Kazan Production Association. Kazan Motor-Building Production Association

Kazan Motor Building Production Association(KMPO)- one of the largest enterprises in the aviation and machine-building industry in Russia, operating in Kazan. It is located in the Aircraft Building District of the city near the Motor Builders Square named after him, to the east of Dementieva Street in the Karavaevo microdistrict. Along with the nearby KAPO named after S.P. Gorbunov, it is one of the district-forming enterprises.

Officially, the founding date of OJSC KMPO is considered to be 1931 - the year the Voronezh Motor Plant No. 16 was created on the basis of the Vzryvatel plant, evacuated in 1941 to Kazan to the territory of the Kazan Motor Plant (plant) No. 27 and merged with it and with a number of other plants into an enterprise under the name "Plant No. 16".

Company history

Kazan Aircraft Engine Plant (factory) No. 124

The plant included mechanical, tool, repair and assembly shops, a testing station. The number of employees was 507 people. In terms of technical equipment, the plant was one of the best aircraft engine building enterprises in the country.

Plant No. 16

During the Great Patriotic War

During the war years, Plant No. 16 produced VK-105 engines of various modifications. From 1941-1946, 18,126 motors were assembled, which is half of all assembled VK-105 motors.

The plant installed the first installation in the USSR for bench testing of motors with the conversion of energy into electricity. More than 70% of the energy developed by the aircraft engine during the tests was converted into electricity and fed into the power grid of the plant. For the first time in the aviation industry of the USSR, an X-ray installation was created for visual transillumination of M-105 blocks.

In the engine building industry, a “forced” conveyor for assembling engines was installed. Every fifty minutes a finished engine came off it.

Mechanized production lines were organized in the mechanical shops, furnaces for carburizing crankshafts and for hardening block liners were put into operation in the thermal shop.

During the war years in Special design office engines (design bureau of the 4th Special Department of the NKVD) worked S. P. Korolev and V. P. Glushko. Glushko headed this bureau since 1940. Korolev was deputy. chief designer for flight tests.

Activities in peacetime

At the same time, the enterprise was being reconstructed for the production of a turbocompressor air-jet engine RD-20 designed by S. A. Kolosov. New production facilities were organized - compressor, turbine, combustion chambers. For the first time in the USSR, in less than two years, the production of a jet engine was mastered.

In 1952, the production of the RD-3M-500 engine designed by A. A. Mikulin for the Tu-16 was organized and the creation of the world's first jet passenger liner on its basis

Legal form: Joint stock company
Abbreviated name: JSC "KMPO"
Official name in English: Joint-Stock Company "Kazan Motor –Building Production Association"

  • Address: 420036, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Dementieva, 1
  • Phone: +7 (843) 570-8104 (Sales and Marketing Department), +7 (843) 221-2696 (Procurement and Logistics Department), +7 (843) 221-2696 (Information)
  • Fax: +7 (843) 570-8104 (Sales and Marketing Department)
  • Date of organization of the enterprise: April 14, 1931
  • The questionnaire was created: 02/26/2001, modified: 03/09/2017

Field of activity

Joint Stock Company "Kazan Motor-Building Production Association" (JSC "KMPO") was founded in 1931 and is one of the largest engineering enterprises Russia.

Enterprise mission:
"Through continuous improvement of business processes, increasing the efficiency of each employee of the enterprise, to create products that fully meet the needs of consumers, with minimum delivery times and with best price On the market."

The main activity of KMPO is the serial production of gas turbine engines and equipment based on them for the transportation and distribution of natural gas.
More than 1,500 engines manufactured by KMPO are used in the gas transmission system of Russia and the Near Abroad.
KMPO gas turbine engines of the new generation meet modern requirements for ecology, fuel efficiency and operational reliability.
KMPO is also a serial manufacturer of complete gas compressor units GPA-16 "Volga". This is a highly efficient and reliable new generation unit based on model range KMPO engines. The unit is certified and passed all interdepartmental tests.
The association also offers complex technical solutions in the field of energy: power plants (GTEU - 18) for processing natural gas into electricity and heat.
The modern scientific and technical potential of KMPO is based on high technologies for the manufacture of aircraft engines. KMPO has the potential to produce aircraft engines and is ready to cooperate with Russian and international partners in this area.

