Conversation what are medicinal plants. Conversation with children on the topic "Medicinal plants". Preparatory group. How to collect medicinal herbs

Conversation: "Journey to the world of medicinal plants!"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be useful to a wide range of readers, both adults and children of all ages. It can be used for conversations, classroom hours, and extracurricular activities.

Target: Introduce children to medicinal plants
Tasks:- Teach children to listen carefully and answer questions.
- To teach children to draw appropriate conclusions about the importance of plants in the health of their body.
- To educate children about caring for plants.
Preliminary work:
- Conversations about healing properties plants and their diversity.
- Compiling stories, fairy tales about medicinal plants, memorizing poems, riddles about medicinal plants.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, what are medicinal plants?
Answers: These are plants that are used in the treatment of various diseases.
Educator: All herbs - healers - oregano,
And St. John's wort, and lungwort,
Both strawberries and blueberries
And cranberries and blueberries.
Celandine, wormwood, viburnum,
Flax, calendula, nettle.
Herbs, where to find such,
The inhabitants of the forest know.
That's what they are for us
Let's tell a story now.

Educator: Guys, do you know that in addition to medicines, in case of illness, you can still be treated by other means. All our diseases can be treated with medicinal herbs and plants. Many of them are familiar to you, they grow near you. And let's remember what medicinal plants we know.
Answers children.

Educator: And now, I propose to remember "Rules for the collection of medicinal plants".
Children called:
- You can not collect plants near roads and railways.
- You can not collect plants in damp, wet weather, it is better to do this during the day, when it is dry and clear.
- You can not taste the plants.
- You can not tear a lot of plants.
- It is necessary to collect medicinal plants each species separately.
- After collecting medicinal plants, wash your hands thoroughly.

Educator: Guys, do you know that many medicinal herbs are added to tea. At the end of our lesson, we will also drink delicious tea.
In the meantime, I suggest listening to your homework. Remember, at home you had to prepare a riddle and a short story about one medicinal plant. Information could be taken from books, the Internet, etc.
Child:- In meadows, fields grows
blooms pink,

You can make tea for them.
You answer me quickly!
What kind of weed? - (blooming Sally).
Ivan - tea - a medicinal plant. It blooms in red, purple, white, pink flowers, inflorescences are collected in brushes. Tinctures, healing decoctions and ointments are prepared from it. This plant is an excellent honey plant.

Child: white peas,
On a green foot
Ripens, unfolds
It turns into a bell! (lily of the valley)
Lily of the valley is a very valuable plant. Its drops are used for heart disease. Lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book.

Child: Spice and seasoning
Tea with her was a success,
Guess the guys
Well, of course, this is ... (mint)
Mint is added to tea. Mint tinctures have analgesic and sedative properties. Mint is a real storehouse of medicinal properties. With a pleasant aroma, cooling taste and numerous medicinal properties, mint is one of the most versatile plants in the herb kingdom. The name "mint" comes from the Greek word "ment", coolness. Cool grass is able to freshen the air, the mouth, improves digestion.

Child: What strange flowers
Under the name Marigolds?
So similar to daisies -
All in orange shirts. (calendula)
Medicines from calendula are used to gargle with sore throat and stomatitis. Calendula is an excellent cough remedy, it is also used for burns, bruises.

Child: Yellow eye from underground
They give us the first.
How to properly name them
If they land like a mother? (Coltsfoot)
Mother - and - stepmother helps with coughing, is used to improve vision. This plant has both flowers and leaves.

