Literary quiz on winter fairy tales. Literary game “Visiting winter fairy tales. On what Emelya came to the king

Literary quiz"On the road of winter fairy tales»

Target : to consolidate the knowledge of children about winter tales and their heroes, to create in children

joyful, emotional mood.



Arouse the desire to learn a fairy tale on assignment.

To teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of winter fairy tales, to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, to broaden their horizons.

Learn to be a well-coordinated team, be able to negotiate among themselves, act in concert and follow the rules of the quiz.


Develop interest and love for fairy tales; to develop the speech of children in the process of completing the task, the ability to use common sentences in speech; develop imagination, memory, attention;


To educate children's love and interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes.

Education of skills of interaction and cooperation, activity and independence, love of reading.

preliminary work: learning poems about winter, reading winter fairy tales “The Snow Queen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Twelve Months”, “By Pike”, “Frost”, “Two Frosts”, “Lady Blizzard”,

Examining illustrations; making baby books, coloring coloring books based on fairy tales, modeling fairy tale characters, drawing from read fairy tales, applique "My favorite fairy tale hero", dramatization of fairy tales, learning proverbs, sayings, didactic game“Guess the subject from which fairy tale”, watching cartoons.

Required material: illustrations for winter fairy tales, books of winter fairy tales "The Snow Queen", "Snow Maiden", "Twelve Months", "By Pike", "Frost", "Two Frosts", "Lady Blizzard", "Mitten", "Fox and wolf", "Zayushkina's hut, two sets for the application of the Snow Maiden, two drawing paper, two boards, fairy-tale characters, puzzles based on fairy tales.

The course of directly educational activities.

Storyteller: Guys, today we will go on an entertaining and interesting journey through winter fairy tales. Do you know winter stories? This is what we will now check.

Are you ready to go on a trip? Then we go to the first stop, it is called"Guess the name of the story". I will read a riddle to you, and you will guess what kind of fairy tale I am telling you about, select and show the book a guess.

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

(R.S. Snegurochka)

With honesty in front of all the people

The stove is on the way.

Who sits on the stove

What does the story tell us?

And what is this fairy tale

Does the stove ride like a skid? (By magic)

The snow was falling, the clouds were swirling,

The pines bent to the ground.

Evil people in the dense forest

The orphan was brought in.

Forced to shut up

Freeze left. (Morozko)

It was a frosty winter.

It was a frosty winter.

In the hole by the lake

Gray tailed fox

The wolf froze. (Fox and wolf)

I am the queen of the country

Where there is neither summer nor spring,

Where all year round the blizzard is blowing,

Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.

Silence, I love peace

Noise and fun can not stand. (The Snow Queen)

Your home in the winter, in the cold

She made ice.

But the house stood beautifully in the cold,

In the spring it turned into a puddle.

The bast house was built by Zaika.

Now, reader, remember

In what kind of fairy tale is this (Zayushkina hut)

People are surprised:

The stove is on, the smoke is coming,

And Emelya is on the stove.

Eating big rolls!

The tea pours itself.

According to his will.

And the fairy tale is called (By the will of the pike)

On the first step

A young guy got up

To the twelfth step

The gray-haired old man came.

To the twelfth step

The gray-haired old man came.

On the first step

A young guy got up. (Twelve months)

The snow is no longer the same

It darkened in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Run away, streams,

Spread out, puddles.

Get out, ants!

After the winter cold. (S. Marshak "12 months")

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess. (Emelya)

Well done guys, you did a great job. It's time for us to go to the second station. At this station we willcorrect errors in the title of fairy tales.

Zayushkin-house (hut)

Snow - princess (queen)

15 months (12 months)

By pike - conversation (by command)

3 - frost (2 frost)

Girl - blizzard (mistress)

Frozen (frosty)

Squirrel - and wolf (fox)

- “At the command of the hare” “At the command of the pike”

Winter hut - hares (Winter hut - animals)

Well done.

Guess the tale from the passage.

Where did the high drifts go? Where are the ice icicles that hung on every branch? Under her feet is soft spring earth. Around dripping, flowing, murmuring. The buds on the trees are puffed up, and the first green leaves are already peeking out from under the dark peel. ("Twelve months".)

She was a tall, stately, stately woman in a dazzling white fur coat and a hat of pure snow. The boy immediately recognized her. ("The Snow Queen".)

Buckets go through the village, the people marvel, and he walks behind, chuckling ... ("By the command of the pike.")

So they fashioned a nose, made two dimples for the eyes, and as soon as the old man drew a mouth, warm air suddenly blew out of it. ("Snow Maiden".)

The wolf swallowed a fish and began to ask Fox more than ever to teach him how to catch such a fish himself. ("Fox-sister and the wolf.")

She looks: in front of her sits an old gray-haired man on an icy bench and eats snowballs; shakes his head - frost falls from his hair; dies in spirit - thick steam comes down. ("Moroz Ivanovich")

Once a girl soiled a spindle with blood, leaned over to the water, intending to wash it, and the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the well. ("Mistress Metelitsa.")

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief they did not have children. (Snow Maiden).

I'll stay in the forest, - the girl says. - I'll wait for the month of March. It’s better for me to freeze in the forest than to return home without snowdrops. (12 months)

And day by day she became sadder, more silent. Hiding from the sun. Everything would be a shadow for her, but a chill, and even better - rain. (Snow Maiden).

The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut before daylight ... you can’t please the old woman, everything is wrong, everything is bad. (Morozko).

And as soon as it became light, they gathered brushwood, lit a fire and let's all jump after each other through the fire. (Snow Maiden)

Take her, take her, old man, - she says to her husband wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her! Take her to the forest, to the bitter cold. (Morozko).

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is flying in the canopy with spring. (12 months).

Suddenly Stepdaughter notices a fire among the trees. And the brothers-months are sitting by the magic fire. (12 months).

