Clause 3 of the rules for the carriage of goods by road. On the rules for the carriage of goods by passenger cars. Requirements for a truck driver

Basic concepts

The rules apply to the transportation of various piece cargoes, metal cargoes of all types, mobile equipment, reinforced concrete products and structures, containers, packaged cargoes, cargoes in overpacks, bulky and heavy cargoes, timber cargoes.

For goods covered by the regulations and simultaneously listed, the requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea must also be met. The rules set General requirements to the loading and unloading of ships, ensuring safety during transportation. Including hazardous substances in packaged form, bulky and heavy cargo. Which, due to their inherent properties and characteristics, may, when transported by sea, endanger the life and health of people, lead to damage to ships and transported goods.

Requirements applicable to container senders:

  • Cargo requiring tare and packaging must be presented for transportation in good tare and packaging;
  • Tare and packaging, for which state standards are established or for which technical conditions are established, must comply with them.

Information features of the transfer of cargo

The shipper must promptly hand over to the carrier all documents relating to the cargo required by the regulations. The consignor shall be liable to the carrier for losses caused as a result of untimely transfer, unreliability of such documents.

The sender is obliged to properly mark the cargo and provide the carrier with the necessary information about it. For this purpose, the consignor shall provide written information about the cargo in advance of loading. (Fig.1)

Rice. 1 Marking when packing cargo
1 - Danger sign;
2 - Manipulation signs;
3 - UN serial number;
4 - Classification code;
5 - Shipping name.

In order to ensure the reliability and completeness of information on cargoes that pose the greatest danger during maritime transportation, the shipper entrusts the development of cargo information to a recognized organization.

Information about the cargo can be used during the validity period set by the developer, depending on the nature and dynamics of changes in the transport characteristics and properties of the cargo.

Cargo, packages and cargo transport units, including containers, must be loaded, stowed and secured on board the ship during the entire voyage in accordance with the cargo securing manual.

Loading and unloading operations on the ship are carried out in accordance with the instructions for securing cargo according to the working technological documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner. (Fig.2)

Loading and unloading work on the ship

The consignor of goods that pose the greatest danger during maritime transportation organizes control over the fulfillment of the requirements for cargo information. Also issuance to the captain of the vessel of a document on the safe stowage and securing of cargo. In the case of carriage of cargo on deck and the performance of work on its fastening, it is the responsibility of the carrier to obtain a document confirming the exercise of due care to ensure the safe transportation of cargo.

In order to obtain permission to leave a ship with cargo that is dangerous during sea transportation, the captain of the ship submits information about the cargo to the Harbor Master. Also, a document on its safe installation and fastening, issued by a recognized organization.

Requirements for cargo, containers, packaging and labeling

Presented for transportation by sea, must be prepared taking into account the requirements of cargo standards, as well as comply with the requirements of the conditions of sea transportation and standards in terms of:

  • Serviceability of containers and packaging;
  • Availability and serviceability of seals, locks, control tapes;
  • Lack of leakage of liquid cargo in containers;
  • Compliance of containers with regulatory documents;
  • The presence of clearly visible markings on the container, including warning labels;
  • Lack of wetting of cargoes that are afraid of it;
  • Absence of odors or other signs indicating damage to the cargo.

Packed dangerous goods

When preparing general cargo for transportation, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. The possibility of its displacement under the influence of pitching;
  2. The danger associated with the possibility of its ignition, explosion and adverse effects on humans and environment(toxicity, radiation exposure);
  3. Possibility of loss of quality or deterioration from exposure to moisture, dust, pollution, heat, corrosion, fumes and various types of bacteria;
  4. Emission of moisture, dust, heat and various odors;
  5. The need to ensure certain temperature, humidity and ventilation modes of transportation.

According to the signs of compatibility, general cargoes are divided into three categories:

  1. Possessing aggressive properties;
  2. exposed to aggressive factors;
  3. Neutral.

Vessel carrying general cargo

The tare of packages weighing one ton or more must have devices (butts, eyelets, hooks, etc.) for loading and unloading operations and securing cargo on the ship. The strength of these devices must correspond to the weight of the package and the loads arising during sea transportation. Lifting devices shall not protrude beyond the outer surfaces of the packaging. In case of detection of deficiencies associated with the risk of loss, damage or damage to the cargo or damage to the ship, the shipper must bring the container in line with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

Preparation of cargo spaces and ship devices for receiving cargo

Vessels delivered by the carrier for loading must be in a seaworthy condition, and the cargo spaces must be prepared to receive cargo.

Vessel preparation for receiving cargo should include:

  1. Bringing the cargo spaces into the appropriate condition for the given cargo and checking the systems passing through the cargo spaces;
  2. Checking the correct operation of cargo devices;
  3. Checking the reliability of the closure of openings, access to which will be impossible after loading the ship, and openings that, in accordance with their purpose, must be closed;
  4. Checking the serviceability of devices used to monitor the water level in the bilges, as well as drainage systems;
  5. Checking the serviceability of fire-fighting systems and equipment;
  6. Checking the tightness of hatch covers and the hydraulic system of the hatch cover drive.

Cargo spaces must be cleared of the remains of previously transported goods, while the nature of the cleaning of the premises depends on the type of cargo to be transported:

  • Before shipping building materials, metal products, mobile equipment, bulk cargo and other cargo not exposed to dust, odors, etc., holds are dry-cleaned;
  • Before the transportation of food and vegetable goods, cotton, fabrics and other industrial goods in small packages or packages, cargo spaces must be washed, dried and ventilated;
  • In the presence of odors, cargo spaces must be deodorized;
  • After transportation of salted fish, wet-salted skins, liquid fats, salt, livestock and other similar cargoes, the holds must be washed, and after transportation of wet-salted skins and disinfected;
  • After the carriage of dusty, polluting cargo, such as coal in bulk, the holds must be flushed with water from the hoses.

Vessel cleaning after cargo transportation

To protect against cargo impacts, ship systems (pipes) in the ship's cargo spaces must be protected by metal or wooden casings. Bilge bilges must be opened and cleaned. If there is a smell in the bilges, they should be dried after washing and sprayed with milk of lime, potassium permanganate, 1% ammonia solution or other deodorizing agents. The necks of all tanks must be checked for tightness. The suction pipes of the drainage system and the measuring tubes must be inspected and cleaned. Ship booms and cranes must be raised and secured in such a way that they do not interfere with the operation of shore cranes.

When using ship lifting equipment, they must be checked in advance and brought to readiness in accordance with the requirements of the rules of technical operation and ship technical documentation.

Vessel, with built-in crane

Before stowage of deck cargo, the following must be done:

  1. Provide and install a sufficient number of strong eyelets and butts for fastening lashings;
  2. Protect pipelines running along the deck from possible damage by the cargo;
  3. Check the reliability of hatch covers;
  4. Clean the scuppers and storm ports from dirt and check their serviceability;
  5. Pick up the necessary devices for fastening and place them in the places of loading;
  6. Prepare the necessary materials with an increased coefficient of friction and place them at the loading points;
  7. Mark places on deck that must be left free of cargo to provide access to fire stations, hatches, doors, etc.

The readiness of cargo spaces for the carriage of a particular type of cargo is checked by the ship's administration, which is recorded in the ship's log.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272
"On approval of the Rules for the carriage of goods by road"

(as amended from December 22, 2017,
with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated December 30, 2011 No. 1208,
dated 09.01.2014 No. 12, dated 03.12.2015 No. 1311, dated 24.11.2016 No. 1233,
dated December 22, 2016 No. 1442, dated December 12, 2017 No. 1529)

In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport", the Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the carriage of goods by road.

