Why is selenium needed in the human body? Selenium: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. Preparations with selenium

A huge number of useful preparations enriched with microelements, including selenium, appear on the market. Nutritionists around the world agree that it has the strongest immune-stimulating properties, helps get rid of free radicals, and is a natural carcinostatic agent that has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. But it must be taken with caution. What are the benefits and harms of selenium?

What is selenium and why is it needed

The benefit of selenium lies in the powerful support of enzymes - glutathione peroxidase. They play a key role in the detoxification of vital organs. Thanks to this useful property of the element, the body is cleansed, overall well-being improves, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, and protective mechanisms are activated that provide protection against oxidative stress. This is the name of the property of cells to oxidize, in which they are damaged or completely die. Selenium benefits five of the known eight glutathione peroxidases. However, improper use of drugs with a trace element can harm a person.

The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones and their properties in the body. When taken with food, beneficial selenium-containing enzymes allow the conversion of T4 hormones into active T3.

Comment! It has been scientifically proven that uncomplicated thyroid dysfunction can be corrected by following a diet that includes beneficial selenium-containing foods.

The benefits of the properties of selenium for the thyroid gland are reflected in the body immediately: immunity to various diseases increases, the hormonal background is leveled.

Useful properties of selenium

Selenium is no less important than vitamins A, C and. Their properties bring invaluable benefits human body improving well-being. However, useful selenium-containing compounds have an undeniable advantage over common vitamins, since scientists have been able to prove that they release free radicals much more actively, harm bacteria, cleansing cells.

Important! The accumulation of free radicals leads to serious diseases. The benefits of selenium in oncology have been proven by scientists.

The properties of selenium are more pronounced than those of vitamins, flavonoids, coenzymes. All of them, even when used together, cannot replace selenium-containing products. It is part of the most important beneficial enzyme that neutralizes the most dangerous and harmful cells that enter the human body.

Beneficial features:

  • regulation of the thyroid gland;
  • normalization of the work of more than two hundred enzymes and hormones;
  • slowing down the aging process of the skin;
  • activation of the defense system, antioxidant properties;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • increased synthesis of useful coenzyme Q-10;
  • beneficial effect on the work of the heart, joints and bones;
  • increased efficiency in the treatment of ENT diseases, cardiopathy;
  • protection from mercury, arsenic, cadmium and other heavy metals that cause significant harm to the body;
  • strengthening the reproductive system of both men and women.

Thus, the properties of useful selenium affect all cells, systems, human organs, so it is important to pay sufficient attention to its content in dietary supplements and products. The constant intake of selenium-containing drugs leads to an improvement in well-being, strengthening of all systems and longevity.

The benefits of selenium for a woman's body

The female body is most sensitive to a lack of trace elements, so it is important to monitor your well-being and take care of yourself.

  • Selenium directly affects hormones, which is beneficial for women's health.
  • The constant intake of selenium in adulthood helps to delay the onset of menopause.
  • Influencing at the cellular level, it allows a woman to remain attractive for a long time. Indispensable beneficial features selenium for hair, nails and skin.
  • Women who take selenium-containing products are less likely to suffer from gynecological diseases, endure pregnancy more easily and recover after childbirth. Modern medicine recommends taking a useful trace element when planning a pregnancy for both parents.

Is it possible to selenium pregnant and lactating

Pregnant and lactating women are considered the most vulnerable to various colds due to micronutrient deficiencies. To avoid feeling unwell, weakening internal organs, the consequences of bearing and feeding a baby, reduce harm to the body, it is necessary to constantly maintain immunity. This can easily be done using the beneficial properties of selenium-containing drugs.

Attention! Before using selenium, be sure to consult your doctor.

A frequent occurrence after the birth of a child is dull hair, teeth falling out, diseases of the joints and spine. To avoid this, it is worth evaluating the benefits of the properties of selenium in advance. Its intake with food will help get rid of the worst enemies of a young mother, causing irreparable harm to the body:

  • lack of sleep;
  • constant fatigue;
  • decrease in immunity.

Signs of selenium deficiency are expressed by depression, constant headaches, depression, decreased immunity. Noticing these symptoms, it is necessary to adjust the diet and add healthy selenium-containing foods to the diet.

