An hour long time frame if we want. What period of time is called a day. How many hours, minutes and seconds are there in a day, and why did it happen. Use to indicate the time of day. Time units Hourly long time span

When people say they've had enough of the moment, they probably don't realize that they promise to be free in exactly 90 seconds. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, the term “moment” defined a period of time lasting 1/40 of an hour or, as it was customary to say then, 1/10 of a point, which was 15 minutes. In other words, he counted 90 seconds. Over the years, the moment has lost its original meaning, but is still used in everyday life to denote an indefinite, but very short interval.

So why do we remember the moment but forget the ghari, nuktemeron, or something even more exotic?

1. Atom

The word "atom" comes from the Greek term for "indivisible", and therefore is used in physics to define the smallest particle of matter. But in the old days this concept was applied to the shortest period of time. A minute was thought to have 376 atoms, each of which was less than 1/6 of a second long (or 0.15957 seconds to be exact).

2. Ghari

What kind of devices and devices were not invented in the Middle Ages to measure time! While the Europeans were exploiting the hourglass and sundial with might and main, the Indians used clepsydra - ghari. Several holes were made in a hemispherical bowl made of wood or metal, after which it was placed in a pool of water. The liquid, seeping through the slits, slowly filled the vessel until, due to gravity, it completely sank to the bottom. The whole process took about 24 minutes, so this range was named after the device - ghari. At that time, it was believed that a day consists of 60 gharis.

3. Chandelier

A chandelier is a period lasting 5 years. The use of this term is rooted in antiquity: then the lustrum meant a five-year period of time that completed the establishment of the property qualification of Roman citizens. When the amount of the tax was determined, the countdown came to an end, and the solemn procession poured into the streets the eternal city. The ceremony ended with lustration (cleansing) - a pathetic sacrifice to the gods on the Field of Mars, performed for the well-being of citizens.

4. Mileway

Not all that glitters is gold. Whereas a light year, seemingly created to determine a period, measures distance, a mileway, a mile-long journey, serves to measure time. Although the term sounds like a unit of distance, in the early Middle Ages it meant a segment of 20 minutes. That is how much it takes on average for a person to overcome a route a mile long.

5. Nundin

The inhabitants of ancient Rome worked seven days a week, tirelessly. On the eighth day, however, which they considered the ninth (the Romans attributed the last day of the previous period to the range), they organized huge markets in the cities - nundins. The market day was called "novem" (in honor of November - the ninth month of the 10-month agricultural "Year of Romulus"), and the time interval between the two fairs is nundin.

6. Nuctemeron

Nuktemeron, a combination of two Greek words "nyks" (night) and "hemera" (day), is nothing more than an alternative designation for the day we are used to. Anything that is considered nuctemeronic, respectively, lasts less than 24 hours.

7. Item

In Medieval Europe, a point, also called a dot, was used to indicate a quarter of an hour.

8. Quadrant

And the neighbor of the point in epoch, the quadrant, determined a quarter of a day - a period of 6 hours.

9. Fifteen

After the Norman Conquest, the word "Quinzieme", translated from French as "fifteen", was borrowed by the British to determine the duty, which replenished the state treasury by 15 pence from every pound earned in the country. In the early 1400s, the term also acquired a religious context: it began to be used to indicate the day of an important church holiday and the two full weeks following it. So "Quinzieme" turned into a 15-day period.

10. Scruple

The word "Scrupulus", translated from Latin, meaning "small sharp pebble", used to be a pharmaceutical unit of weight, equal to 1/24 ounce (about 1.3 grams). In the 17th century, scruple, which became symbol small volume, expanded its value. It began to be used to indicate 1/60 of a circle (minutes), 1/60 of a minute (seconds) and 1/60 of a day (24 minutes). Now, having lost its former meaning, scruple has transformed into scrupulousness - attention to detail.

And some more time values:

1 attosecond (one billionth of a billionth of a second)

The fastest processes that scientists are able to time are measured in attoseconds. Using the most advanced laser systems, the researchers were able to obtain light pulses lasting only 250 attoseconds. But no matter how infinitely small these time intervals may seem, they seem like an eternity compared to the so-called Planck time (about 10-43 seconds), according to modern science, the shortest of all possible time intervals.

1 femtosecond (one millionth of a billionth of a second)

An atom in a molecule makes one oscillation in 10 to 100 femtoseconds. Even the fastest chemical reaction takes place over a period of several hundred femtoseconds. The interaction of light with the pigments of the retina, and it is this process that allows us to see the environment, lasts about 200 femtoseconds.

1 picosecond (one thousandth of a billionth of a second)

The fastest transistors operate within a time frame measured in picoseconds. The lifetime of quarks, rare subatomic particles produced in powerful accelerators, is only one picosecond. The average duration of the hydrogen bond between water molecules at room temperature equals three picoseconds.

1 nanosecond (billionth of a second)

A beam of light passing through an airless space during this time is able to cover a distance of only thirty centimeters. It takes a microprocessor in a personal computer two to four nanoseconds to execute a single instruction, such as adding two numbers. The lifetime of the K meson, another rare subatomic particle, is 12 nanoseconds.

1 microsecond (millionth of a second)

During this time, a beam of light in a vacuum will cover a distance of 300 meters, the length of about three football fields. A sound wave at sea level is capable of covering a distance equal to only one third of a millimeter in the same period of time. It takes 23 microseconds for a stick of dynamite to explode, the wick of which has burned to the end.

1 millisecond (thousandth of a second)

The shortest exposure time in a conventional camera. The familiar fly flaps its wings to all of us once every three milliseconds. Bee - once every five milliseconds. Every year, the moon revolves around the Earth two milliseconds slower as its orbit gradually expands.

1/10 second

Blink your eyes. This is exactly what we will have time to do in the specified period. It takes just that long for the human ear to distinguish an echo from the original sound. The spacecraft Voyager 1, heading out of the solar system, during this time moves away from the sun by two kilometers. In a tenth of a second, a hummingbird has time to flap its wings seven times.

1 second

The contraction of the heart muscle of a healthy person lasts just this time. In one second, the Earth, revolving around the sun, covers a distance of 30 kilometers. During this time, our luminary itself manages to travel 274 kilometers, rushing through the galaxy at great speed. Moonlight for this time interval will not have time to reach the Earth.

1 minute

During this time, the brain of a newborn baby gains up to two milligrams in weight. A shrew's heart beats 1,000 times. An ordinary person can say 150 words or read 250 words during this time. Light from the sun reaches the Earth in eight minutes. When Mars is closest to Earth, sunlight reflects off the surface of the Red Planet in less than four minutes.

1 hour

This is how long it takes for reproducing cells to split in half. In one hour, 150 Zhiguli roll off the assembly line of the Volga Automobile Plant. Light from Pluto, the most distant planet solar system- reaches the Earth in five hours and twenty minutes.

1 day

For humans, this is perhaps the most natural unit of time, based on the rotation of the Earth. According to modern science, the longitude of a day is 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. The rotation of our planet is constantly slowing down due to lunar gravity and other reasons. The human heart makes about 100,000 contractions per day, the lungs inhale about 11,000 liters of air. During the same time, a blue whale calf gains 90 kg in weight.

