Why the folk trail will not be overgrown. The folk trail will not be overgrown... Afterword “the folk trail will not be overgrown”

A.S. Pushkin lived little, but wrote a lot. However, compared to how much has been written about the poet after his death, what he himself wrote is a drop in the bucket. Who hasn’t written and what hasn’t been written about Pushkin?

After all, in addition to true admirers of the great singer’s creations, he also had ill-wishers. Most likely, these people were jealous of the poet, his fame, his genius - they can be called Salierists. Be that as it may, human memory has preserved the best and truest things that have been said and written about Pushkin, the man and the poet. Even during the life of Alexander Sergeevich Gogol wrote: “At the name of Pushkin, the thought of the Russian national poet" And this is really true: no matter what Pushkin wrote, no matter what he wrote about, “there is a Russian spirit, there is a smell of Russia.”

But “the poet, a slave of honor, died.” And the day after the poet’s death, his friend the writer Odoevsky wrote in his obituary: “The sun of our poetry has set! Pushkin died, died in the prime of his life, in the middle of his great career!.. We have no power to talk about this anymore, and there is no need, any Russian heart will be torn to pieces. Pushkin! Our poet! Our joy, national glory!..” It’s already two hundred years since the poet’s birth and more than one hundred and sixty since his death. Who else but us, his descendants, can judge: Pushkin really belongs to national glory, his name is familiar to every schoolchild, his work captivates, enchants, makes you think...

And what wonderful words the poet and critic A. Grigoriev said about Pushkin: “Pushkin is our everything!” And one cannot but agree with this: on the contrary, everyone who is familiar with the poet’s work will not exaggerate if he calls the great genius the mind, honor, conscience and soul of the Russian people. The heartfelt words of Nikolai Rubtsov are filled with love and gratitude for Pushkin:

Like a mirror of the Russian elements,

Having defended my destiny,

He reflected the whole soul of Russia!

And he died reflecting it...

The name of Pushkin is also resurrected with the word “freedom”. Oh, how the poet loved her, how dear she was to him! That’s why he glorified it, and that’s why he sang songs about will and freedom. And he considered this mission - the glorification of freedom - one of the main missions assigned to him on earth:

And for a long time I will be - that is why I am kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,

That in my cruel age I glorified freedom...

Pushkin is a deeply folk poet. “And my incorruptible voice was the echo of the Russian people,” he wrote. It is important to remember his words, once said in a conversation with Zhukovsky: “The only opinion that I value is the opinion of the Russian people.” And the people heard and appreciated their noble singer, even if not immediately, even after years, but forever. His work is a kind of tuning fork for writers of many literatures, his life is an example of human dignity and honor. And as long as these qualities are valued by people, “the people’s path to Pushkin will not become overgrown.”

I remember the day when I first saw Blok’s Carmen. In the fall of 1967, I walked along the Moika embankment to Pryazhka, to the house where the poet died. This was Alexander Blok’s favorite path. From the Neva, across Nevsky Prospekt - ever moving away from the center - he walked like this more than once, amazed at the beauty of his hometown. I went to see the one whose name Blok immortalized in poetry, just as Pushkin once did Anna Kern.

The wide blue Neva, just a stone's throw from the sea. It was the river that forced Peter to make a decision and found a city here. He gave him his name. But the Neva is not always blue. It often turns black and gray and freezes for six months of the year. In spring, the Neva and Ladoga ice melts, and huge ice floes rush to the sea. In autumn, the wind blows and fog envelops the city - “the most abstract and most deliberate city on the entire globe.”

In 1895, Bunin came to St. Petersburg for the first time. There I first met populist publicists: Mikhailovsky and Krivenko, and soon with writers - Chekhov, Ertel, poets Balmont, Bryusov. The publisher Popova published the first book of Bunin's prose, “To the End of the World and Other Stories” (1897).