It's time for us to go to the next station. At this station we have toFizkultminutka "Zayushkina hut.

In a bast hut

The hare lived on the edge.


And in the ice hut -

Fox on the mountain.

(twirled tail)

Melted in the spring

Hut on the mountain

(show the roof with your hands)

The fox ran

To the hare on the edge.

(running with wagging tail)

Kicked out the bunny

From the bast hut

(cam to cam)

Yes, she began to live

In a hut on the edge

(clapping hands)

And not a wolf (hands showed "mouth")

And no bear (show).

Couldn't help.

Cockerel brave

drove the fox away


So the rooster remained

At the hare in the hut.


In the bast hut

Hut on the edge.

(show the roof with your hands)

It's time for us to go to the next station. At this station we willWho reads a lot, he will definitely guess.

What did the Needlewoman do when her hands froze?

A) put on mittens;

B) rubbed them with snow;

B) clapped.

What was under Moroz Ivanovich's featherbed?

A) Pearls and semi-precious stones;

B) grass is green;

C) snow that falls to the ground in winter.

How did Kai play in the Snow Queen's palace?

A) Cubes

B) snowballs;

B) ice floes.

Where did the Snow Maiden go?

A) A fierce beast rushed her into a dense forest;

B) a bird of prey took to the blue sea;

C) jumped over the fire and melted.

What did the man do that Blue Nose Frost couldn't freeze?

A) chopped wood

B) make a fire

B) ran.

Which of the months gave the girl snowdrops in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

A) March

B) April;

In May.

Well done and you got the job done

Go to the next station. At this station we have to"Guess who said..."and show the hero.

What are you afraid of, beautiful girl? Stay with me, and if you do all the work in the house well, then you will be well. Just look, make my bed well and fluff up my feather bed more diligently, so that feathers fly in all directions: when feathers fly from her, then it snows in the world.(Miss Metelitsa).

-“The beaten unbeaten one is lucky” (Fox-sister and the gray wolf)

At the behest of the pike, at my will ...Emelya. "By the Pike's Command"

Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red ... Morozko

I was very homesick. No matter how well I feel at your place, I still can't stay here any longer. I really want to see my family.

(stepdaughter from Lady Metelitsa).

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came. the fox's hut melted. The fox asked me to come, but she kicked me out.(Hare from Zayushkina hut).

How can we let you in? 'Cause it's so tight.(Beasts from Mittens).

If the Snow Queen had appeared to them, then he would have put her on a hot stove. She would melt. (Kai from The Snow Queen).

- Whoever takes me out of the oven will go with me! (Pie from

Moroz Ivanovich).

They scold each other for not asking for sables(Step-mother with her daughter from Twelve months).

No, ram, your fur coat is warm; you will get over it. I won't let you in! (Bull from the winter quarters of animals).

Well done and you have done this job well. Go to the next station. At this station we have to help the elderly. They say they had a snow girl. A strong wind blew, and it shattered into separate parts. What to do now? (Blind, assemble from parts).

creative competition"Assemble the Snow Maiden from parts"

Storyteller: Oh, guys, we didn’t even notice how our winter fairy tale quiz ended. We played well and remembered many winter fairy tales. Love fairy tales and tell them to each other.And I have a surprise for you (giving puzzles based on fairy tales). Take your seats soon, we are going with you to the next station -"Kindergarten".

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May goodness forever

Evil wins.

Back forward

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Goals: the formation of interest in reading, the need for reading; formation of the ability to work in a group, express their point of view, respect the opinion of the interlocutor; formation of moral values ​​and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: books with fairy tales, drawings depicting winter, cut into pieces, snowballs (6 pieces), 3 targets, 3 fishing rods, 3 jars with a narrow neck, an image of the Snow Maiden on a base divided into sectors, from a sheet divided into sectors without a pattern, artificial flowers violets or cut out of colored paper, illustrations of fairy tales read, tokens of different colors.

The children were given a task ahead of time.

There will be a literary game in January. We will remember winter fairy tales and their heroes. Only an attentive reader can become a winner. Read the fairy tales: “Frost”, “Twelve months”, “Snow Maiden”, “Winter hut for animals”, “Fox and hare”, “Fox-sister and gray wolf”, “Two Frosts”, “By pike ...”, “Fox - Lapotnitsa”, “Mitten”, V. Dal “Old Man - Yearling”.

Illustrate your favorite story.

Rules of the game.

Each team, completing the task correctly, receives a token. The token is kept by the player who answered the question correctly. At the end of the game, let's sum up the results: determine the attentive reader who scored the most points; the winning team.

Exhibition of books and drawings

1. Presentation of teams (Slide 2)

  • "Red cheeks"
  • "Snowflakes"
  • "Funny boys"

2. Contest of tongue twisters “From the first mouth” (Yellow token) (Slide 3)

Everyone is young in the winter cold. (Slide 4)

Each team must say the tongue twister in turn. The team that speaks quickly and clearly wins.