Physical education "Dandelion"
Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, then slowly stand up)
The stem is thin, like a finger. (raise hands up)
If the wind is fast, fast (They scatter in different directions.
Will fly into the meadow,
Everything around will rustle. (They say "shhhhhhhhhhh")
Dandelion stamen.
They will scatter in a round dance. (Hold hands and walk in a circle)
And merge with the sky.
Educator: Our guys have also prepared poems about medicinal plants:
- Mint treats neuralgia,
And beets - hypertension,
Strawberries drive salt
And sage - a toothache,
- Eat watermelon with jade,
And lingonberries - with arthritis,
To have more strength
Don't forget elecampane.
- Cranberry will cure cystitis,
Radish - cough and bronchitis,
Headache- viburnum,
And a cold - tea with raspberries.
- Treat the liver with mountain ash,
Heart - mint and viburnum,
To avoid diabetes
Jerusalem artichoke eat all summer.
- Asthma cure with hyssop,
Bladder- dill.
Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids
Wash plantain.
- If you have swelling -
Drink horsetail and flax seed,
Smear corns with celandine,
And freckles - grated horseradish.
- Don't forget St. John's wort
Drink tea with him more often
Drink wild rose infusion.
You will be cheerful, young.
Educator: You can also make a delicious salad from medicinal herbs. Here, for example, from a dandelion. This is also a medicinal plant, improves the condition of the body.
To prepare the salad, we need:
- 100 gr. dandelion leaves;
- 90 gr. green onions;
- 25 gr. parsley;
- 15gr. vegetable oil;
- 1 egg;
- salt, vinegar, pepper to taste.
Soak dandelion leaves in salted water for 30 minutes, then chop. Combine chopped parsley and green onions with dandelions, season with oil, salt, vinegar, mix, decorate with a boiled egg.

Educator: There are leaves and flowers on the tables in front of you, I invite you to the tables, you must take one plant at a time and name this plant. And on weekends or when you go home, look around, maybe you will see and recognize these plants on the street.
Children they take a plant from the tables, smell it, examine it from all sides. They give their answers.
Educator: In addition to the plants that we remembered today, there are many other useful and necessary plants for all of us. And now everyone is at the tea party and try to guess with which medicinal plant you are drinking tea. Happy tea everyone. In the meantime, we will drink tea, I suggest watching the cartoon "The Tale of Medicinal Plants."

Take care of nature and health.

Pharmacy underfoot.

How to teach children about medicinal plants.

Author: Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk.

Material Description: this publication is of practical importance for educators and parents in that it will help to tell children about medicinal plants: what is meant by the term "medicinal plants", which plants are medicinal, how they can be used. The material of this publication can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools on excursions to familiarize children with the nature of their native land.

Target: acquaintance with the diversity of the plant world, its ecological unity, fostering a careful attitude to plants.

To acquaint children with medicinal plants, their medicinal properties.
To expand children's knowledge about medicinal plants that can partially replace chemicals, that plants are more harmless to the human body.
Cultivate respect for plants to preserve the integrity of ecosystems.

There are healing powers in herbs and flowers
For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.
V. Rozhdestvensky

There is a legend that tells how the teacher sent the ancient Indian physician Charaki to the forest to bring some completely useless plants. “Master,” Charaki said after returning from the forest, “I walked through the forest for three days and did not find a single useless plant.”
In essence, any plant was created by nature for the good, and the task of a person is only to understand its purpose, since the whole green world is a kind of pharmacy, about which the poet S. Kirsanov rightly wrote:
I don't walk the steppe
- I go to the pharmacy,
Sorting through her herbal filing cabinet.

I would like to raise children who would not indifferently trample meadows and fields, but could see the beauty and benefit of every flower, every blade of grass!

Stinging nettle.

The Russian name comes from the old Russian word koprina - silk. From nettles, fiber was obtained for the production of fabrics.
Among the Russian people, nettle was famous as a sure remedy against evil spirits - witches and mermaids.
It is known as a food plant. Soups and salads are prepared from its leaves. More than once, thanks to its nutritional value, it rescued the people in difficult years of trials:
I avoided flowers.
He considered them an unnecessary miracle,
And I was looking for those places where nettles
It was an impregnable wall.
Burning with green fire
I cut off the prickly legs,
Unusual color cakes,
Burning we ate later.
And now I'm a flower lover
I smile happily at anyone
There are nettles in the backyard,
Like the memory of those terrible years
. (V. Sergin)

Nettle has long been known as a medicinal plant. It is recommended for inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, abscesses, wounds.
"One nettle will replace seven doctors"- says folk wisdom. It is used as a wound healing, with an old cough, a decoction of nettle roots in sugar syrup is recommended.
An infusion of nettle leaves is used to gargle with sore throat, as well as to strengthen the hair.
The stems and leaves of the nettle are covered with many stinging hairs. This feature is reflected in proverbs, sayings, riddles.
Hanging with him is like sitting in nettles.
Though not fire, but it burns.
Itself is cold, but it burns people.
What herb does the blind recognize?

Nettle leaves contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, glucose.

Pharmaceutical camomile.

