Sports growth hormones. Growth hormone: properties and application features for amateurs. Peptides in bodybuilding

Date of: 2015-03-02 Views: 30 756 Grade: 3.0

Important! The site "Your Trainer" does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who nevertheless decide to take them do it as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

In this article I will talk about the use of such an interesting substance as somatotropin (growth hormone) at a purely amateur level. If in a nutshell - somatotropic growth hormone, this is a polypeptide anabolic hormone human body, consisting of a chain of 191 amino acids and produced by the anterior pituitary gland under the control of somatoliberin and somatostatin. Both are hypothalamic hormones. The first stimulates the production of growth hormone, and the second suppresses it. Growth hormone is responsible for:
  • The growth of the whole organism as a whole during puberty.
  • Renewal and restoration of the musculoskeletal system in adults.
Indirectly, it is related to the state of the nervous system, internal organs, skin and so on. Why is the relationship mediated? Because it is not somatotropin itself that affects all this, but, which is formed in the body under the control of growth hormone. I think dry theory is enough. Let's move on to juicy practice.

properties of growth hormone

So, the dealers involved in the distribution of somatotropin promise that as soon as you get a couple of dozen bottles of the same (one of the commercial names for growth hormone), then in a few months you will magically transform into a muscular fat-free monster. Or into a slender and embossed handsome man - depending on the goals of a particular user of pharmacology. In fact, both the anabolic and fat-burning abilities of this substance are STRONGLY exaggerated. Yes, it is able to accelerate protein synthesis in muscle cells, as well as reduce the activity in transporting glucose through cell membranes. Which, against the background of a low-carb diet, will force the body to switch to fat fuel as energy for existence. But it's all theory and marketing. In practice, the introduction of growth hormone into allows you to enhance the effectiveness of AAS () and reduce their dosages. That is, you will gain better mass and look better on the background of a high-carb diet typical of a period of work on mass. Will it give you the opportunity to gain more muscle than just on a steroid course in the same unit of time? I take the liberty of saying that it is not in 9 out of 10 cases. Why do the pros grow so huge on it?
  • Well, genetics, this time. There is an abyss between the genetic differences between a pro and an ordinary extra.
  • And two, this is a compote of a pro, codenamed TIGER. (testosterone, insulin, growth hormone).
  • Well, the third component is the dosage. For somatotropin, they are in the range of 20 - 30 IU per day. A simple amateur is not ready for such a thing, not mentally, not financially, not physically.
During the period of fat burning, growth hormone is responsible for three functions.
  • The first is the ability to get rid of fat permanently. That is, immediately from everywhere, and not from top to bottom, as is usually the case.
  • The second is its ability to perfectly protect meat from cortisol. That is an anti-catabolic effect.
  • And third, this hormone, combined with AAS and a competent diet, makes your carcass at the exit from the drying period just FANTASTIC quality. So far, the “gormoshka” has no competitors in this regard and is not even visible on the horizon.
Will growth hormone speed up the process of getting rid of fat? Again, most likely not. True, for weight loss it is, whatever one may say, more effective than for weight gain. Just take into account: both on mass and on drying, growth hormone works only as an addition to the steroid course. As the only drug, it is TOTALLY stupid for these purposes. But it will help strengthen musculoskeletal system and will have a general rejuvenating effect on the body.

