Benefits of dietary supplements. Whether dietary supplements benefit and harm should be taken. What determines the normal functioning of the digestive system, what is the digestive system

If you are going to take dietary supplements, then you first of all need to understand that dietary supplements are not a medicine and cannot serve as a remedy for various diseases, and that in some cases dietary supplements can harm your health.


Dietary supplement - This is a dietary supplement that is absolutely not needed for a person to conduct normal life. For normal development, the human body needs fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as various vitamins that fall into human body with food with good nutrition, or supplemented by taking special multivitamins. Thus, we see that Bad is absolutely not needed by the human body. We recommend that you read

So, why is Bud dangerous and why is it needed? Bad is a product that is obtained by a rather laborious process by extracting substances from various products. This means that one orange, or several cherries, etc. were stuffed into one tablet of Bud, but the cost of such a tablet is 100 times more expensive than the same orange or blueberries, or another product. The analysis carried out at the scientific institute showed that taking dietary supplements is completely useless, since a person receives everything for his life and activity from food, or vitamin complex. Excessively taken drugs (dietary supplements) are excreted from the body as unnecessary substances, hence the first financial harm is obtained.

COST: The main danger of Bud is its cost, i.e. you pay a lot of money for what your body does not require or for what you can get from ordinary cheap fruits and vegetables. Only here you will get fresh substances from fruits and vegetables, and processed ones from dietary supplements, and it is far from a controversial question what is better than fresh ingredients or chemically processed ones.

FAKE: Given the high cost of Bads and the fact that they are practically not controlled by anyone, there is a large number of fakes. Those. having bought a dietary supplement for a high price, you can take not an extract from products, which is quite laborious, but ordinary chalk or vitamin C, or something else. And perhaps you will take poisons that will be dangerous for your body and can be harmful to health. We recommend that you read

LOW QUALITY: Considering that dietary supplement is not a medicine, then anyone can produce and make it, and no research is required on the safety and effectiveness of the resulting drug. This leads to the fact that dietary supplements sometimes do not have any documents, and they are produced without observing the necessary pharmaceutical requirements, which leads to cheaper production and low product quality. Those. you buy Bydy for a lot of money, but you get a minimum effect, or even, you don’t get it at all.

NOT EFFICIENT: One of the biggest drawbacks to the danger of dietary supplements is their inefficiency. It turns out that a person falls ill and, for the treatment of the disease, begins to use dietary supplements, which he heard about in advertising, as a wonderful remedy for getting rid of diseases, and as a result, the body does not receive the necessary drugs to fight the disease, and the disease begins to progress, which can lead to serious consequences and even death. Dietary supplements are also dangerous because they do not cure diseases in any way, and they are harmful because they are not a medicine that cures diseases, but are only an extract from food that you can get by eating tasty and healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. Think about it, you don't cure diseases food, because food is not medicine, the same is dietary supplements. We recommend that you familiarize yourself

PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE: The danger of dietary supplements lies in the fact that many people are susceptible to suggestion and self-hypnosis, listening to or watching advertising, they begin to believe in a miracle cure for all diseases by the advertised product (Bad). Such people fall into psychological dependence, spend a lot of money on the purchase of dietary supplements and, at times, take them in large quantities, which can also be harmful to health. Indeed, dietary supplements usually contain dyes, flavors, preservatives and other chemical elements that adversely affect the kidneys and liver. And most importantly, these people are trying to treat diseases with something that is not intended for treatment and is not a medicine, this is a dietary supplement!

Biologically active additives are compositions of substances used in food intake or included in its composition. They are not medicines.

The product first appeared in the USA thanks to Karl Rehnborg, who worked in China for a long time, then ended up in prison. It was there that the chemist made the first supplement to enrich the meager diet. Crushed nails, plants and herbs were included in the first dietary supplement.

Upon returning to his homeland, Carl makes a multivitamin supplement and distributes it to his friends.

The 1950s was an important period in the history of dietary supplements. The Food and Drug Administration gives the right to exist.

In Russia, Rospotrebnadzor regulates them. All drugs must undergo strict mandatory certification, as in European countries and the United States.

Classification of dietary supplements

Currently, there is no strict division into groups. There is a conditional:

  1. Herbal. The most popular, since from ancient times they resorted to herbal healing
  2. Animal origin. In our country, not so popular species. The most famous is badger fat.
  3. Vitamins. Serve to restore vitamin balance in the human body. Widespread popularity since the middle of the twentieth century. Opponents believe that the trace elements necessary for the body are sufficient in the food consumed.
  4. mineral complexes. The function is similar to vitamins. The disadvantage of quality products is the high price.
  5. physiologically active substances. New concept. They are based on molecules that take part in the metabolic functions of the human body.

Unfortunately, the modern world is a bad environment, excessive use of chemicals in animal husbandry and agriculture, low-quality food that is filled not with vitamins, but with artificial additives. All this negatively affects our health and leads to sad consequences.

The human body is sorely lacking in vitamins, minerals, fiber. It has been proven that over the past decades, the iron content in apples has decreased by 90%, calcium in cabbage - by 80%. Modern society constantly in a hurry, and eating turns into snacking on fast food, which contains only useless calories.

The body needs to replenish the reserves of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in order to function at the proper level. Therefore, the purpose of dietary supplements is to maintain and restore health, protect against various diseases.

According to statistics, 90% of the population of Japan, 80% of the US residents take bioactive supplements constantly. It is important to note that they are long-lived.

To find the right supplement for a particular person, consult a doctor. He will prescribe tests and find out which components of the body need to be replenished.

Differences between dietary supplements and drugs

As noted earlier, in order to sell additives, it is necessary to pass strict quality control of Rospotrebnadzor. We list the main advantages:

  • Contains only natural, certified ingredients;
  • Production use modern technologies;
  • A balanced composition that eliminates the incompatibility of incoming substances;
  • Can be used for a long time without harm to the body;
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.

Let's take a closer look at the differences in the table.

It should be noted that the main purpose of medications is to treat the disease, bioadditives are to fill the missing nutrients.

