Make cream sauce at home. King of the table: cream cheese sauce. Creamy sour cream spaghetti sauce

These sauces can be combined with any dishes. Just try each one and see which one you like best.


  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 450 ml whipping cream



  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 60 ml dry white wine;
  • 240 ml whipping cream;
  • 120 ml or fish broth;
  • 50 g parmesan;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add minced garlic and stir for 20-30 seconds. Pour in the wine, stir and cook for about 2 minutes, until it has almost evaporated. Wine can be replaced with broth.

Add cream, broth and grated cheese and stir until smooth. Bring to a boil and cook for a few more minutes until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper.


  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 g mushrooms (champignons or);
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 250 ml whipping cream


Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add finely chopped garlic and cook for a minute, stirring constantly.

Cut the mushrooms into slices or slices, throw in garlic and fry until golden brown. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper and cream. Reduce the heat and cook, stirring, for another 5-10 minutes, until the sauce thickens.


  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 120 ml low-fat cream;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper;
  • 100 g cheddar cheese.


Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Pour in the flour and, stirring constantly with a whisk, cook for a couple of minutes.

Pour in the warm milk and warm cream, whisking the mixture. Cook, stirring, 5 minutes until the sauce thickens.

Remove the pan from the heat, add salt, black and red pepper and grated cheese. Stir the sauce until smooth.


  • 1 small onion;
  • 60 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 60 ml dry white wine;
  • 120 ml whipping cream;
  • 8 tablespoons of butter;
  • salt - to taste.


Cut the onion into very small cubes. Put them in a small saucepan, add lemon juice and wine. Stirring, cook over medium heat for 7-8 minutes until the mixture thickens.

Pour in the cream and whisk. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, add a tablespoon of oil. Season the sauce with salt and stir.


  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • ½ teaspoon dried basil;
  • ½ teaspoon Italian herbs;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 120 ml whipping cream;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 2 tablespoons grated mozzarella.


Heat oil in a skillet or saucepan over medium heat. Add flour and stir for a minute. The mass should become homogeneous. Add basil, Italian herbs, pepper and salt and mix thoroughly.

Gradually add the cream, stirring constantly, and let the sauce come to a boil. Pour in the milk and, stirring, bring to a boil again.

Add whole or chopped spinach, stir well and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add cheese and mix thoroughly again.

7 dishes with cream sauce


  • a few sheets for lasagna;
  • water;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 500 g beef;
  • 300 g of tomato paste;
  • 4-5 tomatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a little butter;
  • cream sauce;
  • 200 g hard cheese.


Cook the lasagne sheets in boiling water according to package directions.

Heat the oil in a skillet over high heat and sauté the onion dices until golden brown. Add minced meat and fry for a few minutes until golden brown.

Enter tomato paste, diced tomatoes, salt and pepper, reduce heat and cook, stirring, for another 10-15 minutes.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter and put some of the meat filling on the bottom. Top with some of the lasagna sheets, brush with some of the cream sauce, sprinkle with some of the cheese and top with a few more sheets.

Repeat layers. The last layer should be lasagna sheets, smeared with sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for 25-35 minutes. Allow the lasagne to cool slightly for 10-15 minutes before slicing.


  • 250 g fettuccine;
  • water;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 300 g of peeled shrimp;
  • creamy garlic sauce;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • some hard cheese.


Pour the fettuccine into the boiling water and cook until almost tender. Leave about a glass from under them.

Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat and add the shrimp. Fry for about 1½ minutes on each side until cooked through.

Add to them sauce, pasta and a little water left after cooking. Mix thoroughly and season with salt and pepper.

If the dish turns out to be dry, pour in more liquid from under the fettuccine. Sprinkle the pasta with chopped parsley and grated cheese before serving.


  • 60 g flour;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 4-6 chicken thighs;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 60 ml;
  • creamy mushroom sauce.


Mix flour, salt and pepper. Dredge the chicken thighs in the flour mixture on all sides. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over high heat and fry the chicken until golden brown.

Grease a baking dish with butter. Spread the chicken thighs in it in a single layer, skin side up, and pour over the broth. Bake at 180°C for 20-30 minutes until the meat is done.