How to use amateur

1. The first two or three years we use ONLY testosterone and anabolic steroids. Slowly but surely gaining muscle mass, following a competent diet and stuff like that. As a result, we reach a certain weight and consider it the most objective for us in terms of appearance/functionality. 2. After this time, it is time to connect the growth hormone. Starting with a dose of 4 IU per day and gradually bringing it up to 10 IU (no longer worth it - there may be problems) we sit on growth hormone in combination with AAS and slowly change the ratio of water / fat / meat in our body. That is, while remaining at the same weight, the hormone will allow in a year and a half to consist of juicy and embossed meat. 3. We divide the daily dose into two parts and put the first one and a half hours before training, and the second one and a half hours after it. On days without training, we make the first injection before breakfast, and the second one - before lunch, an hour before meals. 4. Naturally, all this is in the background. Moreover, testosterone at this level is already taken on an ongoing basis. As for growth hormone, its courses are objective in the range of 3-4 months with a month and a half break between them. 5. No insulin or thyroid hormones. Just regularly take tests for sugar in the blood and the state of the thyroid gland. If problems arise, we cancel the growth hormone for the period necessary to restore normal performance. 6. We do not put the hormone at night. This is the only way to disrupt the endogenous secretion of somatotropin by our pituitary gland. Don't forget to follow a strict diet. If you have already decided to take risks, then six days a week you eat only the right food. Otherwise, you will not see the expected effect. 7. You can connect somatotropin only for drying if you use the AAS course model, but not less than three months. This is for those who are not particularly rich and cannot afford regular infusions. On the mass - most likely not worth it. But it is also not prohibited. Again, the duration is at least 12 weeks. In general, growth hormone likes a permanent base of injections. My personal opinion: a couple of months a year - only injury prevention and general rejuvenation. In this case, a dose of 3-4 IU per day is more than enough. 8. To date, I personally trust only two manufacturers. This Jintropin And Ansomon. The situation with Dinatrope, but if you are sure of the honesty of the one you buy from, you can take it. Naturally, pharmacy and certified in Europe Saizen, Norditropin And Genotropin These are generally standards of quality. But getting them now is no easier than flying into orbit. But just in case, be aware of them. All sorts of underground drugs like Kigtropina, Nordica And Blue Tops, this is only at your own risk. Personally, I would go around them for a kilometer. And the last. The likelihood of achieving the expected results with minimal health risks is greatly increased if you consult with a person who has an understanding in this process. IN this case, attempts to do without consultation are fraught with the fact that you will spend a decent amount of money for absolutely no benefit to yourself. So you can

Guys, hello! We will now deal with synthetic human growth hormone and its side effects, otherwise I get a lot of questions about this from you.

Many websites, rejuvenation clinics, nutritional supplement companies, and celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone claim that growth hormone injections are safe and that there can be no side effects from using synthetic human growth hormone. They paint enticing pictures of how such injections can improve your quality of life. For example.

  • Muscle tone and strength will increase, while the amount of fat in the body will decrease.
  • Increased energy and stamina levels.
  • Hair color will be restored. Hair will become thick and healthy.
  • Your mood will improve and depression will go away.
  • There will be less wrinkles on the face and the skin will tighten.
  • Blood pressure, cholesterol levels and eyesight will improve.
  • Memory will improve and mental clarity will increase
  • There will be more sexual powers.

Sounds great, doesn't it? To be forever young, bright and sporty! How much are you willing to pay to get this result? Would you spend a couple of hundred dollars, a thousand or more? Well, that's exactly what a lot of people do.

They dismiss the real and present danger of injections of artificial growth hormone for these promises. Knowing the desire of many people on this site to try growth hormone injections to increase height I hope this article will help you separate facts from rumors. Help you understand that there are natural ways to allow your body to maximize its ability to produce and regulate this important hormone without harm. side effects of synthetic growth hormone. Let's start by answering a few basic questions.

What is Somatotropin or Human Growth Hormone?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hypothalamic hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is also called somatotropin. It plays an important role in metabolism, weight gain, body fat reduction and much more.

Human growth hormone stimulates liver cells to secrete polypeptide molecules known as somatomedins. The most studied is insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). HGH together with IGF-1 affects all body systems. Some of their features are listed below.

  • Promote muscle development.
  • Connect tissues, increase linear growth and restore the body.
  • Make the skeletal structure stronger.
  • Regulate various functions related to metabolism.
  • Contribute normal operation brain.
  • Promote heart health.

