Kiwi contraindications. The benefits and harms of kiwi for the health of the human body. How to choose ripe fruits

Probably, many of you will be surprised to learn that kiwi is not a tropical fruit at all. The fact is that in reality kiwi is a berry, whose homeland is China, so this emerald delicacy was originally called “Chinese gooseberry”. But why do we now call this kiwi berry? It turns out that during the Cold War, New Zealand suppliers, in order to avoid misunderstandings from US traders, renamed the Chinese gooseberry into the English word "kiwifruit", after which the name "kiwi" was assigned to it. As a result, this berry has become a symbol of New Zealand, like the kiwi bird, unable to fly.

Kiwi, which is now sold on our shelves, is brought mainly from Italy, and of course, from New Zealand. It's hard to believe but world production of this berry today is more than one million tons annually. Although there is nothing surprising in the fact that we fell in love with this juicy delicacy so much: after all, kiwi is not only very tasty, but also a product that is really useful for our body.

What are the benefits of kiwi?

Kiwi can rightfully be called a source of beauty and health, as it contains a large number of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Judge for yourself: in one fruit of this berry you can find vitamins C, E, PP, A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and such substances necessary for our body as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, pectin and many more useful items. Kiwi is rich in fruit acids such as malic, citric, quinic, and also contains glucose and fructose. And of course, it contains large reserves of fiber.

Yes, all this is good, but what exactly is the positive effect of kiwi on our body? What should I start with? For example, in this berry, like in pineapple, there is such a special enzyme called actinidin, which our body needs to break down proteins, which in turn helps digest food. The potassium contained in the Chinese gooseberry helps to normalize blood pressure. In addition, kiwi has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system and promotes the production of collagen, which, by the way, ensures the strength and elasticity of connective tissues (cartilage, tendons, bones).

  • Since kiwi came to us from China, it is worth noting how the Chinese themselves used this fruit in their traditional medicine. For example, they believed that this berry improves work digestive system. Therefore, if after a delicious dinner you eat one juicy kiwi fruit, you can be guaranteed to get rid of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. In addition, the Chinese used the green berry to relieve nervousness and even prevent hair loss!
  • Kiwi is an inexhaustible source of vitamin C. 100 g of kiwi contains four times daily dose vitamin C for an adult. It turns out that one fruit of this berry can replace three tomatoes and one orange for us. Ascorbic acid, in turn, leads to an increase in the protective functions of the body, and also prevents colds.
  • Recently, good news came to us from Norway, where scientists have found that kiwi can help people suffering from heart disease. It turned out that the green berry can burn fats that block arteries, and this, as a result, reduces the risk of blood clots. In addition, other studies on kiwi have shown that it has antitumor effects, which means it can prevent the spread of cancer.
  • Kiwi fruit can be a great source of nutrients for pregnant women. It contains folic acid, which promotes healthy growth and development of the child. This berry can also benefit very young children, especially if they suffer from such a common disease as constipation. A child at one year old can already be given kiwi before breakfast: this will help save the baby from his problem.
  • And that is not all. Kiwi has proven itself in cosmetology due to its magnesium content.. It evens out the skin, strengthens and tones it, and also gives it a slight whitening effect.

In order for the body to receive all the vitamins and minerals described above, it is necessary to eat 1-2 kiwis per day. But it is not necessary to eat this berry as it is. You can add it to fruit salads, berry cakes and milkshakes. Kiwi fruit is a very nutritious freshly squeezed juice. But it is worth remembering that such juice must be drunk within 10 minutes after preparation, otherwise it may lose half of its useful elements.

Kiwi contraindications

First of all, kiwi is contraindicated in people who have allergic reactions to citrus fruits. Secondly, patients suffering from diarrhea and increased acidity of gastric juice should refrain from this fruit. Naturally, you should not overeat kiwi: any, even the most useful product may be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

For other people, kiwi will only be useful, and its daily use will only contribute to the normal, healthy functioning of the body.

