Pecan nut plant care. Pecan - the benefits of nuts for men and women! Growing and propagating pecan nuts

Pecan nut is an exotic tree in our area, whose homeland is North America. Today, pecans are successfully growing in the territory Central Asia, Crimea and some regions of Russia.

Pecan ordinary or hazel Illinois belongs to the genus Hickory and the Nut family. It is similar to walnuts in many ways. Under favorable conditions, lives up to four hundred years. The height of the pecan reaches sixty meters, and its crown, wide and sprawling, has a diameter of up to four meters. The trunk of the tree is straight, covered with slightly cracked light brown bark. In adult specimens, the trunk can reach a width of up to three meters. Pecan leaves are large, lanceolate in shape with a dense structure and a smooth surface. The fruits are edible. They have an oblong shape up to eight centimeters long and up to three centimeters wide. Nuts are collected in bunches of a maximum of eleven fruits. Exotic nut kernels have a sweet taste and high calorie content. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-September.

The pecan nut belongs to unpretentious plants. Some of its species safely withstand fairly low temperatures, can tolerate drought and infertile soil well.

The most popular Pecan varieties are:

  • textane;
  • success;
  • Indiana;
  • major;
  • stewart;
  • greenriver.

Walnut of this type has a lot of useful properties. Its wood, due to its high quality characteristics, is used in the furniture industry. The fruits are used in the food industry, medicine and cosmetology. Walnut kernels are highly nutritious, so they are used as food for loss of appetite, loss of strength and fatigue. Just a few nuclei are enough to replenish the body with nutrients, because they also contain a lot of useful elements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and a whole group of vitamins). In the food industry, nut butter is made from Pecan fruits, which is almost as good as olive oil in terms of taste and useful properties.

Walnut oil is used for colds, headaches, strengthening immunity. It is also used in the form of lotions and compresses in the treatment of sunburn, irritation, insect bites.

In addition, the oil perfectly nourishes the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to rub it into the skin to nourish it.

But despite this a large number of useful properties, the tree is not very common in our region. And this is primarily due to the lack of knowledge on how to grow Pecan.

Reproduction and cultivation

Pecan (Karia Illinois) refers to unpretentious plants. Perhaps the most important condition for its cultivation will be the correct determination of the landing site. The tree belongs to centenarians, which are characterized by large growth (50-60 meters) and an extensive crown. Therefore, when planting seedlings, this feature must be taken into account.

Pecan can be planted as a seedling purchased from specialized crop farms, or grown independently, since the nut has a good ability to reproduce using seeds or vegetatively.

And so, you can get an adult tree yourself using the following breeding methods:

  • cuttings;
  • rootstock;
  • budding;
  • grow from seed.

Consider the seed method. Ripe walnut fruits that have fallen off on their own are taken as planting material. They can be planted in both autumn and spring.

Autumn planting is carried out as follows. Holes are prepared in the soil about ten centimeters deep, nuts are planted in them, watered and sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear in spring. It should be noted that planting seeds before winter gives good results, in spring the germination rate reaches almost one hundred percent, and the seedlings are strong and viable.

To carry out spring planting, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory measures. Nuts need to be stratified. To do this, they are kept for two days in cool water, and then placed in wet sawdust and left in a cool place for two months, moistening periodically. Then they are brought into the room, and in the spring, in mid-April, they are planted in open ground.

In order for seedlings to grow and develop well, they need to be planted in a well-lit place, and the soil must be fertilized with compost before planting.

The pecan grows quite slowly. Therefore, for the first three years, it can not be transplanted to a permanent place, but grown in the same place where the seeds were planted. At the initial stage, seedlings form a root. Therefore, the increase in plant size is negligible. By the age of three, a walnut seedling grows only up to half a meter. Now you can continue growing in a permanent place. Trees are planted in planting pits, the size of which should be at least sixty centimeters in depth and width. In order to achieve neutrality, a little lime and compost are added to the ground for nutrition. Then a walnut tree is carefully planted in the hole, while leveling its roots. Soil is sprinkled on top, compacted a little and watered well. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the seedling with peat. In order for the trees to take root faster and begin to actively grow, they need to be watered and fed regularly.

