick people.
  • Forgive wrongs.

Alcoholic beverages are allowed to be consumed in moderation on a church holiday. Drink not to the point of intoxication, preferably red wine - Cahors.

You can work if the situation requires it. But this does not mean labor in the garden or field, but at the place of employment. To work or not - the person decides.

People greet each other on this day in a special way: they kiss three times and exclaim "Christ is risen." In response, you need to answer "truly risen."
It is not customary to give gifts at Easter. But this is not prohibited. Necessary gifts, household items, sweets, Easter eggs and decorations are given to their relatives.

The symbol of Easter is an egg decorated with drawings. It symbolizes new life. During breaking the fast, people beat and eat eggs.

The holiday is dedicated to rest, prayers, family reunion and spiritual solitude.

In the old days, people believed that when a person dies on Easter, God forgives him all his sins. The deceased is given a place in paradise and eternal life. The soul is cleansed of evil and unkind thoughts, and God accepts the deceased in heaven. Death is a terrible moment, but no one is safe from it.
Easter egg shells are not to be thrown away.

Ways to get rid of the shell:

  • It is burned and buried in a place inaccessible to people. Then they do not step on this place.
  • The shell is ground to a powder in a coffee grinder and folded into a container. Added to food during meals.
  • It grinds and descends into running water.
  • Refers to the temple. There is a special place in the church where you can put the shell.

Leftover food is given to animals and birds. Crumbs from Easter cakes cannot be thrown away.

What not to do before Easter

Before a church holiday it is impossible:

  • Eat meat.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • There are sweets.

The long-awaited and beloved by all is approaching Easter holiday, which in 2018 falls on April 8.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who stands one step above even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate easter. Someone arranges big feasts and does not deny themselves anything on this day, while someone goes to church first of all.

Popular superstitions that have survived from pagan times are closely intertwined with the true traditions of the Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is not. So how is it right to celebrate this holiday, what can you do for Easter, and what can not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions follow from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the festival.

Easter bans

  1. You can not swear with someone or be offended by someone. If you still have old grievances, try to let them go and forgive.

  2. On this day, you can not be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to share food with the poor and the needy on Easter. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.

  3. You can not swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday to others.

  4. You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. Priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.

  5. You can not work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have working hours on a schedule, then there is nothing to worry about. But if there is no great need, it is better to devote this time to communicating with friends and relatives. The church does not forbid work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.

  6. Can't clean up. But there are also nuances: you should not get out in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to mopping and dusting. Of course, this does not apply to small domestic issues. Although, if it doesn't stop you from being in a festive mood, it's all right. In any case, this is more likely not a ban, but moral advice.

  7. You can't go to the cemetery. The Church forbids this week to hold requiems and mourn for the dead. Since grief is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.

  8. Also, you can not lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.

  9. It is also worth mentioning that it is forbidden to sanctify in the church. You can only sanctify those foods that were excluded from the diet during Lent. But alcohol is a complete taboo. Once upon a time, it was customary to sanctify only rich bread (Kulich), eggs, meat, cheese and milk, but now they put everything in the basket.

    You should not put in the Easter basket: alcohol, because there is no place for drunks in the church; money and other material values; black pudding, it is generally not recognized by Orthodox ministers as fit for consumption. You should not consecrate salt and pepper, since these products were not banned during fasting.

    Putting these products in the Easter basket is more of a folk tradition than a church one. Also, do not bring fruits and vegetables to church.

  10. Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after the festive feast, leftovers of food remain - Easter cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left uneaten!

    Don't even throw eggshells in the trash! It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

How to spend this day with dignity? After all, Holy Easter is a special day not only for believers, but also for those who are quite far from religion.

All we can do on this day is to rejoice, treat our relatives and friends, invite them to visit us, and also pay visits to those who are much worse than you these days in order to try to help them.

On Easter you can eat any food, as well as drink wine. However, this should be done in moderation. Moderation is the main rule of any feast and not only Easter.