Place the chicken on a platter and pour over the sauce.


  • 200 g of horns;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water;
  • cream cheese sauce;
  • a little butter;
  • 100 g hard cheese.



  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • creamy tomato sauce.


Cut the chicken into large pieces. Add , pepper, paprika and salt, mix and leave for 15 minutes.

Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add chicken and sauté until almost done. Then add the creamy tomato sauce and simmer under the lid over low heat for another 10-15 minutes.


  • 900 g salmon fillet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • creamy lemon sauce;
  • a few sprigs of parsley.


Cut the fillet into several equal pieces. Lay the fish skin side down on a lined baking sheet. Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper and brush with oil.

Bake salmon at 220°C for 10-15 minutes. Transfer the fish to a platter, pour over the creamy lemon sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


  • water;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 170 g of paste;
  • spinach cream sauce.


Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add oil and salt. Place pasta in boiling water and cook according to package directions.

Drain the liquid and put the pasta in a dish. Pour in the cream sauce and stir to coat the pasta completely.

The subject of another notable French joke was the English neighbors. Fans of baguettes and deflope say that in their country, along with three religions, there are 360 ​​types of sauces. While the inhabitants of the United Kingdom, having 360 officially registered religions, only three sauces are prepared. In fact, the French downplayed their merits. There are more than three thousand gravy recipes in their country. Moreover, the recipe for homemade cream sauce is considered as universal and popular as the traditional French Bechamel, an integral component of the famous lasagna.

Fat that doesn't hurt

There is an opinion that fatty foods are extremely poorly absorbed. human body. Allegedly, their use should not only be minimized. Some people think that sauces like cream should be eliminated from the menu altogether. But this is a serious misconception. Cooked by classic recipe such gravy not only does not harm, but even helps those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What is useful in such a high-calorie product?

  • Phosphatides. In their structure, these substances, abundantly contained in a creamy sauce, are very similar to fats. However, they have a nitrogenous base and valuable phosphate acid for the body. The main thing that phosphatides are good for is the ability to remove bad cholesterol. These substances prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and thus protect cardiovascular system from sudden failures.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Without these substances, the brain tissue is not able to form properly. This means that the “reflecting” organ itself will not be able to fully function. In addition, omega-3 acids are responsible for the speed and quality of transmission of nerve impulses. And their lack can cause retarded development.

Creamy sauce is a rather high-calorie product (468 kcal per 100 g). But according to nutritionists, even inveterate guardians of the figure can safely include a tablespoon of such yummy in their daily diet. But for babies under two years old and people with a diseased liver, it is still not recommended to eat tender gravy.

classic cream sauce recipe

The basis for the preparation of a light consistency gravy is cream. It's very easy to do. The best option- a product with a fat content of about 22%. Step by step recipe creamy sauce makes it easy to prepare a delicate and completely airy universal liquid seasoning. Universal because the sauce goes well with both fish and meat, as well as with pasta, wild mushrooms, champignons, chicken and baked vegetables.

The famous chef Brillat-Savarin claimed that anyone can learn how to cook, but it takes talent to cook the sauce. Try to implement the theoretical algorithm for making the popular gravy in practice. And you will instantly be convinced that even the greats of this world tend to err.

You will need:

  • medium-fat cream - a glass;
  • butter- 80 g;
  • flour - two large spoons;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm

  1. We heat up the pan on the stove.
  2. We put pieces of butter in the pan and wait until it turns from a solid state into ghee.
  3. Add the indicated amount of flour to the melted butter, pouring it out gradually and stirring non-stop so that lumps do not appear.
  4. Add cream to the mixture and mix it well with a wooden spatula or spoon with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste, remove from heat.

To insure yourself and your dish from the formation of lumps, cold cream must be poured into the mixture of flour and butter. The temperature difference will play into your hands and prevent the flour from clumping.

Other gravy options with photos

The French can offer several dozen variants of cream-based liquid seasoning. But one small article cannot describe them all. Therefore, your culinary piggy bank will be replenished with only five, but the most delicious and popular of them. In fact, this is a classic creamy sauce recipe in which one or more additional ingredients are introduced. The canons of preparation remain the same.

