Jasmine oil for face application. Jasmine oil: useful properties, application in cosmetology and medicine. Jasmine oil for weight loss and against stretch marks

With the beginning of summer, gardens and front gardens in our climatic zone are fragrant with the aroma of the white flowers of a shrub called jasmine. Many do not even suspect that this is a completely different plant - mock orange. Real jasmines form their unique aromatic properties in the southern latitudes, while in our country they can grow only in room conditions or greenhouses. Therefore, a person smelling jasmine essential oil for the first time is usually surprised and asks if it is jasmine.

Essential oil contained in flower petals and reaches its maximum concentration in the wee hours, so the raw material is collected only in the early morning.

Traditionally, the highest quality jasmine essence is obtained by the rather laborious and expensive enfleurage method. At the output they have a very valuable and expensive product - the absolute.

In addition, the flowers are harvested only by hand, and the yield is very low. To obtain 1 kg of essential oil, 1000 times more raw materials are processed. Together, this determines such a high price of a fragrant product.

Real jasmine grows in southern latitudes

Physical characteristics of the drug

Warm, light oil has a dark amber color, very reminiscent of the color of strong black tea leaves. It is very fluid, although dense. The base tone of the fragrance is a clear honey-floral with balsamic nuances, light nuances of fresh herbs and amber. This unique fragrance blends beautifully with other essential oils. In addition, it perfectly binds even the sharpest and strongest odors into a harmonious ensemble.

In its pure form, the absolute is usually not sold. It is diluted with base oil - jojoba (10% solution). But even this dilution does not reduce the strong effect of the jasmine ingredient, allowing this product to be used as a regular (pure) essential oil.

The diverse properties of this aromatic agent ensure its wide application in various fields.

Healing qualities

The healing properties of jasmine essential oil have been used since ancient times. Traditional medicine knows the ability of a fragrant product

  • anesthetize;
  • disinfect (antiseptic);
  • restore (for example, a hoarse voice);
  • stimulate the tone of the uterus;
  • enhance lactation;
  • regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • relieve inflammation.

Diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmodic and antidepressant properties of the product are well expressed. This drug is used to eliminate spasms, colic, pain symptoms of any etiology, including neuralgia, muscle and joint pain. It stimulates the circulatory system, normalizes the work of the respiratory, endocrine and genitourinary systems. Helps eliminate cough, relieve hoarseness.

Regular use of jasmine essential oil reduces hypertensive manifestations. Scientists have proven anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, radioprotective properties of the drug, which significantly increases its relevance in modern life. Research in this area is ongoing, so it is likely that new discoveries lie ahead.

The ability to influence the emotional sphere

Nervous disorders, depression, fears and obsessions helps to eliminate jasmine oil. It provides deep relaxation, calming and stabilizing the nervous system, relieving lethargy, fatigue, stress. Helps to increase self-esteem, the development of fantasy, stimulates vigorous activity and creativity.

Historically, there has been an association of financial success and love affairs with jasmine aroma. It causes a slight euphoria, quickly lifting mood, self-confidence, optimism and a bright, realistic view of life events.

Jasmine oil is an excellent choice for overcoming psychological insecurity, indifference, excessive laziness, exhaustion.

The ability to harmonize the sexual sphere

It is a very powerful erotic stimulant, a natural aphrodisiac that excites and enhances libido in both impotence and frigidity. Its intense aroma eliminates disharmony, coldness, enhancing mutual trust, a sense of lightness, actively stimulating sexual desire. This is ensured by a positive effect on the endocrine system. The production of not only pancreatic and thyroid hormones is activated, but also cortisol and sex hormones, which contributes to increased sexual feelings.

Even Avicenna, the greatest medieval scientist and physician (X-XI century), recommended jasmine oil to elderly people with a reduced hormonal status. It helps to solve the problems of the reproductive sphere, menopausal syndrome. Stimulates the blood circulation of the pelvic organs. For men, it is useful in case of problems with the prostate.

This is the most effective "female" oil. It restores hormonal balance, the regularity of menstruation, reducing painful symptoms, eliminates inflammation and dysfunction, even prevents postpartum depression. Facilitates childbirth by relieving cramping pains and stimulating uterine contractions.

Jasmine oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances libido

Ability to affect the skin of the face and body

The skin of any type of face will be grateful to this product for its positive effects.

The excellent moisturizing, soothing, antiseptic properties of jasmine essential oil will significantly improve the condition of dehydrated, very sensitive skin suffering from dryness, frequent irritations or allergic reactions.

Already withering mature facial skin will receive an additional source of nutrition and freshness, since in this case jasmine will show its rejuvenating qualities: it will refresh, increase tone, firmness, elasticity, gently brighten the face and generally even out its color.

For oily, prone inflammatory processes skin, as well as in the presence of skin diseases (dermatosis, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis), jasmine oil will clearly show its positive effect, significantly improving its condition.

Among aromatherapists, jasmine oil is often referred to as an absolute. Due to the labor-intensive technology of obtaining and using manual labor, jasmine ester is one of the most expensive in the world.

The concentration of volatile substances in the white flowers of the shrub is maximum before dawn, therefore, the collection of raw materials is carried out only by hand and at night, and processing by enfleurage is carried out almost immediately.

The properties and uses of jasmine essential oil are multifaceted, but it is most widely used in aromatherapy, cosmetology and perfumery.

High-quality ester is a thick, oily, transparent liquid from pale orange to deep brown, with a persistent honey aroma of jasmine flowers with exotic cold-spicy notes.