In spring, the walnut needs nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And in the fall, you need to feed the pecan with phosphorus and potassium. This applies to young trees, and adult specimens that have been growing for more than twenty-five years need to be fed with potassium salt, saltpeter, superphosphate.

Pecan care, in addition to watering and fertilizing, should also include caring for its crown. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and formative pruning, removing dry and damaged branches.

With proper care, a self-grown nut from seeds begins to bear fruit no earlier than ten years later.

It is possible to achieve earlier fruiting, at the age of four to five years, if Pecan is grown using a scion or budding. But these methods of reproduction require a little more knowledge and skills, so most often gardeners use either the seed method of reproduction or acquire already quite adult seedlings at the age of three to five years.

The walnut has a strong immunity, and it is not afraid of almost any garden pests and diseases. Under favorable growing conditions and sufficient space, this specimen will bear a fairly large number of fruits (an adult tree can produce up to two hundred kilograms of nuts) up to the age of three hundred.

Pecans... heard of this one? The pecan is rightfully considered a superfood. Today you will learn about the benefits and harms of this amazing product for the body. Pecans are one of the most popular edible nuts in the United States and are native to North America and Mexico. Pecan trees, native to South and Central North America, were used as a food source by Native Americans for many centuries before the arrival of the colonists. Until the 17th century, pecans were not domesticated, the first plantations of this plant appeared in Mexico. The pecan tree is a large deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family that can bear fruit for 300 years. Nuts appear in autumn.

What does a pecan look like

In appearance, the pecan resembles the familiar walnut to all of us, only the size of the pecan is larger. The nut itself has an elongated oblong shape and a smooth surface of the shell. Behind the golden brown shell is a beige core with a corrugated surface. The core occupies from 40% to 60% of the internal space of the nut. Nuts have a characteristic creamy, buttery flavor and texture due to their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids. The rich buttery flavor makes them suitable for both sweet and savory recipes. The famous pecan pie is a classic South American dish that features pecans as the main ingredient. Raw pecans can be salted or sweetened and used as a healthy snack. In America, pecans are widely used in the confectionery industry as an additive to cookies, sweets, pastries, and cakes.

What are beneficial features pecans?

Pecan Benefits: The Amazing Benefits of Pecans for Skin, Hair and Health

Like most nuts, pecans contain a variety of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that contribute to the wonderful health benefits of this nut.

1. Benefits for the cardiovascular system:

Pecans are rich in healthy dietary fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood and improves heart health by reducing the risk of coronary disease, as well as preventive effects against certain types of cancer. The oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) found in pecans, combined with phenolic antioxidants, also supports healthy heart function by preventing unwanted oxidation of blood lipids, helping to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.

2. Benefits for Digestion:

Useful dietary fiber contained in pecans normalizes bowel function and improves peristalsis. This allows the intestines to work more efficiently by cleansing the digestive tract. In addition, pecans prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

3.Helps in weight loss:

Studies have shown that a diet containing nuts such as pecans helps in weight loss. This is because the consumption of nuts increases the feeling of satiety and boosts metabolism.

4. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer:

5. Benefits of nuts for bones and teeth:

Pecans are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in the body after calcium. About 85% of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, while the remaining 15% is found in cells and tissues. Phosphorus, along with calcium, promotes healthy bones and teeth. This mineral is vital for the growth and repair of cells and tissues, as well as for the production of DNA and RNA. And finally, it prevents muscle pain that can occur due to high physical exertion.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in magnesium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that increased magnesium intake reduces indicators of inflammation in the body, such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha) and IL6 (interleukins 6). Helps reduce inflammation in the walls of arteries, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other inflammatory diseases.