If you have a normal relationship with alcohol, then you can afford to drink it in small quantities. However, if you know that you won't be able to stop, it's better to give it up altogether. After all, on the feast of Holy Easter, being drunk is a great sin.

Remember that fun should be more spiritual than physical.

What not to do on Easter

So, what should not be done on the day of Holy Easter? On this day, you should not be sad, indulge in sad and sad thoughts. You can not go angry, gloomy, and also swear with others. Cursing is especially bad.

But these prohibitions do not apply exclusively to Sunday. All these rules should be observed throughout Holy Week.

This week should be an example of how a person should always behave. Regardless of whether it is a holiday or not, a person must behave decently, honestly and decently. We should always help those who need it, be kinder, use less foul language, drive away bad thoughts.

What else can not be done at Easter?

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Easter restrictions is a work ban. If you have a day off on Easter Sunday, you are lucky. But, unfortunately, the question of working or not on Easter does not always depend on us. If the boss confronts us with the fact that we need to go to work, we unquestioningly follow the order and go to work.

Do not worry if your schedule falls out so that you have to work on Easter. There is nothing criminal or sinful about working against your will.

After all, it is also about obedience. You are simply required to conscientiously perform your usual work. It is believed that if you honestly and truthfully fulfill your duties, the Lord will surely understand and forgive you.

As regards the prohibitions homework, it should be understood that this is not some kind of strict prohibition, the violation of which will be punished from above. We are talking about the fact that on this day it is worth giving up work in order to devote time to your family and friends.

Devote yourself to pious thoughts of God, celebrate, be with your loved ones.

The ban on working on Easter days is not canonical, it is most likely just a pious custom.

We all know that household chores and daily chores are integral parts of every person's life. And it is not always easy to give up these troubles. If you are not able to completely abandon these chores, you can devote some time to them during the holidays.

However, try to be smart about it. In order not to spend a holiday, mired in washing floors or dishes. And even more so, you should not start a general cleaning or painting on Easter. window frames. Well, you see, these things can be postponed until later.

What should be in the Easter basket

So, the bright holiday of Great Easter is coming.

Many of us follow the pleasant tradition of gathering on Easter night with our closest and dearest people, usually members of our family.

We fill our baskets with the products we have prepared in advance and go to the church service.

But what you will not find in the Easter basket: Easter cakes, eggs, meat products, fish dishes, salt, horseradish, water, wine. Each family has its own list of products that they consider necessary to place in the basket.

However, many of us fill it incorrectly. So, what should be put in the Easter basket, and what should be discarded?

You need to remember the basic rule that only 4 main elements should be present in the basket, you should not overload it with everything in a row.


Easter cake is the main attribute of Holy Easter. It symbolizes the body of Christ, and is also a symbol of the kingdom of heaven.

Most of us are accustomed to pyramidal pasques, it is this form that resembles Golgotha, the place where Christ was crucified.


Easter eggs are a symbol of new life.

The custom of dyeing eggs goes back to antiquity. Tradition says that Mary Magdalene turned to the ruler Tiberius. As a gift, she brought an ordinary egg and also told him the news of the resurrection of Christ.

However, Tiberius did not believe what the woman said. Moreover, according to him, "people cannot be resurrected from the dead, just as a white egg cannot suddenly turn red." Legend has it that it was after this phrase that the egg suddenly turned bright red.


White color is a symbol of purity and pure love. Dairy products symbolize God's love for people.


As for the presence of meat products in the basket, Christ is identified with the sacrificial lamb. He was also sacrificed in the name of mankind and for the salvation of the human soul.

In addition, horseradish root and salt are additionally placed in the Easter basket. Horseradish is associated with the homeland, and salt is associated with financial prosperity in the family.

Don't forget the candle. It should also be present in the Easter basket. If the hostess wants to show her imagination, she can decorate the basket with flowers, ribbons, consecrated willow branches, or use other decoration elements.

Last but not least, alcoholic beverages are not to be taken to church services. After all, religion does not approve of the use of alcohol.

