Divination for a dream on a full moon. Simple predictions for the future. Compilation of lunar love rituals

Predicting the future is a complex process. It takes into account external factors and inner state of a person. Fortune telling on the full moon has certain features.

The influence of the phase of the moon on fortune telling

The questioner turns to cards or other attributes with a request, formulates a question and tries to understand the signs received. If you choose the phase of the moon correctly, you will be able not only to know the future, but also to attract the desired benefits.

Divination does not always depend on the phase of the moon. Universal techniques are carried out at any time of the year. They give general information. At the same time, the person himself analyzes the received signs. The moon only affects special predictions.

The cycle is important for divination in such cases:

  • when the question concerns the feelings and hidden motives of a person;
  • if divination is combined with magical rituals;
  • when the moon strengthens a person, and divination confirms his guesses;
  • during the period of illness.

The moon affects the well-being of a person. During the period of the full moon, mental illnesses are exacerbated. The night star affects the perception of information. If the fulfillment of a desire does not happen soon, and the future with the chosen partner is not prosperous, then fortune-telling can do harm.

Online fortune-telling helps in the fulfillment of desires for the full moon, guarantees a meeting with a potential partner and improved finances. Online divination is not tied to the phase of the moon.


Divination is often combined with other magical rituals. The card chosen from the layout reflects the energy flows associated with a particular issue. Therefore, the cards reflect the problem of a person or a question of interest to him, after which he receives a prediction.

If attraction is planned, then before the ceremony they create an alignment for the beloved. If a person does not experience reciprocal feelings or his heart is busy, any love magic can do harm. With the help of divination, it will be possible to see what the future holds for partners if the attraction works.

Magic helps to attract money. According to the layout, the amount of money in the future is determined. Not all desires are fulfilled immediately. Before you spend attracting money on the full moon, you need to determine if the fortuneteller is damaged. Then you can not do without pre-cleaning. To attract money, love or good luck, rituals are performed that are fueled by the power of the moon.

Divination on the full moon

The full moon is a special time when secret magical actions are performed. It is dangerous to resort to forbidden or black magic on these days. Fortune telling is allowed if a person needs urgent advice.

Fortune telling on the full moon for money or love helps a person decide. It is better to use tarot cards. The classic deck consists of major and minor arcana. They reflect the environmental conditions and the inner state of the questioner. The full moon gives strength to help you accept even the most negative prediction. It is better to make only realistic wishes.

Divination for money and other benefits is carried out at night.

Moonlight must fall on cards or other attributes, which will charge the deck. Fortune-telling is carried out without witnesses. At the end, the deck is thanked and not used until the next cycle begins.

For the fulfillment of a wish

For the magic to work, you need to do the following:

  1. For the speedy fulfillment of desire, a clear question is formed in advance. A wish cannot be made without thinking it over.
  2. To attract good luck, prepare a candle, water, a transparent glass and a deck of cards.
  3. All the attributes are put on the window so that the moonlight falls on them.
  4. If the ritual is performed at home, the questioner should be alone.
  5. To attract wealth or love, to make any wish, a conspiracy is read over water, which should be illuminated by a candle.

The wish on the full moon, invoking wealth or love, is repeated three times. After that, a simple layout of three cards is created. The first card reflects the conditions under which the desire appeared, the second card demonstrates its strength, the last one tells what awaits the questioner in the future. It is important to consider each card. To make wealth come faster, the questioner drinks the charmed water.

For love

To correctly guess on the full moon for love in the future, use one of the Tarot layouts. It is allowed to guess the name of a potential partner. This type of fortune-telling is suitable in cases where the relationship does not suit the questioner.

There are several types of love divination on the full moon:

  1. "Seven Stars of Love"
  2. "Attitude towards me".
  3. "The Happiness of Man".

All these divinations during the full moon prophesy the future that both partners are building. "Seven Stars of Love" is a powerful technique that is carried out on the full moon. The layout consists of 7 cards:

  1. The first two characterize partners.
  2. The third card describes the relationship of lovers.
  3. The fourth speaks of the dangers on the path of the couple.
  4. The fifth card symbolizes good luck.
  5. The sixth will show secret thoughts.
  6. The last sign of the alignment for the future of the couple will tell about the development of the union.

“Attitude towards me” is a simple layout. To create it, Taro Manara is used. The layout consists of 6 cards: two talk about the past, two - about the present and the last - about the future. The scheme “Happiness of a person” is universal. The spread consists of 9 cards.

For the betrothed

On the full moon, girls manage to guess at their betrothed. At the same time, a ritual of attraction is performed. Fortune telling does not guarantee success in love, but helps to prepare for it. The alignment is done before going to bed, while asking a question about the appearance of the betrothed. In a dream, you will be able to see the facial features and figure of a potential partner. Before that, be sure to prepare mentally.