3. Riddles of the old man - year old (red token) (Slides 5-10)

4. Competition “Winter Mosaic” (yellow token) (Slide 11)

Each team must assemble a drawing from parts

5. Competition “Mysteries of Zimushka - Winter” (red token) (Slide 12)

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world. (Snow) slide13

A bridge is being built without boards, without an ax, without a wedge. (Ice) slide 13

An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake) slide13

Name it guys
Months in my riddle:
His days of all days are shorter,
All nights are longer than nights.
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass,
We are meeting New Year. (December) slide14

Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
You splash water - it will fall
Not water already, but ice
Not even a bird flies
The bird freezes from the cold.
The sun turned to summer.
What, say for a month it? (January) slide 15

Snow falls in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts from the house.
That snowstorms and snowstorms
They attacked the village.
The frost is strong at night
In the daytime, a drop is heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, so what month is it? (February) slide 16

So as not to freeze
five guys
They sit in the knitted oven. (mittens) Slide 17

Run along the path
Leg boards. (Skis) Slide 17

Not boots, not boots
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home. (Felt boots) slide17

6. Competition “Hit the target accurately” (6 people per team) (yellow tokens) Slide 18

There are targets on the board that you need to hit. For each hit - a token

7. Literary quiz “Winter Tales” (Blue tokens) Slide 19

Guess the fairy tale from the illustration (“Fox - sister and gray wolf”) Slide 20

  • How did the fox get to the old man's fish? (She pretended to be dead, the old man himself put her on the load, he wanted to bring the old woman a collar on a fur coat) slide 21
  • How many fish did the fox give the wolf? (None) slide 22
  • Name a winter fishing spot. (hole) slide 23
  • How long has the wolf been fishing? (All night long) slide 24
  • What made the wolf run away from the fishing spot? (In the morning the women went for water, began to beat the wolf with a yoke. The wolf barely escaped) Slide 25
  • How did the fox manage to deceive the wolf the second time?) She said that her people beat her so that her brains came out. In fact, she had dough on her head) slide 26
  • What did the fox say when the wolf drove her? (“The beaten unbeaten one is lucky”) Slide 27

8. Competition “Unusual fishing” (1 person per team) (yellow tokens) Slide 28

To play, you need 3 fishing rods, attach a large nail, 3 jars with a narrow neck to the fishing line of each fishing rod. It is necessary to lower the nail into the neck of the bottle. The speed and accuracy of the task is assessed

  • What fairy-tale hero jumped from tree to tree, jumped and crackled? (Morozko) Slide 29
  • About whom they said: “I must tell the truth, the girl was gold: in good hands she would ride like cheese in butter, and at her stepmother she washed herself with tears every day” (About the stepdaughter) slide 30
  • Who said so: “Take, take, old man, wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her, so that my ears do not hear about her. Don’t take them to their relatives in a warm hut, but to an open field in the crackling frost”? (Stepmother) Slide 31
  • Who took his daughter in winter to an open field to certain death? (Father) slide 32
  • What question did Morozko ask three times? (“Are you warm, girl?”) Slide 33
  • Why Morozko gifted his stepdaughter? (Frost fell in love with her affectionate speeches, he took pity on her) slide 34
  • Who predicted the wealth of the stepdaughter? (Dog) Slide 35
  • Why did the old woman send her own daughter to the open field in the bitter cold? (Jealous of her stepdaughter, wanted her daughter to be gifted) slide 36
  • What did the old woman's daughter answer to Morozko's question? (“Get out! Or are you blind, don’t you see that my arms and legs are ossified!”) Slide 37
  • Guess from the description: And she is white as snow, her eyes are like forget-me-nots; light blond braid to the waist, only one blush is not at all ... ”(Snegurochka”)
  • Who lived with the Snow Maiden? (At the old man and the old woman) Slide 39
  • How did the Snow Maiden appear to the old man and the old woman? (Made out of the snow) Slide 40
  • At what time of the year was the Snow Maiden sad? (Spring) Slide 41
  • On what holiday did the girls invite the Snow Maiden with them? (The day of Ivan) Slide 42
  • Where did the Snow Maiden go? (Jumped into the fire and stretched up with a light steam, twisted into a thin cloud and flew into the heavenly heights) slide 43

9. Competition of artists. Draw a Snow Maiden (for the whole team; yellow token) Slide 44

The sheet is divided into 6 sectors, the sectors are numbered. The sheet depicts the Snow Maiden. 6 people should take turns depicting the Snow Maiden on their sheet, divided into sectors. Each participant depicts, transfers the image of only his sector. The speed and accuracy of image transfer is evaluated.

  • Guess the fairy tale from the illustration (“Zimobe of animals”) Slide 45
  • What animal was not in this tale: a bull, a ram, a goose, a goat, a rooster, a pig? (Goat) Slide 46
  • Which of the animals proposed to build a hut? (Bull) slide47
  • Which of the animals first came to ask for the bull's house? (Ram) Slide 48
  • Which of the heroes said: “But for me, at least some frosts, I’m not afraid: I’ll bury myself in the ground and winter without a hut”? (Pig) Slide 49
  • Who threatened the owner of the house to pluck the moss from the walls of the hut if he did not let him in? (Goose) Slide 50
  • Which of the wild animals decided to eat domestic animals wintering in the forest? (Wolf, fox and bear) Slide 51
  • How did the fairy tale end? (The bull and his comrades are still living in the hut and do not know grief) Slide 52
  • In which fairy tale did the girl manage to pick violets, pick strawberries and apples in winter? ("Twelve months") Slide 53
  • Name the fourth extra character in the fairy tale: Maria, January, Elena, Moroz Ivanovich. (Moroz Ivanovich) Slide 54
  • What was the name of the stepdaughter, and what was the name of the woman's own daughter, answer after listening to the passage. “...And while Elena dressed up and walked all day, Maria had to do all the housework: clean the rooms, cook, wash, sew, spin, work in the field, go after the cow.” (stepdaughter - Maria, native - Elena) Slide 55
  • Name the heroes according to the description: “Around the fire on twelve stones sat twelve brothers. Three of them were completely gray-haired, three were younger, the next three were even younger, and the three youngest were the most beautiful of all the rest” (Twelve months) Slide 56
  • Which month was the main among the brothers - months? (January) Slide 57
  • Which month helped Mary bring violets? (March) Slide 58
  • Thanks to what month was Mary able to pick strawberries? (Helped June) Slide 59
  • Which month took the rod and helped Mary pick apples? (September) Slide 60
  • Why did Elena go to the forest herself? (Maria brought only two apples, and Elena wanted more apples. She decided to find an apple tree herself and shake it all.) Slide 61
  • What made the stepmother go to the forest? (I went to look for my daughter Elena.) Slide 62
  • Did Elena manage to find apples in winter? (No. She was unfriendly, rude to her brothers - for months. She froze in the forest) Slide 63

10. Competition “Collect a bouquet of violets” (yellow token) Slide 64

As you know, Mary in a fairy tale managed to pick up a bouquet of violets in winter. Violets also appeared in our imaginary clearing. I invite one person from each team. We will determine which of you will pick up the most flowers.