Although now kiwi has become recognizable, its beneficial effects on the body never cease to amaze medicine. The question: what kind of fruit (by the way, it is correct to classify kiwi as a berry), scientists, nutritionists and cosmetologists are asked not from nothing to do, but with a specific scientific goal.

The beneficial properties of kiwi and contraindications for its use remain an interesting testing ground for new discoveries, versions and observations.

Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications

And what is there in this little kiwi!
Let's start with the fact that it contains neither more nor less, but just the daily norm of vitamin C, and there is more vitamin B in all its varieties in kiwi pulp than you can imagine! B1, B2, B6 - the whole "family" this vitamin "lives" in kiwi.

But vitamins are just the tip of the iceberg of usefulness, in addition to them, kiwi contains:
folic acid;
vegetable fiber;
calcium and potassium salts.

If this list does not tell you anything specifically about what kiwi is useful for, let's try to make a kind of decoding.

  • Cellulose

An invaluable element that promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body. Due to the sufficient level of fiber, you can not worry about thrombosis, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, the kiwi baby can protect you from them by 95 percent.

  • Vitamin C

Helps stimulate collagen synthesis and DNA repair. Strengthens blood vessels, eliminating the risk of varicose veins. The condition of the hair follicles (and, as a result, the general condition of your hair) is also under the control of this irreplaceable vitamin.

  • Vitamins A and B

Indispensable when you need to strengthen bones. They are especially valuable for a growing child's body.
Folic acid - serves to solve problems with vision.

Kiwi and pregnancy

The burning question: is kiwi allowed during pregnancy, finds an affirmative answer from doctors. Take at least the same folic acid. Highly important element for the body of the expectant mother and baby.

So important that in some cases it is even prescribed medication. But why look for in pills what is kindly provided by nature itself?

But, in addition to the aforementioned acid, kiwi contains a whole "army" of useful vitamins and minerals, ready to rush into the battle for health at any second.

For those pregnant women who suffer from frequent constipation, there is no better laxative than kiwi: not aggressive, natural, with a mild effect.

Daily dose of kiwi

Of course, few of us treat kiwi as " full assembly vitamins and microelements. Everyone sees in it only yummy and an excellent berry dessert.

Peeling another berry in anticipation of gastronomic ecstasy, few people even think about how to use kiwi.

Dosage even the amount of kiwi eaten certainly exists. But first, they must tell you information that for many can be a revelation: you can, and in certain cases even need to eat kiwi with a peel.
A certain case is when it is urgent to eliminate harmful bacteria from the stomach or intestines. Here it is worth remembering that the fluffy skin contains a huge amount of antioxidants.

Kiwi is the body's main assistant in the process of losing weight, with depression, with heaviness in the stomach, with such unaesthetic manifestations as belching.
To bring your body into a healthy active state, you need to eat two kiwi berries per day.

Kiwi and cosmetology

In folk cosmetics, kiwi is the first rejuvenating and tonic agent. The face and decollete sometimes really need an instant effect. If the skin looks flabby and tired, nourish it with kiwi.

Kiwi recipes for beauty treatments are simple and affordable.

  • honey kiwi

Mash the pulp of one kiwi and combine with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the mask to a cleansed face and décolleté. Hold for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.
This mask eliminates the signs of aging and wilting, gives the skin freshness.

  • poppy kiwi

Add a teaspoon of poppy seeds to the mashed kiwi, mix well and apply on a cleansed face in several layers. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water! Dry your face with a soft towel.

Attention! Contraindications to the use of kiwi

With all the deliciousness and usefulness of this exotic berry, there is a list of those who should not eat kiwi.
The list is not that long, however, if you fall into it, please be very careful when eating kiwi.

You have to limit or completely abandon this amazingly tasty berry when:
increased acidity;
stomach ulcer;
sensitivity of the gastric mucosa.

Chinese gooseberry and actinidia… Do you know these words? This is sometimes called an exotic fruit, known to everyone as kiwi. It’s definitely not necessary to remind that kiwi has a great taste, but it would be worth telling about the beneficial properties of the product in detail, because they are really unique.