7.Reduces blood pressure:

The magnesium present in pecans helps lower blood pressure. While pecans cannot cure hypertension, they can help reduce its symptoms.

8. Reduces the risk of stroke:

Studies have shown that consuming 100 milligrams of magnesium per day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecans can be a good source of magnesium if included regularly in your diet.

9. Anti-cancer properties of pecan:

Pecans are rich in phytochemicals such as polyphenolic antioxidants, ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These compounds play an important role in removing toxic free radicals from the body, thereby protecting it from disease, cancer, and infections. Ellagic acid has antiproliferative properties, inhibits DNA binding to carcinogens such as nitrosamine and polycyclic hydrocarbons, thereby protecting the human body from cancer.

10. Strengthens the immune system:

Pecans are high in manganese. This trace element is a powerful antioxidant. Manganese helps boost immunity and protects nerve cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Sufficient intake of manganese is vital for nerve conduction and brain activity.

Pecan skin benefits:

Pecans, like most other nuts, are rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folic acid, and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining skin health. The main benefits of pecans for skin are:

11.Prevents Skin Problems:

The appearance of our skin depends on how we nourish it from the inside. In this way, proper nutrition very important for maintaining healthy skin and preventing skin problems. Toxins inside our body slow down the metabolism in the skin, disrupt the functioning of its cells, causing inflammatory rashes, acne, increased fat content, and an unhealthy complexion. Pecans are a good source of fiber, which can do wonders for our health and therefore our skin. Fiber helps in removing toxins from the body, thereby improving appearance skin.

12. Helps relieve inflammatory skin manifestations:

Due to the high content of zinc, which is also involved in maintaining healthy skin, it protects the skin from all kinds of infections. Vitamin A: acts as an antioxidant on the one hand, on the other hand it has a beneficial effect on the complexion.

13. Pecan prevents aging of the body:

Healthy skin and hair is a sign of a healthy body. Hair follicles require a sufficient amount nutrients to maintain their proper functioning and prevent hair problems. The nutritional value pecan nuts makes them beneficial for the health and beauty of hair.

14. Stimulates Hair Growth:

Pecans are an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino acid that, when applied topically, helps treat male pattern baldness as well as promote healthy hair growth. Strong blood flow to the hair roots is vital for healthy hair growth. L-arginine is helpful in this regard, the amino acid improves the condition of the artery walls, making them more flexible, reducing the tendency to form blood clots that can block blood flow.

15.Prevent Hair Loss:

Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. It is caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood. Pecans, being a good source of iron, can be included in your diet to improve blood levels of iron and therefore fight hair loss.

Pecan nut useful video properties:

Pecan nutritional value

Pecans are high in calories, but most of those calories are 90% unsaturated. fatty acids other than that, pecans do not contain sodium. Let's look at the calorie content of pecans.

Pecan nuts are harmful. Side effects

Pecans are safe for most people, without any side effects associated with its use. However, people with hypersensitivity to this product, may have an allergic reaction to pecans. In the case of allergic reactions to pecans, the immune system reacts to the proteins contained in this nut and causes symptoms such as hives, vomiting, swelling of the larynx, shortness of breath and dizziness. All these reactions are associated with the release of the chemical histamine.

They are similar in taste, but the pecan kernels are a little softer and more tender. Pecan is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family, reaching a height of 25 - 40 m.

A prerequisite for the ripening of this type of nuts is the presence of roast and humid air summer, brought from the Gulf of Mexico. The tree can bear fruit for 300 years.

The homeland of the pecan is North America, where it was especially revered by Indian tribes. In the United States, pecans are still one of the favorite nuts, they bake pies, breads, cookies with it, they also add it to salads and hot dishes.

Pecans are best eaten immediately after being shelled (they spoil quickly without the shell).

Useful properties of pecan

Pecans are very high in calories. Only 200 g of the edible part of the fruit provides about 1700 calories, which is more than half the daily human need for them.