  • In which fairy tale did the forest dweller manage to build a crystal palace? (“The Fox and the Hare”) Slide 65
  • Why did the fox that built the crystal palace live in the bunny's hut? (The ice palace of the fox melted in the spring) Slide 66
  • Who felt sorry for the bunny and tried to drive the fox out? (Wolf, bear, bull, rooster)
  • Slide 67 Who is not on the slide?
  • Did anyone manage to help the bunny? (Cockerel helped) Slide 68
  • How did the cockerel scare the fox? (The cockerel threatened the fox, wanted to cut it with a scythe) Slide 69
  • Blitz tournament Slide 70 (Blue tokens)
  • What a miracle - a fish could fulfill any desire of its savior? (Pike) Slide 71
  • Who is called Mikhailo Potapych in fairy tales? (bear) Slide 72
  • In which fairy tale do domestic animals deal with forest predators? (“Winter hut of animals”) Slide 73
  • Who is called Patrikeevna in fairy tales? (Lisu) Slide 74
  • In what fairy tale did a bast shoe help a hungry gossip to eat its fill? (“The fox is a bast shoe”) Slide 75
  • Which fairy tale describes an unusual way of fishing? (“Fox sister and gray wolf”) Slide 76

11. Competition “Guess the fairy tale from the illustration” (for the whole team) (Blue tokens) Slides 77-80

In addition, teams can exchange illustrations made by themselves at home.

12. “Trading. We start with ten ”(Blue tokens) Slide 81

For completing this task, you can get from 1 to 10 points. If the participant guesses the fairy tale from the first word, he will receive 10 points, from two words - 9 points, and so on. Team captains take part in the competition.

  • “Suddenly he hears: not far away Frost crackles, jumps from tree to tree.” (“Morozko”) Slide 82
  • “There was a huge fire burning here, and twelve brothers were sitting around it” (“Twelve Months”) Slide 83
  • Here they fashioned a nose, a chin, made two dimples on the face, a mouth. ("Snow Maiden") Slide 84

13. Competition “Magic words” (Blue tokens) Slide 85

  • Name the “magic” words to make fishing successful. (Catch a fish both small and large) Slide 86
  • What words did Emelya say? (At the pike's command, at my will...) Slide 87
  • What “magic” words helped the fox scare the defenders of the hare? (“As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!”) Slide 88

Summing up Slide 89



  • “Attentive reader” (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place) (determined by the number of blue tokens)
  • “The most savvy” (Determined by the number of tokens)
  • “The most dexterous” (Determined by the number of yellow tokens)
  • “Artist - illustrator” (Guys who illustrated the read fairy tale are awarded)

The team is the winner of the game “Visiting Winter Tales” (Tokens of all team members are summed up)


  1. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree! Gift from Santa Claus. New Year's poems and fairy tales / thin. Y. Ustinova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 144 p.: ill. - (Golden Tales)
  2. Shmakov S.A. Joke games - minute games. - M.: New school, 1996. - 112 p.

Extracurricular activities literary reading in elementary school on the topic: "Favorite winter tales"

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school", Kursk region
Purpose: literary quiz game designed for kids, educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers, class teachers, additional education teachers and parents. A variety of tasks and questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge about winter fairy tales and their heroes, as well as bring them positive emotions from the lesson.
Target: strengthening in children previously acquired knowledge about favorite fairy tales.
1. Organize active leisure for students.
2. To draw the attention of children to literary creativity, raising an interest in reading.
3. Recall and consolidate children's knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales about winter.

All children love fairy tales. There are many fairy tales in which winter reigns. Magical, bewitching, perky. In this literary winter fairy tale game you will meet the heroes of popular winter fairy tales again.
1. What did the Needlewoman see in the well near Moroz Ivanovich when she fluffed up his feather bed (fairy tale by V.F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”)? (Green grass-winter bread)

Winter crops- these are annual plants (winter wheat, rye, barley, rapeseed, camelina, vetch, etc.), sown in the fields in autumn; they give the next year's harvest. More productive than crops sown in spring.
2. In what fairy tale was it only the brave Cockerel who managed to drive the Fox out of the Bunny's house? (Zayushkina hut)

3. How did the wolf from the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf" fish in the hole? (tail)

4. What vehicle in Russian folk tale"At the command of the pike" went home by itself at the request of Emelya? (Sled: “Go, sleigh, go home yourself ...”)

5. What is the name of E. Uspensky's fairy tale, in which a boy, a dog and a cat decorated a Christmas tree with toys made of silver foil, sweets and shiny cans? (Winter in Prostokvashino)

6. The professor teaches a wayward girl - the Queen. When it comes to the New Year, she wishes there were snowdrops on the festive table tomorrow so that she can see what kind of flowers they are. The professor assures her that this is impossible, but the Queen issues a decree - whoever brings a basket of these flowers to the palace will receive the same basket of gold. Who is the author and what is the name of this fairy tale, in which snowdrops miraculously appeared in winter? (S.Ya.Marshak "Twelve months")

7. What magical object was shattered in H.H. Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Mirror)

8. What word did Kai need to collect from ice fragments in the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" to become "my own master" and to get "the whole world and a pair of new skates" from the queen? (Eternity)

9. What was the name of the main character of the Austrian fairy tale "Lady Metelitsa"? (Maria)

10. What question did Morozko ask from the fairy tale "Frost" to the old man's daughter when she was sitting in the forest under a spruce? (“Are you warm, girl?”)