Composition and calories

Kiwi is one of the lowest calorie fruits. One hundred grams of fruit pulp contains 48 kcal, so the product is classified as dietary. If disassemble chemical composition of kiwi, then it is necessary to distinguish such substances and elements as:

  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Amino acids;
  • beta carotene;
  • Fructose;
  • Glucose;
  • Vitamins A, E, C, ZZ;
  • Folic acid and other B vitamins;
  • Trace elements - calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Enzymes;
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid.

The rich sweet and sour taste of the fruit pulp is the result of the presence of fruit acids. But its enormous benefits are explained by the content of a whole list of substances that should be discussed in detail.

Benefits for the body

Kiwi is one of those products that are not only pleasant to use, but also extremely healthy. It contains the enzyme actinidin, which is responsible for the rapid breakdown of proteins. Thus, if you eat a little kiwi every day, you can stimulate digestion, which will relieve stomach indigestion.

People who complain of heaviness in the stomach after eating have probably noticed that this feeling disappears if a tropical fruit was present on the menu. Another remarkable quality of the fruit is its anticoagulant effect: thanks to this, kiwi is used to prevent and combat atherosclerosis and to prevent the formation of blood clots.

If you introduce kiwi into the diet on a regular basis, you can arrange a natural detox for the body: due to the diuretic effect of eating the fruit, salt and toxins are removed from the kidneys faster. In addition, kiwi is credited with antimutagenic, antioxidant and antitumor effects.

Application for weight loss

Dietology includes kiwi as an indispensable component for a proper diet. The low calorie content of the product is its valuable quality, which should be taken into account by those who plan to lose weight. Also, the pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of natural enzymes and vitamins, thanks to which it perfectly replaces "harmful" confectionery in diet menu, Giving required amount energy.

AT chemical composition kiwi fruit content of fructose and sugar is negligible, but there are dietary fibers that stimulate the work and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. In the process of losing weight, regular natural bowel movements are extremely important for cleansing the body, so eating fruit brings undoubted benefits.

In order for kiwi to give the desired effect to get rid of extra pounds, it should be eaten after eating: the organic acids in the fruit activate digestion, and it also prevents reflux (heartburn with belching).

The ideal option is to eat one kiwi half an hour after lunch and dinner.

Two fruits a day is enough: don't go for a fruit just because you feel hungry. The product has a strong diuretic effect, which is good for weight loss, but do not forget to replenish body losses by drinking plenty of fluids.

The standard kiwi diet lasts 10 to 15 days. Get out of a restricted diet should be gradual. If everything is done correctly, you can lose about 2-4 kg in a specified period.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of kiwi for skin and hair have long been used for cosmetic purposes. One of the root causes of the popularity of the fruit is vitamin E, which is part of its pulp, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. The most commonly used masks based on kiwi. They are suitable for different types skin, providing a tonic, refreshing and moisturizing effect at the same time. Preparing such a mask is quite simple. To nourish dull skin mash one small banana and a medium-sized kiwi with a fork, add two tablespoons of fat sour cream to the mass. Apply the mask on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and moisturize your skin with a day cream.

For skin restoration mix ripe kiwi pulp with 10 g of cosmetic clay, raw egg white and a spoonful of olive oil. You should get a homogeneous slurry that can stick to your face. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the mask is gently washed off.

For moisturizing the face half of the kiwi fruit is ground to a gruel, a spoonful of cottage cheese and a little natural honey are added there. Apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 25 minutes. After washing, wipe the skin with a nourishing lotion.

Interesting fact: Kiwi contains beta-carotene, which promotes a more active perception of the skin to tan.