The properties of the oil have a number of unique characteristics, combining the qualities of a powerful aphrodisiac and medicine.

Since the plant is classified as an effective aphrodisiac, the use of ether enhances sexual desire, increases potency, helps against frigidity and premature ejaculation.

Jasmine oil is especially useful for women - it helps to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, which reduces pain during menstruation and childbirth.

With the help of ether, inflammation of the female genital area is treated. The product leads to a true emancipation of partners during sexual intercourse and helps to increase the pleasure of intimate caresses.

Jasmine oil has the properties of a natural antidepressant, which allows it to be used in the fight against neurosis, the effects of stress, insomnia and to relieve mental and physical stress.

Regular inhalation of jasmine phytoncides stimulates brain activity, reveals hidden talents, improves susceptibility to assimilation of information, including on an intuitive level. The product affects the human endocrine system, stabilizing the hormonal background.

Jasmine oil has the following therapeutic properties:

  • expectorant;
  • sedative;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • antioxidant;
  • deodorizing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • decongestant;
  • stabilizing blood pressure;
  • restorative;
  • tonic.

The use of jasmine essential oil in aromatherapy

According to experienced aromatherapists and aromacosmetologists, the most effective methods of using jasmine ester include:

1. Aroma vaporizers: lamps and incense burners. With these useful gadgets air is saturated with useful components of essential oils. For a 20 sq. m in a special bowl of aroma lamps with water add 10 drops of jasmine.

It is useful to aromatize rooms for rest and relaxation, bedrooms, massage rooms, sauna rooms. The best way create an intimate atmosphere - saturate the air with jasmine fleur. In the absence of an aroma lamp, ether is added to a container with boiling water, which is placed in the room.

2. Aroma pendants. Wearing hollow ceramic jewelry on the chest, to which a few drops of jasmine are added, increases stress resistance, awakens the sensual sphere of women and increases attractiveness to the opposite sex.

3. Enrichment of cosmetics. By adding only 2-3 drops of jasmine to the base vegetable oil (20 g), face, hand and body cream, bath foam, hair care products, you not only bring new aromatic notes to your natural scent, you deliver to yourself and others aesthetic pleasure, but also effectively care for the body.

4. Massage. One of the most sensual treatments is a massage with jasmine oil. In massage oil (ready-made or mixed from several emulsifiers, such as olive, nut and avocado), 5 drops of jasmine are injected for every 15 ml of base.

Jasmine goes well with the following aphrodisiac esters: patchouli, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, roses, violets,. Give your sexual partner joy and pleasure by giving him a massage with aromatic oils, which stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

5. Fragrant bath. With the help of jasmine oil, you can relax, relieve tension and prolong the pleasure of contact with a partner. Classic: add 3 drops of jasmine to 50 g of emulsifier (bran, honey, cream, salt) and dissolve it in water.

The procedure time is from 30 to 40 minutes. Erotic composition: mix ylang-ylang (5k), jasmine (3k), sandalwood (2k) with a glass sea ​​salt, dissolved in warm water, taken together with a partner or before sexual intercourse.

Jasmine ether is often included in the formulation and toilet waters. Especially often it is used in the manufacture of fragrances with pheromones, which effectively increase sexual attractiveness.

Jasmine oil: application in cosmetology

Thanks to biochemical composition jasmine oil helps in solving many cosmetic problems, gently caring for the skin and hair.

Ether is useful in the following situations:

  1. for tightening the skin and contouring the oval of the face;
  2. for delicate skin care of lips and eyelids;
  3. for nourishing sensitive, thin and dry skin of the face and body;
  4. to improve the regeneration of epidermal cells and increase the elasticity of the skin;
  5. for color alignment, whitening, removal of freckles and age spots of various origins (senile, hepatic, during pregnancy);
  6. to eliminate scar tissue, stretch marks, traces of acne and blackheads;
  7. for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, irritation;
  8. for skin rejuvenation and slowing down the aging process;
  9. to aromatize, strengthen and enhance hair shine.

Jasmine is the king of oriental fragrances. These are the first perfumes along with the rose, which have been known since ancient times, even before the creation of essential oils. Jasmine confidently entered the traditions of oriental medicine, Ayurveda, and then aromatherapy. Jasmine oil invigorates, soothes pain, harmonizes health. Modern scientists are investigating the anti-cancer properties of jasmine components and, it seems, will soon create a new medicine based on them.

Jasmine oil - occurrence, types and properties

A native of Persia and Kashmir came to Europe through Spain in the 17th century. "There is no perfume without jasmine" is a common phrase for the perfume tradition. A bright and persistent aroma has been a part of perfume compositions for centuries. In India, scented ointments, jasmine flowers are used in religious ceremonies - bracelets, garlands. In Hindu and Muslim traditions, it is revered as the "spirit of love." The plant is native to Iran and North India. Jasmine is grown in Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Italy, and France.

Jasmine oil is extremely expensive. To create 1 liter of oil, 7.6 million flowers are processed. Harvesting jasmine is a laborious task: the flowers are most fragrant at night, so they are harvested before dawn.

The flowers are delicate and require delicacy and attention. There are many types of jasmine, but in stores they often offer oils from two varieties: grandiflorum (Jasminum grandiflorum) and sambac (Jasminum sambac). Plants are similar in appearance, oils in general have general recommendations, but according to user reviews, they differ in shades of smells and variations in use.

Plants of Jasminum grandiflorum and Jasminum sambac are very similar in appearance.

