The table lists the largest volcanoes in Kamchatka. The most interesting facts about Kamchatka. Volcanoes in Kamchatka

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The volcanoes of Kamchatka are located on the territory of the Kamchatka Territory and are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire - an area in the ocean where the majority of active volcanoes are located and many earthquakes occur.

It is difficult to say exactly how many volcanoes are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Various sources mention from several hundred to more than a thousand volcanoes, and they are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Volcanoes in Kamchatka are characterized by a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Currently, there are about 28 active volcanoes among them, others last erupted about 1,000 or even 4,000 years ago.

Let's go on a short trip by helicopter.

One of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. The absolute height is 1536 m, the top is a regular truncated cone. The crater is constantly emitting hot gases. The volcano is located in the caldera of an ancient volcano (diameter up to 5 km), formed in the early Holocene:

Over the past 10 years, the volcano erupted 2 times: The first eruption was in 2005. The ash from the eruption traveled several hundred meters towards the hill. Pie to the northeast and then climbed up. The second eruption - 2010 This was the last eruption of the Karymsky volcano.

The volcano is very restless. Volcanoes erupt simultaneously with it: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Bezymyanny, Shiveluch.

An active stratovolcano in Kamchatka. It is a short ridge with a length of about 3 km along the top, consisting of three merged cones - the ancient northern one, which is the highest (1,560 m), the middle one with a half-filled crater, and the southwestern one with a nest of craters, including the active Troitsky crater. The latter is named after a member of many Kamchatka expeditions V. D. Troitsky, who carried out the survey and Maly Semyachik.

The crater looks like a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 meters, slightly oval. A wonderful addition to this in itself interesting crater is a lake of light green color. This coloration is caused by the smallest sulfur particles floating in the water column, taken out by underwater fumaroles.

The temperature of the lake is 30-40 Celsius, its average diameter is about 500 m, the depth is up to 140 m. Descent to the lake is possible only from the north side along live screes, interrupted by a rocky, stepped cliff about 20 m high. The last eruption occurred in 1952. Then Lake Troitskoye was formed in the Troitskoye crater. The lake does not freeze. Food snow and rain. Fumaroles are currently active on the volcano.

In 1994, a helicopter collided with the top of the northern cone. However, during the collision, the volcanologists who flew on it survived.

An active volcano on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. The height is 3,528 m, the top is a regular ribbed cone. The crater is filled with an extrusive plug, and there are fumaroles (their activity was especially active in 1923).

At the foot of the western slope of the volcano is Kronotskoye Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka: its area is about 242 sq. km. It has the shape of an isosceles triangle. The average depth is 51 meters, the maximum depth is 148 meters. For a long time it was believed that the lake has a calderal origin, but today it is proved that the lake was formed about 10,000 years ago as a result of the dam of the Kronotskaya river valley with lava eruption products.

The lake is inhabited by 2 species of fish: the freshwater form of sockeye kokanee and char.

Kronotskaya Sopka is probably one of the most picturesque volcanoes in Kamchatka. Near the volcano is the Valley of Geysers.

Another active volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula. On November 11, 2010, a new eruption began, which is accompanied by an outpouring of a powerful lava flow. Known eruptions: 1928-1929, 2010.

It is located on the western slope of the southern tip of the Tumrok Range, 265 km from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is a regular conical stratovolcano. Height 2485 meters. The slopes are covered with various volcanic ejecta, cut by barrancos. There are small snowfields and glaciers. The volcano is located in the Kizimen-Gamchen group of volcanoes.

The formation of the Kizimen volcano occurred in 3 stages. At the first stage, andesitic rocks were squeezed out, at the second and third (Holocene) - first, ash fell and lava eruptions passed, and then a basalt cover formed.

The volcanic eruption was observed only in 1928-1929. During the rest of the time, the volcano exhibits exclusively fumarolic-solfataric activity, leading to the accumulation of sulfur crusts. Outlets of hot springs (Shchapinsk thermal springs) are known in the vicinity of the volcano. The crater of the volcano is filled with lava blocks and stones. The volcano was born 12,000 years ago.

Tourist routes to Tumrok springs pass through Kizimen.

The largest group of volcanoes in Russia. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. total area The Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is 6,500 sq. km.

In the southwestern part of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The height is 3682 meters, it includes Ostry Tolbachik (3682 m) and the Plosky Tolbachik merged with it (active, height 3140 m). More than 120 cinder cones are located on the slopes of Plosky Tolbachik and in the adjacent Tolbachinsky Dol.