Pecans are 70% fat, 11% protein, 14% sugar, making pecan recommended for fatigue and lack of appetite. An edible pecan oil that tastes and smells like olive oil.

One of the varieties of vitamin E, which contains a pecan, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This conclusion was made by researchers from Purdue University in Indiana. It has been proven that the drug gamma-tocopherol, made in the laboratory and containing the mentioned variety of vitamin E, kills diseased cells, leaving only healthy ones. Scientists intend to use this discovery to treat lung and prostate cancer.

Pecans are a rich source of tannic acid, vitamin E; Pecans also have anti-cancer properties. If eaten in small amounts, they can lower cholesterol levels. Pecans have more calories and polyunsaturated fats than other nuts (70%), so they should be consumed in moderation (a spoonful five times a day) instead of fatty foods, not in addition to them.

Dangerous properties of pecan

Shelled pecans cannot be stored for a long time, as they quickly deteriorate - bitterness appears in the taste of such nuts.

When using pecans, it is worth remembering the measure. The body can absorb no more than 100 grams of nuts per meal. If you eat more of it, you may experience problems with digestion. With allergies and fatty liver, as well as with a tendency to obesity, it is worth limiting the use of nuts altogether.

It is necessary to significantly limit the amount of pecans in the diet for skin diseases and a tendency to constipation.

Pregnant women should use pecans with caution. A significant amount of protein in its composition can cause an allergy in a woman and provoke intolerance to this product in a baby. The safe rate of pecans for expectant mothers is 2 kernels three times a week.

Pecan fruits are a heavy product for children's digestion. Pediatricians do not advise feeding them to children under 3 years old. When offering nuts to a child, it is worth paying attention to how his body will react. In some babies, these fruits cause severe allergies, including suffocation.

I had scant knowledge of what a pecan was. What are the benefits and harms - I did not even think about it. Quite by chance, a small article in the local newspaper caught my eye. So much has been written about the benefits of pecans! Interested. Pecan is little known in our country, since the industrial cultivation of this walnut tree is practically not common in our country. Mostly pecan grows in the south of our country, but it is quite frost-resistant, so it can be grown further north. Once I saw on the shelves small bags of pecan kernels brought from the USA were very expensive. Compared to walnuts, pecans have a softer, more buttery flavor. I liked.

Photo of pecan fruit on a tree

What are the health benefits of pecans?

Nuts have been part of the human diet for many, many centuries. When the Almighty created our unique planet for Man, He insured this super-intelligent but weak creature for all occasions. He created man as a complex of all trace elements, substances found on Earth. There are plants that are inseparable from human existence, like a reserve train in times of crisis to support or save him. These are nuts, among which pecan is in the first place.

Calorie content, variety of nut fruits is exceptionally high! AI Vavilov very aptly called them "the bread of the future." Yes, indeed, the kernels of any nuts contain a lot of first-class fat, protein, carbohydrates, almost the entire group of vital vitamins, trace elements, and other substances. It turns out that nuts are bread with butter, cocoa, fruits at the same time.

But I would call this beautiful creation a great healer. Almonds improve the functioning of the stomach, reanimate the performance of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys. improves vision, which is important for everyone over 40. It also, like the enemy of atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the brain, lungs (for asthma).

A pecan is a collection of these nuts. He deserves special attention.

Where does the pecan grow?

The long-fruited pecan (carya illinoensis N) comes from the Mississippi Valley (North America). They have long paid attention to it as a valuable culture, harmoniously including everything necessary for life support. human body, which does not require special costs for growing, storing fruits. Industrial cultivation of this crop is significant in the Southeastern United States, where pecan pie and pralines are traditional sweets.

In Russia, the pecan settled at the dawn of the 20th century, starting from the Black Sea coast. It is from that period that the Sochi alley of pecans (Research Institute of Horticulture) traces its history. A little later, his seedlings appeared in the Adler park-arboretum "Southern Cultures".