Various alcoholic drinks have nothing to do with the great church holidays. Do not even put Cahors in the basket. Also make sure that it does not contain a knife or other sharp objects.

It is also worth remembering that the products that were consecrated in the church should in no case be thrown away and sent to the bucket. What to do with leftover food? It is recommended to distribute food to those who need it. And the crumbs from the Easter cake should be placed in the bird feeder.

Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated in 2016 on May 1st. Easter is probably the most “rich” day in traditions, customs and rituals, and Holy Week before Easter is special. There are so many customs and rules about what to do on Easter and what not to do, what believers do before Easter, and what they should do after it, that only a very competent historian, a minister of the church, can accurately describe what they do on Easter and after it or a person who devoted his whole life to the study of the rites and traditions of the Slavic people.

What to do before Easter and Easter morning

A few days before Easter. On Maundy Thursday, a one-year-old baby gets their first hair cut. Girls can also cut their hair to make it grow better. Traditionally, it is on Maundy Thursday that the house is prepared for Easter - they clean everything around, wash, clean the dishes, go to the bathhouse. Coming from the bath, children and adults can paint Easter eggs, which they will later take to the church for consecration. The last three days before Easter are devoted to preparing for the Great Day, but on Good Friday it is best to avoid any business and holiday preparations. This day should be spent in sorrow, remembering the torment of Jesus crucified on the cross. Great Saturday prepares believers for the brightest day. Believers put together Easter cakes prepared in advance, Easter cakes and colored eggs and go to temples to consecrate this food.

What do Christians do on Easter?

Sunday Easter breakfast begins with the adoption of food consecrated in the church. On Easter morning, you need to congratulate the household with the good news, saying to them the words: “Christ is risen!”, To which they will answer you: “Truly risen!”. After these words, it is customary to beat eggs and have breakfast, tasting delicious Easter cake and curd Easter. On Easter, joy and a happy mood reign in the house, so you can’t do cleaning, work, and even more so - you can’t arrange a commemoration for Easter. If the ninth or fortieth day after the death of a person close to you falls on Easter, the commemoration is postponed to another day. In this case, it is better for the relatives of the deceased to visit the cemetery and their loved one. Traditionally, Easter is a day of joy, and on this holiday it is not supposed to go to the cemetery. However, the church treats people who came on Easter day to the graves of loved ones with great understanding.

However, for visits to the cemetery, a special holiday is provided - Radonitsa.

Traditions and customs for Easter

Despite the fact that Easter is a Christian holiday, many of the customs of this day, and, moreover, the signs of Easter, are clearly pagan in nature.

  • For example, to attract wealth and good luck, Easter morning should be met very early, with the first rays of the sun, or even dark;
  • The shells from colored eggs are not thrown away after Easter, but given to animals and birds. In general, feeding birds and animals at Easter ensures your year is free from material problems;
  • It is believed that the shell of the dye added to the water for washing gives the skin of the face freshness and beauty;
  • According to legend, the shells left over from Easter eggs buried in the garden provide a generous harvest;
  • Good deeds done on Easter return to us in a triple amount;
  • For Easter, you only need to wear new clothes, and all your hardships and problems will be left behind;
  • Washing yourself with water on Easter morning, in which silver was placed in advance, you will protect yourself from the evil eye and "bad" energy;
  • A baby born on Easter will grow up to be a great person;
  • An object that crashed on Easter day is a messenger of trouble;
  • Snow, frost or a thunderstorm on Easter day promises a great harvest;
  • Easter "in the clouds" brings a gloomy summer, and the rain that began on this day brings spring with rain.

Of course, the church considers most of these signs to be superstitions related to paganism, but many traditions for Easter are closely related precisely to the paganism of the Slavs (colored eggs are a symbol of the sun and life, Easter cake is a symbol of male fertility, cottage cheese Easter, which marks prosperity and fertility).

What do the Orthodox do after Easter?