Benefit and harm to the body

"What are the dangers of dietary supplements?" - this question interests, if not all, then very many. Based on the comparative table, we see that dietary supplements bring invaluable health benefits:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Acceleration of metabolism. This item is important for people who want to lose weight;
  • Removal of toxins from the body;
  • Replenishment with essential nutrients.

Let's see if dietary supplements are harmful?

The greatest danger lies in wait for those who stumbled upon scammers and purchased non-certified goods. Such preparations may contain unintended chemical and even narcotic substances. As a rule, instructions are not attached to them, the expiration date is not indicated on the box. To date, there are also a huge number of supplements that have only a placebo effect. The harm of dietary supplements is minimal, but, unfortunately, there is no benefit from them either.

Recovery and "cleansing" of the body

Action biological additives is aimed at strengthening the body as a whole and to maintain the functions of individual organs and systems:

  1. Preparations for joints and cartilage are used in the early stages of osteoarthritis and so on.
  2. Bioadditives for the heart and blood vessels. Prevent thrombosis and the occurrence of other ailments. They include heart attacks and strokes.
  3. Dietary supplements for the liver. Contains vitamins and antioxidants, lipoic acid.
  4. are extracted extracts from plants and animal organs.
  5. For sight. The composition includes an extract of blueberries, carrots and other products rich in vitamin A, B, C. Strengthen blood vessels, retina.
  6. To improve blood circulation.

IN separate group select dietary supplements that help cleanse the body. They are divided into subspecies depending on the functions:

For women, men and children

Dietary supplements are safe for all age groups.

To protect the child from viruses and colds, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins and minerals. For these purposes, various dietary supplements are used (Multi-Tabs, Vita Mishki, Immuno kids, etc.). Some of them contain probiotics.

Among women, weight loss drugs are very popular. This is especially true of the spring-summer period, when everyone wants to be irresistible.

According to reviews, the most effective in this regard are dietary supplements of domestic production: Evalar and Siberian health.

Supplements for strengthening hair, nails, and improving skin condition are no less in demand. Pregnant women should be careful, who should take supplements, and especially drugs, strictly under medical supervision.

The benefits of dietary supplements for the body of a man are also appreciated. Supplements to increase potency, selenium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. But in the presence of serious diseases, this drug, unfortunately, will be ineffective.

We examined what dietary supplements are and what their main functions are. We also figured out how useful and harmful they are for the body.

Bioadditives are a complex of natural ingredients that affect the body as a tonic or as a medicine.

Why do people resort to the services of dietary supplements?

Historically, at all times, people have used herbal medicines to treat diseases and viruses, to relieve fevers and heal wounds. Natural remedies can relieve pain, improve digestion, act as a relaxant or stimulant.
After examining some plants, scientists came to the conclusion that sometimes their effectiveness is not worse than that of medications, but at the same time, you usually don’t have to worry about possible side effects. This was the reason for the creation of pharmacological products, called dietary supplements. But what is it really? What lies behind the well-known abbreviation BAD? And are these substances as harmless as is commonly believed?

BAD, what's in your capsule?

The raw materials for most of these preparations are extracts from a variety of organic and inorganic substances. But we immediately note that this, at least, should be ideal. But since dietary supplements are not included in the list of substances whose quality is strictly controlled by law, the composition of most of them is only on the conscience of manufacturers. In this article we will talk about dietary supplements, so to speak, correct, made in compliance with technology and exclusively from substances useful to humans.

The components of biologically active drugs can be a variety of substances. Depending on the function assigned to the dietary supplement, it may include different types lipids, proteins and vitamins and minerals, enzymes, fiber, bee products and plant extracts. They can play the role of probiotics and other beneficial substances for humans.

Types of dietary supplements

All biologically active additives are usually divided into 2 groups: nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals, or bioregulators. The first are drugs that restore the deficiency of certain substances in the body. The intake of these dietary supplements is justified for people whose diet is far from balanced. Substances from the second group affect the functioning of organs and systems. As a rule, they are taken for prevention or as an adjuvant in parallel with traditional therapy. Although manufacturers often combine the properties of both types in one preparation.

What should be remembered when taking dietary supplements?

When taking biologically active supplements, it must be borne in mind that, like conventional medicines, they can cause side effects in the form of allergies, as well as affect the effectiveness of some medicines. Other than vitamins and minerals, the long-term effects of dietary supplements are unknown. It is also important to remember that no one can guarantee the quality of dietary supplements for 100 percent. Moreover, some studies generally refute the effectiveness of dietary supplements, comparing their work with the placebo effect.

What are the benefits of bioadditives?

Bioactive supplements are not drugs, so the principles for taking them are also different.

Meanwhile, they can be useful for the prevention of certain diseases. Often they are taken as a means to strengthen the immune system or additional sources of vitamins. Dietary supplements from natural ingredients can be an effective supplement in the complex treatment of chronic diseases.

In addition, bioactive additives are capable of:

  • regulate the metabolism of nutrients;
  • promote hematopoiesis and proper blood clotting;
  • play the role of an antioxidant;
  • some have properties similar to hormones;
  • influence enzymatic processes;
  • influence cellular respiration;
  • activate the reproductive capabilities of the body;
  • promote the formation of connective tissue;
  • remove toxins;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • maintain electrolyte balance;
  • contribute to the stability of acid-base balance;
  • beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

How dietary supplements differ from drugs

The first and most important difference between bioactive supplements and drugs is in the composition of both drugs: as a rule, natural substances serve as raw materials for dietary supplements.

Secondly, both drugs differ in the principles of work: dietary supplements give a milder effect and, as a rule, do not have side effects. In addition, they do not accumulate in the body and do not have a toxic effect. Given these nuances, it becomes clear why the body tolerates the effects of dietary supplements more easily than traditional medicines.

When to Consider Supplements

Despite the fact that there is no unequivocal opinion in the world about the effectiveness of biological products, in some cases even doctors recommend that patients take a course of capsules on a natural basis.