1 year

The Earth makes one revolution around the sun and rotates around its axis 365.26 times, the average level of the world ocean rises by 1 to 2.5 millimeters, and 45 federal elections are held in Russia. It will take 4.3 years for light from the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, to reach Earth. Approximately the same amount of time it will take for surface ocean currents to circumnavigate the globe.

1st century

During this time, the Moon will move away from the Earth by another 3.8 meters, but a giant sea turtle can live as long as 177 years. The lifespan of the most modern CD can be more than 200 years.

1 million years

A spacecraft flying at the speed of light will not cover even half of the way to the Andromeda galaxy (it is located at a distance of 2.3 million light years from Earth). The most massive stars, blue supergiants (they are millions of times brighter than the Sun) burn out in about this time. Due to shifts in the tectonic layers of the Earth, North America will move away from Europe by about 30 kilometers.

1 billion years

Approximately this is how long it took for our Earth to cool after its formation. In order for oceans to appear on it, unicellular life was born and instead of a rich atmosphere carbon dioxide an atmosphere rich in oxygen would be established. During this time, the Sun passed four times in its orbit around the center of the Galaxy.

Since the universe has a total existence of 12-14 billion years, time units exceeding a billion years are rarely used. However, cosmologists believe that the universe will probably continue after the last star goes out (in a hundred trillion years) and the last black hole evaporates (in 10,100 years). So the Universe still has to go a much longer way than it has already gone.


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Modern units of time are based on the periods of revolution of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun, as well as the revolution of the Moon around the Earth. This choice of units is due to both historical and practical considerations: the need to coordinate people's activities with the change of day and night or seasons; The change in the phases of the moon affects the height of the tides.

Day, hour, minute and second

Historically, the basic unit for measuring short intervals of time was the day (often called "day"), equal to the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis. As a result of dividing the day into smaller time intervals of exact length, hours, minutes and seconds arose. The origin of the division is probably connected with the duodecimal number system, which was followed by the ancients. The day was divided into two equal consecutive intervals (conventionally day and night). Each of them was divided into 12 hours. Further division of the hour goes back to the sexagesimal number system. Each hour was divided into 60 minutes. Every minute for 60 seconds.

Thus, there are 3600 seconds in an hour; 24 hours in a day = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds.

Considering that there are 365 days in a year (366 in a leap year), we get that there are 31,536,000 (31,622,400) seconds in a year.

Hours, minutes and seconds have firmly entered our everyday life, they began to be naturally perceived even against the background of the decimal number system. Now it is these units (primarily the second) that are the main ones for measuring time intervals. The second has become the basic unit of time in the SI and CGS.

The second is denoted by "s" (without a dot); previously, the designation “sec” was used, which is still often used in speech (due to greater convenience in pronunciation than “s”). A minute is denoted by "min", an hour by "h". In astronomy, the designations h, m, s (or h, m, s) are used in the superscript: 13h20m10s (or 13h20m10s).

Use to indicate time of day

First of all, hours, minutes and seconds were introduced to facilitate the indication of the time coordinate within a day.

A point on the time axis within a specific calendar day is indicated by an indication of the integer number of hours that have passed since the beginning of the day; then an integer number of minutes that have passed since the beginning of the current hour; then an integer number of seconds that have passed since the beginning of the current minute; if necessary, specify the time position even more precisely, then use the decimal system, indicating the elapsed fraction of the current second (usually up to hundredths or thousandths) as a decimal fraction.

The letters “h”, “min”, “s” are usually not written on the letter, but only numbers are indicated through a colon or dot. The minute number and second number can be between 0 and 59 inclusive. If high precision is not required, the number of seconds is omitted.

There are two systems for indicating the time of day. The so-called French system (adopted in Russia as well) does not take into account the division of the day into two intervals of 12 hours each (day and night), but it is believed that the day is directly divided into 24 hours. The hour number can be from 0 to 23 inclusive. In the English system, this division is taken into account. The clock indicates from the moment the current half-day begins, and after the numbers they write the letter index of half a day. The first half of the day is designated AM, the second - PM. The hour number can be between 0 and 11 inclusive (as an exception, 0 hours is 12). Since all three time sub-coordinates do not exceed one hundred, two digits are sufficient to write them in the decimal system; therefore, the hours, minutes, and seconds are written in two-digit decimal numbers, adding a zero in front of the number if necessary (in the English system, however, the hour number is written in one- or two-digit decimal numbers).

Midnight is taken as the beginning of the countdown. Thus, midnight in the French system is 00:00:00, and in the English system it is 12:00:00 AM. Noon is 12:00:00 (12:00:00 PM). The point in time after 19 hours and 14 minutes after midnight is 19:14 (7:14 PM in the English system).

On the dials of most modern watches (with hands) it is the English system that is used. However, such analogue clocks are also produced, where the French 24-hour system is used. Such watches are used in those areas where it is difficult to judge day and night (for example, on submarines or beyond the Arctic Circle, where there is a polar night and a polar day).

Use to indicate a time interval

For measuring time intervals, hours, minutes and seconds are not very convenient, because they do not use the decimal number system. Therefore, only seconds are usually used to measure time intervals.

However, hours, minutes, and seconds proper are also sometimes used. Thus, a duration of 50,000 seconds can be written as 13 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds.


In fact, the duration of a solar day is not a constant value. And although it changes quite a bit (increases as a result of tides due to the action of the attraction of the Moon and the Sun by an average of 0.0023 seconds per century over the past 2000 years, and over the past 100 years by only 0.0014 seconds), this is enough for significant distortion of the duration of a second, if we count 1/86,400 of the duration of a solar day as a second. Therefore, from the definition of “an hour is 1/24 of a day; minute - 1/60 of an hour; second - 1/60 of a minute" moved on to defining the second as a basic unit based on a periodic intra-atomic process, not associated with any movements of celestial bodies (it is sometimes referred to as the SI second or "atomic second" when, according to the context of its can be confused with the second, determined from astronomical observations).

The following definition of the “atomic second” is currently accepted: one second is a time interval equal to 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground (quantum) state of an atom at rest at 0 K cesium-133. This definition was adopted in 1967 (a refinement regarding temperature and rest appeared in 1997).

Starting from the SI second, a minute is defined as 60 seconds, an hour as 60 minutes, and a calendar (Julian) day (equal to exactly 86,400 s. Currently, the Julian day is shorter than the mean solar day by about 2 milliseconds; leap years are introduced to eliminate cumulative discrepancies seconds The Julian year is also determined (exactly 365.25 Julian days, or 31,557,600 s), sometimes called the scientific year.

In astronomy and in a number of other areas, along with the SI second, the ephemeris second is used, the definition of which is based on astronomical observations. Considering that there are 365.242 198 781 25 days in a tropical year, and assuming a day of constant duration (the so-called ephemeris calculus), we get that there are 31 556 925.9747 seconds in a year. A second is then considered to be 1/31,556,925.9747 of a tropical year. The secular change in the duration of the tropical year makes it necessary to tie this definition to a certain epoch; thus, this definition refers to the tropical year at the time of 1900.0.