The layouts of "Women's Happiness" or "Swing of Love" are a simple witchcraft that will suit girls who are waiting for love adventures. The first scheme will tell you what the partner will expect from his beloved.

The cards reveal those qualities that the betrothed will like and those that will interfere with the creation of love harmony. "Swings of Love" say that success awaits the fortuneteller if he works on himself. To fulfill her cherished desire, the girl must improve herself. Fortune telling will tell you when you can meet your betrothed.


Lunar phase rituals are used to make a wish come true or to attract love on a full moon without difficulty. The layouts allow you to see the hidden motives of business partners, the conditions for meeting with the betrothed, the financial situation of the fortuneteller.

The full moon is the perfect time for divination. The full moon has long been considered a symbol of intuition.

We are all influenced by the Moon in one way or another, whether we admit it or not. Many people feel more energetic during the full moon. This is because our body and mind are inextricably linked to the lunar cycles. Our body is about two-thirds water, and the Moon influences water. Think of the ebb and flow on the coasts - this is the action of the moon.

The action of magical energies on the full moon intensifies, any fortune-telling becomes more accurate. Therefore, use the time of the full moon, it will help you get the right answers. good example divination in the full moon will be a crystal ball. Illuminated by moonlight, it is filled with special properties and gives correct readings.

Fortune telling on the full moon on the water

The use of water or other reflective surfaces for divination is not new idea. Divination on the water has been tested for centuries. Ancient Romans divined this way when performing religious rituals, the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" mentions the magic mirror of Hathor, which showed the future. Even the great soothsayer Nostradamus prepared for divination by looking at a bowl of water by candlelight to find inspiration.

Fortune telling on the full moon on the water is one of the simplest, but very reliable. It is best to guess outdoors, if at all possible. If you live near a body of water, for example, there is a lake or a pond near your house, then you do not need a bowl of water. When the weather permits, guess there, by the water. If you do not have such an opportunity, guess at home. Choose a place where moonlight falls on you.

You can guess on the night of the full moon, on the previous night and on the night after the exact phase of the full moon - only three days each month. It is good if the Moon is visible in the sky, but if it is hidden by clouds, this is also acceptable, because in any case the Moon is in the sky, and its energy affects fortune telling. You can guess on the days of lunar eclipses, because they always occur on a full moon.

You can guess on the full moon for love, for money, for health and for everything that interests you. Maybe you want to see the future or something in the past. Full moon divination will show you everything you want.

For fortune telling on a full moon, you will need:

Desk or other flat workspace

dark bowl

Two white candles

Pure water to fill the bowl

Notebook or notepad and pen

Get ready for the divination. There are no specific rules for preparation, just do what sets you up for fortune telling. Maybe draw a magic circle around you or put on your favorite meditation music. Sit comfortably at the table and place a bowl filled with water in front of you. Ideally, if you put it in such a way that the moon is reflected in the water. Light two white candles and place them to the right and left of the bowl. White is the color of the moon, so candles must be white. It is important that the lighting in the room is turned off; when divining on a full moon, there can only be candlelight. And the light of the moon, of course.

Close your eyes and tune in to the lunar energy around you. Feel the soft ground under your feet. Hear the wind rustle in the trees. Breathe in the scent of grass and earth that is in the air. Raise your arms to the sides, palms up, and feel the moon above you. You will need some time to collect this energy. It will be a tangible sensation, you just need time to get it. Embrace the silver energy of the moon ruling over the world on this full moon night. Recognize your oneness with the Moon.

When you're ready, open your eyes. Pay attention to the night and everything around you. Perhaps you will feel extraordinary mental clarity and inner strength. Do not be afraid of special sensations - it's just that the energy of the moon began to act. Raise your left hand over the bowl, realize the wisdom of the water. Now this water is charged with the energy of the full moon. Ask the moon water to show you all the secrets.

Look at the water. After a while, patterns, symbols or some kind of images will appear on it. You may see moving images, or perhaps even words appear on the water. Spontaneous thoughts will begin to come to you, perhaps even ones that you think are not relevant to your question. Don't push them away, they all matter now. Grab paper and a pen to write everything down. Spend as much time as you want while looking at the water. Maybe just a few minutes or even an hour. Stop if you start to feel restless or distracted.

When you're done with the full moon, make sure you write down everything you saw, thought, and felt. Messages sometimes come from other worlds, and yet we are often not aware of them. Don't worry if the information you received doesn't make sense to you. Come back to the notes after a few days and review them. It probably all makes sense. It may be that you received a message about something important not for you, but for someone else. Think about who it might be among the people you know.