As a rule, these substances are resorted to when it is necessary to restore the vitamin-mineral balance or saturate the diseased body with certain nutrients. Also, high-quality dietary supplements are effective for strengthening immunity, accelerating metabolism, normalizing intestinal microflora, and as a substance that cleanses the body of toxins and poisons. IN Lately Dietary supplements for weight loss and regulation of metabolic processes in the body have gained particular popularity. It is also worth noting that the composition of many dietary supplements is a cocktail of substances that are extremely useful for humans, playing the role of powerful ones.

Considering such a wide functional range of dietary supplements, almost every person and at any age can take them. The main thing is to choose the right dietary supplement.

You should also take supplements:

  • pregnant women;
  • children during intensive growth;
  • with problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with diseases of internal organs;
  • during a period of increased emotional stress;
  • in old age.

Deficiency and excess of bioactive substances

Perhaps, many are interested in the benefits and harms of dietary supplements. But even with this information, sometimes you can harm the body if you take drugs in the wrong dosage.

So, an excess of dietary supplements, as a rule, resembles ordinary poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, changes in body temperature, dizziness and even hallucinations. All this can occur against the background of excessive consumption of biosubstances. In addition, the development of hypervitaminosis and excessive accumulation of other nutrients that are part of the supplement are possible.

But the fact that the body lacks useful elements can be indicated by weakness, fatigue, dizziness, beriberi, problems with the skin, hair, nails, “flies” in the eyes and other signs.

Efficiency of biosubstances

Bioactive supplements are very specific drugs. And in order to feel their effectiveness, 1-2 tablets taken from time to time are not enough. There are quite a few recommendations on how to make bioadditives as effective and beneficial as possible for a person.

Firstly, most dietary supplements are not a miracle pill for a specific ailment. They affect the body in a complex way, strengthening, if not all organs and systems, then at least functionally similar ones. But at the same time, among the proposed drugs, you can choose an additive that is most suitable for a person at a certain stage of treatment or prevention. For example, after taking antibiotics, it is good to drink a dietary supplement that acts on the body as a probiotic. Or, after treatment with drugs whose side effects have affected the liver or kidneys, you can take a bio-course with a cleansing effect.

As for dosages, for most biologics they are not strictly defined, and vary depending on the needs (treatment or prevention). But still, it is necessary to start taking an unfamiliar substance with small dosages, gradually increasing the daily allowance.

In some cases, the time of taking the drug matters, and in order to enhance its effectiveness, it is worth following certain recommendations. For example, most dietary supplements are advised to drink with meals. If it is a tonic drug, then it should be consumed in the morning. If this is a drug, then you need to drink it before or after a meal, maintaining at least a 30-minute pause. It is important to store packages with tablets or capsules in a dark, dry place or even in the refrigerator in order to preserve the biological activity of the active substance as much as possible.

The most popular dietary supplements

succinic acid

Bioactive additives, which include succinic acid, affect the work of all cells in the body, stimulating their activity. This substance is a very strong remedy, therefore, in order to avoid an overdose, it is important to take a break from taking drugs containing succinic acid.


Preparations with garlic extract are useful for headaches and manifestations of arthritis, as well as for cleansing blood vessels. Usually dietary supplements containing garlic are oil capsules.


Most often, the component of bioactive additives is sea kale - kelp.

This brown-red sea plant is a rich source of iodine. Laminaria is important for effective work thyroid gland and strengthening the immune system. This is an effective remedy for fighting purulent inflammation. In addition, it is a source of other components that are equally important for health: lithium. Together, they all have a positive effect on the work of the adrenal glands, genitals, pancreas, endocrine system. When choosing dietary supplements based on kelp, it is important to know that this algae is not the most in the best way affects the body with kidney disease or improper blood clotting.

As a dietary supplement, spirulina family seaweed is important for colon cleansing and is also an excellent source of protein (20 times more than soy) that is absorbed by the body faster than proteins from animal products. In addition, it contains large reserves of iron, beta-carotene and some enzymes. This whole complex helps to cleanse the liver and blood vessels.

Chlorella is also a popular ingredient in dietary supplements. This algae is predominantly used as a source of protein.

Fish fat

Dietary supplements, the main component of which is fish oil, are usually rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They stabilize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Important for the health of children, in particular for activating the work of the brain and strengthening the organs of vision.

Royal jelly

This substance contains indispensable for humans and many vitamins. Preparations based on royal jelly are used to treat the nervous system, enhance potency and strengthen the immune system. Dietary supplements of this type are used to treat anemia, with exhaustion, and also for resorption of adhesions. But high blood pressure and epilepsy are serious contraindications for the use of drugs containing these substances.


This flower product can often be seen in the list of components of bioactive supplements. In particular, pollen is combined with rutin and protein. In this combination, they are an excellent drug for strengthening blood vessels. Dietary supplements of this group are prescribed as prophylactic agents against strokes, heart attacks, as well as to strengthen the eye vessels. Also effective for restoring potency and fighting infections. And for children, such drugs are useful during a period of intensive growth.

Meanwhile, it is important to consider that all bee products are strong allergens. True, pollen belongs to the least dangerous.


Lecithin, derived from egg yolk or soy, makes bioactive supplements useful for high cholesterol, improper absorption, and. Also, dietary supplements, which contain this substance, are used to restore the nervous system, cleanse the liver, get rid of fatigue, anxiety, depressive states, and to activate brain functions.

In addition to the above, many dietary supplements include extracts of carrots, sea buckthorn, pineapples, avocados, grapes and nuts. Also in the list of components you can see Icelandic moss and other exotic plants.

In the era of fast foods and "artificial" food, a person does not receive even a tenth of the useful substances that our grandparents provided themselves from food. Therefore, it is not surprising that the relevance of dietary supplements is increasing every year. These bioactive substances are able to give the body everything it needs. But on one condition. The dietary supplement itself is a high-quality preparation containing extracts of all the declared components, without impurities and substitutes, then it will actually bring benefits to a person, not harm.

Currently, customers do not experience a lack of products on store shelves. On the one hand, this is good, but less and less can be found balanced in composition. Due to use food additives our diet has been enriched with various taste sensations, but the content of vitamins, minerals and essential microelements has sharply decreased.