Multiples and submultiples

The second is the only unit of time with which the SI prefixes are used to form submultiples and (rarely) multiples.

Year, month, week

To measure longer time intervals, the units of year, month, and week are used, consisting of an integer number of days. A year is approximately equal to the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun (approximately 365 days), a month is approximately equal to the period of a complete change in the phases of the Moon (the so-called synodic month, equal to 29.53 days).

In the most common Gregorian, as well as in the Julian calendar, the year is taken as the basis. Since the period of the Earth's revolution is not exactly equal to a whole number of days, leap years of 366 days are used to more accurately synchronize the calendar with the movement of the Earth. The year is divided into twelve months of varying length, which correspond only very roughly to the length of the lunar month.

It does not take much effort of self-observation to show that the latter alternative is true and that we cannot be conscious of either duration or extension without any sensible content. Just as we see with closed eyes, in the same way, when we are completely distracted from the impressions of the external world, we are still immersed in what Wundt somewhere called the "half-light" of our common consciousness. The beating of the heart, breathing, the pulsation of attention, fragments of words and phrases rushing through our imagination - this is what fills this foggy area of ​​\u200b\u200bconsciousness. All these processes are rhythmic and are recognized by us in immediate wholeness; the breath and the pulsation of attention represent a periodic alternation of rise and fall; the same is observed in the beating of the heart, only here the wave of oscillation is much shorter; words are carried in our imagination not alone, but connected in groups. In short, no matter how hard we try to free our consciousness from any content, some form of the changing process will always be conscious of us, representing an element that cannot be removed from consciousness. Along with the consciousness of this process and its rhythms, we are also aware of the interval of time it occupies. Thus, awareness of change is a condition for awareness of the passage of time, but there is no reason to suppose that the passage of absolutely empty time is sufficient to give rise to awareness of change in us. This change must represent a known real phenomenon.

Evaluation of longer periods of time. Trying to observe in consciousness the flow of empty time (empty in the relative sense of the word, according to what was said above), we mentally follow it intermittently. We say to ourselves: "now", "now", "now" or: "more", "more", "more" as time goes by. The addition of known units of duration represents the law of discontinuous flow of time. This discontinuity, however, is due only to the discontinuity of perception or apperception of what it is. In fact, the sense of time is as continuous as any other such sense. We call the individual pieces of continuous sensation. Each of our "still" marks some final part of the expiring or expired interval. According to Hodgson's expression, sensation is a measuring tape, and apperception is a dividing machine that marks the gaps on the tape. Listening to a continuously monotonous sound, we perceive it with the help of a discontinuous pulsation of apperception, mentally pronouncing: “the same sound”, “the same”, “the same”! We do the same thing when we watch the passage of time. Once we begin to mark intervals of time, we very soon lose the impression of their total amount, which becomes extremely indefinite. We can determine the exact amount only by counting, or by following the movement of the hour hands, or by using some other method of symbolic designation of time intervals.

The concept of time spans exceeding hours and days is completely symbolic. We think about the sum of known intervals of time, either imagining only its name, or mentally sorting out the major events of this period, without in the least pretending to mentally reproduce all the intervals that form a given minute. No one can say that he perceives the interval between the present century and the first century BC as a longer period in comparison with the interval of time between the present and the tenth centuries. True, in the imagination of the historian, a longer period of time causes more chronological dates and a greater number of images and events, and therefore seems richer in facts. For the same reason, many people claim that they directly perceive a two-week period of time as being longer than a week. But here, in fact, there is no intuition of time at all, which could serve as a comparison.

A greater or lesser number of dates and events is in this case only a symbolic designation of a greater or lesser duration of the interval they occupy. I am convinced that this is true even when the time intervals being compared are no more than an hour or so. The same thing happens when we compare spaces of several miles. The criterion for comparison in this case is the number of units of length, which consists in the compared intervals of space.

Now it is most natural for us to turn to the analysis of some well-known fluctuations in our estimate of the length of time. Generally speaking, time, filled with various and interesting impressions, seems to pass quickly, but, having elapsed, seems to be very long when remembering it. On the contrary, time that is not filled with any impressions seems to be long, flowing, and when it has flown, it seems short. A week devoted to traveling or visiting various spectacles hardly leaves the impression of one day in the memory. When you mentally look at the elapsed time, its duration seems to be longer or shorter, obviously depending on the number of memories it evokes. The abundance of objects, events, changes, numerous divisions immediately make our view of the past broader. Emptyness, monotony, lack of novelty make it, on the contrary, narrower.

As we age, the same period of time begins to seem shorter to us - this is true of days, months and years; concerning hours - it is doubtful; as for minutes and seconds, they seem to always seem to be of approximately the same length. For the old man, the past probably does not seem longer than it seemed to him in childhood, although in fact it may be 12 times longer. With most people, all the events of adulthood are of such a habitual kind that individual impressions are not long retained in the memory. At the same time, more and more earlier events are being forgotten, because the memory is not able to retain such a number of separate, definite images.

That's all I wanted to say about the apparent shortening of time when looking at the past. Present time seems shorter when we are so absorbed in its content that we do not notice the flow of time itself. A day full of vivid impressions quickly passes before us. On the contrary, a day filled with expectations and unfulfilled desires for change will seem like an eternity. Taedium, ennui, Langweile, boredom, boredom are words for which there is a corresponding concept in every language. We begin to feel bored when, due to the relative poverty of the content of our experience, attention is focused on the very passage of time. We expect new impressions, we prepare to perceive them - they do not appear, instead of them we experience an almost empty period of time. With the constant and numerous repetitions of our disappointments, the duration of time itself begins to be felt with extreme force.

Close your eyes and ask someone to tell you when one minute has passed: this minute of complete absence of external impressions will seem incredibly long to you. It is as tedious as the first week of sailing on the ocean, and you cannot help wondering that mankind could experience incomparably longer periods of agonizing monotony. The whole point here is to direct attention to the sense of time per se (in itself) and that attention in this case perceives extremely subtle divisions of time. In such experiences, the colorlessness of impressions is unbearable for us, for excitement is an indispensable condition for pleasure, while the feeling of empty time is the least excitable experience that we can have. In Volkmann's words, taedium represents, as it were, a protest against the entire content of the present.

The feeling of the past is the present. When discussing the modus operandi of our knowledge of temporal relations, one might think at first glance that this is the simplest thing in the world. The phenomena of inner feeling are replaced in us by one another: they are recognized by us as such; consequently, one can apparently say that we are also aware of their succession. But such a rough method of reasoning cannot be called philosophical, because between the sequence in the change of states of our consciousness and the awareness of their sequence lies the same wide abyss as between any other object and subject of knowledge. A succession of sensations is not in itself a sensation of succession. If, however, successive sensations are here joined by the sensation of their sequence, then such a fact must be considered as some additional mental phenomenon that requires a special explanation, more satisfactory than the above superficial identification of the succession of sensations with its awareness.


The concept of time is more complex than the concept of length and mass. In everyday life, time is what separates one event from another. In mathematics and physics, time is considered as a scalar quantity, because time intervals have properties similar to those of length, area, mass.