11. How many children did Santa Claus have in the Russian folk tale "Children of Santa Claus"? Give them their names: (Wind, Ice, Hoarfrost, Snowflake)
"Children of Santa Claus"(r.n.s)
Santa Claus had three sons and one daughter. Their names were Wind, Ice, Hoarfrost and Snowflake.
Santa Claus called his children and says:
- Winter is coming soon. Who of you better people will help?
The children went to the people. Santa Claus has been waiting for them for a long time. Here they come home and tell.
The wind began to speak:
- I got cold. Let people know that winter is coming. Let the stoves burn.
Ice said:
- I built bridges on the rivers.
Iney says:
- I decorated the forest. He is now white. How beautiful it is!
Snowflake said:
- I felt sorry for the land. I covered it with white snow.
- All right, children, - said Santa Claus. - You all helped people. And you, Snowflake, helped the most.

12. In the fairy tale of K. D. Ushinsky, Staruza-winter conceived "to kill every breath from the world." What did she do? (First I got to the birds, and they flew away to warm countries. Winter covered the fields with snow, covered the forests with snow. It sends frost after frost, and the animals were not afraid of winter. Winter wanted to freeze people, and people flooded the stoves, bake pancakes, laugh. Even children they are not afraid of her: the children sled, skate, make a snowman, play snowballs. And Winter cried from anger).

13. What color were the noses of two Frosts from the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts"? (Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose)

14. What animals fled into the forest from the old man and the old woman in the fairy tale "The Wintering of Animals"?
(The old man and the old woman had a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster).

15. What miracle did the girl Darenka see in P. Bazhov's fairy tale "The Silver Hoof"? (She saw Silverhoof tapping with his foot and chrysolite gems raining down around her.)

16. In what fairy tale and why did the duck fail to fly south in autumn? (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck", the duck had a broken wing)

17. This sad tale of H.H. Andersen is known to all. The dreams of a little Christmas tree about a wonderful future came true, she was taken from the forest and dressed up, but what will happen to her then? What is the name of this fairy tale? Come up with your own continuation of this story. (G.H. Andersen "Spruce")

“I would like to end this tale a little differently. The New Year holidays are over and the Christmas tree was taken out into the street. Now here is its place. The Christmas tree was placed next to the gazebo in the yard. Only cones remained on it. birds made of paper and cardboard, small feeders made of waste material. The children poured various food for wintering birds into the feeders. For the Christmas tree has come now new life. She will delight children during walks, birds will chirp on her branches, find food and shelter from the cold. Soon, next to the Christmas tree, the children will make a snowman - he will guard the Christmas tree.
Now the Christmas tree enjoyed every minute, rejoiced at every moment. “I live, I will make children happy every day,” the Christmas tree rejoiced. Summer is still far away. I believe that in the summer I will be useful!” (Zhilyaeva Elizaveta, 3rd grade)
18. Why did the animals and birds arrange a trial over December in N. Sladkov's fairy tale “Judgment for December”? (December shortened the day)

19. The most famous New Year's ballet was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky based on the fairy tale by T.A. Hoffmann. What ballet are you talking about? (Nutcracker)

20. Remember the tale of V.I. Dahl "Girl Snow Maiden". What was the Snow Maiden rolled up from, how was it warmed up? (“I am a Snow Maiden girl, rolled up from the spring snow, warmed and blushed by the spring sun”).
“The evening has come. The girls played out, put wreaths on their heads, kindled a fire of brushwood, began to jump over the fire ... The Snow Maiden ran up and jumped ... "What happened to the Snow Maiden in this fairy tale? (Snow Maiden melted)

A fairy tale is a seed from which a child's emotional assessment of life phenomena sprouts. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
Today, the most effective and proven methods and means of raising children have begun to be undeservedly forgotten. Fairy tales are one of the most ancient means of moral and ethical education, and also form behavioral stereotypes of future members of an adult society. The refusal of this way of raising children seems, if not a mistake, then a noticeable omission on the part of educational institutions and parents. Through fairy tales, a child learns the world, gains experience for an adult independent life, builds his own model of the world and learns to live in it. At the very beginning of her life, she meets children with fantastic images, exciting adventures, colorfulness and brightness of her world. All this freshness, purity, melodiousness, harmonious wholeness of a fairy tale serve as the first impetus for the development of fantasy, thinking, and creativity for kids. And the artless simplicity and beauty of fairy-tale heroes and their actions are necessary for children's consciousness as the first reflection of the world, true human relations in a pure mirror of genuine art.
Read to children, read folk and literary tales with children!

This extracurricular activity can be held in school library or in some office for the New Year. In a fun and entertaining way, children will remember the plots and heroes of their favorite fairy tales. The file includes the development of the event, as well as a presentation with tasks for the "Contest of Captains"

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«On the roads of winter fairy tales 2015»

MBOU secondary school №5

On the roads of winter fairy tales

Activate children's reading;
consolidate and expand children's knowledge of fairy tales; to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the process of creativity;

develop such forms of imagination, which are based on the interpretation of a literary image; develop individual literary preferences, instill an informal perception of fairy tales, develop a sense of humor;

arouse in children an interest in a theatrical game, develop intonational expressiveness of speech, form the ability to build a dialogue between fairy-tale characters, enrich the vocabulary of children;

to cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, comradeship, friendliness, honesty in the game, justice; to promote the establishment of interpersonal relations between the children of the group, their parents and teachers;

cause a positive emotional response, a desire to take part in team competitive games of a developing nature;

organize student leisure.