An extinct stratovolcano with a collapsed summit. Plosky Tolbachik is a stratovolcano, the top of which is cut off by two nested calderas. The largest of them, 3 km in diameter, is almost filled with eruptions and a glacier, forming a characteristic flat top. Inside it is a young caldera with a diameter of 1.8 km and a depth of about 400 meters, which was formed during the last volcanic eruption in 1975-1976. Tolbachik belongs to the Hawaiian type volcanoes.

A caldera is a depression with steep walls and a more or less even bottom, formed as a result of the collapse of the top of the volcano.

Volcanoes Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the highest volcano in Russia(left) and Stone:

It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. Located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The second highest volcano in Kamchatka (after Klyuchevskaya Sopka). Volcano Stone was once a conical slender volcano, but 1,200 years ago, colossal explosions destroyed its eastern part and scattered it around. Height - 4,579 m above sea level. The last eruption dates back to 808 BC.

Climbing to the top of the Kamen volcano is made from the western side and, due to the steepness of the slopes, is a purely climbing event:

(Klyuchevskoy volcano) is an active stratovolcano in the east of Kamchatka. With a height of 4,850 m, it is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. The age of the volcano is approximately 7,000 years:

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the great height of the volcano, there is no snow and glaciers on it. It is caused by active volcanic activity.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano: more than 50 strong eruptions have occurred in 270 years. Explosions with ash emissions often occur in the crater. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 meters. The last eruption occurred in 2009 - before it the height of the volcano was 4,850 m, now it is approaching 5,000 meters, as the volcano continues to erupt. From the end of the 17th century until 1932, Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to terminal (summit) eruptions.

In the immediate vicinity of the volcano is an extinct volcano Kamen 4 579 m high.:

At present, Volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the second most active volcano, after Kilauea in Hawaii. The modern eruption actually began in 1983, intensified in 2009 and continues to this day.

About the eruption of 1737, we find in S. P. Krasheninnikov: “This terrible fire began on September 25th and lasted for a week, with such ferocity that the inhabitants who were near the mountain in the fishing industry were hourly preparing for death, waiting for death. The flame, which was visible inside it through the crevices, sometimes rushed down like a fiery river, with a terrible noise. Thunder was heard in the mountain, crackling, and swelling, as if with strong furs, from which all nearby places trembled. Residents were especially afraid at night, because in the dark everything was more audible and more visible. The end of the fire was ordinary, that is, the eruption of a lot of ashes, from which, however, a little fell to the ground, so that the whole cloud was carried away to the sea.

Bolshaya Udina is a two-tiered stratovolcano. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. The crater of the volcano has a diameter of 400 m, it is filled with a glacier. Height - 2923 meters above sea level.

Malaya Udina is a stratovolcano. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the Bolshaya Udina volcano. It is located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. The top of the volcano is destroyed. Height - 1945 meters above sea level. Volcanoes Bolshaya Udina and Malaya Udina are the southernmost in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The volcano is extinct, the date of the last eruption is not precisely defined.

Today the journey through the volcanoes of Kamchatka has come to an end.

Among the volcanoes there are many active ones, the eruption of which causes admiration and fear at the same time. Volcanoes attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Kamchatka volcanoes are not as bloodthirsty as some describe them. There are practically no eruptions here. And those that do happen do not pose any danger to local residents. If the volcano has a dark shade in the morning, this does not mean that trouble will come soon, on the contrary, it is a sign of good weather throughout the day. It is clear that almost every tourist who is near them is in a state of alarm, although in fact they do not pose any danger. Volcanoes are an amazing sight, it seems as if you are in a completely different world with its own laws and attitude.

Which volcano can be called the most beautiful in Kamchatka

No one can give objective assessments, since they are all special and beautiful in their own way. But most of all, the volcanoes Klyuchevskoy, Koryaksky and Kronotsky stand out, claiming to be the symbols of the Kamchatka Peninsula. All three stand out for their size and unusual cone shape. In general, all the volcanoes of Kamchatka are unique and have their own special history.

Uzon Caldera

This unusual name was given to the ring-shaped failure on the territory of the Uzon volcano. It was formed 40 years ago on the site of a huge volcano, destroyed by a terrible eruption. The latest natural disaster created a crater in the caldera with a diameter of one kilometer. And finally, over the course of several decades, an amazing natural formation was formed, which was recently classified as a protected area.