Fruit pulp can be used for skin peeling. To make a scrub yourself, mash one ripe kiwi with a spoon or a pastry spatula, add a spoonful of poppy seeds and liquid honey to the gruel. Apply the mass on the face and neck and massage the skin for a couple of minutes. Wait another 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

For hair restoration fruit-based masks are prepared in many ways. A popular composition to strengthen hair growth and reduce sebum production. To prepare the mask, mix half a kiwi with potato starch: the proportions are taken by eye - the result should be a thick mass, similar in consistency to fatty sour cream. Apply the mask to the roots and wrap your head in polyethylene, put a towel on top. Wash your hair with shampoo after 40 minutes.

Kiwi in folk medicine

In alternative medicine, an exotic fruit is not used so often, but it is successfully used to treat colds, burns, scurvy and beriberi, as well as symptoms caused by being overweight or bad habits like smoking (shortness of breath, pallor, etc.).

Most often, traditional medicine recipes mention the use of fresh fruit pulp, externally and internally. Here are some examples:

  • With thermal damage to the skin- mix the mashed pulp of a ripe fruit with a little olive oil and apply to the affected area. Can be used as a compress;
  • With SARS and influenza- grind one ripe fruit into a puree and add linden honey. It is eaten at night before going to bed and works like a "vitamin bomb" for the body weakened by the disease;
  • With shortness of breath– mash the kiwi pulp and rub it through a fine sieve. Mix honey and half a teaspoon of ground anise to the resulting syrup. Use the remedy in a tablespoon half an hour before meals;
  • - mix crushed kiwi with a pinch of cinnamon and acacia honey. Eat the prepared mixture with warm tea;
  • With beriberi and anemia- chop one kiwi, three small carrots in a blender, mix the resulting mass with a spoonful of honey and kefir (200 ml). Use the composition with a small amount of dried bread. This recipe will help fight vitamin deficiencies and restore an exhausted body after a serious illness.

How to choose and eat?

When purchasing kiwi, choose only trusted outlets that definitely do not ignore sanitary norms and responsibly approach the selection of a supplier. The quality of the fruit depends not only on the shape and elasticity of the structure. Factors invisible to the eye - for example, chemical processing of the peel for better preservation - also greatly affect its quality characteristics. In order not to buy a green or overripe fruit, take kiwi by the piece. In the packaging they look more attractive, but you will not be able to inspect the fruit from all sides and notice dents or rot spots.

Evaluate the product visually: the peel should be dense, solid and solid. When pressed from the sides, the ripe fruit slightly springy. An overripe kiwi has a loose flesh to the touch, while a green kiwi has a firm flesh. Store purchased fruits in the refrigerator.

A little trick: if you still purchased unripe kiwis, put them in the same container with apples and close it with a lid. Apples release ethylene, which will speed up the ripening process.

Correct use kiwi means removing the peel. Some advise eating the skin as a valuable source of dietary fiber, but the reality is that many fruits are treated with special substances, including sulfur dioxide. It is sometimes impossible to remove them with ordinary washing, so it is better not to risk it. To make it more convenient to eat kiwi, wash the product, cut it in half and remove the pulp with a teaspoon.

It is believed that two medium-sized fruits cover 2.5 times the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. So eating above the mentioned norm does not make sense, otherwise there is a risk of side effects.

Contraindications and harm

Kiwi is considered a valuable product in terms of diet. The fruit is useful for vitamin deficiency and perfectly complements the diet, which is poor in vitamins. But the benefits of the fruit does not negate the presence of contraindications to its use. Organic acids and other certain chemicals in the pulp of the fruit can adversely affect the human body if it suffers from certain diseases.

It is absolutely impossible to eat fruit for those who are diagnosed with hyperacid gastritis and erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach walls. Also, kiwi should not be consumed by people who have a stomach or duodenal ulcer. During the period of recurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the acidic juice of the product irritates the mucous membrane, which is highly undesirable.

If available inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system (in particular, exacerbation of kidney diseases), you should also refrain from eating kiwi. The pulp of kiwi contains a large percentage of water, so the kidneys will work in an enhanced mode to remove fluid from the body. For the same reason, an additional load on the excretory system is undesirable in the presence of serious dysfunction and heart disease. For such patients, the number of fruits eaten per day is limited to a slice or half. Exotic fruits such as kiwi are often strong allergens.