After the end of fortune-telling, you can leave the water all night until the morning so that it is even more charged with lunar energy. Or give thanks to the water and pour it on the ground.

You can read about full moon magical rituals here: Full Moon Magic


Positive factors of divination for the full moon

The full moon is a night when the moon has a global impact on all living things, so many practicing magicians prefer to perform rituals for money, love and making wishes during this period. Now it is best to perform rituals to improve your financial condition or increase your attractiveness and to fulfill your cherished desires. And also the full moon is used to create protective amulets and saturate strong energy into talismans.

During rituals on the full moon, a person's inner strength increases, the body's capabilities increase and intuitive reflexes become sharper. The full moon helps to get a true result in certain types of divination, but remember that not all days are meant for magical activities.

The most successful for divination are the first six days of the full moon, and the most powerful rituals are performed on the night when the full moon illuminates everything around. On weekends, you can never find out the truth from the cards, and love is best guessed during the winter months. The autumn months are used for conspiracies for money and the fulfillment of desires.

It is strictly forbidden to guess on the full moon for people with mental disabilities and suffering from high blood pressure as well as under stress. If you turn to statistics, it is proved that due to the exacerbation of mental imbalance, some people commit unreasonable acts. Try not to get physically injured these days, do not plan complex operations and remove yourself from stressful situations.

Preparing for divination

If you have been visited by the desire to spend a few days in a circle of acquaintances with a magical ritual, first of all decide for what purpose you will do this. If you just want to have fun, then serious preparation is not required. But if you seriously want to open the door to secret knowledge and attract money, you need to arrange everything correctly. What do we have to do.

  • Only those people who really believe in the process of divination should be present nearby. Ridicule and skepticism are out of place during magical activities.
  • Think carefully about your act, because any fortune-telling is one of the varieties of witchcraft and can carry consequences.
  • All prediction is an invasion of the future. You should not penetrate the secrets of the universe without a good reason.
  • Be prepared that the result of the prediction is not always positive, and in case of a bad scenario, you should not get hung up on it.
  • There is a fortune-telling method that is used only once in a lifetime. If you spend it again, you can call trouble on your family and destroy fate.
  • Strictly follow the rules that are written in the description of fortune-telling, otherwise a small mistake will become a huge problem.

In ancient times, only young unmarried girls were allowed to fortune-telling, but for ladies with a family, any fortune-telling was an unacceptable action. The more a person is connected to environment and knows how to feel the power of the elements, so the result of divination becomes more truthful. Before embarking on fortune-telling, learn to immerse yourself in the natural world, for this you can conduct meditations in nature and, turning off your consciousness from the outside world, listen to the rustle of the wind in the crown of trees.

On the day chosen for fortune-telling, turn off all distractions: phones, doorbells, TV, radio, computer and more. In order to cheer yourself up, you should not use recorded music, it is better to sing your favorite songs yourself. For the necessary environment, a lit fireplace is great, but if you do not have such pleasure, you can light candles by placing them on the floor, the number depends on your desire.

Study and prepare in advance all the necessary paraphernalia for the magical action. Once everything is ready, you can safely transgress to divination.

Varieties of divination on the full moon

The moon in the full moon phase is a good adviser in love affairs. It is she who is addressed a large number of girls to get to know your betrothed. What are the most truthful and easily accessible methods of divination?

Let's guess on the water

This type of divination is a simple, but quite truthful way to penetrate the secret world of your future. You need to tell fortunes so that the moonlight is reflected in the water, ideally you need to carry out the ritual on the shore of the lake, but it can be replaced with a bowl on the windowsill. To carry out a divination, you will need:

  • change from wallet
  • silk scarf,
  • deep dark bowl
  • two red candles
  • purified or melted water,
  • sheet of paper and pencil.

To prepare for fortune-telling, cover the window sill, which is supplied by moonlight, with a red silk scarf, put a bowl of water in the middle, and place lighted candles on the sides and spread out the money. Next, turn off the light in the room and, standing near the window, mentally tune in to communication with the Moon.

Once fully relaxed, you can begin the process of obtaining information. When asking a question, bring your left hand to the water and stare into the water, start writing down on paper all the thoughts that visit you, describe everything that happens to the water during divination.

At the end of the ritual, fold the paper and place it under the pillow. After a few days, re-read everything that you wrote, you will see some connection between the inscriptions and what is happening these days. Leave the water that you used until the morning, during which time it will be saturated with the energy of the moon, and it can be used to remove negativity by washing before going to bed. And money will become your amulet, carry it with you all the time and in no case spend it.