The diameter of the entire caldera is 10 kilometers. Its entire territory is simply strewn with the numerous riches of Kamchatka: mineral springs, mud baths, lakes, tundra and a beautiful birch forest. Many scientists and researchers want to get to Uzon. The hot springs are rich in minerals, which have become a favorable environment for amazing algae and microorganisms. Terrible bears roam the forests on the territory of the volcano, and swans swim in the lakes. Amazing scenery, don't you think?

I doubt there is another place like this in the world. The autumn landscape on the volcano is an amazing sight. Birches and the whole tundra are painted in unusual shades of gold, red and other autumn colors. Every morning in the birch grove you can hear the music of nature, created by the rustle of leaves and the singing of birds.

Volcano Klyuchevskoy

Volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is considered the most famous natural formation in Russia. It was formed about 7 thousand years ago in the Holocene. The volcano is a huge cone created by layering basalt lava. It is precisely this clarity of lines and the correct form created by nature that strikes all tourists. If you look at it from the side, it seems as if Klyuchevskaya Sopka rises in splendid isolation. However, this is not at all the case. When approaching, you can see the small volcanoes Kamen, Ploskaya Near and Ploskaya Far, fused with a large formation.

The volcano has barrancos - small furrows that border the entire cone of Klyuchevsky. Its feature is considered to be a column of smoke constantly rising from the vent. This is due to numerous explosions inside the volcano.

Scientists have found that its height is 4750 meters. But it can vary depending on the power of the explosions. The foot of Klyuchevskaya Sopka is covered with coniferous forests, in which spruce and Okhotsk larch grow mainly.

The first inhabitants appeared here during the Stone Age. They were Koryaks and Itelmens. According to some reports, the first people appeared in the Neolithic era. For many centuries, the main way to survive was fishing and hunting.

The 17th century was marked by the beginning of the development of Kamchatka. It all started with the discovery of springs with clean water. Then the researchers created the Klyuchi settlement here and named the volcano by the same name.

The volcano was first mentioned by Russian traveler Vladimir Atlasov in 1697. The first conqueror of the summit was the military Daniil Gauss, who arrived on the territory of Kamchatka as part of a Russian expedition. According to historical data, he and two of his comrades (names unknown) climbed to its very top without special equipment. The idea was very risky, but everything went well. Some time after the ascent, the national park, together with Klyuchevskaya Sopka, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Today it is one of the few volcanoes active on the territory of Russia. At its foot is the station of the Institute of Volcanology. The locals call the volcano the home of the dead. According to them, when it erupts, it means that the dead are drowning the whales caught in the underground sea.

Scientists have studied the volcano for a long time and found that it erupts about once every 6 years. Larger and more destructive eruptions occur every 25 years. Over three millennia, 50 lava ejections have been recorded. At this point, huge columns of dust and smoke disperse throughout the surrounding area, and the flames last for a week. There is a case when a week turned into three years.

One settlement, Klyuchi, remained near the volcano. The locals are doing agriculture, raise livestock and fish. The most ordinary life, despite the proximity to a huge active volcano. Every year, it gathers thousands of tourists around itself, who are attracted by an unusual phenomenon in addition to its history: sometimes a strange cloud forms over the volcano, completely covering the crater, like a mushroom cap.

Volcano Karymsky

This volcano is the most active among all the others. There have been more than twenty eruptions in a century. Moreover, many of them continued for years, replacing one after another. Eruptions here are explosive. In 1962, the most powerful of them occurred, lasting for three whole years. More than 3,000 cubic meters flew out in one explosion. meters of dust and gases. In just a day, about nine hundred such emissions could occur. Before climbing to the top, it is worth stopping at the Maly Semyachik ridge, as it offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding area.

The eruption at night looks unusual. Glowing clouds of smoke, fire and ash burst upward, illuminating everything around. With especially strong explosions, the spectacle looks even more exciting.

The history of its origin is quite complicated, but it is worth understanding it in order to understand the specificity of the mountain formation. Prior to Karymsky, there was the Dvor volcano. It ceased to develop after the strongest eruption, which destroyed it almost completely. In the caldera, which appeared immediately after the explosion, the Karymsky volcano formed over time. But he also met with a sad end. Due to a similar eruption, the central part of the volcano was destroyed. Over time, a new cone rose on the new caldera, which has been preserved to this day. At its foot, a volcanological station was built to maintain safety.

Volcano Maly Semyachik

This volcano stretches for three kilometers and is famous for its three craters. In one of them, an acidic lake formed over time. Its temperature ranges from 27 to 45 degrees. A large number of salt and other minerals made its composition similar to sulfuric acid. lakes also surprise with a mark of almost a kilometer. According to assumptions, the lake was formed relatively recently during one of the eruptions.