Chemical composition and benefits for the skin and body

What we call jasmine essential oil for convenience is not an essential oil, because ether is not evaporated from jasmine flowers. The process of extracting the fragrance is called enfleurage: many jasmine flowers are placed on a greasy base, which absorbs the volatile substances emitted by the flowers for several days. The fat base is then removed with alcohol. The resulting product is called the absolute (in the French manner - the absolute).

The Absolute has more high quality and fragrance persistence compared to other essential oils.

Today, enfleurage as a way to create oil is not economically justified, although in the thematic literature there is information that in Italy and France it is still produced in a similar way. Today's way to create jasmine absolute is solvent extraction based on petrotechnical raw materials. In this process, the jasmine flower immediately dies. The oil extracted in this way, according to aromatherapists, is inferior in aroma to the enfleurage absolute.

The composition of the oil includes more than a hundred components, including linalol, methyl anthranilate, indole, benzyl alcohol, linalyl acetate. Linalyl acetate - an ester - a category of aromatic molecules that make up essential oils. Most esters have an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect, and also calms and tones the nervous system. Esters are soft and safe components of essential oils that do not irritate the skin.

How to choose and store jasmine oil, what to look for

Jasmine absolute cannot cost a couple of hundred rubles, even in a 2 ml volume. At the same time, the high price does not guarantee the naturalness of the product; its composition can only be checked in the laboratory. When choosing an oil, you should pay attention to the company, how it presents itself on the Internet, to the reviews of other users on thematic sites.

Due to the high price, a product appeared on the market - jasmine absolute diluted in base oil: 2%, 3%, 10%. Aromatherapist Susan R. Banks suggests using it in beauty recipes, but not vaporizer and burner aromatherapy. There are also such offers on the Russian market, therefore, in the recipes given in this article, you can use such jasmine oil.

Jasmine absolute in concentrated form is used only in aromatherapy. For cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to dilute it with base oil, and even treat a diluted mixture as an essential oil - use similar proportions. Absolutes can thicken and darken over time.

Precautions and contraindications when using jasmine oil

Jasmine oil should not be used during pregnancy because it stimulates labor. It is believed that jasmine suppresses lactation, reduces the amount of milk.

The concentrated scent of jasmine implies an extremely low dosage. And excessive exposure to aroma causes unpleasant effects: distraction of attention, headache, nausea, lowering blood pressure.

Generally considered a safe oil: non-phototoxic and does not sensitize the skin. It is considered a mild skin irritant, so aromatherapists advise avoiding contact of the absolute with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, ears and not taking the oil internally.

Instructions for use

Before use, it is necessary to do an allergy test, and not with 100% absolute, but with its 10% solution in base oil: dilute 1 drop of absolute in 10 drops of jojoba oil.

Then dilute 1 drop of the resulting mixture in 1 teaspoon of base oil (the same jojoba) and transfer a couple of drops from a spoon with a cotton pad to the inside of the forearm or ankle. If no allergic reaction occurs within 24-48 hours, the oil can be used. But it is important to monitor the concentration, treat a 10% mixture of absolute and oil as 100% essential oil.

The use of jasmine oil in medicine

In 2008, Tel Aviv University professor Eliezer Flesher published a study on the anti-cancer activity of methyl jasmonate, an ester compound from jasmine flowers. Jasmonate is a protective plant hormone, in a similar way it manifests itself in the human body, namely, it fights cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

It is noteworthy that jasmonate has long and effectively been used in cosmetology and agriculture, it is known to be non-toxic, so scientists hope to speed up the process of creating a drug that will be available to patients. Thus, research into the components of jasmine absolute continues, but aromatherapists and traditional medicine practitioners have accumulated experience in using jasmine oil to treat diseases and disorders.

Jasmine absolute affects the physiology and psycho-emotional sphere

Jasmine absolute has the following properties:

A study published in the peer-reviewed international journal Natural Product Communications found that massage with jasmine oil for 8 weeks significantly improved the mood of study participants and their personal assessment of their condition.

Compared to placebo, jasmine oil markedly increased respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, and blood pressure, indicating autonomic nervous system stimulation. The subjects reported that they felt more energetic and more focused. The researchers concluded that the stimulating effect of jasmine oil is indicative of use to alleviate depression.

Jasmine calms, and the mind makes clear, sharp, ready to solve problems in real life, takes a person out of self-absorption - there is a motivation to act. Apathy, laziness disappear - all signs of emotional exhaustion.

The aroma reduces fear; it is useful for boosting self-confidence and defeating pessimism. No other oil can change our mood so much.

Suzanne Fischer-Rizzi, aromatherapist

Stress Relief Blend:

  • 3 drops of jasmine absolute;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of frankincense essential oil.

Add the oil blend to the diffuser.

Mixture for anti-stress massage:

  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 st. l. jojoba oils.

Jasmine absolute for headaches

Jasmine oil components relieve symptoms such as tension headache and tinnitus. Therapist Ruth von Braunschweig recommends this recipe for headaches:

  • 6 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 1 drop of basil essential oil;
  • 10 ml base vegetable oil.

The mixture can be stored in a container with a roller. Rub the forehead and temples with a small amount.

Head Massage Blend:

  • ½ tsp almond oil.

Recipe for ringing in the ears:

  • 3 drops of petitgrain essential oil;
  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 1 drop of essential oil of clove buds;
  • 5 drops of tonka bean absolute
  • 30 ml base vegetable oil.

Apply the mixture several times a day to the area of ​​the mastoid process - on the skull bone behind the earlobe.

Jasmine oil for pain and spasms

Linalol, a terpene alcohol found in jasmine oil, has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. With muscle pain, with abdominal cramps, mixtures with jasmine oil are used as a rub, warm compresses and baths.