As if a ray of sun has sprouted,
Behind the city ravine
Shine with drops of dew
Vintage daisies. (A.Markov
The Russian name comes from the Latin "romona" - "Roman" and is borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty, responsiveness, kindness and perseverance.
There was a belief in the Carpathians that in the spring, as soon as the sun warms up, snowflakes from the slopes of the mountains turn into daisies, and at the beginning of winter, daisies turn into snowflakes.
medicinal properties.
Chamomile is an ancient and popular medicine among many peoples. It was believed that chamomile is not far from a rose in terms of tenderness of action.
In Russian medicine, she enjoyed special love, her folk names speak of this: mother grass, blush, bathing suit. It is used as a sedative, diuretic, anti-cold remedy.
Outwardly for rinsing with diseases of the oral cavity. Chamomile flowers are also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastric diseases, and has an anti-allergic effect.
Chamomile flowers are used in cosmetics to give blonde hair a golden hue.
Lots of chamomile riddles:

At the forest gate
The sun is on its feet.
yellow center,
White skirt (chamomile)

Petals are white as snow
The middle is yellow fur!
What stupid tricks
Do not guess on (Chamomile)

I was walking along the path,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all.
The sun's white rays.

The plantain is big.
(semizhilnik, cutter, companion, rannik)

There are many colors
beautiful, careful,
But I like all
Common plantain.
To him, perhaps
And it's harder to grow
And yet he is with people
Is on the way. (S. Baruzdin)

The Russian name "plantain", "fellow traveler" is associated with its habitat near the roads.
Another group of names “cutter”, “rannik” are given to the plant for its pronounced wound-healing properties.
In the legend, these properties were discovered like this. Once two snakes were warming themselves by the road. Suddenly a wagon came round the corner. One snake managed to crawl out of the way, another was run over by a cart wheel. The people sitting in the cart saw that the unharmed snake soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident prompted people to use psyllium to treat wounds.
medicinal properties.
In folk medicine, plantain leaves are used as a freshly ground mass for long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers. It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
In folk medicine, plantain leaves and grass are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis.
The outer layer of the seed coat is slimy and sticky. Sticking to human shoes, hooves and paws of animals, they are transported over long distances. It is believed that this is how the plantain came to America, sticking to the shoes of the first settlers. Wherever white people settle, plantain soon appears. Interestingly, its leaves accumulate less toxic substances than other plants living along busy highways.

Not once, not twice hurting his legs
You helped with your healing power.
Plantain, you always grow along the way,
Did you grow up when there were no roads in the world? (M.Vladimirov)

The plantain has adapted to trampling. people came up with riddle for this case:

He lay down in a bed near the road, spreading his arms and legs.
They beat him with a boot, they beat him with a heel,
He doesn't care about anything, even if you hit him with a brick.

Love and protect nature!

We are surrounded by plants everywhere: flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Without plants, there would be no life on earth. Plants help us breathe. And with their help, you can cure some diseases. You just need to know which plants are medicinal and use them correctly.

Each plant is created by nature for the good. People studied plants, passed on to another generation their knowledge of medicinal properties plants, were "Herbalists".

We have a pharmacy located almost under our feet. Children should see the beauty of the surrounding nature, understand the benefits of plants, flowers and herbs. We, adults, walk with children, go on excursions, to the park, forest, field, introduce them to our mother nature. In spring and summer, you can walk a lot and watch plants and insects. Children are interested in everything.

Let's tell children about medicinal plants. What plants are called medicinal, how to collect them correctly. Teach children to distinguish between medicinal herbs and cultivate respect for nature.

Medicinal plants with a description for children

And in the thickets of the forest,

In fields and meadows

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe.

Available in herbs and flowers

healing power,

For everyone who can

unravel their secret.

(Sun. Christmas)

When we are sick, it is not always necessary to run to the pharmacy for pills. We are surrounded by many plants that can be treated.

Plants that are used to treat various diseases are called medicinal. What plants are medicinal?

Many medicinal plants are known to children since childhood. These are: dandelion, chamomile, nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, lilies of the valley, linden.

Consider the most famous plants for children.

Stinging nettle

The word comes from the old Russian word "koprena" - silk. Nettles were used to obtain fiber and fabrics.

Previously, nettles were considered a means to exorcise evil spirits.