The height of trees can reach up to 50 m with a crown width of up to 40 m. The trunk of a tree at the base reaches a diameter of up to 3 m. A hollow of such a tree in bad weather can cover the rider along with the horse. Young trees freely withstand frosts down to -30°C, so it is not surprising that the long-fruited walnut began to quickly move north.

There are many varieties of pecan at the Adler variety testing site. As the best varieties, Uspek, Indiana, Stuart, and others have become widespread. They already grow in groups on the northern slope of the Caucasus Range, in the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov Region, Ukraine, and Moldova. But it has no industrial significance on the territory of these regions. It is not on the shelves, except that there are bags brought from other countries.

Walnut leaves, photo

Unpaired compound pecan leaves up to 50 cm long. According to its characteristics, the pecan is close to the walnut, because this plant is also dioecious, monoecious, which is very important for its survival. Male staminate catkin flowers hang on two-year-old shoots. And pistillate females are formed in bunches on the shoots of the current year. Usually flowering occurs at the end of spring and beginning of summer, which is not dangerous during spring frosts in the North Caucasus.

Photo of pecan fruits from Sochi

Pecans ripen in September-October, crumble like walnuts. It is the crumbled fruits that are considered ripe. The fruit is a drupe weighing 12-20 g. Due to the variety, the shape of the pecan nut varies from elongated-spherical to elongated oval, 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter. The pecan kernel is golden brown on the outside, beige inside. The shell is smooth, clean, free from convolutions, cracks, holes, mold. Unshelled nuts should be heavy for their size. The nucleus is similar in shape to the nuclei of walnut, but the convolutions are, as it were, smoother, there are no partitions, i.e. the pecan kernel is easily removed whole from the shell. If unpeeled pecans rattle when shaken, it may mean that the inside is dry and unfit for eating.

It depends on the type of pecan nut whether it is difficult to crack it or not. I came across nuts brought from Sochi. Not large, rather, even smallish. It was hard to break them apart. The shell was quite thick. And the core is small. You apply a lot of force - the core is soft-boiled. If you hit it lighter, the nut will remain intact. But judging by the reviews, there are varieties with a thin shell. Such pricks are not difficult.

The shell of a pecan nut has neither a slit nor a hole (like, for example, a walnut). This is both a plus - pests, different bugs cannot penetrate inside, and it is also a minus - it is difficult to split if the shell is thick.

Sometimes I met questions why a pecan is sold cracked. Haven't seen any replies yet. But I think I can answer it.

The reason is a dense but thin shell. Manufacturers make life easier for us, anticipating our difficulties, dissatisfaction when we have to wield a hammer, breaking the shell. I experienced it myself - it is difficult to calculate even the force of a blow with a hammer. You hit a little harder - it turns out "porridge" from a nut or it flies to the farthest corner. A little weaker - he lies whole, unharmed. And so, thanks to a crack in the shell - everything turns out fine.

I would like to warn: be sure to read the information about the date of packaging, the expiration date. A cracked pecan is not stored for a long time, it becomes rancid, tasteless, even dangerous to health.

Pecan kernels not only taste good, they are healthy, especially when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels. Not only do they help lower cholesterol levels, but they also cleanse the arteries.

The results of a 2001 study conducted by Loma Linda University (USA) showed that eating just a handful of pecans daily can inhibit unwanted lipid oxidation in the blood, thereby helping to prevent coronary heart disease.

Health Benefits of Pecans

The health benefits of pecans are hard to describe. Pecan nuts contain more than 19 vitamins, minerals - A, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. One hundred grams of kernels provide 30% of the recommended daily fiber intake. Pecans are also a natural source of high quality protein that are very low in carbohydrates. Does not contain cholesterol, sodium. Among the nuts, pecans are the fattest - more than 70%. It satisfies hunger well, ideal as a snack for children or adults.

The merits of this nut are very high. The pecan kernel, in addition to the highest quality fat, contains up to 10% pure protein, up to 15% carbohydrates, the entire chain of vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids.