Time periods can be compared. For example, a pedestrian will spend more time on the same path than a cyclist.

Time intervals can be added. So, a lecture at the institute lasts as long as two lessons at school.

Time intervals are measured. But the process of measuring time is different from measuring length, area, or mass. To measure length, you can repeatedly use the ruler, moving it from point to point. The time interval taken as a unit can be used only once. Therefore, the unit of time must be a regularly repeating process. Such a unit in the International System of Units is called second. Along with the second, other units of time are also used: minute, hour, day, year, week, month, century. Units such as a year and a day were taken from nature, while the hour, minute, and second were invented by man.

Year is the time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun.

Day is the time it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis.

A year consists of approximately 365 days. But a year of human life consists of a whole number of days. Therefore, instead of adding 6 hours to each year, they add a whole day to every fourth year. This year consists of 366 days and is called leap year.

A week. AT Ancient Russia the week was called a week, and Sunday was called a weekday (when there is no work) or just a week, i.e. rest day. The names of the next five days of the week indicate how many days have passed since Sunday. Monday - immediately after the week, Tuesday - the second day, Wednesday - the middle, the fourth and fifth days, respectively, Thursday and Friday, Saturday - the end of things.

Month- not a very definite unit of time, it can consist of thirty-one days, thirty and twenty-eight, twenty-nine in leap years (days). But this unit of time has existed since ancient times and is associated with the movement of the Moon around the Earth. The Moon makes one revolution around the Earth in about 29.5 days, and in a year it makes about 12 revolutions. These data served as the basis for the creation of ancient calendars, and the result of their centuries-old improvement is the calendar that we use now.

Since the Moon makes 12 revolutions around the Earth, people began to count more fully the number of revolutions (that is, 22) per year, that is, a year is 12 months.

The modern division of the day into 24 hours also dates back to ancient times, it was introduced in ancient Egypt. The minute and second appeared in Ancient Babylon, and the fact that there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute is influenced by the sexagesimal number system invented by Babylonian scientists.

Time is the most difficult quantity to study. Temporal representations in children develop slowly in the process of long-term observations, the accumulation of life experience, and the study of other quantities.

Temporal representations in first-graders are formed primarily in the course of their practical (educational) activities: daily routine, keeping a calendar of nature, perception of the sequence of events when reading fairy tales, stories, watching movies, daily recording in notebooks of the date of work - all this helps the child to see and realize time changes, feel the passage of time.

Units of time that children are introduced to in elementary school: week, month, year, century, day, hour, minute, second.

Beginning with 1st class, it is necessary to start comparing familiar time intervals that are often encountered in the experience of children. For example, what lasts longer: a lesson or a break, an academic quarter or winter holidays; which is shorter: the school day of the student at school or the working day of the parents?

Such tasks contribute to the development of a sense of time. In the process of solving problems related to the concept of difference, children begin to compare the age of people and gradually master important concepts: older - younger - the same age. For example:

“My sister is 7 years old and my brother is 2 years older than my sister. How old is your brother?"

“Misha is 10 years old, and his sister is 3 years younger than him. How old is your sister?"

“Sveta is 7 years old and her brother is 9 years old. How old will each of them be in 3 years?

In 2nd grade children form more specific ideas about these periods of time. (2 cl. " Hour. Minute " With. twenty)

For this purpose, the teacher uses a dial model with movable hands; explains that the big hand is called the minute, the small hand is called the hour, explains that all watches are arranged in such a way that while the big hand moves from one small division to another, it passes 1 minute, and while the small hand moves from one large division to another, it passes 1 hour. Time is kept from midnight to noon (12 noon) and from noon to midnight. Then exercises are suggested using the watch model:

♦ name the indicated time (p. 20 #1, p. 22 #5, p. 107 #12)

♦ indicate the time that the teacher or students calls.

Different forms of reading the clock readings are given:

9:30, 30:30, half past ten;

4:45, 45 minutes past five, 15 minutes to five, quarter to five.

The study of the unit of time is used in solving problems (p. 21 No. 1).

AT 3rd grade children's ideas about such units of time as year, month, week . (3 cells, part 1, p. 9) For this purpose, the teacher uses a time sheet calendar. On it, the children write out the names of the months in order and the number of days in each month. Months of the same length are immediately distinguished, the shortest month of the year (February) is noted. On the calendar, students determine the ordinal number of the month:

♦ What is the name of the fifth month of the year?

♦ which is July?

Set the day of the week, if known, the day and month, and vice versa, set which days of the month fall on certain days of the week:

♦ What are the Sundays in November?

Using the calendar, students solve problems to find the duration of an event:

♦ how many days does autumn last? How many weeks does it last?

♦ How many days is spring break?

Concepts about the day is revealed through concepts close to children about the parts of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, night. In addition, they rely on the representation of the time sequence: yesterday, today, tomorrow. (Grade 3, part 1, p. 92 "Day")

Children are invited to list what they were doing from yesterday morning to this morning, what they will do from tonight until tomorrow evening, etc.

Such periods of time are called for days»

The ratio is set: Day = 24 hours

Then a connection is established with the studied units of time:

♦ How many hours are there in 2 days?

♦ How many days are there in two weeks? At 4 weeks?

♦ Compare: 1 wk * 8 days, 25 hours * 1 day, 1 month * 35 days

Later, a unit of time is introduced, such as quarter (every 3 months, 4 quarters in total).

After getting acquainted with the shares, the following tasks are solved:

♦ How many minutes is one third of an hour?

♦ How many hours is a quarter of a day?

♦ What part of the year is one quarter?

AT 4th grade the ideas about the units of time already studied are clarified (Part 1, p. 59): a new relation is introduced -

1 year = 365 or 366 days

Children will learn that the basic units of measurement are day is the time it takes for the earth to make a full rotation on its axis, and year - the time during which the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun.

Topic " Time from 0 hours to 24 hours "(p. 60). Children are introduced to the 24-hour clock. They learn that the beginning of the day is midnight (0 o'clock), that the hours during the day are counted from the beginning of the day, so after noon (12 o'clock) each hour has a different serial number (1 o'clock in the afternoon is 13 o'clock, 2 o'clock days -14 h...)

Exercise examples:

♦ Another way to say what time it is:

1) if 16 hours, 20 hours, three quarters of an hour, 21 hours 40 minutes, 23 hours 45 minutes have passed from the beginning of the day;

2) if they said: quarter past five, half past two, a quarter to seven.


a) in hours: 5 days, 10 days 12 hours, 120 minutes

b) per day: 48 hours, 2 weeks

c) in months: 3 years, 8 years and 4 months, a quarter of a year

d) in years: 24 months, 60 months, 84 months.

Consider the simplest cases of addition and subtraction of quantities expressed in units of time. Necessary conversions of time units are performed here in passing, without preliminary replacement of the given values. To prevent errors in calculations, which are much more complicated than calculations with quantities expressed in units of length and mass, it is recommended to give calculations in comparison:

30min 45sec - 20min58sec;

30m 45cm - 20m 58cm;

30c 45kg - 20c 58kg;

♦ What action can you use to find out:

1) what time will the clock show in 4 hours, if it is now 0 o'clock, 5 o'clock ...