Pain Relief Mixture Recipe:

  • 1 tsp base oil, such as jojoba or almond.

Rub with gentle movements into the muscles and tendons.

Warm compress recipe:

  • 200 ml of body temperature water;
  • 6-8 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture.

Soak a clean cotton cloth in water with oil, preferably large enough to absorb the entire mixture. Apply to painful areas of the body for 1-2 hours.

Jasmine oil for respiratory diseases, runny nose and cough

The anti-inflammatory properties of jasmine, of course, affect respiratory diseases, but usually, due to the high cost, other essential oils are used, which also cope with the symptoms of shortness of breath, nasal congestion, obsessive cough.

Standard aromatherapy through aroma inhalation, spraying through an aroma diffuser, adding to baths - helps to ease breathing with a runny nose and cough. The aroma of jasmine has an expectorant property with stagnation of sputum, wheezing.

Respiratory Aromatherapy Options:

  • 1-2 drops of jasmine absolute in an aroma lamp or diffuser.
  • 2-3 drops of a 10% jasmine absolute bath mixture if the symptoms are not high and the person is able to take an aroma bath.

If the body temperature does not exceed 37 degrees, hot inhalations can be done to relieve congestion in the upper respiratory tract. Aromatherapist Patricia Davis advises starting with a 30-second inhalation if you are doing it for the first time, and then in several stages work up to 1 minute, then up to 3-5 minutes. Inhale hot steam over a bowl of boiling water, covered with a towel, or use electrical devices for inhalation. For hot inhalation, 1 drop of 10% jasmine absolute mixture is needed.

Jasmine for the gastrointestinal tract

Jasmine oil components relieve flatulence, constipation and other digestive disorders. Studies of jasmine components have shown potential anti-ulcer effects, which researchers attribute to their antioxidant properties.

Recipe for the normalization of digestion:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 ml sesame oil.

Massage the abdomen clockwise, and gently in the projection of the stomach.

A mixture of oils against abdominal pain with nervous strain:

  • 6 drops;
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil;
  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 2 drops of essential oil of cloves;
  • 3 drops of ginger essential oil;
  • 50 ml base vegetable oil.

Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction with light movements.

Jasmine oil in gynecology

Helps with menstrual pain, relieves cramps with dysmenorrhea. It has a monthly effect, improves the menstrual cycle, reduces the manifestations of PMS - nausea, fatigue, emotionality.

Recipe to increase menstruation:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 ml (33 drops) sesame oil

Massage the lower abdomen during PMS, at the onset of menstruation.

Rubbing the abdomen with a mixture of jasmine oil relieves cramps

Menstrual Pain Relief Blend:

  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 drops of essential oil of clary sage;
  • 50 ml vegetable transport oil.

Use to massage the abdomen and lower back.

Stimulates labor activity, accelerates the course of childbirth, reduces pain. The fragrance helps counter postpartum depression, but remember that jasmine reduces lactation.

Massage to facilitate childbirth:

  • 4 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 ml (67 drops or slightly less than ½ tsp) jojoba oil.

Rub into the lower back or abdomen a week before childbirth, but not earlier, and directly during childbirth. It is necessary to take into account the heavy aroma of jasmine, perhaps the woman in labor will be hot. Jasmine allows you to quickly extract the afterbirth.

Relieves conditions during menopause, regulates mood swings, depression due to antidepressant properties. Affects the hormonal and autonomic systems - relieves hot flashes and night sweats. Used as aromatherapy and inhale the smell, take baths, do massage.

Aroma massage to relieve symptoms of menopause:

  • 2 drops of rose geranium essential oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 drop 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil;
  • 1 tsp evening primrose oil;
  • 5 tsp almond oil.

Massage your back, arms and stomach with this oil blend.

Absolute for men's health and sex

Patricia Davis' encyclopedia "Aromatherapy from A to Z" mentions that jasmine oil is also effective in diseases of the male genital area, in particular, prostate enlargement. The components of jasmine absolute affect reproduction - increase the number of spermatozoa, affect the production of male and female hormones - testosterone and estrogen.

For therapeutic effects on men's health are used basic recipes mixtures for massage of the body, lower back, abdomen, thighs, as well as inhalation of aroma.

Jasmine, removing mental clamps and emotional stress, awakens sexual desire and sexual activity. Jasmine is called the king of the night, the Hindu Cupid - Kama arrows for the bow are made from jasmine petals.

Aphrodisiac base blend:

  • 8 drops of sandalwood essential oil:
  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute blend.

A mixture of these two oils can be added to base oils for massage, aroma baths.

Sexual Enhancement Oil Blend:

  • 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 drop of essential oil of allspice;
  • 4 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 2 drops of neroli essential oil or 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 2 drops of neroli essential oil;
  • 1 drop of vetiver essential oil.

For aroma bath: add 3-4 drops of the mixture to a hot water bath.

For an exciting massage: add 6 drops of the mixture to 10 ml of base oil (jojoba, almond, coconut).

Jasmine oil in cosmetology

Aromatherapists have great respect for jasmine oil in face and body skin care. Especially it is considered useful for inflamed, dry and sensitive skin. Jasmine absolute restores elasticity, metabolic balance in the cells of the epidermis, is used in places of stretch marks and scars.

Jasmine face oil

Jasmine is beneficial for all skin types. Enrich face cream with 1-2 drops of jasmine oil and use regularly to improve skin texture, brighten blemishes, moisturize, reduce scars.

Recipe for all skin types: Add 1-2 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture to 1 teaspoon of cosmetic product.