Quiz progress:

Librarian : Dear children, we are glad to welcome all of you to the literary quiz "On the roads of winter fairy tales"! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? And what are fairy tales? (Answers of children). Now name your favorite fairy tales. Well done! Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. To do this, we need to split into three teams. We have three tables. On them are the inscriptions "Clever", "Merry" and "Entertainers". Do you remember how the division into faculties took place in the fairy tale about Harry Potter? That's right, they had a sorting hat. And we have a sorting hat. So now you will sit on a chair one by one, and the hat will ask a question. And judging by the answer, she will assign you to any team.

So a warm-up called "Distribution".

    In what state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state)

    What is the real name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Wise)

    What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)

    Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)

    The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Jezinka, the Slovaks - Jerzy Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)

    Name the place of birth of Kolobok (furnace)

    What is the only heroine of the fairy tale "Turnip", whose name we know? (Bug)

    What is the name of the fairy-tale character, climbing out of his skin? (Princess Frog)

    What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment(sleeve of the dress of the Frog Princess)

    What fabulous headdress can not be drawn? (cap of invisibility)

    Name " workplace» scientist's cat? (oak)

    Which fairy tale tells about some of the difficulties involved in delivering pies to grandma? ("Little Red Riding Hood")

    Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday? (donkey Eeyore)

    Who was the fairy tale Cinderella good sorceress? (godmother)

    How many letters were "lost" in the original name of Captain Vrungel's yacht? (2)

    What is the name of the Russian folk tale in which they tried to kill the hero three times with a means of eating and still ate it? ("Kolobok")

    What fairy tale characters lived "30 years and 3 years"? (old man with old woman)

    Call Sivka-Burka with words from a fairy tale. (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!”)

    What words did Masha say to the bear? ("Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie...")

    What was the name of the lumberjack's youngest son, who was no bigger than a finger? (Boy-with-finger)

    What did the brothers from Yershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" grow for sale in the capital? (Wheat)

    Favorite musical instrument Dunno. (Pipe)

    What was the name of the captain who visited Lilliput? (Gulliver)

    Whose hoof, full of water, was the first to catch sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka on the way? (Cow)

Librarian: So, our hat divided the guys into three teams. Now our teams will take part in the magical New Year's quiz "On the roads of a winter fairy tale." Let's remember, what did the heroes of fairy tales travel with?

The teams are called who will remember more: boots - runners, carpet - an airplane, stove, broom, mortar, flying house, magic train, silver shoes, hut on chicken legs, dragons, hell.

And with what will we travel?

Sister Alyonushka : I know We have a magic ball. We throw a ball and move on to new tasks.

Librarian : The contest rules are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point - a snowflake. If the team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are associated with names, heroes of fairy tales or with the authors who wrote them. The team with the most snowflakes wins. And today they will help me to hold competitions - the heroes of fairy tales, who are also members of the jury. They will evaluate your answers.

So, I announce the first competition, which is called "Acquaintance" . In this competition, we will find out how much our teams understand fairy tales.

The assistants take turns reading the tasks.

1. Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window.
He has a ruddy side
Who is this? (Kolobok)

2. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,
I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.
Mom made a beautiful hat
And don't forget to bring pies.
What a cute girl.
What is her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. For each other in a chain
Everything is so tight!
But more helpers will soon come running,
Friendly common work will win the stubbornness.
How firmly seated! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

4. The man is not young
With an enormous beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina.
In general, for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this? (Karabas)

5. I am a wooden boy,
Here is the golden key!
Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -
They are all friends with me.
I stick my nose everywhere,
My name is ... (Pinocchio)

6. A little blue boy in a hat
From a famous children's book.
He is stupid and arrogant
And his name is ... (Dunno)

7. And I washed it for my stepmother
And sorted through the peas
At night by candlelight
And slept by the stove.
Good as the sun.
Who is this? … (Cinderella)

8. He is cheerful and not malicious,
This cute weirdo.
With him the boy Robin
And friend Piglet.
For him, a walk is a holiday.
And honey has a special scent.
This plush prankster
Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

9. Three of them live in a hut,
It has three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

10. In the dark forest at the edge,
They all lived together in a hut.
The children were waiting for their mother
The wolf was not allowed into the house.
This tale is for the guys ... (Wolf and seven kids)

11. Wooden toy.

Eared, ugly,

And not nice to anyone.

One noticed me

And kindly greeted

And that was guys.

Gena crocodile. (Cheburashka)

12. I walk on my feet, in red boots,

I carry a scythe on my shoulders.

I want to kill the fox

Went, fox, from the stove. (Zayushkina hut - Cockerel)

Competition "Further, further ..."
Each team will be asked 14 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, say "next". At this time, the opposing team is silent, does not prompt.
Questions for the first team:
1. Who is the author of the work "Cat's House"? (Samuel Marshak)
2. Where did Dr. Aibolit go after receiving the telegram? (to Africa)
3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)
4. The mustachioed character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
5. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi. (Mosquito)
6. What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from? (From an ax)
7. Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)
8. Who was the frog in the Russian folk tale? (Princess)
9. What was the name of the boa constrictor from Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli"? (Kaa)
10. What did Emelya ride in the fairy tale "At the command of the pike"? (On the stove)
11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
12. What did the fleas give to the Tsokotukha Fly? (Boots)

13. What wooden doll was given to the girl Masha for the New Year? (Nutcracker)

14. Whom did grandfather and woman blind themselves from snow? (Snow Maiden)

Team 2.
1. What flowers did the heroine of the fairy tale "Twelve Months" go for on New Year's Eve? (Behind the snowdrops)
2. Which pet in the fairy tale wore boots? (Puss in Boots)
3. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)
4. The most famous resident of the Flower City. (Dunno)
5. What did Pinocchio sell to get into the puppet theater? (ABC)
6. What was Pinocchio made of? (From log)
7. Fruits that Cheburashka ate too much. (Oranges)
8. Who did the stepdaughter meet in the forest on New Year's Eve? (with 12 months)