The production of human growth hormone decreases with age. It has been established that after 18–25 years, the level of production of hGH by the pituitary gland decreases by 50% every 7 years. Along with it, the level of IGF-1 decreases. This leads to a number of unwanted symptoms that are usually associated with the aging process.

  • Fat accumulates.
  • Muscle mass is lost.
  • Violated cognitive functions (memory, speech, perception).
  • Decreased strength and endurance.
  • Increased bone fragility.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

How growth hormone became the elixir for a vibrant life?

Before we talk about the main effects of HGH injected into the body, we need to understand how it has become so popular. To do this, we must go back to 1990, when the reputable medical journal The New The England Journal of Medicine has published a study by endocrinologist Daniel Rudman and colleagues titled "Effects of Somatotropin in Men Over 60".

The study involved 21 people aged 61 to 81 years. Generally healthy, but they had low levels of IGF-1. Twelve men were given growth hormone injections three times a week for six months. The other nine men were not injected. In people who received growth hormone injections, there was a decrease in adipose tissue, an increase in muscle mass, and an improvement in mobility in the lumbar spine.

The media picked up on these findings, but ignored Dr. D. Rudman's warnings, which were part of the study. In particular, these warnings spoke about the side effects that some of the participants who received somatotropin had, and also that the long-term effects of the drug are unknown. Dr. Radman also wrote in his report about the high cost of such treatment and that age-appropriate exercise programs can achieve similar results without injections. Journalists did not take this into account.

As with any medical advertisement, people are being sold the idea that pills and injections can cure their problems. From this, a multi-billion dollar industry was born. All sorts of "anti-aging specialists" with new-found tests for determining biological age appeared everywhere. To one they recommend expensive injections of hormones in combination with copyright food additives to reverse the aging process, they offer others to increase height and mass. What most of these "specialists" really do is roll back their clients' bank accounts and increase their treatment costs.

Years later, due to the continued abuse of Rudman's 1990 article, The New England Journal of Medicine took the unprecedented step of adding a clarification to its website.

If people buy synthetic growth hormone based on a study published in a journal, they will be deceived. Please be advised that Dr. D. Rudman's comments explaining the details of his research have been posted on the article page.

Side effects of growth hormone.

To be completely honest, it must be said that there is a need for injections of growth hormone for some populations. So, hGH can be used to treat children and adults who have a significant growth hormone deficiency. However, endocrinologists different countries The world is strongly advised not to use injections unless absolutely necessary, as a means of reducing weight, increasing height or for rejuvenation.

Renowned gerontologist Robert Neil Butler said about this:

"Although trials with artificial growth hormone have shown positive results (at least in the short term), it is clear that negative side effects can also occur in the form of an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and behavioral changes."

One of the main dangers of human growth hormone injections is uncontrolled influence on the concentration of IGF-1 in the blood. This can lead to serious health problems.

  1. Edema in hands and feet.
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis symptoms.
  3. Headaches and general muscle pain.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Abnormal growth of bones and internal organs.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Bloating.
  8. Hardening of the arteries.

For these reasons, human growth hormone injections should always be given carefully and with the help of a qualified medical practitioner who has clinical experience in managing your type of hormone deficiency.

Natural strategies for optimizing growth hormone.

Side effects growth hormone injections are real and essential. Most of the dangers are that the body is no longer able to control the effects of HGH injections through its hormonal filters and restore balance if necessary. Fortunately, natural strategies can safely improve your body's ability to produce HGH without side effects.

1. Enough sleep. The highest concentration of growth hormone occurs during deep sleep. Numerous studies make it clear that insufficient sleep, or disruption of sleep patterns, can significantly reduce human growth hormone secretion. According to endocrinology professor Richard Auchus:

“The peak of growth hormone production occurs during sleep. You can easily get people with low growth hormone levels by waking them up several times during the night. I always tell people that if they want to normalize their hormone levels, they need to have a good night's sleep."

2. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index. Insulin slows down the production of HGH. Foods with a high glycemic index can play tricks on your blood insulin levels, causing them to spike or rise above normal, healthy levels. Not only will this increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but it may also significant influence on the secretion of growth hormone, reducing it.

3. Reduce abdominal fat. if you have excess fat around the abdomen, then you reduce the ability of your body to produce growth hormone. Typically, a person with excess abdominal fat also suffers from insulin and leptin resistance. Restoring leptin sensitivity gives you 3 positive influences on health: reduced fat, improved blood sugar control, increased production of growth hormone and IGF-1.

4. Intense exercise. The type, duration, and intensity level of your training programs will have a different effect on GH secretion. There are a number of studies that show that short-term, intense training, during which the lactate (anaerobic) threshold is raised, stimulates the production of growth hormone for at least 24 hours.

5. Avoid late dinner. Your last meal before bed can have an impact on your body fat and not on the production of growth hormone. A carbohydrate meal eaten before bed will feed fat cells and inhibit growth hormone production. However, a high-protein, low-carb meal eaten a few hours before bed will serve two purposes. Firstly, it will not greatly raise the level of insulin in the blood, and secondly, it will contain construction material in the form of amino acids and proteins to produce growth hormone.

Just count on eating on dinner no more than 200 calories and have dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

6. L-arginine. This important amino acid, properly delivered to the body, can lead to increased production of growth hormone. The combination of L-arginine intake with exercise, especially with strength training or interval training, can lead to an even more significant increase in growth hormone production.

7. L-Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the human body. Studies show that taking even a small amount of L-glutamine (2000 mg) can increase the secretion of growth hormone.

8. Glycine. This amino acid is also able to positively influence growth hormone. Studies show that glycine plays an important role in normalization of the sleep structure.


Sufficient growth hormone levels are important for growth, good health, and wellness. The question is whether you choose to increase the level of this hormone naturally or use synthetic drugs.

The dangers of growth hormone injections are real. These dangers become even more real when you use the services of unqualified persons. To keep you safe from the side effects of injections, I have listed 8 safe and natural methods to help your body optimize its ability to produce its own growth hormone.

If you have something to add, then write in the comments.

That's all for today. All the best.

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

Around the end of the 80s, into the world of professional iron sports, i.e. beloved bodybuilding, a new drug has arrived - growth hormone. Since then, there have been significant changes in the dimensions of the performing athletes. It's no secret that modern high-level competitive bodybuilding cannot do without drugs of steroid origin. But a slightly different story with growth hormone. Not everyone can afford it, because. he is quite expensive. If there were enough funds, or if it cost a little less, then I think the majority would prefer only GR, given the fact that it is legal.

Although the International Olympic Committee banned the use of this drug by athletes, its demand has not decreased in any way. Initially, like most drugs, somatotropin was used exclusively for medical purposes, but rather quickly growth hormone began to be used in sports, and not only in bodybuilding.

So, what is this growth hormone? This is a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used by athletes to increase muscle mass, give the body relief.

Despite the fact that back in 1989 growth hormone was banned by the Olympic Committee, today it is used very often. Somatotropin is mainly used in bodybuilding along with other anabolic drugs to build muscle mass and reduce the percentage subcutaneous fat. Growth hormone is also used to reduce the frequency of injury, as it has the ability to strengthen bone and connective tissue. In other sports, growth hormone is almost never used, since its intake is not advisable. Despite the fact that growth hormone increases muscle volume, this is not reflected in strength indicators, that is, they do not increase, which means that growth hormone is useless in strength sports. Studies have also found that taking growth hormone does not lead to an increase in other sports indicators - endurance or performance, so it makes sense to take growth hormone only in bodybuilding.

Growth hormone is taken in bodybuilding in order to increase relief. Somatotropin has obvious advantages - high efficiency, low chance of side effects, no effect on sexual function, does not require post-cycle therapy. After four weeks of taking growth hormone, the total weight of the athlete increases slightly (2-4 kg), and in some cases may even decrease due to large losses of fat mass.

