Milling of stainless steel. Milling of metal to order. Protection of workpieces and tools

Metal milling this is one of the types of its machining, which is fundamentally different in that the rotating element (cutter) acts on a rigidly fixed workpiece, which provides translational movement in 2 or 3 planes. Metal milling is no less popular type of machining than turning.

The most common and therefore most commonly machined stainless steels are austenitic types such as grades 304 and 316. They are characterized by high work hardening rates and poor chip breaking properties during machining. This article addresses the important issues that affect the successful machining of these steels.

At machining stainless steels, it is important to ensure that there is no lag or friction caused by machine vibration or tool chatter. The machines must be "substantial" and capable of making the deep cuts required to machine austenitic stainless steel without slowing down the specified feed or surface speed. Small training or "hobby" lathes and milling machines designed for machining mild steel, brass, etc. Unlikely to be significant enough for successful machining of stainless steels.

For a long time, the main fleet of milling equipment consisted of manual machines, on which it was difficult to mill curved surfaces and ensure the required accuracy and repeatability. With the development of microelectronics, CNC metal milling (numerical program control) where all movements of both the milling table and the cutter are controlled by a computer using a special program. This type of metal milling is called (although nowadays 3 but 4 and even 5 planes are often used.)

Machines must not be subject to excessive vibration in the machine tray, drives and gearboxes, or the cutting tool or its attachments. Large protrusions of the tool shank from the tool box should be avoided. The distance between the cutting tip and the tool holder should be as short as possible and the cross section of the shank as large as possible. It also helps dissipate heat from the cutting surfaces. Supports for supporting barrel cutters should be as short as possible.

Milling - metal processing services from mzto

The support feet should be as close to the ends of the torch as possible to provide maximum support. Some "screeching" when the metal is being cut is not unusual, but may indicate that the tool may be worn and in need of replacement. Stainless steels can be machined using high speed steel or cemented carbide tools.

Metal milling with the development of CNC machines has gained great popularity due to high productivity and accuracy unattainable with manual work. It is the simultaneous and precise movement of the workpiece relative to working area cutter in 3 planes allows you to form a curvilinear complex contour. Thus, milling metal processing on a CNC machine turns it into a kind of 3D printer, but more versatile, productive and cheap.

Protection of workpieces and tools

They are especially useful for machining operations involving high feed, low speed machining where there are variable voltages cutting edges caused by complex tool shapes. Tungsten types can be beneficial for their good abrasion resistance and red hardness.

Either disposable liners or solder tips can be used, which consist of either tungsten carbides or tungsten and other metal carbides, including titanium, niobium, and chromium. Carbides are bonded to cobalt. "Straight" grades of tungsten carbides are used for machining austenitic and duplex stainless steels, while "complex" carbides are used for machining martensitic and ferritic family grades. Coated carbides have the added benefit of improved wear and breakage resistance.

Milling work for metal, the complexity significantly exceeds the milling of wood, MDF, plastic or stone. When milling metal, the complexity is not only in its high strength, but also in different behavior during processing, which requires the selection of modes and tools (milling cutters). The presence of water cooling (coolant supply to the cut zone) with the function of chip removal is mandatory. Machine tools for milling metal are significantly more expensive than machines for milling wood, MDF and plastics, which inevitably leads to a higher cost of metal milling.

Laser processing of a part on a CNC machine

Consequently, they are capable of higher cutting speeds compared to uncoated carbide tools. The wide range of carbide tools available usually means that mechanical testing is necessary to obtain the optimum machining performance for specific situations.

It is important that cutting tools are sharp when machining stainless steels. Careful grinding and honing of tool surfaces is essential to ensure accurate and sharp corners. Tool life, accuracy and tolerances. Performance between ribs.

A variety of metal milling is engraving - a mechanical metalworking process in which a thin layer of metal is removed, rarely exceeding 2 mm. Milling and engraving works are in demand for the manufacture of souvenirs, the manufacture of door plates from brass and steel. But for engraving, another, simpler and cheaper type of machine is usually used. The implementation of metal engraving on our machines is not economically feasible.

Tool breaking requirements. Re-sharpening should be done as soon as the quality of the cut deteriorates. Grinding machine using properly dressed wheels, without glazing, is preferable to hand grinding in order to obtain the necessary accuracy of the tool geometry.

Prices for milling work on metal

Proper tool geometry is important to minimize chip formation on the tool surface. An increase in the pile can also lead to an increase in the power requirements of the machine and poor surface finish on the surfaces to be worked. The corner of the tool relief must be flat. Concave embossed surfaces can lead to breakage or breakage of the tool due to reduced cutting edge support.


Metal milling it's a whole science. Each metal during machining by cutting behaves differently. The teeth of the cutter cutting off the metal layer form chips and at the same time harden the surface. The process is accompanied by strong heating and, despite good heat-conducting properties, local overheating and failure of the tool and workpiece will occur without special measures.