In difficult years, nettle helped people out a lot. It was eaten, prepared soups, salads. It has long been known as a medicinal plant. Folk wisdom says: One nettles will replace seven doctors.

Nettle is used for inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, gargle, used to strengthen hair.

Nettle stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. This feature of the plant is reflected in riddles and proverbs.

To mess around with him, to sit in nettles.

Though not fire, but it burns.

What herb does the blind recognize?

Grows like a green wall

She is bypassed

Prickly and evil diva,

What is the name of the grass?


pharmaceutical camomile

Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eyes look at the sun

Every sister has

white eyelashes


The name comes from the Latin "romona" - Roman, borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty and kindness.

Description of chamomile

Chamomile - annual herbaceous plant from the Compositae family.

The flowers are collected in a basket, which consists of white tongue-shaped petals and yellow tubular flowers. Chamomile blooms from May to September. It grows everywhere: in fields, along roads, near human dwellings.

Medicinal properties of chamomile.

Used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, use it as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Used as a cosmetic, chamomile decoction gives blonde hair a golden hue.

How is chamomile prepared?

Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried in a room well warmed by the sun, scattered in a thin layer on cloth or paper.

Dandelion officinalis

This plant is familiar to children since childhood. Who doesn't like to collect yellow dandelions and make wreaths out of them? it perennial family of Compositae.

They bloom for a long time, forming many seeds per season.

When dandelions bloom, it seems that the children of the sun have descended to the earth and covered it with a beautiful carpet.

Dandelion is very similar to the sun.

Dandelion has been used for a long time medicinal purposes. It is called the "elixir of life" for good reason: all parts of the plant are useful. And roots, leaves, flowers.

Dandelion flowers are used to make jam similar to honey. Leaves can be used to prepare healthy salads in spring.

Dandelion Salad:

100 g of dandelion leaves;

90 g green onions;

25 g parsley;

15 g of vegetable oil;

1 boiled egg;

salt, pepper to taste.

Soak dandelion leaves in salt water for 30 minutes, chop, add herbs, butter, decorate with a boiled egg.

Dandelion has diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant properties.


Grows along roads. Its Russian names are "plantain", "fellow traveler". It is also called “cutter”, “rannik” - for its wound healing properties.

In medicine, the leaves are used to heal wounds and cuts. Also used for stings of bees, wasps and even snakes. Freshly crushed mass of plantain leaves prevents the appearance of edema.

Plantain is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for gastritis, stomach diseases.

Plantain seeds are sticky, stick to human shoes, to the paws of animals and are carried over long distances.

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal abrasions,

Pluck off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us?



I'm not famous for flowers

And with ordinary sheets:

That hard, cold,

It's soft and dark.

The name of the plant was given by the structure of the leaf. From below they are white, fluffy, soft, like mother's hands. From above green, cold - like a stepmother.

A perennial plant of the Compositae family, with straight stems covered with brownish scaly leaves.

Yellow flowers on the stem.

The plant has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Mother and stepmother is a honey plant. And these are the first spring flowers that delight us.

Coltsfoot flowers

Like lights of the sun.

Grow on the hillside

Straight from the snow - and bloom!

(L. Akinshina)


The top of the leaf is smooth

But with a flannelette lining


The plant uses both flowers and leaves. Used for coughing, to strengthen the immune system, as a diaphoretic.

Ivan tea or fireweed

In ancient times, ropes were twisted from its stems, they called it “wild flax”. Good honey plant.

It is brewed like tea. Used for kidney disease, as a sedative.

Shepherd's bag

This plant grows like a weed everywhere. The fruit is a triangular pod similar to a shepherd's bag.

The infusion is used for bleeding.

On the wastelands and on the roads

With an inflorescence a little white weed.

But having studied all its properties,

You may not see it that way.

The bleeding will stop

In China, he is a salad to the table.

The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds

In a fruit that looks like a bag.

(Shepherd's bag)

What other medicinal plants are known to children?


Add it to tea. There is a lot in mint useful properties. Pleasant aroma, cooling taste. Mint tinctures are soothing.

Tasty tea and fragrant,

With her, he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn and dented.

What are you breathing in? - Smell…( mint)

Calendula or marigold

What strange flowers

Under the name of nails?

So similar to daisies -

All in orange shirts?