2. This resolution comes into force after 3 months from the date of its official publication, with the exception of the paragraphs and Rules approved by this resolution. Clauses and the specified Rules come into force after 12 months from the date of official publication of this resolution.

3. Establish that before the entry into force of clause 3 of the Rules approved by this Resolution, the transportation of dangerous goods by road in urban, suburban and intercity traffic is carried out in accordance with the said Rules, as well as the rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by road, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 1994 No. 372.

Rules for the carriage of goods by road

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing the transportation of various types of goods by road, ensuring the safety of goods, vehicles and containers, as well as the conditions for the carriage of goods and the provision of vehicles for such transportation.

2. Carriage of goods by road in international traffic across the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of road transport, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

3. Transportation of dangerous goods by road in urban, suburban and intercity traffic is carried out in accordance with the requirements, installed apps A and B of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road of September 30, 1957 (ADR) and these Regulations.

4. Transportation of perishable goods by road in urban, suburban and intercity traffic is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on Special Vehicles Designed for These Transportations, signed in Geneva on September 1, 1970 ( SPS) and these Rules.

5. The following concepts are used in these Rules:

"cover sheet" - a document used to record and control the use of the container;

"consignment" - a cargo of one or more items, transported under one document of title;

"cargo space" - a material object accepted for transportation;

heavy vehicle- a vehicle, the mass of which, with or without cargo, exceeds the permissible mass of the vehicle in accordance with Appendix No. or the axle load of which exceeds permissible load on the axle of the vehicle in accordance with Appendix No.;

oversized vehicle- a vehicle, the dimensions of which, with or without cargo, exceed the maximum permissible dimensions of the vehicle in accordance with Appendix No.;

"divisible cargo"- a cargo that can be placed on 2 or more packages without loss of consumer properties or the risk of its damage.

II. Conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods, a contract for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods

6. Carriage of goods is carried out on the basis of a contract for the carriage of goods, which may be concluded by accepting the order for execution by the carrier, and in the presence of an agreement on the organization of carriage of goods - the application of the consignor, except for the cases specified in paragraph of these Rules.

The conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by the waybill drawn up by the consignor (unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. (hereinafter referred to as the waybill).

7. The order (application) is submitted by the consignor to the carrier, who is obliged to consider the order (application) and, within 3 days from the date of its acceptance, inform the consignor of the acceptance or refusal to accept the order (application) with a written justification of the reasons for refusal and return the order (application) ).

When considering an order (application), the carrier, in agreement with the consignor, determines the conditions for the carriage of goods and fills in clauses 8 - 11, 13, 15 and 16 (in the part of the carrier) of the waybill. When transporting dangerous goods, as well as during transportation carried out by a heavy and (or) large-sized vehicle, the carrier indicates in paragraph 13 of the consignment note, if necessary, information on the number, date and validity period of the special permit, as well as on the route of such transportation.

8. Prior to concluding a contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier, at the request of the consignor, shall submit a document (price list) containing information on the cost of the carrier's services and the procedure for calculating the carriage charge.

9. The waybill, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods, is drawn up for one or more consignments of goods transported on one vehicle, in 3 copies (originals), respectively, for the consignor, consignee and carrier.

The waybill is signed by the consignor and the carrier or their authorized persons.

Any corrections are certified by the signatures of both the consignor and the carrier or their authorized persons.

10. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported on different means of transport, such a number of consignment notes shall be drawn up, which corresponds to the number of means of transport used.

11. In the absence of all or any individual entries in the "Conditions of Transportation" section of the bill of lading, the conditions for the carriage of goods provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and these Rules are applied.

The absence of an entry is confirmed by a dash in the appropriate column when filling out the bill of lading.

12. When the consignor declares the value of the cargo, the cargo is accepted for transportation in the manner prescribed by these Rules, indicating its value in paragraph 5 of the waybill. The declared value must not exceed the actual value of the cargo.

13. Transportation of cargo accompanied by a representative of the cargo owner, transportation of cargo, in respect of which the movement of inventory items is not kept, is carried out by a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement for a vehicle for the carriage of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the charter agreement), concluded, unless otherwise provided for by agreement of the parties, in the form of an order-order for the provision of a vehicle in the form in accordance with Appendix No. (hereinafter referred to as the order-order).

14. The order-order is submitted by the charterer to the charterer, who is obliged to consider the order-order and, within 3 days from the date of its acceptance, inform the charterer about the acceptance or refusal to accept the order-order with a written justification of the reasons for refusal and return the order-order.

When considering an order-order, the charterer, in agreement with the charterer, determines the conditions for chartering a vehicle and fills in clauses 2, 8 - 10, 12 - 14 (in the part of the charterer) of the order-order.

15. When submitting an order-order to the charterer, the charterer fills in points 1, 3 - 7 and 14 of the order-order.

16. A change in the conditions of chartering along the route is noted by the charterer (driver) in column 11 "Reservations and remarks of the charterer" of the order.

17. In the absence of all or any individual entries in the purchase order relating to the conditions of chartering, the conditions provided for by the Federal Law and these Rules shall apply.

The absence of an entry is confirmed by a dash in the corresponding column of the work order.

18. The work order is drawn up in 3 copies (originals) signed by the charterer and the charterer. The first copy of the order-order remains with the charterer, the second and third are handed over to the charterer (driver). The third copy of the work order with the necessary marks is attached to the invoice for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods and sent to the charterer.

19. Any corrections in the purchase order shall be certified by the signatures of both the charterer and the charterer.

20. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported on different vehicles, such a number of work orders is drawn up that corresponds to the number of vehicles used.

21. Issuance of a bill of lading or order-order in the case of transportation of goods for personal, family, household or other non-execution entrepreneurial activity needs are carried out by the carrier (charterer) in agreement with the consignor (charterer), unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

III. Provision of vehicles and containers, presentation and acceptance of cargo for transportation, loading of cargo into vehicles and containers

22. The carrier, within the period established by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract), submits to the consignor for loading a serviceable vehicle in a condition suitable for the carriage of the corresponding cargo, and the consignor presents the cargo to the carrier within the established time limits.

23. Suitable for the carriage of goods are recognized vehicles and containers that correspond to the purpose, type and carrying capacity established by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract), as well as equipped with appropriate equipment.

24. The supply of a vehicle and a container unsuitable for the carriage of cargo, stipulated by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering agreement), is equated to the non-delivery of the vehicle.

25. The delivery of the vehicle to the point of loading with a delay of more than 2 hours from the time specified in the order (application) agreed upon by the carrier or work order is recognized as late, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties. When submitting a vehicle for loading, the consignor (charterer) notes in the consignment note (order) in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submitting the vehicle for loading,

as well as the condition of the cargo, containers, packaging, marking and sealing, the mass of the cargo and the number of packages.

26. Upon completion of loading, the carrier (driver) shall sign the bill of lading and, if necessary, indicate in clause 12 of the bill of lading his remarks and reservations upon acceptance of the cargo.

27. The charterer (driver), when submitting a vehicle for the carriage of goods, signs an order and, if necessary, indicates in clause 11 of the order, his comments and reservations when submitting a vehicle for the carriage of goods.

28. Changes in the conditions for the carriage of goods, including a change in the address of delivery of goods (redirection), along the way, are noted by the carrier (driver) in the bill of lading.

29. The consignor (charterer) has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract) in the event of:

a) provision by the carrier of a vehicle and a container unsuitable for the carriage of the corresponding cargo;

b) delivery of vehicles and containers to the loading point late;

c) failure by the driver of the vehicle to present to the consignor (charterer) an identity document and a waybill at the point of loading.