I want to know my fate

This divination is carried out in winter time, since the prediction is read from the frosty patterns on the mirror. To carry it out, dip the mirror into the water and take it outside so that the moon is reflected in it. Once the mirror is iced up, bring it back into the house and take a quick look at the patterns it contains. From these drawings, the future is read. Meaning of patterns:

  • rounded shapes portend that money will come to your house next year;
  • coniferous branches speak of a huge amount of work in the future;
  • objects with right angles promise an accumulation of problems that will haunt you all next year;
  • triangle - predicts that the desire will come true;
  • an oval appeared, wait for a meeting with love;
  • randomness in patterns warn of illness.

Summarizing the above, we note that The moon is a powerful source of energy that you need to beware of. It can help you get all the answers you need and direct you to the right life path. However, by making serious mistakes while you are making or accessing it for fun, you run the risk of inviting negative consequences. Think carefully, do you need it?


Divination for love and the moon

Both the growing and the full moon are a period of attracting love and health. Therefore, if you turn to fortune-telling on certain lunar days at such a time, you can get good results. Many do divination on the full moon.

For example, you can buy new pearl beads for divination 9 days before the onset of the full moon and wear them without taking them off. When the right time comes, you should pour pre-prepared water after precipitation into the container.

A paper sheet is placed on the surface of the water, and beads are placed on it. Paper is needed for the base for decoration. Before you put the beads there, they should be held in your hands and rubbed on the table with the words:

"Beads, pearls - my tears, tell me if I love my dear or bored already."

Then they look at how the paper and decoration will behave. If they drown, then there will be no relationship. If they stay on the surface, everything will be fine.

There are popular divination during the full moon for love.

You can wrap things in a handkerchief: a ring, a key, a willow branch, a flower, a gingerbread with a heart, a crust of bread, several cards: a cross 10, a heart 9, aces of spades and diamonds. The bundle is needed in order to put it under the pillow, then they say these words:

“A month, a month, my friend, white, and full, and high, let me see in a dream what fate is preparing for me!”

The essence of this prophetic divination for the full moon is to see a dream that predicts the future.

  • Bad weather - chores, stormy relationships;
  • Good weather - all is well;
  • A ring or an ace of diamonds in a dream are heralds of happiness in love;
  • Pie - to well-being;
  • Bread - to the hard work that will be needed for daily survival;
  • Willow - deceitful love relationship and so on.


During the new moon, the Sun and the Moon are located in the same zodiac constellation, and this opens up great opportunities for performing magical rituals. This is the best period for starting big things and fulfilling desires. There is an opportunity to predict the future.

Preparing for divination

To perform the ritual, you need to prepare. Nothing special needs to be done, just think it over well and decide what is important and what needs to be achieved. At the onset of the new moon, a specific issue must be determined.

On the new moon, everything that has already happened is a thing of the past. And at this moment you can send your request to the Universe or decide on a desire.

On the day before the new moon, a candle is placed on the table, and objects symbolizing what is planned are placed around: photographs, pictures, or something else. They will help you gain the support of the Universe.

Before the appearance of a new moon, you can perform a ritual of getting rid of ailments and love spells. And after its onset, they think of a successful start of new business and relationships.

Popular divination methods

Methods of divination in the new moon:

1. Pour water into a glass and put on the window behind the curtain. He must stay there until the full moon. Then this water is used for washing, reading the conspiracy: “As the month was thin, but it became full, so let me have a lot of good.” After that, all things should go smoothly, and desires should come true.

2. Ritual for beauty. Whipped protein is applied to the face as a mask. Then wash off with water. The yolk is buried under a rose bush. The beauty of flowers must pass to the person.

3. A conspiracy to fulfill a dream. You need to cut red paper into triangles and write specific desires on them. The vertices of the triangle are placed upwards. A beautiful photo of yourself is glued onto the sheet. It is desirable that she be with a smile. These triangles are hung on the south wall of the house. Everything must come true.

4. As soon as the new moon appears, you must write out a postal order receipt in your name. Fill everything in as it should. The amount is large, but real. They put a date and a signature and hide it so that no one can find it or see it. Well, if there is a red envelope. The wish must be fulfilled within a week. Moreover, the hidden money can replace good news or gifts. But the amount must be real in translation.

5. They light candles and incense and write on a piece of paper or in a notebook: "I will do everything to achieve the fulfillment of desires." Then write down all the wishes for the next month. This leaflet is read every day.

6. If a man does not dare to propose, on the new moon you need to do something with your own hands and give it to him. In the near future he will propose marriage.

7. On the new moon, you need to clean the house well, swim and dress in clean clothes. Prosperity and prosperity will come to the house.

Rituals performed on the new moon do not harm anyone, and anyone can perform them. The most important thing is faith in the fulfillment of dreams.