Facial Serum:

  • 60 ml (4 tablespoons) base oil;
  • 15 drops 10% jasmine absolute blend.

Mix well in a dark glass bottle. Apply to face after toning, before cream.

Foam for washing:

  • 240 ml mild castile soap
  • 240 ml of distilled water;
  • 1 st. l. almond oil;
  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 20 drops 10% jasmine absolute blend.

Whisk all ingredients together and place in a soap dispenser.

Oil blend for oily and combination skin:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 ml olive oil.

Apply to the T-zone to balance sebum secretion.

Night mask for dry thin skin:

  • 10 ml of almond oil;
  • 10 ml of apricot kernel oil;
  • 5 ml avocado oil;
  • 5 ml of evening primrose oil;
  • 5 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 3 ml wheat germ oil;
  • 5 drops of carrot essential oil;
  • 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture.

Mix the oils in a dark glass bottle, leave for 3 days. Apply 2-3 drops to slightly damp skin in the morning and evening.

Mask for dry aging skin:

  • a handful of germinated wheat grains;
  • 1 tsp jojoba oils;
  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Grind the germinated grains of wheat to gruel, add oil. Apply the mask on the face and décolleté for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply 2 times a week. Course - 10 procedures.

Anti-Wrinkle Jasmine Absolute: Apply 1 drop of 10% Jasmine Absolute blend directly to the wrinkles of the face and décolleté before moisturizing.

Jasmine oil for acne skin

The antiseptic properties of jasmine oil help reduce inflammation and acne.

Recipe for a mixture for oily and problem skin:

  • 5 ml hazelnut oil;
  • 5 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil;
  • 1 drop of cajuput essential oil;
  • 1 drop bergamot or lemon essential oil

Mix the oils, apply 2-3 drops on clean skin, before the face can be moistened with thermal water.

Against skin diseases and imperfections

Jasmine heals injuries and cuts, irritations such as eczema, dermatitis, brightens post-acne, age spots, freckles.

Recipe for imperfections on the face:

  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 10 drops of jojoba oil.

This is a basic 10% mixture of jasmine absolute, one drop of which is distributed between the fingers, applied to post-acne, freckles, scars, redness. Or added to a one-time portion of a cosmetic product.

Jasmine hair absolute

Enrichment of hair products and massage with jasmine oil have a beneficial effect on hair and scalp. Aroma combing with jasmine oil makes hair smooth and shiny.

Mask for shine of any type of hair:

  • 10 drops of 10% sweep of jasmine absolute;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with shampoo.

  • 1 st. l. cocoa powder;
  • 3 art. l. olive oil;
  • 5-7 drops of 10% jasmine absolute.

Mix the ingredients, apply evenly to the hair, comb through with a comb. Then the head is wrapped with a film and a towel, the mask is kept for 1.5–2 hours. Rinse with shampoo and plenty of water several times.

Aroma combing with jasmine oil gives hair shine and elasticity

Mask for repairing damaged hair:

  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • ½ tsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 2-3 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 drops of sage essential oil.

Dissolve gelatin in 70 ml of water, leave for about 40 minutes. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your hair for 30 minutes.

Enrichment of shampoo and hair balm: add 1 drop of 10% jasmine absolute mixture to a single dose of cosmetic product.

Jasmine absolute massage

Jasmine in massage mixtures affects the surface of the skin, internal organs and nervous system. By combining jasmine with other oils, various therapeutic goals are achieved. One to two drops of 10% jasmine absolute blend enrich lotions, creams and massage oils.

Massage Base Blend:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 10 ml of transport vegetable oil.

Aroma massage for relaxation:

  • 2 drops of petitgrain essential oil;
  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 3 drops of myrtle essential oil;
  • 4 drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 50 ml vegetable base oil.

Rub the stomach and solar plexus.

Massage with jasmine oil nourishes the skin and smoothes stretch marks

Stimulating Massage Blend:

  • 4 drops of mandarin essential oil;
  • 3 drops of litsea cubeba essential oil;
  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 2 drops of ginger essential oil;
  • 2 drops of black pepper essential oil;
  • 3 drops of cardamom essential oil;
  • 3 drops of tonka bean essential oil;
  • 1 drop of cassia essential oil;
  • 100 ml vegetable base oil.

Massage the back, trapezium, shoulders, limbs, feet.

Jasmine oil for weight loss and against stretch marks

It revitalizes the processes in the skin cells, therefore, blood and necessary substances flow to it better, the skin becomes moisturized and elastic. Also, jasmine components reduce stretch marks. Stretch marks are massaged with a basic massage mixture, jasmine oil is added to the scrub, body cream, to recipes with complementary oils (see below).

Body scrub with chickpeas:

  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • 2 tsp crushed dried orange peel;
  • ¼ cup chickpea flour (chickpeas)
  • 8 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 tsp tablespoons sweet almond oil

Stir until smooth, the mixture will be quite dry and not watery. Apply to the body with a soft towel or massage mitt.

Aromatherapy with jasmine

Aroma therapy occurs during inhalation, massage, bathing. In addition to being an antidepressant, jasmine helps to fall asleep and treats insomnia. An American researcher, Dr. Brian Raudenbush and his colleagues at West Virginia University, came to the conclusion that people who sleep in a jasmine-scented room toss and turn less in their sleep and get better sleep. After sleeping in a jasmine-scented room, the study participants were more accurate and quicker in solving tests, and felt more alert throughout the day.

For an aroma lamp with a burner - 1 drop of jasmine absolute.