It has an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic. Gargle with calendula for stomatitis and sore throat.

Lily of the valley

Listed in the Red Book. Fragile, beautiful and fragrant flower. But be careful. Lily of the valley is poisonous.

Lily of the valley - very useful plant. Heart and sedative drops are prepared from it. In folk medicine, lily of the valley is used, but you need to consult a doctor because it is not safe.

The forest turns black

warmly awakened,

Embraced by spring dampness.

And on the strings of pearls

Everyone trembles from the wind.

Carefully woven by nature,

Wrapped in a green leaf

A flower grows in the wilderness untouched

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

(May lily of the valley)

St. John's wort

This is a low perennial plant with a straight thin stem. On the leaves are light dots, similar to holes. The plant is called St. John's wort.

These cells store essential oils.

On the branches - inflorescences of yellow flowers with a balsamic smell. St. John's wort blooms from June to August. It grows in meadows, fields, along the slopes of the coast.

Contains carotene and vitamin C. Plant useful for humans.

It is also called "God's grass", it treats 99 ailments. Why not 100? St. John's wort should not be used in patients with tumors.

Infusion of herbs is used for diseases of the stomach, for gargling, drink as tea.

If something hurts

Not even the beast can resist.

With what herb to drink infusion?

With miracle weed

(St. John's wort)


Unpretentious plant, grows everywhere. Just a wonderful weed. Children from its fruits mold figurines. Burdock is also called burdock.

In medicine, both burdock roots and leaves are used. They prepare decoctions, infusions, extracts and treat various diseases: gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, stomatitis.

Burdock leaves are applied to sore joints. A decoction of burdock strengthens hair.

How to collect medicinal herbs?

Collectors of medicinal plants harvest medicinal herbs. Thanks to the observation of people, folk wisdom, herbs are used to treat diseases. But the herbs still need to be properly harvested. Children need to be told:

  • In no case should you collect herbs near the roads, because. they absorb harmful exhaust gases and there will be no benefit from them, only harm.
  • Medicinal plants should be collected only in clear and dry weather.
  • Plants are not to be tasted.
  • Each type of plant is collected separately.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after picking plants.
  • Do not tear plants unnecessarily.

Plants grow everywhere and sometimes we just do not notice them, although they have great importance for a person.

Children need to be taught to take care of nature, because without a blade of grass, a flower, we will feel bad.

And here's another good one a poem about the benefits of plants.


It lists the main properties of plants

Mint treats neuralgia,

And beets - hypertension.

Strawberries drive salt

And sage - toothache.

Eat watermelon with niphrite,

And lingonberries - with arthritis,

To have more strength

Don't forget the elecampane

Cranberries cure cystitis,

Radish cough and bronchitis.

Headache - viburnum,

And a cold - tea with raspberries.

Treat the liver with mountain ash,

Heart - mint and viburnum

To avoid diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke eat all summer

Asthma cure with hysop

Bladder - dill.

Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids -

Wash with plantain

If you have swelling -

Field horsetail and flax seed.

Smear the corns with celandine.

And freckles - grated horseradish,

Don't forget St. John's wort

Let's take tea off and consume more often

Drink rosehip infusion

You will be cheerful, young.

Video for kids » The Tale of Medicinal Plants»


  1. Medicinal plants help people recover from diseases.
  2. Medicines are made from medicinal plants.
  3. Medicinal plants must be protected and not torn unnecessarily.

It is interesting and informative to tell children about useful medicinal plants that are often found. Read poems, guess riddles about medicinal plants. Children will remember them and treat them with care, knowing about the benefits that plants bring.

Write your comments. If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Sincerely, Olga.

Program content: to clarify the ideas of preschoolers about the diversity of meadow and field plants, to form the ability to recognize and collect medicinal plants in certain places and at certain times, to store and apply them; ; develop the cognitive activity of preschoolers, they are in the process; educate , skill and desire actively .

Lesson material: illustrations depicting medicinal plants.

Lesson progress

AT. Guys, look, we got a letter! Who sent it to us? Instead of a return address on the envelope - a riddle:

He healed sick animals

And Barmaleya won! (Dr. Aibolit.)

AT. What do you think, how did Dr. Aibolit treat animals? (According to the fairy tale - with potions, pills, chocolate bars, stroked their tummies.)