In Moscow, not far from the Rossiya cinema, there is a monument. On the Pedestal is a “stone” man. Slightly tilted head, curly hair, Arabic straight nose. And at the bottom there are only a few letters carved: “A. S. Pushkin.”
Life pulsates around. Oh, these Muscovites! They are used to not noticing the monument. There is somehow no time to admire the greatness of art. But besides the many monuments in Russia, our people have something else that haunts them. It is hidden in the human heart. This is a huge thank you to the great poet. Let's stop and think about Pushkin's work.
There is a small village in the Tambov region. It has a very short name - Boldino, but for a Russian person it means a lot... This is autumn in a scarlet dress, this is many beautiful poems, this is a piece of Pushkin’s life, dear to our hearts.
The best time to visit this place is in the fall. Such beauty! You are thrown back a hundred and fifty years, to the era that we call Pushkin.
The small mansion in which the poet lived is buried in foliage. A path stretches from it. If you walk along it, you can go straight to the pond. The wind does not ripple its surface. Therefore, your reflection is clearly visible. But you don't recognize the face. Because, having visited the world of Pushkin, you look at yourself from a different perspective.
Suddenly you look around: it turns out that you are not alone. There are a lot of people around. They all walk nearby, whispering thoughtfully...
Why is Boldino so crowded? There is only one answer: there are Jews here. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The folk path to it does not overgrow... Where is the secret of eternity hidden? Oh, the roots of this run deep. But let's try to get to the depths.
The fourteenth of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. Decembrist revolt. All the leading people are on Palace Square. Pushkin is not among them. It is in the link. When Nicholas I asks him what the poet would do if he were in St. Petersburg on the day of the uprising, Pushkin will answer without fear: “He would join the ranks of the rebels.” His heart is always where the struggle for freedom is. The poet's weapon - the pen - breathes the flame of revolution. With the wife of one of the Decembrists, Pushkin sends a poem addressed to all the heroes:
The heavy shackles will fall.
The dungeons will collapse - and freedom
You will be greeted joyfully at the entrance,
And the brothers will give you the sword.
The poet’s subtlest lyricism called to a place where it is joyful to think, where the wind blows freely across the spacious steppes. But how cramped is it for a person in this world, branded by the tsarist regime! Pushkin compared himself to a mountain river, which is choked by rocky banks:
Plays and howls like a young animal.
Seeing food from an iron cage;
And hits the shore in useless enmity,
And licks the rocks with a hungry wave.
For his freedom-loving poetry, Pushkin was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. During the years of exile, the poet wrote his best poems. You read it and are amazed again and again. No matter what, “everything remains in the people’s memory. After all, the poet has always been with the people in soul. And the people loved him.
And one morning Pushkin read to his friends:
Love, hope, quiet glory
The deception did not last long.
The youthful fun has disappeared.
Like a dream. like morning fog.
The king read this poem with indignation. And Russia? She fell in love even more with her true son. And sons remain in memory forever.
It's very picturesque on the river bank. I want to describe all the beauty in my own words, but I can’t. But I don’t want to remain silent, I need to throw out my feelings. And then Pushkin comes to the rescue:
I am yours: I love this dark garden
With his coolness towards flowers,
This meadow, filled with fragrant stacks,
Where bright streams rustle in the bushes.
Probably, there is nothing strange in the fact that we love Pushkin. After all, we ourselves are concerned about what only Russians understand. And Alexander Sergeevich is a Russian patriot. And he was able to express in poetry everything that had accumulated in the soul, but did not burst out, which was sacred to the people:
Does a beast roar in the deep forest?
Does the horn blow, does the thunder roar,
Is the maiden behind the hill singing - For every sound
You suddenly give birth to your response in the empty air.
And along with global themes, there are chamber lyrics that awaken in us holy feelings for man. Throughout his life, Pushkin carried his love for his wife, Natalya Nikolaevna Pushkina. And there would be no real poet if his suffering for human destinies were not complemented by personal experiences. We re-read “Eugene Onegin” several times, never ceasing to be amazed at the purity of feelings with which the novel is saturated. How we lack true love now! And if you want to believe that it exists, read Pushkin:
No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes
Catching with loving eyes.
One hundred and sixty-five years ago, the life of the great creator of Russian poetry was cut short. January one thousand eight hundred thirty-seven. A place near the Black River...
From here, early in the morning, the wounded Pushkin was taken away;.!. A few days later he died...
But what can drown out the voice of the poet who predetermined the fate of his poetry:
Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus'.
And every tongue that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.
There are always a lot of people at the monument on Pushkinskaya. They didn’t just come to the monument, they came to the poet Pushkin, because he comes to them every day. The people's path to the poet does not become overgrown.