With onion

Peculiarities. Knowing how to properly prepare a delicate creamy sauce according to a classic recipe, you can safely take on experiments. It is enough to introduce only one new ingredient into the composition of the dish - and the gravy will sparkle in a completely new way. It's worth starting with a bow. This spicy vegetable will add a "zest" to the sauce, making it spicy enough for meat dishes and expressive for creamy soups. By the way, in the case of the latter, liquid seasoning is injected directly into the soup, not during cooking, but immediately before serving.

You will need

  • onion - half of the middle head;
  • pasteurized milk - one and a half glasses;
  • medium-fat cream - 50 g;
  • bay leaf - one;
  • wheat flour - a large spoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking algorithm

  1. We chop the onion, pour the indicated amount of milk into the pan and send the chopped vegetable there along with the bay leaf.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, and then filter the milk with a sieve.
  3. We heat the oil in a frying pan. We introduce flour into the liquid oil, stirring constantly and not allowing the flour to crumple.
  4. Pour the strained milk into the mixture of butter and flour, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and leave the base for the sauce to simmer over low heat for ten minutes.
  5. After the specified amount of time, add cream to the sauce, stirring constantly. After boiling, immediately turn off the stove.

With mushrooms

Peculiarities. Fans of mushroom dishes can do it in two ways: serve a classic cream-based sauce with mushrooms, or make mushrooms part of a delicate gravy. The second option is ideal for spaghetti, chicken and vegetable dishes. You can use both fresh champignons and dry forest mushrooms. But the latter must first be soaked in water. At least for a couple of hours, but better at night. Thus, it is possible to compensate for the lack of moisture in the product and prepare dry mushrooms for further heat treatment.

You will need:

  • champignons - 200 g;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • medium-fat cream - a glass;
  • butter - four large spoons;
  • parsley - a quarter of a bunch;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Cut mushrooms into slices. We cut the garlic as finely as possible, or pass it through the garlic.
  2. We melt the butter in a dry, heated frying pan, add chopped mushrooms and garlic to it, mix well and simmer under a closed lid for five minutes. Stir the sauce base from time to time.
  3. After five minutes, we introduce cold cream into the dish, mix the gravy again and simmer for ten minutes.
  4. Next, pepper and salt the liquid seasoning, add ground nutmeg to it and simmer on the fire for another two or three minutes.
  5. Turn off the stove and add finely chopped parsley to the sauce.

If instead of champignons you want to use dry forest mushrooms, they will need no more than 50 g to cook the dish. Remember that, having been saturated with water, they will swell and become many times heavier.

With cheese

Peculiarities. Knowing how to make cream sauce traditional recipe, with the preparation of cheese problems certainly will not arise. Cheese-cream sauce goes well with fish and meat dishes. And not only as an addition, but also as an integral ingredient of the main dish. The sauce can be served at the table in a gravy bowl. And you can stew meatballs in it or bake salmon.

You will need:

  • medium-fat cream - 180 ml;
  • hard cheese - 180 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Three hard cheese on a fine grater.
  2. We put the pan on the fire, pour the cream into it in the indicated amount, warm it up a little and pour the cheese chips into the pan.
  3. We heat the mixture for four minutes, and then we introduce seasonings into its composition - salt, pepper, finely chopped garlic and nutmeg.
  4. Simmer the sauce over low heat for another three to four minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Turn off the stove, cover the saucepan with a lid and let the contents brew for a few minutes.

Shrimps, mussels and other seafood are usually cooked in cheese and cream sauce. They turn out very appetizing and satisfying. And after eating seafood, the remaining sauce can be “soaked” with white bread or a piece of baguette. They say it's even tastier than the main course.

with bacon

Peculiarities. This cooking option has gone quite far from the original recipe. Among its ingredients there are several products uncharacteristic of a classic creamy sauce. However, it is he who is considered one of the best for pasta and pasta. And the bacon in its composition can easily replace the usual ham. According to the rules, the meat component of the gravy is laid out on top of the main dish, and only after that the culinary composition is poured with sauce.