Today, the volcano is considered one of the wonders of Kamchatka. If you still got to him, then you simply have to climb to the top. There you will see a huge acid green lake. In sunny weather, you can go down directly into the crater to the beach and have a closer look at the waters of the lake. But soon you will have to go back, as it will begin to spit out its waters.

Volcano Gorely

It would be more appropriate to call the volcano Gorely Ridge. This name most accurately describes its structure. It is elongated in a western direction, and is considered a typical volcano formed from a caldera. Gorely rises to 1829 meters and has 11 craters. They intersect so interestingly that a funny picture is created. Those craters that have ever erupted are ring-shaped and filled with acidic lakes. In one of its parts, the caldera sank due to faults and formed a kind of gate on its walls. In these places, lava flowed freely outside the volcano. Later, these holes were plugged with lava.

Volcano Avachinsky

It has a complex structure similar to the Vesuvius volcano. It rises at an altitude of 2751 meters. The Avachinsky crater has a diameter of 350 meters and a depth of 220. But at the end of the 20th century, during a strong eruption, the crater funnel was almost completely filled with lava with the formation of fumaroles depositing sulfur.

Volcano Koryaksky

This is a stratovolcano with a surprisingly regular, even cone, rising to 3256 meters. Numerous glaciers descend from its summit. Fumaroles form near the summit, warming the interior of the crater. The volcano is amazing with an abundance of numerous rocks and volcanic rocks.

Volcano Dzenzursky

The Dzenzursky volcano has long been destroyed. A glacier formed in its crater. A 100 sq. meters. Thanks to him, the temperature inland waters is almost 100 degrees.

Volcano Vilyuchinsky

It is located near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The volcano is believed to have been extinct for a long time. Its top is, as it were, cut off, forming small areas filled with ice. The lava that flowed from the volcano became multi-colored due to the fumarole. Volcanic slopes are completely covered with barrancos filled with ice and firn.

Volcano Ostry Tolbachik

It has a sharp roof formed by a glacier. Its height is 3682 meters. The foot of Tolbachik is covered with glaciers. The most prominent of them is the Schmidt Glacier. From here you can clearly see the barrancos cutting the ledges of Tolbachik. In the west they have unusual dikes of basaltic origin. They are of interest to both researchers and ordinary tourists. From the side, dikes closely resemble battlements and stocks.

Volcano Ksudach

The volcano is a cropped cone, the craters of which are filled with acidic lakes. They have a small height of only 1000 meters. The volcano formed during the Pleistocene and then had a height of 2000 meters. Volcanic activity continued with some stops. In this regard, numerous calderas of different age and size were formed.

Ksudach is considered the most unusual volcano in Kamchatka. And all because there are lakes with clean water on its territory, alder forests grow, and a waterfall originates from the caldera.

Volcano Mutnovsky

This is a volcanic massif of complex structure, 2323 meters high, surrounded by fumarole zones. It has several craters, next to which there is a hot mineral spring, famous for its seething boilers and warm reservoirs. Not far away is the Vulkannaya River, which forms a huge waterfall.

Volcanic massifs on the peninsula are constantly changing. This is primarily due to the location of the Kamchatka Peninsula on the Pacific ring of fire, the movement of lithospheric plates and the subsequent eruption.

The height of Kamchatka's volcanoes changes almost after each manifestation of activity. Emissions of ash, gas and lava are often accompanied by unexpected explosions, as a result of which there is a decrease in height with the formation of an expanded crater.

They are part of the main volcanic belts. These are the Sredinny Ridge and the East Volcanic Ridge. Their second bottom contains the main number of active giants. The highest point of this volcanic belt is Ichinkaya Sopka. The highest point is 3621 meters. It is the only active volcano in this mountain range, the rest are either part of the Sredinny Range or are located in the nearby area. The lowest massif of this belt is Shisheyka. Its size reaches 379 m.

The next highest volcanoes within 1000 m are:

Kinenin with the highest point of 583 m; Terpuk - 765 m; Fedotich - 965 m.