Certificates and licenses:

Declaration of the Customs Union on compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union CU No. RUD-RU. AT15B.01413. Validity: 14.07.2021
Declaration of the Customs Union on compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union CU No. RUD-RU. AT15B.01270. Validity: 15.03.2021
Declaration of the Customs Union on compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union CU No. RUD-RU. AL16B.61810. Validity: 15.12.2021
SRO membership No. РСО-С-275-1657005416-01 No. 1319/2015(2964) dated: April 13, 2015 Issued by: OOO Gazprom Gaznadzor
Certificate of Conformity No. C-RU.MH04.B.01239 issued by: ANO STC "TECHNOPROGRESS" confirms that gas turbine engines NK-16ST, NK-16STD, NK-16STD (V) comply with the requirements of the technical regulation "On the safety of machines and equipment". Validity: 06.09.2017
Conclusion No. 1319/2015(2964) on the organizational and technical readiness of the organization to conduct work, valid until April 13, 2018.
Notification of entering information into the register of conclusions of the industrial safety expertise NK-16STD
Notification of the entry of information about the expertise of prom. security NK-16-18STD
License No. 4957-A-AT-P for the production of aviation equipment, including dual-use aviation equipment dated April 20, 2007. Series No. 004203.
License No. 4958-A-AT-Rm for the repair of aviation equipment, including dual-use equipment dated April 20, 2007. Series #004204.

Historical reference:

The history of the joint-stock company "Kazan Motor-Building Production Association" begins in 1931 with the founding of the Motor Union Plant No. 16 in Voronezh.
The plant was engaged in the development of pilot batches of TSh-2 aircraft and the serial production of instruments for aircraft production.
In October 1941, the Voronezh plant was evacuated to Kazan on the territory of plant No. 27. Since then, the combined team of the enterprise became known as Kazan Union Plant No. 16, which continued to produce VK-105 engines. This was the main product of the enterprise during the war years. In 1943, 253 aircraft engines were handed over to the fund of the main command. The average annual production of engines at the end of 1943 in relation to 1941 increased almost four times. In April 1945, the 15,000th VK-105 combat engine assembled during the war years was produced. For high production performance during the war years in August 1945, the plant received the first high government award - the Order of Lenin.
After the war, the era of jet technology began, the beginning of which was laid by the first jet engine RD - 1. Following it, new, more powerful jet engines began to be produced: RD-20, RD-500, AL-3 and VK-1. Since 1962, the company began producing engines of the famous aircraft designer, academician Nikolai Kuznetsov NK-8 for the first Soviet turbojet intercontinental passenger airliner IL-62. In 1969, the plant mastered the NK-8-2U engine for TU-154 passenger aircraft.
On October 4, 1976, the Kazan Engine Building Plant was renamed into the Kazan Engine Building Production Association. In the 80s, on the basis of the NK-8-2U aircraft engine, General Designer N. Kuznetsov created a new NK-16ST engine for a gas compressor unit.
In 1983, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the plant and the success in mastering new equipment, KMPO was awarded the second high government award - the Order of the Great October Revolution.
In the early 90s, the activity of the association was mainly aimed at fulfilling the tasks that ensure the quality supply of products to consumers and expand the market by offering latest developments. The latter include a modified power drive NK - 16-18 ST.
The main activity of KMPO at present is the serial production of gas turbine engines NK-16ST, NK-16-18ST, NK-38ST and equipment based on them for pumping and distributing natural gas.

Participation in associations

International association The Union of Aviation Engine Building is a voluntary union of manufacturers and consumers of high-tech products. It includes almost all the largest aircraft engine companies in the world, which have great authority and possess the highest art of creating, manufacturing and operating the most complex technical devices, such as an aircraft engine. The Association is the optimal structure that coordinates the fulfillment of the requirements for aircraft engines throughout the entire life cycle. ASSAD - established in February on the initiative of 58 enterprises and organizations and registered on May 31, 1991 (certificate of the Moscow Registration Chamber 003.076). Within the framework of ASSAD, 91 companies of various profiles work with us, representing Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the USA, England, France, Germany, Canada and Switzerland - research, development, serial, repair state, joint-stock and private firms engaged in the creation , production, repair and maintenance of aircraft engines and their components, auxiliary power units, drives for gas pumping and power plants, recycling of aircraft engines, as well as a large range of consumer goods (engines for cars, outboard motors, snowmobiles, motoblocks and motor cultivators and many other products). The Association closely cooperates with the Russian Aerospace Agency, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense (Air Force) of the Russian Federation, the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

Companies in the group: 50

Social media

In contact with Facebook