You will need:

  • bacon - 400 g;
  • medium-fat cream - half a glass;
  • parmesan - 70 g;
  • shallots - four onions;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • egg yolk - three pieces;
  • onions - one;
  • olive oil - three tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm

  1. We take a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it on the stove, pour olive oil and fry finely chopped shallots on it.
  2. When the shallot softens, add the finely chopped onion to it and fry for another three to four minutes.
  3. Cut the bacon into strips, put in a pan directly on the onion, fry and add finely chopped garlic.
  4. Stir the contents of the pan and after a minute remove the dishes from the heat.
  5. In a stainless bowl, beat four yolks with a mixer, add Parmesan grated on a fine grater to them and add cream to the sauce. Mix well again.
  6. Put the pasta or macaroni on a serving plate. Put some bacon and onions on top, and then pour a few tablespoons of sauce.

If you are not sure about the quality of the eggs, organize a water bath and warm the yolks well on it. After heating, let them cool, and then boldly mix with cream.

With white wine

Peculiarity. A liquid seasoning based on white wine and cream, the perfect accompaniment to seafood and tomato pizza or chicken dishes. In the first case, the sauce is spread on the dough as a base, so that after filling the “pancake” with stuffing and baking. In the second case, gravy is served separately or as part of the main course, seasoning the finished product with sauce.

You will need:

  • butter - three large spoons;
  • wheat flour - a teaspoon;
  • dry white wine - half a glass;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • salt and pepper - at your discretion.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Heat up a frying pan, put butter in it.
  2. After the butter has completely melted, add a teaspoon wheat flour and constantly stir the contents of the pan.
  3. Pour the wine into the dishes and, stirring regularly, simmer the mixture over a fire for about two to three minutes. This is necessary in order to completely evaporate the alcohol.
  4. When the sauce thickens, indicating that the wine has almost evaporated, season it with salt and pepper, add finely chopped parsley and remove from heat.

You can leave the gravy on the stovetop until it thickens. Introduce seasonings into its composition immediately after boiling the liquid component, then remove the saucepan from the heat.

Sauce prepared on the basis of sour cream is called sour cream. If milk is the basis for the preparation of liquid seasoning, the name will change to "milk". And if the tandem of broth and cream has become the canvas for creating the sauce, then you have a recipe for white cream sauce. According to the rules, you can store ready-made creamy sauce for no more than one and a half hours. Already after 180 minutes from the moment of preparation of the gravy, it will completely cool down and exfoliate. After stratification, the product will be unsuitable for human consumption. That is why the classic French dressing for dishes is prepared and eaten here and now and never prepared for future use.

Now you know exactly how to make cream sauce at home according to a classic or original recipe. Therefore, you can revive with it any - even the most boring and boring dish. Remember: the thick end product is the result of the sauce mixture being evaporated. But it is not necessary to simmer the gravy in the pan for too long. The liquid consistency does not imply spoilage or deterioration in taste. But it is very convenient to stew other dishes in it - from meat and meat dishes to vegetables and mushrooms.

The sauce is able to make any dish tastier, more tender, juicier. They can be supplemented with vegetable, chicken, fish treats. Recipes for creamy sauces are generally considered universal. They are perfect with pasta and other lunch options.

The most popular cream sauce recipe today is the classic one. This is a simple and quick option for which you do not have to select any special ingredients.


  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cream - 1 full glass;
  • salt, ground pepper.


  1. Roast the flour in a dry bowl. It should become slightly golden.
  2. Add chunks of butter. Stir and wait until they melt.
  3. Pour in the cream. Pour in dry ingredients.
  4. After boiling, leave the sauce on the stove for a couple more minutes.

You can improve the taste of such an additive to dishes with the help of your favorite spices.

With the addition of mushrooms

Usually modern cooks add champignons to the creamy sauce. But it is white forest mushrooms that will make it especially fragrant. You can use the product in dried form.

Prepare in advance:

  • dried mushrooms of the selected type - 80 g;
  • oil - 3 - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • whipping cream - a whole glass;
  • premium flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ordinary coarse salt.