Mountain formations with a height within 1500 m include:

Shlen - 1001 m, Ozernoy - 1021 m, Lamut - 1198 m, Tunupilyanum - 1200 m, Kakhtana - 1217 m, Voyampolsky - 1225 m, Malaya Kytepan - 1230 m, Flat - 1255 m, Tilmyg - 1265 m, Tekletunup - 1290 m , Mutny - 1315 m, Iettunup - 1340 m, Elovsky - 1381 m,

Up to 2000 m high you can meet:

Small Chekchebonai - 1261 m, Big - 1301 m, Leutongei - 1333 m, Big Chekchebonai - 1338 m, Big Kytepan - 1502 m, Kabenei (Kevenei) - 1529 m, Langtutkin - 1534 m, Uksichan - 1550 m, Bongapchi - 155 0 m , Titila - 1559 m, Mezhdushopochny - 1641 m, Uka - 1643 m, Grechishkina - 1651 m, Northern Cherpuk - 1679 m, Kaileney - 1680 m, Ainelkan - 1725 m, Kamenisty - 1758 m, Sergeeva - 1759 m, Atlasova - 176 4 m, Lelyakina - 1770 m, Slyunina - 1775 m, Payalpan - 1811 m, Anaun - 1828 m, Alngey - 1856 m, Big Payalpan - 1906 m, Chineinein - 1922 m, Northern - 1936 m, Ulvanei, 1954 m, Camp - 1961 m, South Cherpuk - 1962 m, Small Payalpan - 1980 m

Sizes over 2000 m will be:

Khangar - 2000 m, Novograblenova - 2000 m, Gorny Institute Volcano - 2024 m, Bely - 2080 m, Keveneytunup - 2133 m, Quiet (Kutina) - 2171 m, Snegovoy - 2172 m, Snezhny - 2211 m, Iktunup - 2300 m, Shishel - 2525 m, Chashakondzha - 2526 m, Sharp Sopka - 2539 m, Alney - 2581 m, Khuvkhoytun (Khuvkhoy) - 2618 m.

The second mountain range of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the East Kamchatka Range, is divided into several groups:

The central Kamchatka depression, stretching for 750 km, includes: Khailyulya, 1145 m high, Nachikinsky - 1211 m, and active Shiveluch. The latter, in turn, is the northernmost active volcano in Kamchatka.

Kharchinsky group: Kharchinsky - 1410 m and Zarechny - 720 m.

The highest volcano in Kamchatka

One of the most famous groups of volcanoes is the Klyuchevskaya group. Many of its constituent volcanoes are listed as the most active and highest on the entire peninsula. This group is characterized by large volumes of volcanic deposits up to 5000 cubic meters. All large massifs are located on a thyroid-type plateau called Klyuchevskoy Dol.

The following are active here:

Kizimen - 2485 m, Bezymyanny - 2866 m, Plosky Tolbachik with a peak of 3140 m and Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4750 m, which is the highest volcano in Kamchatka.

Also on Klyuchevskoy Dole are located:

Nikolka - 1591 m and Malaya Udina with a height of 1945 m, Malaya Zimina - 2242 m, Khuvkhoi - 2618 m, Sharp Zimina - 2744 m and Bolshaya Udina with a height of 2943 m, Middle Sopka - 2978 m, Oval Zimina - 3081 m and Sharp Tolbachik - 3682 m, Dormant crater - 3943 m, Ushkovsky - 3943 m, Krestovsky - 4057 m, Stone - 4575 m.

East Kamchatka group

Kikhpinych - 1552 m, Krasheninnikov - 1856 m, Schmidt - 2020 m, Komarova - 2070 m, Kolkhozny - 2150 m, Gachmen - 2576 m, Kronotskaya Sopka - 3528 m.

The Uzon-Geyser depression, which combines the Uzon and Geyser calderas. A ledge is pronounced along the edge, which is a ring fault.

Depression includes:

Geysernaya Caldera, as well as the Valley of Geysers itself, Bubbling - 1100 m, Central Semyachik - 1200 m, Uzon Caldera at an altitude of 1617 m, Bolshoi Semyachik - 1720 m, Unana - 2194 m, Taunshits - 2353 m.

The Karymsko-Malosemyachik volcano-tectonic depression consists of:

Volcano of the Academy of Sciences - 1100 m, Yard - 1485 m and Karymskaya Sopka 1486 m high, as well as Maly Semyachik - 1560 m.

The Zhupanovsko-Dzendzur group is represented by only two giants - Zhupanovsky, with a height of 2958 m and Dzendzur, with the highest point of 2159 m, which together form a single mountain range cut by volcanic rocks.

Avacha-Koryak group

No less famous group of domestic giants, which includes:

Arik - 2156 m and Kozelsky with a height of 2190 m, Aag - 2310 m and active: Avachinskaya hill 2741 m high, Koryakskaya hill 3456 m high.

East Ridge

The volcanoes of this group have been very destroyed by recent historical eruptions. Currently not active.