What is the treatment for wild animals? (Plants.) How do they find them? (Smell.)

People have also known the benefits of medicinal preparations made from herbs (herbal medicine) for a long time. All medicine began thousands of years ago with medicinal herbs. For example, Chinese medicine is still famous for its rich experience in herbal medicine. An important advantage of medicinal plants is the absence of side effects that can cause artificial chemicals. The study of traditional medicine today is carried out by special departments of phytotherapy at medical institutes.

In this letter, Dr. Aibolit asks you to help him collect medicinal plants. It is very important to know the origin of the medicinal herb. Therefore, we will now recall the plants growing in our forests, meadows and fields that are well known to us.

Before you go to harvest medicinal herbs, you need to know the plants well. What medicinal plants do you know?

The game "Name and tell!".

AT. I will show you the plant, and you will name it and tell where it grows.

And now I will talk about medicinal plants, and you will find them in the pictures:

The leaves are patterned, the head is yellow with white petals, used as a decoction for gargling and washing, for example, when the throat hurts. (Chamomile.)

Grows along the road, in the meadow, loves the sun. The leaves are green, elastic, with thick veins. It is used to stop bleeding, applied to the wound. (Plantain.)

This plant is said to "bite" because its leaves and stem have hairs that look like small syringes filled with a caustic liquid. Shchi is cooked from its leaves. His decoction wash the hair. It is loved by both animals and insects, especially butterflies.

And try to recognize this plant by smell: it grows in swamps. People collect its root and make tinctures, tablets to calm the nervous system. (Valerian.)

This plant is a meadow plant, it also happens on forest edges. Each of its leaves consists of many (thousands) of small leaves. This is where its name came from. It helps in the treatment of the stomach, improves appetite. (Yarrow.)

From this plant they also know how to make a salad, sometimes jam - yellow, sunny! But the juice of this plant is like milk, very bitter. People collect only its yellow flowers.

Do you know how to properly prepare medicinal herbs? Is everyone going the same way, at the same time?

Let's remember now some basic rules for collecting medicinal plants:

  • Plants are harvested in dry weather, after the dew has dried. The active substances of plants accumulate in them unevenly. Therefore, the collection of raw materials should be done when it is rich in these substances.
  • You can not try the leaves, fruits, roots, inflorescences. Why?
  • Plants are cut with scissors or a knife at the level of the base or lower leaves but cannot be uprooted. Why?
  • You can not tear many plants at once in one place. Why?
  • It is forbidden to collect medicinal herbs listed in the Red Book. Why? What plants of the Red Book do you know? (Lily of the valley, backache, cornflower, veronica, tricolor violet, immortelle, calendula and others.)
  • What do you think, is it possible to collect herbs in the city, near the roads?
  • The quality of raw materials depends on their processing and storage. Almost all medicinal plants must be dried. Dry the raw material immediately after collection (otherwise it darkens and deteriorates). Natural drying is carried out in the shade in a well-ventilated area. Sun drying is allowed only for roots that are previously cut into pieces.
  • Flowers, leaves and buds are harvested by hand, with gloves. After collecting herbs, be sure to wash your hands. Why? (Some medicinal plants have sap that is poisonous to humans. It is necessary to carefully collect their raw materials!)

What is poisonous in lily of the valley? (Berries.) They cannot be torn. They themselves fall off, new plants grow from them.

Crow's eye - its berries are similar to the eyes of a bird. They are also poisonous to humans. In this plant, poison is also contained in the juice itself. Therefore, you can not tear either its leaves or stem.

A very famous medicinal plant is celandine. But its juice can also be dangerous to human health. Therefore, such medicinal plants can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of adults.

Do you know how medicinal plants are stored? For home storage, dried raw materials are poured into cloth bags, boxes, paper bags. They are placed in a dark, ventilated place. Their shelf life is also different: up to 2 years - flowers and leaves; bark and roots - up to 3 years. All sachets and bags must be signed, because it is dangerous to use unknown raw materials.

Let's try to find out from the pharmacy packaging about the content of raw materials!

Let's play pharmacy!

The teacher puts all the boxes of medicinal plants on a shelf; invites children to treat their toys.