Now in pharmacy chains you can find a huge number of dietary supplements that are recognized to solve the problem. In the article we will try to figure out, dietary supplements - what it is.

What are dietary supplements

From a medical point of view, they do not belong to the mandatory components of nutrition. They are not needed for a full life. If a person's diet is balanced, then he receives everything he needs from the products that he consumes.

With a deficiency, it is quite possible to change the situation for the better by taking multivitamins, since there are a huge number of them in pharmacies. Then the question arises: dietary supplements - what is it?

Such additives are obtained by extracting from various organic and inorganic complexes. This process is quite lengthy and complex, which requires manufacturers to comply with all production technologies. Since private companies are more often involved in this, it is sometimes not at all profitable for them to comply with all the rules.

Because of this, there are situations when poorly purified substances get into the tablet or they are not there at all. For full assimilation, it is necessary to observe the combination of components among themselves, and this is often not done. As a result, most doctors confidently assert that dietary supplements are practically useless for the body, it is quite possible to live without them.

It’s good if instead of a useful tablet in the package there is ordinary chalk or a neutral substance, but there are cases when even combinations that are dangerous to health come across. So think after this, BAD - what is it, benefit or harm to the body.

The composition of dietary supplements

In its composition, all supplements have various food components, biologically active substances. Among them are the following:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats and fat-like substances.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Triglycerides.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins and microelements.
  • Enzymes of plant origin.
  • Probiotics.
  • Beekeeping products and many others.

Despite the fact that dietary supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy completely freely, without a doctor's prescription, it is worth considering before using them. It is better to consult a doctor to weigh the pros and cons, calculate the dosage and the need for use.

Classification of dietary supplements

Since they are most often prescribed in medicinal purposes, then their classification is based on this use. There are two classes of dietary supplements:

  1. Nutraceuticals.
  2. Parapharmaceutics.

The first group of drugs is designed to eliminate the lack of nutrients. It includes all synthetic vitamin preparations, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Taking them, you can normalize the diet of both adults and children.

Parapharmaceuticals, or they are also called bioregulators, affect the body differently. They affect the functioning of organs, increase the body's resistance to various adverse factors of the external and internal environment.

Bioregulators act more powerfully and purposefully. They are usually prescribed for the prevention of various diseases. But very often it is quite difficult to separate these two classes among themselves, since the same drugs can belong to two groups at once.

Historical reference

Traditional medicine has always played an important role in the search for remedies and methods of treating various diseases. At the dawn of the existence of mankind, this was a common need, since official medicine did not have such a development.

Almost until the middle of the 19th century, medicine relied on the experience and knowledge of folk recipes that had accumulated over the centuries. Information was collected, recorded by famous scientists of antiquity, for example, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen and many others.

Despite the widespread use of plant objects for treatment, with the development of the chemical industry, they learned how to isolate active substances and produce medicines based on them. Gradually, they began to supplant folk recipes. At present, we continue to observe this process, when a huge number of new drugs are synthesized every year.

It was supposed that it would gradually cease to be used, but it turns out the opposite. Modern synthetic drugs as a result of use give a large number of side effects.

Again, more and more often we try to get rid of our sores. folk remedies to do less harm to your body. Medicine did not wait long and decided to use it. So a new generation of medicine appeared - dietary supplements. What is it, briefly if, then this is the official successor of traditional medicine, only in a slightly different guise.

There are many supporters of the fact that it is dietary supplements that can finally cure a person, and not traditional medicine.

Despite the fact that they have not yet fully figured out, dietary supplements are good or bad, but in medicine they are usually recommended to be used in the following cases:

  1. To quickly fill the deficiency of missing substances, for example, vitamins, trace elements.
  2. To reduce the caloric content of the diet in order to reduce body weight.
  3. To meet the needs of a sick organism in certain substances.
  4. To increase resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  5. For preventive purposes to prevent metabolic disorders.
  6. In order to change metabolism, for example, to speed up the elimination of toxic substances.
  7. To restore immunity.
  8. To normalize the intestinal microflora.
  9. To regulate the functioning of the body.
  10. Many dietary supplements are excellent antioxidants.

Based on this, we can conclude that biological additives can be prescribed to almost every person, the reason and justification for taking can always be found.

Principles of using dietary supplements

The use of additives is based on some principles:

  • The principle of functionality and consistency. That is, the impact should be complex, since the work of organs in the body is directly related to nutrition.
  • The principle of staging. At different stages of the disease, it is desirable to select various supplements. For example, at the first stages, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and at the end of the treatment, eliminate the toxic effect of taking medications.
  • The principle of adequacy. It is necessary to prescribe dietary supplements, taking into account the nature of the disease, the features of its course.
  • syndromic principle. The appointment of biological additives should be made taking into account those symptoms that are pronounced.
  • The principle of optimality. In the treatment or prevention of diseases, the dosage must be selected individually.
  • combination principle. Dietary supplements can be combined with food and other drugs.

Analyzing all the principles, we can say about dietary supplements that this is a substance that must be used in combination with other therapy during an illness. Supplements alone cannot be cured.

Despite the fact that supplements are not a drug, there are some rules for taking them.

  1. Reception must begin with a small dosage to see the reaction of the body, and then you can bring it to the recommended by the doctor.
  2. For more effective assimilation, biological supplements are best taken at the same time as food.
  3. If the dietary supplement contains calcium, then it is better to use it half an hour before meals or after, so as not to affect the acidity of gastric juice.
  4. If a dietary supplement is prescribed as a supplement, then it is advisable to take it in the first half of the day so as not to disturb the night's sleep.
  5. Dietary supplements containing live microorganisms must be stored in the refrigerator and used between meals.
  6. Do not use more than the dose prescribed by the doctor, or the one recommended on the package.
  7. You can not take several types of dietary supplements at the same time.
  8. Biological additives are stored in a dark and dry place. Not in the refrigerator, unless otherwise specified in the storage instructions.

Considered the question: "BAA - what is it and how to apply it?". Now it is necessary to study the pitfalls of taking such drugs.