30. The condition of the cargo when it is presented for transportation is recognized as complying with the established requirements if:

a) the cargo is prepared, packed and packaged in accordance with the standards, specifications and other normative documents for cargo, tare, packaging and container;

b) when transporting cargo in a container or package, the cargo is marked in accordance with the established requirements;

c) the mass of the cargo corresponds to the mass indicated in the bill of lading.

31. When presented for transportation of cargo in containers or packaging, the consignor shall mark each package. Marking of packages consists of main, additional and information inscriptions, as well as manipulation signs.

32. The main markings include:

a) full or abbreviated name of the consignor and consignee;

b) the number of packages in the consignment and their numbers;

c) addresses of points of loading and unloading.

33. Additional markings include machine-readable markings using linear bar code symbols, two-dimensional symbols, RFID tags, including symbols for automatic identification and collection of cargo data.

34. Information markings include:

a) weight of the package (gross and net) in kilograms (tons);

b) linear dimensions of the package, if one of the parameters exceeds 1 meter.

35. Manipulative signs are conventional signs applied to the container or packaging to characterize the methods of handling cargo during transportation, storage, transportation, and determine the methods of handling the package during loading and unloading, transportation and storage of cargo.

36. By agreement of the parties, the marking of packages may be carried out by the carrier (charterer).

37. Markings and manipulation signs are applied in accordance with the standards and specifications on the cargo, containers and packaging. Marking is carried out by applying markings directly on the package or by sticking labels.

38. In the event that the terms for loading cargo into vehicles and containers, as well as unloading cargo from them, are not established in the contract for the carriage of cargo, loading and unloading of cargo is carried out on time in accordance with Appendix No.

39. The terms of loading and unloading of cargo do not include the time required to perform work to prepare the cargo for transportation.

40. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and a container, as well as unloading cargo from them, is carried out taking into account the list of works in accordance with Appendix No.

41. If the loading of cargo into a container and unloading of cargo from it are carried out by removing the container from the vehicle, the supply of an empty container to the consignor or a loaded container to the consignee is documented with an accompanying statement in accordance with Appendix No. (hereinafter referred to as the accompanying statement).

42. When submitting an empty container to the consignor or a loaded container to the consignee, the carrier fills in paragraphs 1 - 4, 6 - 10 (in the part of the carrier) of the accompanying statement, and also in the column "Copy No" indicates the serial number of the copy (original) of the accompanying statement, and in the line "Accompanying sheet No" - the serial number of the accounting by the carrier of the accompanying sheets.

43. When submitting a vehicle for loading, the consignor notes in the accompanying sheet in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submission (departure) of the vehicle for loading, the condition of the container and its sealing after loading onto the vehicle, and also fills in paragraph 10 of the accompanying sheet (in terms of the consignor).

44. If necessary, the consignor shall indicate in paragraph 5 of the accompanying sheet the information necessary to comply with phytosanitary, sanitary, quarantine, customs and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as recommendations on deadlines and temperature conditions for transportation and information on locking and sealing devices container.

45. When submitting a vehicle for unloading, the consignee notes in the accompanying sheet in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submission (departure) of the vehicle for unloading, the condition of the container and its sealing when unloading from the vehicle, and also fills in paragraph 10 of the accompanying sheet (in terms of the consignee).

46. ​​The accompanying statement is drawn up in 3 copies (originals) - for the consignee, consignor and carrier.

Any corrections in the accompanying statement are certified by the signatures of the consignor or consignee and the carrier.

47. The time for the container to be delivered to the points of loading and unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the accompanying statement to the consignor at the point of loading, and to the consignee - at the point of unloading.

48. Unless otherwise provided by the cargo transportation agreement (chartering agreement), the consignor (charterer) ensures the provision and installation on the vehicle of the devices necessary for loading, unloading and transportation of cargo, and the consignee (freighter) ensures their removal from the vehicle.

49. All devices belonging to the consignor (charterer) are returned by the carrier (charterer) to the consignor (charterer) in accordance with its indication in paragraph 5 of the consignment note and at the expense of the consignor (charterer), and in the absence of such an indication, they are issued to the consignee together with the cargo at the destination .

50. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and container is carried out by the consignor (charterer), and unloading from the vehicle and container - by the consignee, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

51. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and container is carried out in such a way as to ensure the safety of cargo transportation and its safety, as well as to prevent damage to the vehicle and container.

52. Packages, which are loaded mechanically, as a rule, must have loops, eyes, protrusions or other special devices for gripping by hoisting machines and devices.

The choice of means of securing cargo in the vehicle body (belts, chains, cables, wooden bars, stops, anti-slip mats, etc.) is carried out taking into account traffic safety, the safety of the transported cargo and the vehicle.

Securing the load with nails, staples or other methods that damage the vehicle is not allowed.

IV. Determination of the mass of cargo, sealing of vehicles and containers

53. When transporting cargo in containers or packages, as well as piece cargo, their weight is determined by the consignor, indicating in the consignment note the number of packages, the net (gross) weight of packages in kilograms, the dimensions (height, width and length) in meters, the volume of cargo seats in cubic meters.

54. The mass of cargo is determined in the following ways:

a) weighing

b) calculation based on geometric measurement data according to the volume of the loaded cargo and (or) technical documentation for it.

55. An entry in the bill of lading about the mass of cargo with an indication of the method of its determination is carried out by the consignor, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods. At the request of the carrier, the weight of the cargo is determined by the consignor in the presence of the carrier, and if the departure point is the carrier's terminal, by the carrier in the presence of the consignor. When transporting cargo in a covered vehicle and container sealed by the consignor, the weight of the cargo is determined by the consignor.

56. Upon completion of loading, the bodies of covered vehicles and containers intended for one consignee must be sealed, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods. Sealing of bodies of vehicles and containers is carried out by the consignor, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods.

57. The seal impression must have control characters (abbreviated name of the seal owner, trademarks or vice number) or a unique number.

Information about the sealing of the cargo (type and shape of the seal) is indicated in the bill of lading.

58. Seals attached to the bodies of vehicles, vans, tanks or containers, their sections and individual packages should not allow access to the cargo and removal of seals without violating their integrity.

59. Seals are hung:

a) for vans or their sections - one seal on the doors;

b) for containers - one seal on the doors;

c) for tanks - on the hatch cover and the drain hole, one seal each, except for cases when, by agreement of the parties, a different sealing procedure is provided;

d) at the package - from one to four seals at the joining points of edging strips or other bonding materials.

60. Sealing of the body of a vehicle covered with a tarpaulin is carried out only if the connection of the tarpaulin with the body makes it impossible to access the cargo.

61. The seal must be hung on the wire and compressed with a vise so that the prints on both sides are readable, and the wire cannot be removed from the seal. After compressing with a vise, each seal should be carefully examined and, if a defect is found, replaced with another.

Transportation with unclear imprints of the established control signs on the seals, as well as with incorrectly hung seals is prohibited.

62. Sealing of certain types of cargo can be carried out by the method of wrapping them, if this is provided for by the contract for the carriage of goods.

Paper tape, braid and other materials used for wrapping cargoes must not have knots and extensions. When wrapping, each place of fastening between the used packaging material must be marked with the stamp of the consignor.

Banding should exclude access to the cargo without violating the integrity of the packaging material used.