The main disadvantage of somatotropin is the very high cost of the drug and the high risk of buying a fake.

Why is growth hormone so expensive?

Everything is very simple. High demand for this drug. It is used almost everywhere. They are injected to show business stars to make them look younger and more beautiful, they are injected to old people for rejuvenation, because with age, the secretion of this hormone decreases, it is used by athletes, especially often in bodybuilding. In general, the product is in great demand. But there is another reason - the process of its production is very complicated.

“If growth hormone is so expensive, then why don’t I buy a regular course of steroids?” - you ask. And I will answer you. If GR did not do its “work” in the way it can, namely fantastically, then it would not be bought and used in such a large amount.

  1. GH increases the number of muscle cells. Due to this, the effect of the GH course does not “leave” after its completion, unlike the course of steroids.
  2. What is almost impossible with natural training is possible with growth hormone, namely a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat and an increase in muscle mass. It should be noted that somatotropin is not recommended for athletes who need the following qualities to be maximally developed: endurance and performance, because. studies have shown that it lowers the fatigue threshold.
  3. Growth hormone in bodybuilding does not cause such side effects as from a course of steroids. Also, the course of GH does not require PCT (post cycle therapy). Moreover, GH can help you get rid of the "sores" caused by some injuries, because. it is able to restore bone and connective tissue.

As we have already said, the secretion of growth hormone in the human body decreases with age. The minimum production of GH in the elderly, the maximum standard level - in childhood. During the day, the release of growth hormone occurs periodically, there are several peaks in the level of GH every 3-5 hours. Usually, the greatest secretion of somatotropin occurs at night when we sleep, about an hour after falling asleep.

Can growth hormone secretion be increased? Yes, you can. Here are a few ways, both pharmacological and natural.

Side effects

When taking growth hormone, side effects are quite rare, but if you exceed the recommended dosages and the duration of the course is too long, you may encounter the following problems:

All about growth hormone

Video: which growth hormone is better?

Video: what is growth hormone - positive and side effects

Rich Piana: Side Effects of Somatotropin

Growth hormone is called somatotropin, which causes a noticeable acceleration in the growth of young people (in length). This effect is observed only in the presence of growth zones in the bones, due to which the length of the tubular bones, including the upper and lower extremities, increases. Initially, the drug was extracted from the pituitary gland of corpses, but later its synthetic analogue was obtained.

What is growth hormone and what is it for?

Somatotropin (abbr. STH, GH, HGH) is a peptide growth hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland (brain gland). In fitness, the substance is used to improve muscle relief. The natural deficiency of secretion in the human body leads to dwarfism. Normally, the concentration of somatotropin in an adult is from 1 to 5 ng / ml. Peak values ​​​​of the substance in the blood can reach from 10 to 45 ng / ml.

Somatotropin properties

Pharma is valued for:

  • stimulation of muscle growth and inhibition of their destruction;
  • reduction of subcutaneous fat;
  • regulation of energy use;
  • acceleration of healing and rejuvenation;
  • stimulation of atrophied parts of the body;
  • increase in height at the age of 26 years (due to the growth of bone tissue);
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Some of these properties are not achieved directly, but through IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) produced in liver cells under the influence of somatropin. It is IGF-1 that stimulates an increase in internal organs and affects the course of processes in the body. Somatotropin enters the liver through the blood.

Changes in secretion with age

The concentration and production of somatotropin is maximum in infancy, and peak values ​​(maximum) are observed during puberty of adolescents, as evidenced by enhanced linear growth (including arms and legs). The secretion of the substance and the amplitude of the peaks decrease during maturation, and in old age they are minimal, which is associated with irreversible processes in the body.