Why you should guess on the full moon

The full moon is the most magical period for divination. At this time, the moon has the maximum effect on all living things. Therefore, on such days it should be used in divination and magical rituals. Indeed, on the full moon, all possible types of energies are amplified, giving special power to any magical actions.

On the full moon, rituals are performed aimed at increasing, attracting money, increasing the attractiveness of a person. Even on the full moon, it is recommended to charge the talismans with positive and protective energy.

The strength of man, as well as the entire universe, is increasing, opportunities are growing, and the connection with the invisible is growing stronger, while intuition is also aggravated. As you can see, the full moon is very suitable for divination, but you should also be aware that not all of its days can be used for magical rituals.

Try not to schedule full moon operations, as the risk of complications and infections during these operations is very high. Also, on full moon days, bleeding is difficult to stop, and treatment is practically ineffective.

The most successful days for divination

The most successful full moon days for divination are the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth. Guessing is recommended only on those evenings or nights when the round moon is shining in the sky.

In no case do not guess on Friday and Saturday! These days you can tell yourself a lot of trouble, even if they are not voiced in the process. The most suitable months for divination are October, November, January and February. For love guessing in January and April.

How to tune in to fortune telling

Any divination requires special preparation. For a day, and preferably three, before the ritual, exclude meat from your diet and eat only bread that can be written down with water. At the same time, your closest relatives were full on that day or days.

Three hours before the ritual, take a vow of silence, which can only be broken the next morning. No one should know that you are going to guess, so make sure that no one is in the house at this time or that everyone is already fast asleep.

Fortune telling on the betrothed with mirrors

This is an old popular divination. The ritual was always performed on Christmas Eve or on the full moon. People believe that this is the most terrible fortune-telling, because if the girl does not have time to say “Chur, me!”, Then the ghost of her betrothed can come out of the mirror and harm her.

The most important thing in this divination is the observance of the time and place of the ritual. First, it must be a full moon. Secondly, in the process of divination, complete silence must be observed. Thirdly, the action must be carried out in complete solitude, and there should be no people or animals in the house.

If you have a prejudice about mirrors, stop guessing

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to prepare dinner and set the table for two people, and the table setting should be festive and magnificent. Two candles are also placed on the table and lit. After that, a large mirror is installed on the table, and on the contrary, a smaller mirror, so that they form a mirror corridor.

After preparations, you need to put out the light, sit down at the table and say:

“Narrowed-disguised! Come and have dinner with me"

Now we need to concentrate on the image of the betrothed, trying to present it as clearly as possible, also expecting the manifestation of facial features or a silhouette in a mirror maze. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time. But as soon as you see the image and can clearly see it, immediately say: "Stay away from me!" so that the image disappears.

Fortune telling

This divination is called "Patterns on the mirror." It is held only on the full moon and only in winter, because its basis is the winter frost.

For divination, pour water over the mirror and take it out into the cold. When the water freezes, you need to bring the mirror into the house and examine the frosty drawings on it. This must be done quickly, because in the heat the patterns will quickly turn back into water and flow down to the floor before you realize what fate has in store for you.

The meaning of patterns

  • Circles - next year promises prosperity and abundance.
  • Spruce branch - expect a lot of work.
  • Squares are upcoming problems and difficulties that you will have to constantly solve and overcome with your own strength and mind.
  • Triangles - success, long live success! Moreover, luck will follow you on your heels in all areas of your life - from work to family.
  • Ovals - finding love and family happiness.
  • Chaotic patterns - illness, health problems.

The phase of the full moon is the most suitable period of time for divination. This is justified by the highest influence of the moon on all aspects of life. Its influence helps to increase all kinds of energies, which make a special contribution to the power of magical rituals.

The full moon is the most favorable time for divination

From time immemorial, those days when the moon comes to the middle of its path around our planet were considered the most mysterious and filled with mystical phenomena. The basis for the formation of such assumptions was the fact that during the full moon, a person's invisible connection with the other world increases and intuition improves. Fortune-telling during the full moon period is distinguished by the particular reliability of the predictions received.

When is the best time to guess?

Many are tormented by the question: “Is it possible to guess on weekends and holidays?”.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that not all days during the full moon will be a good time for divination.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony only when the full moon is shining in the sky. Fortune telling will be most correct on the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth day of the lunar month.

In order not to bring serious troubles on yourself and your closest relatives, you should abandon any methods of fortune-telling on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Even if you want to guess on the cards, you will not get the desired result.

If you want to receive predictions that will relate to your financial condition and security, then October, November, and February will serve as ideal months for this. Fortune telling during the full moon for love is recommended in April, and in order to get an answer to the question of which decision will be really correct, the ritual should be carried out in July. If you have long been tormented by the question of how long you are destined to live, the ideal time for predictions will be January.