V. Delivery time, delivery of cargo. Cleaning of vehicles and containers

63. The carrier delivers and releases the cargo to the consignee at the address indicated by the consignor in the consignment note, the consignee accepts the cargo delivered to him. The carrier delivers the goods within the period specified in the contract for the carriage of goods. If the terms are not specified in the contract for the carriage of goods, the delivery of goods is carried out:

a) in urban, suburban traffic - within a day;

b) in long-distance or international communications - at the rate of one day for every 300 km of transportation distance.

64. The carrier informs the consignor and the consignee about the delay in the delivery of cargo. Unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods, the consignor and the consignee have the right to consider the cargo lost and demand compensation for damage for the lost cargo, if it was not issued to the consignee at his request:

a) within 10 days from the date of acceptance of the cargo for transportation - when transported in urban and suburban communications;

b) within 30 days from the day when the cargo was to be issued to the consignee - when transported in long-distance traffic.

65. The consignee has the right to refuse to accept the cargo and demand from the carrier compensation for damage in case of damage (damage) to the cargo during transportation due to the fault of the carrier, if the use of the cargo for its intended purpose is impossible.

66. If the consignee refuses to accept the cargo for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, the latter has the right to deliver the cargo to the new address indicated by the consignor (cargo forwarding), and if it is impossible to deliver the cargo to the new address, return the cargo to the consignor with the appropriate prior notification. The cost of shipping the goods when it is returned or re-addressed is reimbursed by the consignor.

67. Redirection of cargo is carried out in the following order:

a) the driver, using means of communication, informs the carrier of the date, time and reasons for the refusal of the consignee to accept the goods;

b) the carrier, in writing or using means of communication, notifies the consignor of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal of the consignee to accept the cargo and requests an instruction to re-address the cargo;

c) if the consignor does not receive a redirection within 2 hours from the moment of his notification of the impossibility of delivering the cargo, the carrier shall notify the consignor in writing of the return of the cargo and instruct the driver to return the cargo to the consignor;

d) upon receipt from the consignor of an instruction to re-address the cargo before it is delivered to the consignee specified in the consignment note, the carrier informs the driver about the re-address using means of communication.

68. When submitting a vehicle for unloading, the consignee notes in the bill of lading in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submitting the vehicle for unloading, as well as the condition of the cargo, packaging, marking and sealing, the weight of the cargo and the number of packages.

69. Upon completion of the use of the vehicle, the charterer shall mark in the order in the presence of the charterer (driver) the actual date and time of completion of the use of the vehicle.

70. Verification of the weight of the cargo and the number of packages, as well as the issuance of cargo to the consignee, are carried out in the manner prescribed by Article 15 of the Federal Law.

71. After unloading cargo, vehicles and containers must be cleaned of the remains of these cargoes, and after transporting goods according to the list in accordance with Appendix No., vehicles and containers must be washed and, if necessary, disinfected.

72. The responsibility for cleaning, washing and disinfecting vehicles and containers lies with the consignees. The carrier, in agreement with the consignee, has the right to assume for a fee the performance of work on washing and disinfection of vehicles and containers.

VI. Features of transportation of certain types of cargo

73. When cargo is transported in bulk, in bulk, in bulk or in containers, its mass is determined by the consignor and, upon acceptance of the cargo by the carrier, is indicated by the consignor in the bill of lading.

74. When transporting homogeneous piece cargo on a vehicle, separate markings (except for the gross and net weight of the cargo) are not applied, with the exception of small consignments.

When transporting homogeneous piece cargo in containers to one consignee in the amount of 5 or more packages, marking of at least 4 packages is allowed.

When cargo is transported in bulk, in bulk or in bulk, it is not marked.

75. Placement of divisible cargo on the vehicle is carried out in such a way that the total mass of the vehicle with such cargo does not exceed the permissible mass of the vehicle provided for in Appendix No. to these Rules, the load on the axle of the vehicle with such cargo does not exceed the permissible axle load of the vehicle provided for in Appendix No. to these Rules, and the dimensions of the vehicle with such cargo did not exceed the maximum permissible dimensions of the vehicle provided for in Appendix No. to these Rules.

76. When transporting cargo in bulk, in bulk or in bulk, cargo sealed by the consignor, perishable and dangerous cargo, as well as part of the cargo transported under one waybill, declaring the value of the cargo is not allowed.

77. Perishable cargo is transported in compliance with the temperature regime determined by the conditions of its transportation, ensuring the safety of its consumer properties, indicated by the consignor in column 5 of the bill of lading.

78. The amount of natural loss of cargo transported in bulk, in bulk or in bulk under several waybills from one consignor to one consignee, is determined for the entire batch of simultaneously issued cargo in accordance with the norms of natural wastage, determined in the prescribed manner.

VII. The procedure for drawing up acts and filing claims

79. The act is drawn up in the following cases:

a) non-exportation due to the fault of the carrier of the goods provided for by the contract for the carriage of goods;

b) failure to provide a vehicle and a container for loading;

c) loss or shortage of cargo, damage (spoilage) of cargo;

d) failure to present for the carriage of goods provided for by the contract for the carriage of goods;

e) refusal to use a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement;

e) delay in the delivery of goods;

g) delay (delay) of vehicles provided for loading and unloading;

h) delay (delay) of containers owned by the carrier and provided for loading.

80. The act is drawn up by the interested party on the day the circumstances are discovered that are subject to execution by the act. If it is impossible to draw up an act within the specified period, it is drawn up within the next day. If carriers, charterers, consignors, consignees and charterers evade drawing up an act, the relevant party has the right to draw up an act without the participation of the evading party, having previously notified it in writing of the drawing up of the act, unless another form of notification is provided for by the contract for the carriage of goods or the charter contract.

81. Marks in the bill of lading and the work order for drawing up the act are carried out by officials authorized to draw up acts.

82. The act contains:

a) the date and place of drawing up the act;

b) last names, first names, patronymics and positions of persons participating in the preparation of the act;

V) short description the circumstances that served as the basis for drawing up the act;

d) in case of loss or shortage of cargo, damage (spoilage) of cargo - their description and actual size;

e) the signatures of the parties involved in drawing up the act.

83. In the case specified in subparagraph "d" of paragraph of these Rules, the results of the examination are attached to the act to determine the amount of actual shortage and damage (spoilage) of the cargo, while this act must be drawn up in the presence of the driver.

84. In case of refusal to sign the person participating in the drawing up of the act, the reason for the refusal shall be indicated in the act.

85. The act is drawn up in the number of copies corresponding to the number of persons participating in its preparation, but not less than 2 copies. Corrections in the drawn up act are not allowed.

86. In the bill of lading, order-order, waybill and accompanying sheet, a note must be made on the preparation of the act, containing a brief description of the circumstances that served as the basis for its affixing, and the amount of the fine.

With regard to specialized vehicles according to the list in accordance with Appendix No., the amount of the fine for the delay (idle) of the vehicle is established in accordance with Part 5 of Article 35 of the Federal Law.

87. Claims are presented to carriers (charterers) at their location in writing within the limitation period established by Article 42 of the Federal Law.

88. The claim contains:

a) the date and place of compilation;

b) full name (last name, first name and patronymic), address of the location (place of residence) of the person who filed the claim;

c) full name (surname, name and patronymic), address of the location (place of residence) of the person to whom the claim is made;

d) a brief description of the circumstances giving rise to the claim;

e) justification, calculation and amount of the claim for each claim;

f) a list of attached documents confirming the circumstances set forth in the claim (certificate and waybill, order with notes, etc.);

g) last name, first name and patronymic, position of the person who signed the claim, his signature.

89. The claim is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is sent to the carrier (charterer), and the other remains with the person who filed the claim.