Danger and harm of dietary supplements

It is already known that dietary supplements are obtained in a complex technological way, a whole orange can be contained in one tablet, but its cost will be many times more expensive fresh fruit. Trying to help their body, some use supplements in large dosages, but all the excess is still excreted, which means that our money flows down the toilet.

Here are just some of the dangers that await when using dietary supplements:

The benefits of biological additives

It is impossible to take dietary supplements as a medicine, this is a common food supplement. Although the use with natural ingredients that our body needs can be beneficial. Given this, it can be noted that dietary supplements can prevent the development of many diseases or assist in their complex treatment.

  • For the prevention of certain diseases.
  • Replenishment of the level of vitamins, minerals.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • In the complex treatment of chronic diseases.

Differences between dietary supplements and drugs

If you ask a pharmacist: “DS, what does it mean?”, then most likely he will answer you that these are substances of plant and animal origin, that is, completely natural. There are some features of supplements that distinguish them from drugs:

  • The active substance is contained in small doses.
  • Softer effect on the body.
  • Not toxic.
  • The body tolerates them more easily.
  • Very rarely cause complications or give side effects.
  • Can relieve the toxic effects of drugs.
  • Do not accumulate in the body.

After studying this information, you already doubt that dietary supplements are harmful.

You should not believe everything that is shown and advertised on television, each body is different, the reaction to taking dietary supplements can be unpredictable. Take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, and then you will definitely not need biological supplements.

Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements.

Dietary supplements cannot replace good nutrition

They are also unable to cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can do harm to the body. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, drug or vitamin?

Not being drugs, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food. The official wording defines them as a combination of natural (or identical) active substances intended to be taken with food or incorporated into food products.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and drugs?

By developing a drug, pharmacists partially "delegate" to him some of the "duties" of the cells of the body. Most drugs are synthesized chemically. The order and duration of taking medicines are quite strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a "cocktail", all the ingredients of which are predominantly of natural origin.

The regulation of physiological functions and biochemical reactions of dietary supplements is carried out by eliminating the deficiency of one or another nutrient.

You will learn all the details about how dietary supplements differ from drugs from the video:

An important difference between them and medicines is the order of appointment. Many drugs in a short period of time remove the manifestations of an existing disease. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to "delay" possible diseases practically healthy people.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin-mineral complexes (VMCs), then, being medicines, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances that, entering the body with food, play the role of “catalysts” that spur biological processes that support vital energy.

In dietary supplements, active substances are present in doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMK, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question, dietary supplements are good or bad, we note the main purpose of their appointment - to balance the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern Agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, gives a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous "top dressings". Depleted soil does not have time to "give" the remnants of mineral and other substances to early ripening fruits. The same applies to cattle breeding with the use of numerous animal feed. The result is that the population is deficient in most nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements is the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more information on why dietary supplements are needed - see the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences divided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for persons without diseases and people with chronic ailments as sources of micro- and macroelements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceutics. Complement drug therapy, support the functionality of individual organs and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or probiotics- sources of living microorganisms useful for maintaining the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

Supplementing food, the preparations of each of this groups ensure the improvement of individual systems or the whole organism.

Recovery and "cleansing" of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturating the body with nutrients, dietary supplements have their drawbacks. They are subject to certification, which means only the absence of harmful substances. But with unskilled selection, components of additives that are harmless at first glance can do harm.

So, mint-based preparations threaten a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
Ephedra herb extract, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is similar in composition to narcotic substances - it is dangerous for hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular ailments.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels

Taking certain drugs based on herbs with an estrogen-like effect (licorice, red clover) can introduce an imbalance in the hormonal background.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin-mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will bring to the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Immoderate doses of drugs with a high content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

An excess of, for example, beta-carotene, under the influence of cigarette smoke, triggers oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared with the detrimental effect of two packs of cigarettes smoked a day!

And uncontrollably swallowing "water-soluble" ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing that is worth remembering for those who decide to make dietary supplements a component of a healthy lifestyle is that their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of several dozen food additives. And therefore, in order not to fall for the bait of manufacturers of "pacifiers", visit the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

Biologically active additives (BAA) have entered our lives so thoroughly in recent decades that it seems impossible to find a person who has not tried them at least once. But most of our compatriots have a vague idea of ​​what dietary supplements consist of, how they work and how they differ from real drugs. Let's try to understand these issues, and at the same time understand how necessary such supplements are.


The history of the appearance of dietary supplements, their composition and purpose

Already in ancient times, people knew that extracts from certain plants, powders from minerals and dried parts of animal bodies have a positive effect on the body (relieve fatigue, increase mood and vitality, eliminate symptoms of diseases, etc.). The first medicines were mixtures, sometimes quite complex, of extracts and extracts of this kind. They were used for therapy before the advent of synthetic drugs. IN late XIX century, the world again "turned its face" to drugs of natural origin, mainly for the purpose of general recovery, prolongation of life and getting rid of the consequences of existence in a developed industrial society (obesity, depression, neuroses, etc.).

The authors of the first dietary supplements were enthusiasts who turned to the experience of Eastern healers and tested the effect of the selected substances on themselves. They created drugs of a general tonic nature and distributed them among their loved ones (at first, even for nothing). The real boom happened in the second half of the twentieth century, when supplements were invented that allegedly helped to lose weight, dispersed through the "network marketing" system. At the end of the 90s, the passion for dietary supplements reached Russia and became widespread, which was facilitated by an aggressive and rather high level of distrust towards official medicine. Today, our pharmacies and stores offer hundreds of supplements, most of which, at a very high price, can not only be useless, but also harmful to health.

Dietary supplements consist of extracts of plant, animal or mineral origin and are designed to optimize the amount of vitamins, microelements and some other components necessary for normal life. According to experts, with a balanced diet, a person should consume more than 600 different substances daily. It is clear that many simply cannot afford a diet that meets such requirements. And it makes sense to get some of the ingredients in a concentrated form from drugs that are properly manufactured, safe and affordable. Ideally, this role should be performed by dietary supplements.