Essay on literature on the topic: The folk path to him will not be overgrown

Other writings:

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  2. Recently I was in Moscow. Not far from the Rossiya cinema there is a monument. On the pedestal is a “stone” man. Slightly tilted head, curly hair, Arabic straight nose. And at the bottom there are only a few letters carved: “A. S. Pushkin.” Life pulsates around. Oh, these Muscovites! Read More......
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The folk path to it will not be overgrown

1. Jarg. Arm. Joking. About the army tea room, buffet. BSRG, 598. 2. Jarg. Arm. Iron. About the guardhouse. Maksimov, 413. 3. Jarg. school About the school toilet. (Recorded 2003). /i> Playful alteration famous quote from the poem by A. S. Pushkin “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” (1836). BSRG, 598.

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One of the most painful events in my journalistic life is the Turandot theater award. The thick smell of perfume carefully saved for the most special events, outfits with lovingly smoothed jabots and lace collars, yellowed by the passage of years, suits bought 40 years ago on the occasion of the first significant role, hard but polished shoes, bukels, blush and lipstick - traces of cheap makeup. And eyes.

The most terrible thing, to the point of suffocation rising in the throat, is to look into the eyes of those who fill the second half of the festively decorated hall; in the first half, either important people or Artists are usually sitting. “Recognize me, remember!” they pray to everyone with longing. And artists of the second and third tier are unable to hide this melancholy even with years of honed professional skills. I don’t know which of them was luckier: those who at least once played a big role on the stage or in films, and then found themselves forgotten, buried in a mass grave of second-rate actors. Or for those who, throughout their entire acting career, have never had any other use than just going on stage during the performance with the words “food is served.”

Perhaps it is even more difficult to come only to a nursing home for theater workers, where those who once sincerely believed that their talent would be appreciated are living out their lives in obscurity and indifference. And how many of them left in terrible poverty and complete devastation - after all, they were used to giving themselves, their skills to people - having waited only for a couple of red carnations and applause when the coffin was carried out of the hall. And, by the way, not only artists, but also many once famous personalities buried alive in a crypt of complete oblivion. The legendary strongman and wrestler Ivan Poddubny, about whom a film was made in the Soviet Union, died in 1949 in poverty and hunger. All that was left from him was a letter that had not been sent to the Council of Ministers with a request to provide him with a daily bowl of free soup.

If we talk about actors, then Mikhail Kononov, Georgy Vitsin, Sergei Filippov, Izolda Izvitskaya, Valentina Serova, Boris Novikov were buried together. “Lucky”, perhaps, was Mikhail Pugovkin. Alexander Abdulov saved him from the terrible fate of dying hungry in obscurity. Next in line is a famous actor who has played more than one iconic role, whom I met wearing holey shoes tied with tape. And another, who has not changed his autumn coat since the 70s - there is nothing to buy a new one with, no one takes off the favorite of millions.

It is not by chance that I write about actors. And it’s not even that cinema and theater are extremely important to me, it’s just that their plan will help explain the main idea much more clearly than if we talk about people of other professions. Not only that, they all lived and died completely differently than they expected, dreamed, and hoped. But every time after one of them leaves, we are bombarded with a barrage of information of all kinds. From the simplest - “a great man has passed away”... to the most obscene and obscene news that brings to light the dirty laundry of the whole family.

And someone else will definitely write a big article (or even a dissertation) with admiration and the most thorough and detailed analysis roles he played and reinterpretation creative path the hero of the publication from the point of view of a modern person. The work will be written without taking into account the fact that some of the “newly conceived” lived their lives waiting for at least the slightest recognition and understanding of their cause. That they still have a family for whom all these “understandings” can be very painful. And most certainly, without taking into account the feelings, love and knowledge of those who lived and followed earthly path"stars".

Exactly the same thing happens in any other profession. And this led to a considerable number of sad jokes about how in Russia it is customary to value only those who have died. That in order to be recognized, you must first die. In any other, which means it is by no means an exception. There is certainly a difference. Priests do not expect worship or recognition from fans. They do not strive for fame and popularity. But it is difficult to imagine that preaching, instructing people, teaching in institutes, working on textbooks and celebrating the Eucharist daily, they do this for the sake of posthumous recognition and revaluation of their works.

By the way, in order to rethink or reevaluate something, that is, to do it again, you must, at a minimum, study at least something during your lifetime. Today this is a super task. So for now, the situation with those who are leaving, or rather, with our attitude towards them, is very reminiscent of a Soviet joke.

The daughter asks her mother:

Mom, was Lenin any good?

Of course it's good.

And Stalin?

And Stalin is good.

And Khrushchev?

We'll find out when he dies.