Application No. 1

to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car
(as amended by the decision
Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 27, 2014 No. 1590)

Permissible vehicle weight

Type of vehicle or combination of vehicles, number and arrangement of axles

Permissible vehicle weight, tons

Single cars




five axles and more

Road trains saddle and trailer




six axles and more

Application No. 2

to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car

Location of vehicle axles

Distance between closely spaced axes (meters)

Permissible load on the axle of a wheeled vehicle, depending on the standard (calculated) load on the axle (tons) and the number of wheels on the axle, (tons)

For highways, designed for a load of 6 tons per axle

for highways designed for a load of 10 tons per axle

for highways designed for axial load 11.5 tons per axle

Single axle (mass per axle)

over 2.5

5,5 (6)

9 (10)

10,5 (11,5)

Two-axle group (the sum of the masses of the axles included in the group of 2 adjacent axles)

up to 1 (inclusive)

8 (9)

10 (11)

11,5 (12,5)

9 (10)

13 (14)

14 (16)

10 (11)

15 (16)

17 (18)

11 (12)

17 (18)

18 (20)

Three-axle group (the sum of the masses of the axles included in the group of 3 closely spaced axles)

up to 1 (inclusive)

11 (12)

15 (16,5)

up to 1 (inclusive)

3,5 (4)

5 (5,5)

5,5 (6)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

4 (4,5)

6 (6,5)

6,5 (7)

over 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

4,5 (5)

6,5 (7)

7,5 (8)

over 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

5 (5,5)

7 (7,5)

8,5 (9)

Contiguous axles of vehicles with 8 or more wheels on each axle (load per axle in a group of axles)

up to 1 (inclusive)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)


over 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

over 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)



* In the event that the owner of the road establishes the appropriate traffic signs and posts information on the vehicle's axial load permissible for the road on its official website.

** For vehicles with single wheel axles and axle groups equipped with air suspension or equivalent.

*** A group of closely spaced axles are grouped axles, structurally combined and (or) not combined into a bogie, with a distance to the nearest axle up to 2.5 meters (inclusive).

**** Weight per axle, or the sum of the weights of the axles included in the axle group.

Note.1. Values ​​in parentheses are for axles with dual wheels, without brackets - for axles with single wheels.

2. Two-axle and three-axle groups, having in their composition axles with single and double wheels, should be considered as groups of axles, having in their composition axles with single wheels.

3. Uneven axle load distribution is allowed for two-axle and three-axle groups, if the actual load on the axle group does not exceed the permissible load on the axle group with single or dual-wheel wheels and the actual load on the most loaded axle in two-axle and three-axle groups does not exceed the permissible axle load of a single axles with single or dual wheels, respectively.

4. If there are different values ​​of center distances in axle groups, each distance between axles is assigned a value obtained by arithmetic averaging (the sum of all center distances in the group is divided by the number of center distances in the group). The center distance, obtained by arithmetic averaging, is assigned to two-axle and three-axle groups to determine the allowable load.

Application No. 3

to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car

Maximum permissible dimensions of vehicles

All vehicles

2.55 meters

Isothermal vehicle bodies

2.6 meters

All vehicles

Note.The maximum permissible dimensions of vehicles specified in this annex include the dimensions of swap bodies and containers for goods, including containers.

Application No. 4

to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car

Rules for the carriage of goods by road: general provisions

The general rules for the carriage of goods are established by the relevant transport codes, charters, other laws and regulatory documents developed on their basis (clause 2 of article 784 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For example, when organizing and carrying out cargo transportation by road transport, it is necessary to take into account the following provisions:

  • Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport dated November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ;
  • Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the rules of the road" dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090.

The movement of goods by road can be implemented in the following types of communication (clause 1, article 4 of the Charter):

  • urban;
  • suburban;
  • intercity;
  • international.

Depending on the type of message and the type of cargo (for example, dangerous or perishable), in addition to the rules for the carriage of goods, the provisions of international treaties and agreements (clauses 2-4 of the Rules) may also be applied.

Contract for the carriage of goods

Transportation of cargo is carried out on the basis of a contract of carriage (clause 6 of the Rules).

The parties to such an agreement are the shipper and the carrier. An agreement can be concluded by accepting an order for sale by the carrier (or an application from the consignor - if there is an agreement on the organization of transportation). Thus, the contract of carriage is real and not consensual.

The fact of the conclusion of such an agreement is certified by the waybill drawn up by the sender of the goods, unless otherwise agreed by the parties (clause 1, article 8 of the Charter). According to the rules for the carriage of goods, the waybill is issued:

  • in the form of Appendix No. 4 of the said Rules (paragraph 2, clause 6);
  • in the amount of 3 copies for one or more consignments of goods transported on 1 vehicle unit (clause 9 of the Rules).

The presence of properly executed bills of lading in the event of disputes is usually considered by the court as evidence of an agreement between the parties on cargo transportation (for example, Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2017 in case No. A40-118675 / 2016).

However, the absence of a consignment note in itself does not mean that a transportation contract has not been concluded (clause 20 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2018 No. 26).

An essential condition of the contract for the carriage of goods by road is the subject of the agreement. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 785 of Law No. 14-FZ, the carrier is obliged to deliver the cargo entrusted to him to the point of destination and transfer it to a person who has the appropriate authority to accept the cargo. The shipper is obliged to pay for the service provided to him.

  • detailed characteristics of the cargo (name, weight, volume, dimensions, etc.);
  • date and time of departure of the cargo and its delivery;
  • description of points of departure and destination;
  • the cost of the service and the procedure for making calculations.

Deadlines for the carriage of goods by road and responsibility for their non-compliance

  1. The provision of transport and containers suitable for the carriage of goods is carried out within the time limits established by the contract (clause 22 of the Rules). For violation of the conditions for the export of goods, as well as for failure to present the goods for shipment, the violator (in the first case - the carrier, in the second - the sender) pays a fine to the 2nd party of the agreement in the amount of 20 percent of the carriage charge. Also, the party whose rights were infringed by the delay may demand compensation for the losses caused in this way (clause 1, article 34, clause 1, article 35 of the Charter).
  2. Terms of loading and unloading of goods are stipulated in the agreement. In the absence of such clarifications in the contract, it is necessary to use Appendix No. 6 to the rules for the carriage of goods, approved by Resolution No. 272.
  3. Delivery period. The time allotted for the delivery of goods is usually prescribed in the agreement of the parties. In the absence of such an indication, the delivery of goods to the destination is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods:
  • during the day - in urban and suburban traffic;
  • at the rate of 24 hours for every 300 km of transportation distance - in intercity and international traffic (paragraph 63 of the Rules).

For delay in the delivery of cargo, a fine is provided equal to 9 percent of the amount of the carriage charge for each day of delay, but not higher than the cost of the entire transportation (clause 11, article 34 of the Charter).

Responsibility of carriers for non-safety of cargo

The carrier is liable for any damage to or loss of the cargo from the moment it is accepted for transportation until it is handed over to an authorized person, regardless of the presence or absence of the carrier's fault in violating this obligation (clause 1, article 796 of Law No. 14-FZ).

Liability is excluded if the carrier proves that the goods were damaged or lost due to external circumstances, which he could not prevent. At the same time, one indication of the fact of a force majeure event is not enough, the carrier must prove that all possible actions were taken on its part to eliminate negative consequences (Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of March 13, 2017 in case No. A40-65662 / 2016).

According to the rules for the carriage of goods, before filing a claim against the carrier, it is necessary to comply with the claim procedure (Article 39 of the Charter). Claims may be filed within the limitation period of 1 year and calculated from the moment of damage or loss of cargo, delay in delivery, etc. (Article 42 of the Charter).