If you want to know the length of your life, divination during the full moon period must be performed in January

Basic rules of divination

If you decide to spend a short period surrounded by people close to you and tell fortunes, filling these days with mystery and mysticism, you should first deal with the seriousness of your intentions.

If the main reason for performing these rituals was the desire to have fun, then there is no need for any additional preparation. However, if you really want to know what awaits you in the future and attract good luck, then you will have to take into account certain nuances in advance and make simple preparations.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. During the divination process itself, you should be surrounded only by those people who really believe in otherworldly forces. Taunts in this case will be superfluous and may lead to inaccurate predictions.
  2. Before proceeding with the ceremony, decide how much the fortuneteller needs this ritual. Do not forget that fortune-telling refers to magic and no one knows exactly what effect it will have on you, what consequences it can lead to.
  3. Divination is nothing more than an interference in your future life. This is highly discouraged unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Quite often, fortunetellers are faced with unwanted predictions, in order to reduce the possibility of their translation into reality, one should try to forget about it and think about something good, because thoughts are material.
  5. There are divination methods that can only be used once in a lifetime. Having guessed again, the risks of incurring serious troubles on yourself and your loved ones are high.

You should carefully read the instructions for the ceremony and follow its most accurate implementation, because the discrepancy of the smallest detail can turn into a whole string of problems.

Fortune telling during the full moon period must be performed strictly according to the instructions.

The history of divination during the full moon

Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that only girls who were not in a marriage union could guess on the full moon; for married women, this was a serious sin.

Predictions will be most accurate for that person who is connected by invisible threads with natural power and who can feel each of its elements. To do this, it is recommended to spend more free time surrounded by nature, in the fresh air. You should clear your head of unnecessary thoughts and learn to listen and feel the slightest breath of wind or rustle of leaves.

On the day when it was planned to carry out the rite of divination, one should ensure peace, both physical and moral. During fortune-telling, nothing should distract you, you can recreate a mystical atmosphere. Pay special attention to the attributes that are important for correct divination. Once all the above conditions are met, you can start guessing.

The most common way to get an accurate prediction is a card layout. This ceremony was performed by our great-grandmothers, but even now people have not lost interest in it.

Divination on the water

This fortune-telling is distinguished by its simplicity, but it helps you get a truthful answer to an exciting question. The basic rule is that the moonlight must be reflected in the water. The ideal place for the ritual is the shore of a reservoir in the moonlight, but divination can also be carried out with a container filled with water by the window. For this divination you will need the following items:

  • coins;
  • a red scarf made of silk;
  • large capacity, preferably cold shades;
  • two red candles;
  • melted ice or purified water;
  • a sheet of paper and a pen.

For divination on the water you will need two red candles

Before you start fortune telling, you should prepare the work surface. The window sill, on which the moonlight falls, should be covered with a scarf, put a bowl of liquid in the middle, and put candles on the sides, spreading a trifle near them. After that, it is necessary to rid the room of light sources and, being in complete darkness, tune in to the relationship with the moon.

When extraneous thoughts leave your head, ask the question that concerns you. Bring your left hand to the water and carefully observe its movement. It is important to write down absolutely everything that you think about, as well as the state of the water at the time of divination.

After the ceremony, the leaf should be tucked under the pillow. After waking up, carefully reread everything that you have written and look for the connection between your words and current events.

Water after the ritual will serve as a wonderful source of positive energy, and money will become your amulet, in order to attract good events, it is important to always carry it with you and not give it to anyone.

Fortune telling using mirrors to the full moon

This method of prediction is called "Patterns on the mirror." The main rule is to carry it out in severe frost, so it is used in the winter season.

To carry out the ritual, the mirror must be doused with water and put on the street. After the water freezes, it is allowed to bring the mirror into the house and carefully examine the resulting patterns. It is important to do everything very quickly, as the water on the mirror will soon begin to melt.

Interpretation of the drawings on the mirror:

If you saw circles in the form of a ball on the mirror, then financial success awaits you throughout the year.

  1. Circles in the form of a ball - divination on the full moon promises you material well-being and success in all matters over the next year.
  2. Coniferous branch - a huge amount of work awaits you.
  3. Quadrangles - promises a string of difficult situations, the course of which depends only on you.
  4. Triangles - throughout the whole time you will be lucky and lucky in all aspects of life.
  5. Egg-shaped circles - your heart will be filled with a feeling of love and euphoria, you will find true happiness.
  6. Chaotic patterns - predict diseases and disorders in the body.

After analyzing all the information, we can come to the conclusion that the moon is the most powerful carrier of energy that you should beware of and be extremely careful. It can help solve certain problems, it can accurately predict your future, but despite this, you can bring serious trouble to yourself and your environment.