What is useful selenium for men

In addition to the general list of useful properties of selenium, it is worth noting separately its effect on men, especially on testosterone levels. With a normal content, the hormone increases the ability of a man to conceive a child. To benefit from selenium, it is prescribed along with zinc.

Important! Useful selenium-containing products and dietary supplements - irreplaceable assistants in the fight against infertility.

Selenium deficiency leads

  • to a decrease in the amount of seminal fluid;
  • to slow down and reduce the activity of spermatozoa, their deformation.

It is of particular benefit to men whose work is associated with hard work that is harmful to the body.

What foods contain selenium

Selenium deficiency can be avoided if you eat properly and fully, with the benefit of consuming plant foods. Fast food and quick snacks that harm all vital organs have become common for most city dwellers, hence the need to saturate the body with useful trace elements. If you adjust the diet by adding selenium-containing plant products to it, you can satisfy all the basic needs of organs and systems.

  • Seaweed is considered the richest in terms of the amount of selenium and the preservation of its properties. Its specific taste is justified by the benefits. By adding seaweed to the main dish twice a week, you can completely cover the body's need for useful selenium.
  • Sea greens compete with nuts, among which nutritionists highlight cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, and fully retaining the beneficial properties of selenium.
  • Cereals and cereals are the basis proper nutrition. Selenium is needed for children, so cereals are one of the first complementary foods. In addition to supplying the body with useful trace elements, they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to an increase in the cleansing properties of selenium.

    Important! The beneficial properties of corn, wheat, oatmeal and millet have been proven by nutritionists.

  • Vegetarians and vegans include in their diet a huge amount that has a lot of useful properties. These products are an ideal replacement for animal protein foods and contain sufficient amounts of the beneficial selenium to keep you active and healthy. It is found in high concentrations in beans, lentils, and peas.

Plant foods are an ideal source of micronutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to consume healthy vegetables and fruits every day. Of particular benefit are thermally unprocessed products that retain a maximum of healing properties. Salads, smoothies, and just sliced ​​​​fresh herbs will become indispensable allies in the fight for health and well-being.

Preparations with selenium

Modern pharmacology allows you to take care of the health of those who cannot eat a balanced diet. This problem is often associated not only with the quality and lack of food, but also with increased stress, harmful working conditions. The properties of domestic dietary supplements come to the rescue, the benefits of which are undeniable:

  • with selenium;
  • sea ​​calcium with selenium.

Particular attention should be paid to the properties of dietary supplements Selen-Active. This useful drug, developed by our compatriots, is aimed at filling the deficiency of selenium. Recommended as a prevention of hormonal disruptions during pregnancy. Allowed for children from 12 years old.

In the event that an integrated approach is needed to saturate the body with all useful substances, it is better to choose multivitamin complexes:

  • Alphabet. The drug is recommended for a vulnerable part of the population: pregnant women, children, adolescents and the elderly. The beneficial properties of the probiotics and dietary fiber that make up the composition help to resist colds, make up for the lack of sunlight. It is recommended to take three times a day.
  • Compliment. The most common remedy for the prevention of deficiency of vitamins A, E and C. Their properties are necessary to improve the absorption of selenium. A useful vitamin-mineral complex is recommended for frequent colds, patients with cardiovascular problems, as a prevention of diabetes, improvement of vision, support for pregnancy. Taking Complivit provides 70 micrograms of sodium selenite, which is the daily norm for an adult, and, of course, benefits everyone who uses it.

Important! Before using vitamin complexes with selenium, you should consult a specialist so as not to harm the body.

Daily intake of selenium

The daily rate increases during pregnancy and lactation.

The benefit will be obtained only with the proper use of the element, exceeding the norm often harms the body.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency in the body

Selenium is one of the many micronutrients that support the body, so it can be quite difficult to determine its deficiency. Harm to the environment, pollution of soil and water causes a deficiency of selenium even in rural areas, where, it would seem, in excess useful products high in vitamins.

Important! You need to know the signs of selenium deficiency in order to pay attention to them in time.