Why eating dietary supplements can be dangerous

If the composition of the biologically active additive is fully consistent with that stated on the package, the drug is produced in compliance with all technological and sanitary and hygienic requirements, the rules for its storage and sale have not been violated, and the need for these particular substances for a particular person has been precisely established, the dietary supplement will undoubtedly bring real benefits. The trouble is that the fulfillment of all these conditions is the exception rather than the rule. In reality, dietary supplements do more harm than good. The main reasons are as follows:

  • The requirements imposed by the state on biologically active additives are much softer than on drugs. Dietary supplements do not have to undergo clinical trials, their quality and composition are simply declared by the manufacturer. This means that the company that produces the additive makes a statement about what the product consists of and how it works, and the conformity of these statements with reality remains on its conscience;
  • in medical programs educational institutions training courses on the specifics of the use of dietary supplements are officially absent. It turns out that not only consumers of supplements, but also doctors do not have sufficient knowledge about the effect of such products on the human body, its compatibility with drugs, side effects and other important nuances;
  • biologically active additives are very often sold by organizations and individuals who do not have any right to such activities;
  • dietary supplements in most cases does not correspond to their real qualities, it is unscrupulous and incorrect;
  • a significant part of the additives offered on the market are made from low-quality raw materials or contain components hazardous to health.


When a person is going to improve his health with the help of dietary supplements, it can be difficult to dissuade him. As a rule, such a decision is accompanied by disappointment in the official drug treatment, fear of surgery and a generally difficult state of mind. However, some caution can be exercised even in such a situation. Before purchasing a very expensive drug, it must be taken into account that dietary supplements can never, under any circumstances, be used as medicines. Anyone who claims otherwise is breaking the law (even if it's a medical practitioner). In addition, there is simply no reliable information about the effect of most dietary supplements on the human body. Therefore, the recommendations of people who allegedly experienced a “miraculous” remedy are not credible: what “helped” them can harm you. In any case, it is better to find a conscientious doctor for the same money and follow his recommendations than to add the effect of an unexplored drug to your ailment.

Be healthy, and if you get sick - be treated competently!

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Hello everyone, dear readers!
Nowadays, people are in constant search for substances that could benefit health. Apart from proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and giving up bad habits, you should pay attention to biologically active additives (BAA). They appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already become popular among people.

What are dietary supplements: what are useful and harmful?

Biologically active additives (BAA) are products that are a mixture of trace elements and vitamins. They are used to replenish the stock of the main components in the human body. The science of micronutrientology deals with the study of the basic properties of such funds. Preparations are produced in the form of lozenges, powders and capsules.

High-quality dietary supplements must be accompanied by certificates. It is worth making a choice in favor of trusted manufacturers that guarantee the safety of their products.

What are dietary supplements

The benefits of drugs for the human body are invaluable:

  • they contain only natural ingredients of plant origin;
  • the composition of the funds contains a sufficient amount of vitamins that can compensate for the deficiency of components;
  • with the help of dietary supplements, you can stabilize the process of metabolism and metabolism.

If you take into account all the pros and cons, you can make the right decision. Be sure to consult your doctor to prevent the risk of side effects.

But biologically active food supplements can harm a person. Their danger lies in the following points:

  • there is a high risk of acquiring a fake that will not give the desired effect;
  • a psychological dependence may arise from the product, which is difficult to cope with;
  • the composition of the preparations may contain toxic and poisonous components, which will harm the human body.

Now you know what dietary supplements are, what are useful and harmful means for people. It is necessary to purchase them only from trusted sellers in order to eliminate all sorts of dangers and side effects.

All dietary supplements, the classification and identification of which varies widely, are divided into several main types:

  • nutraceuticals - designed to replenish the body's supply of vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and other components;
  • parapharmaceuticals - are used to prevent various diseases, since they include plant extracts, phytoncides, essential oils.

This is a new form of healing gifts of nature, which was used by people many millennia ago. In modern industry, drugs are produced in the form of capsules, freeing a person from the need to prepare them.

If you see that the remedy belongs to the first group, you can use it as a nutritional supplement. The second type of drugs should not be used without the advice of a specialist who understands all the intricacies of drugs.

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

The answer to this question is very multifaceted. A dietary supplement is a food product that does not always contain useful components in its composition. Many companies are trying to save money by adding substances of dubious origin to drugs. That is why you should not buy products made by unverified companies.

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Professionals have not yet conducted a full clinical study of drugs. This means that you may encounter different side effects. Tests that would prove the effective impact of the funds were not carried out. In addition, the interaction of drugs with drugs is also not studied. That is why the question of whether dietary supplements can harm health remains controversial.

The threat of drug overdose is not excluded. Many people are tempted by the useful composition of the funds, so they stop observing the dosage. This is fraught with food poisoning, allergic reactions and other negative aspects.

Are dietary supplements good for health?

Many people do not know if dietary supplements actually help get rid of underlying problems. The drugs have many useful properties. They have a positive effect on the general well-being of a person. With the help of such funds, you can make up for the deficiency of valuable trace elements in the body.

Regular intake of drugs makes it possible to stabilize the process of metabolism and metabolism. Thanks to this, the digestion of food becomes unproblematic. You can forget about the heaviness in the stomach and discomfort.

What dietary supplements can be taken constantly?

Experts recommend using such drugs in courses for a month. But some people prefer to drink funds constantly, without taking breaks. This is only relevant if you choose products from trusted and well-known manufacturers.

If you do not know what dietary supplements you can drink constantly, carefully study the composition of the product. If it contains exclusively natural ingredients of plant origin, you can safely use the supplement. It will not harm the body if you follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Do the body need dietary supplements: reviews and opinions of doctors

Many experts have paid attention to modern supplements that people use. They argue that such drugs are able to replenish the supply of valuable components in the body. Dietary supplements: benefits and harms, whether it is necessary to take them - this is a question that professionals have studied in great detail.

In practice, it has been proven that the means make it possible to improve your health only if you take them according to the established rules. Often, doctors are faced with an overdose, as people lose their vigilance after studying the composition of the drugs. Even natural plant ingredients in excessive amounts can cause allergies and other side effects.

But does the body need dietary supplements? Reviews and opinion of doctors boils down to the fact that you first need to consult with a specialist, and only then choose the appropriate drug and its dosage.