Iult - 1224 m, Vachkazhets - 1556 m, Zavaritsky - 1647 m, Konradi - 1893 m, Tumrok - 2092 m, Bakening - 2277 m, Shish - 2346 m

South Kamchatka group

It includes more than 600 small volcanic formations and 80 large ones, the most famous of which is Vilyuchinsky 2175 m.

Depression Tolmachev Dol

Lake Tolmacheva is located in the center of the depression, and around it are calderas of such volcanoes as:

Tundrovy - 736 m, Yellow - 885 m and Bolshaya Ipelka with a height of 1139 m, Karymshina - 1363 m and Tolmacheva - 1415 m, Gorely - 1829 m and Asacha - 1910 m, Mutnovskaya Sopka - 2323 m and Opala - 2475 m.

The volcano-tectonic depression is made up of the Kell volcanoes - 985 m, Ksudach - 1079 m, Piratkovsky - 1322 m, Khodutka - 2087 m.

The Pauzhet-Kuril volcano-tectonic depression, in turn, is "inhabited" by the Caldera of Kuril Lake, the volcanoes Dikiy Greben - 1079 m and Ilyinsky with the highest point of 1578 m, Koshelev Volcano - 1812 m and Zheltovskaya Sopka - 1953 m, as well as Kambalny with a height of 2156 m.

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Russia is famous for its unique natural sites. Some of them are the active volcanoes of Kamchatka. Many tourists dream of seeing these fire-breathing mountains with their own eyes. Some of them are very active, others are extinct. More information can be found in this article.

Volcanoes in Kamchatka

More than 600 volcanoes are still active on the territory of our country. Only in Kamchatka there are more than 25 of them, three of which can be visited by tourists. These extraordinary objects of nature have always attracted the attention of travelers and scientists. Entire books have been written about volcanic eruptions in Kamchatka. At the end of the 18th century, the famous researcher Krashennikov S.P. in his scientific work completely described the lands and volcanoes of Kamchatka. Scientists from all over the world have studied these natural objects. Many books and works were written by such volcanologists as Svyatlovsky A.E., Novograblenov P.T., Piip B.I., Vladavets V.G. and others.

Active volcano in Kamchatka

Everyone dreams of seeing an active fire-breathing mountain. Kamchatka is exactly the place where you can make this dream come true. The beauty and mystery of these natural objects is simply mesmerizing. Volcano of Kamchatka with a lunar landscape and craters of mountain lakes is an unforgettable sight. These wonders of the world, created by nature itself, are rightfully considered the sights of Russia as a whole.

Some volcanoes in Kamchatka are still active. Among the most interesting natural objects are:

  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka;
  • Shiveluch;
  • Tolbachik;
  • Kronovska Sopka;
  • Big Udina and Small Udina;
  • Kizimen;
  • Small Semyachik.

Description of Shiveluch volcano

Shiveluch is an active volcano in Kamchatka. It is located in the very north of the peninsula. We are talking about the young Shiveluch. There is also an old volcano, which is already extinct. Young Shiveluch has several lava flows. The volcano is very large, its diameter is 6x7 km. The domes of the fire-breathing mountain were completely destroyed due to large explosions. Now the young Shiveluch has a double crater. One part with a diameter of 1.7 km is located in the north, the southern crater is about the same size. The land covered with the ejected material has an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km. Despite the fact that the volcano is called young, it appeared more than 70 thousand years ago.


Tolbachik volcano is located in the southwest of the Klyuchevskoy plateau. It is a huge mountain, consisting of two parts - an extinct volcano and an active one. The shape of the fire-breathing mountain is cone-shaped. The size of Tolbachik, as well as the height of Kamchatka's volcanoes for the most part, exceeds 2000 meters above the ground. The slopes of the flat mountain are very picturesque, and the summit has a vast area with a glacier inside the caldera. Scientists attribute Tolbachik to the Klyuchevskaya group. In accordance with the works of researchers, volcanoes belong to the areas of modern glaciation.

Karymsky volcano

Karymsky is an active volcano in Kamchatka. He is one of the most active. This miracle of nature is located in the Eastern Volcanic Belt, in its central part. The structure of the Karymskaya Mountain is very complex. The cone is relatively young, and the caldera has been preserved since ancient times. Its diameter is 5 km. The last eruption was recorded in 1996. The height of the volcano has not changed since then, it is 1546 meters. Karymskaya Gora belongs to the class of old volcanoes. Eruptions are characterized by large ash emissions from the central crater and constant explosions. The lava is very viscous, so it usually does not reach the bottom. At the very base is Karymskoye Lake. In 1996, the eruption began just from there and from the central crater. The water in the lake began to literally boil. Acids and salts reached such a concentration that they killed all lake life. Since then, Lake Karymskoye has become the first natural reservoir with acidic water, unsuitable for fish and plants.