Deficiency symptoms:

  • sudden deterioration in performance;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • frequent colds;
  • poor tolerance of harmful gases;
  • deterioration in coordination and / or vision;
  • weakening of sexual functions.

Noticing such changes, you need to try to adjust your diet, add more useful selenium-containing plant products according to the season. If after some time the condition does not stabilize, then it is better to consult a specialist.

How to identify selenium deficiency

To identify the lack of useful selenium, you need to monitor your health, know the strengths and weaknesses of the body, as well as the signs listed above. To confirm or refute the guesses, you need to contact a therapist who will give a referral for tests. The main route of excretion of selenium is with urine, the result will be ready in a few days.

What is dangerous overdose of selenium

An excess of selenium does not benefit, but, on the contrary, harms the body. When the prescribed norm is exceeded, a useful microelement tends to turn into a strong poison. This is possible when taking vitamin complexes without measure, longer than the recommended course and without consulting a doctor. Even a small daily overdose can be harmful to health:

  • hair starts to fall out
  • peeling skin;
  • teeth crumble;
  • peeling nails.

The problem of diagnosing an excess of selenium is the ambiguity of symptoms. The fact is that such signs occur with various disorders of the immune system, internal diseases, a deficiency of certain vitamins, and simply as consequences of harm to the urban environment.

With prolonged intoxication, irreversible consequences occur: a violation of the mental state, difficulty in the functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal disorders.

The video will tell you more about the consequences of a lack and an overabundance of selenium, about its benefits and harms:

Interactions with other drugs and supplements

Vitamin E is an ideal ally for the absorption of useful selenium-containing preparations. Thanks to it, the properties of the microelement are enhanced.

But sugar and sweet foods interfere with the absorption of selenium, harming its proper absorption.

Neutralizes the intake of the substance and reduces the properties of selenium, the constant use of paracetamol and phenacetin.


The benefits and harms of selenium have been proven in the writings of nutritionists. A useful trace element is present mainly in plant foods, so selenium-containing foods should form the basis of the diet. Thanks to the properties of selenium, it is possible to maintain the functioning of the thyroid gland, the respiratory system, the integrity of muscle and bone tissues. Patients who take the substance constantly note a decrease in asthma symptoms, a surge of strength and an improvement in overall well-being. But it is necessary to saturate the body with a useful trace element with caution so that the treatment does not result in harm.

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Hello! Surely almost every one of you has heard about such an important microelement of our body as selenium (Se). A lot is written and said about him, and for good reason. So, why is selenium so important in the body, let's talk further.

Selenium is vital important element for humans, it is a powerful antioxidant protector that is a necessary component of a small group of proteins, each of which plays an important role in our health.

I will now try to consider in more detail why selenium is needed in the body, what foods contain it and how to replenish its reserves in our body.

From this article you will learn:

Selenium in the human body

The trace element selenium belongs to the group of nineteen trace elements most important for the life support of the body.

It is called the trace element of longevity.

Selenium in the human body is concentrated in the body mainly in the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, heart, pancreas, lungs, skin, nails and hair.

Our body needs a daily intake of selenium in the daily diet.

Selenium is a necessary component of a small group of proteins, each of which plays an important role in our health.

The scientists named the selenium-containing proteins "selenoproteins".

"To date, about 25 different selenocysteine-containing selenoproteins have been described in human cells and tissues"

Lack of selenium deprives the cell of the ability to synthesize selenoproteins, which leads to diseases:

  • immune system
  • Depression
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Oncology
  • Hypothyroidism and other thyroid disorders
  • Infertility (in men)
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Diseases of the skin and nails

A bit of history

Selenium has become especially famous in the last couple of decades, thanks to various studies that due to the systematic lack of selenium in food, there is a risk of cancer.

To date, this question still does not have a clear answer and scientific research is still being carried out.

But regardless of whether selenium deficiency is associated with an increased risk of cancer, one thing is clear - foods high in selenium are very important for antioxidant protection, as well as a host of other health benefits.

The main functions of selenium in the body

Selenium in the body performs a lot of very different functions, but these two are the most important, which are vital to all our organs and systems.

Antioxidant protection

Selenium is necessary for the active operation of a group of enzymes called glutathione peroxidase (you can sometimes also see the abbreviation GP for this enzyme).