Where possible, tool surfaces should include pliers or breakers, as austenitic stainless steels tend to form long helical strings that can easily wrap around tool and tool. They can easily get tangled around the toolkit and be tricky and time consuming to remove. In extreme cases, the tool can jam with confusing turns.

It is very important that cutting fluids be used when machining stainless steels. This is due to the combination effects of deep cuts and the high feed rates required to overcome hardening effects and the low thermal conductivity of austenitic stainless steels limiting heat flow from machined surfaces. Overheating of stainless steel surfaces, characterized by the formation of heat toned colors, during processing can degrade corrosion resistance and should therefore be avoided.

Therefore, metal milling operations require a lot of practical experience and good knowledge in metal science in order to program the desired processing mode of the workpiece at each stage, taking into account the material used. In addition to complex and diverse modes, metal milling requires a large number variety of cutters and to automate the process, our machine is equipped with a processing head with 24 automatically changeable cutters.

When etching is formed, the surface can be used to restore corrosion resistance to the finished part. Overheating can also lead to distortion that can be difficult to compensate for or correct. The lubrication provided by the shearing fluids also helps to reduce tool wear and wash away chips. Generally, cooling is more important than lubrication, with higher cutting speeds, and therefore high cutting fluid flow rates are commonly used in stainless steel machining.

Types of cutters depending on the purpose

Either mineral oils or water-soluble emulsifiable oils can be used. Emulsifiable oils are used for higher speed machining with carbide tools. Sulfonated, chlorinated or sulfochlorinated mineral oils can be used with additions of up to 10% fatty oils to treat non-free grades. If excessive wear is observed, consider using higher dilutions. If the cutting edge tends to burn, consider reducing the spread.

You can learn more about the differences in metal milling by clicking on the relevant links:


ALUMINUM– Despite the apparent simplicity of processing, the price of 3D CNC aluminum milling depends not only on the complexity of the configuration and dimensions of the part, but also on the composition of the aluminum alloy. Different alloys behave differently during milling. Scoring may form on the surface, which does not allow obtaining the required surface finish. The material produces long chips that "clog" the cutter. Therefore, aluminum milling requires a lot of practical experience and the selection of special cutters.

Technology of the milling process on a conventional machine

These oils are diluted with water and provide better cooling than paraffin-thinned mineral oils. If extreme pressure emulsifiable oils are used, more machining operations can be supported. It is important that the dilution is done by adding oil to water, not water to oil, to form the right kind of emulsion with the right lubrication and cooling properties.

After machining, all traces of cutting fluid must be removed from the surface so that stainless steel surfaces can passivate themselves. under certain circumstances should be taken into account. We have a wide range of the latest technology in coated carbide and high speed tooling to meet the demands of demanding material machining. Sheet and sheet cutting includes shear, oxy-fuel, plasma, laser, inkjet, blades and punches.

DURALUMIN- in the field of production, this concept refers to an alloy of aluminum, copper and magnesium. Its other name is duralumin. Dural has a high hardness, which can change during annealing and aging. Milling of duralumin requires taking into account the specifics of this material when choosing processing modes and cutting tools.

Forming includes bending, rolling, thermal vacuum forming, heat bending and compression. Typical material types include rubber, plastics, composites, aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, all types of steel, stainless steel, and exotic materials that include titanium, magnesium, and hastelloy.

Our all-round welds are designed to complement the finish while guaranteeing material integrity. These grinding media balls are everything you like with one very important advantage. Stainless steel balls have been designed and engineered using the advanced properties of steel which give them excellent corrosion resistance. These slurries sometimes consist of highly acidic or highly alkaline mixtures which may react with some metals.

For milling aluminum, it is recommended to use “aluminum D16” - a duralumin alloy marked “T” (hard). Dural D16 is an aluminum, corrosion-resistant, deformable alloy, with a high content of copper and magnesium (“D” stands for duralumin, and “16” is the designation of the percentage of magnesium and copper in the alloy). Dural brand D16 is characterized by high plasticity, it is well processed on a CNC milling machine. Another popular aluminum alloy milling - AD31

Here grinding takes place with stainless steel balls. These steel balls are worthy of your ball mill work. They are also magnetic, which is advantageous in some applications. In general, these grinding material balls are ideal for use in applications where corrosion resistance is required.

Prices for milling work on CNC machines

These inserts have been designed with a high positive angle and stronger cutting edges for lower cutting forces when machining titanium. These inserts are offered in three styles. All are designed with high clearance for superior dives, ramps and chip loads. The rotating screw provides excellent stability at higher feed rates and cutting forces. The anti-rotation components also provide eight indexable positions for 12mm and 16mm inserts.