The volcanoes of Kamchatka differ from each other in their structure, height, frequency of eruptions, etc. Ksudach is a special shield-shaped mountain. The slopes of the volcano are gentle, and the base area is very large. The diameter of the foot is 35 km. At the top of the mountain is an oval caldera. Its parameters are 7x9 km, and the bottom is divided into two parts. Ksudach is famous for its lakes in the western part of the caldera and mountain ranges.

Maly Semyachik

The length of the volcanic ridge is about 5 km. Its crest has three craters. Special is the most southern - Trinity. Inside it, at a depth of more than 150 meters, there is an acidic lake. It is 500 meters wide and 140 meters deep. average temperature water varies from +25 to +42 degrees Celsius. Maly Semyachik became the owner of such an unusual lake after the eruption, which passed without consequences for the settlements of Kamchatka. Tourists visiting this unusual region are happy to climb to the top of Maly Semyachik. Before the eyes of travelers, an unforgettable picture opens up with a green lake in a two-hundred-meter failure.

Volcano Klyuchevskoy

Beautiful landscapes and mountains - that's what Kamchatka is famous for. Volcano Klyuchevskoy is also a local attraction. It is one of the largest. The height of the Klyuchevskoy volcano is 4750 meters. The shape of the hill is cone-shaped. Its correct outlines, created by nature itself, are visible from afar. Scientists consider it relatively young, 8000 years old. The conquerors of this region for the first time recorded a volcanic eruption. The researcher Vladimir Atlasov (in 1697) was then working in Kamchatka. In those days, the Klyuchevskoy volcano erupted once every five years. Later, annual ash emissions and explosions could be observed. However, for the inhabitants of the city of Klyuchi, the mountain did not pose a serious danger.

Avachinsky volcano

The active volcano in Kamchatka is Avachinsky. He rose above sea level by 2751 m. This mountain differs from the rest in its complex structure and shape. Until 1991, the top of the Avachinsky volcano was the owner of a deep crater 350 meters wide. After the eruption at the end of the 20th century, it got a large number of lavas, and now there are fumaroles that deposit sulfur.

Mutnovsky volcano

This array has a very complex structure. The height of the Mutnovsky volcano is 2323 meters above sea level. Due to the constant gas-hydrothermal activity, large sulfur structures appeared on the surface. Their diameter reached 5 meters. In addition, these bizarre figures formed a large number of glaciers, minerals and lakes.

Mutnovsky, like other volcanoes in Kamchatka, is deservedly called a miracle of nature. It is famous for its active thermal springs near active craters. Most often, tourists visit Dachnye and Severomutnovskiye springs. There you can admire warm swamps and lakes, as well as see boiling boilers and steam-gas jets. In addition, a river comes out of the crater, which forms a waterfall. Its height reaches 80 meters.

Eruptions of active volcanoes

A volcanic eruption in Kamchatka is not a rare phenomenon. Typically, fire-breathing mountains eject lava once every 100 years. An example is the young Shiveluch. The largest and most catastrophic eruptions were recorded in 1854 and 1964.

Today, one can not be afraid of constant eruptions, which the volcanoes of Kamchatka used to frighten the local population with. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, once famous for its constant ash emissions, slowly calmed down. The most terrible eruption was recorded in 1944. It was also the longest. Emissions of ash and lava were observed from the end of 1944 to the summer of 1945. Then the ashes settled throughout the peninsula. And when the eruption began, the walls in houses trembled at a distance of 50 kilometers from the foot of the mountain. Through the cracks that went from the top of the hill to the bottom, lava began to pour out. The locals remember that time for a long time.


The volcanoes of Kamchatka, photos of which can be seen in this article, periodically go out and become active again. This is what happened to the Nameless. This mountain has long been considered an old volcano. But unexpectedly for everyone in 1955, the Nameless Volcano woke up. A terrible earthquake began in its vicinity. Strong explosions were then heard. Ashes in huge quantities began to be thrown out. The eruption was very strong, the ashes were scattered at a distance of 100 km from the crater. There was so much of it that the sunlight couldn't get through it. Then in Kamchatka it was equally dark both day and night. After some time, the eruption began to subside, but in 1956 there was again a monstrous explosion. Ashes and red-hot fires rose 40 kilometers above the summit. All living things within a radius of 25 kilometers were burned by lava. The eastern part of the cone's surface was damaged, and streams of incandescent debris and ash poured through the hole. A river valley 100 meters deep was immediately filled with this loose volcanic material. For a long time, hot jets of gas and steam rose above the surface of the earth. The material finally cooled down only after a few months.