Change in secretion during the day

The release of the hormone into the circulatory system is unstable and changes intensity throughout the day. Peak emissions occur every three to five hours and depend on the biological characteristics of the organism. The highest concentration is observed during the night's sleep, about an hour after going to bed. Therefore, when gaining muscle mass, quality sleep is so important.

growth hormone and bodybuilding

Growth hormone has gained significant popularity among athletes since its use in medicine. Athletes appreciated its properties of increasing muscles and reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat.

A few years after scientists received a recombinant substitute for growth hormone as a drug, it was introduced by a committee Olympic Games on the banned list. Despite the ban, the hormone continues to be sold and recently it has been gaining popularity, despite the high cost. It plays a special role in bodybuilding, where it is combined with similar anabolics, however, its inefficiency has been proven in powerlifting.

Side effects

Like most medicines, growth hormone has a negative effect on a number of body systems, in particular, there are:

  • hyperglycemia, increased blood pressure (circulatory system);
  • tunnel syndrome (nervous system);
  • fluid accumulation (excretory system);
  • suppression of the thyroid gland.

growth hormone stimulants

Somatostatin and somatoliberin are natural regulators secreted by the cells of the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) into the venous system. They affect somatotropes. Their balance and secretion are determined by a number of factors.

To stimulate the secretion of somatotropin, the use of hormonal drugs is optional. Without their participation, an increase in the concentration of growth hormone in the blood up to three to five times is available.

The most effective stimulants for hormone production are peptides that can increase the level of somatotropin up to 15 times, and their price is an order of magnitude lower than that of hormonal drugs.

Antihypertensive drugs moxonidine, as well as clonidine, are effective in stimulating the production of this hormone. The effect of 0.3 mg doses of these drugs has been experimentally proven. The first of them increases the concentration of somatotropin in the blood by 27 times, and the second - by 48 times. At the same time, moxonidine stimulates the production of insulin and reduces muscle breakdown, which is important in antihypertensive therapy in bodybuilding.

Baclofen (an analogue of GABA) performs a similar function, has a euphoric and sedative effect, but penetrates brain tissue better than GABA and is used as a muscle relaxant.

Works better:

  • long sleep;
  • GABA;
  • high protein diet;
  • intake of proteins arginine, creatine and glutamine;
  • therapeutic fasting.
  • Growth hormone (or somatotropin), which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland, is responsible for the growth of a person in height. Under the action of somatotropin, an insulin-like growth factor is formed in the body, which is responsible for the development of cells and tissues of almost all organs in human body. In addition, growth hormone affects protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism: has an anabolic effect (accelerates the formation of muscle structures), promotes the burning of fats and an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

    The anabolic and fat-burning properties of somatotropin have led to the fact that drugs based on growth hormone have been widely used in sports (especially in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass and improve muscle relief). However, the artificial introduction of somatotropin into the body has a lot side effects, not always commensurate with the effect obtained, is hyperglycemia, arterial hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, tumor processes and much more. In addition, most of these drugs have a very high cost. Therefore, both for professional athletes and for people who want to improve their physical shape, doctors recommend using alternative methods to increase the concentration of growth hormone in the body. They will be discussed in the article.

    Features of the secretion of growth hormone

    The production of somatotropin does not occur constantly, but in waves. During the day, as a rule, there are several peaks, during which the concentration of growth hormone in the blood increases significantly. Moreover, the peaks of the greatest amplitude are noted at night, a couple of hours after falling asleep in the evening (which is why they say that children grow in their sleep), as well as during physical activity.

    In addition, the concentration of somatotropin is affected by the age of a person. Max Level growth hormone falls on intrauterine period child development. After birth, a significant increase in the concentration of somatotropin in the blood occurs when children are actively growing (the first year of life, adolescence). After 20 years, the rate of growth hormone synthesis gradually decreases, which affects the general physical condition of a person.

    How does a lack of growth hormone manifest itself?

    A decrease in the activity of somatotropin synthesis with age is a completely normal physiological process. When the concentration of growth hormone in the blood goes beyond age norms, this is already a pathological condition.