Radonitsa - Parent's Day, coming on the ninth day after Easter. This day is included in Fomin's week - the first week after Easter, completely dedicated to the commemoration of the dead. It is on these days, and not on Easter week, that you need to visit the graves of the dead, clean them up, plant plants and flowers in the cemetery. Every day of the week after Easter (Fomina) has its own meaning. The main of these days is Radonitsa - parental day. Monday - "Seeing". The dead souls come to houses where they need to prepare a treat in advance. The souls of the dead and suicides can come to the house on Thursday. In order not to offend the "guest", the windows of the houses are opened these days, and treats are left on the table. It has long been customary to cast out death on the Sabbath. One of the Sabbath rites of St. Thomas' week is that. That people armed with pitchforks and knives run around the cemetery, driving away evil spirits. Sunday - Krasnaya Gorka - is a day of festivities and a holiday: death and evil spirits were driven away, the souls of the dead were treated and calmed down, and life goes on!

Orthodox on Sunday, April 8, celebrate the oldest and most important Christian holiday - Easter, or the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Why Catholics and Orthodox do not always celebrate Easter on the same day, as well as about the history, traditions and signs associated with this event - in the help of RIA Tomsk.

The feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ was established in the 1st century AD in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the center of all biblical history and the basis of all Christian teaching.

When they celebrate

For all Christians, Easter is considered the main holiday, however, the calculation of its date in different Christian denominations is carried out in different ways - from the date of the spring equinox and the date of the first new moon following it. So the dates don't always match. So, in 2018, Catholics celebrated the Bright Resurrection of Christ on April 1, and Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8.

The last time Catholics and Orthodox celebrated Easter on the same day in 2017 - April 16, the next time the holiday will coincide in 2025 and will be celebrated on April 20.


The very word "Passover" comes from the Hebrew "Pesach" - a holiday established in memory of the exodus of the Jewish people from Egyptian captivity. There was an ancient Jewish tradition that on Pesach the Messiah, the King of Israel, should appear in Jerusalem.

According to biblical legends, the preacher Jesus Christ and his disciples came to Jerusalem a week (Palm Sunday) before the celebration of the Jewish Passover.

Among the disciples of Christ was Judas, who betrayed the teacher for 30 silver coins, pointing to Jesus to the villains.

On Friday (Good Friday) Christ was crucified and died on the cross. The disciples took the body of Jesus and put it in a cave. Three days later, on Sunday, when the Jewish Passover was celebrated, the disciples, remembering the words of Jesus that he would rise on the third day after his death, came to his tomb and saw that Christ was not in the cave. An angel appeared to the disciples and explained that Jesus had risen.

Later, Christ appeared to his disciples and for 40 days - before the Ascension - stayed with them. Therefore, the Easter holiday is celebrated for 40 days.


The resurrection of Christ was reported to the Roman emperor Tiberius by Mary Magdalene. "Christ is risen!" - she said and presented a chicken egg as a gift to the emperor. The emperor laughed and said that the egg would sooner turn red than he would believe it. The egg in Magdalene's hands turned red. Seeing this, Tiberius said: "Truly risen!".

Since then, there has been a tradition: Christians, congratulating on Easter, give each other colored eggs.

Easter cake is a symbol of Jesus Christ himself. It must contain sweets, raisins and nuts. Properly cooked Easter cake does not go stale for weeks. On the festive table, it symbolizes God's presence in the world and in human life. Curd Easter is a prototype of the Kingdom of Heaven, and its shape - in the form of a mountain - symbolizes the foundation of the new heavenly Jerusalem.

On Pascha, a particularly solemn divine service with the Liturgy is celebrated in churches. And only after that the whole family gathers at the festive table - on Easter, Lent ends. The first meal after the 40-day lenten menu should be consecrated colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. The main rule is to observe the measure in everything.


Easter is associated with the folk tradition a large number of accept.

A thunderstorm on Easter promised a late and dry autumn, and a starry night - frosts.

If the sky is gloomy on Easter, the summer will be cold and cloudy, and the cold weather on the second day of Easter will lead to a dry summer.