Massage mixture for neurosis and insomnia:

  • 3 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood alba essential oil;
  • 15 ml base vegetable oil.

Massage the joints, chest, neck, arms, temples.

Mood Balancing Blend:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 8 drops of bergamot essential oil;
  • 4 drops of sage essential oil.

2-3 drops of this mixture can be used in an aroma diffuser or added to 1 tsp. base vegetable oil and rub your hands with massage movements.

Jasmine for baths, baths, saunas

Aromatherapy using hot water and steam affects the body in a complex way. Through the aroma of jasmine, it has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, the components of the oil improve the condition of the skin.

Bath Salt Recipe #1:

  • 3 cups of magnesium sulfate;
  • 15-20 drops of 10% jasmine absolute blend.

Mix the ingredients in a glass jar, add ¼-½ cup of the mixture to the hot bath.

Bath Salt Recipe #2:

  • 2 drops 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 drop of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of frankincense essential oil;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil;
  • ½ cup magnesium sulfate.

Mix the ingredients well and add to a bath filled with water.

Aromatic bath recipe:

  • 1 drop 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 1 drop of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 2 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 1 st. l. emulsifier to choose from - salt, honey, hydrophilic oil.

Mix the oils in a separate container, then add to the emulsifier and pour under running water.

Base Blend for Rough Feet:

  • 6 drops of lime essential oil;
  • 3 drops of myrtle essential oil;
  • 2 drops of elemi essential oil;
  • 3 drops of benzoic essential oil;
  • 1 drop of jasmine absolute;
  • 200 g sea salt.

Aromatize salt with a mixture of oils, use in foot baths.

Video: aromatherapist Alexandra Kozhevnikova talks about the properties of jasmine oil

The magical properties of jasmine oil

It is believed that the aroma of jasmine has bioenergetic properties. Affects the heart chakra and the kundalini energy hidden at the base of the body.

Aroma for meditation, giving rise to peace and knowledge of the Highest Reality. It restores the thickness of the aura, restoring faith in one's own strength and the feeling of being a small bright point in the Universe, whose life is valuable only because it is Life.

Combining jasmine oil with other essential oils

Jasmine is combined with the following essential oils: orange, bergamot, immortelle, guaiac tree, frankincense, mandarin, lemon balm, neroli, palma rose oil, pelargonium, rose, rosewood, sandalwood.

Jasmine oil is used to scent rooms and cars: add 5-6 drops of a 10% mixture of jasmine absolute to a car aroma diffuser.

Spray-sprayer for the apartment "Wake up, spring":

  • 30 drops of 10% jasmine absolute mixture;
  • 30 drops of 10% neroli essential oil;
  • 20 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 10 drops of vanilla extract;
  • 250 ml lavender hydrosol.
  • Types of containers and atomizer for aromatization at home

    Flavoring bed linen: on 5-6 dry napkins, drop a drop of oil around the edges and in the middle, unfold the napkins and shift the sheets with them. Leave for a few days. The smell of laundry lasts about a week, pleasant and unobtrusive.

    Enrichment of tea:

    • 200 ml of dry tea;
    • 1-2 drops 10% jasmine absolute blend.

    In a tight jar, mix dry tea leaves with oil, shake, cork for 2-3 days.

Jasmine oil is one of the most fragrant and amazing in its properties. The inhabitants of the East came up with a very subtle name for this exquisite and noble plant - "Moonlight of Love." It has long been known that the scent of jasmine enhances the romantic mood, tunes in to love, awakens the brightest feelings, gently playing on the strings of the soul.

In a small drop there are thousands of petals and great power.

Jasmine oil is still one of the most expensive in the world. This is due to the high labor intensity of the process of its collection (it is believed that flowers from a bush can only be plucked at night) and preparation. About 2600-2700 kg of color are harvested from one hectare of jasmine plantings, one lush bush can please only 0.2 kg of raw materials. And in order to get a liter of pure essential oil, it takes about 1 ton of flowers.

In addition, after collection, the color should be processed as soon as possible (within an hour), since the raw material quickly fades and loses most of its unique properties. Aromatherapy experts say that the highest quality oil is produced in Japan and China, as well as the USA, Italy, France and Morocco.

Jasmine essential oil video

The smell awakens sensuality, sets the brain for creativity, gives new ideas and unexpected solutions, increases self-confidence and one's strengths, dissolves tension without a trace, relieves migraine pain and promotes childbirth, and also increases lactation in nursing mothers.

Since ancient times, with the help of this smell, they got rid of fatigue and painful thoughts, and also improved the quality of a night's rest, because sleeping in a room filled with a delicate jasmine scent is free from nightmares and heavy dreams. Oriental sages often use these properties of jasmine essential oil during meditation, as it is with its help that you can achieve maximum relaxation, emotional and mental peace and harmony in the soul.

This fragrant liquid is most often used to create exquisite perfume compositions. Many ladies prefer to use pure essential oil instead of perfume and toilet water.

From time immemorial, with the help of this smell, they got rid of fatigue and painful thoughts.

The oil has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. It is advisable to inhale its aroma with neurosis, insomnia, increased nervousness and irritability, depression, stress.

During childbirth, a cotton swab soaked in a few drops of oil is placed on the lower abdomen of the woman in labor, which relieves pain and helps the fetus to be born faster.

Aroma lamps. This is an ideal tool for aromatizing rooms and therapeutic procedures at the same time. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the water poured into the top of the lamp, light the candle - and your remedy ready. It is best to aromatize the room before going to bed, as well as to relieve the effects of stress.