9. With whom did the hero of the fairy tale Nutcracker fight? (with army of rat king)

10. What kind grandfather gives gifts to children for the winter holiday? (Father Frost)

11. How many dwarfs were friends with Snow White? (7)

12. What was the carriage in which Cinderella went to the ball made of? (From a pumpkin)

13. A friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)
14. What was the name of the cunning cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Basilio)

Questions for the third team:
1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)
2. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower"? (Zhenya)
3. Name Fedora's patronymic from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorino's grief." (Egorovna)
4. Who wrote the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perrault)
5. What was the name of the girl traveling through Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)
6. What did the Tsokotukha fly buy at the market? (Samovar)
7. Best friend Carlson. (Baby)
8. What kind of hut did the fox have in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (Icy)
9. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara)
10. Mistress of Artemon. (Malvina)
11. Who caught the goldfish? (Old man)
12. Author of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse". (Peter Ershov)
19. What was the name of the mother bear in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Nastasya Petrovna)
20. What did the merchant pick in the monster's garden? (The Scarlet Flower)

Competition "Guess the hero of a fairy tale."
Leading . Guys, in this competition you will need to solve riddles, the heroes of which are fairy-tale characters.
Riddles for teams.
1. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya)

2. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful, comely? (Frog)

3. He lives in the wild jungle,
He calls the wolf father.
A boa constrictor, panther, bear -
Friends of the wild boy. (Mowgli)

4. He is a big naughty and comedian,
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is ... (CARLSON)

5. Lives in a forest hut,
She is almost three hundred years old.
And you can go to that old woman
Get caught for lunch. (Baba Yaga)

6. A girl is sitting in a basket
The bear is on the back.
He himself, without knowing it,
Carries her home. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

7. He turned the son of a miller into a marquis,
Then he married the king's daughter.
In doing so, I will tell you a secret,
Was, like a mouse, eaten by an ogre. (Puss in Boots)

8. The thief stole wheat,
Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magical
And Ivan rode on it. (Sivka is a cloak, horse is a hunchback)

9. Said a word -
The stove rolled
straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don't know
Lucky lazy? (Emelya)

10. Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,
Gone a little:
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window. (Cockerel)

Librarian: well done. Guys, they coped with all the tasks.

And now let's give the floor to the team captains. "Captain Contest"

(The multimedia presentation "These Wonderful Tales" is used here)

And now my assistant offers you a new contest. The scientist cat enters the stage.

Cat : Where can I go? Right or left? What to do to tell a fairy tale or sing a song? Oh, here are the guys. I'll go straight to them. Hello guys. You recognized me7 Who am I? The cat is a scientist. Who wrote a poem about me? Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. (shows a portrait of Pushkin). You have already guessed that now we will solve tasks based on Pushkin's fairy tales.

Questions and tasks of the quiz

1. What are the names of the fairy tales from which these words are taken?

a) Again the prince walks by the sea,

He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;

Look - over flowing waters

The white swan is swimming.

(“The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess.”)

b) “We have not heard of quitrent for centuries,

There was no such sadness.”

("The tale of the priest and his worker Balda.")

2. Name a representative of the animal world, who in one of the tales of A.S. Pushkin helped to fulfill desires. Who is this? Name the story. (Goldfish. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.")

3. The song “In the garden, in the garden” sounds. Whose song is this? From what fairy tale? (Squirrel song from The Tale of Tsar Saltan.)

4. How many times did the old man from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish cast a net into the sea? (Three times.)

5. What did the net come with for the first time? (With one mud.)

6. With what did the net come the second time? (With sea grass.)

7. With what did the net come for the third time? (With a goldfish.)

8. What happened to pop from the first click? (“The priest jumped up to the ceiling.”) From the second? ("Lost the pop tongue.") From the third click? ("The old man's mind was blown out.")

9. What object killed the young princess? (Apple.)

10. What miracles are mentioned in The Tale of Tsar Saltan? (About a wonderful island with a city, about a tame squirrel, about heroes, about the Swan Princess.)

11. Continue the poem "Winter Evening".

A storm covers the sky with mist...

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

12. Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel?

(Here is the wise man before Dadon

Stood and took out of the bag

golden rooster.)

13. Why did the golden cockerel peck to death King Dadon? (The cockerel avenged his wise master.)

14. What words did the old woman scold the old man in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"? ("Fool you, simpleton!")

15. What words does the queen refer to the magic mirror? (“My light, mirror! Tell me…”)

16. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea?

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.)

17. For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest?

("I will serve you well,

Diligent and very good.

In a year for three clicks on your forehead ... ")

18. What words does the old man refer to the goldfish? (“Have mercy, Empress-fish!”)

19. What words did the goldfish comfort the old man with? (“Do not be sad, go with God!”)

20. How did the golden cockerel let Dadon know that everything around the kingdom was calm?

(If everything is peaceful around,

So he will sit quietly ...)

21. What magical transformations take place in The Tale of Tsar Saltan? (The princess turns into a swan, the sorcerer into a kite, Prince Gvidon into a mosquito, a bumblebee, a fly.)

22. To whom did Prince Elisha turn for help when he was looking for a bride-princess? (Towards the sun, towards the moon, towards the wind.) Who told him where to look for the princess? (Wind.)

23. In what fairy tales of Pushkin are there numbers? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes.” Three clicks in “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” Thirty-three heroes, three girls in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” For thirty-three years an old man lived with an old woman by the blue sea, the old man cast a net three times in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", etc.)


This is Pushkin. It's a miracle.

It's a beauty without end.

In our lives forever will be

How many fairy tales does the poet have?

They are not many and not few,

But all Pushkinskies are

Our eternal beginning.