If there is a tendency to allergic reactions or individual intolerance, the use of the fetus can lead to the appearance, itching, redness and swelling of the larynx, tongue and nasopharynx.

In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and even Quincke's edema develop. To avoid this, a child who first tastes kiwi gets a minimum serving.

The fruit has a weak laxative effect. This is a contraindication to its use in food and bacterial intoxications in order to avoid dehydration of the body. If you are taking anticoagulants and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, eliminate kiwi fruit from your diet for a while. The product has the property of thinning the blood, and eating can provoke internal bleeding.

Kiwi was first cultivated in China. The plant belongs to the actinidia family. Initially, the fruits of this fruit were small and did not exceed 30 grams, and only in New Zealand at the beginning of the 20th century did they begin to develop a larger and juicier culture that we now know.

The kiwi got its name due to its resemblance to the flightless bird, which is the New Zealand emblem.

Now fruit with a juicy green filling is grown in many countries (USA, Japan, Italy, Greece, etc.), and you can buy it anywhere in the world.

Chemical composition, vitamins, fruit calorie content

calories per 100 grams fresh kiwi fruit is 47 kcal(candied fruits - 320 kcal, dried fruits - 355 kcal).

Calorie 1 pc. (approximately 60 g) - 29 kcal.

Nutritional value of the product: carbohydrates - 8.1 g, fats - 0.4 g, proteins - 0.8 g.

Note that a nutritious fruit is mostly made up of water. To be more precise, this is as much as 83.8%!

also in compound fruits include: organic acids, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, starch, ash.

The nutritious fruit is enriched with the following vitamins: A (0.015 mg), B1 (0.02 mg), B2 (40 mcg), B6 ​​(200 mcg), B9 (0.0185 mg), beta-carotene (0.09 mg), C (180 mg) , E (0.3 mg), PP (0.5 mg).

Minerals, which are part of ripe and juicy kiwi fruits: potassium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, aluminum, iron, zinc, manganese, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, iodine, cobalt.

It is enough to eat 1 fruit per day to enrich your body with almost daily the norm of vitamin C (the content of ascorbic acid in it is greater than in oranges).

Freshly squeezed juice of ripe kiwi is highly valued not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. It is customary to drink it in the morning in the amount of 1 glass. Such a dose is not harmful, on the contrary, the effect of a vitamin cocktail on the human body is very healthy.

Kiwi juice will help start a new day with a smile, as the body will feel an influx of strength and energy. During the day, you can also afford a light salad with kiwi fruits. Then good mood and the feeling of cheerfulness will not leave you until the evening.

Because delicious and fortified In terms of composition, the fruit has practically no calories and perfectly quenches thirst, it has found wide application in cooking. For example, smoothies, jams, various desserts, ice cream and even savory main dishes are prepared from ripe and soft fruits. The sauce recipe is original, the main ingredient of which is an exotic fruit. Even salads, kebabs, jams and cocktails are prepared from kiwi fruits! Best of all, juicy kiwi is combined with sweet ripe apples and cinnamon.

Useful and medicinal properties for health

Irreplaceable for human body proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins in almost in full force and the right amount is contained in a juicy exotic fruit - kiwi. And since its fruits are not only very tasty, but also healthy, they are also commonly used in medical and preventive purposes.

Healing kiwi properties:

  • Improves mood.
  • Disease prevention of cardio-vascular system(content of K - 300 mg and Mg - 25 mg). Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis.
  • Due to the presence of antioxidants (there are much more of them in the peel than in the pulp), it strengthens the immune system (which is of particular importance for children), and increases resistance to colds.
  • Reduces pressure.
  • Removes bad cholesterol from the body, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys, removes excess salt (including sodium).
  • Kiwi fruit can be consumed by people with diabetes, as the fruit contains a small amount of organic sugar.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Prevents the possibility of oncological diseases.
  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • It has a mild laxative effect.
  • Positively influences a hormonal background.