Action algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to rinse the mushrooms very thoroughly, and then pour them with cold clean water. Leave it like this for about 5-6 hours.
  2. Rinse the mushrooms again after the specified time, boil until fully cooked and finely chop with a sharp knife.
  3. Heat up a cast iron skillet. Melt the butter on it and immediately pour all the flour on top.
  4. Stirring continuously, heat up the mixture.
  5. Pour in cream, add salt. To mix everything.
  6. Put the prepared mushrooms into the pan last. Darken the mass for another 2 - 4 minutes. Remove from the burner and transfer to a suitable dish.

Drizzle creamy mushroom sauce over pork or chicken.

Cooking with cheese

For this recipe, various types of cheese are suitable, including the usual "Dutch", "Russian".

But only Parmesan will allow you to fully reveal the taste of the sauce. If there is such an opportunity, it is worth using it.

Prepare these foods:

  • premium flour - a spoon;
  • a piece of butter - 30 - 40 g;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • "Parmesan" - 100 - 120 g;
  • salt and a mix of ground peppers.


  1. Heat up a frying pan over medium heat. Melt butter on it. Sprinkle flour.
  2. Leave the mass on fire, stirring often. Gradually it should acquire a brownish color.
  3. Pour in the cream. Repeat thorough mixing. There should be no lumps left in the future sauce.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Add chopped Parmesan. Wait until the product melts.

Ready-made cream cheese sauce perfectly complements potato, carrot or other vegetable cutlets.

Creamy garlic sauce

The sauce according to this recipe does not turn out to be too spicy. The garlic just adds spice to it.


  • fresh garlic cloves - 5 - 6 pcs.;
  • cream - a full glass;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • salt and pepper - a pinch.


  1. Melt the entire declared amount of butter in a frying pan. Send in peeled and finely chopped garlic.
  2. Cook food for about 1 minute. During this time, the garlic flavor should open up. It is important to ensure that the pieces of garlic do not burn.
  3. Pour in the cream and bring to a boil. Be sure to stir them constantly during the process!
  4. Add dry ingredients to the sauce. You can take red, black, white peppers or all three together.
  5. Withstanding the mass on low heat, wait for it to thicken and homogenize.

Creamy garlic sauce complements even fish treats well.

with mustard

The main features of this sauce are pleasant sourness and sharpness. It is delicious to pour them over a juicy piece of fried or baked meat.


  • yolks of three eggs;
  • cream - a full glass;
  • mustard - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • premium flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse salt.


  1. To successfully prepare the sauce, you first need to mix the dairy product with the yolks. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a whisk.
  2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan. Add mustard.
  3. Mix. Bring to a low boil.
  4. Sprinkle the resulting composition with flour on top and stir, cook until thickened.
  5. Let the sauce cool slightly and beat it with a mixer.

The resulting mass should be smooth and without the smallest lumps.

Addition to pasta

Pasta different kind Ideally complements cream sauce with the addition of cheese and ham at the same time.


  • heavy cream - half a glass;
  • ham - 430 - 450 g;
  • cheese - 70 - 80 g;
  • liquid yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • shallots - 4 pcs.;
  • white onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 - 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and a mix of ground peppers.


  1. Chop the shallot very finely. Soften it in hot butter.
  2. Add onion half rings. Also, cook it until soft and light golden.
  3. Pour the ham sticks into the pan to the onion and fry them until browned.
  4. Lastly, add finely chopped garlic to the dish. After half a minute, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Separately, beat the yolks with a mixer at minimum speed. Add salt, pepper, grated cheese to them. Pour in the cream and mix everything together.
  6. Connect the two prepared masses.

Serve ready-made spaghetti sauce to the table warm or chilled.

Cream sauce for fish

If the sauce with cream is prepared for fish dishes, it is worth adding an alcoholic drink to it - dry white wine.


  • fatter oil - 80 - 100 g;
  • dry white wine - half a glass;
  • flour - 1 tsp;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • salt and a little ground black pepper.


  1. Send all the butter in chunks to the pan. Melt it.
  2. Constantly stirring the fat, pour flour into it.
  3. Gradually pour in dry white wine.
  4. Mix everything with a spatula. Warm up the mass until the alcohol has completely evaporated.
  5. Only after that, salt, pepper the mixture and pour chopped parsley into it.

If desired, ready-made fish sauce can be slightly acidified with freshly squeezed lime / lemon juice.