Leading . Well done boys! You know fairy tales well, which means you read a lot. Our quiz is coming to an end. And while the jury is summing up, I propose to show you another talent of mine, namely the talent of actors. So, we begin the New Year's theater. In my box are balls with the names of fairy tales hidden inside. Now the team captains will choose a ball for themselves. The team must prepare in 5 minutes and show the audience a dramatization of this fairy tale. It is possible with words, it is possible only with movements and gestures. I'll ask the captains to come to me.

Names of fairy tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Chicken - pockmarked", "Snow Maiden", "Wolf and 7 kids", "Three little pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood".

Leading. Thank you guys, everyone for participating in the competitions, we give the floor to the jury.
Summarizing. Quiz winners.

1. A book for smart people and smart girls. Erudite Handbook. -M.: "RIPOL CLASSIC", 2001.- 336 p.
2. Creative experience of working with a book: library lessons, reading hours, extracurricular activities / comp. T.R. Tsymbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2011. - 135 p.
3. Hobbits, miners, gnomes and others: Literary quizzes, crossword puzzles, linguistic tasks, New Year's play / Comp. I.G. Sukhin. - M.: New school, 1994. - 192 p.
4. Reading with passion: library lessons, extra-curricular activities / comp. E.V. Zadorozhnaya; - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 120 p.

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"winter 6"

A.S. Pushkin


The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

Russian folktale

Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

Fly Tsokotukha

Korney Chukovsky

Hen - Ryaba

Hansel and Gretel

G.H. Andersen

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

The girl slept in a nutshell.

And saved a little swallow from the cold.

“Mirror, mirror, give me an answer, who is the most beautiful in our country?”

And the mirror answered her: "The most beautiful in the country is you, the queen."

It's not gold that sparkles

It's not the sun that's shining

This is a fabulous bird.

He sits on an apple tree in the garden.

Connect the beginning and end of the names of fairy tales.

Princess -


Tiny -


Finist -


Kashchei -

Fairy tale quiz for 2 "a" class. "Winter's Tale"

preliminary work : reading fairy tales: "Morozko", "Snow Maiden", "Twelve months".

2 teams, team name, captain's choice. Learning a scene from a fairy tale.

Goals and objectives:

    Continue to form children's interest in Russian folk tales.

    To form a "team spirit" of students, to teach how to work in a team.

    Learn to relate and analyze.

    Expand the horizons of students.

    The development of children's speech.

    The development of logic, attention, thinking.

Lesson progress: 1. Organizing time. The music is "Winter's Tale".

The teams enter the hall.

-Hello children!

Guess my riddle:

Legend, folk tale,
The guys love her.
Parents, if free
They read it to you at night.
(Fairy tale.)

That's right guys, this is a fairy tale. And today our quiz is dedicated to the winter fairy tale.

What winter stories do you know?

2. Command presentation.

And so, I propose to begin our competition. Today 2 teams compete: 2A, 2b, classes. Captains introduce your team. (Name and motto of the team).

    1. competition "Guess the tale".

The facilitator reads out to the teams in turn an excerpt from fairy tales.

The task of the participants is to guess from which fairy tale this passage is.

1.There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children. (Snow Maiden).

2. I'll stay in the forest, - the girl says. - I'll wait for the month of March. It’s better for me to freeze in the forest than to return home without snowdrops.

(12 months)

3. And day by day she became sadder, more silent. Hiding from the sun. Everything would be a shadow for her, but a chill, and even better - rain. (Snow Maiden).

4. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before daylight ... you can’t please the old woman - everything is wrong, everything is bad. (Morozko ).

5. Are you warm girl? Are you warm red? (Morozko).

6.And when it got dark, they picked up brushwood, spread the fire, and let's all jump over the fire one after another. (Snow Maiden)

7. Take her, take her, old man, - says to her husband, - wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her! Take her to the forest, to the bitter cold. (Morozko).

8. The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is flying in the canopy with spring. (12 months).

9. Suddenly Stepdaughter notices a fire among the trees. And the brothers-months are sitting by the magic fire. (12 months).

4. Sort the pictures into stories . (pictures with fragments)

Before you are pictures, your task is to carefully consider these pictures and think about what fairy tales they belong to: "Frost", "Twelve Months", "Snow Maiden".

5. Captains competition . "Winter Proverbs".

Captains, there are proverbs in front of you, but in order to read them in their entirety, you need to find the beginning and end of the proverb.

Your task is to connect the beginning and end of the sentence, so that you get a proverb.

Do you have a little hint, remember what letter the sentence begins with?

(with a big). How do we know the offer is over?

(A period is placed at the end of the sentence.)

Winter without a coat

not ashamed, but cold.

Winter without snow

summer without bread.

6. Blitz-survey. Fairy tale questions.

    How did the old man and the old woman have a daughter, the Snow Maiden?

    What game did the Squirrel and the Hare play in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

    Where did the village girls call Snegurochka?

    Where did Grandma send her stepdaughter?

    How many months did the girl meet by the fire?

    What did Morozko give his stepdaughter?

    What happened in the forest with Grandma's own daughter?

    What did the Snow Maiden rejoice most of all?

    Which month helped the girl?

    How many daughters did Grandfather and his wife have?

    What did April give the girl?

    What happened to the Snow Maiden when she jumped over the fire?

7. Fizminutka Snowfall -Guys, look at the sky (you can also look at the ceiling)! Do you see the clouds hanging over us?! Now it's going to snow! It has already fallen ... One snowflake (everyone claps their palms with one finger). Two snowflakes (everyone clap their palms with two fingers). Three snowflakes (everyone clap their palms with three fingers). Four snowflakes (everyone clap their hands with four fingers). A blizzard has begun (everyone clap their hands).
Then everything is repeated in reverse order and there is silence (the snow stops)

8. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale. ( The teams prepared scenes in advance).

9. Summarizing.