2) how long will it take from 14:00 to 20:00, from 1:00 to 6:00

3) what time did the clock show 7 hours ago, if it is now 13 hours, 7 hours 25 minutes?

1 min = 60 s

Then the largest of the considered units of time is considered - the century, the ratio is established:

Exercise examples:

♦ How many years are in 3 centuries? In the 10th century? In the 19th century?

♦ How many centuries are 600 years? 1100 years? 2000 years?

♦ A.S. Pushkin was born in 1799 and died in 1837. In what century was he born and in what century did he die?

The assimilation of relations between units of time helps measure table , which should be hung in the classroom for a while, as well as systematic exercises in converting values ​​expressed in units of time, comparing them, finding different fractions of any unit of time, solving problems for calculating time.

1 in. \u003d 100 years in a year of 365 or 366 days

1 year = 12 months 30 or 31 days in a month

1 day = 24 hours (in February 28 or 29 days)

1 h = 60 min

1 min = 60 s

In the topic " Addition and subtraction of quantities » considers the simplest cases of addition and subtraction of composite named numbers expressed in units of time:

♦ 18h 36 min -9h

♦ 20 min 30 s + 25 s

♦ 18h 36 min - 9 min (in line)

♦ 5 h 48 min + 35 min

♦2 h 30 min - 55 min

Multiplication cases are considered later:

♦ 2 min 30 s 5

For the development of temporal representations, the solution of problems for calculating the duration of events, its beginning and end is used.

The simplest tasks for calculating time within a year (month) are solved using a calendar, and within a day - using a clock model.

Exercise #1

Children are invited to listen to two tape recordings. And one of them is 20 seconds, and the other is 15 seconds. After listening, the children must determine which of the proposed recordings is longer than the other. This task causes certain difficulties, the opinions of children differ.

Then the teacher finds out that in order to find out the duration of the melodies, they must be measured. Questions:

Which of the two tunes lasts longer?

Can this be determined by ear?

What is needed for that. to determine the duration of the melodies.

In this lesson, you can enter hours and a unit of time - minute .

Exercise #2

Children are invited to listen to two melodies. One of them lasts 1 minute, and the other 55 seconds. After listening, the children must determine which melody lasts longer. This task is difficult, the opinions of the children differ.

Then the teacher suggests, while listening to the melody, count how many times the arrow will move. In the process of this work, the children find out that when listening to the first melody, the arrow moved 60 times and went full circle, i.e. the melody lasted one minute. The second melody lasted less, because. while it sounded the arrow moved 55 times. After that, the teacher tells the children that each “step” of the arrow is a period of time called second . The arrow, passing a full circle - a minute - makes 60 "steps, i.e. There are 60 seconds in one minute.

Children are offered a poster: “We invite all students of the school to a lecture on the rules of behavior on the water. Lecture lasts 60 ... ".

The teacher explains that the artist who drew the poster did not know the units of time and did not write how long the lecture would be. The first grade students decided that the lecture would last 60 seconds, i.e. one minute, and the second grade students decided that the lecture would last 60 minutes. Which one do you think is right? The students find out that the second graders are right. In the process of solving this problem, the children conclude that when measuring periods of time, it is necessary to use a single small one. This lesson introduces a new unit of time - hour .

Why do you think the second graders are right?

What is needed to avoid such errors?

How many minutes are in one hour? how many seconds?

Popular about Einstein and SRT

And here is another look at the theory of relativity: one online store sells watches that do not have a second hand. But the dial rotates at the same speed relative to the hour and minute. And in the name of this watch there is the name of the famous physicist "Einstein".

Relativity of time intervals is that the course of the clock depends on the movement of the observer. Moving clocks lag behind stationary ones: if any phenomenon has a certain duration for a moving observer, then it seems to be longer for a stationary one. If the system were moving at the speed of light, then to a motionless observer, the movements in it would seem to be infinitely slowed down. This is the famous clock paradox.


If I simultaneously (for myself) click my fingers on spread hands, then for me the time interval between clicks is equal to zero (it is assumed that I checked this using Einstein's method - oncoming light signals together came to the middle of the distance between pairs of clicking fingers). But then for any observer moving "sideways" relative to me, the clicks will not be simultaneous. So, according to his countdown, my moment will become a certain duration.

On the other hand, if he clicks his fingers on his outstretched hands, and from his point of view the clicks are simultaneous, then for me they will turn out to be non-simultaneous. Therefore, I perceive its moment as a duration.

Likewise, my "almost instant" - a very short duration - is stretched out for a moving observer. And his “almost instant” stretches out for me. In a word, my time slows down for him, and his time slows down for me.

True, in these examples it is not immediately clear that in all reference systems the direction of time is preserved - necessarily from the past to the future. But this is easy to prove, remembering the prohibition of superluminal speeds, which makes it impossible to move backward in time.

One more example

Ella and Alla are astronauts. They fly on different rockets in opposite directions and rush past each other. Girls love to look in the mirror. In addition, both girls are endowed with the superhuman ability to see and ponder subtly fast phenomena.

Ella sits in a rocket, staring at her own reflection and contemplating the relentless pace of time. There, in the mirror, she sees herself in the past. After all, the light from her face first reached the mirror, then reflected from it and returned back. This journey of light took time. This means that Ella sees herself not as she is now, but a little younger. For about a three hundred millionth of a second - because. the speed of light is 300,000 km/s, and the path from Ella's face to the mirror and back is about 1 meter. “Yes,” Ella thinks, “you can only see yourself in the past!”

Alla, flying on an oncoming rocket, having caught up with Ella, greets her and is curious about what her friend is doing. Oh, she looks in the mirror! However, Alla, looking into Ella's mirror, comes to different conclusions. According to Alla, Ella is aging more slowly than according to Ella herself!

In fact, while the light from Ella's face reached the mirror, the mirror shifted relative to Alla - after all, the rocket is moving. On the way back of the light, Alla noted the further displacement of the rocket.

So, for Alla, the light went back and forth not along one straight line, but along two different, non-coinciding ones. On the path "Ella - mirror - Ella", the light went at an angle, described something similar to the letter "D". Therefore, from the point of view of Alla, he went a longer way than from the point of view of Ella. And the greater, the greater the relative speed of the missiles.

Alla is not only an astronaut, but also a physicist. She knows: according to Einstein, the speed of light is always constant, in any frame of reference it is the same, because does not depend on the speed of the light source. Consequently, for both Alla and Ella, the speed of light is 300,000 km/s. But if light can travel different paths with the same speed in different frames of reference, the conclusion from this is the only one: time flows differently in different frames of reference. From Alla's point of view, Ella's light has come a long way. This means that it took more time, otherwise the speed of light would not have remained unchanged. According to Alla's measurements, Ella's time flows more slowly than according to Ella's measurements.

Last example

If an astronaut takes off from Earth at a speed that differs from the speed of light by one twenty-thousandth, flies in a straight line for a year there (counted by his watch and according to the events of his life), and then returns back. According to an astronaut's watch, this journey takes 2 years.