How To Make For Pizza

A variety of creamy sauces are great for pizza. If it is vegetable or prepared with the addition of sausages, it is worth smearing it with spinach composition.


  • heavy cream - a full glass;
  • oil - 25 - 30 g;
  • dry white wine - 25 - 30 ml;
  • onion - a whole head;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • spinach - a whole bunch;
  • salt.


  1. Fry small pieces of onion in half the fat in a cast-iron skillet.
  2. Pour white wine over the ruddy vegetable.
  3. Keep the mass on fire until the alcohol evaporates.
  4. Only then add warm cream and bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Separately, fry the garlic and herbs in the remaining fat. When the ingredients are soft, mix them into the base of the sauce.
  6. Puree the mass with a blender.

The resulting pizza sauce can be spread on the dough base or thickly poured over the chosen filling.

  • Separately, beat the yolks carefully separated from the proteins with a pinch of salt.
  • Mix the two prepared masses. Introduce lemon juice strained from the pits to them. Spice up.
  • Even just dipping croutons from yesterday's wheat bread is delicious in the resulting sauce.

    French cream sauce for salads

    If the usual mayonnaise is already tired, it can be replaced with the original dressing, which comes from French cuisine.


    • sweet / bitter mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • shallots - 1 pc.
    • balsamic white color- 80 ml;
    • cottonseed / any other oil - 130 g;
    • fat fresh cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt, white pepper flakes.


    1. Mix salt with oil, pepper and vinegar.
    2. Add finely chopped shallot and mustard. Mix everything with a wide wooden spoon.
    3. Pour cream. Repeat mixing.

    Use the mixture immediately as an accompaniment to a salad.

    For any sauce under discussion, it is important to choose fresh, quality cream. Their fat content should be above 20 percent.

    Cooks know how much sauce can change the taste of a dish. Despite the saying that a sauce can smooth over a cook's mistakes, the sauce itself can tell a lot about the skill of the one who prepared it. Some sauces require more skill and skill to make than to fry a chop or boil pasta. However, there are sauces that, despite the ease of preparation, have a rich taste, exquisite aroma and delicate texture, and at the same time are able to transform the taste of any dish. Cream sauce is one of them. It has many variations, which is associated with the possibility of adding a variety of additional masses in addition to the main ingredients. The main product used to make a creamy sauce is cream, greens, cheese, mushrooms, olives and other products can be additional.

    Cooking features

    Everyone can master the technology of making creamy sauce. However, if you do not know how to do it correctly, at first failures may occur, and the sauce will not become a table decoration. In order for the process of making creamy sauce to go smoothly and the result to meet expectations, you need to use the advice of experienced chefs.

    • Cream is the main ingredient in cream sauce. It is best to take with medium fat content, that is, about 20%. Some suggest replacing cream in its absence with full-fat milk or low-fat sour cream, but in fact this is not the best way out of the situation. The fact is that it is no coincidence that a sauce prepared with milk is called not creamy, but milky - it differs from it in taste, albeit slightly. A real gourmet will also never confuse the taste of creamy and sour cream sauces.
    • Flour is most often used to thicken a creamy sauce. Before you combine it with the rest of the ingredients, it must be sifted and fried in a pan until caramelized. This will prevent lumps from forming and give the sauce an appetizing creamy hue.
    • Flour for cream sauce is most often fried in butter. It allows you to emphasize the creamy flavor of the sauce, making it even more tender. However, low-quality oil can not improve the taste of the sauce, but irrevocably ruin it. Therefore, when buying butter, always pay attention to the composition so that under the guise of butter you do not get a spread and an expiration date. Fresh high-quality oil is never too yellow, smells good, has a sweetish aftertaste, melts easily in the mouth, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.
    • The most common problem that beginner cooks face when making a creamy sauce is the formation of lumps in it. It will be much easier to avoid their formation in the sauce if chilled cream is poured into boiling oil with fried flour in a thin stream, while still whipping them with a whisk.
    • If the formation of lumps in the sauce still could not be avoided, strain it through a sieve and bring to a boil again.

    Cream sauce can be served with any dish. It is usually used hot. If it is cold, you can reheat it. It is best to do this in a water bath, but you can warm it up in a saucepan over low heat, and in the microwave.