These enzymes play a key role in the body's detoxification system. They also provide protection against oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a physiological process of cell oxidation, in which the risk of their complete death is high. Of the eight known glutathione peroxidases, five require selenium.

In addition to the activity of glutathione peroxidase, selenium-containing enzymes are involved in the process of recycling vitamin C to its active form, which can improve antioxidant protection.

Support for normal thyroid function

Selenium-containing enzymes are responsible for converting less active thyroid hormones called T4 into more active T3.

Selenium interacts with iodine to keep thyroid function strong and stable.

There are scientifically proven clinical studies in which, in people with thyroid problems, in just two months, with the help of a selenium-containing diet, its function was restored.

Who can get a selenium deficiency in the body?

Today, the risk of selenium deficiency in our body is very unlikely if we eat a proper and balanced diet, eat food that has grown on soil rich in selenium and do not suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines.

People at risk for selenium deficiency include:

  • Elderly (over 90 years old)
  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • People who take statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) and birth control pills and laxatives
  • People who follow a dietary and vegetarian diet
  • smoking people
  • Persons living in regions with low Se content in soils (most regions of Russia)

Selenium Rich Foods

  • Selenium is also very rich in seafood (tuna, shrimp, salmon, cod, scallops,)
  • Meat and offal (lamb, beef, chicken, turkey)
  • Mushrooms (especially oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms)
  • whole grain cereals

But, the leader in the content of selenium is Brazil nuts !!! Only two Brazil nuts a day can replenish daily dose Selena!!!

Daily dose of selenium

The daily intake of selenium is 50-70 mcg per day for adults and 15 to 40 mcg for children.

Dangerous dose of selenium

In large quantities, selenium is a poison. An excess of selenium in the body is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

The tolerable upper intake level for selenium is 400 micrograms per day. This is the cumulative value of selenium intake from food and supplements. This barrier must not be exceeded under any circumstances.

Based on the data from the National Institute of Health and Nutrition, it is very difficult to exceed this threshold with our usual diet.

In addition, animal products lose part of the selenium during heat treatment.

In practical terms, most of the highest sources of selenium contain between 25 and 60 micrograms of this mineral.

In order to exceed the maximum allowable selenium level, you will have to consume about 5 or even more servings of these selenium-rich foods every day.

Video about the beneficial properties of selenium

As you can already understand, selenium is a very important trace element for our body, without selenium there is no life.

And we need to be sure to maintain the required level of this substance in our body.

Today there is a large number of biologically active additives with selenium, but, personally, I did not find anything suitable for myself.

And in general, in this case, I came to the conclusion that even if there is a lack of selenium in my body, I will make up for it with natural products, in particular, Brazil nuts.

I have been eating 1 Brazil nut daily in the morning for more than a year, thus providing myself with selenium, which means I maintain my health and delay the aging of my body, which I advise everyone!

I wrote in more detail about Brazil nuts in this one, be sure to read it, it's very interesting !!!

Selenium (Se) is a mineral found in poultry, fish, cereals and eggs. This mineral was considered a toxin until 1957; however, current research shows that there are clear health benefits to eating enough selenium.

Plants take selenium from the soil. Thus, people around the world consume different amounts of selenium depending on the concentration of the mineral in environment. Therefore, depending on geography, people may suffer from selenium deficiency. Currently, scientific research is aimed at revising the recommended values ​​of selenium.

Selenium is also found in water and occurs in varying amounts in seafood, but despite its relative abundance in foods, many people lack this important mineral.

It is estimated that between 0.5 and 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in selenium, and many more consume less selenium than needed to provide protection against cancer and severe infectious diseases.

Your body has only a small requirement for selenium. The minimum recommended daily intake of selenium is 55 micrograms (mcg) for adults.

Although consuming small amounts of this mineral promotes human health, too high doses of selenium (such as 400 mcg per day) are potentially associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes. If you simply eat food without taking a supplement, you will not be able to get an excess amount of selenium, so you should not worry about an overdose.