Returning to Earth, he will find (according to the relativistic time dilation formula) that the inhabitants of the Earth have grown old by 100 years (according to earth clocks), that is, he will meet another generation.

It must be remembered that during such a flight there are sections of uniform motion (the frame of reference will be inertial, and SRT is applicable), as well as sections of movement with acceleration (acceleration at the start, braking upon landing, turn - the frame of reference is non-inertial and SRT is not applicable.

Relativistic time dilation formula:

Our whole life is connected with time and is regulated by the periodic change of day and night, as well as the seasons. You know that the Sun always illuminates only half of the globe: on one hemisphere it is day, and on the other at this time it is night. Therefore, there are always points on our planet where it is noon at the moment, and the Sun is in the upper culmination, and there is midnight, when the Sun is in the lower culmination.

The moment of the upper culmination of the center of the Sun is called true noon, the moment of the lower climax - true midnight. And the time interval between two consecutive culminations of the same name of the center of the Sun is called true solar days.

It would seem that they can be used for accurate timing. However, due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth, the solar day periodically changes its duration. So, when the Earth is closest to the Sun, it orbits at about 30.3 km/s. And six months later, the Earth finds itself at the most distant point from the Sun, where its speed drops by 1 km/s. Such an uneven movement of the Earth in its orbit causes an uneven apparent movement of the Sun across the celestial sphere. In other words, at different times of the year, the Sun "moves" across the sky at different speeds. Therefore, the duration of a true solar day is constantly changing and it is inconvenient to use them as a unit of time. In this regard, in Everyday life not true ones are used, but mean solar day, the duration of which is taken constant and equal to 24 hours. Each hour of mean solar time is in turn divided into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds.

The measurement of time by solar days is associated with the geographic meridian. Time measured on a given meridian is called its local time, and it is the same for all items on it. At the same time, the more east of the earth's meridian, the earlier the day begins on it. If we take into account that for every hour our planet rotates around its axis by 15 o, then the time difference of two points in one hour corresponds to a longitude difference of 15 °. Consequently, the local time at two points will differ exactly as much as their geographical longitude, expressed in hours, differs:

T 1 T 2 = λ1 – λ2.

From the course of geography, you know that the initial (or, as it is also called, zero) meridian is the meridian passing through the Greenwich Observatory, located not far from London. The local mean solar time of the Greenwich meridian is called universal time- Universal Time (UT for short).

Knowing the universal time and the geographical longitude of any point, you can easily determine its local time:

T 1 = UT + λ 1 .

This formula also allows you to find geographical longitude in universal time and local time, which is determined from astronomical observations.

However, if in everyday life we ​​used local time, then as we move between settlements located to the east or west of our permanent place of residence, we would have to continuously move the clock hands.

For example, let's determine how much later noon comes in St. Petersburg compared to Moscow, if their geographic longitude is known in advance.

In other words, in St. Petersburg, noon will come about 29 minutes 12 seconds later than in Moscow.

The resulting inconvenience is so obvious that at present almost the entire population of the globe uses belt time counting system. It was proposed by US teacher Charles Dowd in 1872 for use on American railroads. And already in 1884, the International Meridian Conference was held in Washington, the result of which was the recommendation to use Greenwich Mean Time as universal time.

According to this system, the entire globe is divided into 24 time zones, each of which extends 15 ° (or one hour) in longitude. The time zone of the Greenwich meridian is considered zero. The rest of the zones, in the direction from zero to the east, are assigned numbers from 1 to 23. Within the same belt, at all points at each moment, standard time is the same, and in neighboring zones it differs by exactly one hour.

Thus, the standard time, which is accepted in a particular place, differs from the world time by the number of hours equal to the number of its time zone:

T = UT + n .

If you look at the map of time zones, it is not difficult to see that their boundaries coincide with the meridians only in sparsely populated places, on the seas and oceans. In other places, the boundaries of the belts, for greater convenience, are drawn along state and administrative borders, mountain ranges, rivers and other natural boundaries.

Also, a conditional line runs from pole to pole on the surface of the globe, on different sides of which the local time differs by almost a day. This line is called date lines. It runs approximately along the meridian 180 o.

Currently, it is considered more reliable and convenient time atomic time which was introduced by the International Committee for Weights and Measures in 1964. Atomic clocks were adopted as the standard of time, the error of which is approximately one second in 50 thousand years. Therefore, from January 1, 1972, the countries of the globe keep track of time according to them.

For the calculation of long periods of time, in which a certain duration of months is established, their order in the year and the initial moment of counting years, was introduced calendar. It is based on periodic astronomical phenomena: the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the change in lunar phases, the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. At the same time, any calendar system (and there are more than 200 of them) is based on three main units of time: the mean solar day, the synodic month and the tropical (or solar) year.

Recall that synodic month- this is the time interval between two successive identical phases of the moon. It is approximately equal to 29.5 days.

BUT tropical year- this is the time interval between two successive passages of the center of the Sun through the vernal equinox. Its average duration since January 1, 2000 is 365 d 05 h 48 min 45.19 s.

As you can see, the synodic month and the tropical year do not contain an integer number of mean solar days. Therefore, many nations in their own way tried to coordinate the day, month and year. This, subsequently, led to the fact that at different times different peoples had its own calendar system. However, all calendars can be divided into three types: lunar, lunisolar and solar.

AT lunar calendar The year is divided into 12 lunar months, which alternately contain 30 or 29 days. Thereby, moon calendar shorter than the solar year by about ten days. Such a calendar has become widespread in the modern Islamic world.

lunisolar calendars the most difficult. They are based on the ratio that 19 solar years are equal to 235 lunar months. As a result, there are 12 or 13 months in a year. At present, such a system has been preserved in the Jewish calendar.

AT solar calendar based on the length of the tropical year. One of the first solar calendars is considered to be the ancient Egyptian calendar, created around the 5th millennium BC. It divided the year into 12 months of 30 days each. And at the end of the year, 5 more holidays were added.

The immediate predecessor of the modern calendar was the calendar developed on January 1, 45 B.C. Ancient Rome by order of Julius Caesar (hence its name - Julian).

But the Julian calendar was not perfect either, since its duration calendar year differed from the tropical year by 11 minutes and 14 seconds. It would seem that everything is nothing. But by the middle of the 16th century, a shift of the vernal equinox, with which church holidays are associated, by 10 days was noticed.

In order to compensate for the accumulated error and avoid such a shift in the future, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII carried out a calendar reform that moved the count of days forward by 10 days.

At the same time, in order to better match the average calendar year to the solar year, Gregory XIII changed the rule leap years. As before, a year remained a leap year, the number of which is a multiple of four, but an exception was made for those that were a multiple of a hundred. Such years were leap years only when they were also divisible by 400. For example, 1700, 1800 and 1900 were simple years. But 1600 and 2000 are leap years.

The revised calendar was named Gregorian calendar or new style calendar.

In Russia, a new style was introduced only in 1918. By this time, a difference of 13 days had accumulated between it and the old style.

However, the old calendar is still alive in the memory of many people. It is thanks to him that in many countries of the former USSR on the night of January 13-14, the "Old New Year" is celebrated.