AT. The doll has a sore throat. What will you offer her? (Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, calendula.) The chanterelle has a strong cough. How are we going to treat her? (Decoction of coltsfoot, thyme, licorice root syrup.) Look, what a pale doll! She has a poor appetite. (A decoction of wild rose, St. John's wort, yarrow will help her.) The bear cub caught a cold, swimming in the river. He is weak, freezing even under a warm blanket! (We will give him warm linden or raspberry tea.) And the wolf cub has scratched its paw, is lame. How to help him? (Pick a fresh plantain leaf, rinse with water and apply to the wound.)

And now, together with our nurse, we will learn how to properly brew medicinal teas (by subgroups): linden, raspberry, rosehip.

Children practice in recognizing tea by color, smell, taste.

AT. For Dr. Aibolit, we will make special bags with the image of medicinal plants so that no one confuses them. Be sure to indicate the name and time of collection on them.

Children complete a practical task in a lesson on fine arts or together with parents - at home.

Lesson with children about medicinal plants was prepared by L. Ladutko, S. Shklyar

Purpose: To tell children about the benefits of medicinal and the dangers of poisonous plants.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I found such beautiful pictures here and brought them to show you. Let's see! Look here. (Shows pictures of plants) What is it? That's right, plants. What plants do you know? Well done! You know a lot. And these plants are medicinal and poisonous. Do you know what plants are medicinal? Now I will tell you.

Here is the medicinal chamomile. It has a long stem, patterned leaves, white petals, and a yellow center. Chamomile flowers are brewed and drunk when you catch a cold.

Here is the medicinal dandelion. It grows like a weed in the garden. Look, the stem is long and the leaves are long carved, and the flower itself is bright yellow. Decoctions of dandelion cleanse the lungs, and have a good effect on digestion.

And here is the plantain. It grows along the road. Its leaves are large, wide, and the seeds go in the direction of the arrow. It is used to stop bleeding. Fresh leaves are applied to bruises, abscesses and various wounds to heal. And also its leaves are dried, brewed and drunk when coughing or stomach ache.

But look, what a bush. It's rough, but very useful. It's called a rosehip. Its berries are brewed and drunk. It has a lot of vitamins.

Now look carefully and remember. Plants are poisonous. Here is the lily of the valley. Although he is handsome, he is very dangerous. When it fades, berries appear instead of flowers. These berries and lily of the valley roots are poisonous. And in medicine, only lily of the valley leaves are used, tinctures are made from them.

Yes, guys, there are a lot of plants in nature that we do not know. But remember these guys:

If you see a beautiful unfamiliar plant with bright fruits, do not rush to pick it: it can be poisonous;

You can not chew the first blade of grass that comes across;

Coming from a walk from the forest, park, be sure to wash your hands.

Remember guys? Well done! Now I'm going to tell the other guys. See you soon!

Lesson on the topic: "Traveling in the forest."

Purpose: To consolidate the rules of behavior in the forest, knowledge about wild animals. To give knowledge that each animal is beneficial. Strengthen the ability to find errors in short stories. To cultivate a caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature.

Material: cards with prohibitory rules of conduct, cards with riddles, coloring pages with animals.

Course progress.

We received a letter from the forest. It contains an invitation to the forest, but there is one condition: only those children who answer how to behave in nature can enter the forest.

Working with cards.

1. In the forest, you can’t talk loudly, turn on the tape recorder, radio, because you can scare away the animals.

2. In the forest, you can’t kindle a fire on the grass, under a tree, near the bushes, because grass has not grown in this place for seven years, and branches can burn.

3. You can not pick flowers in the forest, because they may disappear.

4. You can not catch butterflies and grasshoppers.

5. You can not break the branches of a tree, a bush, as they are also alive and hurt.

6. Do not take eggs or chicks from the nest. They may die, as their mother will leave them because the smell of a person comes from them. And she does not recognize them for her children.

7. You can not walk dogs in the forest, they can catch the inhabitants of the forest.

You did a good job. After all, the forest is a big home for animals and insects, let's be attentive to nature, and the forest will always be beautiful and interesting. There are a lot of trees in our forest, guess which trees we are talking about:

1. In every house on New Year elegant will come to us, instead of leaves - needles, there is no more beautiful than ours ... (Christmas tree).