As mentioned above, many people are deficient in selenium, as the modern diet, which is abundant in factory foods, contains little to no this mineral. This is due to the fact that selenium is destroyed during the purification (refining) and processing of products. Why is it important to make sure your body is getting enough selenium?

It acts as a powerful antioxidant (and its antioxidant effects are enhanced when combined with vitamin E).

Selenium's Antioxidant Effects May Help Prevent Chronic Disease

Selenium plays an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases, as well as in the functioning of the thyroid gland and the immune system. According to research published in the journal Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, selenium is critical to the health of living organisms. It has been suggested that the vast majority of the world's population has suboptimal selenium stores and is therefore at increased risk of developing a number of diseases such as crayfish, cardiovascular disease, viral diseases and other conditions that are associated with increased levels of oxidative stress.

There are several diseases (such as diabetes mellitus, several infectious diseases, and possibly asthma) where a good selenium status, combined with an adequate intake of other antioxidant nutrients, can help cells and tissues better cope with the harmful oxidative stress caused.

The benefits of selenium for the body

Thanks to numerous scientific studies, we now know about the role of selenium in the body and its beneficial properties in preventing and treating a number of diseases.

Low selenium levels may increase cancer risk

Low selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of death from cancer and other diseases.

Research published in 2015 in the journal International Journal of Cancer showed that higher selenium levels are associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, especially in women. It also found that selenium status is suboptimal in many Europeans.

In 2016, a meta-analysis of 69 studies also found that getting enough selenium (from food, not supplements) reduces the risk of developing the following types of cancer:

  • chest
  • lungs
  • esophagus
  • stomach
  • prostate

Selenium has also been linked to a reduced risk of cancer. Bladder, although one of the most famous studies on cancer and selenium (conducted in 1996 by the late Larry Clark, Ph.D. University of Arizona) has been found to be associated with an overall lower risk of dying from cancer.

In a study of 1,300 older adults, the incidence of cancer among those who took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was 42% lower than those who received a placebo. The death rate from cancer in those who took selenium was reduced by almost half.

In addition, men who took selenium had 63% fewer prostate cancers, 58% fewer colorectal cancers, 46% fewer lung cancers, and 37% fewer cancers overall. Selenium has been found to reduce the risk of lung cancer to a greater extent than quitting smoking completely.

The reductions in cancer cases were so significant that the blind phase of the study was stopped early and there were no cases of selenium toxicity. Here are some of the scientific explanations for the anti-cancer effects of selenium:

  • Increased antioxidant protection and immune system support.
  • Regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death).
  • Triggering DNA repair in damaged cells.
  • Suppression of the growth of blood vessels that carry nutrients to cancerous growths.
  • Inhibition of tumor cell invasion.

Selenium supports the immune system

The benefits of selenium are also due to its ability to support immunity. It is believed that selenium may have anti-cancer effects not only due to its antioxidant properties, but also due to its ability to boost the immune system. Selenium can stimulate the immune system, so it can, for example, eliminate cancer diseases at an early stage.

In addition, a study published in a scientific journal North American Journal of Medical Sciences, has shown that the combination of selenium and beta-glucans (long-chain polysaccharides found in mushrooms) is particularly beneficial. The researchers, using two different mouse models of cancer, found that the Se/glucan combination strongly suppressed cancer growth, mainly due to immune stimulation. The combination of glucan with selenium provides excellent immune stimulation and inhibition of cancer cell growth.

In addition to cancer, stimulating the immune system can be helpful in preventing infectious diseases.

Selenium helps fight viral and bacterial infections

Selenium may also be helpful for viral infections, including the flu, as well as bacterial infections. In a scientific journal Advances in Nutrition it has been written that viral and bacterial infections are often associated with macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies, including selenium deficiency. With a lack of selenium, mild forms of strains of the Coxsackie virus and influenza virus can mutate to highly pathogenic strains.

It has been suggested that dietary supplements be used to ensure adequate selenium intake for the medical care of patients suffering from certain viral diseases, especially influenza A viruses (IAV).

Selenium status can affect the function of both adaptive and innate immune cells.

One of the ways selenium affects the immune response is through selenoproteins (selenium-containing proteins). Individual selenoproteins are known to regulate inflammation and immunity, while sufficient levels of selenium are known to be required to initiate immunity as well as to regulate excessive immune responses and chronic inflammation.