If you decide to use fortune-telling for the full moon, then pay special attention to observing all the rules of fortune-telling and take it seriously.

Fortune telling on the full moon has always aroused interest. After all, all people, without exception, are interested in knowing their own further fate or see your betrothed. They especially often guess before Christmas, because it is believed that fortune telling is the most powerful these days, but no one remembers that it is highly undesirable to guess on church days. It is better to carry out divination on a full moon.

Why do you need to do fortune-telling on the Full Moon?

The full moon is the most magical period for divination. After all, at this time the influence of the moon is maximum. Therefore, these days are best suited for divination. Since the full moon enhances all possible types of energies, which give special power to all magical actions.

During the full moon period, those rituals are performed that should increase something, as well as those that attract money and increase attractiveness. It is also good to charge talismans on full moon nights.

In addition, the full moon is also the most magical and mysterious time. Since on the full moon a person’s connection with the invisible is strengthened and intuition is sharpened. But still, not all days of the full moon are suitable for divination.

The full moon has a strong effect on human body, which during this period is overflowing with lunar energy. On the days of the full moon, you need to be especially careful for people who have high blood pressure, suffering from mental disorders and epilepsy, as well as those who are prone to stress. On a full moon, even the number of accidents increases. These days, it is better to tune in to a calm mood, not to be nervous, not to fuss and eat right.

During the full moon, it is necessary to avoid surgical intervention in your body. Since during the full moon, the risk of complications, infections and infection in the wound increases. These days it is much more difficult to stop the bleeding, and the treatment gives little effect.

The most successful days for divination on the Full Moon

The most successful days of the lunar month for divination are: the second day, fifth, sixth, seventh day, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth day. In order for fortune telling on the full moon to be correct, it is necessary to guess only on those nights when there is only a round moon in the sky, then the result will be accurate.

You can’t guess on Friday and Saturday, as this can turn into trouble for you. The most suitable months for fortune-telling for well-being and wealth are the months: February, October, November. The most suitable month for determining the life expectancy of a person is January. love divination best done in April, and fortune-telling for adoption right decision- in July.

How to tune in to fortune telling on the Full Moon?

Fortune telling on the full moon requires special preparation. Before such a fortune-telling, you can’t eat anything meat, but you can only eat bread and drink water. It is important that on this day all the closest relatives are full.

Three hours before the divination and after it, you need to take a vow of silence, it will be possible to speak again only in the morning. No one should know what you are going to guess, so it is best to guess when you are alone in the house.

Before you carry out fortune-telling on the full moon, you need to relax, remember something good and calm down. You need to go into a trance. You can turn on a pleasant quiet melody. It is important that the lighting in the house during divination is not electric, so use a candle flame for lighting.

Fortune telling on the narrowed, using mirrors

This is a very old and famous divination. Used this divination on the full moon, around Christmas. It is believed that this fortune-telling is the worst of all, because if you don’t say “Chur, me!” in time, then the ghost of your fiance can come out of the mirror and cause harm. There are many stories and legends that after this divination, some girls were found dead in the morning. But still, those who wish to tell fortunes have not diminished

In this divination, the most important thing is that divination is carried out on the full moon, in silence. Therefore, you need to be at home alone. That is, the house should not be not only people, but also animals.

Before fortune-telling, you need to cook dinner for two. Beautifully set the table and put on it two plates, two forks, two knives and two glasses. You also need to put two more candles on the table and light them. You need to install a large mirror on the table, and in front of it is another mirror, only smaller, so that you get a kind of mirror corridor.

Now you need to turn off the light, sit down at the table to gather your thoughts and say these words very loudly: “Narrowed-mummers! Come and have dinner with me." After that, concentrate and fantasize about who your loved one could be. You will have to wait a very long time for your beloved. After his image appears in the mirror and you carefully examine it, you need to quickly say: “Chur me!” and the image will dissolve in the mirror.

It is said that some brave girls even talked to their lovers. One woman said that during this divination, she received a slap in the face from the image in the mirror and fainted. She came to her senses only in the morning.

Fortune telling "Patterns on the Mirror"

This divination on the full moon has a special power. The only pity is that it can only be held in winter. Since it will be necessary to use the cold.

To perform divination on the full moon according to the patterns on the mirror, you need to pour water over the mirror itself and take it out into the cold. Some girls who spent the summer in full moon fortune-telling on fate used the freezer of their refrigerator to freeze water on the mirror.

When the water on the mirror freezes, the mirror must be brought into the house and see what the frost “painted” on it. You need to look at the drawings quickly, as the frosty patterns melt very quickly.

The meaning of patterns

If the patterns on the mirror are more like circles, then this year you will be sufficiently provided.