Aroma coulombs. It is enough to add just one drop of jasmine oil daily to the aroma pendant, which is worn around the neck as an original decoration and a useful therapeutic tool, and you will be protected from stress, your emotional background will always be stable, and your mood will be wonderful.

A bath with jasmine oil relaxes, cleanses the soul and body of negativity, relieves stress, reduces headaches, and promotes good sleep.

Baths (general and local). Such baths have a beneficial effect on the skin, especially overdried and irritated. A bath with jasmine oil relaxes, cleanses the soul and body of negativity, relieves stress, reduces headaches, promotes good sleep. Oil should be added to the "vehicle" (a spoonful of cream, whole milk, honey, bath foam), since pure essential oils do not dissolve in water. For one procedure, you only need 3-4 drops of jasmine oil per bath.

If for some reason there is no opportunity to take a general bath, then foot baths or hand baths have the same properties for the body. They relax well, improve skin regeneration and are especially useful before manicure and pedicure. 2-3 liters of water will require 1-2 drops of essential oil dissolved in the carrier.

Adding to Personal Care Products. Essential oil can be added to face, hand and body creams, shampoos, conditioners and ready-made hair masks, shaving gels, bath foams. It is advisable to introduce the oil in the dose of the product that you immediately use. Shampoo or conditioner with jasmine improves the structure of the skin and hair, relieves dryness, nourishes your hair and protects it from damage.

Massage with jasmine essential oil is an excellent way to relax and relieve stress

Massage Oil. As a vehicle, any pharmacy oil for massage or a mixture of them, for example, peach, coconut, apricot, grape seed, is suitable. 3-4 drops of jasmine oil are added to a teaspoon of massage oil immediately before the procedure, the oil is rubbed between the palms and applied to the massaged areas of the skin.

Massage with jasmine essential oil is an excellent way to relax and relieve the effects of stress. In addition, the skin impregnated with such a product will acquire additional velvety, softness and will be perfectly moisturized. Since jasmine is a recognized aphrodisiac, massage with this oil normalizes the sexual functions of both men and women, increasing potency and libido.

Jasmine is considered one of the the best means for the care of dry, thin, tired and injured skin of the face and body. Added to the "vehicle" (cream, mask, make-up remover, tonic), it helps skin cells renew themselves faster, smoothing fine wrinkles and eliminating redness, itching, flaking, feeling of increased dryness and excessive tightness.

Since the oil exhibits strong antioxidant properties, its regular use protects skin cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, prevents the formation of new wrinkles, including mimic ones, improves complexion and evens out the skin surface.

Jasmine is considered one of the best care products for dry, thin, tired and injured skin of the face and body.

Many beauty salons use jasmine oil for hair. It not only flavors masks and balms, but also nourishes, strengthens, restores the structure.

At home, you can apply aroma combing. Put 2-3 drops of aromatic oil on the comb and comb through the hair in different directions. They will acquire shine, aroma, become elastic.

You can prepare a mask to repair sun-damaged and chemically colored hair. To 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add 4 drops of jasmine oil. Intensively rub the resulting composition into the roots, and then thoroughly comb the hair with a wooden comb. When cutting, you can rub the same composition into the ends of the hair.

If you apply several oils at the same time, you can achieve a significant increase in the therapeutic effect. The main thing is to make the right combinations. Aromatherapy experts recommend pairing jasmine oil with the following essential oils:

If you apply several oils at the same time, you can achieve a significant increase in the therapeutic effect.

  • sandalwood,
  • peppermint,
  • Melissa,
  • citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lime),
  • sage,
  • rose.

These oils are characterized by their ability to soften sharp rich aromas, which can be attributed to the oil pomace of jasmine.

Video about jasmine oil

Contraindications to the use of jasmine oil

It is undesirable to use even in small concentrations with constantly low blood pressure, gastritis, especially with a reduced acid component, with various pathologies of the kidneys and in cases of individual intolerance to aroma or allergy to this plant. It is not recommended to install a flowerpot with a nursery.

We hope that the information received about this amazing natural elixir will help you find beauty, health and spiritual harmony!


Jasmine oil is one of the most expensive in the world. This fact is associated with the complexity of collecting flowers (they are plucked only at night) and the production process. From 1 hectare of bushes, 2600-2700 kg of flowers are obtained, one plant produces only 0.2 kg. And to get a liter of ether, you need a whole ton of color. In addition, after harvesting, the inflorescences need to be processed quickly, there is only an hour, because they quickly wither and lose their unique properties.

Experts in this field say that the best quality oil is created in China and Japan, Italy and the USA, Morocco and France. The cost reaches several thousand rubles for 5 g. It is distinguished by its density, saturation and dark brown tint. The oil sold in pharmacies is most often already diluted with transport oil. The fragrance is reminiscent of jasmine flowers, special, light, intoxicating and exotic.

Jasmine oil. Medicinal properties

Jasmine contains an incredible amount of acids and substances used in folk medicine. The raw root of the bush will help with sleep problems, headaches, the frayed leaves will heal ulcers, and the decoction will relieve high temperature. Tea with jasmine fights nervous tensions, increases vitality, and the unique aroma improves mood and adds vitality.

The healing properties of jasmine oil are based on a combination of features that relieve spasms, pain, activating and restoring qualities. The oil will help to forget about spasms, colic, pain of any origin, neuralgia.

Jasmine oil has an activating effect on the circulatory system, reduces the signs of various diseases and normalizes the functioning of the respiratory tract, Bladder, endocrine system. It relieves hoarseness, eliminates cough. Systematic use reduces the manifestations of hypertension.