People observed in those years the most terrible volcanic eruption. The force of the air wave, which was formed during the explosion, exceeded the speed of sound. And the generated energy is comparable to the amount of energy that the Kuibyshevskaya HPP produces in 365 days. A few years later, lava flows could be observed that descended from the mountain. The temperature of the fiery material, according to approximate calculations, was equal to 900 degrees Celsius. After that, smoke clouds were visible above Bezymyanny, and soon the volcano died out.

Other eruptions

Avachinsky volcano erupted in 1945 for less than a day. Then a giant mushroom of smoke and red-hot bombs formed over its top. As a result of the explosion, the glacier melted on the cone, and mud flows with debris and water collapsed down.

The most recent eruption of the Ksudach volcano occurred in 1907. The explosion caused the formation of a large funnel, where a lake subsequently formed.

Scientists identify 5 volcanoes in Kamchatka that you should be afraid of. One of them is Tolbachik, the eruption of which began in 2012 and continues to the present. Lava flows are still breaking down from the top. You can get close to the basalt currents. Some tourists even manage to ride on the lava. Avachinsky, Koryaksky, Klyuchevskaya Sopka and Shiveluch are among the active and potentially dangerous ones.

The volcanoes of Kamchatka are fascinating. Their mystery attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is impossible to predict their behavior, although scientists are trying to do so. The inhabitants of the Kamchatka Peninsula can only watch what is happening and hope that the destructive and deadly eruptions will not happen again.

Volcanoes can be not only destructive and dangerous, but also incredibly beautiful and picturesque. It is these volcanoes that are located in Kamchatka. This post will introduce you to the beauty of the local volcanoes.

Kamchatka is a real realm of volcanoes: Mutnovsky, Gorely, Plosky Tolbachik, Gorny Zub, Vilyuchinsky and, of course, the king-volcano of all Eurasia - Klyuchevskaya Sopka, almost 5 kilometers high. There are more than 500 volcanoes in total, of which 28 are active, and almost all of them can be climbed.

You can visit the Kronotsky National Park. There, on an area of ​​​​only four square kilometers, there is a whole valley of geysers. The largest of them erupts every 4-8 hours and raises its fountain to a height of 30 meters. And there is also an interesting mineral here - geyserite, which tourists take away for souvenirs. There are 25 volcanoes on the territory of the reserve, including 12 active ones.

Volcano Avachinsky

These are the colors of the volcano on the top of Avachinsky. The yellow slope is covered with sulfur. This color indicates the presence of fumaroles - holes in the volcano through which gas escapes. Volcanic gas is mostly water carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. The yellow sulfur from the latter condenses around the fumaroles into whole crystalline deposits called sulfathers. It smells pungent here, but sulfur itself has no smell, the stench appears when it combines with other elements, such as oxygen. The red slopes are covered with slag, there are no fumaroles, so they are just red, due to the oxidation of iron in the slag. Black rocks form a new lava plug, which appeared here as a result of an eruption in 1991. Until this year, the crater was deep, with steep slopes and no black plug in the middle.

View from Avachinsky volcano to Koryaksky

Volcano Koryaksky

Volcano Koryaksky, in the foreground the bed of a dry river

Kronotsky volcano


Valley of Geysers

A waterfall on a small river flowing directly from the ground, from under the ruined ancient volcano Vachkazhitsa

Snezhnaya - a cave on the slope of Mutnovsky volcano. Water pours from the ceiling

Mutnovskaya Sopka

Evaporation of gases, water vapor from cracks at the bottom of craters and slopes

Mutnovsky in winter

All plants on Mutnovskaya Sopka are covered with dew, it freezes at night, and in the morning the flowers are in such microscopic ice crystals

Klyuchevskoy Nature Park is one of the youngest natural parks, it is only 15 years old. Its territory is huge - 376 thousand hectares, in 2001 the park was included in the list of the World Natural and cultural heritage UNESCO.
One of the most popular tourist destinations in the park is the Tolbachik volcano eruption valley. Tolbachik is a member of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. There are 14 volcanoes in the group (12 are located on the territory of the natural park), of which 4 are active - Bezymyanny, Dalniy Plosky, Klyuchevskoy and Plosky Tolbachik.

lava fields