If you see a spruce branch, then this year you will have a lot of work. Squares promise difficulties and problems.

Triangular patterns indicate that you will be successful in all your endeavors.

Oval patterns on the mirror predict the acquisition of a lover. Chaotic drawings indicate that you can get sick.

According to these drawings, women judge only about their near future. But if you relax and go into a trance, looking at these drawings, you can learn more.

September 7, 2016

Full moon

The full moon is the phase of the lunar month, when the moon has the most pronounced influence on man and nature.

The full moon is the time when, having reached its climax, the energy of the moon begins to gradually weaken. Most often, the full moon falls on the 15th, 16th lunar day - this is the middle of the entire lunar cycle.

It is an undeniable fact that the Moon affects the emotional background and physical well-being of a person, his mood changes depending on the lunar phases, lunar days and the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located. And the full moon is always a difficult period for a person; after all, it is on the days of full moons that the psycho-emotional sphere becomes the most vulnerable, on the state of which the correctness of the actions and actions taken depends.

Full moon and health

On the full moon, you need to take care of your health with all care and responsibility - on the days of the full moon, chronic diseases often worsen, the emotional and mental spheres fluctuate, changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur, water balance disorders in the body can occur.

The full moon is a time of increased injury; you should be careful even in everyday work that does not require special concentration. In addition, the full moon increases the likelihood inflammatory processes in the body, so even a minor injury can bring later enough trouble and trouble.

On a full moon, most people become emotionally vulnerable; sentimentality, tearfulness, resentment, irritability increases - joy can very quickly be replaced by disappointment. In order to avoid various troubles, you need, first of all, to have more rest, preferably in the circle of your closest relatives and friends, to avoid stressful situations, physical and emotional overwork.

In order to balance the energy balance, a diet should be followed on the full moon.

A full moon diet is an important condition for maintaining the water balance in the body. On full moon days, swelling often increases, and excessive accumulation of fluid in the body can lead to intoxication, headaches, fatigue, and irritability. In order to avoid these troubles, you need to limit the use of salt, but in no case should you completely abandon it - a lack of salt is also harmful to the body on the full moon, as well as its excess. On the full moon, you should stick to more plant and sour-milk foods - fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, fresh and ripe fruit, low-fat yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc. The full moon diet involves the rejection of coffee, black tea, alcohol, hot spices, spices, meat, fatty desserts and other heavy foods. On full moon days, you should try to have regular meals, but the portions are small. The stomach and intestines are very vulnerable during this period; the full moon increases the likelihood of food poisoning, so you should treat the products you use with special responsibility.

Full moon magic

On the full moon, all magical actions gain great power, so the full moon is considered the most favorable time for magical rites, rituals, conspiracies and spells. Full moon magic is the most effective; at this time you can , , however, in order to remove damage or other negative energy effects, such as the evil eye, slander, etc., it is better to wait until the moon begins to wane. Removing negative energy effects on a full moon is ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous, especially if the magician does not have enough knowledge and experience in performing magical rituals.

For magic on a full moon necessary condition is a cloudless, clear night when the moon is clearly visible in the sky.

On the full moon, you can make amulets, talismans, put energy protection.

Full moon is good time in order to make a wish, this is the simplest magical rite that does not require much experience and knowledge in magic. To do this, it’s enough just to decide what you sincerely desire, try to concentrate on your desire, imagine that your desire is already coming true and mentally pronounce it looking at the full moon. Usually, wishes made on the full moon come true during the lunar month.

What not to do on a full moon:

  • Quarrel and quarrel
  • Sort things out
  • Make important decisions
  • Start new business
  • Overwork physically and emotionally
  • Drink too much liquid
  • Eat very salty and spicy foods
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Take medications without a doctor's prescription
  • Perform surgeries (non-urgent)
  • Lend money
  • Make big purchases
  • Haircut, dye, perm
  • Carry out cosmetic procedures
  • Trim, graft trees

What can you do on a full moon:

  • Do creative work
  • Conduct presentations, conferences, briefings
  • Gather medicinal herbs
  • gardening
  • Cleanse the body with diet
  • Make a wish
  • Make long term plans
  • Read conspiracies, prayers
  • Perform magical rites
  • Make amulets, talismans
  • meditate
  • Practice lucid dreaming

The full moon is a special time for lovers, especially if there is harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship. On the days of the full moon, physical attraction increases between lovers, and therefore the full moon is an especially favorable time for romantic dates, intimacy.

If you are planning to conceive a child, use the days of the full moon for this; on the full moon, the probability of conception is very high. Children conceived on a full moon are usually in good health and have unusual abilities. Such children are considered gifted, as they have many talents, especially in the field of creativity and art.

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