2. As dressed up for a wedding, the tree is sung in songs. Not afraid of blizzards, white-barreled frost ... (birch).

3. The construction taiga forest has grown right up to the sky. It stands high, slender ship ... (pine).

4. Earrings hang on the branches, the fasteners suddenly unfastened, the fluff from the trees swirled, the pavement was covered with powder on the roads, the fluff drops on the fields ... (poplars).

Look near the stump, there is something. If we figure out who is encrypted on the cardboard, then we will find out who lives in this forest. Color the animal and talk about them.

O appearance,

Where do they live

What do they eat

What benefit do they provide.

Do you think there are harmful animals. There are many examples of how the fight against "harmful" animals and plants turns into new troubles ("Children, adults and the world around us").

Our mutual friend Dunno also visited the forest, and listen to what story he composed: “Spring has come and I decided to take a walk in the forest. Mushrooms on trees break through dry grass: young leaves appear on pines, birches. In the forest, I noticed a hedgehog, which deftly jumped from branch to branch, and not so far away a bear, preparing for hibernation, seeing a hare, a fox hid under a snag. Sparrows, crows and magpies returned from warm countries to build a nest and raise chicks. I had to go back home as the sun set quickly and a long night fell.

When I read the story, I realized that Dunno got something wrong. If you've been careful, look for errors.


Diagnostics according to OBZh No. 1 ( senior group)

(compiled from conversations)

Surname first name of the child Age the date SDA Fire safety
About the traffic light About the profession of a traffic controller Rules of conduct in transport Rules of conduct on the road About the device of the street About road signs About the profession of a firefighter Dangerous electrical appliances Behavior during a fire

Life safety diagnostics No. 2 (senior group)

Surname first name of the child Age the date behavior in nature
Outdoor safety Home security Behavior at home Communication with strangers ambulance service About mushrooms Rules of conduct on the water medicinal plants Homeless animals Encounter with insects Outdoor safety


1. K. Yu. Belaya, V. N. Zimonina "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1998.

2. T. A. Shorygina "Conversations about the rules of fire safety" Moscow 2008.

3. T. A. Shorygina “Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old”, Moscow, 2008.

4. E. A. Romanova, A. B. Malyushkina “Rules of the road for children preschool age» Moscow 2006

5. Publishing and trading house "Coripheus" "Rules of the road" senior group entertaining materials.

6. OA Skorolupova "Rules and safety of the road" Classes with children of senior preschool age. Moscow 2007

8. N. S. Golitsyna, S. V. Lyuzina, E, E. Bukharova “Life safety for older preschoolers” Work system Moscow 2010.

9. N. Ostrun, A. Kiselev Encyclopedia of the XXI century "School of security"

Introduction …………………………………………………………..……2

forward planning ………………………………………..5-8

Traffic Laws

Conversation on the topic: “Getting to know the street”……………………….……....9

Conversation on the topic: "It's time not to go - do not go out of the yard"………….……....10

Conversation on the topic: “Look to the left, look to the right”…………….11

Conversation on the topic: “Rules of conduct in transport”………………….12

Conversation on the topic “Road Safety”……….…………….…….13

Conversation on the topic: “Controller”………………………………….…..14

Fire safety

Conversation on the topic: “Beware of electrical appliances!”……………….…..15

Conversation on the topic: “The kitchen is not a place for games!”……….……………..….17

Conversation on the topic: “A fireman is a hero, he enters into battle with fire” ...... 19

Conversation on the topic: “Children's pranks with fire”…………………………..20

Conversation on the topic: “Let the New Year tree bring us joy” ...... .22

Child health and emotional well-being

Conversation on the topic: “Personal safety on the street”……………………..23

Conversation on the topic: “If a stranger comes into the house”………………………..25

Conversation on the topic: “Remember, kids pills are not sweets”…………27

Conversation on the topic: “Ambulance”……………………………………….28

Conversation on the topic: “Close the tap more tightly - be careful, be with water” ... ..29

Topic of the lesson: “Keep your health yourself”………………..………..29-33

behavior in nature

Conversation on the topic: “Homeless Animals”………………………………..30

Conversation on the topic: “Edible and non-edible mushrooms”…………………..31

Conversation on the topic: “Rules of conduct on the water”………………………….32

Conversation on the topic: “Safety in nature”………………..……………34

Conversation on the topic: “Meeting with insects”……………………………… ..35

Conversation on the topic: “Medicinal plants”………………………..……36