    Classic cream sauce recipe

    Recipe for the occasion::

    • wheat flour - 20 g;
    • butter - 20 g;
    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Melt the butter in a frying pan.
    • Pour in the sifted flour.
    • Fry it in boiling oil for a minute.
    • Pour in the cream in a thin stream. Whisk the contents of the pan vigorously with a whisk.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • While stirring, cook the sauce over low heat until it thickens.

    Classic creamy sauce is versatile. It will improve the taste of pasta, vegetable casseroles, meat and fish.

    Creamy sauce with cheese and garlic

    • hard cheese - 160-180 g;
    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Finely grate the cheese.
    • Pass the garlic through a special press.
    • Pour the cream into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
    • Pour in the cheese. Boil it in cream, stirring until it is completely melted.
    • Add garlic, cook for a couple of minutes.
    • Add nutmeg, pepper and salt to the sauce. Stir.
    • Continue to cook, stirring, for another 5 minutes.

    Cheese sauce made according to this recipe can be used for spaghetti, fish, meat, vegetable dishes. It turns out quite thick and without the addition of flour - a thick consistency allows you to get the use of cheese.

    Creamy sauce with cheese and raw egg yolks

    • cream - 0.25 l;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • hard cheese - 100 g;
    • yolks chicken eggs(raw) - 2 pcs.;
    • broth - 125 ml;
    • nutmeg - a pinch;
    • fresh dill - 20 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the butter into small pieces, place in a bowl.
    • Melt the butter in a water bath.
    • Coarsely grate the cheese and put it into the oil.
    • Pour in the cream and broth at the same time. It is better to choose the broth depending on what you are going to serve the sauce with. If you are going to pour them on dishes from different products, it is better to cook in meat broth.
    • Heat while stirring until cheese is melted.
    • Wash your eggs. Break them up by separating the yolks from the whites.
    • Mash the yolks and add them to the sauce. Stirring, cook it for 5 minutes, without letting the sauce boil.
    • Chop the dill with a knife, pour it into the sauce with salt, pepper, nutmeg. Mix thoroughly and remove from heat after 2 minutes.

    The sauce made according to the above recipe is tender and lush. It pairs well with pasta and vegetables. However, you can cook it only if you are well aware of the health of the chicken that laid the eggs, the yolks of which you intend to add to the sauce. Otherwise, it's safer to look for another recipe.

    Cream sauce with boiled egg yolks

    • cream - 0.25 l;
    • hard cheese - 70 g;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Coarsely grate the cheese.
    • Hard boil eggs, peel. Take out the yolks and mash them with a fork.
    • Add a little cream to the yolks, beat. Dilute with the remaining cream.
    • Crush a clove of garlic in a mortar.
    • Put the crushed garlic and chopped cheese into the cream. Put on a slow fire or a water bath.
    • Heat the mixture, constantly whisking it with a whisk, until the cheese in it is completely melted.

    Such a sauce will be an excellent addition to fish dishes, although it is not forbidden to serve it with pasta, meat, and vegetables.

    Creamy sauce with onions and spinach

    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • butter - 40 g;
    • dry white wine - 20 g;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • fresh spinach - 50 g;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Remove the husk from the bulb. Cut the onion into small pieces.
    • Wash and dry the spinach, chop it coarsely.
    • Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
    • Melt 20 g of butter in a frying pan. Put the onion in the oil and fry it until soft.
    • When the onion becomes translucent, pour in the wine and continue cooking until the wine has almost completely evaporated.
    • Pour in the cream and wait for it to boil. Remove from fire.
    • Melt the remaining butter, put the spinach and garlic in it, simmer them for 5 minutes.
    • Put the spinach in the cream and beat the sauce with a blender until it acquires a delicate, uniform consistency.

    Familiar dishes with this sauce will acquire a new taste and will be perceived as new and delicious.

    Cream sauce with mayonnaise and mustard

    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
    • table mustard - 20 ml;
    • lemon juice - 20 ml;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Combine all ingredients.
    • Beat the sauce with a mixer or blender. You can also use a regular whisk.