Pecan kernel oil - nut oil - is superior to olive oil in many ways. Ripe fruits, having a thin shell, do not lose their qualities when shedding, are transportable, can be stored for a long time, while not spoiling at all, not being afraid of pests. But the cleaned ones are not stored for a long time. Due to their high fat content, they become rancid and tasteless.

There is nothing better than eating these valuable pecans for the body during fasting instead of meat or animal fats. Within two or three weeks, you will feel lightness, body strength, eyes will become sharper, your heart will work more calmly, itching and insomnia will disappear. It is your body that is getting rid of vicious toxins accumulated by an illiterate, ruthless attitude towards yourself.

Harm can cause excessive consumption of pecan kernels. Firstly, it can ruin your figure, since pecans are very high in calories. And, secondly, there is a possibility of allergic reactions in susceptible people. In any case, you need to know the measure.

Cultivation and reproduction

Fruiting of pecan trees is annual. When propagated by seeds, the pecan tree begins to bear fruit from 9-14 years. The harvest of a young tree is from 1 to 5 kg. The average yield of a ten-fifteen-year-old tree is from 8 to 15 kg (US data). Back in the seventies of the last century, pecan production there reached 150 thousand tons per year. The life cycle of a tree is 300 years. Old trees yield up to 250 kg of nuts.

Pecan growing technology is completely similar to walnut. This wind-pollinated, light-loving plant grows on soils various types: typically forest, rich in humus, heavy, stony, clayey. But, like most plants, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

Pecan propagates vegetatively or by seeds (seed germination up to 100%). The incidence of plants has not been noticed, there are no pests, even fruits, in comparison with walnuts, are not damaged by them.

Now the pecan has become very widespread not only in the USA and Europe. This therapeutic dietary product should be consumed by everyone. With pecans in your diet, you will live long, not painfully, optimistically rejoicing in the whole world around you.

The nature of the Creator is generous, rich, there are infinitely many unique and beautiful things in it. One of these noble creatures is the pecan.

When I learned in more detail what a pecan is, that its benefits are enormous, and the harm is minimal, I wanted to grow it in my country house. And now I have one pecan seedling growing. He is still very small. He's three years old. Grows very slowly. It is too early to share the experience of growing, but I will definitely tell you about it.

Yes, one more small addition: where, at what price, from whom you can buy a pecan - read the comments.

Most likely, many have heard that the fruits of the pecan nut are very useful, so that such a tree can be planted on your suburban area, and even collect considerable crops, will please many. It should be noted right away that you will have to stock up on strength and patience, since planting and caring for an exotic nut is not an easy task. Let's look at everything in order.

This plant belongs to the genus and family Walnut. Its maximum height is 60 m. The tree has a wide spreading crown, the diameter of which reaches 40 m. Its trunk is even, covered with gray-brown bark.
The branches are brown, initially pubescent, then become smooth. They have large, glossy, bright green leaves.

Pecan flowers can be male or female, and are pollinated by wind and insects. The flowering period falls on May - June, but it can shift depending on climatic conditions and in the northern regions it begins in June and ends in July.

Important! The average lifespan of a pecan is approximately 400 years.


The homeland of the pecan is considered to be North America. It is grown on an industrial scale in the southeastern United States and in Central Asia. Also, the plant can be found in Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Very rare, but still you can see them on the Crimean Peninsula.

These two plants have a lot in common, and at first glance it may even seem that they are identical, but this is not entirely true. not as capricious as pecans, they do not require constant care and reverent attitude after planting.

Despite the outward similarity, the fruits of these plants have different taste qualities, pecans are much sweeter and more delicate in texture, and for this they are very much appreciated in cooking.
Walnut and pecan fruit (left to right)

Did you know? Regular consumption of the nuts of this tree can tone the body, and is also an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and oncological formations.

They are also famous for their richer content of nutrients. Pecans are almost perfectly shaped, look very neat and vein free, and have a softer skin. The difference in price for these fruits is also noticeable, walnuts are 3-4 times cheaper than their overseas relative.