Selenium for thyroid, asthma and infertility

The wide range of benefits of selenium is still not fully understood, but selenium is known to play a role in thyroid function. Your thyroid contains more selenium (per gram of tissue) than any other organ and contains specific selenoproteins.

Researchers are studying the role of selenium in autoimmune thyroiditis and Graves' disease, as well as its use in pregnant women with TPO (thyroid peroxidase) antibodies. There is also some indication that selenium may be beneficial for people with chronic asthma, and observational studies have shown that people with chronic asthma may have lower selenium levels than those without the condition.

Low selenium levels during pregnancy may also play a role in the development of asthma in children after birth, although this is still being researched. Selenium has also been found to have a beneficial effect on male fertility, as it is essential for sperm motility. In relation to women, there is an assumption that this mineral can reduce the risk of miscarriage. In addition, selenium deficiency is associated with a bad mood.

Best Food Sources of Selenium

Selenium is a nutrient that you should strive to get from your diet. There is still quite a lot of conflicting and confusing research related to selenium and its role in human health, and most of it is related to the use of selenium supplements.

Until more is understood about the role of selenium in the body, it makes sense to focus on consuming a variety of organic whole foods that naturally optimize selenium levels (along with other important nutrients). Good food sources of selenium include:

  • Brazil nuts (on average contain 70 to 90 micrograms per nut).
  • Sardines (52.7 mcg per 100 g).
  • Wild Atlantic salmon (46.8 mcg per 100 g).
  • Eggs (6.6 mcg in one large egg).
  • Sunflower seeds (53 mcg per 100 g).
  • Organic chicken (15.7 mcg per 100 g).
  • Turkey meat (26.4 mcg per 100 g).
  • Beef or lamb liver (36 - 111 mcg per 100 g).
  • White mushroom (9 mcg per 100 g).

In China, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, soil selenium levels are generally not high enough, and high quality selenium supplements may need to be included in the diet when eating food grown in these areas.

If you live in one of these areas and eat mostly locally grown food, you may be deficient in selenium. You can also have low selenium levels if you smoke, drink alcohol, have weight loss surgery, or have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. If you decide to take selenium supplements for health reasons, you should use their high quality, low dose, bioavailable form (eg, 200 mcg).

The brazil nut is the richest food in selenium.

Harm of selenium for the body

There are some possible health risks when taking selenium supplements. The maximum dose of selenium per day is 400 mcg for adults. Selenium toxicity due to overdose is rare, especially when the mineral is obtained from dietary sources, but overdosing on highly concentrated supplements can cause adverse effects.

These consequences include:

  • garlic breath and metallic taste in the mouth;
  • brittle nails;
  • tooth decay;
  • gastrointestinal problems such as nausea;
  • neurological anomalies;
  • fatigue and irritability;
  • skin lesions and rash;
  • hair loss.

In extreme cases, it can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, and death.

Selenium supplements may also interact with certain medications, including cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug. The use of this drug may lower the level of selenium in the body.

Many people know that selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals.

A valuable mineral has many other useful properties. It is no coincidence that many popular dietary supplements include selenium.

Significance for the body, a list of foods high in Se, daily intake, signs of deficiency and excess of the mineral are described in the article.

A solid black metalloid occurs in nature near sulfur, in areas of volcanic activity.

The soils of most countries contain little Se.

The rare mineral selenium is found not only in earth's crust in a minimal amount, but in plants, some living organisms.

A pure substance is dangerous to health, but without a sufficient intake of the mineral, vital processes are disrupted. Selenium is just as important for the proper functioning of the human body as copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chromium and other trace elements.

Selenium starvation often develops in areas where the soil contains insufficient amounts of the mineral. In Russia, residents of more than two-thirds of the regions experience a shortage of an important element.

Selenium: what does the body need

Consider the role of selenium in the human body.

Each trace element is involved in certain processes.

The lack of nutrients negatively affects the general condition of a person, provokes a decrease in immunity, problems with nervous regulation, cardiac activity, endocrine pathologies, and disrupts metabolism.