The basic unit of time is the sidereal day. This is the amount of time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around its axis. When determining the sidereal day, instead of the uniform rotation of the Earth, it is more convenient to consider the uniform rotation of the celestial sphere.

A sidereal day is the period of time between two consecutive culminations of the point of Aries (or some star) of the same name on the same meridian. The beginning of a sidereal day is taken as the moment of the upper culmination of the point of Aries, i.e., the moment when it passes through the noon part of the meridian of the observer.

Due to the uniform rotation of the celestial sphere, the point of Aries uniformly changes its hour angle by 360 °. Therefore, sidereal time can be expressed by the western hour angle of the point of Aries, i.e. S \u003d f y / w.

The hour angle of the Aries point is expressed in degrees and in time. The following ratios serve this purpose: 24 h = 360°; 1 m =15°; 1 m \u003d 15 "; 1 s \u003d 0/2 5 and vice versa: 360 ° \u003d 24 h; 1 ° \u003d (1/15) h \u003d 4 M; 1" \u003d (1/15) * \u003d 4 s; 0",1=0 s,4.

Sidereal days are divided into even smaller units. A sidereal hour is 1/24 of a sidereal day, a sidereal minute is 1/60 of a sidereal hour, and a sidereal second is 1/60 of a sidereal minute.

Consequently, sidereal time call the number of sidereal hours, minutes and seconds that have elapsed from the beginning of a sidereal day to a given physical moment.

Sidereal time is widely used by astronomers when observing at observatories. But this time is inconvenient for everyday human life, which is associated with the daily movement of the Sun.

The daily motion of the Sun can be used to calculate time in a true solar day. True sunny days called the time interval between two successive climaxes of the same name of the Sun on the same meridian. The moment of the upper climax of the true Sun is taken as the beginning of a true solar day. From here you can get the true hour, minute and second.

A big disadvantage of solar days is that their duration is not constant throughout the year. Instead of the true solar day, the average solar day is taken, which is the same in magnitude and equal to the annual average value of the true solar day. The word "sunny" is often omitted and simply said - the average day.

To introduce the concept of a mean day, an auxiliary fictitious point is used that moves uniformly along the equator and is called the mean equatorial sun. Its position on the celestial sphere is precalculated by the methods of celestial mechanics.

The hourly angle of the mean sun varies uniformly, and consequently, the mean day is the same in magnitude throughout the year. With an idea of ​​the average sun, another definition of the average day can be given. Average day called the time interval between two successive climaxes of the same name of the middle sun on the same meridian. The moment of the lower climax of the mean sun is taken as the beginning of the middle day.

The average day is divided into 24 parts - get the average hour. Divide the average hour by 60 to get the average minute and, respectively, the average second. In this way, average time call the number of average hours, minutes and seconds elapsed from the beginning of the average day to a given physical moment. Mean time is measured by the western hour angle of the mean sun. The mean day is longer than the stellar day by 3 M 55 s, 9 mean time units. Therefore, sidereal time goes forward by about 4 minutes every day. In one month, sidereal time will go 2 hours ahead of the average, and so on. In a year, sidereal time will go ahead by one day. Consequently, the beginning of a sidereal day during the year will fall at different times of the average day.

In navigation manuals and literature on astronomy, the expression "civil mean time", or more often "mean (civil) time", is often found. This is explained as follows. Until 1925, the moment of the upper climax of the mean sun was taken as the beginning of the mean day; therefore, the mean time was counted from the mean noon. This time was used by astronomers when observing, so as not to divide the night into two dates. In civilian life, the same average time was used, but the average midnight was taken as the beginning of the average day. Such average days were called civil average days. The average time counted from midnight was called civil average time.

In 1925, under the International Agreement, astronomers adopted civil mean time for their work. Consequently, the concept of average time, counted from the average noon, has lost its meaning. Only civil average time remained, which was simplistically called average time.

If we denote by T - the average (civilian) time, and through - the hourly angle of the mean sun, then T \u003d m + 12 H.

Of particular importance is the relationship between sidereal time, the hour angle of a star, and its right ascension. This connection is called the basic sidereal time formula and is written as follows:

The obviousness of the basic formula of time follows from fig. 86. At the moment of the upper climax t-0°. Then S - a. For the lower climax 5 = 12 x -4+a.

The basic formula of time can be used to calculate the hour angle of the star. Indeed: r \u003d S + 360 ° -a; let's denote 360°- a=t. Then

The value of m is called the stellar complement and is given in the Nautical Astronomical Yearbook. Sidereal time S is calculated from a given moment.

All times obtained by us were counted from an arbitrarily chosen meridian of the observer. That is why they are called local times. So, local time is the time on a given meridian. Obviously, at the same physical moment local times different meridians will not be equal to each other. This also applies to hour angles. Hour angles measured from an arbitrary meridian of the observer are called local hour angles, the latter are not equal to each other.

Let us find out the relationship between homogeneous local times and local hour angles of the luminaries on different meridians.

The celestial sphere in Fig. 87 is designed on the plane of the equator; QZrpPn Q"-meridian of the observer passing through Greenwich Zrp-Greenwich zenith.

Let us additionally consider two more points: one located to the east at longitude LoSt with zenith Z1 and the other one located to the west at longitude Lw with zenith Z2. Let us draw the Aries point y, the middle sun O and the luminary o.

Based on the definitions of times and hour angles, then

where S GR, T GR and t GR - sidereal time, mean time and hour angle of the star on the Greenwich meridian, respectively; S 1 T 1 and t 1 - sidereal time, mean time and hour angle of the star on the meridian located east of Greenwich;

S 2 , T 2 and t 2 - sidereal time, mean time and hour angle of the star on the meridian located west of Greenwich;

L - longitude.

Rice. 86.

Rice. 87.

Times and hour angles referred to any meridian, as mentioned above, are called local times and hour angles, then
Thus, homogeneous local times and local hour angles at any two points differ from each other by the difference in longitude between them.

To compare times and hourly angles at the same physical moment, the initial (zero) meridian passing through the Greenwich Observatory is taken. This meridian is called Greenwich.

Times and hour angles related to this meridian are called Greenwich times and Greenwich hour angles. Greenwich mean (civil) time is called universal (or universal) time.

In the relationship between times and hour angles, it is important to remember that to the east, times and west hour angles are always greater than at Greenwich. This feature is a consequence of the fact that the rising, setting and culmination of heavenly bodies on the meridians located to the east occur earlier than on the Greenwich meridian.

Thus, the local average time at different points on the earth's surface will not be the same at the same physical moment. This leads to great inconvenience. To eliminate this, the entire globe was divided along the meridians into 24 belts. In each zone, the same so-called standard time is adopted, equal to the local mean (civil) time of the central meridian. The central meridians are meridians 0; fifteen; thirty; 45°, etc. east and west. The boundaries of the belts pass in one direction and the other from the central meridian through 7 °.5. The width of each belt is 15°, and therefore, at the same physical moment, the time difference in two adjacent belts is 1 hour. The belts are numbered from 0 to 12 in the east and west. The belt, the central meridian of which passes through Greenwich, is considered to be the zero belt.