    The reasons for the violation of the synthesis of somatotropin in children, as a rule, are various congenital and genetically determined conditions, less often acquired (hypoxia, head injuries, tumors of the central nervous system, etc.). In adults, problems with growth hormone occur with pituitary adenoma, due to radiation and operations performed on the brain.

    Hyperproduction of somatotropin in childhood leads to the development gigantism, in adults - acromegaly. Insufficient secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in children is the cause pituitary dwarfism(dwarfism varying degrees expressiveness).

    In adults, somatotropin deficiency can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

    • (fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen).
    • early.
    • An increase in the concentration of fats in the blood.
    • Low level of physical activity.
    • Disorders of sexual function.

    In addition, it has been proven that the lack of somatotropin in the body increases the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

    How is growth hormone secretion regulated?

    The main regulators of growth hormone production are peptide substances produced by the hypothalamus - somatostatin and somatoliberin. The balance of these substances in the body is largely influenced by various physiological factors. Stimulate the production of growth hormone (increase the synthesis of somatoliberin by the hypothalamus):

    The following factors suppress the formation of growth hormone (that is, stimulate the release of somatostatin):

    • increased concentration of glucose in the blood;
    • hyperlipidemia;
    • an excess of growth hormone in the body (for example, if it is administered artificially to a person).

    There are several ways to increase growth hormone:

    Any physical activity is already a stimulation of the production of growth hormone.
    However, some types of physical activity have a particularly noticeable effect on the process of somatotropin synthesis. Such loads include aerobic training - this is brisk walking, running, skiing, etc. That is, for an ordinary person (not an athlete), a daily jog or an hour-long walk at an active pace in the park will be enough to keep his body in good shape.

    For those who want to get rid of body fat and build muscle mass, the approach to stimulating growth hormone synthesis should be somewhat different. In such cases, a combination of strength and aerobic exercise (for example, exercises with a barbell and dumbbells followed by running on a treadmill) is considered ideal. Such combined workouts should last 45-60 minutes, take place at an active pace and be repeated 3-4 times a week.

    In the diet of a person who seeks to increase growth hormone in the body, protein foods should prevail, since they contain amino acids that stimulate the production of somatotropin.
    But "fast" carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery) it is better to exclude from your menu altogether, since a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood inhibits the synthesis of growth hormone. Preference should be given to "slow" carbohydrates - vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, etc.

    It is also better to limit fats in the diet, but you should not completely abandon them, because the body needs them and cannot make up for the deficiency of a number of fatty acids due to something else.

    If we talk about specific products that can affect the concentration of growth hormone in the body, then they include:

    • Milk.
    • Cottage cheese.
    • Eggs.
    • Chicken meat.
    • Beef.
    • Cod.
    • Oatmeal.
    • Nuts.
    • cabbage.
    • Legumes.

    It is necessary to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.

    It is also possible to provide the body with amino acids useful for the synthesis of growth hormone with the help of dietary supplements. In addition, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA or GABA) has good efficiency in terms of stimulating the production of somatotropin.

    and growth hormone

    Neither physical activity nor proper nutrition will not help increase the concentration of growth hormone without a full one. Only by combining these three methods can a good result be achieved.

    Therefore, you should accustom yourself to go to bed between 10 and 11 o'clock in the evening, so that by 6-7 o'clock in the morning (sleep should last at least 8 hours), the body has a full rest and has developed a sufficient amount of somatotropin. In addition, experts recommend taking every morning cold and hot shower, which also has a very positive effect on the regulation of growth hormone synthesis processes.

    Summing up, I would like to note once again that the human body responds best to the natural stimulation of physiological processes, and any influence on these processes by artificial means (growth hormone injections, peptides, etc.) cannot pass without any complications and side effects. actions. Therefore, everything that is done to improve health and improve one's physical form should be as natural as possible, otherwise it simply does not make sense.

    Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical commentator, epidemiologist