For the smooth performance of all functions, 70 to 100 micrograms of selenium must be supplied every day, but many people do not receive the Se norm. Mineral deficiency negatively affects the functioning of the body. A high concentration of selenium was found in the kidneys, testes in men, spleen, heart, and liver.

The absorption of the mineral improves the intake of vitamins C and E, the use of dietary supplements with selenium during meals. An important point is the rejection of low-use (fast carbohydrates) in favor of useful (complex).

On palpation of the thyroid gland, the doctor may find that it is enlarged. In what diseases such a symptom is observed, consider.

What is dangerous selenium starvation

With the intake of Se in an amount of less than 5 mg per day, negative changes occur in many organs and systems. A person feels not only a deterioration in well-being, but also notices external manifestations of selenium deficiency.


  • decreased immunity;
  • growth retardation;
  • fragility of nails;
  • development of alopecia (hair loss);
  • dermatological diseases: exudative diathesis, dermatitis, eczema;
  • violation of the functions of the reproductive system, in men the risk of infertility increases;
  • the likelihood of developing oncopathologies, diseases of the heart, blood vessels increases;
  • the body is more difficult to cope with the attacks of dangerous viruses.

A lack of the mineral develops in people who abuse alcohol, with improper metabolism of an important substance, low Se content in water and soil, and the absence of selenium-rich foods on the menu.

Often, selenium starvation appears with an increased consumption of a substance to reduce the effects of cadmium and mercury poisoning, while neutralizing the influence of an increased radiation background. Another negative factor- parenteral nutrition.

Selenium Excess: Consequences

Se deficiency negatively affects the body, but excess dosage of the mineral also causes negative symptoms.

An increase in the amount of selenium occurs against the background professional activity(glass industry, copper smelting industry, oil refineries, pharmaceuticals, contact with pesticides).

Another factor is problems with the metabolism of the mineral. Sometimes a substance enters the organism in excess along with plants accumulating Se.

The body reacts negatively to a toxic dosage (more than 5 mg of selenium):

  • from the mouth and from skin smell of garlic;
  • hair falls out, nails exfoliate and break;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • concerned about nausea and vomiting;
  • inhalation of Se vapors develops pulmonary edema, focal pneumonia, and a runny nose;
  • with the expansion of the capillaries, an unnatural redness of the epidermis appears, especially in thinned, tender areas.


Selenium regulates many processes in the body:

  • exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • supports the health of reproductive function in men;
  • protects against the toxic effects of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, thallium;
  • enhances the production of leukocytes during infection;
  • maintains good condition of hair and skin;
  • prevents a decrease in the quality of vision;
  • enhances the beneficial effects of ascorbic acid and tocopherol.

For the normal functioning of organs and systems, an optimal supply of the mineral is required, both excess and deficiency of Se are harmful. Arsenic is used as an antidote for selenium poisoning.

for physiological processes

The positive effects of selenium:

  • participates in the production of thyroid hormones;
  • participates in the transfer of genetic information, affects the growth, development, aging of the body;
  • activates the metabolism of biological adaptation, accelerates the removal of harmful decay products;
  • reduces the harmful effects of ion radiation;
  • restores the structure of cells;
  • protects neurons from negative influences;
  • supports reproductive function, especially in men;
  • powerful antioxidant: in the intercellular space, selenium absorbs free radicals, accelerates the elimination of dangerous components;
  • reduces negative symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis;
  • reduces mortality from immune diseases and oncopathologies;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of psoriasis and colitis.

For cardiovascular disease

Selenium is involved in the production of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, increases the rate of oxidation of toxins and metabolic products.

The mineral reduces the effect of hazardous substances: mercury, lead, cadmium, which adversely affect the heart muscle.

Sufficient intake of the metalloid accelerates the recovery process after a heart attack.

Mineral Se prevents sudden death due to problems with cardiac activity. In the treatment of arrhythmia, selenium is used as an important supplement to strengthen a weakened organ. Optimal intake of Se prevents the toxic effect of drug components, reduces the risk of oxygen starvation, and protects against the development of Keshan disease.

Sexual characteristics are formed in humans at the stage of the embryo. - what is meant by these concepts?