    This is one of the simplest sauces, it does not require kitchen appliances, it does not require heat treatment. Best of all, this version of the creamy sauce is suitable for fish.

    Cream sauce with carrots and melted cheese

    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • wheat flour - 20 g;
    • processed cheese - 30–35 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • onions - 50 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • soy sauce - 5 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash and clean vegetables.
    • Finely grate the carrots, cut the onion and garlic into small pieces.
    • Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, add soy sauce to them, simmer for 2-3 minutes.
    • In another pan, lightly fry the flour, pour in the cream, whisking them with a whisk.
    • Add cheese to cream and wait for it to melt. The sauce should thicken during this time.
    • Combine cream with vegetables, beat with a blender.

    The sauce made according to this recipe has a very pleasant color. It goes well with meat, vegetables and pasta.

    Cream sauce with mushrooms

    • cream - 0.2 l;
    • flour - 20 g;
    • butter - 40 g;
    • mushrooms (porcini or champignons) - 100 g;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the mushrooms, dry them, cut into plates and fry in butter, using half of the one indicated in the recipe.
    • In the remaining oil, fry the flour, pour in the cream, preparing a classic creamy sauce.
    • Add mushrooms, cook them in the sauce for a couple of minutes. Beat the sauce with a blender while chopping the mushrooms.

    This creamy sauce has a seductive aroma and goes well with any dishes, especially vegetables and meat.

    Cream sauce is a versatile seasoning that will improve the taste of any dish. At the same time, even an inexperienced hostess will cope with its preparation.

    Product Matrix: 🥄

    Sauces complement and enhance the taste of any dish. Now we will tell you a few interesting recipes making cream sauce.

    Classic creamy sauce


    • cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
    • flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.


    Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until it acquires a golden hue. Then add the butter and mix well, add the cream and bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Cream sauce with mushrooms


    • fresh champignons - 200 g;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • cream - 1 glass;
    • butter 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • greens, salt, nutmeg, ground black pepper - to taste.


    Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the garlic passed through the press. After 3 minutes, add mushrooms, cut into slices. Simmer for another 5 minutes, and then pour in the cream, simmer everything together on low heat for 10 minutes, salt, pepper, add nutmeg and chopped herbs to taste.

    Creamy Alfredo Sauce


    • butter - 50 g;
    • fat cream - 250 g;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • grated parmesan - 1.5 cups;
    • chopped parsley - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.


    Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour in the cream and boil for about 5 minutes. After that, add chopped garlic and cheese, mix everything very quickly, add chopped parsley, salt, pepper to taste and remove the sauce from the heat. If you want the sauce to be thicker, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of flour.

    French cream sauce for salads


    • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
    • vinegar - 70 ml;
    • Dijon mustard - 1 teaspoon;
    • shallots - 1 pc.;
    • cream 25% fat - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • dry salad herbs - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt, white ground pepper - to taste.


    Mix vegetable oil, vinegar, salad herbs, salt and pepper. Finely chop the shallots and add to the sauce. Put it in there and mix. Then spread the cream and stir again, if necessary, add salt and pepper to taste. That's all, you can fill them with salads!

    Creamy Mustard Sauce


    • cream - 350 g;
    • mustard - 2 teaspoons;
    • broth - 150 g;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • salt - to taste.


    Bring the broth to a boil and add the cream in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Now add the mustard and simmer the sauce over low heat for 3-4 minutes, without stopping stirring. After that, add salt and pepper to taste, remove it from heat and add butter. At the very end, beat the resulting mass with a fork.

    Hollandaise cream sauce


    • butter - 250 g;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • yolks - 3 pcs.;
    • salt pepper.


    Melt the butter in a water bath. Add a pinch of salt to the yolks and beat them until fluffy foam, add melted butter, add lemon juice, pepper to taste.

    Creamy Pasta Sauce



    Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped shallots and sauté until soft. Then we put the onion, cut into half rings, fry for 5 minutes and spread the bacon, cut into strips. Fry until half cooked, then add chopped garlic and remove the pan from heat. In a deep plate, beat the yolks, pour in the cream, put the cheese, salt and pepper to taste. First, spread the onion mixture with bacon, and pour the egg-cream mass on top, and then mix everything.