Kiwi has health benefits for men. The content of zinc (0.29 mg) and vitamin E ensures the production of testosterone and normalizes erectile function.

For women kiwi has a special value as a cosmetic product.

Mix green pulp with egg yolk and olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes. This procedure promotes the active production of collagen. Effect- tightened, smooth and delicate skin, slowing down the aging process.

Kiwi peel is also useful tool in home cosmetology. Lotions from it tone the skin, moisturizes, and rejuvenates.

Nutritionists advise eating a little kiwi at the end of a meal, which contributes to improvement digestion.

The fruit is widely used for weight loss, due to its content of vitamin E. To do this, it can be consumed half an hour before or after meals. The main thing is to follow the total dosage of the day, so as not to overdo it with the amount of vitamin C in the body.
Kiwi goes well with avocado.

It should be taken into account that the heat treatment of the fruit destroys most of the vitamins and minerals it contains.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Kiwi is an important part of the diet pregnant women, as it contains a large amount of useful substances.

Useful properties of kiwi for pregnant:

  • Protects against infections.
  • The content of folic acid (0.0185 mg) has a positive effect on the nervous system, contributes to the healthy development of the fetus (reduces the risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy).
  • Prevention of anemia.
  • Helps with heartburn.
  • Prevents swelling, as it restores the water-salt balance.

Delicious green fruit is also good for lactating mothers - using it in your diet will strengthen immunity baby and protect against viruses. But some rules must be followed:

  • it is desirable that the child reaches the age of three months;
  • during lactation, you can eat kiwi if during pregnancy this fruit did not cause any side effects.

Kiwi jelly and jelly dessert have become the most popular dishes that young mothers love to pamper themselves with.

Such recipes are not at all complicated and do not require a huge amount of time, which is extremely important for pregnant women, because their body is constantly experiencing hormonal imbalance and an increased feeling of fatigue.

A pregnant woman or girl should avoid eating kiwi in any form and quantity only in case of individual intolerance or in the presence of gastritis, various exacerbations of ulcers. Increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract or the presence of an allergic reaction to this fruit are also important reasons that serve as a signal for failure from eating such an exotic fruit as kiwi.

Great news can be considered the fact that in the presence of diabetes, a pregnant woman, like a woman who is not in a position, drink kiwi juice allowed. It is considered even more useful and nutritious than any other. Since kiwi contributes to the normalization sugar levels in the blood of a diabetic patient, and improves the blood.

An exotic fortified fruit improves the composition of the blood, making it more saturated, and also enhancing the protective function.

Harm and contraindications

After you have been introduced to the countless positive qualities of a tasty and healthy fruit with various conditions and circumstances, only one question remained unanswered: is there contraindications for eating kiwi?

Undoubtedly, kiwi fruits are very healthy and nutritious, but they should not be too abuse just like any other fruit. Since in some cases kiwi can affect the human body completely the opposite way: causing an allergic reaction or complications of diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following are the main contraindications to eating an exotic fruit for food. We also draw your attention to the fact that in the presence of an acute allergic reaction, it is better to avoid the use of kiwi for various purposes. In this case, it should not only not be eaten, but also any cosmetic products and medicines that include this ingredient should be abandoned.

Contraindications to the use of kiwi:

  • severe allergic reaction (oral dermatosis, asthma symptoms, swelling of the tongue);
  • duodenal ulcer, stomach;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • kidney disease;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • also kiwi is contraindicated for any poisoning.

People learned about such an exotic fruit as kiwi relatively recently. It appeared in the space of settlements only a few hundred years ago, but despite this, it managed to win the glory of an unusually tasty and fragrant fruit.

In the old days, kiwi could be found under the name Chinese gooseberry. It got its name because of the external similarity of the pulp; China is the birthplace of the fruit. Few people know that this type of fruit was created artificially by scientists for the purpose of experiment.