Frost or thunder on the first day of Easter promised a good harvest.

In addition, it was believed that for wealth and good luck on Easter, it is worth feeding the birds. And those who are constantly experiencing difficulties with money should definitely give a coin to the beggar - this will help not to know the need for a whole year.

Sunday of the Great Week, Easter itself, is a holiday, so most of the restrictions of the previous days of Holy Week no longer have their force.

For those who fasted, you can break the fast (the first meal after the end of the fast) immediately after the Liturgy and Communion. If the Liturgy was at night, then immediately after it you can start a festive meal.

There is no strict ban on cleaning the house or work. Of course, it is desirable to devote the whole day to joy and rest on the occasion of the great holiday, but if work is necessary, you can do it.

On this day, you can not be sad, angry, walk gloomy and swear with loved ones. On the contrary, it is necessary to congratulate people from the heart, invite them to visit - in a word, bring joy to your neighbor.

The ancient Slavs adopted Christianity and organically woven into it many more ancient traditions. From here came the rituals and beliefs for Easter.

  • At Easter, “The sun plays” and “on this day everything is having fun in heaven and on earth”;
  • On Easter Sunday it is unsuitable to sleep, because "he who sleeps will oversleep his happiness";
  • At Easter, everyone should have fun, because whoever is sad on this day will be sad all year;
  • If someone dies on Easter, it is believed that his happy soul will go straight to heaven;
  • On Easter night, all earthly treasures are opened, they glow on the ground with lights, but only an innocent and pure child can see them;
  • So that no one can jinx the child for a whole year, it is necessary to cross him with an Easter egg on Easter and say: “Just as no one ever turns this egg, so (the name of the child) no one ever turns it”. It is necessary to give this testicle to kiss the child.

Ukrainians have long had many signs for Easter. Although her date is a floating day and the weather can be completely different from year to year, the old people say that these beliefs always work.

  • If on Easter the sky is clear and the sun is playing - to a good harvest and a red summer; if it rains - good rye;
  • Like rain or bad weather on the first day of Easter, so will the spring be rainy;
  • Not a skin day - Great Day, but bread - not paska;
  • If the lord sleeps on Great Day, then the wheat will grow, and as the lord - the lion;
  • If you bruise your elbow during the Easter week, dear remembered;
  • If a fly fell into the cabbage soup - wait for a date;
  • If the lips itch - do not miss the kiss;
  • If your eyebrows begin to itch, you will see your loved one.
  • The most famous custom, which is familiar to everyone since childhood: to the greeting “Christ is risen!”, You need to answer “Truly risen!”.
  • Old people combed their hair on Easter and considered: how many hairs were left, so many grandchildren they would have. Also common were bathing with gold and silver, which were supposed to bring wealth and prosperity.
  • The youth climbed onto the roofs of the houses to meet the sun, believing in "the playing luminary on the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ." The phrase "watching the sun" referred precisely to this custom.
  • Girls in the Easter week washed themselves with water from a red egg to be ruddy, stood on an ax to become strong.
  • So that the hands do not sweat, on the days of Holy Pascha they did not take salt in their hands.
  • It was believed that with easter egg get relief from all diseases and misfortunes. The shell from it could not be thrown away until the very end of the holidays.

There were many more Easter signs and superstitions, but many of them have not survived to this day. And even if the celebration of Easter is not so magnificent now, it is surprising that after so many centuries, many traditions are still observed by a large number of people.

Easter today is not only a religious holiday, it is the cultural heritage of the people, bright and original.

Among the main traditions associated with Easter are the dyeing of eggs and the baking of Easter cakes. Many signs are associated with them, and many of them have existed since time immemorial. Take at least an ancient legend, thanks to which the custom of painting eggs was born. Mary Magdalene came to the tomb of the Savior early in the morning, but did not find his body. The angel proclaimed to the woman the joyful news that Christ had risen.