You can familiarize yourself with the structure of the mammary gland. This information is useful for every woman.

to the thyroid gland

The correct production of an important substance - T4 - depends on the regular intake of Se. The main thyroid hormone is needed to regulate many life processes. Selenium not only stimulates the production of T4, but protects the important gland from the damaging effects of free radicals, against which hypothyroidism often develops.

Selenium is important to use for older people with thyroid pathologies. A sufficient amount of the mineral slows down the aging of the body, improves metabolism.

For cancerous tumors

Many scientists call selenium a "cancer fighter". With oncopathologies, the need for a mineral increases.

It is important to know: atypical cells often develop with the accumulation of underoxidized metabolic products in combination with the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors.

The accumulation of toxins in the body increases the risk of cancer. Mineral Se Warns bad influence free radicals on cell organelles.

In the complex therapy of cancerous tumors, doctors use high doses of selenium to actively produce enzymes that inhibit the development of new atypical cells, destroy altered formations, and restore blood quality. For successful therapy, up to 200 mcg of the mineral is required daily. The duration of anti-cancer therapy with increased consumption of the metalloid is determined by the attending physician.

In oncopathologies, cytostatic drugs cannot be replaced with selenium: the mineral is one of the elements of treatment and prevention, but not a panacea. Too high concentration of Se provokes poisoning, negatively affects a weakened body.

What products contain

Scientists have found the largest amount of valuable mineral in the following items:

  • yeast;
  • wheat bran;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • seaweed;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pork fat;
  • White mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • chicken egg;
  • pistachios;
  • coconut.
With an excess of carbohydrate foods, the body absorbs a useful mineral worse.

Baking, sugar, sweet soda, white rice, sweets, jam, white bread interfere with the absorption of selenium.

Nutritionists advise replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones that are more suitable for providing the body with energy.

It is useful to eat brown rice, any fruits, berries, fresh vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy products.

Moderate intake of selenium has a positive effect on human health. Regular intake of Se prolongs youth, protects cells from regeneration and negative effects, and strengthens immune defenses. An important point is the observance of the daily norm of selenium: exceeding the indicators turns a useful component into poison.

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History of selenium

Selenium was discovered in 1817 by J.Ya. Berzelius, in the process of researching a new method for the production of sulfuric acid. A sediment was found that contained, according to the scientist, a rare metal tellurium(calorizer). But instead of tellurium, Berzelius discovered a hitherto unknown metal and named it selenium from the Greek σελήνη, which means "moon", because selenium is a natural satellite of tellurium, whose name is translated as "earth".

Selenium is an element of the XVI group of the IV period of the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 34 and atomic mass 78.96. The accepted designation is Se(from the Latin Selenium).

Being in nature

In nature, selenium is found in the earth's crust in the form of minerals and sea water contains a small amount of selenium.

Physical and chemical properties

Selenium is a brittle and shiny non-metal at a break, belonging to chalcogens, has a black color, is considered an analogue of sulfur.

Daily need for selenium

The norm of selenium per day is 70-120 mcg, but it depends on the gender and age of the person. The daily requirement for selenium increases from 20 micrograms in newborns to 80 micrograms in adolescents, adult women should receive 100-110 micrograms of selenium, pregnant and lactating women - up to 400 micrograms of selenium daily. Adult healthy men need 140 micrograms of selenium per day.

Selenium Deficiency Signs

Selenium deficiency is characterized by weakness, muscle pain, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, anemia, kidney and pancreas diseases, and can provoke the development of infertility in men.

Signs of excess selenium

An excessive amount of selenium in the human body is characterized by yellowness and peeling of the skin, damage to the nail plates, hair loss, loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, nervous disorders, arthritis.

It has been scientifically proven that selenium enhances immunity and prevents the development of tumors, including malignant ones, has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes and reproductive function, participates in the formation of proteins and red blood cells, is part of enzymes and hormones, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and nails. and hair, prevents the formation of free radicals.

The use of selenium in life

Selenium is used in electronics and electrical engineering, semiconductor technology, the production of military equipment, as a powerful source of gamma radiation, in medicine - as an antitumor agent and a cure for seborrhea and skin inflammation.