Thus, the rules for the carriage of goods by road in conjunction with the norms of other branches of legislation (including the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and international agreements) regulate the relations that arise between the carrier, consignor and consignee in the process of territorial movement of a material object - cargo.

The rules for the carriage of goods provide for the basic requirements for the organization and implementation of the process of transportation of goods, as well as measures of responsibility for their violation.

The fact of concluding a contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by a properly executed bill of lading.

There are certain standards in the field of freight transport. They relate to maintenance, the condition of road transport, the qualifications and duties of the crew.

Freight transport rules

One of the fundamental documents in this area is the Rules for the carriage of goods by road. They were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 ​​dated 15.04.11. The text contains requirements for road transport - the procedure for organizing, ensuring the integrity and presentation of material assets, the necessary conditions when moving hazardous substances and products. It contains examples of documenting a service, defines the main terms - heavy and large-sized transport, package, batch.

The transport of dangerous goods is also regulated by ADR. The standards applicable to goods with a short shelf life are implemented under the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs.

Road safety rules

The requirements for such transportation also apply to the region road safety. In particular, this regulatory document introduces restrictions on the weight and dimensions of transported goods.

According to the SDA, transportation by personal and commercial vehicles is allowed if the items being transported do not block the view, do not create noise, do not generate dust and do not cover the lighting devices outside the vehicle. The text prescribes the rules for moving large-sized products on the roads, marking, using special signs and additional lighting fixtures.

On international routes, carriers are guided by agreements that Russia has concluded with other states or relevant organizations.

Transport Requirements

The technical condition and equipment of trucks and trailers must be such that during their operation the goods, the driver himself or third-party road users are in maximum safety. Therefore, it is necessary that cars, trailers and semi-trailers meet certain standards.

The type of suitable transport is established by the method of technical and economic analysis, comparing possible options transportation. Choose the one that is most effective for economic, technological and other reasons. In some cases, resort to the expert method.

Freight transportation can be carried out only when the condition of the equipment complies with accepted standards.

The cabin has the following requirements:

  • smooth movement of the side windows;
  • serviceability of the seats - without failures, protruding springs, torn upholstery;
  • noise level indicators corresponding to the values ​​provided for by GOST, sanitary, hygienic norms and rules;
  • performance of heating devices;
  • the presence of a rug on the floor - without holes or any other damage;
  • good condition of the fixing elements, limiters of the interior door, hoods.

The seals on the truck control units must be in working order to prevent exhaust gases from entering the passenger compartment. The rims are securely attached to the hubs, there are no cracks, dents, or bulges in the parts. The lock rings of the discs are correctly installed and in good condition.

Electrical equipment must ensure that the engine is turned on with a starter, timely ignition of the mixture, operation of lighting devices, alarms, and control equipment.

According to the rules, the vehicle must always have at least two special stops for the wheels, a wide lining under the heel of the jack, a sign informing about an emergency stop and a red light with a flashing function. Each vehicle is required to have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. If the duration of the trip exceeds a day, then you will additionally need metal tragus, a shovel, a towing device, a safety plug for the wheel lock ring. In the cold season, the set is supplemented with anti-slip chains.

It is required that the handle of the starting handle be serviceable, have a straight pin of the required length and strength. The crankshaft ratchets must have unfinished slots. If the transport is used for harvesting, then spark arresters are installed on the exhaust pipes.

Such malfunctions:

  • broken bars, boards on the body, which causes injuries and loss of cargo;
  • disc curvature;
  • damage to the insulation of electrical equipment;
  • leakage of electrolyte and other technical liquids;
  • sparking in the wires and clamps of the electrical system;
  • dents, cracks and breakdowns of the exhaust pipe and muffler.

Exhaust gases must not be used as a heat carrier, but it is allowed to heat the latter with them. Road transportation by own transport will be safer if the condition meets the above requirements.

In trucks, trailers used for them, semi-trailers, free opening of the sides must be ensured. The serviceability of all hinges and locks, folding racks, shields, stoppers, parking brake is mandatory. Semi-trailers must have fifth wheels, front supports on which the vehicle rests when uncoupled from the tractor.

In cars and dump trailers, check the mechanisms that are responsible for holding the body up to prevent it from being arbitrarily lowered. It is important to exclude the possibility of unauthorized opening of the board. Failure to comply with this paragraph leads to loss of cargo and accidents on the road.

Special Requirements applied to the equipment of vehicles that transport dangerous goods. They relate to both design and equipment, marking. These rules are detailed in ADR.

Requirements for a truck driver

There are a number of requirements for a freight forwarder. Driving a vehicle is allowed only if there is a national license. To work in this industry, they must be at least category B. The driver must know:

  • how the truck and other equipment used for transportation is arranged;
  • how the main mechanisms, devices, components interact;
  • principle of operation various types tachographs - control devices installed on board the vehicle, recording the speed of the vehicle, fixing the alternation of the period of work and rest of the crew.

The driver is required to know the provisions of the rules and instructions on safety, labor protection. He is obliged to comply with these norms during the technical inspection of the car, handling materials used in the operation of the vehicles entrusted to him, loading and unloading, if they are provided for by the contract. Be sure to clearly follow the provisions of the recommendations regarding the operation of the car, trailers for the transport of goods.

The duties of the driver include compliance with the conditions for the carriage of goods by road, in particular, control over the reliable and correct position and fastening of the transported goods, containers. Therefore, he learns the basic methods of loading, the features of transportation. If the center of gravity on the road shifts to the right or left, then the car may tip over on a turn, and moving to the rear of the body is fraught with loss of adhesion of the front pair of wheels to the roadway, tipping back if a steep slope is found on the road.

More is required from the driver who is hired to work on the transport of dangerous goods. He must learn such knowledge and skills:

  • basic information about dangerous goods - to know the types of hazard, marking, signs used;
  • rules for the transportation of such goods, safety standards;
  • preventive measures to prevent emergency situations;
  • actions in case of an accident;
  • basic requirements for loading, unloading, joint transportation of substances;
  • measures to provide first aid to victims and more.

All this knowledge he receives during the passage of a special course of study, after which a certificate is issued. In this case, the requirements for the driver's experience of the applicant are also prescribed - at least a year in the corresponding category. Another condition is that over the past 12 months, he should not be penalized for traffic violations in the form of administrative arrest or deprivation of rights.

Drivers of vehicles carrying hazardous substances are required to strictly comply with ADR regulations.

Service quality

GOST R 51005-96 establishes the requirements for the carriage of goods by road. The standard introduces a nomenclature of quality indicators, which are taken as a basis in regulatory bills approved in accordance with the current legislation.

According to the document, a transport service is the result of the activity of an individual entrepreneur or a transport company for the movement of material assets, which meets the needs of the sender, subject to the preservation of the cargo and timely delivery.

According to GOST R 51005-96, introduced groups of quality indicators according to the properties of freight traffic. This:

  • timeliness - delivery on time, regularity, urgency;
  • safety - no loss, damage, pollution;
  • economic indicators - unit costs and specific total costs for delivery, unloading, loading, warehouse work, the percentage of transportation costs in the cost of production.

Cargo transportation is a very complex industry, despite the seeming simplicity of the service itself. It imposes multiple requirements on the organization of transportation, safety on the roads and at work, and labor protection. Only a clear implementation of all the rules will allow both the carrier and the customer to achieve the desired result.

"oversized vehicle"- a vehicle, the dimensions of which, with or without cargo, exceed the maximum permissible dimensions of the vehicle in accordance with Appendix N 3;

"divisible cargo" - cargo that can be placed on 2 or more packages without loss of consumer properties or the risk of damage.

II. Conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods, a contract for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods

6. The carriage of goods is carried out on the basis of a contract for the carriage of goods, which may be concluded by accepting the order for execution by the carrier, and in the presence of an agreement on the organization of the carriage of goods - the application of the consignor, except for the cases specified in paragraph 13 of these Rules.

The conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by the waybill drawn up by the consignor (unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 4 (hereinafter referred to as the waybill).

7. The order (application) is submitted by the consignor to the carrier, who is obliged to consider the order (application) and, within 3 days from the date of its acceptance, inform the consignor of the acceptance or refusal to accept the order (application) with a written justification of the reasons for refusal and return the order (application) ).

When considering an order (application), the carrier, in agreement with the consignor, determines the conditions for the carriage of goods and fills in clauses 8-11, , and (in the part of the carrier) of the waybill. When transporting dangerous goods, as well as during transportation carried out by a heavy and (or) large-sized vehicle, the carrier indicates in paragraph 13 of the consignment note, if necessary, information on the number, date and validity period of the special permit, as well as on the route of such transportation.

8. Prior to concluding a contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier, at the request of the consignor, shall submit a document (price list) containing information on the cost of the carrier's services and the procedure for calculating the carriage charge.

9. The waybill, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods, is drawn up for one or more consignments of goods transported on one vehicle, in 3 copies (originals), respectively, for the consignor, consignee and carrier.

The waybill is signed by the consignor and the carrier or their authorized persons.

Any corrections are certified by the signatures of both the consignor and the carrier or their authorized persons.

10. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported on different means of transport, such a number of consignment notes shall be drawn up, which corresponds to the number of means of transport used.

11. In the absence of all or any individual entries in the "Conditions of Transportation" section of the bill of lading, the conditions for the carriage of goods provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and these Rules are applied.

The absence of an entry is confirmed by a dash in the appropriate column when filling out the bill of lading.

12. When the consignor declares the value of the cargo, the cargo is accepted for transportation in the manner prescribed by these Rules, indicating its value in paragraph 5 of the waybill. The declared value must not exceed the actual value of the cargo.

13. Transportation of cargo accompanied by a representative of the cargo owner, transportation of cargo, in respect of which the movement of inventory items is not kept, is carried out by a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement for a vehicle for the carriage of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the charter agreement), concluded, unless otherwise provided for by agreement of the parties, in the form of an order-order for the provision of a vehicle in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 5 (hereinafter referred to as the order-order).

14. The order-order is submitted by the charterer to the charterer, who is obliged to consider the order-order and, within 3 days from the date of its acceptance, inform the charterer about the acceptance or refusal to accept the order-order with a written justification of the reasons for refusal and return the order-order.

When considering an order-order, the charterer, in agreement with the charterer, determines the conditions for chartering a vehicle and fills in clauses 2, 8-10, 12-14 (in the part of the charterer) of the order-order.

16. A change in the conditions of chartering along the route is noted by the charterer (driver) in column 11 "Reservations and remarks of the charterer" of the order.

17. In the absence of all or any individual entries in the purchase order relating to the conditions of chartering, the conditions provided for by the Federal Law and these Rules shall apply.

The absence of an entry is confirmed by a dash in the corresponding column of the work order.

18. The work order is drawn up in 3 copies (originals) signed by the charterer and the charterer. The first copy of the order-order remains with the charterer, the second and third are handed over to the charterer (driver). The third copy of the work order with the necessary marks is attached to the invoice for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods and sent to the charterer.

19. Any corrections in the purchase order shall be certified by the signatures of both the charterer and the charterer.

20. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported on different vehicles, such a number of work orders is drawn up that corresponds to the number of vehicles used.

21. The execution of a waybill or order-order in the case of transportation of goods for personal, family, household or other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities is carried out by the carrier (charterer) in agreement with the consignor (charterer), unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

III. Provision of vehicles and containers, presentation and acceptance of cargo for transportation, loading of cargo into vehicles and containers

22. The carrier, within the period established by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract), submits to the consignor for loading a serviceable vehicle in a condition suitable for the carriage of the corresponding cargo, and the consignor presents the cargo to the carrier within the established time limits.

23. Suitable for the carriage of goods are recognized vehicles and containers that correspond to the purpose, type and carrying capacity established by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract), as well as equipped with appropriate equipment.

24. The supply of a vehicle and a container unsuitable for the carriage of cargo, stipulated by the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering agreement), is equated to the non-delivery of the vehicle.

25. The delivery of the vehicle to the point of loading with a delay of more than 2 hours from the time specified in the order (application) agreed upon by the carrier or work order is recognized as late, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties. When submitting a vehicle for loading, the consignor (charterer) notes in the bill of lading (order-order) in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submitting the vehicle for loading, as well as the condition of the cargo, packaging, packaging, marking and sealing, the weight of the cargo and the number of packages.

26. Upon completion of loading, the carrier (driver) shall sign the bill of lading and, if necessary, indicate in clause 12 of the bill of lading his remarks and reservations upon acceptance of the cargo.

27. The charterer (driver), when submitting a vehicle for the carriage of goods, signs an order and, if necessary, indicates in clause 11 of the order, his comments and reservations when submitting a vehicle for the carriage of goods.

28. Changes in the conditions for the carriage of goods, including a change in the address of delivery of goods (redirection), along the way, are noted by the carrier (driver) in the bill of lading.

29. The consignor (charterer) has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the carriage of goods (chartering contract) in the event of:

a) provision by the carrier of a vehicle and a container unsuitable for the carriage of the corresponding cargo;

b) delivery of vehicles and containers to the loading point late;

c) failure by the driver of the vehicle to present to the consignor (charterer) an identity document and a waybill at the point of loading.

30. The condition of the cargo when it is presented for transportation is recognized as complying with the established requirements if:

a) the cargo is prepared, packaged and packaged in accordance with the standards, specifications and other regulatory documents for the cargo, tare, package and container;

b) when transporting cargo in a container or package, the cargo is marked in accordance with the established requirements;

c) the mass of the cargo corresponds to the mass indicated in the bill of lading.

31. When presented for transportation of cargo in containers or packaging, the consignor shall mark each package. Marking of packages consists of main, additional and information inscriptions, as well as manipulation signs.

32. The main markings include:

a) full or abbreviated name of the consignor and consignee;

b) the number of packages in the consignment and their numbers;

c) addresses of points of loading and unloading.

33. Additional markings include machine-readable markings using linear bar code symbols, two-dimensional symbols, RFID tags, including symbols for automatic identification and collection of cargo data.

34. Information markings include:

a) weight of the package (gross and net) in kilograms (tons);

b) linear dimensions of the package, if one of the parameters exceeds 1 meter.

35. Manipulation signs are conventional signs applied to containers or packaging to characterize the methods of handling cargo during transportation, storage, transportation, and determine the methods of handling a package during loading and unloading, transportation and storage of cargo.

36. By agreement of the parties, the marking of packages may be carried out by the carrier (charterer).

37. Markings and manipulation signs are applied in accordance with the standards and specifications on the cargo, containers and packaging. Marking is carried out by applying markings directly on the package or by sticking labels.

38. In the event that the terms for loading cargo into vehicles and containers, as well as unloading cargo from them, are not established in the contract for the carriage of cargo, loading and unloading of cargo is carried out on time in accordance with Appendix No. 6.

39. The terms of loading and unloading of cargo do not include the time required to perform work to prepare the cargo for transportation.

40. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and a container, as well as unloading cargo from them, is carried out taking into account the list of works in accordance with Appendix No. 7.

41. If the loading of cargo into a container and the unloading of cargo from it are carried out by removing the container from the vehicle, the supply of an empty container to the consignor or a loaded container to the consignee is documented with an accompanying statement in accordance with Appendix No. 8 (hereinafter referred to as the accompanying statement).

42. When submitting an empty container to the consignor or a loaded container to the consignee, the carrier fills in paragraphs 1-4, 6-10 (regarding the carrier) of the accompanying statement, and also in the column "Instance N" indicates the serial number of the copy (original) of the accompanying statement, and in the line "Accompanying sheet N" - the serial number of the accounting by the carrier of the accompanying sheets.

43. When submitting a vehicle for loading, the consignor notes in the accompanying sheet in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submission (departure) of the vehicle for loading, the condition of the container and its sealing after loading onto the vehicle, and also fills in paragraph 10 of the accompanying sheet (in terms of the consignor).

44. If necessary, the consignor shall indicate in paragraph 5 of the accompanying sheet the information necessary to comply with phytosanitary, sanitary, quarantine, customs and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as recommendations on deadlines and temperature conditions for transportation and information on locking and sealing devices container.

45. When submitting a vehicle for unloading, the consignee notes in the accompanying sheet in the presence of the carrier (driver) the actual date and time of submission (departure) of the vehicle for unloading, the condition of the container and its sealing when unloading from the vehicle, and also fills in paragraph 10 of the accompanying sheet (in terms of the consignee).

46. ​​The accompanying statement is drawn up in 3 copies (originals) - for the consignee, consignor and carrier.

Any corrections in the accompanying statement are certified by the signatures of the consignor or consignee and the carrier.

47. The time for the container to be delivered to the points of loading and unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the accompanying statement to the consignor at the point of loading, and to the consignee - at the point of unloading.

48. Unless otherwise provided by the cargo transportation agreement (chartering agreement), the consignor (charterer) ensures the provision and installation on the vehicle of the devices necessary for loading, unloading and transportation of cargo, and the consignee (freighter) ensures their removal from the vehicle.

49. All devices belonging to the consignor (charterer) are returned by the carrier (charterer) to the consignor (charterer) in accordance with its indication in paragraph 5 of the consignment note and at the expense of the consignor (charterer), and in the absence of such an indication, they are issued to the consignee together with the cargo at the destination .

50. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and container is carried out by the consignor (charterer), and unloading from the vehicle and container - by the consignee, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.

51. Loading of cargo into a vehicle and container is carried out in such a way as to ensure the safety of cargo transportation and its safety, as well as to prevent damage to the vehicle and container.

52. Packages, which are loaded mechanically, as a rule, must have loops, eyes, ledges or other special devices for capture by hoisting machines and devices.

The choice of means of securing cargo in the vehicle body (belts, chains, cables, wooden bars, stops, anti-slip mats, etc.) is carried out taking into account traffic safety, safety of the transported cargo and the vehicle.

Securing the load with nails, staples or other methods that damage the vehicle is not allowed.

IV. Determination of the mass of cargo, sealing of vehicles and containers

53. When transporting cargo in containers or packages, as well as piece cargo, their weight is determined by the consignor, indicating in the consignment note the number of packages, the net (gross) weight of packages in kilograms, the dimensions (height, width and length) in meters, the volume of cargo seats in cubic meters.

54. The mass of cargo is determined in the following ways:

for highways designed for a load of 10 tons per axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 11.5 tons per axle

Single axle (mass per axle)

Two-axle group (sum of the masses of the axles in a group of 2 adjacent axles***)

up to 1 (inclusive)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

Three-axle group (sum of the masses of the axles included in a group of 3 closely spaced axles***)

up to 1 (inclusive)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

over 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

over 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Contiguous axles of vehicles with no more than 4 wheels on each axle (load per axle in a group of 4 axles or more***)

up to 1 (inclusive)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

over 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

over 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Contiguous axles of vehicles with 8 or more wheels on each axle (load per axle in a group of axles)

up to 1 (inclusive)

over 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

over 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

over 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Maximum permissible dimensions of vehicles

Single vehicle

12 meters

12 meters

road train

20 meters

The length of the load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle clearance must not exceed

its condition and other necessary information about the cargo)

(number of packages, marking, type of container and method of packaging)


(net (gross) weight of packages in kilograms, dimensions (height, width and length) in meters,

volume of packages in cubic meters)


(in the case of the transport of dangerous goods, information on each dangerous substance,

material or product in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1 of ADR)

4. Accompanying documents for the cargo


(a list of documents attached to the consignment note provided for by ADR, sanitary, customs, quarantine, other rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or registration numbers of these documents, if such documents (information about such documents) are contained in state information systems)


(a list of certificates, quality passports, certificates, permits, instructions, documents of title and other documents attached to the cargo, the presence of which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or the registration numbers of these documents, if such documents (information about such documents) are contained in state information systems)

5. Shipper's instructions


(parameters of the vehicle necessary for the carriage of goods

(type, brand, carrying capacity, capacity, etc.))


(instructions required to comply with phytosanitary, sanitary, quarantine, customs and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation)


(recommendations on the deadlines and temperature conditions of transportation, information on locking and sealing devices (if provided by the shipper), declared value (value) of the cargo, prohibition of reloading the cargo)

6. Acceptance of cargo

7. Delivery of goods

goods, after the transportation of which vehicles, containers must be washed and, if necessary, disinfected

Alabaster (gypsum) in pieces and ground

Barite (heavy spar)

Mineral wool

Vegetable pomace

Gage (gypsum marl)


Mud mineral for baths

Feed yeast (hydrolytic sulphate)

Potato and beet pulp

Asbestos cardboard


Compound feed

apatite concentrate

Nepheline concentrate

Dry paints and dyes

Cereals (in the presence of damage to consumer packaging)

Tree green vitamin flour

Dolomite flour

Feed flour

Food flour

Coniferous-vitamin flour

Non-ferrous metal sawdust


asphalt powder

lime powder

Powder magnesite metallurgical

Fireclay powder

Cigarettes (cigarettes) (in the presence of damage to consumer packaging)

Salt food and technical

Powder detergents

Technical and building glass (if there is breakage)

Shavings of non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Sulphates other than hazardous

Raw tobacco and shag

Tobacco (leaves and roots, snuff, processed)

Talc ground and in pieces (talc stone)

Glass containers (if there is a fight)

Peat and peat products

Fertilizers organic and complex

Fertilizers chemical and mineral

Minced meat dried (in bags)


Chamotte lumpy

Feed meal

Dangerous goods (in cases established by ADR)

Perishable goods

Animals and birds

Appendix No. 10
to the Rules

specialized vehicles

With changes and additions from:

1. Vehicles with box body:

refrigerated vans;

vans with body heating.

2. Vehicles - tanks:

tanks for the transportation of loose, powdery, pulverized building materials, including cement trucks;

tanks for the transportation of bulk food products: flour, grain, mixed fodder, bran;

tanks for transportation of food liquids.

3. Vehicles for the transport of construction materials:

vehicles - panel carriers;

vehicles - farm locomotives;

vehicles - concrete mixers;

vehicles with a tipper body.

4. Vehicles for transporting animals.

5. Vehicles for transporting cars.

6. Vehicles - container ships.

7. Vehicles with a swap body.

8. Vehicles - garbage trucks.

9. Vehicles intended for the carriage of dangerous goods in accordance with ADR (MEMU, EX/II, EX/III, FL, OX, AT)