This is one of the most effective "female" oils. It normalizes the cycle of menstruation, reduces the symptoms of PMS, regulates the balance of hormones, the work of the glands. The oil saves from inflammation and dysfunction, reduces signs of detoxification during pregnancy, prevents postpartum depression, activates lactation.

Another feature of this tool is also known. This is a real aphrodisiac that activates sexual desire.

Jasmine oil. Application in medicine

In China, cough syrup was prepared on the basis of jasmine, in addition, the plant was an indispensable tool in well-known tea ceremonies. The well-known physician of the Middle Ages, Avicenna, in his own writings, justified the use of jasmine as a tonic, sedative, and also a natural anticoagulant.

The medical benefits of jasmine oil are hard to underestimate. It fights cramps, colic. It will also help regulate the work of the reproductive system of men and women. Active ingredients improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, reduce menstrual pain, and benefit from persistent diseases of the reproductive system.

Phenols activate the production of insulin and other important hormones, which normalizes the background. Volatile components will strengthen immune forces, increase blood flow.

Cold inhalations and oil massage relieve problems with the respiratory tract, reduce the manifestations of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The most recent analyzes show jasmine's powerful antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties. In some situations, it can be used as an aid in the treatment of tumors of the breast and lymph nodes.

During labor, massage with jasmine oil will provide an opportunity to relax and reduce pain. The oil also helps to get pregnant, because it activates the reproductive functions.

Jasmine oil. Other Applications

Jasmine oil uses include:

aromatic lamps. This is the most effective tool for creating a pleasant aroma in apartments and for therapeutic procedures. Enough 2-3 drops of oil in the water of the aroma lamp, and the remedy for getting rid of many problems is ready;
aromatic pendants. Every day you need to drip a drop of oil into the pendant. This will protect against stress, normalize the emotional background;
baths. Such baths have a positive effect on irritated and dry skin. This will help to relax, relieve stress, reduce pain. Add it to milk, foam, since undiluted essential oil will not dissolve in water. 3-4 drops are enough for a whole bath;
hygiene products. This miracle cure mixes with cream, conditioner, mask, bubble bath;
massage oil. Jasmine is poured into any oil or composition. For 1 tsp 3-4 drops will suffice.

Jasmine oil. Application in cosmetology

Concentrated jasmine oil has a wide range of applications in cosmetology. It is useful for all skin types. The oil not only improves elasticity, but also makes the structure smooth, fights stagnation, scars. Perfectly improves color, has a rejuvenating effect.

In addition, jasmine has a positive effect in the process of healing cracks and inflammations on the skin, relieves irritation. Natural jasmine oil is an excellent tool for aromatic massage of the whole body. Mix with in a ratio of 1:10. Jasmine can enrich any means.

When mixed with various concentrated oils, the best recipe for skin. For example, for combination and oily, a mixture of rosemary, jasmine and bergamot oils is useful. For dry, a mixture of rose, lavender, jasmine, and incense is suitable.

A mixture of jasmine, grapefruit and lemon oils regenerates the scalp, fights hair loss.

Jasmine oil for hair

Jasmine oil is also widely used for hair care. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes with useful substances, has a disinfecting property, which is important for irritations and inflammations. Indicated for dry skin with irritations, for nourishing hair, strengthening roots.

The mask recipe is very simple. Mix ½ cup, steamed, with 2-3 drops of jasmine ester. The mask is applied along the entire length of the curls and on the roots. It is important to wrap your hair and hold the composition for about 30-40 minutes. After application, you will notice how the hair begins to shine, moisturize and get a pleasant aroma.

Plus jasmine oil is its versatility, it is suitable for any type of hair and scalp. If you add just a couple of drops to a conditioner, shampoo or balm, then this will not only improve the condition of the curls, but also relieve stress and cheer you up.

It is beneficial to practice aromatic combing with this oil. To do this, apply 5-7 drops to a wooden comb and comb the curls 2-3 times a week. This will add shine to them and make them obedient.

Jasmine face oil

The benefits of jasmine oil for facial skin have been mentioned earlier. Let's figure out what you can prepare funds with it:

mask for dry skin. Mix 50 g of base oil with 3 drops of jasmine, rose and neroli oils. Suitable for moisturizing
cream for skin prone to dryness. For 1 spoon of lotion or cream that you usually use, pour 2 drops of jasmine and 1 each of lavender and chamomile;
nourishing and softening cream. Mix a spoonful of jojoba, hazelnuts. Drop a drop of jasmine, vanilla, geranium and citrus esters. Combine all ingredients in a dark glass bowl and let stand for 3 days. Use twice a day on damp clean skin. After a quarter of an hour, get your face wet. In the evening, apply 60 minutes before bedtime, and in the morning - half an hour before leaving the house;
regeneration of dry skin. To create the composition, you will need 5 drops of diluted jasmine oil, 10 oils each apricot kernels and almond, 5 primrose, sandalwood, avocado and carrot, and 3 wheat germ oil. Stir in a glass bottle and smear your face overnight;

for skin with problems and excessive production of fat, such a recipe is suitable. Combine diluted oil in a glass vessel, drop a drop of bergamot oil, cajeput, 5 drops, and hazelnuts. Suitable instead of cream. By the way, bergamot oil is replaced with lemon if desired.


With all the benefits of jasmine oil, there are some features that must be considered when using. Some people can not stand the smell of this plant, it causes headaches, dizziness. In addition, it would not hurt to exercise caution when using jasmine ester for hypotension, kidney disease, during the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is forbidden to take oil inside if you are allergic to jasmine.

January 11, 2014, 11:48