Since then, it has been customary for the people to paint eggs for Easter and give them to relatives, relatives, friends and neighbors. The egg is generally a symbol of life, it has a sacred meaning in the culture of mankind. Therefore, giving each other colored eggs, joyfully breaking them, pushing them against each other - this is a good custom for Easter, which has become a kind of ritual.

And another symbol is Easter cakes, which are also affectionately called pasochki. Interestingly, if you bake them using the right technology, they will not become stale even for several days. In general, they were often made on Maundy Thursday, i.e. 3 days before Easter.

By the way, among the signs of Easter you can find quite a lot of traditions and customs associated with the church. For example, krashenki, Easter cakes and other food should certainly be consecrated in the temple. It is believed that the one who brings goodies into the house the fastest will succeed in all his affairs. For a whole year he will be lucky in all endeavors.

Of course, you can just dip the egg in the dye, wait a minute or two, pull out and dry the shell. And you can also get creative. For example, stick (or draw) a symbolic image or pattern. The language of images has its own specific meanings and helps us feel our own desires. Here are some drawings that are usually applied to dyes:

  1. Pine - a symbol of longevity and good health
  2. Oak or any tree is the basis of physical and spiritual strength.
  3. A mesh pattern represents fate.
  4. At the same time, the yellow mesh is associated with sunlight, warmth and good luck.
  5. Painted motifs with dots - with development and prosperity.
  6. Any berry represents motherhood and family values.
  7. And any flower - chastity, purity and integrity.

Of course, you can paint the egg in your favorite color or put on it the pattern that brings good luck to you. The main thing here is the mood for the wave of the holiday and sincere faith in good changes.

And here are some other signs and rituals for Easter associated with Easter cakes, colored eggs, and indeed with dishes of the festive table:

  1. It is better to give eggs and Easter cakes to a person in need. Charity, like any other virtue, has highest value exactly on this day.
  2. Shells from peeled eggs should not be thrown away like ordinary garbage. It is better to simply collect all the grains and bury them in the ground so that they do not roll anywhere - and even more so that no one tramples on them.
  3. A painted egg (preferably consecrated) can be rolled over a child or an adult - this can save him health for a whole year.
  4. If there is a corner with icons in the house (a kind of family altar), you should definitely put some dyes and a little bead, consecrated in the temple, there. And also - put a jar of honey next to it and put candles bought in the temple (they are best kept throughout the year). It is believed that this The best way remember the dead. By the way, it is undesirable to hold special commemorations - it is better to do them on the day of Radonitsa, which occurs on the second Tuesday after Bright Resurrection.
  5. First of all, the whole family needs to gather at the festive table and sit together for at least an hour. And only then you can go to visit relatives, friends and neighbors. By the way, the husband and wife should be the first to push the eggs against each other. And whose shell does not break, he will be the master throughout the year.

Of course, among the signs for Easter we can find interesting folk traditions, beliefs that help enlist the support of higher powers for the whole year. Holy Sunday is a special day that happens only once a year. And when such an opportunity falls, it would be strange not to take advantage of it. Therefore, it is useful to know how you can fulfill the most cherished desires and tune in to good luck for the whole year.

Almost all people are interested in what traditions, signs and customs for Easter are associated with wealth. Since ancient times, it was customary in Rus' to read special conspiracies so that the whole year would be satisfying and rich. You need to pronounce them alone, and it is advisable to do this at dawn so that no one can interfere. For example, you can take a painted egg and say the following words:

But on the eve of the holiday, at the moment of kneading dough for Easter cake or other holiday baking, you can say the following words:

Kulich is usually baked on the eve of the holiday. You can take a few pieces of pastries, put them outside the window on Saturday evening and read:

Well, when the cherished holiday comes, you can pronounce such a conspiracy (on an eggshell):

At home, while dyeing eggs, the first dye should be given to the smallest child and read the following plot:

Unmarried ladies, young girls can tune in to a wave of love and romance on Easter day. Superstitions and beliefs for Easter are mainly associated with Easter cakes. For example, while kneading the dough, you need to say the following words:

And when the pastries are ready, you can gently kiss him and quietly say:

Quite a lot of signs and customs for Easter are related to health. It is better to try to bring some holy water from the church, pour it into any vessel (preferably with dark walls) and look there to look at your reflection. After that, read this conspiracy:

On the seventh day after Easter, i.e. next Sunday, read the following plot:

There is only one important rule - this text can be read in any year, excluding leap years (2020, 2024, 2028, and so on).