There are more than 150 varieties of pecans, of which only a few are suitable for planting in Russia, namely the varieties: Green River, Stuart, Indiana, Success, Major and Textam.
In order to succeed and get the desired harvest, you will need to study some of the features and preferences of this plant.

Choice of location and lighting

For this tree, you need to select the brightest and sunniest corner in your garden. It is desirable that it be protected from wind and drafts.

Of course, regions with a mild climate with warm or even hot summers are a priority for planting, but experienced gardeners say that even a short heat for 2-3 months is more than enough for this nut to grow successfully.

Important! In order for the pecan to bear fruit regularly and abundantly, it is necessary to plant at least two such trees in the garden.

When choosing a place to plant, it is worth remembering that the tree grows to an impressive size, and it will need a lot of space.

Pecans should be planted in well-drained, fertile soil. If the soil is not nutritious enough, the chances of successfully growing this plant are reduced to zero.
Experts recommend preparing a landing site in advance and saturating it with compost and humus at least six months before the intended planting.

The soil should not be too acidic, and if there is a problem with increased, then it can be easily corrected with lime.

The pecan nut propagates in three ways: seeds, seedlings and grafting.

Ripe for seed propagation, those that have fallen to the ground are collected and either planted immediately, that is, in the fall, or leave planting material until spring. The autumn period is considered more favorable, since during the winter the seeds are mastered in the ground, and shoots appear in the spring.
In order to plant pecans at this time, it is enough just to dig holes 10-15 cm deep, place planting material there, cover with soil, water well and put mulch on top. Already in the spring you will be able to observe the sprouts of future trees.

Landing in the spring involves a number of preparatory work. First, you need to prepare the seeds themselves. They are recommended to be soaked for 48 hours in water, and then placed in a container with wet sawdust and stored in a cool room for 40-60 days.

As it dries out, watering should be carried out. 2-3 weeks before planting, the container is brought into warm room. Prepared seeds are planted in late April - early May. You also need to prepare the soil for planting; for this, it is advisable to add compost to it in the fall.

Video: Pecan Seed Stratification Experienced gardeners recommend planting 10-15 nuts at once, since less than half of them will germinate.

When planted with seeds, pecans begin to produce crops no earlier than 10 years later.

Important! Pecans grow very slowly, it is necessary to transplant seedlings to a permanent place no earlier than after 3 years.

If you don't want to spend so much time growing your own seeds, this might be the way to go. another way to propagate is to buy seedlings. First of all, it must be of good quality, and you should buy it only from trusted sellers.

The most important thing is that the seedling must have a strong root system, which means that its age must be at least 3 years old.

The disadvantages of such a planting include the fact that pecan roots are very vulnerable to damage, and the slightest error in transplantation can lead to the death of the plant.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare pits 50-60 cm deep, the plant is carefully placed in them, the roots are straightened, and then they are gradually covered with soil and watered abundantly. The final stage of planting is the mulching of the trunk circle with foliage, sawdust, needles or humus.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
The disadvantages of such a planting include the fact that pecan roots are very vulnerable to damage, and the slightest error in transplantation can lead to the death of the plant.

Grafting is also used to propagate this tree., but this requires a stock, namely a white pecan. In this case, the plant begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years.

Did you know? Old pecan trees are capable of producing 200-250 kg of fruit annually.

Watering and humidity

Young trees need regular water procedures, special attention should be paid to soil moisture in hot weather. This does not mean at all that they need to be flooded; stagnant moisture is just as detrimental to the plant as drought. Therefore, it is important to drain the soil well before planting.

Pecans need regular pruning and crown shaping, especially when young. For this, sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, which includes the removal of dried, broken and frozen branches.

Fertilize such nuts twice a season, namely in spring and autumn. In the first case, they are introduced, and in the fall - potash and.
Trees that are more than 15 years old should also not be left unattended, suitable for them, and