Steel has different indicators of strength and hardness, which depend on the composition of the alloying components, heat treatment methods and the method of obtaining the workpiece (casting, forging, etc.). The range of these characteristics is very wide.

When milling mild steel, burr formation is possible. In the case of milling steel with increased hardness, the problem with chipping of the cutting edge of the cutter comes to the fore and the relative position of the workpiece and cutter is important in order to avoid the formation of thick chips. The use of coolant, especially during rough (rough) milling, can lead to thermal shock and, as a result, microcracks and cutter failure (especially critical for ceramics), but at the finishing stage, coolant prevents metal from sticking to the cutter.

Face mills using 20mm inserts are designed for rough titanium with large depths of cut through positive geometry inserts. This proven performance is backed by our advanced materials and application knowledge.

Our commitment to sustainable environment provides added value to our customers. Machinability is a term used to refer to the processing characteristics of a material with a cutting tool. Due to their difference in properties compared to carbon steels, slightly different methods are required when machining stainless steels. This difference is due to the fact that stainless steels are stiff rather than rigid, with a tendency to grip and gall. Brown ferritic grades are usually supplied in an annealed condition, and due to their toughness, their machining characteristics are more similar to low alloy carbon steels rather than mild steels.

In each case, successful 3D steel milling requires an individual selection of tools (milling cutters for steel processing) and milling and cooling modes. The price of steel milling also strongly depends on its grade and requirements for the surface finish of the finished product.

Milling is a special method of metal processing, in which the feed movement is the translational rotation of the workpieces, and the main movement is the circular rotation of the cutters. A distinction is usually made between up and down milling. Processing on milling machines is carried out by end, disk, end, shaped and other elements, which are selected depending on the shape of the workpiece.

Because of the difference in conductivity, care must be taken to ensure sufficient heat is removed from the workpiece and tool. Overheating can lead to tool blunting and local burning of the workpiece surface. Columbus austenitic grades are also usually supplied in an annealed condition and more important than their increased hardness compared to carbon steel is the big difference between tool life and tensile strength. This increased ductility tends to result in fibrous chips during machining and can lead to problems due to rapid work hardening.

Metal milling services - demand and popularity

Today, metal milling is a fairly popular type of service. The release of parts using this method can be carried out serially or in single copies. The use of milling allows you to speed up the release of products, while maintaining high rates of its quality.

CNC metal milling is a processing opportunity large surfaces. In this case, you can specify any size of the final product. The quality of such parts will meet the specified requirements and expectations. The price of the work depends on the complexity of the drawings, the volume of the batch and the material used to manufacture the products. We offer a democratic cost of metal milling, so you can contact us on this issue.

We can also perform precision milling of small parts. We have at our disposal special installations that allow us to carry out high-quality processing of any products, including curved and large-sized ones.

Sometimes you need to drill holes in the metal. This is necessary, as a rule, in the production of auto parts, furniture fasteners and other similar products. Our experts will help with milling grooves and other holes.

Metal milling to order - the ideal solution for non-standard tasks

It is difficult to find a production area in which this operation would not be applied. This is a kind of "basis" for a wide range of products. They can be represented not only by simple structures, but also by all sorts of complex shapes. Milling work on CNC machines is especially popular with customers who need unique parts according to individual drawings. We can carry out not only mass production, but individual orders.

With the help of milling, shaped and linear surfaces are processed, used for the assembly of metal cases and other structures. Sometimes there is a need for rather unusual details in their form. It is in this case that it is better to entrust complex milling work on metal to our specialists. Prices for such services are fully consistent with high quality and efficiency of product execution. We carry out to order details of any complexity.

Milling metalworking differs from other methods in that each tooth of a special tool is in operation for one revolution for a relatively short time. In addition, during the milling process, each tooth cuts chips of variable thickness, not constant. As a rule, factories perform milling using two methods: along the feed of the product (associated) or against it (counter).

The first method is the main one, while counter processing is used only if the product does not have a crust. In addition, climb milling is useful when machining material that is prone to strong processing hardening.

Prices for milling work on metal

The cost of such services will depend on the complexity of the details, as well as the time it takes to process them. The execution of work on milling machines begins after you provide us with drawings. The final price will mainly depend on the complexity of the sketch. Our company offers reasonable prices, flexible system of discounts and special offers for partners aimed at long-term cooperation.

We perform milling of aluminum and metal parts on CNC machines, as well as using other high-tech equipment. The configuration of products (production of long or short elements), the complexity of their shape, size (large or small parts), as well as the material of manufacture significantly affect the final cost of the service. We make to order parts according to absolutely any sketches. If there is a need, our specialists will finalize the drawings so that a quality product is obtained as a result.

Metal processing by milling is one of the specialized activities of our company. Prices for such a service will largely depend not only on the material chosen, but also on the time of work. control program CNC. Send us an electronic version of the drawing and we will be able to estimate the cost of the final service.