But what a conspiracy can be pronounced for good luck. You just need to take a whole krashenka, bring it directly to your lips and quietly say:

Therefore, it is necessary to take part in the fun tradition of breaking eggs from each other. With a charmed egg, they try to break as many eggs of other people as possible.

And another important issue related to signs, traditions and Easter rites is what cannot be done on Easter. Of course, there are no strict prohibitions - sometimes life itself forces us to this or that act. But still, in most cases, it is quite possible to control the situation and try to avoid such bad omens:

  1. It is better to try to wake up as early as possible on Easter morning - you should not lie in bed until late in the morning, and especially lunch. The holiday starts at dawn.
  2. It is also considered bad manners to oversleep the morning service. On such a day, it is better to visit the church - perhaps this is the best way to feel the atmosphere of the holiday. And at the same time, you can consecrate eggs, Easter cakes and bring them into the house so that they please the whole family.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol. Of course, you can and even need to drink red wine (cahors). But you don’t need to get drunk so that you can be in a dubious state all day. It spoils the holiday, and health takes away.
  4. It is undesirable to visit cemeteries, clean up the graves. Strictly speaking, it is not forbidden to do so. However, we all intuitively understand: Easter is a symbol of the victory of life over death. Therefore, it is better to wait with memorial traditions until Radonitsa (parents' day), which will come only 9 days after the Bright Resurrection.
  5. And one more important point - on such a day you should not be greedy, as they said in the old days, you should not be cheap. Saving on the festive table, gifts to loved ones is not accepted. It would be nice to give alms to those in need: for example, you can just leave some food in the temple. It is better to plan your expenses right away so as not to hold back on spending and not worry that later there will not be enough money for something.

Easter is a bright holiday that is associated with life, spring, new events and hopes for the best. At this time, we can pay attention to ourselves and loved ones. And also - to think about the fulfillment of the most cherished dream: if you sincerely tune in to the realization of your wildest desires, they will certainly come true. The main thing is our faith and selflessness.

Beliefs for Easter

In order to preserve and increase their beauty, women washed themselves with water from under a red dyed egg (they were usually painted with beetroot or onion peel). And men, in order to gain strength of mind and endurance, were asked to stand on an ax that day.

One of the most important Easter signs is how successful Easter cakes turned out. If they succeed, the family is waiting for a happy and well-fed life this year. Burnt, didn't rise, or cracked? Expect trouble.

Also, many signs were associated with the weather on that day. From them it was possible to find out how fruitful this year will be.

A thunderstorm that day promised a late, dry autumn.
- rain without a thunderstorm - a rainy spring.
- Cloudy weather promised a cold and gloomy summer.
- a starry clear night for Easter - expect frosts.
- frost on Easter for a good harvest.
- cold, but not frosty weather - by a dry summer.
- all the snow is completely gone - by the harvest year.
- clear weather on Tuesday after Easter - by a rainy summer.
- warm and clear Sunday - the summer will be warm and sunny.

How to properly set the table for Easter?

It was customary to put 48 dishes on the table on Bright Sunday - according to the number of days of fasting. Then the holiday was celebrated by the whole large family or even the village, and each hostess brought to the table cooked food with love. Usually these were various meat dishes - sausages, boiled pork, vegetable dishes, stewed chicken giblets, herring and fish dishes. They prepared all this on a clean Thursday or Saturday on the eve of the holiday.

You need to cover the table for Easter with a festive white tablecloth with an elegant embroidered ornament, and choose the most beautiful dishes and cutlery for serving.

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