Kiwi has not only an amazing taste, but also a whole range of beneficial properties for the body. It is designed to strengthen the immune system and have a tonic effect on the body.

Beneficial features:

  • It has a preventive effect on colds and viral diseases. A feature of the fruit is that, thanks to artificial cultivation, it can be purchased year-round.
  • Contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Even one medium-sized fruit can fill your daily vitamin C requirement.
  • It has a very beneficial effect on the overall performance of the human digestive tract.
  • Contributes to the normalization of protein metabolism.
  • It is one of the few products that provide resistance to cancer.
  • Prevents the occurrence of hypertension.
  • It has a positive effect on the vessels of the brain and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chinese gooseberry is very useful for people who are overweight. Its active components, getting into the human body, contribute to the breakdown of fats. Kiwi is very often included in the diet of diet food. It helps not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to fill the deficiency of nutrients.

For the renal system, it acts as a drainage agent. Helps to remove salts from the kidneys, which is the prevention of the possibility of formation of stones.

Kiwi is an excellent natural antidepressant. It helps to strengthen and calm the central nervous system. Including it in your daily diet helps to increase efficiency, concentration and attention. It is recommended to use it for people with excessive physical and intellectual stress.

Due to the high content of folic acid, kiwi has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of women in an interesting position. It ensures the proper formation of the child's nervous system and significantly reduces the possibility of uterine tone during pregnancy.

This exotic fruit is also extremely useful for children. It contains vitamin D, which strengthens the skeletal system. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the skeleton and strengthens nails and hair. Due to its active substances, vitamins of this group are a prophylactic against the possibility of developing a disease such as rickets.

Able to restore strength and give the body energy for the whole day. Perfectly satisfies hunger and is perfectly absorbed by the body. The big advantage of the fruit is that it is allowed even for people with diabetes. It contains a small percentage of sugar and is an absolutely harmless product even with obesity.

Kiwi is a sweet and sour fruit that can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is very useful to use it as a dessert or just complete a meal with it. It will help eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and help prevent heartburn and belching, which is so unpleasant for all people.

Despite all its benefits, kiwi has some contraindications for use, the inconsistency of which can negatively affect the general well-being of a person.


  1. Gastritis with high acidity. Kiwi contains acids that can irritate the mucosa.
  2. Ulcer.
  3. Food poisoning.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys.
  5. Children under the age of two.
  6. Diarrhea. The fruit has a laxative effect, which will only lead to complications in this matter.

When eating kiwi, special attention should be paid to allergies to this fruit. Having such a reaction, you should not use it, because side effects I can be:

  • Swelling of the tongue.
  • Dermatosis of the pharynx.
  • Asthmatic dyspnea.
  • rashes on skin accompanied by itching and redness.


Thanks to their unique properties and unique taste of kiwi is used in many industries. It can be found in cooking, cosmetology, traditional medicine and even pharmacology.

Despite the fact that kiwi is a “young” fruit in Europe, a large number of traditional medicine recipes have been created on its basis to help cope with various kinds of diseases. It can help cure cough. It is enough to mix its pulp with honey and anise until smooth and consume several times a day.

With such a delicate problem as constipation, kiwi fruit should be consumed several times a day. It contains seeds that, once in the intestines, stimulate its peristalsis. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to eat it on an empty stomach every morning.

In the field of cosmetology, not only the pulp of the fetus is used, but also its peel. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives it elasticity. The peel can be used to wipe the décolleté area in order to tighten the silhouette, and the pulp can be used as the main ingredient for various masks.

Today, kiwi can be found in many cosmetic preparations. industrial production. On its basis, creams, lotions, shampoos, face and hair masks are made.

Summing up, we can distinguish such beneficial features kiwi like:

  1. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  2. Strengthening the immune system.
  3. Regulation of blood sugar levels in humans.

Kiwi has a large amount of vitamins and nutrients for the human body. It has a unique taste and delicious aroma. But despite all its benefits, do not forget that its excessive consumption can harm health and worsen well-being.

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