In fact, the boundaries of the belts do not pass strictly along the meridians, otherwise some districts, regions and even cities would have to be divided. To eliminate this, borders sometimes go along the borders of states, republics, rivers, etc.

In this way, standard time called the local, average (civil) time of the central meridian of the belt, taken the same for the entire belt. Standard time is denoted by TP. Standard time was introduced in 1919. In 1957, due to changes in administrative regions, some changes were made to the previously existing time zones.

The relationship between the zone TP and universal time (Greenwich) TGR is expressed by the following formula:

In addition (see formula 69)

Based on the last two expressions

After the First World War in different countries, including in the USSR, they began to move the hour hand 1 hour or more forward or backward. The translation was done for a certain period, mostly for the summer and by government order. This time is called maternity time T D.

In the Soviet Union, since 1930, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the clock hands of all zones were moved forward 1 hour all year round. This was due to economic considerations. Thus, the standard time on the territory of the USSR differs from Greenwich time by the zone number plus 1 hour.

The ship's life of the crew and the dead reckoning of the ship's route go according to the ship's clock, which shows the ship's time T C . ship time call the standard time of the time zone in which the ship's clock is set; it is recorded with an accuracy of 1 min.

When the ship moves from one zone to another, the hands of the ship's clock are moved forward 1 hour (if the transition is to the eastern zone) or 1 hour back (if to the western zone).

If at the same physical moment we move away from the zero zone and come to the twelfth zone from the eastern and western sides, then we will notice a discrepancy by one calendar date.

The 180° meridian is considered to be the date change line (the demarcation line of time). If ships cross this line in an easterly direction (i.e., they go on courses from 0 to 180 °), then at the first midnight the same date is repeated. If ships cross it in a westerly direction (i.e., go on courses from 180 to 360 °), then one (last) date is omitted at the first midnight.

The demarcation line for the majority of its length coincides with the 180° meridian and only deviates from it in places, skirting islands and capes.

A calendar is used to count large periods of time. The main difficulty in creating a solar calendar is the incommensurability of the tropical year (365, 2422 mean days) with an integer number of mean days. At present, the Gregorian calendar is used in the USSR and basically in all states. To equalize the length of the tropical and calendar (365, 25 mean days) years in the Gregorian calendar, it is customary to consider every four years: three simple years but 365 mean days and one leap year - 366 mean days each.

Example 36. March 20, 1969 Standard time TP \u003d 04 H 27 M 17 C, 0; A \u003d 81 ° 55 ", 0 O st (5 H 27 M 40 C, 0 O st). Determine T gr and T M.

Length of bodies in different reference systems

Let's compare the length of the rod in inertial frames of reference K and K"(Fig.). Suppose that a rod located along the same axes x and x" resting in the system K". Then determining its length in this system does not cause trouble. It is necessary to attach a scale ruler to the rod and determine the coordinate x" 1 one end of the rod, and then the coordinate x" 2 the other end. The difference in coordinates will give the length of the rod  0 in the system K":  0 = x" 2 x" 1 .

The rod is at rest in the systemK". Regarding the systemKhe moves at a speedv, equal to the relative speed of the systemsV.

Designation V we will use only in relation to the relative speed of frames of reference. Since the rod is moving, it is necessary to simultaneously read the coordinates of its ends x 1 and x 2 at some point in time t. The difference in coordinates will give the length of the rod  in the system K:

 = x 2 x 1 .

To compare the lengths  and  0, you need to take one of the Lorentz transformation formulas that relates the coordinates x, x" and time t systems K. Substituting the values ​​of coordinates and time into it leads to the expressions



(we have substituted its value for β). Replacing the differences in coordinates with the lengths of the rod, and the relative velocity V systems K and K" equal to the speed of the rod v with which it moves in the system K, we arrive at the formula


Thus, the length of the moving rod is less than that which the rod has at rest. A similar effect is observed for bodies of any shape: in the direction of movement, the linear dimensions of the body are reduced the more, the greater the speed of movement. This phenomenon is called the Lorentz (or Fitzgerald) contraction. The transverse dimensions of the body do not change. As a result, for example, the ball takes the form of an ellipsoid, flattened in the direction of motion. It can be shown that visually this ellipsoid will be perceived as a sphere. This is due to the distortion of the visual perception of moving objects, caused by the unequal times that light spends on the path from variously distant points of the object to the eye. The distortion of visual perception leads to the fact that the moving ball is perceived by the eye as an ellipsoid, elongated in the direction of movement. It turns out that the change in shape due to the Lorentz contraction is exactly compensated for by the distortion of visual perception.

Time interval between events

Let the system K" at the same point with the coordinate x" occur at times t" 1 and t" 2 some two events. It could be, for example, the birth elementary particle and its subsequent collapse. In system K" these events are separated by time

t" = t" 2 ‑ t" 1 .

Let's find the time interval  t between events in the system K, relative to which the system K" moving at a speed V. To do this, we define in the system K points in time t 1 and t 2 , corresponding to the moments t" 1 and t" 2 and form their difference:

t = t 2 - t 1 .

Substituting the values ​​of coordinates and moments of time into it leads to the expressions



If events occur with the same particle resting in the system K", then  t"= t" 2 -t" 1 is a time interval measured by a clock that is stationary relative to the particle and moving with it relative to the system K with speed v equal to V(recall that the letter V we denote only the relative speed of the systems; particle and clock velocities will be denoted by the letter v). Time measured by a clock moving with the body is called own time this body and is usually denoted by the letter τ. Therefore,  t"= τ. Value  t== t 2 - t 1 represents the time interval between the same events, measured by the system clock K, relative to which the particle (together with its clock) moves with a speed v. With that said


From the resulting formula it follows that own time is less than the time counted by the clock moving relative to the body(obviously, the clock, which is stationary in the system K, moving relative to the particle with a speed - v). In whatever frame of reference the motion of the particle is considered, the interval of proper time is measured by the clock of the system in which the particle is at rest. It follows from this that the interval of proper time is invariant, i.e., a quantity that has the same value in all inertial frames of reference. From the point of view of an observer "living" in the system K, t is the time interval between events, measured by a stationary clock, and τ is the time interval, measured by a clock moving at a speed v. Since τ< t, we can say that a moving clock runs slower than a clock at rest. This is confirmed by the following phenomenon. As part of cosmic radiation, there are unstable particles born at an altitude of 20-30 km, called muons. They decay into an electron (or positron) and two neutrinos. The intrinsic lifetime of muons (i.e., the lifetime measured in the frame in which they are at rest) averages about 2 μs. It would seem that even moving at a speed very little different from c, they can only travel a path equal to 3·10 8 ·2·10 -6 m. However, as measurements show, they manage to reach the earth's surface in a significant amount. This is due to the fact that muons move at a speed close to c. Therefore, their lifetime, counted by a clock that is motionless relative to the Earth, turns out to be much longer than the proper lifetime of these particles. Therefore, it is not surprising that the experimenter observes a muon range that is much greater than 600 m. For an observer moving along with the muons, the distance to the Earth's surface is reduced to 600 m, so the muons have time to cover this distance in 2 μs.