Dietary supplements table

Drugs effectively affect the human body. If you do not know if dietary supplements help in treatment, read reviews from people who have tried them in practice. The comments indicate that you need to take such funds correctly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table compiled by experts.

This is a dietary supplement table that you should follow. By following all the established rules, you can improve your health and correct existing health problems. If you do not abuse the drugs, then the effect of dietary supplements on the liver will be minimal. Funds can't hurt internal organ. On the contrary, they will bring out all the toxins, toxins and heavy metal compounds.

Schemes of taking vitamins and dietary supplements

The duration of taking such supplements is described in detail above. It is necessary to strictly follow the established rules so as not to encounter side effects and health problems. Only in this case, the biologically active substances that enter the body with food will act effectively, quickly eliminating existing problems.

The instructions for the drug indicate the appropriate dosage. It is strictly forbidden to exceed them, since an excess of components in the body will lead to unexpected consequences. A biologically active substance obtained from food can cause severe allergic reactions.

Certification of dietary supplements

Certification of such additives is a mandatory procedure that cannot be neglected. It is carried out in the form of confirmation of compliance of products with established sanitation standards. It is believed that if the dietary supplement has an American certificate, there is no need to doubt its quality and safety.

Certification of dietary supplements

Certificates for drugs are not mandatory papers for the sale and import of goods. You can replace such documents with a declaration of conformity. But certification of dietary supplements is necessary in order to confirm the safety and quality of the product. Usually, documents are drawn up at the initiative of the applicant.

Certification of dietary supplements in the Russian Federation

In our country, the issuance of a certificate for such products occurs on a voluntary basis. It is not a mandatory document. But it is mandatory to issue a hygiene certificate and a Declaration of Conformity.

The difference between dietary supplements and medicines

In order not to face unpleasant surprises when purchasing supplements of this type, you need to understand what is their main difference from drugs. Medicines are designed to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease that has developed. Dietary supplements are needed for the formation of enzymes and other biologically active substances, and not for the elimination of diseases.

The main difference between biological additives and medicines is their mechanism and principle of operation. Medicines of medical origin perform functions that are associated with the cells of the body. Biologically active additives restore the functioning of the main systems of internal organs.

The difference between dietary supplements and drugs is that you can take supplements for life without worrying about your health. In the case of drugs, overdose can be encountered, which leads to allergic reactions and food poisoning.

The difference between dietary supplements and medicines

But what is the difference between a dietary supplement and a drug in terms of composition. Medicines are substances that are chemically synthesized. They are prepared according to the developed formulas. As part of biologically active additives, there is a healing mixture, the basis of which is natural ingredients. That is why people very rarely have an allergy to such drugs.

The main criteria for distinguishing dietary supplements from drugs are the prescription of the drug. Dietary supplements are best taken if you are healthy, as they make it possible to resist various diseases. Medicines are taken only if a person has already encountered a specific disease. Do not self-medicate, as medications can become dangerous to your health.

Now you know how dietary supplements differ from medicines. Take into account all these features in the process of choosing the right tool. You need to take into account the state of your health, so as not to make a mistake.


In some situations, such products are strictly prohibited. This applies to the following points:

  • individual intolerance - the preparations contain extracts of plant and animal origin, which can cause severe allergic reactions;
  • expectation of a baby - in our time, studies have not yet been conducted that could convince that the funds have a positive effect on the body of expectant mothers;
  • the period of breastfeeding - the main substances of the drugs can get into breast milk, which causes the development of allergies in the baby;
  • the presence of malignant tumors - additives can accelerate the growth of tumors, which will lead to a sharp deterioration in human health.

If you decide to use dietary supplements, please consult your doctor. He will select for you the optimal course of taking the drug and its dosage.


This article is useful for both consumers of dietary supplements and distributors. I will describe the medical side of the issue and the economic side. The topic of dietary supplements is now very relevant. There are many opinions and they are all different. It is difficult for people to understand what is true and what is false. I do not deal with dietary supplements, but due to the specifics of my work I often come across them. I have no motivation to spoil the reputation of dietary supplements or promote them. I'll try to be as objective as possible.

Now it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard about dietary supplements. This industry is currently developing quite dynamically. Distribution networks are springing up like mushrooms after the rain.

First of all, we are interested in the medical side of the issue. Do dietary supplements really help or are they not effective? Maybe dietary supplements are bad?

At one time, I checked a large number of dietary supplements using the Voll device. Moreover, dietary supplements from several companies. We are talking about dietary supplements: NSP, Argo, Edelstar. In order for you to better understand what is at stake, I will tell you how you can check the effectiveness of dietary supplements using the methods of electropuncture (EAF) diagnostics.
Briefly about EAF diagnostics: it is a method based on the measurement of electrical resistance small area skin, which is part of one of the energy meridians. For example, in order to select a drug that improves kidney function, I, as a diagnostician, must first measure the readings of the points characterizing the condition of the kidneys, and then put the drug into the device and take measurements again. If measurements with the drug showed a value closer to normal, then the drug is useful. Many of my EAF diagnostic colleagues, unfortunately, do not know about such a concept as “measurement plateau” and due to this, a lot of errors arise. Especially when there is a selection of the drug. In order to accurately measure the readings, you need to fill your hand and feel the force of pressing the point well. A bit passed or underpressed and the testimony is no longer correct. Often, the unfortunate diagnostician is financially interested in selling dietary supplements to the patient, so the pressure is shifted towards material interest and, lo and behold, the arrow of the device shows an improvement.
I have tested a large number of dietary supplements on many people with different ailments. And I did not notice a significant improvement in the indications from these drugs. Approximately 10% of the tested dietary supplements gave barely noticeable improvements in performance. It's about "clinical" trials.
Now consider the reviews of people about dietary supplements. In this case, it is advisable to divide people into those who:
1. Uses dietary supplements and makes money from it
2. Just uses dietary supplements, without going into the economic part of the issue

Among the first category of “successes” there are much more. And this is not surprising, because there are burning eyes, faith in the manufacturing company and, of course, monetary motivation. Even if these people have obvious health improvements after taking supplements, the effect of the placebo effect is large. Faith can do a lot to a person. Frankly, among the distributors there are individuals who look pretty good and, looking at them, you can even believe in the effectiveness of dietary supplements. But, sometimes there are very curious facts. For example:

A person who takes dietary supplements tells me about the miracle cure of his back with dietary supplements. I check my back - indeed, it is in a much better condition than that of 90% of people of this age. I ask: - What did you take? They tell me: - BAA containing calcium (I don't remember what it's called). I look then the annotation to this preparation. There, apart from calcium and some other mineral, there is nothing else. The question arises. What's with the calcium? The condition of the spine is largely dependent on the condition of the intervertebral discs, which are, in fact, cartilage and consist mainly of collagen. With the same success it would be possible to recover calcium gluconate.

In this case, the placebo effect is indeed a powerful healing factor. Yes, and lifestyle consultants adjust. They can't look bad. How will they then sell their dietary supplements. Those. they have a clear purpose. Look and be healthy in order to set an example for others. This creates a powerful psychological background, including for healing. Believe me, our brain is capable of much.

Those who simply consume dietary supplements are deprived of burning eyes, puppy delight and the placebo effect no longer works like that. In the end, we have the pure functionality of the drug, and, alas, it leaves much to be desired. According to simple consumer reviews, the effect, as a rule, is almost not noticeable. Only 10-15% of people can boast of a positive effect from dietary supplements.

Often I argued with dietary supplement traders about the effectiveness of the latter. For example, I argued “Why don’t patients drink herbs instead of dietary supplements?”. After all, herbs are much cheaper and have been tested for thousands of years by our ancestors. In response, I was bombarded with statements that dietary supplements are produced using modern technologies that allow preserving all the usefulness of natural components. Who is right in this dispute? Let's discuss.

You probably bought apples in stores and markets. Tell me, which apples are tastier, those bought from grandmothers in the market (with worms, a little “crooked”), or those that are in supermarkets in calibrated boxes, shiny and perfect in shape? If you are not a fool, you will buy apples from your grandmother in the market. Because these apples are real, grown in natural conditions. And those in the supermarket taste more like styrofoam. What am I talking about? Moreover, dietary supplement manufacturing companies grow raw materials on an industrial scale, in monoculture conditions and artificial feeding with chemicals. And don't shout about ISO. Because ISO and standards are written for suckers, and there is no problem adjusting these standards for yourself. Especially when it comes to big profits. St. John's wort grown in the forest cannot be compared in quality with St. John's wort grown on an industrial scale. medicinal herb it's not just a set of chemicals. It is also a special energy.

Physicians, pharmacists and adherents of dietary supplements throw stones at each other. They constantly shit on each other at the first opportunity. If you see this, you know that the market is being divided. Do not pay attention to these squabbles, you will not find truth in this. These are wars for the right to cheat suckers.

Since I mentioned pharmacology, it is worth recalling such a phenomenon as VITAMINS. Do you still buy vitamins in packs? Then know that all these pseudoscientific theories about the alleged lack of certain substances in the body are a GLOBAL SCAM. The invention of cunning pharmacists. The vitamin market is in the tens of billions of dollars. In order to spur all this on, stupid suckers are slipped on a zomboyaschik and in journals of the theory of “British scientists”. Who are the same scientists as I am an opera singer. For money you can buy any scientist with giblets. These are the same venal skins as many others. All these vitamins are not only not absorbed by the body, but rather slagging it. The body is able to process only natural products. Why am I, a vegetarian with four years of experience, still living and prospering, although according to the theory of “British scientists” I should have died from a lack of certain “amino acids that are not produced by the body”. And my acquaintances are raw foodists who eat a couple of leaves a day, a saucer of germinated grain and a couple of nuts. They are perfectly healthy and full of energy people. Why didn't they die of vitamin deficiency? And what about "sunflowers"? If you take vitamins, why are you sick? Think carefully about these questions.

I've said a lot here. But you are interested in a specific question. Can I take dietary supplements or not? Here is your answer. If you have a lot of extra money, then you can. You are unlikely to harm them, but the benefit .... well, who knows. It is quite possible that there will still be some benefit from them. If you are tight with money, run away from consultants before they leave you without pants. In any case, dietary supplements are more useful than pharmacological chemistry. This is absolutely accurate.

I would like to draw your attention to this. "British scientists" and other scammers have taught you to think about your health only through the stomach. “What would you eat to become healthy?” - you think, and go to the pharmacy or to the consultant. It's not worth thinking like that. For with such thinking you will never be healthy. Food is only 10-20% of your health. The rest is emotions, worldview, upbringing, the condition of the spine, ligaments and muscles. Therefore, even the most effective and magical dietary supplements are only a small fraction of your health.

And now I would like to turn to consultants who sell dietary supplements or those who are thinking of becoming them.

Any MLM structure is aimed at its expansion and at using the energy of its adherents. Each structure has its own marketing plan. There are structures with rigid, sweatshop marketing plans. There are frankly swindling, and there are more or less "balanced". If a recruiter with puppy enthusiasm tells you about what mountains of gold await you, about how you will achieve financial independence and how you can buy a villa, hang your legs on a deck chair and earn money without doing anything, send him to hell. Just look at this recruiter, he is like a squirrel in a wheel with his tongue hanging out on his side, running around and brainwashing people like you. Is this a success? No. Any MLM structure builds its plan in such a way as to squeeze the maximum energy out of its participants. You, like the donkey from the tale of Hajj Nasredin, will be hung up with a carrot in front of your muzzle, and you will forever chase after this very carrot. Yes, if you actively move the loaves, you will get a couple of bucks. But keep in mind, this is a rather difficult job, which is exhausting no worse than working “for an uncle”. If you stop to rest, then immediately lose your bucks. MLM structure is not interested in you resting. You will not become independent. On the contrary, you will become even more dependent. Some consultants may brag about their successes to you. More often than not, it's the boasting of losers. They will not admit to you that things are not going well for them. This is where the slogan comes into play. “Fucked myself, help others to screw up!”.